
How To Use Stunted In A Sentence

  • My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty. III.9
  • His fleshless snout made stunted attempts at movement while he spoke, though his speech was clear and articulated.
  • In addition, there are the Lesser Ones, much smaller spheres that serve the Great Ones; the Dark Ones, enemies of the Great Ones; and the pigmies, stunted humanoids in the care of the Lesser Ones. "Once in a Blue Moon" by Harl Vincent, part 5
  • Stunted, twisted growth and oddly distorted flowers are the symptoms of aster yellows, a disease which often shows up in midsummer.
  • His playing is more austere than on Big Deep, rattling off scrapes and stunted scrabbles with occasional distended, detuned bass action.
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  • They grow flowers, but the male anthers are stunted or withered: Seed but no pollen is produced.
  • The heteromorphous sterculia of the interior, and some species of eucalyptus of very stunted growth covered its sides, which however for a considerable distance were not deficient in grass. Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales
  • Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
  • Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
  • That's when the word stagflation was invented to describe a truly ugly combination of rising inflation and stunted growth... Sheldon Filger: Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker Urgently Warns Against "Planned" Inflation
  • To die in childhood or infancy is to be deprived of a natural life span; such a death makes one's life a stunted and unshapely affair.
  • Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
  • This is a pure stand of baldcypress, their funny knees like stunted growth reaching up three or four feet, and then perhaps breaking into feathery needles.
  • In another experiment, bean plants grown from seed given increasing fractions of heavy water showed stunted growth compared with control plants given normal water.
  • That's when the word stagflation was invented to describe a truly ugly combination of rising inflation and stunted growth. -- Top News
  • It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of _the fair sex_; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • The West Texas scrubland is gorgeous, though it’s hard to imagine anyone surviving for long among the gravelly soil and stunted shrubs. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • The fish suffered stunted growth and also stopped avoiding predators. Times, Sunday Times
  • All was one impenetrable desert; ... the vegetation on this part of the country was reduced to a few stunted gums, hakea bushes, and Triodia (spinifex), the whole extremely barren in appearance ... Spinifex and Sand
  • Towards the bog's centre, 20-year-old pines reach heights of just three-feet, their growth stunted by the bog's acidic soils created by the sphagnum.
  • Does being unaffectionate makes you emotionally stunted?
  • That's when the word stagflation was invented to describe a truly ugly combination of rising inflation and stunted growth. NYT > Home Page
  • The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.
  • It's the product of a stunted, overanalytical mind that demands unfairly that all ancient art, art which is by nature expressive and non-rational, must be reduced to purely non-religious origins and meanings, even when a religious interpretation is wholly unavoidable given a competent understanding of greater context. The myth of the secular
  • My stunted, shortsighted world froze as an aura of warmth shimmered through the gym.
  • These poor wretches were stunted in their growth, their hideous faces bedaubed with white paint, their skins filthy and greasy, their hair entangled, their voices discordant, and their gestures violent.
  • The country to the south of the last creek changed to a succession of plains of various sizes, extending mostly to the westward, and very open undulations scattered over with rather stunted trees of Grevillea mimosoides, G. ceratophylla, Terminalia, Bauhinia, and Balfouria? an apocynaceous tree. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.
  • Huc and Gabet's account of Lhassa is, I do not doubt, excellent as to particulars; but the trees which they describe as magnificent, and girdling the city, have uniformly been represented to me as poor stunted willows, apricots, poplars, and walnuts, confined to the gardens of the rich. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • The red sandstone block I am heading for is equally labyrinthine: a network of stunted corridors and dark stairwells.
  • The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.
  • High interest rates have stunted economic growth.
  • Sunny wings sprang open and bore him in a steep glide earthward, down past sheer cliffs spangled with bright alpine flowers and stunted scrub.
  • Roots of wheat which have been stunted by excessive water in spring will be less able to withstand a summer drought.
  • It is ensured that only minimum nutrients are provided to these trees for it facilitates stunted growth.
  • Soybeans stunted by lack of rain or damaged by hail can be salvaged as hay or silage.
  • Indeed, when does don’t get enough to eat while pregnant and nursing, any male offspring they produce will have stunted antler growth for their entire lives. Smithsonian Mag
  • Much of the remaining foliage is stunted, dulled by defoliants.
  • Her growth had been stunted by a childhood disease.
  • Executives under Ms. Robinson used the phrase "protect and grow" to describe their approach, often to the irritation of digital-side employees who have said the emphasis on protecting the Times too often stunted growth elsewhere. Digital Strategy Undid New York Times CEO
  • On a personal level, the expectation of easy riches combined with a sense of absolute entitlement indicates stunted psychological growth and a sense of failure if desires remain unfulfilled. Boing Boing
  • Bordman found himself straining his eyes for the merest, scrubbiest of bushes and for however stunted and isolated a wisp of grass. Sand Doom
  • Many analysts agree that hiring will remain stunted until businesses find a higher level of confidence in the economy, regardless of the availability of money to borrow. Fed Taunts Inflation Demons With Quantitative Easing
  • Lead BRAIN damage and stunted growth are the side effects of this toxic heavy metal. The Sun
  • Cannas, chrysan-themums, dahlias, begonias and cosmos have all done well but the Impatiens grew too leggy and nibbling by rabbits has stunted the growth of heliotrope, Helichrysum and Nicotiana.
  • There has been a stunted growth of various kharif crops and in certain parts the crop has withered.
  • To die in childhood or infancy is to be deprived of a natural life span; such a death makes one's life a stunted and unshapely affair.
  • So even if a smoker does develop stunted growth, respiratory conditions or Lung Cancer at least they won?
  • Fields affected by carryover may take on an uneven appearance with a series of stunted plants followed by healthy plants, intermittently.
  • Beneath a stunted row an tree the group was busily engaged, perhaps feasting on a rabbit carcase.
  • The buttercup which is tall with a flower at the end of a high firm stalk and leaves with slender spike fingers, if it grows in an open meadow, becomes a stunted flower on a short stem, and its leaves form squat webs, in order to force its growth on a close-cropped lawn. Women's Wild Oats Essays on the Re-fixing of Moral Standards
  • Because she is just so monumentally self-absorbed and needy and emotionally stunted.
  • Most of the major food crops of the world are highly sensitive to soil salinity; they show reduced growth rate and yield, and may have stunted fruits, leaves and stems.
  • Even the grasses, I thought, sere and stunted here, would want to weep at the sound of it. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • The spin and "whizz" of his reel, the rush of a brown mountain stream with its fringe of silver birch and stunted alder, the white side of a leaping salmon, and the gasp of that noble fish towed deftly into the shallows at last, afforded him a natural and unmixed pleasure. M. or N. "Similia similibus curantur."
  • An example: If a person were to say that a short tree is "stunted". 'R word' politics stir up controversy
  • Woolf was one of those authors whose "paper rivers" formed the origin of Laing's watery obsessions, and there's an intriguing correspondence between "sources": rooting in "a copse of hazel and stunted oak" to find the indefinite "clammy runnel" of the Ouse, and shuffling among original manuscripts in a bone-dry archive. To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface by Olivia Laing – review
  • It's a sorry sight to see two stunted propshafts, encrusted with marine growth, but he films the severed ends anyway.
  • An arboreous Gardenia, as at Mergui; Myrtacea, Vitex, Bauhinia of yesterday; Randia, Andropogon aciculare; some stunted bamboos were likewise observed. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit; while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 59, September, 1862
  • An increasing number of children suffer from stunted physical growth and slow mental development.
  • It was an area of open heathland broken up by small clumps of trees, many misshapen and stunted by the constant attentions of wandering ponies.
  • The combination of a keen intellect and an emotionally stunted childhood gave rise to a man who eschewed social intimacy yet felt the need to control those around him.
  • The Parmenters lived in a stunted frame house at the edge of a brick sidewalk in Georgetown.
  • But the truth is that the ISS is really only half-grown -- stunted -- starved into a crippled half-adult form. ISS Is Starting to Look Like Freedom - NASA Watch
  • A few stunted trees were the only vegetation visible.
  • The classical mandolin -- as opposed to its slightly different bluegrass cousin -- looks like a stunted lute.
  • As I focused on their faces and bodies, I could see that many of them were growth stunted and some were microcephalic (small heads due to brain damage, malnutrition, infection); their faces were covered with molluscum contagiosum (virally mediated warts) and impetigo. Dr. Jane Aronson: What Does a Bar Mitzvah Have to do With the Fate of Orphans Around the World?
  • He had lopped the tree back severely during the winter. Its shape was ugly and stunted.
  • Quite a few think Jewish religious and cultural life in Israel is stunted.
  • My ancestors were systematically stolen and enslaved by white forefathers and foremothers - a legacy that, no matter how much we want to disregard it, is still reaping a stunted harvest.
  • The ill-timed revelation not only stalled his own bid for freedom, but also stunted his identity.
  • Stunted forms of tree species such as dwarf birch, alder, arctic willow, white spruce, black spruce, tamarack, least willow, net-veined willow and blue-green willow grow here.
  • His illness had not stunted his creativity.
  • For too long, this debate has been stunted by what I call the smallness of our politics – the idea that there isn’t much we can agree on or do about the major challenges facing our country. Obama: "The Time Has Come For Universal Health Care In America"
  • Many of the children also have stunted growth.
  • The waves pounded below, and the wind whispered in from the ocean, jostling the lone pine that grew stunted from the rocky soil.
  • An abnormal climate stunted the crops.
  • These mutations result in plants that are stunted, have dark green leaves and show defects in flower development and timing of flowering, but unlike GA auxotrophs these mutants are not rescued by GA application.
  • Thanks to a splice from the Chinese chestnut it will no longer be susceptible to Dutch elm and will no longer be stunted. Seven answers from ...
  • As for being poor and happy, as Maslow's model suggests, happiness is stifled by to severe a shortage of the basics for our physical and socio-intellectual needs such as self esteem and actualization, as much as too much material inequality between people, this necessitates and causes stunted human development for the cookie gluttons, unable to realize the intrinsically more precious feelings of love or compassion because of their fixation with a bloated belly chakra. Happiness Police, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • That is, except for a handful of more primitive serpents such as boas and pythons, whose vestigial femurs protrude from their scaly underbellies like stunted pincers.
  • These fluid-sucking larvae stunted the growth of the plants and damaged the stalks.
  • Drought has stunted this year's cereal crop.
  • She pushed herself to new extremes as the emotionally stunted prostitute paying for her sick mother's care by whoring herself unsmilingly around New York.
  • Now we were driving through bleak glens with stunted conifers, gushing ice-melt streams and mist snagged in tattered veils on the crags like the wraiths of lost warriors.
  • We hike down a surprisingly gentle trail, passing through stunted pinons to a Ponderosa coppice and a fetchingly derelict bridge at river's edge.
  • The red sandstone block I am heading for is equally labyrinthine: a network of stunted corridors and dark stairwells.
  • It certainly looks a lot smaller than the lofty Range Rover, but parked next to one its appearance is more stumpy than stunted.
  • Obesity can have serious health consequences in young children, such as stunted hip and leg-bone growth, says David Ludwig, director of the Optimal Weight for Life Clinic at Children's Hospital Boston. The War on Obesity
  • Moose and deer feed upon hobblebush, but the plants that they have browsed become stunted and develop atypical leaves.
  • I finally reached a garden like terrace of stunted trees, where the whole team set up the fourth bivouac.
  • He is astonished by the stunted lives and anarchic behaviour of Londoners through history, never questioning why they are like this.
  • Wild gorse, myrtle, and stunted cedars rooted in cindery scree on the slopes. Wildfire
  • A desperate picture of the health of North Korea's population is painted by a report describing a country of stunted children, where the hungry eat poisonous plants and pigfeed, amputations are conducted without anaesthetic and doctors are paid in cigarettes. North Korea facing health and food crisis, says Amnesty International
  • I have reevaluated my collection of necklaces, most of them unworn, many of them gestures intended by my mother to fertilize the stunted signifiers of my femininity.
  • His personality was stunted by the brutal treatment in his childhood.
  • When I started my tasting, I have to admit I wasn't thinking much about the lost Muscadet vineyards, the penurious growers or their stunted price growth. Cheap but Charming: Dipping Into Muscadet
  • The high interest rates briefly stunted business, but inflation gradually subsided, and the cost of borrowing dropped.
  • A titman in the 19th century could mean a small or stunted person, as Henry David Thoreau indicates when he calls his generation “a race of tit-men.” Archive 2006-11-01
  • Spring shoot growth on diseased canes is weak and stunted above the cankered area.
  • The heart condition had stunted his growth a bit.
  • He has nothing more for you, nor you for him; but he may be rich in juices wherewithal to nourish the heart of another man, and their two lives, set together, may have an endosmose and exosmose whose result shall be richness of soil, grandeur of growth, beauty of foliage, and perfectness of fruit, while you and he would only have languished into aridity and a stunted crab-tree. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume IV. (of X.)
  • In children the problems of poor vitamin and mineral absorption can cause stunted growth and dental problems if the condition is not recognised.
  • Several familiar forms of plants were discovered; also a new Eucalyptus, with a glaucous suborbicular subcordate leaf, and the bark of the rusty gum: a stunted or middle-sized tree, which grew in great abundance on the ranges. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • Their lively, eclectic tastes animated all London theatres, and the legit stage began to appropriate gothic gruesomeness and the exoticism of distant lands from bestsellers; fabulous landscapes transformed, and violence stunted, from harlequinade extravaganzas; extreme emotion, terror and horror, from post-revolutionary Parisian showbiz. Projections of puppet theatre
  • Their wings are stunted, with a smaller body-to-wing proportion than in some other ratites, and, like most other ratites, cassowaries have no tail feathers.
  • The fish suffered stunted growth and also stopped avoiding predators. Times, Sunday Times
  • In children the problems of poor vitamin and mineral absorption can cause stunted growth and dental problems if the condition is not recognised.
  • In this ambience the Pope, versed in classical epic, devised the programme for Michelangelo's Last Judgement, in which a warrior Christ thunderbolts the stunted damned.
  • The discovery of his idol's feet of clay proves intolerable to the lonely, emotionally stunted fan.
  • The limited growing season produces a more stunted boreal forest unlike the more uniform forests typical of other Quebec boreal regions.
  • With age, the trunk of the tree gets thicker while the root base remains stunted inside the concrete pavements.
  • After the dry summer that we just had, when growth is stunted, photosynthetic energy is directed into colourful pigment production due to lack of sufficient water, creating more spectacular colours.
  • The lava substrate has the ability in places to trap and retain moisture, allowing for a more mesophytic vegetation, such as stunted Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine, to occur in some areas. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • The land is flat, and perhaps it's my imagination, but it appears stunted and less fertile than the hills and mountains to the north east.
  • Any movement that builds its core ideology around the worship of an infantilist, developmentally-stunted, self-aggrandizement will inevitably wind up eating its young. Thirty Years Too Late: The Implosion of John McCain and the Demise of the Regressive Right
  • For about twenty-five miles we traversed an entirely open plain, similar to that just described, and mostly covered with the waving broom bushes; but now upon our right hand, to the north, and stretching also to the west, was a dark line of higher ground formed of sandhills and fringed with low scrub, and timber of various kinds, such as cypress pines (callitris), black oak (casuarinas) stunted mallee (eucalyptus), and a kind of acacia called myal. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • If it stormed, we would not find solace under the lonely, stunted bristle-cone pines.
  • We are only too familiar with anorexia and bulimia nervosa among young girls, and we know that these conditions can lead to stunted growth, fertility problems and psychological difficulties.
  • This was partly due to the patchy audio quality, but the cast's collective lack of acting ability and a stunted storyline didn't help either.
  • Their scenes together are riveting and the film builds a spooky and unsettling atmosphere with great economy, while providing a rare insight into small towns and stunted lives.
  • old stunted thorn trees
  • Crossed another creek, at twenty miles, with myall and stunted gums running over a plain in numerous courses. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • That is, except for a handful of more primitive serpents such as boas and pythons, whose vestigial femurs protrude from their scaly underbellies like stunted pincers.
  • Damage may result in stunted growth and sometimes death of the plant.
  • But Jim is kind of stunted in his career, and his dream isn't to be selling paper. Rebecca Macatee: Outsourced's' Ben Rappaport Says Show Stereotypes Human Nature, Not Indian Culture
  • I'd hate to appear imbalanced (or "pluralistically-challenged" or "diversity-stunted" or whatever the term might be), so now I turn to a recent column, "Catholicism Does't Have to Be Repressive," written by Maggie Carlson, a senior at Webster University (in the Saint Louis area). Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Wars stunted the development of science in the world.
  • The resulting picture is stunted, distorted.
  • Tall weeds covered the expanse, with the occasional stunted, self-sown tree rising above them. SABRIEL
  • Embelica, and a stunted arboreous Symplocos, Anthistiria arundinacea common, with chesnuts (Castaneae). Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Large expanses of high-elevation, undulating grasslands interspersed with patches of stunted shola forests harbor the endemic Nilgiri tahr and India's largest elephant population. South Western Ghats montane rain forests
  • Vegetation was not so completely destroyed; trees died and remained bare and pickled; some grasses suffered, but others of the ranker sort flourished, and great areas were covered by a carpet of dwarfed and stunted corn-cockles and elecampane set in grey fluff. The Shape of Things to Come
  • Lesley, a frail girl born with a heart defect which stunted her growth and left her in poor health, was found 10 miles from her home.
  • After a contentious seven-way GOP primary that stunted Republican fundraising and enabled incumbent Democrat Tom Perriello to sprint to an early cash advantage, it seemed possible that Democrats could hold this hard-won seat. Sabato says VA-02 and VA-05 are leaning GOP
  • Crooked stunted gums and stringybarks, with a thick underscrub of wild cherry, hop, and hybrid wattle, clothed the spurs which ran up from the back of the detached kitchen.
  • So what are those stunted metal tube donuts called ball bearings for anyway?
  • We pull ourselves up through a stunted, moss - webbed forest to gain the lower Bigo Bog, a narrow defile between two walls of dark, wet granite.
  • Driving of them, and they won't go," thought the watcher; and the speaker, a stunted-looking Malay with a short, iron-spiked implement, somewhat like the iron of a boat-hook, in his hand, came into sight between the huge pachyderms and the door, shouting and growling at his charge as he waved the hook and progged the nearest beast as if trying to drive them away. Trapped by Malays A Tale of Bayonet and Kris
  • She was born in October 2002 at Burnley General Hospital with a mystery condition that has stunted her growth.
  • Yellow flowers of tormentil star the turf, gorse bushes cast shadows, and stunted bracken adds a sickly smell to the sweetness of summer grass. Country diary: North Hill, Cornwall
  • The plants had a stunted look. They weren't dried out, just miniature. A pygmy garden.
  • At a little distance up the glen was a small and stunted wood of birch; the hills were high and heathy, but without any variety of surface; so that the whole view was wild and desolate rather than grand and solitary. Waverley
  • Weeds, stunted red oaks and undernourished scrub were the only vegetation on this side of town. DANSVILLE
  • Living next to the colossus of America and all that it entails - from common cultural development to never having to defend ourselves from an external threat - has stunted our nationalism.
  • Stuntedness transform ways of P—30B scraper bucket structure and effect after improved are introduced in the paper.
  • Roots of wheat which have been stunted by excessive water in spring will be less able to withstand a summer drought.
  • High interest rates have stunted economic growth.
  • While bloodying rather than beating Murphy, Braley and Giffords may well be Republicans 'goal this cycle, there are a number of other rising Democratic stars who face the very real potential of seeing their political rise stunted badly in four weeks time. Republicans aim to take out future Democratic stars
  • I am concerned with the critically low levels of calcium circulating in their blood, an electrolyte that is only slowly being repleted, since it is at the same time being vociferously sucked up by their stunted and crooked bones. Between Expectations
  • I've had the opportunity to see him in the flesh twice and his pace down the left (although stunted a little by injury a few years back) still has the knack of roasting opposing fullbacks.
  • Retention of the fetal tortuosity, stunted development, or complete absence may involve one or both tubes.
  • Like their plant-sucking cousins, whiteflies pierce leaf tissues causing noticeable wilting, chlorosis, loss of leaves and/or stunted growth.
  • Where a stunted self-regarder like Oberst seems condemned to an incommunicative trance, the 36-year-old Anderson is aware enough of the lineage of movie auteurs as lion-taming showmen to, some day, escape his autistic fugue state.
  • It emerges from what you might call stunted futurism.
  • The stunted growth of these children shows that they are undernourished
  • Crops for fuel, in contrast, can be ugly or stunted.
  • Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.
  • The summit of Crystal Head is of flat tabular form; and the sides, which are both steep and rugged, are covered with stunted trees and high grass, now quite dry: the geology of this part is principally of siliceous sandstone; and on the beach we found large detached water-worn masses of the same rock, incrusted with quartz and epidote in a crystallized state. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • More than a third of all children who live to their first birthday show signs of severely stunted growth brought on by malnutrition and infectious diseases.
  • He reached the cover of a spreading, stunted juniper and settled on a narrow ledge behind it, concealed from sight. THE LAST RAVEN
  • This was partly due to the patchy audio quality, but the cast's collective lack of acting ability and a stunted storyline didn't help either.
  • Several familiar forms of plants were discovered; also a new Eucalyptus, with a glaucous suborbicular subcordate leaf, and the bark of the rusty gum: a stunted or middle-sized tree, which grew in great abundance on the ranges. Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • Holly no longer looked at him, he stared back at the stunted ruin that had been the office of the Commandant.
  • He smells like a leader of men, but all kind of... kind of stunted... misdirected...' Ted was frowning --- Resin? BEHINDLINGS
  • Ross and others are conducting research from a Greenpeace ship in the Gulf, using a two-man sub as they work to determine if the corals have suffered damage, or may take a hit from long-term impacts, such as stunted reproduction rates. Gulf Corals In Oil Spill Zone Appear Healthy
  • Because of constantly having to boil down to the flyweight, bantamweight and featherweight limits it stunted his growth. The Sun
  • Some players miss out on adolescence and become emotionally stunted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Parmenters lived in a stunted frame house at the edge of a brick sidewalk in Georgetown.
  • The vegetation almost entirely consists of low stunted, very ramous shrubs, and these are generally thorny. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • At the upper limit of this zone, continuous forest gives way to parkland comprising islands of small, commonly stunted trees and subalpine meadows.
  • At any rate, for his argent and or, he got a handsome piece of parchment, blazoned with a white lion for Mowbray, to be borne quarterly, with three stunted or scrog-bushes for Scrogie, and became thenceforth Mr. Scrogie Mowbray, or rather, as he subscribed himself, Saint Ronan's Well
  • Stunted rose buds or flowers are usually a sign of thrips, a silvery insect that is almost too tiny to see.
  • Yet stunted is an ugly and misleading word: for the flowers that grow here are not deformed midgets but perfectly proportioned miniatures – real plants seen through the wrong end of the glass. Try Anything Twice
  • The traffic crawled at its usual stop-start pace, but she made good time on a cut-through she knew in Ballsbridge and was soon zipping across the junction at Nutley Lane and parking in the stunted multi-storey car park that defaced the southern reaches of the hospital grounds. The Priest
  • Tall podocarp trees (rimu, miro, Hall's totara) then succeed and the end point of this sequence can be found on the higher glacial outwash surfaces (around 25,000 years old); here the extremely leached, infertile soils can only support a stunted heath and bog vegetation. Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area), New Zealand
  • From my hovering perch, I can see where the treeless tundra morphs into taiga - a thin boreal forest of stunted conifers, muskeg, ponds, and rivers.
  • I'm a diagnosed autist with emotions as stunted as my sense of smell. Correlation Found Between Sense of Smell and Emotional Sensitivity » E-Mail
  • When Captain Cook arrived he found only 600 men and fewer than 30 women eking out existences on an island with only stunted mulberries and tiny mimosas for trees. Richard Bangs: Skullduggery on Easter Island (Part II of II)
  • My stunted, shortsighted world froze as an aura of warmth shimmered through the gym.
  • It is a harsh unforgiving place of black volcanic rock, stunted trees and pounding waves.
  • The condition can cause stunted growth and mental disabilities, but with only about 2,000 sufferers worldwide, the search for a cure is extremely difficult to fund.
  • Wars stunted the development of science in the world.
  • Feeding milk itself becomes a problem, leading to stunted growth.
  • The radiation that stunted the growth of her tumor is now crippling her mind.
  • The voracious military stunted the civilian economy by eating up too many resources. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The fish suffered stunted growth and also stopped avoiding predators. Times, Sunday Times
  • Affected children usually have stunted physical growth.
  • Now we were driving through bleak glens with stunted conifers, gushing ice-melt streams and mist snagged in tattered veils on the crags like the wraiths of lost warriors.
  • Roland agreed, but less than fifteen minutes later the land began to slope downward and this old section of the forest began to be invaded with smaller, younger trees: birch, alder, and a few stunted maples scrab-bling grimly in the soil for purchase. The Waste Lands
  • The thesis of the report is that developing and industrialized nations are stunted, underleveraged and suppressed because the economic lives of some of their women are stunted, underleveraged and suppressed. Laura Liswood: Risk Management
  • The frail and stunted tribesmen averaged only about five feet in height and were neither typically Chinese nor Tibetan.
  • Pusztai reported that the rats that were fed genetically modified potato suffered stunted growth, damaged organs and impaired immune systems.
  • Even the grasses, I thought, sere and stunted here, would want to weep at the sound of it. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART TWO OF THE EA CYCLE
  • While some of the 10 chicks seized died before coming to the zoo, one, whose growth was stunted, died here.
  • Leaving the marriage only results in stunted growth. Keeping Your Marriage
  • When a pond is overpopulated with stunted forage fish and neither bass nor forage fish are reproducing, removal of part of the fish population will seldom solve the problem.
  • Her subject is Los Angeles itself, and it's a familiarly distressing collage of crime-scene tape, drive-bys, bulging prisons, drug stunted lives.
  • The classical mandolin -- as opposed to its slightly different bluegrass cousin -- looks like a stunted lute.

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