How To Use Stumble In A Sentence

  • He pulled himself up and stumbled to the bathroom, where he turned on the cold tap and collapsed at the bottom of the shower, barely awake.
  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
  • These companies will also sell you mason bee cocoons, if you don't want to wait for the neighborhood bees to stumble across your beehouse on their own. Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
  • She picked herself up and stumbled over to the wall, bracing herself against it.
  • She misjudged them and stumbled, but Damin caught her before she fell. TREASON KEEP
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  • After a long flight, all you can do is stumble around its pathways and cactus gardens, marvelling at the sheer audacity of it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stumbled over the fallen coon who had pivoted me, ducked a swat from a club, dived between a bull's legs, and was free. Some Adventures With the Police
  • At other times it provokes genuine, childish delight, the wonderment of having stumbled across a secret.
  • I couldn't see where I was going most of the time and people used to yell at me as I stumbled randomly, blindly down the street.
  • I don’t know whether this is just a stumble, or the beginning of a real fall, for the bloody-handed, doughfaced Democratic leadership. House of Representatives rejects war funding bill
  • On a rare recording, he can be heard to stumble on the next-to-last line-something unheard-of for one who enunciated so exactingly.
  • You've gotta be the luckiest guy under the sun to stumble on this. FINAL RESORT
  • After a long flight, all you can do is stumble around its pathways and cactus gardens, marvelling at the sheer audacity of it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • This point-of-view tale meanders and stumbles in a blurry daze with characters coming and going.
  • I remember during the 8-year Bush Presidency, various friends of mine on the Left eviscerated President Bush on every word stumble, misplaced thought, "unpolitical" correct utterance, and his Texas ways many times. The Moderate Voice
  • The actor botch botched ( ie forgot or stumbled over ) his lines.
  • In her earlier, greater work, someone - in the end, among the disasters and the funny bits and the painful stumbles and everyone crashing out in some way - would have come through smiling.
  • ‘When I stumbled upon the technique of creating montages it was like rediscovering photography’ says Gallant.
  • He didn't attempt to swat it a third time, but opened the door, and stumbled downstairs, wailing. SACRAMENT
  • Before he could reach it, Jason stumbled on a raised section of the ground and landed on his forearms, struggling to regain his footing.
  • From page one, you know that you have stumbled across a unique voice. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took an enormous step backward, too fast, and I stumbled, my hands crablike behind me, gripping tufts of spring grass. The Bird House
  • She stumbles off the escalator and is swept along with the crowd of Asian businessmen and tourists towards the luggage carousel.
  • Upton had just been telling Eric the splendid phrase, "anerhithmon gelasma ponton", which he had stumbled upon in an Aeschylus lesson that morning, and they were trying which would hit on the best rendering of it. Eric, or Little by Little
  • During the orientation picnic, kegs of beer flowed, faculty and students drank together, and I wondered what kind of hellhole I had stumbled into.
  • 'Christian youth,' but he stumbles upon the term 'new ideas,' and, falling precipitately into a fury, neither evangelical nor angelical, calls Napoleon a sicario (cut-throat), and Vittorio Emanuele an assassino. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • The past is violently, thrillingly, even painfully restored to us by the texture of a towel, a stumble on a paving stone, the clinking of a teaspoon against a cup and, yes, the taste of a madeleine dipped in tea.
  • Every week starts fresh, so do not let your past stumbles affect your future progress!
  • And by this, I mean the many overlapping discoveries of unvoiced knowledge, feelings and imagination that we stumble upon via images.
  • His intellectual incoherence should not blind us to the populist possibilities he has stumbled upon.
  • France passes G20 baton after messy summit FRANCE'S year-long G20 term stumbled to a messy end at the Cannes summit, where President Nicolas Sarkozy's dreams of reforming world finance were torpedoed by the eurozone debt crisis. | Top Stories
  • Even when black Democratic politicians stumble and engage in borderline corrupt and self-serving feather their own nest antics, they are still regarded as better bets than Republican candidates to be more responsive to black needs. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Black Republicans Peddle Fantasy of Ousting Democrats in November
  • Stagger and stumble suggest unsteady or uncontrolledmovement.
  • I usually flip back and forth between television stations to check in on who is winning what with the interest of someone who knows they will hear any pertinent information from friends and internet buzz for days following but whose real interest is to see the flustered tech award winners flush and stumble through gratitude they practiced while figuring out how to attach a cumberbund from a rental tuxedo. Oscars Schmoscars. It's All About The Whiskey And The Twitter.
  • Dimitri cringed away from the raging monster and quickly stumbled towards the door.
  • He taunted, and I merely stumbled back as I felt more blows upon my side, my front, and my back.
  • Many of Jay Ward's characters and catchphrases have since morphed into pop-culture shorthand: Dudley Do-Right, the clueless Mountie, is shorthand for anybody who stumbles into a situation overconfident he's doing the right thing; Snidely Whiplash, Do-Right's nemesis, for a scenery-chewing villain; the "Waybac" Machine, Mr. Peabody's time-travel system, for a nostalgia flashback; as well as expressions such as "nothing up my sleeve ... presto!" and
  • Picrochole thus in despair fled towards the Bouchard Island, and in the way to Riviere his horse stumbled and fell down, whereat he on a sudden was so incensed, that he with his sword without more ado killed him in his choler; then, not finding any that would remount him, he was about to have taken an ass at the mill that was thereby; but the miller's men did so baste his bones and so soundly bethwack him that they made him both black and blue with strokes; then stripping him of all his clothes, gave him a scurvy old canvas jacket wherewith to cover his nakedness. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 1
  • I kneed him in the stomach and when he stumbled back I kicked him.
  • Wearing a robe, he stumbles out of bed and opens the drapes and shades, gazing down lovingly upon the housekeeper putting Serge's midday snack into his backpack.
  • BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA @ This GOP pansy attempting to call Clinton a “stumblebum”. Think Progress » Perry: Anyone Who’s Not A ‘Rank Political Hack’ Realizes That Bush Was A ‘Very, Very Good President’
  • The refugees stumbled toward military buses, blinking at the harsh lights.
  • He grinned down at her and walked by her giving her a shove making her stumble.
  • Or you accidentally stumble across some unusual snapshots from his overseas " business trip.
  • Bang-the tie fructify a solid one punch to fall on cold Ling Feng's behind and stumble below, but the hands tightly protect the article of brisket and terror it is ordered by a D injure.
  • They bolted into the kitchen and before I could even find a weapon big paws were on my chest, I stumbled back, smacked into the counter and got dog slobber all over my neck.
  • He stumbles up and bumbles through an introduction, reminding her that they've worked in the same shop for four years.
  • I have to admit, I was rather hoping he'd stumble on for a few more weeks and take the ID cards down with him.
  • The world is his oyster to discover, as he stumbles on through life towards his future retirement as the ex-leader of the National Party.
  • He stumbles through the movie wearing the glazed expression of a hopeless drunk.
  • Stumble upon enough ootheca in the basement, and its liable to be the first thing you take to the lab. Boing Boing
  • In an etherized daze, we stumble up, thank our caretaker and falter through halls stinking of sanitized despair. Habits Die Hard
  • In a distant past, when there were vast territories still unmapped, there were secret places everywhere, though, I imagine, few of them held nostalgic charms for those who stumbled on them accidentally on their way to somewhere else.
  • He stumbled into the open exit hole and fired a warning shot into the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Users of Wikipedia do get to recognise which parts are shaky, but the unwise may suddenly stumble into benighted stretches, like some crinkum-crankum byway in old London, where footpads lurked and communicable diseases were offered at low prices. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Shaking my head, I stood shakily to my legs and stumbled over to the water, taking off my sodden shirt and placing it on the ground next to me.
  • They stumbled against the sack in which lay Little Claus, and turned it over.
  • It's like watching a sober guy walk his drunk friend home; just one stumble and they both hit the sidewalk.
  • He stumbled along the bridleway, wiping his eyes, pulling himself together. LOST SUMMER
  • Apologies are forced from our stumblebum government machine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand.
  • The market's latest surge and its propensity to reverse every attempt at an intraday selloff show how investors have become more daring, raising the risk of a near-term stumble as complacency grows. The Economic Times
  • High heels, floppy slippers and shoes with slick soles can make you stumble and fall.
  • Some thought he was about to insconce himself under the table; he himself alleged that he stumbled in the act of lifting a joint-stool, to prevent mischief, by knocking down Waverley — Complete
  • Some of them stumbled back the way they had come, dragging frozen tanks and trucks out of ice and snowdrifts.
  • When Mrs Munson stumbles onto their plot and threatens to notify the authorities, the felonious five decide to do her in.
  • If you stumble across the book, keep it for me.
  • She let go and the enforcer stumbled back a few paces, getting some distance from her.
  • The ruling two-party coalition has a mandate until 2012, but its wafer-thin parliamentary majority is crumbling. Few believe it can stumble on much longer.
  • It was during his work on the ergot fungus, which grows in rye kernels, that he stumbled on LSD, accidentally ingesting a trace of the compound one Friday afternoon in April 1943. April « 2008 « Isegoria
  • I uncloak as I land in my yard, and stumble none-too-gracefully to a stop. Revealers
  • Above the round glass or iron coverings of coal-cellars the foot-passengers slipped, "ricked" their backs, and swore as they stumbled, if they did not actually fall down, in the filth. The Mark Of Cain
  • If I hadn't stumbled on a link one day that led me to a snarky sarcastic blonde doing something that resemebled cable access on crack, I would never have made RB one of my daily fixes and BTY, I am one of those conservative viewers you told John Edwards you were trying to "alienate" - obviously it didn't work. For the Record
  • Stealth stumbled over her words, so eager was she to get them out.
  • All my friends stumbled into the lounge whilst Daisy and me went to the kitchen to get the beers and wine.
  • He stumbled slightly on a loose board of one of the bridges.
  • Okay, I was just putzing around on the net waiting for R. to wake up and stumbled on to Crazy eBay mom.
  • Some thought he was about to insconce himself under the table; he himself alleged that he stumbled in the act of lifting a joint-stool, to prevent mischief, by knocking down Balmawhapple. Waverley
  • The lights mysteriously failed, and we stumbled around in complete darkness.
  • If you think it will be cool to stumble into lectures wearing track suit bottoms and a hoodie, think again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The monster stumbled back as purple ooze started to spill out of its metallic form.
  • One of these days, you'll see me on the news, wandering around downtown Baghdad with a dazed, desperate look in my glinty eyes as I stumble down the streets stopping the passing terrorists as they prepare for a fun-filled day of setting off improvised explosive devices. Bluemeany Diary Entry
  • The mimic finally stumbled upon a vacant hole and squeezed inside; in a last ditch effort at threat display, it extended two sinuous tentacles 180 degrees apart, mimicking a snake!
  • Each song is wrapped up in girlish emotion that transcends the love and loss theme that every other female artist seems to stumble into.
  • A computer can only wander blindly along the branches of the search tree, until it stumbles across a sequence of moves that may prove beneficial.
  • The guard, obviously drunk, stumbled over, hiccuping.
  • Behind her, Tian stumbled forward with a neck-snapping jerk and barked his shin on another rock, one he hadn't seen and the plow had, for a wonder, missed.
  • He didn't attempt to swat it a third time, but opened the door, and stumbled downstairs, wailing. SACRAMENT
  • Day visited Sir Norman at his nursing home last year and said that despite his failing health, he remembered pretending to stumble after receiving his knighthood from the Queen in 2000, asking: "Do you remember when I tripped? Norman Wisdom, last survivor of the music halls, dies aged 95
  • Be careful not to stumble against that table, or you'll upset the whole bag of tricks.
  • His shoes echoing, too, as she stumbled alongside the railings of the gardens. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Someone who wants secretly to sneak off will always stumble somthing ringing.
  • I stumbled from the room – aiming for the bourbon bottle. 2009 July « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • These men who had awakened, laughed dissolvent laughs, and the old muddle of schools and colleges, books and traditions, the old fumbling, half-figurative, half-formal teaching of the Churches, the complex of weakening and confusing suggestions and hints, amidst which the pride and honor of adolescence doubted and stumbled and fell, became nothing but a curious and pleasantly faded memory. In the Days of the Comet
  • You have to give Dole credit for his one stumble.
  • The chunky boy asked with a loud bark of a laugh before he shoved Sammy's shoulder hard enough that she stumbled back a step and further into the crates.
  • They would stumble about on the queen-size sofa in her room, neither of them really knowing what to do.
  • Alternatively, we let inert hanging bug zappers slaughter any bug stupid enough to stumble in with a small shower of crackling blue light.
  • They eke out victories now, or inexplicably stumble like they did Tuesday night against 5 - 16 Sacramento.
  • She stumbled over the tree root
  • The shortest priced favourite can stumble and fall at the very first fence while the 100-1 outsider can achieve the ultimate glory.
  • Once she stumbled, but somehow she recovered her balance and carried on running.
  • But last night the Hammers won and took a big stumble towards safety with help from a debatable first-half penalty and a sending off. The Sun
  • After mechanically putting the food in her mouth, Jenny barely managed to stumble upstairs and fall into bed.
  • Perhaps as a result, the low-cost carriers are also usually full of what I call "amateurs" -- families travelling on vacation, or those insufferable people who stumble through airports looking as if they've never heard of air travel before. Unsolicited Testimonial: Virgin America - Anil Dash
  • Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand.
  • He'd almost made it to the front of the car when he made a misstep and stumbled into the car.
  • Ah the satisfaction of meeting a would be filcher, eyes gummed shut while they stumble around trying to dig their eyeballs loose with a tire lever... The Pinch Test: Indignities of Spring
  • After about half an hour of inability to go back to sleep, I ran a hairbrush through my bedraggled hair and stumbled down four flights of stairs to get to the dining hall.
  • An enthusiastic botanical collector told me that for years he searched far and near for the adder's-tongue fern, till one day he stumbled upon it in a place over which he had long been in the habit of passing. Birds in the Bush
  • So, yes, the teenage 90210 fan in me is crossing her fingers, hoping Green stumbles onto Wisteria Lane so I can start scribbling “Kate + Keith” with gelly roll pens in my Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper. Brian Austin Green on 'Desperate Housewives' makes us desperately happy |
  • He stumbled from one such sterility to the next, until all thoughts were rotted away by whatever opiate his immoralities could earn him. THE HELLBOUND HEART
  • As teenagers, my sister and I eventually discovered the truth when we stumbled across our birth certificates and saw that blasted hyphenation. What The Hell Nationality Are You?
  • I stumble into and around poetry, frequently knocked sidewise. Bird Cloud
  • To describe a single extrasystole, an ectopic heartbeat, as like a slight stumble in a dance and to introduce the complex mechanism of hearing with the statement that 'every one of us has a tiny harp inside his ear' suggests that he is a skillful teacher.… The kathartai, forerunners of doctors in pre-Hippocratic Greece, were said to purify the soul by the soothing and calming combination of music, dance, poetry and song. The Chicago Blog: April 2006 Archives
  • Barely able to focus after half a dozen yards of frozen marguerita, you stumble across a stand selling sound effects CDs. EBay of the Day: Loads of gun noises on a CD
  • The end of the summer, the who. Memory such as a line, who stumbled.
  • It is a good horse that never stumbles; and a good wife that never grumbles. 
  • “That’s strange, every third stumble is an EBay auction …” Is eBay Acquiring StumbleUpon?
  • She stumbled over her words as her cheeks flushed a dark pink of embarrassment.
  • ‘That one over there,’ he said, nodding at a solitary figure in the distance which tripped and stumbled along the edge of the main road.
  • Devon's eyes widened in surprise at my sudden movements, and stumbled backwards when he caught me.
  • Hikers in the national forest who stumble into a clearing full of cannabis need to backtrack out very carefully; pot farms are often sown with mines.
  • As she reached the bottom of the steps, surrounded by a phalanx of photographers, tears spilt from her eyes and she almost stumbled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Completely taken by surprise, Vincent tripped over the foot and stumbled, falling headlong for the floor.
  • She stumbled briefly but then continued.
  • My mom started to slur her words and stumble as though she had been drinking.
  • Marsden said he stumbled over and landed on a knife which he picked up.
  • When Mendel intercrossed short and tall, or blue-flowering and green-flowering, plants using a pair of minute forceps, he stumbled on a startling phenomenon. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Only once did this production stumble - in a folksy, slightly messy character dance performed by the Royal Fathers and Mothers.
  • Stepping off the concrete path on to gravel was a new sensation and he felt himself slide and stumble.
  • So, there was your glimpse inside the mind of a Christian, one who tries hard to follow Jesus but still stumbles, and who is self-acknowledgedly foolish. Biblical inerrancy vs. physical evidence: continued - The Panda's Thumb
  • She stumbled out of the way just as she heard the voice, sounding quite irritated.
  • She flung out her arms, accidentally knocking Nishair on the nose, who fell back and stepped on Riviara's toes who stumbled back and tried to look dignified while windmilling her arms around.
  • In my ignorance, I had supposed that Egyptian civilisation spread up the Nile, stumbled on the first of the cataracts and petered out in the great loop in which we were travelling.
  • He stumbled along the track in darkness.
  • I stumbled backwards a step then readopted my basketball blocking stance.
  • One of the gendarmes stumbled dizzily and dropped his rifle.
  • Why had I not seen that all Buddy's foolery, his flatulence, his stumbles, his bad memory, and his popeyed look of suffocation signified that he had only days left? Beard
  • Your average grizzled patriarch stumbles about making the same mistakes in his senectitude that he had in adolescence, learning nothing, "believing in the same white list of approved 20-carat lies. Borne Ceaselessly Into the Future
  • Her numb leg gave way beneath her and she stumbled clumsily.
  • Imagine my reaction then as I stumble out of the cupboard buttoning up the flies on my jeans and two secretaries are walking past.
  • We are alone until we stumble upon a flamboyance of flamingos (what a pleasing collective noun). Times, Sunday Times
  • Captain Ross and his brother officer secured the swords of both men -- shutting the stable door, indeed, after the steed was stolen; in hot haste doctors were sent for; and 'mid the bustle and "strow" Eliott stumbled from the room and down the stair, "wanting his wig," as the landlady, whom he passed on the way, deponed. Stories of the Border Marches
  • He said his lines with snaky smoothness, and I stumbled over mine with angry uncertainty.
  • After surviving the pseudo-vexfoot's assault, the haustorium-firing fungus, and the rain drain that had swallowed Clarity, it was almost ironic that he should stumble on a dry, smooth chunk of rock. Flinx In Flux
  • I was working my way down my normal jogging path on S Street in Dupont Circle when a little goofball on a skateboard - maybe 13 years old or so - was coming toward me and stumbled and fell in my direction.
  • I stumbled forward to cover the bloody slashes on my back.
  • After some channel-surfing, they stumbled upon the announcements live.
  • Until then, I have blogs to read and links to stumble upon and a wonderful darvocet/benadryl high to enjoy. 18 « October « 2008 « Adventures in Juggling
  • I stumbled off to be sick behind an armoured personnel carrier as he started on Marius.
  • Bleary-eyed soldiers stumbled from their tents.
  • As we grow increasingly self-righteous and hypercritical, we stumble into the ‘martyr trap.’
  • Startled by the wraithlike words, I stumbled back. Mercy Kill
  • In the music, a complex web of ricercars, or intricate contrapuntal studies, seems to reflect the labyrinth of Saragossa's subterranean corridors through which the prisoner stumbles.
  • The thwack should have been an early wake-up call but the Minstermen continued to stumble and fumble thereafter.
  • insurrectionist" and anti-state communist peers merely stumble on their dirty-talk in front of the mirror. Anarchist news dot org - News for anarchists and their friends
  • He met with official disfavour after his spectacular military failure at St. Etienne in 1546, a crucial stumble in Henry's campaign to annex the territory.
  • I had stumbled upon the historical counterpart of my psychology of the unconscious.
  • Then, despite not really understanding what was going on half the time, I managed to flukily win the first game while monkeyssk8 stumbled around between the toilet, the front garden and the internet (here is her blow-by-blow audio account of the game, kindly hosted by shewho). Amuchmoreexotic: I think monkeyssk8 and I are the worst p
  • As bad luck would have it, nine German U-boats stumbled across the manoeuvres and torpedoed the ships, sinking two ships and damaging a third.
  • Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. Winston Churchill 
  • I stumbled across an extremely simple but very exact method for understanding where my money went.
  • I make almost no noise as I stumble down the hallway but still Jomei opens his door and pokes a sleepy orange head out, ‘Where are you going?’
  • It is a good horse that never stumbles
  • Her mother stumbled and fell against a wall, and the movement brought down a weakened timber from the roof.
  • It is a good horse that never stumbles
  • Early stumbles or successes may turn out to be a mere blip in the long run.
  • I'm not joking, but I could not work out how†"until eventually I stumbled upon my inventory (I'm not even sure how) and finally made him reach the state of" famished "rather than starving. GameSetWatch
  • The accident comes at a time when local authorities are trying to tackle the claims culture fed by falls and stumbles.
  • When the poet stumbled over a line in the middle of a poem, someone in the audience corrected him.
  • I have to say, amigos, I was pretty hard up by the time I stumbled onto this plan.
  • Aside from the shoulder droop, I feel like I just kind of stumble around.
  • The leper's dogs came out and bayed at us, and we stumbled around till we got lost. The Sheriff of Kona
  • Staying on-message and branding is nearly impossible in the face of a big stumble for any candidate in the digital age. Michael Fertik: DigitalDecision 2010: The Good, the Bad & the OMG Online
  • She took a step from him, only to stumble as a sharp pain stabbed across her abdomen.
  • The arrow dropped to the ground next to him, the bowstring twanging up in Cinaed's face, causing the swordsman-in-training to drop the weapon and stumble back, cursing vividly.
  • For two days, police in the remote coastal region around Sodwana Bay had stumbled and fumbled their way into the case.
  • But on the off-chance that the noontime hot-sidewalk abandoner stumbles across this page, you little shit, do send me an email so I can say a few inappropriate and depravedly nasty words to you directly. A Note on the Camping Craze That is Currently Sweeping America | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • It's like watching a sober guy walk his drunk friend home; just one stumble and they both hit the sidewalk.
  • I stumbled and sprained my ankle.
  • At last I stumble off the path into complete darkness.
  • You could see he gets whacked in the face and stumbles out of view. Times, Sunday Times
  • I stumbled back holding my head and immediately tripped backwards over a chair, which I swear was strategically placed there to make me look like a bigger klutz than I already did.
  • I stumbled across one shack, but was lucky this farmer was easy going.
  • A short, elderly woman of unsurpassing hideosity came upon them - or rather, stumbled over them.
  • When certain all is well, he leaps quickly to his feet, but stumbles slightly, exhausted from the pain and effort of retaining dignity.
  • Just as we are getting a feel for the lay of the land, we stumble on a new wing we had almost forgotten had existed.
  • The Yankees stumbled into the playoffs in ghastly fashion. Boss wisely banked on Yankee pride
  • Her mind stumbled over the words, still not quite awake enough to think straight.
  • Those who do stumble upon the preserve make it a habit to return.
  • His stomach tightens in a knot as he stumbles down the hall towards his bedroom.
  • My habit is to stumble into the bathroom and pee.
  • It was deserted and I didn't see a soul, but I did stumble across a bunch of Red Deer in a meadow.
  • I make it into the darkness with only one stumble.
  • The Hagen was a free-and-easy place compared with the Rheinischer, and among its inmates there was no one who could sing a better song than manly George -- type of the Briton at whom foreigners stare -- who, ignorant of a word of their language, wholly unprovided with any authorisation save the passport signed "Salisbury," and having not quite so much business at the seat of war as he might have at the bottom of a coal-mine, gravitates into danger with inevitable certainty, and stumbles through all manner of difficulties and bothers by reason of a serene good-humour that nothing can ruffle and a cool resolution before which every obstacle fades away. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • I loosened my grip on the rail enough to begin a glumble down the stairs (glumble meaning a glide and a stumble all in one).
  • The Flames have stumbled and bumbled around the offensive zone all series, particularly when the incomparable Iginla hasn't been on the ice.
  • There have been times in the past when they temporized, stumbled, or failed to advance their agendas.
  • Aniwae there's a Comic Connection store at Bedok Central quite happy ~ I was wandering around there wif Derrick when we stumbled onto the store~ Whiteplum Diary Entry

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