How To Use Subhuman In A Sentence

  • It's a pride that comes across most potently in a beautifully staged scene where Stanley listens unseen while his sister-in-law denigrates what she calls his animalistic, subhuman behavior. Fore, right!
  • But is this reason enough to make Bangladeshis live in what can only be described as subhuman conditions? Minivan News : Top Stories
  • Throughout history, whenever any group has been labelled subhuman, serious abuse has followed.
  • In fact, Zedillo's slavish obeisance to the NAFTA treaty and the neoliberal global economy has increased the number of Mexicans who live below the poverty line, some say by as much as 40%; dislocated millions of peasants and forced them into the edges of the cities to live in subhuman conditions while seeking work; made the Army a power in the civilian government roughly equal to where it stood in 1968 when the UNAM massacre took place; choked off needed funding for the systems of free education and health care; increased dramatically the percentage of Mexicans who are illiterate, addicted, and committing crimes; and produced more billionaires than have France, Great Britain, and Spain combined. The Oaxaca Newsletter volume 5, No. 14: August 15, 2000
  • The refugees were living a subhuman existence.
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  • Each of the traditions distinguishes between human, as against subhuman life, behavior and animal.
  • Though treated as subhuman, peasants were of course neither deaf, dumb, nor incapable of acting on their perceived interests.
  • Projecting a subhuman image of the opponent in order to legitimize violence and human rights violations is a commonly used psychological tool.
  • I have purposefully hyphenated the word subhuman in this article to add emphasis to the root of the word which is human because that root word is very important! Political Pistachio
  • She had barely finished speaking, when someone -- or something -- began to screech in a subhuman wail. INSIDERS
  • First, there is no evidence from anthropology or from studies of subhuman primates that a ‘primal horde’ dominated by a single male ever existed.
  • So then Thomas evaded the morality issue by asserting that the homunculus has only a sensitive rather than a rational soul, and therefore can be classified as subhuman and fit for research purposes. Us and Stem - Only The Daily Show Can Help Us Now
  • A fairly ridiculous generalisation which is far more in line with Nazi ideology by which all Jews were greedy and corrupt and all Slavs lazy, stupid and subhuman. Army Rumour Service
  • The nazis had strict rules on sex: Men could have sex with the "Untermensch", or "subhuman" females, such as Jews, Poles, or other Slavic races, gypsies, and the military bordellos were staffed with them, but women not. Vive Le Canada - All Stories - Vive Le Canada
  • Attempting to contract with subhumans has predictable consequences, consequences that correspond exactly with attempts to contract with two-legged subhumans.
  • subhuman conditions of life
  • It is fantastic because human beings know to apply human psychology to subhuman animals.
  • British cartoons routinely depicted the Irish as anarchists, pigs, monkeys, apes, monsters, bog-trotters, and subhumans.
  • Denied their identity, defined as subhuman, dispossessed of their land, their country and their freedom, millions became chattels in the ownership of others who convinced themselves that they were true masters of all they surveyed. ANC Today
  • Thus, like the pagan of old, the materialist ends up subjecting man to the subhuman.
  • `If you think my drummer was subhuman you should have seen their one. MUSIC FOR BOYS
  • a subhuman spectacle
  • In rural areas, particularly in the southern states, conditions were subhuman.
  • The dozen tracks on Greyscale range from the kind of glitchy percussives that sound like the dance music of subhumans “The Information” to nuanced washes of slow, throbbing tones. Disquiet » Rose-Colored Headphones
  • An Indian latrine cleaner may get to vote, she says, but a Chinese one is far less likely to be viewed as completely subhuman.
  • Carried far enough, the person in power sees those under control as beasts or subhumans.
  • They are the victims of appalling brutality, singled out by the Nazis as subhuman and beaten mercilessly.
  • I've been in many homes where the cleaning help is treated as subhuman.
  • And, those conditions can only be described as subhuman - dangerously filthy, and without the most rudimentary sanitary facilities or basic medical care. William Fisher: Immigration: Emma Lazarus Redux
  • Instead of a single factor with chemoattractant activity as found with subhuman primate cells and guinea pig cells, two factors were identified that selectively attracted PMNs but not mononuclear cells.
  • Advocates of out-and-out conquest argued that Indians were either subhumans or heathens and were therefore incapable of having dominion over themselves or over property.
  • With the aid of this conjunctio oppositorum, one superhuman, the other subhuman, Prospero restores his realm's people to their ‘proper selves’.
  • The German people in the 1930s and 1940s were systematically brainwashed on National Socialist racist propaganda that portrayed the Jews as "Untermensch" - a subhuman scourge that was responsible for the woes of Germany and needed to be eradicated. Latest News
  • The enemy was regarded as subhuman.
  • It's a pride that comes across most potently in a beautifully staged scene where Stanley listens unseen while his sister-in-law denigrates what she calls his animalistic, subhuman behaviour. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • Can you link to some evolutionist researh in which neanderthals are described as subhuman? Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • treated natives as subhuman
  • Their treatment of prisoners is subhuman.
  • When it happens to YOU then you will snivel like a snakebit schoolgirl but as long as others are suffering its party time for a vile, subhuman like you. Think Progress » Pawlenty disregards Bachmann: ‘I don’t think anybody’s gonna’ try to ‘abolish or reduce’ entitlement programs.
  • He's far from the only general partner to treat limited partners as something subhuman.
  • A BCC (Brisbane City Council) parking inspector is a subhuman blend of troll and gremlin. Cheeseburger Gothic » This way ladies, if you would care to follow me.
  • But since we are tallying “extermination/expulsion of subhuman populations”, one group that somehow that always ignored by so many ‘loving, compassionate’Zoinest Christians and Zionists alike is the Christians of Palestine whose luck was not much better than the Muslim of Palestine either. It’s Hard to Be an Anti-Zionist Jew « Blog
  • Herr Röhm also swore that the Brownshirts would die fighting to the last man rather than surrender to, as he put it, 'the subhuman Slavic hordes and their secret Jewish-Bolshevist masters'. DBTL 51C: City of Shadows - Interest
  • The Telegraph's Sean Rayment, interviewed a British officer who said he believed the US approach to Iraqis was to treat them as "untermenschen", the Nazi term abhorrently used to describe Jews as "subhuman". Firas Al-Atraqchi: Soldier Taunting Iraqi Children is Hardly the Worst Act
  • Shove a lit roadflare up your ass until you die in agonizing pain you pitiful subhuman punk Think Progress » Will Tea Parties Embrace Movement Pushing To Portray Women From Mexico As ‘Welfare Queens’?
  • the subhuman primates
  • They warn of a ‘self-fulfilling prophesy’: If men are told over and over that they are not only brutal subhumans in general but also hostile to women in particular, they are likely to say, ‘So be it.’

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