
How To Use Stylistic In A Sentence

  • And the prints represent Abstract Expressionism's entire stylistic range, from fast and visceral to cool and ethereal.
  • I don't think we should be ruled (in stylistic matters) by teachers of Freshman Comp. Passive Voice Should Be Avoided, Especially in Blog Post Titles
  • One number rocked, one swung - stylistically it was all over the place, and much the better for it.
  • That said, the compression and reticence of Italian high modernist poetry are still prominent stylistic features in Italian verse.
  • Learners at the advanced stage use their own creativity and seek delicate discriminations of meaning, stylistic niceties, subtleties of culture and discourse, and greater acquaintance with the language.
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  • By all means use this construction if it's what you prefer but it's purely a stylistic preference and not a grammatical imperative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though I’d argue that what you term stylistic urban fantasy also offers a wider range of protagonists than the stereotypical straight white “can-do” male. The new urban fantasy. Same as the old urban fantasy?
  • The manuscript is also rich in ornamental decoration, to which those of the other exemplars are stylistically related.
  • The theme of the workshop will be study of Gregorian chant neums and stylistic performance technique as applied to the repertoire of the monastic office (psalmody, antiphons, responsories, etc.). More Gregorian Chant - Italia!
  • stylistically innovative works
  • Balzac, according to this logic, had no stylistic dilemmas when he sat down to write.
  • The Venetian government and the confraternities were the most significant patrons, and their commissions to Venetian artists created a Venetian stylistic tradition.
  • Even his trademark style now reads more like a pastiche than a stylistic innovation.
  • The use of repetition, compound words, and anastrophe are key stylistic traits of Circle and are found throughout the collection of historic manuscripts that inspired it.
  • Meanwhile, brewpubs continue to proliferate, broadening awareness of the stylistic range of beers beyond the light lagers offered by the mass domestic brewers.
  • We have assumed that stylistics investigates the relation between the writer's artistic achievement, and how it is achieved through language.
  • For almost half a century, Barth has continued to break new ground, and his work epitomizes the stylistic hallmarks of postmodernism.
  • ‘Rock’ has been seen as the obverse of ‘pop’, though there was never a clear stylistic distinction.
  • Those deeply entrenched in parishes are seeking to upgrade their abilities by attending workshops and colloquia on chant and its stylistic descendants. How to Hire a Parish Musician
  • Just when it seems he is falling into a repetitious, stylistic pit, he reinvents the presentation.
  • Hesiod's version shows some stylistic awkwardness and inconcinnity, but is not without power.
  • Usually of a pale green or grey-green nephrite, they are worked to a high standard and are generally dated to the eighteenth century largely on stylistic grounds.
  • Art historically, they imaginatively summarize his stylistic dalliances with Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism and the period's interest in ‘primitive’ art.
  • These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.
  • The film may not be stylistically adventurous, with long scenes and conventional editing, but the content bites.
  • We have assumed that stylistics investigates the relation between the writer's artistic achievement, and how it is achieved through language.
  • If they could be improved, and the stylistic infelicities, misprints and translation inaccuracies removed, a second edition would pass muster as a useful introductory text.
  • The similarity between these tables and the ones made for the Gallery in Kensington in 1727 endows the whole group with a stylistic unity.
  • I suppose that on maybe two or three tracks, at the beginning and the end of the album, there are faint stylistic resemblances, but the emotion and the intent seem to me to come from somewhere else entirely.
  • And it seems pretty clear that, at the moment, the outside perception of art music has become as much an exercise in stylistic categorization as it is in popular music. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The stylistics are invitations to readerly involvement.
  • And though Corpses is shot very, very stylistically, full of rapid-fire cutaways and over-the-top art direction.
  • From 1922 his stylistically radical work was put to utilitarian ends, including the design of speakers' tribunes and latterly agitprop photomontage and graphic design.
  • Money is one of my favourite books – killingly funny, savage, critical, and stylistically and structurally bent. I’ve torn my rug out getting my head round this
  • Films like The Blue Angel, Jules and Jim, and Treasure of Sierra Madre were made from just such books—books that offer a director no stylistic resistance whatever. Film flam
  • These ten songs certainly aren't stylistically groundbreaking, or even trendsetting, but they are sophisticated, whimsical and, most of all, earnest.
  • Precision in meaning and reproduction of a contract style, or in other words, semantic equivalence and stylistic equivalence, constitute the soul of criteria for the translation of IBC.
  • Stylistically, this mercifully brief book reeks of dissertation padding.
  • Most neo-realist films, regardless of their stylistic or thematic content, usually viewed their characters from a strictly social perspective.
  • His stylistic verve and a gift for irony have earned him considerable praise in Spain. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However, his music failed to evolve stylistically after the early 1830s and he was often charged with mannerism by less sympathetic critics.
  • Stylistically there's the same obsession with mirrors, and the typical eye-candy imagery.
  • It was easy to grow—adaptable and prolific, not to mention stylistically diverse, ranging from the minerally, peppery style of the Northern Rhône, its ancestral home, to the headier, more opulent style of Australian Shiraz. Can We Rekindle Our Love Affair With Syrah?
  • The literary celebration of a city was just one of many stylistic exercises practised by Bruni and his humanist associates.
  • The voice is still natural and mostly unforced, and I hope very much that her lucky teacher will nurture it with care and wisdom, avoiding the temptation to force it into unsuitable stylistic repertoire as sometimes happens.
  • Earlier archaeologists, most notably the British prehistorian Glyn Daniel, had concluded from stylistic similarities and differences among stone monuments that the earliest of them were constructed on Crete, Malta, and other sites in the Mediterranean. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Of course, the untrained judgment of whether a response can be corrected may reflect a host of nonlinguistic factors, prescriptivist values and stylistic preferences among them.
  • stylistic devices
  • The album is distinguished by its stylistic breadth - synth-pop, techno, house, ambient, and more - and its terrific flow.
  • The first time may have been accidental, but it seems she's adopted it as a stylistic tic.
  • There is nothing ‘intelligent’ or ‘well-crafted’ about the film's stylistics.
  • The irony is that, with his frightfully pukka delivery and actorish manner, Stephens's hero seems to be of an older stylistic vintage than anyone else on stage.
  • Stylistic differences between the tiles make it hard to imagine the relationship between them when laid in a floor.
  • This claim is highly problematic in that the texts that record the edicts and prayers, in particular, were compiled long after the Nihon shoki in an age Norinaga himself described as permeated by the “Chinese mind” and these forms have their own stylistic conventions. The Kokugaku (Native Studies) School
  • Today Persia produces the most diverse and stylistically authentic range of rugs in the world.
  • But his uninhibitedness also takes the form of sheer stylistic bravura, the dazzling facility, note-spinning mastery and heedless creative enthusiasm of the Russian.
  • Gongorism and its stylistic excesses, as he clearly shows in his The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • His writing is plain and direct, with no stylistic flourishes.
  • Traditional Huichol art forms were handed down from generation to generation, but they have changed in stylistic expression with the introduction of new materials, such as glass beads, metal, and commercial dyes. Huichol art, a matter of survival: Part Two
  • Though all the clever and distinctive stylistic tics are there, the dialogue isn't nearly as sharp or quick-witted and the plot itself is rather lumbering, meaning the pace flags and sags on too many occasions.
  • Such stylistic whimsy hardly seems appropriate to the solemn themes of apocalyptic war and nuclear disaster which consequently lose much of their weight and urgency.
  • Despite some telling moments (as when the king agonises over his impotence), the play remained costume spectacle, the actors trapped in old world natak stylistics.
  • It's worth considering whether an art form with no room for stylistic extremes is all that healthy — and worth remembering, after all, that "Four Organs," not "Final Alice," was the real scandal. Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it
  • Though he is predominantly a satirist, the main stylistic influence on his work is W. H. Auden.
  • To me, stylistically, it is a bit of “same-sies” on the first look, but it will be good to see how it plays out as an extension of the position over time. Bravo 2009 Rebrand- Goodbye “Watch What Happens” « Art & Business of Motion
  • Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.
  • On another level, over the last fifteen years many Arab films began to emanate an increasingly self-reflexive attitude to their adoption of various stylistic and generic practices.
  • Detailed studies confirmed that the same stylistic features, the same literary devices such as irony and double-meanings, and the same theological motifs are found in all parts of the text.
  • Although he is increasingly reviled these days for his purported stylistic preciosity, John Updike remains a writer I am able to read with pleasure because he successfully avoids inflicting such damage. Point of View in Fiction
  • Exploration of linguistic cross-references yields some stylistic delights, such as the felicitously punning chapter title ‘Trojan Whores.’
  • As disco went back underground at the beginning of the '80s, it went through a bit of a stylistic makeover.
  • The stylistic goal is for the work to function as a pulsating musical tribute.
  • My pizza cutters seek to demolish the sterile conformity of mass produced objects and represent the stylistic and flamboyant embellishment of groups who live on the fringe of popular culture.
  • In it, players control a superhero character and are able to perform a variety of stylistic fight moves.
  • I suppose it gives a sense of gritty realism, and it contrasts the physical, bodily duties of the slaves with the luxurious lifestyle of the so-called white plantocracy - but as a stylistic trait, this insistence on bodily functions is too monotonous. The Long Song: Andrea Levy: Books
  • He was as near as dammit to being a stylistic carbon copy of Hell.
  • The stylistic theming is unsurpassed in anything I have ever seen.
  • It's more hugely entertaining than any film with something to say has any right to be, and stylistically, it belies its roots as a television series pilot.
  • Subsequent sections flesh out this theory of prose's stylistic attunement to the 'tonality of bourgeois existence'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In several instances three works by separate artists are juxtaposed to look like a triptych in spite of their stylistic diversity.
  • An examination of Bresson's stylistic decisions shows how he transformed Georges Bernanos's classic but apparently unfilmable novel into a credible and deeply affecting movie.
  • The works are stylistically related.
  • There are exploding blood packs, guts hanging out of soldiers and, that good old stylistic standby, the shift into slo-mo.
  • Ulysses is rich in liturgical references, Latin phrases, and catechetical stylistics.
  • He has always insisted, however, that the legacy of Rossellini was not merely stylistic.
  • Stylistically, the language was riddled with neologisms and foreign terms, and the composition was muddled by excessive ornaments.
  • Cherubini was one of those innovative composers to whom the even greater ones that followed were indebted for his bridges to new stylistic worlds. Rodney Punt: Medea Takes Revenge in an Abandoned Warehouse
  • By deliberately adopting the stylistics of sentimentality in his screenplay, Cameron recalls yet another, less cynical time in Titanic.
  • Reader-directed irony, that by now classical stylistic device of postmodern literature, pervades the ancient play.
  • One stylistic tic Macklin practices in many poems is the refusal to choose the precise word she wants, yoking alternatives with a slash.
  • Stylistic borrowings from the exposition's classical columns, bold statuary, and reflective sheets of water soon found their way into new American gardens.
  • That is no error: it is a stylistic preference. Times, Sunday Times
  • This stylistic strategy seems to me a genuine contribution to literary stylistics specifically and to American literature more generally. October 2009
  • The original, unaltered version of the story had been used initially as a sample exercise in undergraduate stylistics tutorials.
  • It's important to distinguish stylistic preferences from questions of grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time seems to stand still in the chorales, which are sung by the Harvard and Radcliffe groups with an honesty that precludes boredom and concerns about stylistic refinement.
  • His four solo records for the label built on one another like a coming-of-age tale and ranged stylistically from the giddy Cheap Trick-style pop of "Sha Sha" (2002) and "On My Way" (2004) to his first record after moving to Austin in 2008, the appropriately country-themed "Changing Horses" (which was co-released with The Noise Company). NYT > Home Page
  • Rushdie's borrowings from Dante consist of topographical and stylistic devices.
  • The descriptions are "high-falutin" beyond all endurance, and there is particularly noticeable a kind of stylistic foppery, which is always hovering between sublimity and a giggle. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • The novel Ulysses is rich in liturgical references, Latin phrases, and catechetical stylistics.
  • For Vasari, the stylistic and formal development of art is of primary importance.
  • They are also stylistically challenging, often plotless, lacking traditional punctuation and arcane in their vocabulary. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henceforth, when I refer to ‘Olympic’ fencing I mean fencing using the electrical scoring apparatus and all the organizational and stylistic artifacts appertaining thereunto.
  • It is evident that the machine aesthetic played more than just a stylistic part in the revolution.
  • The first time may have been accidental, but it seems she's adopted it as a stylistic tic.
  • He became known chiefly for his research work and academic career in English language studies, in such fields as intonation and stylistics, and in the application of linguistics to religious, educational and clinical contexts.
  • This, again, indicates the possibility of a more specific stylistic affinity between these pavements.
  • In doing so, it departs from the traditional, purely stylistic approach to classical art.
  • Fierce narrative inventions combine and collide with stylistic panache.
  • Welder" ranges stylistically from acoustic barnyard romps ( "All the Time") to bluesy Southern rockers ( "El Camino") to a torchy ballad worth of Opry star Jeannie Seely. Album review: Elizabeth Cook, "Welder"
  • The complexity of polka as a folk dance of international proportions blurs the distinctions between folk and world music and belies any attempts to classify it with convenient stylistic and cultural categories.
  • It is evident that the machine aesthetic played more than just a stylistic part in the revolution.
  • However, the plethora of these painters and sculptors and the plentitude of production surveyed were not sufficiently organized to permit a thorough examination of serious stylistic, thematic or political issues.
  • In addition to a Bronze Age steatite seal, schist reliefs, and stucco heads, this donation included four fragments of a large Bronze Age silver bowl combining Indian and Mesopotamian stylistic characteristics in depicting a frieze of bulls. Museum Under Siege: Full Text
  • The stylistic and aesthetic differences and antitheses are palpable. Cranach's Femme Fatales Highlight 'The Other Renaissance'
  • But toward the end of the 1500s, art began to lose its uniform stylistic character, becoming naturalistic and classicist, analytical and synthetic, all at the same time.
  • An Eros attributed to Lysippos on stylistic grounds is known in several copies, of which the best-preserved replica is that in the British Museum.
  • While being too fact-heavy can weigh down the storytelling, I try to carefully weave information into my voice-over. It's a stylistic choice.
  • These were to identify, but not describe or interpret, the stylistic devices present in a given text.
  • In my opinion, it's a matter of stylistic preference. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not know who they are, but their identity is perhaps less important than their composure and stylistic attributes.
  • Stylistically, it tries to cover all bases, from spiky indie rock to reggae, with a touch of acoustic balladry and even rap (the bizarre ‘Pentonville’).
  • Each song seemed agonizingly slow; the lyrics disappeared behind both the tempo and stylistic peculiarity.
  • stylistically complex
  • Beyond procedural or stylistic infelicities, the author's conclusions prompt further reflection.
  • It was both stylistically adventurous and powerfully moving.
  • Equally, in his brisk 1987 thriller Best Seller – about an author-cop who sees a way out of his writer's block via a corporate hitman's psychopathic life story – it's Larry Cohen's cynical, subversive script that registers most strongly, not the stylistics of John Flynn. Rolling Thunder: home at last
  • The same confusion of intent infects his trademark stylistic flourishes.
  • Buyer beware: Some dealers may try to justify the porousness and pockmarks of lower-end stone as naturally occurring imperfections that are a stylistic choice, say contractors. How You Should Talk So the IRS Will Listen
  • He combines neo-romantic sentiments with stylistic features of both Modernism and Postmodernism.
  • His writing is plain and direct, with no stylistic flourishes.
  • His stylistic verve and a gift for irony have earned him considerable praise in Spain. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But that's because a passive is always a stylistic train wreck when the subject refers to something newer and less established in the discourse than the agent (the noun phrase that follows "by"). Hunting Down the False Passive
  • If audiences can get over a few stylistic tropes that define Indian cinema, then the sky's the limit.
  • As well as illuminating the subtle stylistic differences of these writers, Bergeron perceptively locates correspondences between the civic pageantry and other areas of the authors' canons, particularly the drama.
  • While no great leap forward stylistically, it has enough chewy bits to surprise listeners and keep them entertained through repeated listenings.
  • But images of a free and easy stylistic pluralism should nevertheless be regarded with some caution.
  • The measurement of frequency depends on the existence of a clearly articulated set of linguistic and stylistic categories.
  • His stylistic verve and a gift for irony have earned him considerable praise in Spain. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In his subscription newsletter, Gilman observed two stylistic camps among the top reds, one epitomized by Lafite that is suave and seductive from the get-go, and another, more structured style requiring bottle aging, embodied by Latour and Petrus. 2010 April | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • His writing is plain and direct, with no stylistic flourishes.
  • Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.
  • To say more would require something of an intellectual or stylistic mandate which Lanchester conspicuously does not have.
  • What are the internal components and stylistics that require these designations?
  • Ultimately, few readers will be swayed by talk of the stylistic devices, the literary control, and the voice that switches from scientific to poetic to demotic and essayistic with astonishing ease and confidence.
  • Hearing them side by side was an education as well as a pleasure and Shelley's judicious summing-up of their stylistic differences revealed much about the 26-year-old Mozart's developing genius.
  • (Computer counts have aided these stylometric studies, but the isolation of a group of six dialogues by means of their stylistic commonalities was recognized in the nineteenth century.) Plato
  • He sets out to establish a solid stylistic chronology, relying heavily on dated objects or those with invincible provenances, tradesmen's bills, and house inventories.
  • In the year 2088, the general editor of selected Papers of the Joyce Wars has her hands full. she finds the documents (paper, electronic, and plasmic) surviving from 1988 incomplete, contradictory, error-prone, stylistically archaic and a touch comic. 'The Scandal of Ulysses': An Exchange
  • Some artists thrive on winsome personalities, cunningly distracting listeners from the music with their stylistic excess.
  • If Mlinko is going to suggest that there might, in fact, exist a set of essentialized relationships between styles of writing and the gender of bodies, then I fail to see how I can easily list women whom I might wish to emulate or upstage without encroaching upon stylistic territory that some feminists might staunchly demarcate as uniquely their own. By the Numbers : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • Might it have something to do with the fact that reviewers are almost exclusively authors themselves, and perhaps more concerned with promoting their own thematic preferences and flaunting their prose stylistics than actually writing an accurate, even-handed review? Go easy on John Metcalf (despite… you know…)
  • There are some stylistic elements in the statue that just don't make sense.
  • The abstraction of the Sezession in Vienna, Mackintosh in Glasgow, or Art Deco in America, especially when they were linked, often quite successfully, to more historicizing tendencies such as Byzantine revival or neo-Gothicism, suggest crucial approaches for successful stylistic simplification in an age of high building costs and scarce craftsmen. The Other Modern: An Introduction
  • What are today's stylistic tics? Times, Sunday Times
  • Stylistically, the program goes many different places - from Gabrieli-like polyphony for the chorus, brass, and organ, to intimate interludes for string consorts.
  • Stylistically, the estate version is by far the most pleasing to the eye, as the body profile has been redesigned more or less from the windscreen pillars rearwards.
  • I would like to see Cory, or others, recommending fiction with a broader stylistic range.
  • This enables a less dogmatic argument which rests upon the unresolved dialectical tension between an approach which is very speculative and theoretical, and another which is stylistically more factual.
  • American rock and soul music and its instrumentation and stylistic tenets found purchase in trad Cambodian music in the wake of the Vietnam War.
  • Apart from the logical connection between a growing economy and building output, Goad's essay makes stylistic links between the two periods in terms of exuberance and attitudes towards embellishment and decoration.
  • The Arcadians are one of Oxford's best chamber choirs, capable of tackling this monumentally difficult piece supported by impressive intonation, articulation and stylistic awareness.
  • It is evident that the machine aesthetic played more than just a stylistic part in the revolution.
  • Short and stylistically different than much of the rest of the album, it features Hayden in top vocal form, gently wrapping his words around a meandering piano melody.
  • (Typographically speaking, the term typeface refers to a stylistic rendition of each letter in an alphabet, whereas the font refers to the a specific rendering of these letters). CIO News
  • The b element represents a span of text to be stylistically offset from the normal prose without conveying any extra importance, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a review, or other spans of text whose typical typographic presentation is boldened. Web Teacher › HTML5 working draft on italic and bold
  • The major one is that the book is very poorly copyedited, with many typos and stylistic infelicities.
  • This is the book's main stylistic tic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But Crivelli's work, limited to Madonnas and elaborate gilded polyptychs, rather than the less remunerative work in fresco, reveals little sense of stylistic development.
  • Bawer is quite plainly a talented writer, but he is also tricksy, and he has a tendency to overload what are often perfectly valid points with debatable stylistic flourishes.
  • The main assumption, below, is that various inferences from style may suggest different levels of stylistic affinity.
  • Theories of a historical baroque period, as well as those of a resurgence of baroque ideology and stylistics, are both valid.
  • It's also full of jump cuts and other annoying stylistic devices. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stylistically, this is not a dry ethnomethodological study.
  • People not entirely familiar with the genre tend to aggregate, in their minds, all chant music of the Roman Rite as one type of "Gregorian Chant," all of which are alike in the same way that various forms of Vivaldi violin concerti are roughly the same stylistically. Varieties of Gregorian Chant
  • While Barton claims the stories make for "rather anhedonic reading," I found them on the contrary to be even rather moving on the whole, in addition to being structurally and stylistically challenging (the latter description being meant as a compliment.) Book Reviewing
  • In their second album, the band tried to expand their stylistic range.
  • Sometimes relying on startling amalgams of stylistic influences, members of the Soviet vanguard mostly strived to find their own personal voices.
  • Their miniatures purposefully blur the lines between poesy and prose - short lyric stories that are stylistically reminiscent of the verse-libre.
  • This, again, indicates the possibility of a more specific stylistic affinity between these pavements.
  • The latter part of the book includes a guide to the individual preludes and fugues that digs into the influences reflected in each piece, its stylistic background and provenance.
  • In a medical textbook, the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation.
  • Anna, the contralto's step-daughter, was an impressive accompanist who played fluently with great stylistic command.
  • This is an impossibility that manifests itself first and foremost as a stylistic occlusion.
  • How does the utilization of diction, tone and stylistics aid to the story? Tonight 6-22: Rob Schlegel at Broadway Books - Reading Local: Portland
  • However, as I have tried to show, the adoption of commercially produced media, such as glass beads and coloured yarn, and changes or developments in stylistic expression do not necessarily detract from the authenticity of an art object. Huichol art, a matter of survival: Part Four
  • As a stylistic template, the power pop formula is simple and to the point, and followed here by Starky to the letter.
  • It also corresponds stylistically to a pair of Kentian giltwood marble topped sidetables in the Long Gallery.
  • The likes of Josh Koscheck and Carlos Condit would also present intriguing stylistic challenges for Penn, should he wish to reside in St-Pierre's house. Elliot Worsell: BJ Penn -- What Next?
  • And the odd stylistic flourish doesn't tell us more, either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many songs wander back to the band's groovy hippie beginnings, but the constant stylistic shifts and mergers stay smooth.
  • In exploring the relationship between Emerson, Whitman, and Li-Young Lee, Partridge asserts that Lee as an artist is nourished by the stylistics of Emerson's and Whitman's transcendentalism.
  • Added to these textual anomalies are a number of unusual stylistic features. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Its stylistic and structural departures delay and condition the resolution of the novel into a well-shaped narrative, but they ultimately provide it nonetheless. July 2010
  • While being too fact-heavy can weigh down the storytelling, I try to carefully weave information into my voice-over. It's a stylistic choice.
  • When I was a student of art history, I spent my days doggedly tracking down art objects, provenances and sources, historical and contemporary influences, stylistic affinities and social contexts, readings and interpretations.
  • Proverbs exhibit most of the stylistic devices of poetry.
  • This is not unintentional, nor is it mere stylistics. Ballardian » Edward Burtynsky: Oil – A Ballardian Interpretation
  • He uses these two opposing genres not only for stylistic purposes, but also as a means to explore human dynamism, and the reality that identity is multifarious.
  • But this is a stylistic preference, not a grammatical one. Times, Sunday Times

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