How To Use Strengthening In A Sentence

  • Back on the ship, the 14-man team were fighting against strengthening north-westerlies.
  • One goal was to return fish to traditional spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Clearwater tributaries, strengthening natural fish runs.
  • The re-ordination conferred there was based on the precedent of the strengthening procedure (Pali: dalhikamma) followed, for instance, when bhikkhus ordained according to the procedures of the Sri Lankan division of Theravada have been re-ordained according to those of the Burmese division of Theravada. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part Two: Day One
  • Strengthening and hand-carved jade bead necklace of shells grossularite, platnium set diamond and Pink Sapphire is very beautiful.
  • Physiologically, when brain cells are activated by the memory process, the nerve cell coating, known as the glial sheath, increases in thickness and becomes thicker and thicker with each repetition, strengthening the electrical pathway in brain that constitutes memory. Sequential Problem Solving A Student Handbook with Checklists for Successful Critical Thinking
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  • Designers are considering enlarging and strengthening the concrete foundations, and anchoring them into Bay soils with steel pilings.
  • With all the folding gear, and the extra strengthening required for a cabrio, the 307 CC and its likes are heavy enough cars, and aren't really for throwing about.
  • For instance, in the case of strengthening masonry infill with FRP bars, they may be easily anchored to columns and beams.
  • Jana's work is based on the belief that exploring creative expression is one way of finding and strengthening our inner power.
  • In this way, Hawley’s goals surpassed those of the Self-Strengthening Movement out of which the C.E.M. had initially sprung and according to which the Chinese mind was, as an essential tenet of that movement, to remain inviolable to external influences. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • President Sirleaf says strengthening Liberia's General Auditing Commission and complying with the Norwegian-based Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative has reduced corruption.
  • Making a success of Brexit involves both forging new links and strengthening existing ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • But other reasons and rationales exist for adopting and strengthening an historical perspective.
  • Feeling cool in a strengthening wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The staff wanted to focus on strengthening the contract, but workers in a poll emphasized organizing the nonunion hotels.
  • On the other hand, forest growth stock should be increased through strengthening collective and household forest management, so as to reach the goal of sustainable utility of forest resources.
  • The plan also involves strengthening measures for the bank, which slopes down to Markievicz Road, where there has been slippage.
  • The greatest challenge is strengthening judicial systems, which in some countries have long been susceptible to bribery or political pressure.
  • Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
  • We are investing in refrigeration, strengthening the supply systems and logistics, and training workers to deliver these vaccines. Ezekiel J. Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D.: How We Can Save Over 4 Million Children
  • Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation.
  • Then, we'll learn that Jesus is always with us, strengthening our faith and hearing our prayers.
  • But in truth we have chosen to shelve the unification-independence dispute and focus on reviving the economy and strengthening Taiwan.
  • This review attempts to discuss the effectuality of surface plastic deformation strengthening treatment and the role of main influential factors for different original microstructure of steels.
  • Thérèse also bolstered the priesthood, succoring and strengthening God's ministers through prayer and friendship.
  • Interleave running days with days of other exercises, such as squats, lunges and gluteal strengthening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Road trains will require changes to British roads, including bridge strengthening and changing access ramps and slip roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • Feeling cool in a strengthening wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mood changed as strengthening southwest winds began to draw in a warmer tropical maritime air mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paper analyzes problems in medical parole and the causes and proposes the strengthening of law enforcement and the role of judicial doctors in the identification of invalidism.
  • A graduated program of swimming and stationary bicycling, along with isometric, isotonic, and eccentric strengthening in the later stages is prescribed.
  • My workout may change from week to week, but it always has the same focus - lots of lifting and plyometrics, a lot of ab work and strengthening of ‘core’ muscles.
  • Strengthening weak, undiversified economies is a far wiser policy for promoting both political and economic stability. The Global Community
  • You'll not only be strengthening the CPA profession, you'll reap the following collateral gains as well.
  • The first step in the strengthening process happens when the other candidates drop out.
  • Strengthening guarantee capacity of mineral resources is basic task of geological work.
  • One area that's not so much a surprise, but one we strongly support is to see the networks strengthening their lineups with original programming.
  • The economy is now strengthening after a long and debilitating recession.
  • Yet they have only succeeded in strengthening the opposite case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scope of application: Anti - friction, anti - static materials, sports equipment, industrial energy highway construction, cement strengthening.
  • The restudy of this idea still has a great significance as a theoretical and practical guideline in promoting and strengthening the construction of the honest administration of our Party.
  • Strengthening of that infrastructure would stimulate self-sustaining growth in the private sector-growth which would continue after federal assistance had been withdrawn.
  • What's more, amongst 16 to 30 year olds, anti-racism is strengthening.
  • In grinding the process, some measures, which can strengthen the impulse and friction force, would be advantageous to the mechanochemical effect strengthening.
  • But does this reflect a strengthening of the economy? Times, Sunday Times
  • Physical therapy for joint strengthening exercises may occasionally by warranted, and weight reduction is beneficial.
  • This power surged from his heart and dispersed to every cell in his body: it fortified him by strengthening his stamina, and increasing his reflexes.
  • The study will have immediate relevance both in strengthening the capacity of the agencies dealing with the crisis and through transferability elsewhere.
  • Q37 series hook type airless shot blast cleaning machine is mainly used for surface cleaning and strengthening of steel structural parts, casting, aluminum alloy parts and other spare parts.
  • Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
  • The opaque mist on the horizon was drawing closer; the wind strengthening. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • We see the pattern in what we call the connective categories -- computing, smartphones, flat-screen televisions, digital cameras, and now e-books -- continuing and in fact strengthening. The Motley Fool
  • This does not mean, however, that realization of rigpa is sufficient by itself for attaining enlightenment, without need for any preliminaries, such as bodhichitta or strengthening the two enlightenment-building networks, as the causes for achieving that realization. Introduction to Dzogchen
  • Resistance training such as chin-ups, lunges or simply pushing your physiotherapy exercises to the extreme are all useful when strengthening essential skiing muscles.
  • Volunteers have also raised funds from synagogues in the US, for the “special aim of the yeshiva which is to attract more young Jewish families by strengthening and maintaining the Zionist Jewish character of this ancient Jewish city.” 16 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • The new policy would seek to reverse the pattern of out-migration while strengthening the economic base of inner-city areas.
  • The tasty, chewy treat is good for you and can help in strengthening the jaws and teeth. Five People Born on February 17 | myFiveBest
  • Under the argument that states need to protect themselves against voter fraud, Republicans are making a unified push for election reform, and at the forefront is the campaign for implementing and strengthening voter ID requirements. Victoria Coats: Protecting Or Suppressing The Vote?
  • It has followed a policy of maintaining friendly relations with the North while strengthening economic ties with the South.
  • The pearlite is responsible for substantial strengthening.
  • Energy from the magnet is designed to elongate the atoms in the clubface, deterring metal fatigue and strengthening the face.
  • And theology, especially Barthian theology, has played a significant role in supporting that faith, strengthening and sustaining it.
  • The induction quenching realizes imitated stress strengthening, raises fatigue limit and service performance of the torque rod.
  • By strengthening the existing relationship we can shape the economy of our country. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper expounds the factors influencing the audit law enforcement and punishment, and puts forward some countermeasures for strengthening the audit law enforcement and punishment.
  • On the whole, the focus is on strengthening the adult sides of the patient and on normalizing the situation instead of focusing on regressive behavior.
  • There are alternative actions which we in the North may demand of our governments in lieu of invasion, and these all tend towards loosening, rather than strengthening, the grip of empire over the South.
  • These are all welcome to contribute to the strengthening of Sino - US economic ties and cultural exchanges.
  • Strengthening democratic accountability in the Community was one of the issues discussed.
  • The stronger case, however, is for a general strengthening of the main road network away from the motorways and trunk roads.
  • These arches may have been evolved for the purpose of strengthening the fabric, or for ornamental reasons, or in imitation of similar arches in the Carolingian domical churches; but whatever their source the fact remains that they form the first structural step towards the evolution of the Gothic system of construction. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Substantial concessional financing is required to cover the additional costs and risks of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Technology transfer and institutional strengthening is also needed.
  • Treatment is conservative and consists of rest followed by stretching of the hip flexors and rotators, then strengthening and gradual return to sport.
  • Three, strengthening plant breeding programmes in developing countries for not only bananas but also other basic staple crops.
  • The new law is aimed at strengthening protective measures for workers.
  • Hand grippers are excellent for building and strengthening forearms and hands.
  • And the challenges from now on will require him to take hard decisions about strengthening and reconfiguring our anti-terrorist capability.
  • Your physical therapist will recommend strengthening and mobility exercises and will help you learn how to use a walking aid, such as a walker or crutches.
  • Strengthening the hand of undemocratic regimes may be unavoidable in the short term.
  • Don't worry if players are cup-tied but get in world class players that will force the rest of the team to improve rather than more squad strengthening that does not create competition for places.
  • Enlarging supportive allotment of the expense, strengthening the building of contingent, realizing the modernization of technical means in editorship at all.
  • That goes some way to strengthening my argument that it is a concessionary tax rate.
  • Last year the United States, alone among the nations of the world, rejected the Kyoto global warming accords, a plan for an international criminal court of justice, and a treaty strengthening protections against biowarfare.
  • I also think the goalkeeping position could do with strengthening. The Sun
  • It is gratifying too that the link between school and university is strengthening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being proved theoretically correct in the twenties and thirties did not lead automatically to the strengthening of the Trotskyist movement.
  • This works by strengthening the core postural muscles of the body, rebalancing the body and bringing it into correct alignment which leads to a longer, leaner body.
  • They've just found the pressure at the surface has dropped by a millibar, so that's an indication that we're starting to see some strengthening. CNN Transcript Aug 18, 2008
  • Yet they have only succeeded in strengthening the opposite case. Times, Sunday Times
  • This makes it an excellent corroborant, strengthening also the ability of coordination and concentration.
  • Was there going to be a pause in the offensive or merely a necessary strengthening of the supply lines before the next stage of action?
  • We look forward to continued strengthening of our global brand and building our fanbase worldwide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wherever possible, western assistance should be channelled into strengthening independent judiciaries worldwide. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judicial minister cited the latest crime figures as proof of the need for strengthening of the comprehensive administration of social public order.
  • For where words have had miraculous operaton, there hath beene alwaies the speciall providence, power and grace of God uttered to the strengthening of the faith of Gods people, and to the furtherance of the gospell: as when the apostle with a word slue Ananias and Saphira. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Strengthening the financial emergency management capacity building, improve the prevention of systemic risk in advance of the coping mechanisms and ex post facto .
  • Fluoride can considerably benefit dental health by strengthening the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to acid attacks that can cause tooth decay.
  • They have been strengthening their border defences in preparation for war.
  • The induction quenching realizes imitated stress strengthening, raises fatigue limit and service performance of the torque rod.
  • Ani ons The anionic padding releases large amount of oxygen, has a balanced PH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress, eliminating bacteria, treating inflammation, eradicating odour, removing fatigue and etc. ns Anio Location No. of Anions / cm3 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • We also agree with the president's remedy for reviving the ailing economy by strengthening its fundamental health rather than giving it a shot in the arm.
  • Healing was not creation or conjuration, it was simply speeding up the body's natural processes or strengthening what was already there.
  • Therefore, the strengthening of trade facilitation in - depth study is necessary.
  • That was the Fed's first rate hike in four years, driven by growing evidence of a strengthening U.S. labour market and the spectre of new inflationary pressures.
  • Here all new buildings are designed to wobble without falling apart, and older buildings are regularly 'retrofitted' with strengthening measures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proposed muscle strengthening exercise program is effective in restoring oral feeding in some patients with deglutitive failure.
  • Would not an extension and strengthening of the nuclear test ban treaty be a means of helping the Soviet people?
  • Chandigarh: Haryana Government has successfully concluded negotiations with the World Bank for a USD 330 million loan to support one of its power sector projects namely Haryana Power System Development Project which will go a long way in strengthening the transmission and distribution system in the State. Daily News & Analysis
  • CONCLUSION: The lobster chitosan has the functions of declining the BS value and strengthening the sugar tolerance whereas unaffecting the normal glycogen metabolism in diabetic mice.
  • Physiotherapy manual techniques, strengthening exercises, stretches, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, taping, posture correction and advice may then help optimise recovery.
  • The sacrament of Confirmation sometimes called chrismation is vital to the perfecting and strengthening of the Christian walk and has always been historically connected with Baptism. All Saints' episcopal visitation
  • To my mind, cabernet sauvignon, as long as there's only a bit of it, interferes less with the architecture of sangiovese, merely strengthening the foundations rather than filling inthe crenellations as merlot does. Wine: The mysterious world of chianti classico
  • He had been a man careless of money himself all his days, but he had been, as the saying goes, no one's enemy but his own -- he feared that Howel might turn out, not only his own foe but the foe of others, since he perceived that the propensities of his unmonied youth were strengthening and maturing in his monied manhood. Gladys, the Reaper
  • Thérèse also bolstered the priesthood, succoring and strengthening God's ministers through prayer and friendship.
  • They have been strengthening their border defences in preparation for war.
  • The judicial minister cited the latest crime figures as proof of the need for strengthening of the comprehensive administration of social public order.
  • Strengthening risk management and financial infrastructure also had a legal counterpart in private law.
  • Strengthening anti-rape provisions in policy would “demoralize” our troops. Think Progress » Conservatives Fearmonger About Repealing DADT: It Will Lead To The Draft And ‘Mortally’ Wound The Military
  • ‘I believe that as this century unfolds and people look back on this day, they will conclude that in admitting China to the WTO we took a decisive step in strengthening the global economic trading system,’ he said.
  • Protecting forests to stop desertification is a major step towards strengthening our common global environment. The Nobel Peace Prize 2004
  • By 2002, projects funded by UNESCO/UNF, CDF, GEF, UNDP and the Inter American Development Bank had assured some progress on invasive species (particularly cushiony scale), marine conservation, quarantine and institution strengthening. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • This will lead to a strengthening of the balance sheet.
  • In fashion terms, this shift means a strengthening of the loungewear market. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the case of confirmation, there is a special prayer that seeks the Holy Spirit's strengthening of the confirmand for his/her participation in the mission of the church.
  • Producer gas heat-recovering is an important work of strengthening comprehensive development and utilization of resources in Gas Branch Factory.
  • Resistance training such as chin-ups, lunges or simply pushing your physiotherapy exercises to the extreme are all useful when strengthening essential skiing muscles.
  • Beyond attracting talented workers, workplace-based educa-tional programs for dads may help support the organizational mission by strengthening families.
  • It doesn't seem to occur to their proponents that such a strengthening of the state's repressive apparatus, although superficially aimed at the neo-fascists, ultimately undermines democracy itself.
  • It relaxes the muscles and joints while strengthening your body from within.
  • Yet they have only succeeded in strengthening the opposite case. Times, Sunday Times
  • Far from strengthening Australian capitalism, the global integration of production has left it highly vulnerable to the instabilities of world economy.
  • Future treatment will focus on strengthening the left eye and electrical tests to see why her vision is not perfect.
  • While the Command Post was about aggregating information, Strengthening The Good is about amplifying awareness.
  • they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life
  • Back on the ship, the 14-man team were fighting against strengthening north-westerlies.
  • The President today sent FY 2000 budget amendments to the Congress to respond to terrorist threats against U.S. diplomats abroad by strengthening security at U.S. diplomatic and consular facilities overseas and to meet the additional needs arising from the Supreme Court decision requiring the reliance on additional nonstatistical activities to conduct the 2000 Census. President Asks Congress For Embassy Security Funding
  • Try these forearm-strengthening exercises: While sitting on a chair or a bench, hold a dumbbell in your hand with an underhand grip and place your forearm on top of your thigh so that your hand hangs over the edge of your knee.
  • I find little to dispute in much of what he writes about strengthening the NHS and fighting child poverty and improving on the best of what the government has achieved.
  • Large, thick, straight side members have an octagonal design with large cross section and this permits optimal strengthening of the cross member.
  • This also urged northeast Guangdong Province local region further strengthening of self - identity.
  • Forbes also is strengthening his ties to Republicans in Congress, even as he continues to play the outsider.
  • Making a success of Brexit involves both forging new links and strengthening existing ones. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the transformational model of salvation as strengthening, we gain the beauty and wisdom of God, a power that truly heals ensouled bodies.
  • To combat the poor posture caused by technology use, back strengthening and chest opening yoga moves including the cobra are thrown in. The Sun
  • Strengthening work to the South Breakwaters commenced during the year with the award of a contract to Mssrs Concrete units for the casting of 30 ton dolosse in the amount of R5,7 million. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • However, some do speed it along by doing push-ups, pull-ups, and other strengthening routines.
  • At least they are all talking, and common ground was agreed on the need for strengthening border controls with Rwanda, suspected of providing backing for renegade ex-general Laurent Nkunda, and the need for all armed groups in the region to demilitarise. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In unwounded periderm, there is a decrease in the proportion of esterified pectin during maturation which, the authors suggest, allows for calcium pectate formation and wall strengthening.
  • A human infirmity, though; and I'm feeling for the poor sinner myself being tempted -- that is to say inclining -- but thank the Lord for his strengthening arm ---- The Manxman A Novel - 1895
  • ROBERT GATES, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Based on my experience serving seven presidents, as a former director of CIA and now as secretary of defense, I am here to make the case for strengthening our capacity to use soft power and for better integrating it with hard power. CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2008
  • Once the brace is removed, treatment involves progressive strengthening, gradual return to running then sport-specific drills.
  • Hanging from a climbing frame or branch and bringing the knees up the chest is also good for core strengthening. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conclusion: The security of the resident drinking water could be ensured by strengthening preventive supervise and monitoring, perfecting the hygeian manage system and periodic sterilizing step.
  • This gives them a chance to understand abstract concepts slowly and goes a long way in strengthening their learning abilities.
  • But what I saw in my four years at Yale was a community devoted to strengthening traditional values in untraditional but still romantic and successful ways.
  • The mucilage from the bark of this American elm has wonderfully strengthening and healing qualities.
  • And grows no better," wailed Mrs. Purr, bibulously, for she had been strengthening herself for the interview with frequent libations of gin. The Opal Serpent
  • This is great for strengthening legs and glutes (3 x 10 reps). The Sun
  • If the Government wants to save the Pound it should start by strengthening the British economy.
  • For this shot you should position the ball further back in your stance and compensate by fractionally strengthening the left-hand grip.
  • So the fact that sometimes the shekel is strengthening because the dollar is weakening globally doesn't cut a lot of ice with most Israelis. Interview Transcript: Stanley Fischer
  • The document proposes strengthening and raising flood embankments alongside the River Ouse, which protect homes in the Leeman Road area, but which were almost overwhelmed in 2000.
  • Sourav's men may have faltered at the World Cup finals but camps like these do hint at a team that is busy broadening its vision and strengthening its sinews.
  • She goes through certain labors which are thought to be strengthening, and these last twenty-five days. Life Among The Piutes: Their Wrongs and Claims
  • Strengthening your forearms aids handgrip strength and can help guard against tennis elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • The mood changed as strengthening southwest winds began to draw in a warmer tropical maritime air mass. Times, Sunday Times
  • And although Hurricane Hilary had winds of 105 mph Thursday afternoon, and strengthening was likely, the hurricane center said that the center of the storm is expected to remain off the Mexican coast as it moved west-northwest at 10 mph. From N.C. to Mass., East Coast braces for more rain
  • Metal arc spray mold is a kind of composite mold with functionally gradient material structure, and consists of metal shell, backing strengthening layer and steel frame.
  • Economically, thinner ply is preferable, but needs strengthening to prevent curved steps.
  • Maximum profit-seeking has increasingly taken precedence over long-term strengthening of competitiveness and sustainability. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Which it is well beknown to yourself, Pip,” returned Joe, strengthening his former mixture of argumentation, confidence, and politeness, “that it were the wish of your own hart.” Great Expectations
  • Hot water softens them by dissolving the strengthening carbohydrates from their cell walls, and moving into the cells to gelate the starch granules and either dissolve or moisten the storage proteins. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Q37 series hook type airless shot blast cleaning machine is mainly used for surface cleaning and strengthening of steel structural parts, casting, aluminum alloy parts and other spare parts.
  • The authors call for strengthening responses for victims of violence and promoting adherence to international treaties.
  • This augurs well for strengthening domestic demand next year.
  • When a pupil makes his own Correlations, every concurrence he uses is a _real_ concurrence to him, and so with his Ins. and Exs. This is a decisive reason why the Pupil should merely look upon my Correlations as models, but make and memorise his _own_ Correlations in all cases, as being more vivid to _him_ and, therefore, more certainly remembered, as well as more effectively strengthening the Memory in both its Stages. Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
  • The front plank is one of the main exercises I teach my chiropractic patients for strengthening their core region.
  • One goal was to return fish to traditional spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the Clearwater tributaries, strengthening natural fish runs.
  • Would not an extension and strengthening of the nuclear test ban treaty be a means of helping the Soviet people?
  • Meanwhile, the new English King Aella plans to wed Princess Morgana of Wales in the hope of strengthening English defenses against the Vikings.
  • This splint is also commonly recommended for older children who have limited movement in their hands but are working on strengthening shoulder and elbow muscles. Hand Splinting
  • Participants agreed that the growth in real GDP appeared to reflect a strengthening of private final demand and not just fiscal stimulus and a slower pace of inventory decumulation; this welcome development lessened policymakers 'concerns about the economy's ability to maintain a self-sustaining recovery without government support," according to the minutes. Fed Boosts Projections For Recovery, Though Substantial Pitfalls Remain
  • Off the runway, Mercedes-Benz works with some of the most sought-after fashion innovators, strengthening ties with the industry by collaborating with its brightest and edgiest stars to take part in fashion shoots. Gearing up for London Fashion Week
  • Here, the strengthening of family values and citizenship go hand in hand.
  • That critical combination of strength and speed can be harnessed with plyometrics, a training method that uses stretching and strengthening to ensure muscles perform with maximum force.
  • Therefore to stuff the baby with paps and slops is to deprive it of the most strengthening food; for if its stomach be filled with pap, there cannot be any room for food.
  • Then he was drafted into Laura's studio where his technical expertise was critical in strengthening the developing team.
  • Chinese banking should establish reasonable capital price, define the risk bearer of the depositors, and strengthening the supervision of the behavior of the foreign investing activities.
  • Adding new stories and strengthening old buildings is a new industry. The light gauge steel structure can efficiently minimize the influence of story adding loads and has many obvious advantages.
  • Motorists will welcome the continuing reductions in fuel prices, thanks to lower crude costs and the strengthening of the euro against the dollar.
  • Would not an extension and strengthening of the nuclear test ban treaty be a means of helping the Soviet people?
  • The doctrine of Christ crucified is now as strengthening and comforting to a believer as ever it was, and his mediation still of as much value and efficacy as ever. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • The paper analyzes problems in medical parole and the causes and proposes the strengthening of law enforcement and the role of judicial doctors in the identification of invalidism.
  • As with point 1, I don't see what this has to do with strengthening Alberta's place in confederation.
  • I use the term enhancement instead of enlargement for breasts because the suggestions should include body image visualizations and firming and strengthening in the muscles to support the breasts as well as a shapely form. Life of Brian:
  • Second, the athlete is placed on an aggressive strengthening program for the posterior rotator cuff muscles and the retractor and depressor muscles of the scapula.
  • This year in spoken word was about reaching out to scenes beyond Montreal, concurrent with the growth and strengthening of our own scene.
  • The Council has drawn particular attention to proposals for strengthening enforcement of animal welfare legislation in slaughterhouses and for the training and licensing of slaughterhouse staff.
  • On the one hand, Putin sought to re-evaluate the international status of the Kremlin through a strengthening of the Berlin-Moscow axis.
  • The government announced their intentions for strengthening of democratic institutions.

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