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  1. handle roughly
    He was strong-armed by the policemen
  2. be bossy towards
    Her big brother always bullied her when she was young
  3. use physical force against
    They strong-armed me when I left the restaurant
  1. impelled by physical force especially against resistance
    forcible entry
    a real cop would get physical
    strong-arm tactics

How To Use strong-arm In A Sentence

  • Industry watchers are harshly criticizing a government order that strong-arms banks into extending loans to traditional industries.
  • The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics.
  • Ms. MacKinnon deploys the phrase "digital bonapartism" to describe the policy of strong-arm leaders who use the Internet to seek legitimacy, for instance by crowdsourcing input on new laws or using pro-government bloggers to slur out-of-favor officials. Handmaidens to Censorship
  • They strong-armed me into voting for the plan.
  • Bullying tactics and strong-arm conduct will assist no one in the resolution of the delicate issues affecting our education system.
  • All of this is contingent on the banks passing these rate cuts on, of course, which might need some strong-arming from the banks new owners: us. A man with a plan
  • Bribery, drugs, gambling, strong-arm tactics, cheating, stealing, and lies make for a full day in the life of a gang or organized crime member. Tom Gerdy: The Death of the Student Athlete
  • Suge's reputation for strong-arm business tactics and how that approach was used to bribe and manipulate are also documented.
  • These seemingly tough men, employing strong-arm tactics, expect wives to be their psychic nurses.
  • The Senate is on high alert now, despite your sponsor's strong-arm tactics.
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