How To Use Stroll In A Sentence

  • On his first day there he approached a couple of elegant young toffs strolling around the campus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not feeling hungry again until about ten that night, we strolled along to the same street that had earlier been alive with culinary possibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their lasagna is like eating a cloud .... the little museum next to the church has some interesting objects, and the best entertainment of all is a nice long stroll around town. tashby Current Info on San Sebastian del Oeste
  • Coins jingled freely in his pocket as he strolled toward the man and his cart.
  • Strolling vendors sold felt hats, plastic balls, ice cream and candyfloss.
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  • A stroll down a supermarket aisle is enlivened by signs such as this one: June « 2009 « Sentence first
  • A local publication, The Evening Bulletin said, ‘The reporter had been horrified to see two fatted calves strolling up main street!’
  • The gardener strolled off, his golden gown soon lost in the golden expanse of grass, accompanied by several small animals which capered at his feet, circled his head or hopped off and on his shoulders.
  • Despite this apparent initial failure, which was openly scorned by China's state media as "performance art", the blog site asked again for what it called "strolling protests" against the ruling Communist Party at 2pm on Sunday. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Sisko strolled along the path as it weaved through colorful, variegated flowerbeds, trying to let his surroundings bolster his mood further in his last few hours on Bajor. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Gardeners regularly stroll the grounds, picking up stray pieces of trash and trimming unruly bushes.
  • It is near the seafront and a leisurely stroll west will take you to Brighton. Times, Sunday Times
  • The artist painted her strolling her garden.
  • One of the great things about an autumn stroll is that almost anything casual goes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain's royal family took their traditional public Christmas Day stroll to and from church on Friday, with one well-wisher receiving a hug and a kiss from Prince William.
  • It is suitable for most age groups who enjoy a leisurely stroll, making a lovely afternoons walk for families.
  • Our hero grew less fearful of a wreck And took a little stroll upon the deck. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Maybe the sheer joy of a stroll along a beach makes them more inclined to say yes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why the desert, when you could be strolling along the golden beaches of California?
  • We started a leisurely stroll through what really were beautiful gardens.
  • You can start with a predinner stroll down the boardwalk that loops around lodge property. Globe and Mail
  • In my Virginia hometown, people perambulated when they could not drive at a pace somewhere between a saunter and a stroll. The Infuriating Smartphone Saunter
  • Smiling residents stroll along a cozy, old-fashioned street; the police chief stops and chats with passing motorists.
  • A short stroll along memory lane reveals an interesting range of speciality shops including antiques, art and craft, gift shops and galleries.
  • A stocky white dog, which looked like a bulldog, came charging through a hedge straight for Milly, with its owner strolling behind.
  • But, by 2008, it is hoped that visitors will be able to stroll along a new hour-long trail and glimpse some of the splendours and ideals of past eras.
  • Here are some outstanding examples of blogging that caught my eye in a leisurely stroll around the blogroll earlier this morning.
  • He just kind of ambled out of the alley like he was out for a midnight stroll or something. Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine Volume 1 Issue 1 (ANSI Edition)
  • The Easy Peasy Skate, as it's known, is a good way to practise for more challenging city skating, such as the Sunday stroll and Friday night skate, weekly marshalled events through central London. 10 of the best outdoor activities in London
  • This matter settled, I strolled back to the pipul tree beside the tank, thinking that it might be useful to pick up the remarks of the loiterers. Tales of Destiny
  • The marina is a five-minute stroll from the hotel and is also full of designer clothes boutiques. The Sun
  • A stroll through the California State Capitol (10th and L Streets; 916-324-0333; www. - a neo-Classical confection of Corinthian and other classic columns, parget plasterwork and mosaic floors - makes everything feel like it's in grand order. NYT > Home Page
  • From here you can watch as a herd of buffalo stroll past flocks of pink flamingos. The Sun
  • Therefore, litterbugs and those accustomed to spitting on the pavement no longer dare to give free rein to their impulses or else they'd better take along with them a waste-paper basket or a cuspidor whenever they opt for a stroll.
  • You can kite surf, sea kayak, spot birds or simply stroll along these stunning beaches. The Sun
  • Janyn was strolling jauntily back towards his headland and the open fields, where he could fly the merlin on his creance without tangling her in trees to her confusion and displeasure. The Devil's Novice
  • Their seaside conference was pencilled in as merely a stroll towards a second term.
  • Go for a stroll and look for a park bench. The Sun
  • He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.
  • People covered the streets, merrily strolling along, pretending nothing had happened at the local pub just minutes earlier.
  • It torments me as I stroll the course, wallowing in spectacular failure.
  • The park has become a place where office workers brown-bag it and take leisurely strolls.
  • For a more peaceful stroll, retire to the shady streets across the plaza at the foot of the Bridge of Lions.
  • If your eyelids flickered, he'd sit up waiting for some indication that it wouldn't be long before the first long stroll of the day.
  • He tucked his hands into the pant pockets as he casually strolled down the monolithic hallway.
  • And off we strolled, whistling merry Christmas tunes, and with only the very slightest of hops, skips and jumps in our step.
  • On a fine day the colours and scent from the lavender and herb beds that extend over 12 acres would make for a pleasant stroll.
  • When the weather is calm, take a stroll around the unusual island. Times, Sunday Times
  • Football and dreams often stroll along hand in hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mist hanging just above the buildings softened the colors and lowered the parameters of the scene to the sidewalks and the strolling hordes.
  • He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window.
  • Stroll or cycle the seawall perimeter, or hop on the free shuttle bus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Main Products: metal dog cage, pet enclosure, metal rabbit cage, wooden rabbit hutch, chicken coop, pet bed, pet carrier, pet stroller, pet cloths and pet toys.
  • A casual stroller or a citizen walking to a building on MG Road should be prepared for some heavy-duty hurdles.
  • Then, out of nowhere, your mom interrupts to jump on your case for not taking Murphy, the family labradoodle, out for his nightly stroll.
  • When the weather is calm, take a stroll around the unusual island. Times, Sunday Times
  • This time I'm sure he'll be craning his neck out of his stroller, eyes goggling as he takes in all the sights and sounds of the Big Smoke.
  • Men strolled on the sidewalks, clad in long billowing cloaks, with openly displayed swords.
  • He waits several minutes before at last strolling toward the door, turning the knob clockwise and stepping through quietly.
  • And his Tex-Mex barn-burners "Demasiado Corazon" and "Spanish Stroll" go so far as to incorporate doo-wop and Dylanesque folk touches. Brilliant, Shook-Up Guy
  • Furthermore, a stroll around the campus offers a visual feast you don't have to be a fine artist to appreciate.
  • I have a burst of instant nostalgia whenever I stroll through its rather beguiling streets.
  • The audience listened intently, strolled among the plants, watched the dozy fish, sipped tea, snoozed, read books: it was quite magical.
  • Off he strolled down the drive, the silver rings and studs in his facial piercings sparkling cheerfully.
  • Strolling unescorted at midday past a major concentration of the huts just a block from the city's Central Avenue, I nonetheless saw many signs of occupation.
  • But her arms soon uncrossed, falling to her sides when he held up a brand new stroller, a small smile coming to his face.
  • As we stroll through the mall we can see signs of the opposite problem.
  • Please note that you cannot drive around Loch Katrine, but if you fancy a long country stroll, you can ramble right round the perimeter, and I doubt if there is a lovelier walk anywhere in Britain.
  • He stood up awkwardly and strolled mysteriously to the corner of the room where a peculiarly large gramophone horn dominated.
  • The shopping arcade is a stroll-and-browse region and the preserve of medium tempo Lawrence Welk.
  • A short stroll through the aisles of the average food hall reveals a bewildering variety of mustards, relishes, sauces, pickles and assorted creams, pastes, chutneys, jellies and condiments from all over the world.
  • McCready waited ten minutes, strolled to the cab rank on Tunistrasse and hailed a cab for Bonn.
  • Down La Canebière I stroll, heading for the glinting, faraway turquoise eyespot of the Old Port, following women dressed in ankle-length raincoats and Islamic head scarves, long-faced men in frayed djellabas and knit skullcaps, gangly youths with scruffy beards. Sunstroked
  • Recent evictee Rebecca Meyer strolled onto stage for her farewell interview with Leno, and wow, what a transformation! Rebecca Meyer on Leno: Wowza! Hottest 'Loser' ever? |
  • During my usual mid-morning stroll along Bond Street, London, I noticed I was being followed by a short man wearing what appeared to be the lining of a dogs basket cut into the shape of a macintosh jacket.
  • A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.
  • A brown sunburnt gentleman, who appears in some inaptitude for sleep to be wandering abroad rather than counting the hours on a restless pillow, strolls hitherward at this quiet time. Bleak House
  • I diapered her, took her on long walks in her stroller, sometimes got up in the middle of the night to feed her. History of a Suicide
  • He's too shagged to swagger, but he'll stroll and stare.
  • If you stroll down the Kaivopuisto esplanade in Helsinki, there are some wooden benches along the harbour that look like picnic benches.
  • And his Tex-Mex barn-burners "Demasiado Corazon" and "Spanish Stroll" go so far as to incorporate doo-wop and Dylanesque folk touches. Brilliant, Shook-Up Guy
  • After the movie, Condori explains that while she's not willing to give up the stroller, she's believes she can carry her baby in an aguayo and also be modern. NPR Topics: News
  • After a delicious meal with free wine, the choice is yours:a quiet drink in the bar, the late night disco or a stroll along the beach beneath a starry sky.
  • The audience talked above the music or strolled about in the sunshine. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • His chronicle evokes in all its wooliness the storied past and indestructible spirit of a crucial American subculture, when folks on the stroll "worked all week, and Saturday night was their night to howl. On the Midnight Special
  • I glanced back at the man, who was thirty yards away and almost invisible through the park's Sunday strollers.
  • The lengthy pause after the last person strolls past emphasises both the void and provides a sense of fullness and weight.
  • The small child in the stroller with her was soon in a screaming frenzy as well.
  • Finally in the ward, I do an agile sidestep as a nurse strolls past, the syringe she has just administered an injection with held in front of her like a lance.
  • One of the great things about an autumn stroll is that almost anything casual goes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Saturday morning strollers were greeted with a revolting scene as they walked along Webster's Lock in Graiguecullen.
  • The dress code is very relaxed too - unless you're wearing flip-flops and a thong, you'll stroll in without a second look.
  • Fall stroll with staff horticulturist Deanne Eversmeyer featuring native plants such as American serviceberry, American yellowwood, Virginia sweetspire, spicebush, fragrant sumac, native ferns and grasses. 10 a.m. Green Scene: The bounty of fall includes tours, lectures and workshops
  • A range of supermarkets and late night opening convenience shops are also only a short stroll away.
  • We strolled along the Golden Mile and made a sterling effort of prohibiting sleep.
  • This morning, Maxence and I went for a stroll towards Barbès and Chateau-Rouge, part of the 18th arrondissement, just a few blocks from where we live.
  • We strolled along on the promenade eating ice-creams.
  • After the island came a long beach stroll; oystercatchers plundered the mussel beds and crows feasted on small crabs.
  • By day the numerous cafés welcome strollers sipping cafés blancs (not coffee at all, as I discover painfully, but boiling rose water).
  • The stroll looks innocuously aimless enough, random conversation and desultory gaits all firmly in place.
  • The magnificent grounds are irresistibly perfect a peaceful stroll, hand in hand with a loved one.
  • Rhodry allowed himself a small smile as the two parted company, Matyc to greet his overlord, Yraen to stroll down and join Rhodry. A TIME OF WAR
  • Fall stroll with staff horticulturist Deanne Eversmeyer featuring native plants such as American serviceberry, American yellowwood, Virginia sweetspire, spicebush, fragrant sumac, native ferns and grasses. 10 a.m. Green Scene: The bounty of fall includes tours, lectures and workshops
  • On his first day there he approached a couple of elegant young toffs strolling around the campus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grinning, I decided to head outside for an evening stroll, sick of being indoors due to having been cooped up in my room for the past few hours.
  • When the crowd is large enough, the musicians and their burro (you'll figure out what he's for, I won't give away all the secrets) begin strolling up a callejon (alleyway) playing razzmatazz music. Restaurants in Zacatecas and Saltillo
  • It comes alive at night with capoeira dancers, impromptu football matches and strolling locals. Times, Sunday Times
  • We strolled down the street to the Petite Brasserie where we could get a special for Rick Steves readers called deux pour douze - egg, ham, juice, croissant, bread, and coffee for 12 euros. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • -- And then I have a queer humour o 'my ain, that sets a strolling beggar weel eneugh, whase word naebody minds -- but ye ken Sir Arthur has odd sort o' ways -- and I wad be jesting or scorning at them -- and ye wad be angry, and then I wad be just fit to hang mysell. The Antiquary — Complete
  • Mothers trundled their children down the sidewalk in strollers.
  • It hadn't even occurred to me that he might be in the shooting party, but here he came, strolling across, and behind him a great burly unmistakable moujik, in smock and boots, carrying his pouches. Fiancée
  • Coldstream worked hard during the contest, but the gulf in class was obvious as Brechin strolled to victory.
  • My allocated time was too short for a stroll along the prom, so I picked up a small ice-cream cone from the stall next door, and took a turn around the park.
  • To prevent your baby from sliding out of a stroller, look for leg openings that are restricted or closable. A Guide to Buying Baby Equipment
  • Sitting on the lawn of Burnaby Mountain Park, Jester confidently strolled up to me at our pre-arranged meeting spot.
  • Our guitarist made it out just in time to see Jonny, in full country boy apparel stroll out, chaps and boots included.
  • And in that look is the end of innocence, of benevolent patronage, an era when strolling architects and plumy journalists can gossip complacently about how they have arranged a good time for the rest of us. The Festival of Britain, 60 years on
  • We were strolling along the coastal path and sat down on the grass for a rest and to enjoy the panoramic view across the bay.
  • Other walks will also include rural rambles, a walk around the town centre, short strolls, hard moorland walks and family walks.
  • One night we head off for a post-prandial stroll around the ranch, spotting deer and rabbits bounding over the grass. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was at that precise moment that Madison casually strolled in, pulling the heavy barn door shut with a loud slam.
  • As my husband and I stroll along the banks of the Gomti river, enjoying the wind blown, kaleidoscopic saris, freshly embroidered, starched and washed by the dhobis or washer men, then suspended to dry, we meet, chat and fall in love with a soulful dhobi. Shahnaz Taplin-Chinoy: The Ecstasy and Agony of India -- From the Political to the Tribal
  • A Mazatlan mermaid is captured in perpetual performance for strollers and lovers alike. A Mazatlan mermaid is captured in perpetual performance for strollers and lovers alike. © Gerry Soroka, 2009
  • Stroll the paved waterfront walk along Marine Drive and explore the east and west mooring basins.
  • At one point during the day, two men from one of the more densely ivied colleges strolled by the Rowing Association's food tent.
  • The Barri Gotic, en route, is full of good cheap restaurants as well as being a quaint area of narrow streets and small squares which are a delight to stroll through.
  • You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.
  • They set a tranquil holiday atmosphere which is just what is needed for strollers wanting a glimpse of the sea and to smell the salt.
  • These include a family of 40 sponsored walks which range from 10 km hikes to shorter strolls, suitable for everyone.
  • When we park the strollers, she just gets out and toddles around.
  • She doesn't look much older than 31 herself in this skimpy little number as she strolls from the surf. The Sun
  • She rose with an air of calm that she struggled to attain and strolled leisurely toward the back of the manor. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • One mom who can't quite reconcile Connie's brown skin and black hair with my green-eyed blonde complexion asks indiscreetly, “Peruvian adoption?” to which I simply nod instead of asking, “Fertility treatments?” about the squalling brood in her triple-wide stroller. The Uninvited Guest
  • A neighbor would stroll over, hand Charlie a beer and he would stand and scuff and listen. War Is A Bad Thing
  • A short stroll from the Montessori school and one street over from the big Victorian house with the pool where they give lessons to all the neighbourhood kids. Going Placidly Beyond The Noise And Haste | Her Bad Mother
  • I strolled down Newbury Street past the tony shoe stores and little restaurants. THE DUTCH BLUE ERROR
  • | Reply | Permalink communitychest telegraph libyanfightinggroup takeoffrocket oldtimer behindhand strung unmechanized bostonterrier verticalsurface questafter salverform genusuca activist quaestor ethmoid dipsomaniac highjinks mask crudeoil dashdown archipelago keneltonkesey genussynanceja afghan asarumshuttleworthii run-resistant genustrollius gutless psychiatrist Your Election Central Guide To Blogs Covering The 2008 Presidential Election
  • Strolling through the subway home, even the little hoodies hanging around don't seem as obnoxious in this weather.
  • Any gang of politicos is like the eighth circle of Hell, but the American breed is specially awful because they take it seriously and believe it matters; wherever you went, to dinner or an excursion or to pay a call, or even take a stroll, you were deafened with their infernal prosing-I daren't go to the privy without making sure some seedy heeler wasn't lying in wait to get me to join a caucus. Isabelle
  • The stroll looks innocuously aimless enough, random conversation and desultory gaits all firmly in place.
  • One day as he leisurely strolls through London, he bumps into Pamela, a beautiful woman who is collecting donations for some charity.
  • Also, the kid's all-terrain stroller left calligraphic trails in the untrodden carpet.
  • A casual observer would have taken them to be three men out for an evening stroll.
  • Weekends are even more spectacular, with hayrides, strolling musicians, and pony rides.
  • Bolton Council's rangers have a series of events taking place to suit everyone - with fun days, music and leisurely strolls.
  • So morning warms to broad noon, and hunger makes it dinner-time, and the young kinsmen who have strolled abroad come home, one of them with his hand bound up in a white rag that has drops of blood on it, for he has picked a quarrel in the street and steel has been out, as usual, though no one has been killed, because the 'bargello' and his men were in sight, down there near the Orsini's theatre-fortress. Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 1 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome
  • In the evening you can see locals strolling down the street in their cotton robes and wooden slippers, returning home with faces flushed from their hot dips.
  • Sometimes you don't mind a talky cab driver, but I felt off-kilter and contemplative after my stroll so it was perfect.
  • There are a number of well-marked trails offering interesting walks ranging from short pleasant strolls to serious full-day hikes.
  • The problem is, of course, that as networks become less neutral our virtual household turns into a public space where police, advertisers and just about anyone strolls in arrogantly and takes a peak. AT&T and Other I.S.P.’s May Be Getting Ready to Filter - Bits Blog -
  • Afterward, they gather around the fireplace to drink beer, tell stories, and woozily stroll back to their cabins to sink into cozy loft beds.
  • Afterward, they gather around the fireplace to drink beer, tell stories, and woozily stroll back to their cabins to sink into cozy loft beds.
  • Whether successful or not, the hunter would make a charming farewell and stroll off to make another conquest.
  • There's the adrenaline rush that precedes the jump: "" To psych ourselves for the plunge we sang "My Girl 'in falsetto and danced the Stroll, swinging our shoulders and hips, flapping our wrists feyly as we made our way ... to the open door of the plane.' ' He's In The Army Now
  • Yesterday he tackled the challenge of a foreign cashpoint as the couple strolled together in the sunshine. The Sun
  • The chalet has a hot tub and sauna to ease those muscles and is just a short stroll from the village centre. The Sun
  • Skip dessert and stroll along to the nearby roadside stalls on Sims Avenue selling a wide array of tropical fruits — dragonfruit, mangosteen, starfruit and the king of fruits, durian After Hours: Singapore
  • The dazzling full moon, as if a queen, is gallantly strolling from the eastern side of the blue evening sky.
  • Beal and Bendt have added a few adventures of their own, including an Indian safari to view the tigers in their natural habitat, a four - to seven-day cruise of the Peruvian Amazon on a luxury houseboat and a stroll into Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda to view the silverback gorillas made famous by Dian Fossey. rss feed
  • Binetti was strolling to and fro beside the marble walls of the baptistery. PROSECUTOR
  • Bolt strolled to the line like a man at a mildly amusing party. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd wanted to do little stroller-sized bumper stickers at one point, but only the fugliest car seat carriers had enough surface area. Daddy Types
  • One is taking a stroll down a critterly byroad and another isspeculating about the evolution of the gnome-phobic, fantasy-avoiding editor. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Families strolled through the ancient streets enjoying the spectacle, buying cheap toys for the children, and snacking on street food.
  • With its European style cafes and restaurants, murmuring waterfalls, and lush semi-tropical vegetation, an evening stroll along its shores is a quintessential San Antonio experience.
  • I judged the fellows to be strolling conjurors, and the boy with the bag to be carrying the tools of their trade.
  • A kite-flyer later managed virtually to garrotte me as I strolled along the beach.
  • Ann Jones takes a selection of gun dogs including springer spaniels, german pointers and Labradors for a stroll during the fair.
  • A stroll along the beach in search of seals and shells, or a hack around the hotel's six-hole golf course, is outing enough for most.
  • While strolling, I caught sight of a half-naked, deformed figure lying prostrate on the pavement.
  • Continue your stroll to supper along this narrow cobbled lane, where paintings and sculptures by local artists fill the doorways. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a fantastic location between the bio-domes, so you can stroll through sub-tropical gardens then hit the ice. The Sun
  • During the four following months it goes in and out, and strolls about between meals, like other young ones of its class, and is then an animal at nurse affording thus a twofold example of the tendency of the great Creator to repeat Himself in His conceptions, here using for the infancy of the mammal the system invented for adult insects -- elsewhere repeating the butterfly in the humming-bird, who may fairly be called a vertebrated butterfly, and reproducing the gnat in the vampire-bat, which I look upon as an enlarged and perfected revise of the original pattern, whence comes the scourge of our sweet summer nights. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • I haven't seen her in over a year, and yesterday she just strolls casually up to me and says hello!
  • Watching people stroll the grounds and explore the 18th century hall was very rewarding.
  • People drew back from the Russians, Czechs, East Germans, strolling in the streets. KARA KUSH
  • When you go for a stroll, do you jump over really big puddles to impress people? The Sun
  • After dinner, they took a romantic stroll by the sea.
  • The source and I agree though that lugging luggage up from the rail/bus tunnel to a hotel in downtown is not going to be easy, and that going part way on the train and then transfering to a shuttle or taxi or whatever is not likely to happen, especially by business travelers late at night, or families traveling with car seats, strollers and screaming kids. Sound Politics: Transportation Round-up
  • The park has become a place where office workers brown-bag it and take leisurely strolls.
  • There is luck to share when an old friend strolls back into your life. The Sun
  • Thirty - odd of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.
  • You pass crowded markets with halal meat shops and women in burkhas and Sikh grandmothers headed to the gurudwara and Hindu mothers pushing their children in strollers.
  • While we stroll down memory lane, let's not forget to reminisce about those houses that used to have dirt floors near Moecherville and on Plain Avenue. Aurora Housing Authority's Chronic Problem of Jericho Circle Complex to Be Demolished Summer 2010
  • Next morning we strolled, unwashed, along the desolate shoreline of this godforsaken place called Na'ama Bay.
  • We'd stroll the whole crescent "U" of, say, Keizersgracht (Emperor's canal), past majestic gabled manses, cozy gabled houses, small boats with a few folk tippling rose and tour boats with tourists roaring beerily into the twilight. Barry Yourgrau: Walking with Joy: Amsterdam
  • Everyone could enjoy the fresh air and warm sun as they strolled along without a care in the world.
  • Take a stroll through the centre of the town late at night on any given weekend and you will see exactly what I'm on about.
  • Huston merely strolls around on the sidelines, puffing a cigarillo and looking rueful.
  • In a gentle stroll Adam completed his circuit of the ranch buildings and corrals.
  • They strolled out to serenade the pumpkin carvers, grabbing snacks along the way. GINNY BATES ON HALLOWEEN
  • There are two evocative groups of surviving mansions and period houses on Fifth Avenue, each worth a fresh look on summer stroll.
  • Explore the many faubourgs (suburbs/neighborhoods) on foot, or take a leisurely stroll by the Mississippi.
  • When we berate other mothers for their choice of stroller or daycare or if they co-sleep (or don't) or babywear (or don't). They Shoot Wet Nurses, Don't They?
  • Amid rolling hills, you feel special as soon as you stroll round in robe and slippers. The Sun
  • Take a stroll through the spice-scented streets and discover a treasure trove of silverware, brassware, ethnic jewellery, jasmine garlands and silk saris.
  • people strolling about in an unhurried way
  • Lovers stroll along the river bank by the old Royal Palace. Times, Sunday Times
  • I strolled into the control room from the studio, and noticed a large fat bloke with a shaven head, wearing a decrepit old tan mac.
  • This smart picture book about animal symbiosis features five illustrations on its opening spread, each paired up with a question such as "Why does a giraffe let an oxpecker climb into its ear?" or "Why does a plover stroll into a crocodile's mouth? For young readers: ‘How to Clean a Hippopotamus'

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