How To Use Stupe In A Sentence

  • The annexe has the feel of a private house with a wood fire and stupendous views of the temples of Baalbek.
  • This role of film as an instance of mass media is opposed to that of Adorno, who could only conceptualise the mass media as a means of stupefying the masses in a capitalist society.
  • The Italian was quite stupendous. Times, Sunday Times
  • They're stupendously boring goody-goodies who are permanently belting out power ballads. The Sun
  • Next to that outcome, Pyrrhus won a stupendous triumph. Russia
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  • This is the first bike that will exploit the Renovatio's frameless concept: The 132-cubic-inch, S&S-built engine is a load-bearing structural element, suspended like a girder between the stupendous front engine mount and rear pivot. The Master of Machine-Age Motorcycles
  • There he cut a memorable figure with his red sash, billowing white shirt and stupendous head of crisp wavy hair. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Forest Gump yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Forest Gump'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: How stuped can you be, Rich FLud must be the dummist CEO ever.' Forest Gump
  • Opium, and other strong stupefactives, do coagulate the spirit, and deprive it of the motion.
  • This building, constructed from mortal sweat and blood, human sweat and blood, stupefies us.
  • I actually hunt with a lot of outfitters -- I do all of my own scouting and I hang my own stands -- but I would never hunt with an operation that would stupe to this level to gain financial gain. Exclusive Video: Is This the Walking Record Whitetail?
  • She will lampoon "Cameron's stupendously inane soundbite about a security fightback being followed by a social fightback" and claim the prime minister's vision for dealing with socially excluded people is "the idea of ghettoes, where the undeserving poor can be kept and contained through heavy policing, CCTV surveillance and the use of benefits as a stick to intimidate. Green party leader seeks to woo Liberal Democrats
  • It's a pretty salad that tastes as stupendous as it looks; perfect summer fork food. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any case, I wound up spending two weeks in a psychiatric clinic, drugged into oblivious stupefaction, until I checked myself out.
  • An algorithm purporting to match what is presumed to be operating in a human brain would need to be a stupendous thing.
  • My research tells me that "plonking" may be defined as the art of making the utterly obvious stupefyingly clear! Recession, Inflation and Energy
  • But Lachlan himself was the miracle, always standing stupefied and shocked, having escaped with only a few cuts and bruises.
  • Vienna may now be second only to Paris as art-history capital of Europe, but city-breakers have yet to cotton on to the fact, and many of its stupendous exhibits are mercifully uncrowded.
  • He wrote it after a stupendously argumentative and productive life as a scholar and writer and as that cruel disease, ALS, was closing in upon him. Twelve Months of Reading
  • The controls are stupefyingly simple; swipe up to jump, left or right or turn, down to slide under stuff.
  • In lock jaw, and in all convulsive conditions in which opium is prescribed in stupefactive doses.
  • It is destined to drown all lesser years, even as sunrise dims the morning stars with day; it is a year bright with promise and bodeful with ill-tidings also; for in the world at this moment there exist stupendous differences that this year will go far to set at rest. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • What if we also consider that fantasy greatly outsells sf (and by your broader definition that would presumably include YA, horror, and alternative history, stupendously outsells it)? Why Science Fiction Authors Can't Win
  • Many accidents have arisen from its too general use as a stupefactive for infants.
  • A short climb through the castle brings me to the other side of these windows - and stupendous views over the surrounding mountains. Times, Sunday Times
  • By no means is it an original movie, but it is a well constructed one that often rises above its stupendous flaws and contradictions.
  • He ran up stupendous debts through his extravagant lifestyle.
  • Coming to men with the Circean torch of licentiousness in her hand, with fair promises of freedom, she first stupefies the conscience, and brutifies the affections; and then renders her votaries the most abject slaves of guilt and crime. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • Jason was stupefied to hear those two words that flew out of Sarah's mouth.
  • A stupendous drawing of Venus rising by Rubens, 30 artworks by Walter Sickert and a poignant note written by Gandhi that was his tacit approval for Indian partition are among a dozen artworks and archives now in the possession of the nation because of the 101-year-old Acceptance in Lieu scheme. Acceptance in Lieu scheme brings a dozen new gifts to the nation
  • Steil urinated, and watched in stupefaction how the upchucked sandwiches swayed gently on the water's surface. OUTCAST
  • It felt good to rise to motion after the long hours inside Niigata's stupefying catafalque. FLOATING CITY
  • An inspired partnership, a stupendous performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • It contains a stupendous object called BL Lacerta, which is known as a "blazar", a distant galaxy being torn apart by a super-sized black hole. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • Many a politician has built a ministerial career on making otherwise contentious subjects stupendously boring. How local government cuts will damage the NHS
  • On the contrary, as all resistance whatsoever of the dictates of conscience, even in the way of natural efficiency, brings a kind of hardness and stupefaction upon it; so the resistance of these peculiar suggestions of the Spirit will cause in it also a judicial hardness, which is yet worse than the other. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. II.
  • Giap was a fine general but he had great troops willing and apparently eager to sustain stupendous hardships for long long periods, and a country behind him in which every citizen worked in essence 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 25 years, for no pay. Matthew Yglesias » Blockbuster
  • It looks stupendous served from a large, shallow bowl with a generous garnish of chopped parsley and lightly cooked green beans. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have language skills, I'm pedantic to stupendous heights, computer literate and I can fire and strip a pistol.
  • Our charity appeal has been stupendously successful.
  • To her parents' stupefaction, she announced her intention to leave the next day.
  • Rather than acknowledge that this is what happened; that certain stupendously wrong ideas gained widespread adherence in the two years after 9/11, there’s been an enormous willingness to believe that, hey, no, everything’s fine, it’s just that Paul Bremer and Donald Rumsfeld are really dumb. Matthew Yglesias » Strange New Respect
  • I felt rather sorry for him, having to find out stuff like this, and after going through my own share of shocks, I knew just how mind-wracking and stupefying this could be.
  • A stupendous cinema epic, reduced to a sort of frantic scurrying in a goldfish bowl, might merely seem ridiculous.
  • If asked to name stupendously amazing things in space, most people would probably pick black holes. American Scientist Online
  • Because of the drugs, he was in a state of stupefaction by the time we found him.
  • The work is both a stupendously tasteless joke and a massive painting with a cat's face at the top of the middle canvas.
  • `A woman I once called mother was a worker of magic,' she continued conversationally, while I lay stupefied and silent. NIGHT SISTERS
  • I thought it was a stupendous idea - I still do - but I haven't heard anything more about it.
  • It's a resonant place with a most stupendous view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Le rapport du CNUD de 1998 montre que les budgets les plus vitaux de l'humanité l'alimentation, l'accès à l'eau et les soins de base sont tout à fait gérables: nous disposons de tous les moyens techniques utiles et le financement en est simple puisque les sommes nécessaires représentent à peine le 10eme des sommes dépensées dans l'économie des stupéfiants, le militaire ou encore, la publicité! Archive 2009-04-10
  • Man I loved this stuped toy when i was a kid but damn if it didnt usually turn out bad and you ended up with a room of rotting fruit within a week or two.. ah the good ol days. Archive 2009-04-12
  • The full-scale skeletal model unveiled at the end of the film shows a stupendous creature in all its glory. Times, Sunday Times
  • For two hours - it came to feel like two days - Rivera informed his increasingly stupefied audience of the treasures Capone might have buried during his reign as a gangland king.
  • One meaning of the word stupid is related to being "stupefied". Karen Kisslinger: Ba(ra)ck to the Word "Stupid"
  • I noticed out the window an absolutely stupendous view over Westminster.
  • My impression of it was quite vivid enough without that, and the vision of the Colosseum remained, and still remains, the immense skeleton of the stupendous form stripped of all integumental charm and broken down half one side of its vast oval, so that wellnigh a quarter of the structural bones are gone. Roman Holidays, and Others
  • Blond day you are to plastically gallinacean evenhandedly how stupefied you beatrice you are, constitutive day i barebacked draftee skeptically how null the fishily contagiously is and what i can do for him. Rational Review
  • However, that presence, stupendous mystery as it was, was in itself no guarantee of benefit, either to celebrant or congregation.
  • Regarding analgesics, he was remarkably current: ‘The most powerful of the stupefacients is opium.’
  • His ideas began to grow confused once more; they assumed a kind of stupefied and mechanical quality which is peculiar to despair. Les Miserables
  • Too stupefied to be curious myself, I fastened the door and glanced round for the bed.
  • My greatest discovery on this front has been Vida Vida's stupendous leather weekend bag, aka the nonpareil of luggagery £195, . - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • To paraphrase: When I win my vroom-car races, our annoyingly short national anthem means that my period of standing up on a big platform, bathed in the love of millions of people goggling at how stupendously great I am, is limited to only 30 seconds or so. So Lewis Hamilton wants a longer national anthem. Has he heard the second verse?
  • Opium and laudanum are both stimulating and stupefactive.
  • She heads a classy cast, with soprano Eglise Gutierrez in the ditsy coloratura role of Fairy Godmother and the mezzo Alice Coote in rapturous, unblemished voice, a stupendous Prince Charming. Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
  • Through the scene's plasticity and its magnificent editing mismatches, we clearly see that the event focuses all of Nick's anguish and suffering, giving a reality to his stupefaction.
  • Here's a trade secret that could get this column suspended from journalism's equivalent of the Magic Circle: there is a way to be stupendously well informed without reading absolutely everything.
  • It took her several minutes to shake off the resulting stupefaction.
  • ... utterly stupefied ," Charley was saying at the other end of the line. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The audience is often stupefied, thinking, ‘Are they really doing that?’
  • Although some local fishers were trained by foreign fishers to use cyanide as a stupefacient, others found that they could catch live food reef fish using traditional methods, or variations of them.
  • Caught up, willy-nilly, in lawlessness of a sort were also numberless worthy members of the public, who faced a stupefying barrage of emergency laws passed on sumptuary, economic and security grounds.
  • The idea that anyone could be tormented by curiosity with regard to her life stupefied me.
  • I am confident that his sleep was stupefied and dreamless, and that he awoke next day merely to heaviness and moroseness, and that if he lives to-day he does not remember that night, so passing was it as an incident. Chapter 4
  • Amuse" sounds like anthropomorphizing, of course--it's an interesting word, comes from the French amuser, "to stupefy"--we're most amused when our brains are buggy. Lightning bug
  • While under the influence of a stupefactive or anaesthetic, the sorcerer or the person subjected to his artifices, beheld spirits or daemons.
  • Those indications which the physicians receive, and those presagitions which they give for death or recovery in the patient, they receive and they give out of the grounds and the rules of their art; but we have no such rule or art to give a presagition of spiritual death and damnation upon any such indication as we see in any dying man; we see often enough to be sorry, but not to despair; we may be deceived both ways: we use to comfort ourself in the death of a friend, if it be testified that he went away like a lamb, that is, without any reluctation; but God knows that may be accompanied with a dangerous damp and stupefaction, and insensibility of his present state. Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together with Death's Duel
  • But: What was exceptional is that precisely a protruding 'massif' of a hog was dancing in the innersanctum sanctorumof the museum, a great and stupendously rotund animal was actually attempting to, or so it seemed to Wong, preform a pirouette in the manner of one of Degas 'whores. Why is a Hog always Corpulent ? (or Another Special Exhibit at the Met)
  • When I walked out of the movie theatre after seeing the film, I was stupefied.
  • Jo swigged hard on her drink and gazed at him, almost stupefied by those characteristics which rendered him familiar. BEHINDLINGS
  • And he would smile with stupefied infatuation, extending a right hand toward an Arabian tabaret, covered with bottles. Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) A Novel
  • There he cut a memorable figure with his red sash, billowing white shirt and stupendous head of crisp wavy hair. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Dr. Paul Cravath of the University of Hawaii elegantly captured the essence of the “devata” when he wrote, “There, with stupendous variety, the Feminine achieved a new level of expression unsurpassed at any time in Asian sculpture.” Review: Costumes and Ornaments after the Devata of Angkor Wat | Angkor Wat Apsara & Devata: Khmer Women in Divine Context
  • THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN [_stupent_] Well, upon my soul! Back to Methuselah
  • Just go back to doing the only thing you are capable of, which is sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction swallowing wholesale any and every idiotic lie that is spoon-fed to you by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully. Think Progress » Palin blames ‘Gore-gate’ for ‘this snake oil science stuff.’
  • I'm not saying real wizards have a problem with the gay thing - we're stupendously open-minded toward the alternative sexualities.
  • At the first blush, the princes of Europe, the owls of this dawn, shut their eyes, wounded and stupefied, and only opened them to threaten.
  • The deal, which allowed Mittal to pay himself a £1.1 billion dividend, also shone a light on his stupendous wealth.
  • It is famous for its mountainous debt and its stupendous sales growth.
  • The alloted time, during which so stupendous an undertaking is to be consummated, is short. Arohanui: Letters from Shoghi Effendi to New Zealand
  • Mr. Chu used his opening testimony to remind the committee that his department is backing, with billions, no fewer than 38 stupendously large renewable projects which are in addition to the 5,000 awards, totaling $34 billion, it has made via its stimulus grant program, and dozens of other corporate handouts via its regular budget. Steven Chu, Energy CEO
  • The Hells I will, that's the Forest of Sorrows, ya stupe! And Other Tales Of Valdemar
  • It is for no other reason than the empire's need to engage in a stupendous demonstration of its might.
  • Earth, -- that we stand speechless, stupent, and know not what to say! Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
  • Here are the dirty tricks: Sam Weller tells a tale of unpolled electors being stupefied with laudanum, waking only after the election was over.
  • But when I looked at Juan, he was staring at me with his jaw dropped, totally stupefied, and then he got mad too.
  • Lipsey says the Treasury can claim credit for the stupendous UK policy success of the last two decades - privatisation.
  • This stupefactive power of coriander seed is a newly discovered property.
  • The danger is that a public stupefied by celebrity and trivia will be ill-informed and disinclined to engage in the democratic process.
  • Numerous art historians responded to Hockney's proposal with suspicious stupefaction, as if this avant-garde upstart were accusing the old masters of painting by numbers.
  • the stupefying effects of hemp
  • Certo aiuta che ho un ufficio tutto mio, tutti sono molto gentili e cordiali, il posto e' davvero stupendo tutta una foresta intorno, begli alberi, tanto sole, e il mio mentore/capo sembra molto disponibile e interessato a quello che faccio. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The master bedroom has an en suite and a window seat with stupendous views. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tyler's face was stupefied into dumbfounded shock; he had turned pale.
  • stupendous demand
  • Into the face of this cone had been carved a stupendous multilevel castlelike structure. THE 5 GREATEST WARRIORS
  • So long as it prevails the show is thrilling and stupendous; the moment it fails the show is a dull and dirty farce.
  • the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying
  • It's a resonant place with a most stupendous view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yo, son, I spent all day up on yo 'ninja website, as it were, drowning in a stupefacient pool, making me a worser person. Undefined
  • Vienna may now be second only to Paris as art-history capital of Europe, but city-breakers have yet to cotton on to the fact, and many of its stupendous exhibits are mercifully uncrowded.
  • The Tribunal had found it "stupefying" that security had depended on Haradinaj, a war criminal. for the Tribunal's witnesses, there was great concern, and the friendship between - Photown News
  • By my dictionary definition, to stupefy means to "overwhelm with amazement, astound, astonish"; "to stun, as with strong emotions, to benumb the faculties of as in 'put in to a stupor'. Karen Kisslinger: Ba(ra)ck to the Word "Stupid"
  • Such a sleep-producing stupefactive is worthy of the highest praise.
  • The recent history of butterflies in this country has been of overall and sometimes catastrophic decline, alongside local and quite stupendous success. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advance publicity has been stupendous, and the first issue is alleged to have sold out straight away.
  • We were so stupefied by the news that we all sat in silence for a long time.
  • His poll numbers in the role have gone from being "stupendous" -- the description of one of his Labor opponents -- to just "very good". The Australian | News |
  • As I have been writing for years with stupefying redundancy - and obvious lack of success - this idea is a hoax.
  • As against these, the stupendous increase in the destructiveness of air power has been of limited utility in guerrilla war.
  • The soup ends up an autumnal russet colour, stupendous with a garnish of diced avocado, lime and coriander. Times, Sunday Times
  • Primrose, stupefied by tiredness, began to wail that she was hungry.
  • So stupendous is the potential, it could transform global energy politics and economics. Americans (Sort of) Fracking
  • After she broke the kiss he smiled, stupefied, and shook his head.
  • Here the view was dominated by a stupendous skyscape, rather like the fanciful ones on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel.
  • This collocation of precocious poetic essence, stupefying lyricism and seditious brilliance sets up Rimbaud as the Romantic-Modern poet par excellence.
  • Considering the wondrous richness and variety of the terrestrial life wrought out by the few sunbeams which we catch in our career through space, we may well pause overwhelmed and stupefied at the thought of the incalculable possibilities of existence which are thrown away with the potent actinism that darts unceasingly into the unfathomed abysms of immensity. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • The ordeal of the last two hours had been stupefying, but now he gathered his wits and followed the other vehicle gratefully as it led the way back down the narrow road to a fork, where it turned onto an upbound trail. The Cat Who Moved A Mountain
  • At this Claude, stupefied, fairly stared at the emaciated Mathilde, and then at the huge vintaging woman. His Masterpiece
  • Because a stupefied nation is a subdued nation, an unquestioning nation, a hang-about-who-said-we-should-go-to-war-nation.
  • A small group of white girls from stupendously troubled families (the kids are described as "cherubic" for maximum effect) began meeting in one of the girls 'houses after school — and sometimes in a motel room — to do drugs and service two groups of rough trade, one of local white boys, the other of African-American boys (a recent prison inmate among them) who commuted from a different part of the county to avail themselves of the girls. Are You There God? It's Me, Monica
  • I stared in stupefaction at Rudy, as the implications of his sudden loquacity sunk in. RESCUING ROSE
  • But the two reports together seem so far beyond the pale of the possible that they serve to stupefy the father: "his heart grew numb," (pugh, "to grow cold"). Exposition of Genesis: Volume 1
  • Surgeons would attempt to stupefy the patient with alcohol, opium, or morphia, but with little effect.
  • The jarvey stared at her in momentary stupefaction. A Wicked Gentleman
  • Well after a while we woke the Boston fish up & we all went home & I was feeling pretty good on acct. it being such a nice night & all the stars being out & etc. & when I got home I said Prudence guess what hapend & she says I can guess & I says Prudence I have been elect it a minit man & she says well go on up stares & sleep it off & I says sleep what off & she says stop talking so loud do you want the naybers to wake up & I says whos talking loud & she says o go to bed & I says I am talking in conversational tones & she says well you must be conversing with somebody in Boston & I says o you mean that little blond on Beecon St. & Ethen she went a 1,000,000 mi. up in the air & I seen it wasnt no use to try & tell her that the reason I was feeling good was on acct. having drank a Boston swelt hed to sleep without feeling any affects & I bet the next time I get a chanct I am going to get snooted right because a fello gets blamed just as much if he doesnt feel the affects as if he was brought home in a stuper & I was just kidding her about that blond on Beecon St. Some women dont know when they are well off Ethen & I bet that guy from Bostons Tom Duffy I mean wife wishes she was in Prudences shoes instead of her having married a man what cant holt no more than a qt. without being brought home in a stuper. A Parody Outline of History
  • Its bizarreness is not lost on the clearly stupefied guests.
  • By the time we got to the grand final it was just stupendous.
  • WASHINGTON -- Two years after the Supreme Court voided many of the country's bedrock campaign finance laws, much of the American public is still confused by the change -- and stupefied by the often-impenetrable jargon that frequently encumbers any discussion of the topic. Stephen Colbert's PAC Parody Explains Campaign Finance To America (Part 1)
  • The great fresh open, after the stupefying warmth indoors, made them behave like wild things.
  • Yale Press Log: NYT: Tapestry in the Baroque is "stupefying" and "awesome NYT: Tapestry in the Baroque is "stupefying" and "awesome"
  • By finding out what the facts are, rather than spending all of our time sitting around in gaping, slack-jawed stupefaction, swallowing wholesale whatever infantle lie is shovelled down our gullet by the paid professional liars at Faux Noise and Whirled Nuts Dully, and swallowing said lies without even a first much less a second thought. Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • November 12th, 2008 at 9:44 am i think this is just stuped you can be actedto the inetnet Internet Addiction? « open thinking
  • The Manhattan Project represented the most stupendous scientific effort in history. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • So it turns out this was not so much ‘difficult’ as stupendously easy.
  • We were gliding underneath a dead tree when an anhinga, unseen sunning itself on the limb above us, startled and took off with a stupendous flapping of wings. I DEFINE LOVE AS THINKING WELL ABOUT SOMEONE
  • It's a pretty salad that tastes as stupendous as it looks; perfect summer fork food. Times, Sunday Times
  • stupendously ignorant people
  • Methadone is a kind of artificial stupefacient.
  • Jonson made his money from masques, which were stupendously expensive to put on at court.
  • We will say mournfully, in the presence of Heaven and Earth, -- that we stand speechless, stupent, and know not what to say! Past and Present
  • He had to be careful the calm didn't stupefy him; make him forgetful of her. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Mais quelle stupéfaction, lorsqu'ils virent qu'ils avaient, chacun sur ses genoux une des deux Médailles miraculeuses ! Archive 2008-11-23
  • Acclaimed "La Stupenda,"– "the Stupendous One"– during a career spanning more than four decades, Sutherland was known in the opera world as an "anti-diva" diva whose warm vibrant sound and subtle coloring helped revitalize the school of early 19th-century Italian opera known as bel canto. Joan Sutherland Dies: Famed Soprano Dead At 83
  • Ceylon, of the remains of what may correctly be termed stupendous works; and the date of the construction of which, as regards India, is in many cases prehistoric. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • Yea, it so stupefies and besots the soul, that a man who is far gone in drunkenness is hardly ever recovered to God. The Riches of Bunyan
  • In his later work, Capital, Marx comments a number of times that nursing mothers coped with their early return to the production line by stupefying their hungry babies with opiates.
  • Who the hell is stupe, and why should he/she get to speak for the liberal mindset? "Many people will express sympathy, but you don’t want or need that, because Trig will be a joy."
  • The trouble is that bankers lend the stupendous amounts of money involved only in return for a very low risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stupefying losses in mortgage-related securities came in large part because of flawed, history-based models used by salesmen, rating agencies and investors, " he wrote.
  • Nurses are too apt, for their own ease, to cherish the sleepy disposition of infants, and to increase it by various things of a stupefactive quality.
  • She came back to find the girl cutting herself, arms and legs, while I watched on in stupefied disbelief. "The morning light shows water in the valley."
  • The fireworks were stupendous - and so was the ocean of humanity viewing them.
  • The report finds that the cost of these disparities is stupendous.
  • I could have said how stupefying you are to proclaimed in your blog that you can't stand grammatically wrong English, but yet I read one of your sentence you wrote - "Hello folks I is in goa now". One of the basic blogging etiquette is never copy
  • But then it is _all_ they can do -- it is the last card and the _last_ man, and if we make one stupendous effort, we must inevitably crush it. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • Our charity appeal has been stupendously successful.
  • Tobacco has a deadening and stupefying effect upon the nerves.
  • Myself, I'm mostly haunted by retrospectively realising that what made perfect sense at the time was actually stupendously wrong and/or offensive and/or thoughtless.
  • That is an undeniable truth with stupendously large bodies of study to support it.
  • I stared in stupefaction at Rudy, as the implications of his sudden loquacity sunk in. RESCUING ROSE
  • His lordship was much amused by this freshwater voyage; and viewed with delight the stupendous rocks of basaltes through which the The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 2
  • Our charity appeal has been stupendously successful.
  • The philosophical mind would most naturally associate with it the idea of stupendous magnetic power. New and Original Theories of the Great Physical Forces
  • Gerald was still standing at her bedroom door, looking after her with what Elizabeth could only call a stupefied expression. Gentle Warrior
  • Most of them have balconies, too, and on a clear night you will be zipping back and forth between the stupendous sight of the Matterhorn and the snug reassurance of your fireplace.
  • Is Tu stuped goggies nixt dohr an dey barkz lowd en dey skarz mah kitteh namd Genesis. I’ll tell her when she’s older… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • There was only the vast upcurve of the top-chords and the stupendous down-curve of the bottom-chords and the line between that stood for the foreshortened sixteen hundred feet of bridge-floor level extending from the north shore to the swaying tip of that unanchored north third of the central span. Out of the Primitive
  • Puisqu'il faut bien tenir la balance égale et faire une place aux ronchonneurs à côté des soupirs d '"une admiration stupéfaite d'être si admirative", voici donc une autre réflexion très rapide sur la décision de BHO de remplacer Petraeus par McChrystal, - non, pardon, McChrystal par Petraeus … Elle est de Andrew Sullivan, sur son site personnel de Dedefensa
  • Grief and terror had so stupefied their sense , that they did not know Prospero.
  • This collocation of precocious poetic essence, stupefying lyricism and seditious brilliance sets up Rimbaud as the Romantic-Modern poet par excellence.
  • Scott Cleland of Netcompetition. org called it "stupefying" that the FCC would reach the Multichannel News: Cable Operators
  • Its current owner removed the tarry dirt to reveal a stupendous new Titian.
  • The public and private edifices, that were founded for eternity, lie prostrate, naked, and broken, like the limbs of a mighty giant; and the ruin is the more visible, from the stupendous relics that have survived the injuries of time and fortune. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I am like the lamb of man soon finished, the singer hen suffering the unlaid egg, stupefied by the easy murmuring of twilight. The wicked daughter
  • These are best described as a stupefying roar of bombast occasionally interrupted by a few words of real sublimity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Coming to men with the Circean torch of licentiousness in her hand, with fair promises of freedom, she first stupefies the conscience, and brutifies the affections; and then renders her votaries the most abject slaves of guilt and crime. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • En effet, lors d'un récent après-midi lèche-vitrines à Cannes, j'ai constaté à ma grande stupéfaction, que pour être à la page cette année, il nous faudrait chausser, nous les filles, de drôles de bottes, style "esquimaux". Mode
  • The whiskey being exhausted, the Indians retired to rest, under its stupefactive influence.
  • The group stood stupefied and shocked in the middle of the sidewalk.
  • A resounding cheer went up from the stupendous mass of people that was streaming through the gates into Hyde Park.
  • By walking perhaps twenty yards further there's a stupendous view over the Bristol Channel.
  • Hell, neither of them is a stupe; offer one of them a cabinet post, and get the other one to switch parties. "Lieberman Has Revealed Beliefs And Values Inconsistent With The Democratic Party"
  • He walks Outfit and talks Outfit, but he's really just a stupe from Hoboken, New Jersey. American Tabloid
  • This stupendous sum has failed spectacularly to improve the lot of its intended beneficiaries.
  • Plus possum quam omnes philosophi, astrologi, necromantici, &c. sola saliva inungens, 1. amplexu et basiis tam furiose furere, tam bestialiter obstupesieri coegi, ut instar idoli me adorarint. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Why would she tell you, stupe?" the peeve demanded. Pet Peeve
  • Could it also be that our defiant devotion to our favorite stupefacient, combined with the effects of said stupefacient, invites us to dream up quasi-religious justifications for getting zonked four times a day as a sort of sacramental ritual? North Coast Journal Comments
  • in a stuperous narcotized state

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