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How To Use Subaltern In A Sentence

  • How can we make sense of such drastic variations of a subaltern woman's identity with the invaluable preciousness of a human life at stake?
  • In the 19th century, a snooker was a newly joined and easily fooled British cadet; the name was applied to this form of pool in 1875 by subalterns in India. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Though Ruth Wilcox is often unassertive and seemingly reduced to subaltern status, she nevertheless exerts a subtle authority over her family, even over the obtuse Henry and the brutal Charles.
  • He was the subaltern who enacted Ferguson's orders in that abrasive, no - nonsense style of his.
  • At a time when new trendy approaches to history such as the so-called subaltern studies claim to represent the cutting edge of social history, true quality social history stands out.
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  • I hope you will agree that subalternity is both an effect of power and an empirical fact. Kafila
  • And once the colonial powers had established their dominance, most of them settled for a subaltern role which left their local hegemony intact.
  • He joined the Queen's Regiment of Infantry as a Subaltern and served for a short time in France, but returned to work on the stability of aeroplanes and other aerodynamical problems at G.P. Thomson - Biography
  • Unluckily for his peace of mind, the young subaltern dressed at his father's house, and, not being used to the splendid paraphernalia of the Blues 'uniform, he omitted to put on his aiguillette. Collections and Recollections
  • Then we had another suicide, one of our newly joined subalterns, which couldn't be put down to the war.
  • A bearded ruffian, whose only costume was a flannel shirt and a pair of seedy check trousers, but whose eye was as keen as a hawk's, and whose shining "matchlock" had seventeen notches [24] along its stock, caught the subaltern's query. On the Heels of De Wet
  • Her work is a model for scholars attempting to understand the political discourse and social imaginaries of subaltern communities of all kinds.
  • There we find the superposition of essay and fiction in Mosca's work: responding to the need to offer ourselves our own story, of grabbing hold of our subalternity as prime material, through which we can get closer to our truth - our being-in-itself, Sartre would say -, attainable only through "liberational" writing and reading. Venepoetics
  • Good horses were just as expensive in those days as they were before the war, but we subalterns did not buy expensive horses; we picked up good jumpers that had gone cronk, and trusted to the vet., occasional firing, plenty of bandages, and not too hard work to keep them going. The Chronicles of a Gay Gordon
  • When he went on the road he drew impressive crowds ranging from the subalterns at his old military college to the minister of defence himself.
  • So you didn't know what you were going to get, what you were going to meet, and it was no wonder that the life expectancy of a subaltern in those days was about 10 weeks.
  • [J] ust a classy word for oppressed, for Other, for somebody who's not getting a piece of the pie … Many people want to claim subalternity. OpenDemocracy
  • Senga had asked if she could come as part of the entourage because she was interested in the history of the place, but I caught her chatting up a Royal Scots subaltern in impossibly tight trews.
  • The term subaltern suggests an interest in social class but more generally it is also a methodological orientation that opens up the study of logics of subordination. Colonialism
  • And they were accused of adopting the dominant perceptions about subaltern groups, such as women and racial minorities.
  • It approved the writing-off of the debts of seventeen officers including one of thirteen rupees owed by Winston Churchill, then a young cavalry subaltern.
  • So go educate yourself about cultural appropriation before you start talking about making pornos about your take on subaltern groups' religious beliefs and practices.
  • In conclusion, it seems to me that one way to go beyond what you call righteousness - is to find ways to bring affect and structural relationship between the middle class and the the subaltern into the same framework. Kafila
  • Medicine is not even in part subalternate to mathematics. Medieval Theories of Demonstration
  • Drill is over; the sharp eyes and sharper tongue of the major no longer criticise any faulty or "slouchy" wheel; the drill proper has been stiff and spirited, and now the necessary changes of direction are carried out in a purely perfunctory manner, while the battalion commander and his subaltern, troops and all, amble back and give their steeds a breathing spell. Marion's Faith.
  • In more specific terms, the subaltern woman can now locate her agency in film and televisual programming in her native nation-state.
  • In this, her work is a model for scholars attempting to understand the political discourse and social imaginaries of subaltern communities of all kinds.
  • He can be said to have taken the Francophone novel from a subaltern condition and fashioned it according to a new, emergent, fresh spirit-a spirit of resistance and liberation.
  • I am sure (if you get newspapers in Ceylon) jump into your mind the moment I mention the word subaltern, and I may as well tell you that in associating me with any one of these deeds at the present time you are entirely wrong. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, November 7, 1917
  • Now, there has been an enormous amount of ink spilled on the question of why the Latin American subaltern studies group split up -- no doubt more ink thank the group itself spilled while it existed. Posthegemony
  • We have already seen Equiano buying slaves, but here we find him overcome with the master's desire to beat the subaltern not simply for reasons of exemplarity, but for reasons directly related to maintaining the easy flow of commodities between the settlers and the neighbouring native populations. The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire
  • If we then add the supplementary subalternate conclusions, we get 24 valid moods in traditional syllogistic but 38 in Buridan's systematization. The Statue of a Writer
  • Kenworthy asked their subaltern if he knew where Corps HQ had got to. DISPLACED PERSON
  • Well, then, here's to your good health! for you must know, I have set a nipperkin of toddy by me, just by way of spell, to keep away the meikle horned deil, or any of his subaltern imps who may be on their nightly rounds. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • Sometimes the derivative models achieved success through a particular artist holding on to their subaltern guitar long after they'd made it.
  • It might have been efficacious if the subaltern had been engaging in apiarian operations, but as far as present events went it was a "frost. Wilmshurst of the Frontier Force
  • Although local elites are given agency and demonstrate a degree of control in the tourist discourse, subaltern locals involved in the tourist trade remain compliant.
  • A subaltern is a commissioned officer in the army, under the rank of captain. Chapter 4. American and English Today. 2. Differences in Usage
  • The Colonel smiled tightly and didn't exert himself to reply; a subaltern approached and made new marks on the map. COUP D'ETAT
  • Kenworthy asked their subaltern if he knew where Corps HQ had got to. DISPLACED PERSON
  • The British bourgeoisie is not subaltern to an effete but tenacious aristocracy.
  • This paramilitary force, which in 1861 numbered only 120 troopers, was organised into small divisions in which two or three European officers and subalterns each commanded four to six Aboriginal troopers.
  • Reply subalternate, on August 28, 2008 at 2: 27 pm Said: haha. CAIR is the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • It should envision empowerment of all, the black nations of Africa, the underdogs of South Asia, the Dalits of India, the subaltern classes of the Latin and North America.
  • Reply subalternate, on September 4, 2008 at 12: 59 pm Said: come up with anything yet? CAIR is the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • According to Chesney, the Military Board and its system of control was so unsatisfactory that he began to plan a replacement for it on his arrival in India in 1850, whilst a very junior subaltern.
  • I think for us to move forward intellectually and politically in avowedly self-reflexive representational spaces such as Kafila - we must be more attentive to the former aspect of subalternity - an effect of power not only as in structures of representation but also as in interactive fields where the elite and the subaltern categories are coproduced. Kafila
  • Reply subalternate, on September 4, 2008 at 10: 40 pm Said: CAIR is the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • Hence genus and species stand in subaltern relation, and whatever is true of the genus is true of the species: If _All animal life is dependent on vegetation, All human life is dependent on vegetation_. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • He was put under arrest, and his subaltern brought the command out of town.
  • When the authors of the previously mentioned books pen their own words through self-publication or through "ghetto" publishers, are they in a better position to speak a subaltern voice? Archive 2007-07-01
  • Robert's apparent movement away from his subaltern roots, however, is tempered by his conscious choice to identify as African American.
  • Subalterns encrypt, blindfolded subjects call Zener-deck guesses to hidden microphones: "Waves ... Gravity's Rainbow
  • I am very interested in the idea of collaborative work, very interested in the way subaltern histories have given presence to several voices in history, and talked about the asymmetry of nationalism.
  • They also represented the educated middle class Indian voice, generally ignored by the postcolonial critics who tend to project the colonial subject as subaltern and silent.
  • I am interested in being a good enough humanities teacher in order to be a conduit (Wordsworth's word) between subaltern children and their subaltern teachers.
  • Nearly all of them the issue of foreign families, viceroys of one or other of the great powers, our kings do not offer the example of a single individual redeeming by brilliant personal qualities the vice of subalternity, to which his position condemned him; not a single one who has ever evinced any grand national aspiration. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • Many of the volumes draw inspiration from the so-called subaltern approach, which generally focuses on history from the bottom up.
  • Alan's regiment was an expensive one for a subaltern of those days, although military life in India was financially easier than elsewhere. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • The subaltern was a lean young redhead from the north continent, his fair face spattered with gold freckles from the tropic sun. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Senga had asked if she could come as part of the entourage because she was interested in the history of the place, but I caught her chatting up a Royal Scots subaltern in impossibly tight trews.
  • One was, once again, the callow young subaltern, looking for somewhere to shave.
  • The subaltern with the eyeglass is a bad route-marcher, and Wankin once remarked in an audible whisper that the officer had learned his company drill with a drove of haltered pack-horses, and the officer bears the name of "Pack-horse" ever since. The Amateur Army
  • As a young subaltern in the Royal Tank Regiment he was unafraid to put it to use.
  • Cadet_ (_during his first term at Osborne -- where he has been told always to salute his superior officers of both services -- meeting some "temporary" subalterns who disregard his salute_). Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, March 1, 1916
  • Reply subalternate, on September 4, 2008 at 6: 10 pm Said: CAIR is the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • A new type of human being was rising up from its subaltern feudal origins and making its demands known.
  • One mystery, however, goes unanswered: why was the Dad's Army platoon, properly the responsibility of a subaltern, commanded throughout by a captain?
  • Reply subalternate, on September 1, 2008 at 11: 29 pm Said: way to prove my point by going on a senseless rant about things that have nothing to do with the post, or my comment to it. CAIR is the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
  • The Bhakti-Sufi movement was another major pan-Indian articulation of this stream of subaltern dissent.
  • pre-emptive criticisms of posthegemony (and many thanks to "a latinamericanist"), here's another of those shallow swipes, from one of Abril Trigo's introductory overviews in Deconstructionists stretched subaltern studies 'central concept of subalternity, based upon the irrepresentability of the subaltern, inasmuch as she or he is always exterior to any hegemonic formation, to its very limits, and rejected any form of strategic suture as a mere disabling of the subaltern absolute epistemological negativity. Posthegemony
  • Just listen to the evidence of Peter Allan: in 1942 he was a 20-year-old Scottish subaltern with the face of a faun and the build of a schoolboy scrum-half.
  • There we find the superposition of essay and fiction in Mosca's work: responding to the need to offer ourselves our own story, of grabbing hold of our subalternity as prime material, through which we can get closer to our truth - our being-in-itself, Sartre would say -, attainable only through "liberational" writing and reading. Venepoetics
  • Some of the chaps out there, the subalterns, were at Eton in my house for the little time I lasted. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Well, then, here is to your good health! for you must know, I have set a nipperkin of toddy by me, just by way of spell, to keep away the meikle horned deil, or any of his subaltern imps who may be on their nightly rounds. The Letters of Robert Burns
  • Instead, only a few medical demonstrations are subalternate to geometry. Medieval Theories of Demonstration
  • The texts, which are the objects of sophisticated linguistic and discursive analysis, were produced by middle class literati, not by members of subaltern groups.
  • He separated the captured officers, took their paroles of honour not to attempt escape, then advanced each captain $50 (circa 200 New York shillings) towards private accommodation for themselves and their subalterns on Long Island.
  • Thus natural science will be subalternate to mathematics, for even though mathematics is not the science of the higher form, of light, considered in itself, it does govern the way in which light realizes itself in space. Medieval Theories of Demonstration
  • Again, let us remember that the point isnt that Otaku arent subcultural, but that their subalternity isnt causal vis-a-vis traits in exhibit - these same traits were in exhibit during the heyday of Ukiyo-e without Ukiyo-e being as or neccesarily subaltern. Néojaponisme » Blog Archive » Otaku and Zen Buddhism?
  • Without asking the question of representation how will u address this DOING / SAYING that created subalternity / elite, lower / upper binaries. Kafila
  • Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in 1891, an untouchable in an India run by the British – that is to say a subaltern twice over, subjugated by an imperial government and by high-caste Indians. Unthinkable? An Ambedkar memorial | Editorial
  • Dismissing his servant the subaltern "tubbed" and dressed. Wilmshurst of the Frontier Force
  • A sejeant [sic] and six men only engage a Spanish subaltern with twenty-five dragoons, unbroken, kill six of their men, and bring in the rest prisoners, with every horse of the party. A Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies Or, a Private Tutor for Little Masters and Misses
  • Then he ordered his young subaltern, his battery-mate, as he called him, to ascend the broad crumbling staircase, and glance into the dismantled chambers, while himself with the third of the party — a trusty old gunner — should inspect the cellarage. Springhaven
  • To the 19 already mentioned we must add two subalternate moods in the first figure (Barbari and Celaront), two subalternate moods in the second figure (Camestrop and Cesaro), and one subalternate mood in the fourth figure (Camenop). The Statue of a Writer
  • It is important to clarify that it need not be taken as an absolute fall from purity to find subaltern groups quite consciously shaping their practices to the contexts of tourist audiences or state occasions.
  • Sampling from journals, diaries and letters, Mr. Urban gives us a chance to share the pain -- in effect, to campaign with the generals, captains, lieutenants and teenage "pipsqueak" subalterns of the 23rd, and with the rough-and-tumble privates. Seeing Red
  • Kennedy seems to be suggesting that not only is the lack of a unified self a human condition, but it is also a subaltern condition, aggravated by racial animosity.

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