How To Use Stretched In A Sentence

  • Migration into the cities is putting a strain on already stretched resources.
  • Except for the frequent conferences now in the new Forty-second Street offices that commanded a view of two rivers and a vast battledoor and shuttlecock of the city, it was the first time in all those years that stretched from the night at the Waldorf that they had sat thus tête-à-tête. Star-Dust
  • When you pull a needleful through a hole, the wool is correctly positioned on a stretched canvas.
  • The figures of his angels are elongated, with wings stretched upward as if they were sculpted by the Gothic masters.
  • With a quick catch and lift, he passed Michael up and into unseen hands outstretched from the iron wall of the ship, and paddled ahead to an open cargo port. CHAPTER 2
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  • It was a noble situation — noble as the ancient hau tree, the size of a house, where she sat as if in a house, so spaciously and comfortably house-like was its shade furnished; noble as the lawn that stretched away landward its plush of green at an appraisement of two hundred dollars a front foot to a bungalow equally dignified, noble, and costly. ON THE MAKALOA MAT
  • His reapplication for membership of the Party has stretched on for seven years.
  • The sea stretched away to the distant horizon.
  • I but stretched them up in the sun," she sniffled, "and we be poor people and have nothing. THE MASTER OF MYSTERY
  • Stretched out below was a chain of freighters tied up alongside the commercial docks, cranes and gantries cluttering the foreshore. CORMORANT
  • She stretched the way that a cat does, edging her pale arms through the slimy, greasy mess we left behind.
  • Suitable shelters can be made from fine plastic mesh or netting stretched between stout wooden posts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The harpoon is the weapon usually employed, though sometimes they are caught in strong nets stretched across the mouths of rivers or the narrow arms of lakes. The Forest Exiles The Perils of a Peruvian Family in the Wilds of the Amazon
  • When dawn broke, he rose stiffly, and stretched his aching limbs.
  • Perhaps ongoing sandstorms in the desert will provide time to reinforce overstretched supply lines (although they are also doing tremendous damage to the equipment of the coalition forces).
  • The lightweight seats, made of fabric stretched between tubular steel frames, were removable in case you wanted to transport something large…
  • Once again it has been left to a recession to catch out those who overstretched themselves in the boom years.
  • At the same time three muskets were discharged; and while one ball rattled against the corslet of proof, to the strength of which our valiant Captain had been more than once indebted for his life, another penetrated the armour which covered the front of his left thigh, and stretched him on the ground. A Legend of Montrose
  • The jeans fit him fine, but the turtleneck was a little on the tight side as the fabric stretched across his upper torso.
  • If we may trust the old marbles, my friend with his arm stretched over my head, above there, (in plaster of Paris,) or the discobolus, whom one may see at the principal sculpture gallery of this metropolis, -- those Greek young men were of supreme beauty. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Your arm is outstretched at shoulder height and parallel to the floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • But no matter how skilfully it's done, it shows somewhere: the stretched grimace, the unblinking eyes or in the body below, if it hasn't been done to match.
  • Usually obvious by the outstretched arm holding the cameraphone. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, surely enough, I was hauled up into the carriage and put just as I was into the footbag lying on the front of the carriage, which was entirely open, with not even a leather apron stretched across it. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 12
  • Declining from his sitting position…[he] stretched himself…among the daisies.
  • R. stretched out on the couch while G. and I unloaded the van but she could hardly wait to get into one of the rocking chairs on the front porch where we ate lunch and began the process of decompressing from our long journey.
  • These observations, we shall discover, had to be stretched over many years.
  • The ball is so outstretched that Edney can not bend his elbow to use his upper-arm muscles.
  • A huge cloud of dense smoke stretched across the horizon.
  • But when it is warm, the rubber is pliable and retains high elasticity, even when being stretched hard.
  • Only I know how wounded my pride was when he stretched on the bed like a lazy cat and fell asleep.
  • The ear was tickled, the mind stretched. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the past couple of hours our terrier, Brough, has been stretched out in the footwell silently farting. Historic walking trails: smugglers' routes in Cornwall
  • In retrospect, it is blindingly clear that a sudden great stress on a body stretched taut across the back has the potential to give problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fields stretched far beyond sight, hills in the distance, and the sun giving everything a peaceful orange glow.
  • Mom wore large bifocals with Sophia Loren frames and a pastel polyester pantsuit that stretched over her abdomen.
  • Their wings stretched to a massive span of six feet.
  • Apart from that, Motherwell controlled much of the play but apart from Steven Hammell's first-half free-kick they rarely stretched Alan Main.
  • Hardwood trees stretched out of sight towards the distant sky; five-fingered orchids crawled up their trunks, and huge ferns spilled over their roots across the mossy path.
  • She gave a shriek as he came at her and stepped away from his outstretched hand. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • A big, majestic study for this sculpture, in pastel, charcoal and acrylic on brown paper, finds two shadowy birds alighting, and a ghostly doubled head, its mouth stretched painfully wide.
  • The pipe was just high enough so that I could swing with my arms outstretched and not drag my bottom.
  • The prison service is badly overstretched.
  • A potentially amusing sketch is stretched into a full-length play that's painfully short on jokes. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the miracle of sails; the steady foresail; the sensitive jibs; the press canvas delicate as bubbles; the reliable main; the bluff topsails; topgallants like eager horses; the impertinent skysails; the jaunty moonraker, were just canvas stretched on poles. The Wind Bloweth
  • Ferguson stretched his full length and yet managed to control his header superbly past Jussi Jaaskelainen.
  • There, seated in splendid comfort, sat Father Morrison, hands clasped around his belly, feet stretched out, dozing, comfortable as a cat on a hearthside rug. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • The addition of straw to the diets of all animals on the farm will allow silage supplies to be stretched.
  • At this time of year the demands on our welfare organisations are always stretched and a small donation from you can make the world of difference to not only them but also a needy family.
  • You might call her "gangling" -- stretched out, a bit taller and svelter and better muscled than you would think, especially in the crucial upper-arm area. Gwyneth Paltrow In 'Vogue': Owns 2 Outdoor Pizza Ovens, Deep-Fat Fryer (PHOTOS)
  • Stretched upon a low child's bed, of the sort called trundle-bed in those days, which could be wheeled under the high-legged bed of the parents, lay the bridegroom, in his wedding-dress and gaitered shoes, with his steeple-crowned hat upon the faded calico quilt beside him, and his face as red as burning fever could make it. The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • Without a word shed poured two large whiskies and stretched herself out on the bed, her back to the headboard, patting the place beside her. The Edge of Madness
  • Back from the river stretched a maze of fields tended by small farmsteads. Fire The Sky
  • I slung my satchel over my shoulder and shook her outstretched hand.
  • But then the flames drowned out the rest, and Raspa was engulfed in flames that stretched up and spluttered sparks like shooting stars into the velvety black, strangely beautiful night sky. Bubble in the Bathtub
  • Suddenly he was behind me, a length of white cord stretched tightly between his two hands.
  • Bloom wound a skein round four forkfingers, stretched it, relaxed, and wound it round his troubled double, fourfold, in octave, gyved them fast. — Ulysses
  • the Nubian desert stretched out before them endlessly
  • Is it the duty of an already stretched institution to duplicate the role of common rooms, to cut back the funding to its essential political role, and seek to maintain an unwieldy sabbatical structure?
  • The reptilian monstrosity shook off the vines with total ease, body curled up beneath the neck, and tail stretched out behind it, rattling noisily.
  • The highway stretched out ahead of me until it narrowed to a vanishing point some miles away.
  • He admits that his coping skills and personal resources were stretched beyond their limits and he lashed out in a temper outburst.
  • I love London particularly for that layered feel, for its glorious haphazardness and its unique personality, which Peter Ackroyd personisifes as William Blake's Glad Day: a radiant youth with his arms outstretched against rainbow light. MIND MELD: Real-Life Places That Inspire Exceptional World Building
  • The light, bright green of this insect extends to its four wings, delicate membranes stretched between a network of veins.
  • The stern expression he wore did little to calm her already stretched nerves.
  • She was stumbling forward with outstretched hands when she ran into the blackberries. SLEEP WHILE I SING
  • Another soldier was searching a man who was standing up against the wall, hands outstretched, legs spread. DESPERADOES
  • Three bagpipers led the way, filling the air with their haunting chords as family, friends and Sailors stretched out behind them along the winding, pebble-strewn path and across emerald-colored hills.
  • The closest ring, at Tucki Tucki, lies on a trading route that once stretched to the Bunya Bunya mountains in Queensland, and was still in use for corroborees until at least 1880 (and probably for long afterward).
  • She stretched up to reach the top shelf.
  • At the intersection was a human figure, neither male nor female, arms outstretched as in a crucifixion, but not nailed. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • If played inland the dew factor would come into play - the tournament will have stretched into March - with day/night games ruled out.
  • Eskimo kaiak or skin boat, made of dressed seal hides stretched around a framework of whale ribs or wood, with an opening in the top only large enough to accommodate the sitting body of one man, is one of the most perfect contrivances in the world for water travel, being light, swift, and practically unsinkable. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • The ocean stretched as far as they could see on all sides.
  • It is made of fine twine (one-inch mesh), preferably from the bark of one of the fig-trees or the brown kurrajong, tightly stretched on two pieces of lawyer-cane each bent to form the half of an irregular ellipse. Tropic Days
  • In the century and a half that she has stood there, poised to award that outstretched laurel crown, many women who deserve the honours have passed by uncelebrated.
  • We rode through farm country where fields stretched as far as I could see, but barren of the crops Willie and I used to see when we came South during the summertime.
  • A good 1500 meters stretched from the stubby bow back to the equally stubby stern.
  • The left facing, wings outstretched in-flight eagle on the obverse is from Christian Gobrecht’s 1836 Liberty Seated obverse. One Cent Flying Eagle, 1856-1858 : Coin Guide
  • Be sure to maintain the stretched position for at least 20 seconds, and do not overstretch the muscles.
  • Its huge feet and long legs kept up with her easily, its clawed hands were stretched out ready to grab her, scratching against the walls, making a spine shilling noise.
  • The antenna and its filament mesh stretched nearly one hundred yards and could be jettisoned by verbal command. DALE BROWN'S DREAMLAND (5) STRIKE ZONE
  • The region stretched down from the southern pole with minor settlements reaching further out into the wilderness.
  • Some might think their patience has been stretched far enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • They stretched juvenile situations until they were infantile.
  • Lie flat on your back with your legs straight, heels resting on a bench or chair and arms stretched out on the floor in crucifix position. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the exit polls Tuesday showing an unprecedented gender difference of 17 points, Clinton stretched the gap into a gulf.
  • The Rostrevor man's shirt was stretched and pulled by the Tyrone captain before Canavan bought the free with practised skill.
  • He orientated himself slowly, like a simpleton, arms outstretched, turning gradually as if surrounded by tormentors. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Most noticeable, and giving name to the type, was the change of the eagle to the outstretched wing, heraldic style copied from the Great Seal of the United States. Draped Bust Half Dime, Heraldic Eagle, 1800-1805 : Coin Guide
  • One barrier to charges is the likelihood that people will turn to overstretched A&E units instead. Times, Sunday Times
  • The penal constitutions of the Judaical polity (for so they were, which yet I urge not) concerning idolaters, must be stretched beyond their limits, if you intend to inwrap heretics within their verge. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Below us the patchwork of fields stretched to the bleaker Pennines. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a fluid, snapping motion, Derryn shifted his feet apart and beckoned to the soldier with an outstretched palm.
  • Out spreads the canvas -- alow, aloft-boom-stretched, on both sides, with many a stun 'sail; till like a hawk, with pinions poised, we shadow the sea with our sails, and reelingly cleave the brine. Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. I (of 2)
  • Like a sea the waste stretched out before her, ending only as the jags rose to breathtaking heights to become the rigid range of mountains called the Crown of Thorns.
  • Hold your arms outstretched in front of you, and squat down over your heels. Times, Sunday Times
  • It stood near the window; its thick trunk, barkless, with a rotten heart, prevented the light from entering the room; the bent, black branches, devoid of leaves, stretched themselves mournfully and helplessly in the air, and shaking to and fro, they creaked softly, plaintively. The Man Who Was Afraid
  • Red sandstone mesas stretched on either side of Interstate 15, reaching upwards of a couple hundred feet.
  • With the exit polls Tuesday showing an unprecedented gender difference of 17 points, Clinton stretched the gap into a gulf.
  • These tautly stretched lines consist of single strands of horsehair, arranged in an elegant composition that brings to mind the great horizontal tableaux of Barnett Newman.
  • The different parts of the outstretched wings are readily homologized even in details in the two figures. Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 Seventeenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895-1896, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1898, pages 519-744
  • He called for more collaboration between the health service and pharmaceutical companies at a time of stretched resources in the NHS. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sometimes we find, especially in young stages, diaphragms of stellulate cells stretched across the air-cavities. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • The lights on the Bay Bridge seemed stretched out to infinity.
  • The rolling hills stretched out before them, the grass waving in the wind.
  • She stretched money to keep within a budget.
  • Alex Calvo-Garcia swung his foot, failed to get a clean connection but still saw the ball bobble through a melee of legs and the outstretched arm of Fettis to nestle in the corner.
  • Your gaze rushes along the angel's body, down the outstretched arm, and along the stem of the lily he is offering the Virgin.
  • Ops had been able to get a KC-135 tanker deployed north out of Ch'unch'on, and that had kept Jefferson's airborne planes in the air, but the crews were getting tired now, stretched to the limit and ready to break. Carrie
  • Although her family had accepted that she may in fact be dead, this must have stretched beyond their worst imaginings.
  • Red kites were hunting on the heights, their outstretched wings fluttering long feathery fingers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps he is unaware the metre is based on a tiny fraction of the distance that white light travels in a vacuum per second, while a yard is based on the distance from your nose to your outstretched hand.
  • Mountains stretched as far as my eyes could see, until the next cloud formation.
  • Unconsciously she stretched a hand upwards to touch the short, pale blonde crop.
  • Zwear scarves are Deborah Zwetsch's original art, handpainted on silk crepe de chine which is stretched on a frame. TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends
  • Ask, O my lord, thy want," quoth the servitor, and quoth the other: "I demand of thee a carpet of the primest brocade all gold-inwrought which, when unrolled and outstretched, shall extend hence to the Sultan's palace, in order that the Lady Badr al-Budur may, when coming hither, pace upon it and not tread common earth. Tehran Winter
  • The pleading look on his face, the rags on his body and his emaciated frame move you so much that you immediately put a coin on the outstretched hands.
  • The silence stretched itself out and out, and just as David was certain Clyde had hung up, he spoke. DO NO HARM
  • In these post-tsunami times, with nonstop images of tiny outstretched hands and grief-stricken eyes on the television, most of us feel a yearning to do something to help.
  • Before them stretched a long corridor, allowing only three people to walk abreast.
  • The only hangers on are a handful of mendicants who are stretched out on the cool stone floor of the mandapam or seated on the benches inside the park.
  • Their stretched financial position could be making a tricky situation much more troubling. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Shona are the direct descendants of the great Munhumutapa Empire that stretched from Namibia to Mozambique at its peak. Zealotry or Zeal, when will we see a New Zimbabwe?
  • 'As I sat before the fire on my fir-twig seat, without walls above or around me, I remembered how far on every hand that wilderness stretched, before you came to cleared or cultivated fields, and wondered if any bear or moose was watching the light of my fire; for nature looked sternly upon me on account of the _murder of the moose_. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 6, No 2, August, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The sun's light stretched across he sleepy town, causing a few roosters to crow.
  • The Hurt Locker, the senses are stretched to a point of acute tension and wary, analytical alertness; but one facet of Bigelow's greatness is the way that this sort of subjective state, as well, can be seen, heard, and felt to overflow as a kind of nonsubjective sensorial immersion. Warren Ellis
  • We found ourselves in a room with several nearly nude women, lying stretched out on tubs of ice.
  • As afternoon faded into evening, the flow of pints became a gentle flood, noses reddened and smiles stretched closer to each ear.
  • On both sides stretched green fields dotted with groves of palm trees and marsh grass. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Fran didn't use deckchairs, just natty old towels upon which she languidly stretched as if she was on a feather bed.
  • The rescue services were overstretched enough. The Sun
  • The unprecedented number of casualties and the dreadful wounds caused by high-explosive shells seriously stretched the medical services. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a beautifully pregnant pause in the finish of tour jetés, which allowed us to see the stretched and steady arabesque in landing.
  • Round him stretched his domain, the white Avenue de la Foret asparkle with cars and open carriages in the late afternoon sunlight. The Emperor's Snuff-Box
  • Senior Liberal Democrats feel the new intake should not be overstretched or exposed to too much pressure while they bed in, so the MPs are unlikely to take frontline roles.
  • The fund helps forces stretched by covering large areas with relatively low populations.
  • In the sweetshop, visitors can see oldfashioned sweets being heated, stretched out and then cooled on the counters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Across the surface of a vast upland plateau stretched the plains of Maras, fallow fields of gold and russet, broken by hedgerows of agave and patches of brown earth where oxen and ploughmen had been. One River
  • Also, templates have been stretched beyond their original design, which is like using a system for automatically choosing the right material to use as mortar to fill a gap, with support for including layers of other materials such as damp-proof courses, to build entire pillars by telling them to fill a very large gap with repeating layers of concrete. Snell-Pym » C++
  • On either side of this desecrated apartment, stretched, to the right, the old lararium, stripped of its ancient images of ancestor and god; to the left, what had been the gynoecium (women's apartment). Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 01
  • But the real issue is that important resources are being stretched.
  • When his absence stretched from one year to two, the Ellel clan had met to declare him officially dead and redistribute the Family offices. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • But the traffic tailbacks and jams, which stretched right back into York, lasted well into the rush hour.
  • Building regulations were stretched to the very limit, and the last thing considered was environmental impact and the lives of the people who would occupy these abominations.
  • Baluchi nomads live in tents made of palm matting stretched on poles.
  • Many ornate stone bridges stretched across the streams, the little light reflecting from them streaming into the narrow slits which served as tiny windows.
  • Jess stretched the elastic band of Lucky's undergarment as far as possible.
  • Eva Jiricna's Faith Zone is a cluster of arched tensile canopies stretched out over sinuous walls.
  • The line, which is preferably a flexible combination wire-and-cord cable, is stretched between the winding-drum on the track and detachably secured to the flying or gliding machine, preferably by means of a trip-hoop, or else held in the hand of the operator, so that the operator may readily detach the same from the flying-machine when the desired height is attained. Flying Machines: construction and operation; a practical book which shows, in illustrations, working plans and text, how to build and navigate the modern airship
  • She stretched out her left hand and bent the fingers at the second knuckle.
  • Similar to this in a less degree is the subsultus tendinum, or starting of the tendons, in fevers with debility; these actions of the muscles are too weak to move the limb, but the belly of the acting muscles is seen to swell, and the tendon to be stretched. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Shomron, the Israeli radioman, sat on the floor, too, with his back against the opposite wall and his bandaged leg stretched out in front of him. The Omega Theory
  • At this, Sarah's face crumpled, and she stood up with arms stretched out to Annie as she used to in the past.
  • As the giant stooped and stretched out his long, hairy arm with its knarly hand and talon-like fingers Elvis, without even thinking about it, curled his tail high over his head and let blast with a huge squirt of Stink!!!!! P2pnet news
  • For production, the ore was smelted, then the resultant iron bloom was hammered, stretched, and annealed to remove impurities.
  • I yawned and stretched my arms, avoiding his gray eyes and feeling a little self-conscious at having gravitated toward him in sleep. Darkness Becomes Her
  • He got off and stretched himself luxuriously, for he had ridden some twenty - five good miles.
  • Above a carefully cut animal skin, an arc of wood is stretched taut by a rope.
  • Next, Oppenheimer rolled back on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper teethan eyetoothbetween thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth Again he yawned, stretched his arms, rolled over, and knocked the call to Ed Morrell. Chapter 20
  • Much of it has a suspended quality, of time stretched out, elongated, with overlapping waves of strummings that variously suggest guitars, harps, bells, and dulcimers constellating about a central drone.
  • The town stretched along the coastline, most of it out of sight behind hills that rose up either side of the plain.
  • Investigations found that financial irregularities had stretched back between'five and ten years '. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I somehow managed to clasp her rock-steady, outstretched hand. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Then his arm was stretched out so that his hand rested on the red-ochred pubic region of the other. The Plains of Passage
  • Usually obvious by the outstretched arm holding the cameraphone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bat furled his left wing around his body, and seemed to stretched upwards.
  • When Tommy learned that "distending" meant that his stomach was being stretched, he was delighted. The Girls of Central High Aiding the Red Cross Or Amateur Theatricals for a Worthy Cause
  • His arms remained stretched out above him, his knees were almost, but not quite, touching the floor.
  • At the bottom will be society's poorest and most vulnerable people, dependent on over-stretched public hospitals and whatever bulk-billing services remain.
  • The letter said, "While there might be no desire to define Christianity in the case of those who claim that they are in any sense of the term entitled to be called Christians, for those persons who, like yourself, disavow the name, there seems to be no need of raising any question as to how broad a range of opinion the name may properly be stretched to cover." [ Unitarianism in America
  • The priest's daughter took down the mandore, drew near the couch on which Poëri was stretched, leaned the head of the lute against the wooden bed-head hollowed out in the shape of a half-moon, stretched her arm to the end of the handle of the instrument, the body of which was pressed against her beating heart, let her hand flutter along the strings, and struck a few chords. The Works of Theophile Gautier, Volume 5 The Romance of a Mummy and Egypt
  • They saw him slouch for'ard after breakfast, and, like a mendicant, with outstretched palm, accost a sailor. LOVE OF LIFE
  • Great gleaming metal ribs stretched from its titanium nosecap to the more intricate cagework of the tail fins. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Government plans which could result in the children of failed asylum seekers being placed in council care could lead to more problems for Southend's already overstretched social services, it was claimed today.
  • To complete his birdman outfit, the monk must have stretched parchment or thin cloth over the frame, which, we are told, he attached to both his arms and his feet.
  • Below stretched Carnmore, a water-filled trench hemmed in by brooding peaks and startling rock bluffs, mile upon mile of rugged isolation.
  • With such extensometer, the fiber's central zone is stretched without any displacement and can be analyzed by x-ray diffraction without moving the beam.
  • His skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones.
  • Shutting my eyes, I stretched my hands above me, reaching for the rusty metal rings.
  • Before her stretched hillside after barren hillside of jagged dry stubble, testimony of a generation of in tensive fir and cedar harvesting. Kate
  • So the evening stretched into the wee hours and fishboy got well soused.
  • Along the gentle slope of the mountains, the quarry stretched across an exposed cliff face.
  • Above that, a balcony, which stretched to the confines of the building, was also filled with books.
  • In a little we had the senseless man stretched on a sofa in the library.
  • Also disclosed are a method for producing a biaxially stretched film wherein such a composition is biaxially stretched by an inflation method, and a thus-obtained biaxially stretched film.
  • He threw the "inkspot" out high in the air, and as it came down, somehow it managed to come within reach of Jane's outstretched palm. Jane Allen, Junior
  • Suffering from a nasty headache, he calls an ambulance and ends up being ferried from one overstretched hospital to another. Times, Sunday Times
  • Placed as it is within this painting, this anticapitalist logo also invites the viewer to look again at the colorful oblongs pointing down to it and to recognize in them the fingers of an outstretched hand.
  • Then we put some oars against the wall and stretched a paulin to protect our noble chef, who finally got the wet firewood once more ignited, and succeeded in getting the bread almost baked and the coffee nearly hot and some dried peaches almost stewed. A Canyon Voyage The Narrative of the Second Powell Expedition down the Green-Colorado River from Wyoming, and the Explorations on Land, in the Years 1871 and 1872
  • In his original model McKenzie assumed, for ease of calculation, that the lithosphere is stretched instantaneously.
  • Robert took the other man's outstretched hand and stood on unsteady feet.
  • Where the huge velarium that Nero had stretched across the Colosseum at Rome, that Titan sail of purple on which was represented the starry sky, and Apollo driving a chariot drawn by white, gilt-reined steeds? The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • Tiare and jasmine shouted happy stories across continents, magnolias made mad love as their roots stretched deep into the wet fertile soil, while sequoia and kauri reached with their arms toward heaven. Time to Rest
  • They flayed the heretic, the back-talker, the smartmouth, and stretched his still-living flesh to crack and writhe in the hot African wind, till the hyena or the crocodile came along to finish him. The best way to understand government « Isegoria
  • They positively soared through the air with feet outstretched in front of them. Beat Stress
  • Blood vessels get stretched and can break, causing bleeding.
  • The cell is then stretched and split into two halves on the framework of microtubules, each half containing a full complement of chromosomes.
  • Hempshaw was like a rope stretched taut with a full grown steer pulling at it.
  • For this I was criticized by those who appreciate the combination of firearms, streetwalker fashion, and boob-skin stretched to the absolute limits of elasticity. Booth Babes?

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