How To Use Subdivision In A Sentence

  • He showed his athletism by becoming the Bearkats 'all-time leader in total offense with 6,159 yards and finished second in the nation in the Football Championship Subdivision with 354.2 total yards per game as a senior. Undefined
  • Further subdivision of the second category is based on the width of the primary branches, which decreases distally only slightly in C. arboreus, but markedly in C. concentricus.
  • Now the “forever,” in the conclusion, means, for any length of time that can be supposed; but in the premises, “ever” does not mean any _length_ of time; it means any _number of subdivisions_ of time. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Thus, people used housing subdivisions strictly for residential purposes, shopping centers only for commercial uses, and office parks only for work.
  • Despite a modest revival in city living, Americans are spreading out more than ever into "exurbs" and "boomburbs" miles from anywhere, in big houses in big subdivisions.
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  • This tune is based on an eighth note subdivision which is stated on the hi-hat of the drum groove.
  • Further 1051 E, E. 1, E. 2 states the State of AZ, subdivisions, and agencies MAY NOT be prohibited in anyway from the sharing of a citizens info with theFeds. The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
  • Now if those trees can just learn how to walk like ents and take out a few subdivisions ... And now for some GOOD fucking news about global warming | clusterflock
  • -- Bryozoa should have been placed under an independent head, as a subdivision of Molusca and not under Radiata. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • His conversions involve few external visible alterations or internal subdivision of rooms.
  • Federalism is a trickier concept in the European context because the Member States are not political subdivisions of the Union, but rather sovereign and autonomous entities.
  • The candidate concluded his recitation with an abbreviated recapitulation of the subdivisions of the five principal topics.
  • Buntsandstein-Hauptbuntsandstein_ (900 ft.), the bulk [v. 04 p. 0802] of this subdivision is made up of weakly-cemented, coarse-grained sandstones, oblique lamination is very prevalent, and occasional conglomeratic beds make their appearance. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • Intelligence in fiction, then, is usually conceived as a variety of Aristotelian dianoia:Under Thought dianoia is included every effect which has to be produced by speech, the subdivisions being: proof and refutation; the excitation of the feelings, such as pity, fear, anger, and the like; the suggestion of importance or its opposite. Plot and thought
  • A person described in subdivision 4, clause (4), may maintain a cause of action against a person who violates or attempts to violate subdivision 1 or 2 for a civil penalty of up to $50,000 on behalf of the state. The Volokh Conspiracy » Indictment for Chat Room Posts Urging Particular People to Commit Suicide
  • It was known that animal micro-organisms, unlike vegetable micro-organisms, after a cycle of life in which reproduction takes place by scission -- that is, by subdivision of a single body into several other bodies equal to the first, give place to _sexual forms_, masculine and feminine, which are separate, and incapable of scission, but are designed for _fusion into one another_, after which the organism recommences its cycle of scissions until it again reaches the sexual forms. Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • In the province of South Trondhjem the great increase of the indebtedness of the landowners is ascribed in part to the subdivision of property by the creation of _Myrmoend_, literally 'bogmen' The Quarterly Review, Volume 162, No. 324, April, 1886
  • It is not officially a branch, but rather an extension of the main line first named the Oshawa Subdivision and re-named the Belleville Subdivision.
  • Another report will look at the impact on views, gross floor space, backyard infill housing and subdivision of lot sizes.
  • And an even bottomer line ... although I don't make a big deal about it ... out of the 400 or so homes in our subdivision ... Unclebob Diary Entry
  • Make no mistake, Harris is still sneering at the uncouth accents of his compatriots, except now he calls them consumers instead of hicks and they live in a subdivision instead of a holler.
  • The position of the umbo on the apophysis is the basis of Koehne's subdivision of the section Haploxylon. The Genus Pinus
  • Factors contributing to the pollution threat is the lack of control over the subdivision of land and massive new developments in the area.
  • Residents of the Peppertree subdivision in Hemet say they were promised a pool, a well-stocked gym and hundreds of similarly aged neighbors when they bought homes in the community for people aged 55 andup. Undefined
  • There was another subdivision on her right side, and a good sized church on her left.
  • Fields were turned into subdivisions, and the town's small downtown was overshadowed by a sprawling regional mall.
  • Rammick lives high on a ridge in a 400-home subdivision.
  • NT unpaid household labor • RT economic value of women's work • homemaking • unpaid labor force • valuing children • volunteer work • The term unpaid employment in A Women's Thesaurus is a subdivision of • employment. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Water sloshed over sidewalks on some sections of Shore Acres Boulevard, and signs warning motorists to be cautious were placed at entrances to the subdivision.
  • An abutter has several opportunities during the Public Hearing process to voice concerns about a given subdivision that may alter the final design or decision.
  • Without such advances in logistics and supply capability, regional market integration through subdivision and dispersion of production processes will not be cost effective.
  • For their part, rural councils often suspect the city wants to get its hands on the tax revenues by rapidly-expanding rural subdivision and settlements.
  • It explained the absence of city water and telephone service in the cigarette subdivision: The developer had foolishly overspent on bribes.
  • The Court majority offers the muddy suggestion that racial gerrymandering will pass muster if the resulting districts are not too aggressively indifferent to "compactness, contiguousness, geographical boundaries, or political subdivisions. Districting By Pigmentation
  • We are not a pure democracy, however, but rather a confederated republic (one that features, as well, county and local political subdivisions).
  • It explained the absence of city water and telephone service in the cigarette subdivision: The developer had foolishly overspent on bribes.
  • Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.
  • Many “Splatterpunks” felt it necessary to fit that lable, or subdivision of horror, and they wrote primarily about splatter, and less and less about characters. Jonathan Maberry Interviews Some of the Leading Voices in Horror Literature
  • With subdivision of landholdings there are few jobs left in the villages for agricultural labourers.
  • It is by endless subdivisions based upon the most inconclusive differences, that some departments of natural history become so repellingly intricate. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The median price information is essentially useless unless the ongoing trend towards apartment living and section subdivision is taken into account.
  • A new community wastewater treatment system for a small town or subdivision would be an example of an activity requiring a nondegradation significance determination.
  • He also conformed, perhaps more happily, to the decisions regarding the metric division of angles into 100 subdivisions.
  • Each bronchus further bifurcates into a series of subdivisions within the lungs.
  • The mature sutures display three or four discrete first-order subdivisions on the ventral flank of each prong and second-order subdivisions are common in external sutures of large specimens.
  • His conversions involve few external visible alterations or internal subdivision of rooms.
  • Deceivers, in the eighth circle of hell, are put into ten subdivisions, including seducers, flatterers, hypocrites, and false counsellors.
  • On the other side of the highway to San Antonio and extending up the hillside is the Chula Vista subdivision, very popular with American and Canadian retirees, partly because here is the Chapala area's second golf course, the Chula Vista Country Club. Lake Chapala: attractions for all
  • 51 and 52 on the Dawkins Subdivision were mixed trains, carrying both freight and passengers.
  • Likewise, how many people believe the Vikings are actually going to row up the river and burn their subdivision, or that the South High Spartans were sent to the agoge for training at the age ofseven? The Volokh Conspiracy » The Ethics of Naming Sports Teams After Ethnic Groups:
  • Free-floating form and topic subdivisions may be used with headings within a given category.
  • As expressed in the language of the later Federal Aviation Act of 1958: “(1) ... a State, political subdivision of a State, or political authority of at least 2 States may not enact or enforce a law, regulation, or other provision having the force and effect of law related to a price, route, or service of an air carrier that may provide air transportation under this subpart.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
  • The subdivision of stock into subject groups calls for flexible and adroit administration.
  • Madsen's view was expanded upon by Blake, who further treated Platasterias as a subgenus of Luidia, assignable to one of four subdivisions of the species-rich genus Luidia sensu Doderlein.
  • Naturalist we are told, that these names are omitted, 'for we call a nettle but a nettle, and the faults of fools their folly,' -- that exclusive good he finds both passive and active, and this also is one of those primary distinctions which 'is formed in all things,' and so too is the _subdivision_ of passive good which follows. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere Unfolded
  • 2 Coincidently with or preceding these changes the centriole, which usually lies by the side of the nucleus, undergoes subdivision, and the two resulting centrioles, each surrounded by a centrosphere, are seen to be connected by a spindle of delicate achromatic fibers the achromatic spindle. I. Embryology. 1. The Animal Cell
  • It explained the absence of city water and telephone service in the cigarette subdivision: The developer had foolishly overspent on bribes.
  • C'mon, blaming GWB for a new subdivision is like blaming FDR for WWII! Duck, It's Hillary!
  • We would further suggest that, if this was the seat of a tribe, each of the two divisions might have been the location of a phratry of the tribe, by a phratry, meaning the subdivision of a tribe. The Prehistoric World; or, Vanished races
  • Several of these still capture the essence of island-model subdivision, that is, greater relatedness within than between demes, while others collapse to the unstructured case.
  • At present you enter the walk near the corner of Kent Street and Edgar Street, but subdivisions for housing are being opened up in this area, so the access point may soon be higher on the hill.
  • Mercifully, the official exhibition was not gerrymandered into national sections or pretentiously titled thematic subdivisions.
  • Part of the reason for the result is that no subdivisions were available in the census question.
  • More than two-thirds of the region has been subdivided in waves of land selection and subdivision which started in the 1880s.
  • The quote about the uncertainty with phasmid taxonomy is misleading because most of the controversy about this group has to do with its subdivisions and not its affinities with other orders. Behe and bugs: Genesis of a Creationist canard? - The Panda's Thumb
  • Despite some differences in topology, all obtained phylogenies indicate a clear subdivision of the species that are currently assigned to the genus Tilapia into at least five distinct groups.
  • Criminal damage is a single offence with a maximum of ten years' imprisonment, with no subdivisions to reflect the type of property damaged or the magnitude of the damage inflicted.
  • These, by the extension of the generic term to specifically designate a new subdivision, are, by antonomasia, called gratuitously given graces The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Each category has several subdivisions.
  • The report confirms that the 1972 Act, which deals with the subdivision of land into units, is now out of date.
  • Another important subdivision of the informal caring population must be made concerning the relationship between carer and dependant.
  • The postwar building boom was under way, the bulldozers were roaring, and Wayburn knew that developers were coveting those areas for subdivisions.
  • But a private road in a subdivision, where there may later be subsequent division of ownership.
  • The primary and most elementary subdivisions of time are day and night, and it demanded no great stretch of human ingenuity to divide the day into two sections, called forenoon and afternoon, or into twelve sections, called hours. Willis the Pilot
  • The Christchurch City Council has refused an application to develop a housing subdivision on Montgomery Spur on the Port Hills.
  • Another important subdivision of the informal caring population must be made concerning the relationship between carer and dependant.
  • Rotary has purchased land for the subdivision and Rotary Clubs from far and are now providing funds and teams of volunteers to build modest one-room homes to accommodate destitute families.
  • As expressed in the language of the later Federal Aviation Act of 1958: “1 ... a State, political subdivision of a State, or political authority of at least 2 States may not enact or enforce a law, regulation, or other provision having the force and effect of law related to a price, route, or service of an air carrier that may provide air transportation under this subpart.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration
  • Out past the northern arc of the perimeter highway, comfortable subdivisions have been carved under a leafy canopy.
  • The arch-deaconry was probably founded towards the close of the 11th century by Bishop Rémy, and the subdivision into rural deaneries followed shortly after. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Subject subdivisions provide a means of subject specification or a means by which to limit the scope of the main subject.
  • No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or applied by any State or political subdivision in a manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the right of any citizen of the United States to vote on account of race or color .... Wonk Room » Anti-Sotomayor Fearmongering Campaign Opens New Front: Felons And The Vote
  • It may however be surmised that the subdivision and subinfeudation of a holding in the occupation of such a group of kinsmen would be carried out by the formation of further similar groups. On The Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay
  • The relative mutational count on the intervisit to intravisit branches is an indicator of demographic subdivision because with increasing subdivision there should be more intervisit branches.
  • Genealogies can then be modeled using existing models of geographic subdivision, with mutation (and, in a sense, recombination) taking the place of migration.
  • Catherine which is now part of Morphett Vale was named after the wife of postmaster Alexander Anderson, who laid out the subdivision.
  • When they got to the stop light near the end of the street leading onto a intersection, Angelica would go straight, but Michael had to go left towards another subdivision past a small creek.
  • Here the draftsperson has chosen to set out in this subdivision the whole operation of the part.
  • The cells of the trophoblast become differentiated into two strata: an outer, termed the syncytium or syncytiotrophoblast, so named because it consists of a layer of protoplasm studded with nuclei, but showing no evidence of subdivision into cells; and an inner layer, the cytotrophoblast or layer of Langhans, in which the cell outlines are defined. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • The main criterion for subdivision of the detrital rocks is grain size, given as the diameter of the grain in millimeters.
  • In principle it should be possible to generalize the model to allow for the possibility of hierarchical subdivision but we do not attempt this here.
  • It comes to an abrupt end at a field of dirt, bulldozed to make room for a subdivision.
  • Federalism is a trickier concept in the European context because the Member States are not political subdivisions of the Union, but rather sovereign and autonomous entities.
  • This once small town is being increasingly populated by white Americans looking for ‘stability and safety’ in the ever-expanding subdivisions of exurbia.
  • This scheme was suggested by the need to remove the partially rotten wooden floor, thus deepening the space available for subdivision.
  • While an entire subdivision of chemistry has been formed around the extraordinary properties of this molecule, it has not yet found any practical uses.
  • Papers relate also to the subdivision of the Cranbrook Estate in 1917.
  • Other mutations affect the dorsoventral subdivision of the somites by the horizontal myoseptum. Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
  • My patience, never in abundance, is rapidly waning with every subdivision of these hairs. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • DILLON - Silverthorne and Dillon have joined forces on an eight-unit affordable-housing complex in the Ptarmigan Trail Estates subdivision bordering Silverthorne and Dillon. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • The gold-bearing rock is a heavy ledge of brown, ferruginous mica-schist, which is impregnated with iron pyrites in a state of minute subdivision, and abounds in garnets. The Resources of North Carolina: Its Natural Wealth, Condition, and Advantages, as Existing in 1869. Presented to the Capitalists and People of the Central and Northern States
  • Various subdivisions and subgroups in Athens also had numerous other cultic associations - metics from Phoenicia and metics from Corinth, for instance, had their own cults.
  • Railroads and irrigation arrived at the turn of the last century, and as Alan Johnson, the chairman of the Texas State Bank in Harlingen, told me, the older people who grew up in the valley “have seen it go from brushland to farmland to subdivisions.” Interstate 69
  • But though prepositions and conjunctions, &c., are names well known in grammar, and the particles contained under them carefully ranked into their distinct subdivisions; yet he who would show the right use of particles, and what significancy and force they have, must take a little more pains, enter into his own thoughts, and observe nicely the several postures of his mind in discoursing. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • Other, generally applicable subdivisions, are shown in a separate list for easy reference.
  • In his "Geometria Practica" (1604) Clavius states among other things a method of dividing a measuring scale into subdivisions of any desired smallness, which is far more complete than that given by Nonius and must be considered as the precursor of the measuring instrument named after Vernier, to which perhaps the name Clavius ought accordingly to be given. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • I know one smart one who saved all her money from 2 years of bar work and bought herself a house in a nice subdivision in Pattaya.
  • Nobody in his or her right mind wants to see these horrible subdivisions built, but they are coming and there is no point in paying billions of dollars to rebuild them once they've been immolated.
  • CPDM militants in Bafanji, Balikumbat Subdivision, have praised President Paul Biya, who is Chairman of the party, for what they described as his skilful handling of the Bakassi crisis. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • This division of the chapter has several subdivisions.
  • That part which deals with the social treatment of the criminal class is generally called penology, while the subdivision which treats of dependents and defectives is generally known as "charities" or "charitology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • To elaborate a little further, it is useful to examine each of the main types of subdivisions, as follows. 1.
  • As the gentes were subdivisions of the three ancient tribes, the _populus_ alone had _gentes_, so that to be a patrician and to have a gens were synonymous. The Old Roman World, : the Grandeur and Failure of Its Civilization.
  • The biologist said developers of housing subdivisions and industrial parks often approach him for amphibian-tunnel advice but then downgrade the designs in order to save money.
  • Subdivisions, stretch limos, helicopter tours, crystal shops, and energy vortexes have arrived, and tourism has increased manyfold - now there's something for everyone.
  • So far most of the country has refrained from going up like a bonfire (probably due to the lack of available tinder - everything burned last year) although there have been a few minor fires near where I'm living (I'm in a relatively new subdivision, about five to ten years old, and there's still a lot of areas which are "scheduled for development" - or in other words, slightly adulterated bushland). Making Light: Like an ice storm, only with more volume
  • The Pastoral Land Act law says that we surrender our lease for a subdivision at no cost to the public.
  • But Congress need not take any action at all today: It granted its consent to Texas's potential subdivision 159 years ago.
  • Recently, it has been proposed as the base of the Upper Ordovician in a formal tripartite subdivision of the system.
  • A developer has been cleared to begin work on the Western Bay's biggest residential subdivision, starting within two months.
  • When I was a boy growing up in the suburbs, I was fascinated by the common area that separated my subdivision from the next one over, with its mile-wide stand of deep woods, layers of decaying leaves, and hidden creeks and ponds. Miscellany
  • Have an interest in comprehensive community planning, zoning and subdivision of land, and the protection of the environment.
  • Large middle-class subdivisions are being built away from the city center.
  • A, a medullated nerve fiber, showing the subdivision of the medullary sheath into cylindrical sections imbricated with their ends, a nerve corpuscle with an oval nucleus is seen between the neurilemma and the medullary sheath; A Practical Physiology
  • Subdivision has quit care, earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets for your selection Filmpressed.
  • In this month's election, President Bush carried 97 of the nation's 100 fastest-growing counties, most of them "exurban" communities that are rapidly transforming farmland into subdivisions and shopping malls on the periphery of major metropolitan areas. Archive 2004-11-01
  • It is not officially a branch, but rather an extension of the main line first named the Oshawa Subdivision and re-named the Belleville Subdivision.
  • LONGNON, L'ancien dioc. de P. et ses subdivisions in Bull. du Comité d'hist. et d'archéol. du dioc. de P., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The reincarnated Carnival Institute is a subdivision of the National Carnival Commission.
  • Furthermore, the effect of homoplasy on measures of population subdivisions is not simple.
  • The subdivision by quickset hawthorn hedges came slightly later as drainage improved the quality of the pasture, enabling cattle rather than sheep to be stocked.
  • It was a subdivision that was resisted by the local planning authorities and was approved by the Minister under an appeal mechanism.
  • Out past the northern arc of the perimeter highway, comfortable subdivisions have been carved under a leafy canopy.
  • Finally, we have used the helium dilution technique to measure the subdivisions of lung volume.
  • To determine whether this pattern also occurs within divisions and subdivisions, we repeated this analysis within and between these units.
  • JUNEAU EMPIRE The market for developable land in Juneau is getting a little bigger as the city puts 11 residential lots in the South Lena Subdivision up for sealed, competitive bids.
  • According to this news report, a real estate developer filed suit against a former sex offender for ruining sales at a subdivision.
  • Its binding to corresponding subdivisions on polytene chromosomes suggests an involvement in regulation of a subset of orthologous genes in D. melanogaster and D. virilis.
  • Ollenberger says even if council accepts the two area structure plans, the company will still have to get subdivision and development permit approval from the Town of Canmore.
  • This led to many awkward results, as when the art of printing is placed by the side of orthography as a subdivision of Logic, to which also is given the art of heraldry or emblazonment. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • This house cannot be seen from any roads or streets, and though the original property has been subdivided, the house still sits on almost three of its own acres, and further subdivision is no longer possible by covenant. Save This House
  • Waring also wrote on algebraic curves, classifying quartic curves into 12 main divisions with 84551 subdivisions.
  • Another Sonora subdivision is the Tepiman Family (spoken by the Papago, Pima Bajo, and Tepehuán of Sonora, Chihuahua and Durango). Are you related to the Aztecs?
  • Or it might have happened later, when the creek was culverted and the woods cut down to make way for subdivisions and shopping malls.
  • As polities, colleges and universities bear more than a passing resemblance to federations of small, semi-autonomous republics - in this case the departments that make up their main subdivisions.
  • Developer Ron Cook has built several upscale housing developments in Washtenaw County and has two subdivisions in Chelsea.
  • The traditional subdivision of the Chiroptera into megabats and microbats may not accurately reflect evolutionary history.
  • The base of the system and the subdivision into six stages was originally recognized in the marine facies of the Southern Alps.
  • Galen's views of disease in general are those of Hippocrates, but he introduces many refinements and subdivisions according to the predominance of the four humors, the harmonious combination of which means health, or eucrasia, while their perversion or improper combination leads to dyscrasia, or ill health. The Evolution of Modern Medicine
  • His conversions involve few external visible alterations or internal subdivision of rooms.
  • It was the kind of roomy, open subdivision, just over the Rockingham County line near Greensboro National Golf Club, where people move for a peaceful country setting. News & Record Article Feed
  • The sediments are noted for their rich ammonoid faunas, which allow detailed biostratigraphic subdivision and correlation.
  • Over the following decades the reggae genre split into numerous subdivisions including dub, roots, rock steady and ragga.
  • In slowly dried tissues, considerable cell wall folding had occurred, there was substantial subdivision of the vacuoles and some plasma membrane withdrawal from the cell walls.
  • There is no Law that I have ever seen. sites to check out www. and http www. Section 3401 definitions for section 3402 (c) Employee For purposes of this chapter, the term employee includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. - Financial News
  • Obama's great-uncle was part of an Army division that liberated the Ohrdruf forced labor camp, a subdivision of Buchenwald. Obama discusses Middle East peace process with Elie Wiesel
  • These statistics partition genetic diversity into subdivisions within and among populations.
  • These data in conjunction with an interpretation of the aeromagnetic anomaly map allow subdivision of the complex.
  • This paper introduces the necessity of double beam splitting system applicating in polarization interference phase subdivision and the optimized principle of this beam splitting system.
  • The supervised approach enabled urban subdivision of dense and less dense housing.
  • This is probably due to a lateral chorisis or subdivision of the primitive tubercle or growing point, followed by a like subdivision of the vascular bundle supplying it. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The cells of the trophoblast become differentiated into two strata: an outer, termed the syncytium or syncytiotrophoblast, so named because it consists of a layer of protoplasm studded with nuclei, but showing no evidence of subdivision into cells; and an inner layer, the cytotrophoblast or layer of Langhans, in which the cell outlines are defined. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • I veered right, where the backs of a few stores butted up against our subdivision.
  • The earliest of seven main subdivisions of Andean prehistory, spanning the period 9000-1800 bc, embraces the time from the earliest human presence in the region down to the first use of ceramics.
  • The presence of intermediate morphologies made taxonomic subdivisions of the lineages impossible.
  • Olmsted and Vaux's work, in turn, influenced countless suburban subdivisions. The design for Levittown little resembled the Livingston estate, except for the grassy plot surrounding every Cape Cod.
  • The Jesuits organized each class in subdivisions; each division being headed by an advanced pupil called a decurion, to whom the boys recited their lessons at stated times, while the teacher corrected exercises or heard the lessons of particular pupils. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • A developer has been cleared to begin work on the Western Bay's biggest residential subdivision, starting within two months.
  • Moreover, each category can also have prefixes to create a higher grouping (super-), or lower (sub-, infra-) subdivisions. So now there is also superorder, suborder, infraorder, subgenus, and subspecies.
  • A key trend among the loricarioids is increased premaxillary mobility that is controlled by maxillary motion and in some taxa by novel muscle subdivisions that insert on the premaxilla.
  • Business grew along with the company's reputation and soon evolved exclusively to land clearing for housing subdivisions and commercial and industrial development.
  • Within these broad divisions, of course, there are secondary and tertiary subdivisions, the bottom line being the analysis of any given historical decade or century.
  • However, one interesting feature that emerged from the polymorphic sites was the possible existence of population subdivision.
  • His conversions involve few external visible alterations or internal subdivision of rooms.
  • These brochures should also include standard zoning specifications for counties, towns, and villages, needed road transportation, recreation and school facilities, and evidence of the wisdom of adequate investment in subdivision from the long-range community view. Build and Be Damned
  • Some oscine families are distinct, but convergent evolution apparently is common and has obscured phylogenetic relationships, making the subdivision of this group based on morphology difficult.
  • For purposes of study, they are divided into subdivisions, as carbohydrates, pectose substances or jellies, fats, organic acids, essential oils, and mixed compounds. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • The authors emphasize that acute transient psychosis occurs far more frequently in developing countries and that these do not fit into the traditional subdivision of psychoses into schizophrenia and manic-depressive illness.
  • Much of today's field pattern was created by the subsequent subdivision and infilling of this early landscape.
  • The Supreme Court and lower courts have identified a variety of factors such as compactness, contiguity, respect for political subdivisions, respect for communities of interest, and protection of incumbents (and other political factors), as traditional redistricting principles. Minority Vote Dilution Is Still Illegal
  • If possible, further subdivision occurs within each grouping, with additional labels assigned to the smaller sub-piles.
  • Posted at Sunam subdivision, he had allegedly demanded Rs 2,000 from Mahinder Singh of Biggerwal village for shifting a transformer.
  • But external threats can make for improbable subdivision bedfellows.
  • But I should add that the subdivision of these electoral districts into their respective constituencies will not proceed upon hard mathematical lines, but that they will be grouped together in accordance with the existing field cornetcies of which they are composed, as that will involve as little change as possible in the ideas of the rural population and in the existing boundaries. Liberalism and the Social Problem
  • In Latin textbooks of history the term medium aevum had existed for more than a century; Hornius had made it a subdivision of historia nova (moderna), and Cel - larius had presented his Historia universalis as in antiquam et medii aevi ac novam divisa (Jena, 1696). PERIODIZATION IN HISTORY
  • There were five divisional deans, one for each of the academic subdivisions: Humanities, Science and Math, Fine Arts Social Science and one for Interdisciplinary majors.
  • The main feature of alveolarization is the subdivision of the pre-existing voluminous saccules by septation, which leads to smaller units and an increased total surface area.
  • Any subdivision of dementia type that is based chiefly on the death certificate is bound to be inaccurate.
  • There are at least seventeen political parties - with many subdivisions - fighting each other in Lebanon.
  • The U.S. gymnastics team earned its highest marks on bars, placing first through two subdivisions, and finished second as a team on beam.
  • Population subdivision affects the frequency spectrum similarly to balancing selection but should affect all the genes similarly.
  • Zoning for a housing subdivision on the border of Waterton Lakes National Park was given the go-ahead by the area's rural municipality.
  • It is based on an iterative subdivision of arcs on the scalp starting from four craniometric reference points: nasion Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Subdivisional fences and fences around buildings and sheds are referred to, and that appears to be the extent of it.
  • The shops are also undivided and a land surveyor is preparing subdivision diagrams for council approval to create freestanding sites.
  • The major components of this system are zoning, site plan review and lotting or subdivision of land.
  • Since Linnaeus, taxonomists have added the categories phylum and family, along with numerous subdivisions such as subclass, superorder, subfamily, subspecies, and others. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • The Yoruba are the main ethnic group in the states of Ekiti, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, and Oyo, which are subdivisions of Nigeria; they also constitute a sizable proportion of Kwara and Kogi states as well as of the Benin. Gender Sensitivity Among Nigerian Ethnic Group « Illiteracy Articles « Articles « Literacy News
  • These subdivisions of categories basically affect the types of upgrades available for the elements built into your town.
  • One distinction between homesites is subdivision lots versus single parcels of land.

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