How To Use Stupefaction In A Sentence
Mais quelle stupéfaction, lorsqu'ils virent qu'ils avaient, chacun sur ses genoux une des deux Médailles miraculeuses !
Archive 2008-11-23
The aunt stood wringing her hands in a kind of stupefaction of sorrow, but my friend acted all the extravagancies of affliction — He held the body in his arms, and poured forth such a lamentation, that one would have thought he had lost the most amiable consort and valuable companion upon earth.
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
I abandoned myself to the life, and developed the misconception that the secret of John Barleycorn lay in going on mad drunks, rising through the successive stages that only an iron constitution could endure to final stupefaction and swinish unconsciousness.
Chapter 12
His days became days of stupefaction, drifting away from the world in his drug-induced state.
His look of pure stupefaction confirms her suspicions.

Dauphinship to be on the high road to a recognition in England, and he was persuaded to drink and exhibit proofs: which were that he had the constitution of the Family, as aforesaid, in every particular; that he was peculiarly marked with testificatory spots; and that his mere aspect inspired all members and branch members of the Family with awe and stupefaction.
The Adventures of Harry Richmond — Volume 6
Even the likes of Ghajini do not "teem" the way a really high-quality masala movie would; and the likes of Bhansali provoke death-by-stupefaction at the juxtaposition of the cavernous interiors and mere handful of characters.
the professor was noted for his stupefaction of the students
He dropped down next to her, and watched in horrified stupefaction as the girl's body convulsed once, twice, then stayed still.
He was talking about the Church but I was in such a state of stupefaction that I was unable to concentrate on his words.
As I was bending over her and Paul was thrusting open the shutters, letting in a flood of sunshine and flecky leaf-shadows, a firm, rapid step came down the hall, and a vigorous woman, with a tanned face and a clean, faded gingham dress, stopped short in the doorway with an expression of stupefaction.
Americans All Stories of American Life of To-Day
In his stupefaction Aysgarth sounded as outraged as a scientist who had obtained an apparently impossible result in the laboratory.
En effet, lors d'un récent après-midi lèche-vitrines à Cannes, j'ai constaté à ma grande stupéfaction, que pour être à la page cette année, il nous faudrait chausser, nous les filles, de drôles de bottes, style "esquimaux".
I stared in stupefaction at Rudy, as the implications of his sudden loquacity sunk in.
In any case, I wound up spending two weeks in a psychiatric clinic, drugged into oblivious stupefaction, until I checked myself out.
By finding out what the facts are, rather than spending all of our time sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction, swallowing wholesale whatever infantle lie is shovelled down our gullet by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully, and swallowing said lies without even a first much less a second thought.
Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
The jarvey stared at her in momentary stupefaction.
A Wicked Gentleman
I stared in stupefaction at Rudy, as the implications of his sudden loquacity sunk in.
Numerous art historians responded to Hockney's proposal with suspicious stupefaction, as if this avant-garde upstart were accusing the old masters of painting by numbers.
Just go back to doing the only thing you are capable of, which is sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction swallowing wholesale any and every idiotic lie that is spoon-fed to you by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully.
Think Progress » Palin blames ‘Gore-gate’ for ‘this snake oil science stuff.’
Those indications which the physicians receive, and those presagitions which they give for death or recovery in the patient, they receive and they give out of the grounds and the rules of their art; but we have no such rule or art to give a presagition of spiritual death and damnation upon any such indication as we see in any dying man; we see often enough to be sorry, but not to despair; we may be deceived both ways: we use to comfort ourself in the death of a friend, if it be testified that he went away like a lamb, that is, without any reluctation; but God knows that may be accompanied with a dangerous damp and stupefaction, and insensibility of his present state.
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
It took her several minutes to shake off the resulting stupefaction.
Through the scene's plasticity and its magnificent editing mismatches, we clearly see that the event focuses all of Nick's anguish and suffering, giving a reality to his stupefaction.
Because of the drugs, he was in a state of stupefaction by the time we found him.
To her parents' stupefaction, she announced her intention to leave the next day.
On the contrary, as all resistance whatsoever of the dictates of conscience, even in the way of natural efficiency, brings a kind of hardness and stupefaction upon it; so the resistance of these peculiar suggestions of the Spirit will cause in it also a judicial hardness, which is yet worse than the other.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
Steil urinated, and watched in stupefaction how the upchucked sandwiches swayed gently on the water's surface.