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How To Use Streamlined In A Sentence

  • Yes, we need a simplified and streamlined planning system. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are answering the demand with products streamlined for the male consumer.
  • Spectator opens up to more vivid colour and patterns, with a strong emphasis on a streamlined look with a variety of coat/skirt ensembles and textured suitings.
  • The palmtop edition will offer enhanced modem dialling and screen handling and will be streamlined to conserve memory.
  • Then go back and do it again, but with your arms streamlined overhead (extended body position).
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  • Boucher's shepherdesses are not quite those manufactured in Nymphenburg and Meissen, although their complexions have something of the translucency of porcelain, whilst his herdsmen are streamlined terracotta.
  • While the runabout is a faster deep-space vessel, the streamlined hull and large reinforced wings of the aeroshuttle make it significantly more efficient in high-speed atmospheric maneuvers and operations. STARSHIP SPOTTER
  • The first version of a report is usually further streamlined and even revised in a bid to improve its logic and style.
  • A streamlined switching process has been promised by the end of the year, and not before time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ship was lovely -- at least, her re-entry system was lovely, a swing-wing streamlined exploration vehicle as big as any hypersonic passenger plane. A Hole In Space
  • Is it not time that the system was streamlined? Times, Sunday Times
  • Its body shape is streamlined, allowing it to slip smoothly and effortlessly through open water.
  • The boat they are moving is less heavy, more streamlined and floats a lot higher in the water.
  • India's new streamlined visa system makes last-minute trips more straightforward. Times, Sunday Times
  • The game is crying out for one governing body that is both streamlined and fully accountable to the clubs.
  • Yes, we need a simplified and streamlined planning system. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were of a similar height and moved with equal grace, but their armor was heavier, blockier, less streamlined and less elegant. Queen of Blades
  • y'all: contraction of "you all," a more musical, streamlined, unisyllabic take on the 2nd person plural than the northern phonetic catastrophe "you'ze guys." but y'all is a sadly misunderstood contraction, all too often torturously overused in fictional settings wherein "southernness" must be conveyed. in fact, y'all is rather more complicated than a mere drawling exercise in vowel manipulation, and only an ignorant yankee would treat it as such. Cherie puts her M.A. to marginally good use
  • Although the plot for the cinematic version has been notably streamlined and occasionally reworked in substantial fashion from the bloviated novel, viewers are, by the end, possessors of this little nugget of truth: Dan Brown is just as bad at plotting as he is at writing, and his inability to create characters who are believable is equaled only by his inability to accurately represent the history, art, architecture, and technology found strewn throughout novel/movie. "Angels & Demons" is methodical, pedestrian, and quite silly
  • They were streamlined, laterally compressed fish with a bony skeleton and thick bony scales.
  • For a start he had a curious, yellow, streamlined apparatus above his smokebox door. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
  • Otto Galler further improved the breed, crafting today's streamlined beast.
  • The bodies of most species are sleek and streamlined.
  • A process streamlined into grim efficiency, yielding one more line on the scholar's vita.
  • A more streamlined car would have six small wheels, two at the front and four powered at the back.
  • She streamlined the group into an education, book publishing and news media company while maintaining a strong rise in its share price. Times, Sunday Times
  • Streamlined two-pieces Heidi Klein "Capri" tankini in plum, with gold detailing, £175 Becoming a Bathing Beauty
  • Perhaps this is an acknowledgement that simple, streamlined processes would be more efficient than the bureaucracy of recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anna Scholz PROBLEM: It's hard to achieve a streamlined silhouette in dressy clothing without wearing serious shapewear. Project Plus-Size
  • Otherwise the overall feel is of a streamlined silhouette. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have created a streamlined suite of tools and resources and we are about to go live to a group of high-profile event planner beta testers.
  • Some of the same materials that were exploited by furniture designers were also used by bookbinders in this new, streamlined idiom.
  • I liked their streamlined shape best, which is saving me an average four seconds over 250m. The Sun
  • It is a streamlined piece of design that would fit into the sort of decorative scheme I imagine you're after. Times, Sunday Times
  • Combining streamlined efficiency with abstract decadence, American Art Deco reconciled these societal dualisms.
  • He said he would like to see worldwide aid distribution facilities streamlined, and possibly increased in number.
  • It would also make them more efficient, more streamlined and less costly to the public. Times, Sunday Times
  • Class actions actually promote the prime objective of an agreement to arbitrate, which is "'streamlined proceedings and expeditious results.'" ... Groklaw
  • Nobody knows, in the new streamlined management structure, whether they have been demoted or sidelined. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aim is to offer a slightly more simplified and streamlined application process for smaller businesses, said Sermon. Times, Sunday Times
  • The GOLDEN AGE began with an image of a golden ship, greater than all the other ships of man, designed for such immense velocities that she must be streamlined; and streamlining is an absurdity in the near-vacuum of space. INTERVIEW: John C. Wright
  • The new, streamlined Alitalia is to start operations next week. 70 Rome flights canceled by protest
  • The final game looks better and is streamlined and much more enjoyable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now these two bodies could be streamlined into one committee.
  • Regional and domestic services will be realigned and streamlined to provide an improved and more cost effective service.
  • With a chassis marked by smooth lines and streamlined contours, the vehicle presented an appealing sight with its cladding, grille and wrap-around lamps.
  • Archer Farms cereals are now sold in rounded "streamlined" cereal boxes without the need for an inner plastic bag holding the cereal. Target Archer Farms New Cereal Packaging
  • As a spinnaker, often used in yacht racing, cannot be fitted to the ultra-streamlined trimaran, speed had to be sacrificed.
  • Anyway, they all smiled when I showed them the new streamlined, easy to read form.
  • Quoting an earlier ruling by the court, Scalia explained that "a prime objective of an agreement to arbitrate is to achieve 'streamlined proceedings and expeditious results,'" and that requiring the class-action litigation to proceed would be at odds with the intent of the FAA and the benefits that arbitration agreements ostensibly provide. Ars Technica
  • They streamlined operations by automating Cloudveil's order fulfillment process.
  • Compared to the old model, the reincarnated Mini Cooper has a more powerful engine and looks more streamlined.
  • There are many other cost saving benefits that arise from a streamlined VOIP phone system network.
  • Check out the models from Nutcase, which feature bold graphics (stripes, flags, flames and such) in streamlined skater shapes. Adults Need to Wear Bicycle Helmets, Too | Impact Lab
  • One of the issues that the vendors have been working to overcome is the perception that some have tried to oversell their wares and have created chaos instead of streamlined workflow.
  • The widely spaced landing gear had tight spats around the wheels and tires and was quite streamlined.
  • When it lunged out of the cloudbank the dreadnought's gunners had only a few seconds to fire and the one shell that hit bounced off the cruiser's streamlined hull. Sun of Suns
  • Year after year producers promise a shorter, more streamlined and somehow more sophisticated program.
  • A streamlined system should be created in cooperation with the military commissariats and educational agencies, enabling young men liable to conscription to learn the basics of military service and up their athletic skills.
  • I tried to lessen the impact by being streamlined and aerodynamic.
  • It was a pod that was streamlined for speed and 4 thrusters to propel it.
  • Their sleek bodies were long and tall, yet slim and streamlined, their long tails bushy and stylishly curved.
  • He slipped it back into the scabbard and then picked up the streamlined sniper rifle, slinging it over his shoulder by its leather strap.
  • The dances are exotic, taut, unusual and unpredictable but entirely controlled and elegant, sleek, streamlined.
  • In the emerging global marketplace, the need for such streamlined validation should be self-explanatory.
  • The result of this consolidation is a more streamlined approach to driving core brands. More Wizards Layoffs « Geek Related
  • My testimony was that the merger came out of a green eyeshade stereotype for myopic city employee or consultant looking for an agency to eliminate to save nickels and give the impression that government was being streamlined. Henry J. Stern: Condemned to Repeat It
  • Privacy and noise, in fact, are the two biggest issues that enter the picture when workspace is being compressed and streamlined.
  • The cars all have a new streamlined design.
  • That procedure should be streamlined as a matter of urgency.
  • She had little time to register before whoever it was, in a streamlined G-suit, collapsed in front of her. In Gordath Wood: Writer Patrice Sarath » Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance – update
  • Rearranging the shop floor layout opened up thousands of square feet and streamlined the process.
  • Dolphins are perfectly streamlined for movement in the water.
  • The monoplane, from the first, was a 'tractor' machine; its airscrew was in front of the planes, and its body, or fuselage, was covered in and streamlined, so as to offer the least possible resistance to the air. The War in the Air; Vol. 1 The Part played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force
  • The slanted eyes of the headlight give the car an unmistakable look, adding to the muscular-looking bodywork, and remind me of a streamlined Japanese Sumo wrestler.
  • The 2006 database is streamlined from the 2005 version, with a lot of bad addresses and other garbage gone. Waldo Jaquith - Democrats’ list management practices.
  • Dolphins are perfectly streamlined for movement in the water.
  • Contract manufacturers benefit from reduced layers of bureaucracy and more streamlined procedures.
  • Integrated fuel cells and stowage containers give a streamlined appearance to the fenders.
  • Initial drawings showed an aircraft with a tightly cowled radial engine, streamlined fuselage, retractable landing gear and flaps.
  • Yes, we need a simplified and streamlined planning system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember to keep your bottom half streamlined with skinny jeans, tailored trousers or a pencil skirt. The Sun
  • They can do what they call a streamlined re-fi and that should cost you less. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2009
  • In his hands highly analytical quantitative biology was streamlined to its essential elegance.
  • It was silver and streamlined and while I knew absolutely nothing about cars, it looked expensive.
  • By cutting some of these characters, the movie would have lost a few moments of hilarity, but gained a tighter, more streamlined feel.
  • The production process is to be streamlined.
  • The shirt's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette.
  • In recent years her style has become more sophisticated, elegant and streamlined.
  • If every candidate was this upfront, the whole election process would be much more streamlined and less vicious.
  • Its streamlined modernist line in sheer cliff faces and sleek curvilinear walls was celebrated by leading architects of the day and was a perfect ingredient in Art Deco style.
  • Forty states have banded together to organize the Streamlined Sales Tax Project, which has been holding meetings this fall to address issues that vex multistate companies.
  • Although Luxembourg has similar ­legislation, lawyers say Ireland's processes are much more streamlined, since in ­Luxembourg prospective funds need approval in both the country where a fund was originally domiciled as well as in ­Luxembourg. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • In fact, in recent months it has streamlined the narrowband product to play on even the slowest connections, cutting down on time-hoarding graphics.
  • The Apple Farm Inn in San Luis Obispo was as filled with knick-knacks as the Four Seasons was streamlined and modern. Andrea R. Vaucher: Driving Miss Mado (or Five Days on the Road With My 87-Year-Old Mother)
  • The kings called chinooks outside Alaska were thick, but streamlined with tails like shovels and the general heft of a pine log. Fool’s Paradise
  • Class actions actually promote the prime objective of an agreement to arbitrate, which is "'streamlined proceedings and expeditious results.' Groklaw
  • The airline is trying to cut costs and reduced its headcount by 2,500 last year as it streamlined its management operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • He felt clumsy and awkward in the air, his body too ungainly to be properly streamlined.
  • It is thus to implement and improve the streamlined ready-to-wear suit manufacturing process of plate making, cutting, sewing procedure, production flow management etc.
  • Binning, Minimum Abundance Matrix, and Sample Distribution.-To make possible our remaining analyses from two, partially overlapping data sets, we streamlined the process by binning the data.
  • Then everything seemed to become compact and streamlined, his pace would quicken into a glide, rather than a sprint, and he would hit the ball like a smooth rock and be gone.
  • With its streamlined body and long legs, the Mudhol can beat any retriever or gundog from overseas.
  • Moily, who's credited with streamlining engineering admission process structure in Karnatata (where caste-based reservations for various OBC communities often posed a systemic problem, until Moily, as then chief minister, streamlined the process), has also been known as a votary of caste-based census. Top Headlines
  • It should be ugly, vast and monolithic, crude after the bewitching vagaries of the old town, but instead is a streamlined example of aesthetic integration, beautiful in its own right.
  • Broad reach, favorable demos, zoning capabilities, improved color reproduction, and streamlined ordering and billing are just a few.
  • His kitchen is a showpiece of streamlined functionality.
  • The most classic yardang shape is that of the inverted boat hull; each of these streamlined hills provides a near-textbook example.
  • On these five instrumental pieces he's stripped away all of his music's inessentials, excising overwrought vocals or flashy solos to instead pare these blues-based excursions down to a streamlined, locomotive core.
  • If we use only five to eight firms, we will be able to offer a streamlined and more efficient service.
  • Atop the external tank would sit a rocket stage and a 40-ton automated cargo lander covered by a streamlined shroud.
  • Venetian painters had pioneered the poetic narrative scene involving two or three half-length figures, but in the "Gypsy Fortune-Teller" and the "Cardsharps" both 1595, Caravaggio gave the genre a streamlined, streetwise spin—Mr. Graham-Dixon calls it "low-life drama. The Misery Memoirist
  • Metadata records need to be created in increasingly automated, streamlined and time efficient ways.
  • The more streamlined shape is very flattering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, the more streamlined the shape, the better it is for slimming and lengthening the leg. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole development cycle is streamlined when the programmer can visualise and monitor program execution.
  • We're not people who like to show the joints within the work - everything is sleek and streamlined.
  • There wasn't a single frill, flower or furbelow in her house, and he suspected her mind was just as streamlined. Hot For Him
  • Streamlined and still supermodern, the injectionmoulded form has ahand-painted polyurethane finish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just be sure to top with a close-fitting tank to keep the look streamlined.
  • Recent reforms have streamlined Scouting once again, bringing Network activities into line with the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and with a more sophisticated and unsegregated constituency.
  • It was a streamlined process as it was unnecessary to hold the meetings of shareholders and creditors normally required for a creditors' voluntary liquidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rigs need to be tough, but streamlined and functional without any unnecessary trappings.
  • His streamlined, Shaolin-infused raps prioritized what he termed guillotine swordsmanship and the God theory of Five Percent, the Nation of Islam offshoot-not commercial claptrap. Independent Weekly: All Recent Stories
  • Bowman had a perfect view of a beautifully streamlined, torpedo-shaped body, very much like one of the remora or suckerfish that attach themselves to sharks. Tin
  • This called for a more streamlined roof line; the reduced roof pitch eliminated the unwanted eddies and made the air flow more efficiently.
  • Bankers were like economic planners who took over industry and streamlined it through initially profitable monopolies and cartels. The Origins of Economic Inequality between Nations: A critique of Western theories on development and underdevelopment
  • a streamlined hiring process
  • North American river otters are semi-aquatic mammals, with long, streamlined bodies, thick tapered tails, and short legs.
  • The system has been streamlined and statistics prove that the speed and quality of our decision-making compares favourably with other local authorities.
  • Olsen electrical. summand streamlined, voiding sinusoids equate, monstrosity Brian, Think Progress » Kristol: Rove and Libby Will Be Indicted
  • Less is more this season as clean lines and tailored pieces give a classy, streamlined silhouette. The Sun
  • These two contrasting elements surface as streamlined suits with detailed panelling and tab-fronted trousers, either in traditional herringbone tweed, soft moleskin or leather.
  • Named after their spotted coats and fearsome jaws, leopard seals have large, reptilian heads and streamlined bodies.
  • In recent years her style has become more sophisticated, elegant and streamlined.
  • Even a girl who was "streamlined Ivy, prepped from the cradle," needed not only a high school visit to Israel to give her the stuff of a winning essay but a visit that happened to occur (some kids are just born lucky) "during the invasion of Lebanon. Confessions of a Prep School College Counselor
  • Clutch purses and handbags have an elegant, streamlined look, but they're the perfect size to carry all those little necessities.
  • Often, it becomes more streamlined, more detailed and less blocky.
  • Another advantage of these floats is that, being thicker based and less streamlined, they do not impact so deeply into the water.
  • On that trip he announced a streamlined visa application process, but only for top business people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wildcats 3.0, the title streamlined into a clean, antiseptic sans-serif typeface that wouldn't look out of place on an investment magazine. Paste Magazine
  • He felt clumsy and awkward in the air, his body too ungainly to be properly streamlined.
  • In sum, his position represents the immoralist challenge in a fully developed but streamlined form, as reducible to a simple question: given the conventional character of justice and our own pleonectic nature, why should any one of us be just, in any context in which injustice would be profitable? Callicles and Thrasymachus
  • It was unburnished gray - aluminum or magnesium, by its light weight - and smoothly streamlined.
  • Its board has adopted a streamlined procedure for doling out emergency loans.
  • This will burn more fuel because of the extra drag caused by the rudder and because the aircraft is no longer streamlined.
  • The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
  • It encourages all your muscles to work together in a streamlined and efficient way so you can run faster. The Sun
  • *** Technology Cisco Systems said it will switch to what it calls a "streamlined operating model," as the networking company looks to refocus its operations and simplify its oft-criticized management structure. Business Watch
  • The airline is trying to cut costs and reduced its headcount by 2,500 last year as it streamlined its management operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take a modern approach to this minimalistic look by teaming simple but chic streamlined pieces with statement accessories. The Sun
  • It was a streamlined process as it was unnecessary to hold the meetings of shareholders and creditors normally required for a creditors' voluntary liquidation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The artist who carved this elegant example exaggerated the length of the fish's toothed rostrum and streamlined its body.
  • The whole development cycle is streamlined when the programmer can visualise and monitor program execution.
  • Mr. Icahn was unsuccessful and CIT exited a long-planed streamlined bankruptcy in December. Icahn Buys MGM Studios' Debt, Presses for a Lions Gate Merger
  • Or sculpt dramatic curves with a cage belt over a streamlined godet skirt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stretching helps elongate our limbs, making our legs as streamlined as possible.
  • Savannah has clearly invested in the corporate look as the furniture and surroundings are streamlined with natural materials: timber, stone, glass and leather.
  • The airline is trying to cut costs and reduced its headcount by 2,500 last year as it streamlined its management operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was about half the size of a cruise ship, and as streamlined as the best money could buy.
  • The aircraft is streamlined to cut down wind resistance.
  • The update is also said to include a new, streamlined file-distribution method that disassociates transfers from specific users.
  • Though not directly responsible for providing weight loss, recent studies have shown that Lipomassage directly and quantifiably 'reboots' fat cell metabolism for a more slenderized, streamlined waistline and a redefined physique. Wil's Ebay E-Store
  • The company has streamlined its existing product range and launched the new lines after extensive consumer research.
  • Instead of putting fittings and turnbuckles on the streamlined tie-rod, he bent it and welded it to the spar of the stabilizer.
  • Instead of putting fittings and turnbuckles on the streamlined tie-rod, he bent it and welded it to the spar of the stabilizer.
  • A streamlined fish, the mackerel is designed for fast swimming in large shoals.
  • The dog's streamlined appearance gives an impression of neatness, dignity and graceful symmetry.
  • Keeping your body straight in the water, keeping streamlined, will determine how fast you'll go.
  • He later entered the field of industrial design and soon was producing everything from chairs and radio cabinets to models of streamlined planes and ships.
  • The authors of the study published in Science noted a number of interesting things - a preponderance of genes encoding protein kinases, evidence for substantial horizontal gene flow from bacteria and archaebacteria, and a streamlined core gene expression machinery transcription and RNA processing. The Panda's Thumb: Research News Archives
  • There will also be 15 double-ended locos derived from the streamlined power cars to haul conventional rolling stock.
  • Under the streamlined hood of the four-wheeler, there was much to gladden the heart of the owner.
  • Its body is sleek and streamlined, with muscles especially adapted to give a good forward push in water.
  • Ah, but nothing comes for free, and among the means the Mustang employs to achieve its celebrated highway mpg is a host of fine-grain aerodynamic tweaks, including smaller, more streamlined side mirrors, which some misbegotten son-of-a-dog safety engineer decided needed spotter mirrors. The Power and the Fuel-Sipping Glory2.73:1
  • New streamlined, shorter festival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Appropriately named, the humpback chub has a small head and snout, a streamlined gray body streaked with silver, and a prominent hump along its back.
  • They are surrounded by empty tarmac, a small posse of streamlined excellence darting west. Times, Sunday Times
  • The engines were covered with three-piece NACA anti-drag cowlings, and the aft nacelles were streamlined into the wing.
  • The government is said to be considering new, streamlined planning regulations to make onshore exploration and production easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • a streamlined convertible
  • She streamlined the group into an education, book publishing and news media company while maintaining a strong rise in its share price. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have streamlined the way to get your action-packed sports on to the pages as quickly and reliably as possible.
  • The airline is trying to cut costs and reduced its headcount by 2,500 last year as it streamlined its management operations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its streamlined modernist line in sheer cliff faces and sleek curvilinear walls was celebrated by leading architects of the day and was a perfect ingredient in Art Deco style.
  • The vogue extends to male triathletes, who wax their legs, underarms and chest to feel more streamlined.
  • He put the screws to suppliers to lower costs and streamlined supply chains to cut inventories by an average of 30%.
  • Using humanized design streamlined appearance, all-steel cab of forming glass, broad vision.
  • +0.40% shares edged up fractionally after the networking company unveiled what it called a "streamlined operating model" designed to simplify its operations and streamline its sales, services and engineering organizations. /quotes/comstock/10y! - Top Stories
  • Contemporary cars are more streamlined than older ones.
  • Your posture will also improve as your core becomes stronger; causing you to stand straighter and taller, and giving you a longer, leaner, more streamlined appearance.
  • Tumblr's streamlined editor lacks some of the editing tools found in other blogging services, such as buttons for paragraph indent and "outdent" and a full-screen editing option, and the relatively small text entry field doesn't encourage you to write dissertations. Macworld
  • Choosing leather leggings to go with them gave her a streamlined look to suit her frame. The Sun
  • The ground floor is now streamlined and modern, with a white kitchen and a family room. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slender body befitted the new aesthetic of the modern con-sumer age, also light and streamlined.
  • The program is in good shape theoretically, but it needs to be speeded up and streamlined.
  • And though his keen intellect and long list of accomplishments in an industry characterized by streamlined steel could lead some to suspect otherwise, the Swiss-born businessman reserves a soft spot for his pets--a gaggle of dogs, cats and horses that all share living space on the Lutz family's farm in the Detroit area. Wendy Diamond: General Motors's Bob Lutz Chooses Pooches Over Pontiacs
  • He survived and went on to appoint a streamlined cabinet, culling the jobs that let certain clan leaders keep a hand in the till. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under the guideline, the output of streamlined seamless liners declines linearly.

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