How To Use Straw In A Sentence
She was carrying her overnight case and a basket of dried flowers-statice, strawflower, and immortelle in the pastel colors referred to in seed catalogues as "art shades": fawn, apricot, mauve, and pale yellow.
And if you can develop a machine to look for the needle in the haystack and what you come out with from having the machine sift through the haystack is a box of straw, where maybe the needle's in there and maybe a few bonus needles, then that's a whole lot better than having humans try to sift through a haystack.
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For a picnic, chill the strawberries and cream separately, take them along in a cool box, and assemble them on site.
A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth.
The straw that broke the camel's back was "jete" - which I said was a ballet term, from the French.
Archive 2009-01-01

So the image of the bespectacled fuddy-duddy in his dusty library is a straw man: I would hazard that print publishing experts are actually on the cutting edge of new media.
Publishing’s not as out of it as you think
He signed his works with a wild strawberry.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, the group's dalliance with satanism proved to be their undoing, the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.
Biscuit base filled with lemon scented Ilalian ricotta cheese, decorated with strawberries and red currants.
If implemented, Straw's curfew will allow adults to evade taking responsibility for the welfare of future generations.
To the rear of Old Hall is a large walled garden that has lawns and a variety of plants and shrubs, as well as strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, rhubarb, plum and apple trees.
Their clerks, mostly in straw boaters, hurried along.
Each evening, before retiring, the careful wife sees that a hocho, or kitchen knife, is laid upon the kitchen floor, and covered with a kanadarai, or brazen wash - basin, on the upturned bottom of which is placed a single straw sandal, of the noiseless sort called zori, also turned upside down.
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
The sound of the human whistle, like that in the most primitive instrumental forms - a whistle fashioned from a hollow tube of wood or straw - is made by the turbulence generated in an airstream at the narrow orifice formed by pursing the lips.
She won a hamper including organic porridge, Cornish strawberry conserve and Gloucester Old Spot Bacon.
One legend has it that thyme was included among the hay used to make a bed for the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child, so it is often considered one of “Mary’s bedstraws” of which there are several.
Thyme - The Virgin's Humility
Using plain white and ivory paper, straws and pipe cleaners, she creates faux gemstones, crystals and pearls.
Brer Rabbit b'ilt 'im a straw house, en hit wuz tored down; den he made a house outen pine-tops, en dat went de same way; den he made' im a bark house, en dat wuz raided on, en eve'y time he los 'a
Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folk-Lore of the Old Plantation. By Joel Chandler Harris. With Illustrations by Frederick S. Church and James H. Moser
Replanting disease is a serious obstacle for sustainable development of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) at present.
Top with strawberry halves then brush the cucumber glaze over the top with a pastry brush.
Times, Sunday Times
I thought the first one looked like a distorted and VERY pale purple pieman from strawberry shortcake ...complete with the bakers hat! humm wonder if they would do it in purple for me LOL....
Ghosts with the Most, Continued
The microwave irradiation ( MI ) process to extract lignin from straw had been developed.
Here, Asa assumes the folk-funk stylings of Linda Lewis, borrows the flutey mellotrons from Strawberry Fields Forever, and weaves them into a production so breezy you might reasonably whisper "new Sade".
This week's new singles
This non-dairy whip icing has a ‘fresh picked’ strawberry flavor, silky texture and delicate, pink color that's perfect for any dessert.
I bet a straw poll of the blokes in the office, or down the pub would reveal exactly the same
Our great garden excitement is actual tiny strawberries appearing.
Times, Sunday Times
We have both straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in.
A straw shows which way the wind blows.
Straw was commonly used to mulch the plants during the winter.
Reduced labour input and feed costs can be achieved by going down the route of feeding chopped straw as part of winter diets.
Lying on my straw mat, 1 heard the music box playing that song 1 had grown to hate so much. 1 beard Miss Banner's door open, then clow 1 put my hands over my ears.
The secret sense
There is butter for the waffles, and powdered sugar, and strawberry jam.
Orders for games included 48 chessboards and chessmen, 12 sets of fox and geese, 6 sets of jackstraws, 9 boxes of ninepins, and 3 sets of German tactics.
White-suited drivers, wearing straw hats and Madeiran boots, run alongside, pushing the toboggan to gain momentum.
On your next picnic, serve strawberries with a pot of honey and chopped toasted nuts or chocolate shavings.
The “right to privacy” meme, of course, is a strawman – by attaching some invented notion of “privacy” to the surgical process of electively vacuuming out a developing human life in pieces from the womb, the left thinks they make abortion a “right” – wholly and completely ridiculous.
Think Progress » Samuel Alito’s America
For recovery, he mixes his own smoothies with soy milk, frozen blueberries, bananas, and strawberries.
And in his stable at Ascot the son of Sleeping Dove, from home for the first time, pondered on the mutability of equine affairs, closing and opening his eyes, and breathing without sound in the strawy dark, above the black cat he had brought to bear him company.
Swan Song
But if the case gets to the Law Lords, how could they conclude other than in Mr Straw's favour?
I took a straw poll among my colleagues to find out how many can use chopsticks.
Ideally you want manure from horses bedded on straw, since the straw soaks up urine and rots down with the manure to produce a great conditioner.
All standard stuff and not a batt of sheep's wool or a straw bale in sight.
Times, Sunday Times
The thresher is a square frame drawn over the grain -- which is spread upon the bare ground -- and is furnished on its under side with steel blades which not only shell the grain out of the ear, but also reduce the straw into chaff, which is desirable, as storing for feed more conveniently.
Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
Garnish with a fresh mint sprig and a straw cut short enough so that you almost bury your nose in the mint as you sip.
Sarah Sallee, the strawberry-blond daughter of Mrs. Phelps, the sixth grade teacher at Garrett Elementary, was a lofty and unattained love of mine.
The Impossible Division by Zero
Ben says: @Anne: Anne, you just know they're going to serve champagne and strawberries after ...
Alpine strawberry plants last for three growing seasons.
To freshen the palate we finished with summer fruits in a delicate sugar basket with a strawberry coulis - a mouthwatering combination.
He ran out carrying a stack of blank papers, a bunch of crayons, pencils, charcoal sticks, a camera and a huge straw hat.
Very light straw color, green-apple nose, with a citrusy vibrancy on the palate leading to a slatey, minerally note suggestive of a great Mosel.
Biodynamics: Natural Wonder or Just a Horn of Manure?
British strawberries are at their best in September and our heirloom tomatoes are still great in October.
Times, Sunday Times
At some point add a strawberry shake to take you to 247 percent of saturated fat and 166 percent of sodium.
Marcy sat down hard on the straw pallet on which she had been sleeping and ran her hands through her hair.
cows were strawed to weather the snowstorm
But each pointed fruit has a delectable, intense wild strawberry flavor.
His hair had stayed the same fair straw colour, while mine had reverted to an auburn chestnut shade.
A bundle of straw for packing lies on the cobbles.
Clean and hull strawberries; place in food processor or blender just until puréed.
The people around the village began to take notice, hushing children and pushing them back into their small houses that were made out of patched mud and straw.
To store insert straw into inner tube and apply pressure to banging stick to release air.
I also enjoy a light, fluffy omelet, or maybe basted eggs with bacon or strawberries and dry toast.
A musty aroma of hunter's stew filled her nostrils, and the sour smell of soggy, rotten straw was almost unbearable all of a sudden.
He was a legend in his hometown for having worn out many pairs of straw sandals, as he walked hundreds of miles to the port of Yokohama, to book passage on a boat to North America.
Buddy draws the short straw again, taking the invention on its maiden voyage in a quarry.
Times, Sunday Times
Gray releases jobs/economic development plan -- Fenty and Gray square off in Ward 4 forum and straw poll, 7 p.m. at St. George's Antiochan Orthodox Church
DeMorning DeBonis: Aug. 4, 2010
Further work proved dry cows can graze kale without requiring any fibre supplement such as silage or straw.
FWi - All News
I've also put in a small strawberry patch and some heartsease.
In his early years he also sold a variety of articles like accordions, concertinas and mouth-organs, costume accessories and straw hat polish - anything indeed which would turn an honest penny.
This straight up gamay (as opposed to the Passetougrains) from the strong vintage 2006 has a slight savory note to it as well as wild strawberries.
Three light, rewarding reds under $20: Produttori, Pataille, Michaud | Dr Vino's wine blog
There is a year-round drought and all the peasants that we saw on the road were covered in yellow mud on their hands and faces, their hair was standing up like straws and their clothes were dusty.
Bricks here were a bit different from those at Ur, they were about one foot square by four inches thick made of sun baked straw reinforced mud and in their centres many carried an imprint in cuniform characters that I was told translated into This was built by King
Coming of Age: 1939-1946
Corn straw consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin , it is a abundant of renewable resource.
They must have each eaten about a pound of strawberries, for they kept going back to the fruit cage for more.
Previous entry: Jack Straw: Muslim courts will always remain subservient to English law
Destiny Church plans to create a ‘holy city’ his followers never have to leave
You say you have a little straw bag from when he brought his homework from school.
DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
Brer Rabbit b'ilt 'im a straw house, en hit wuz tored down; den he made a house out'n pine-tops, en dat went de same way; den he made' im a bark house, en dat wuz raided on, en eve'y time he los 'a house he los' one er his chilluns.
Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below.
We've also sold about 12 trays of strawberries each day, with 12 punnets on each of them.
The most common bedding materials are shavings and straw as they are readily available and can be purchased across the country.
Place a few sliced strawberries into small sundae glasses; top with the syllabub mixture then the remaining sliced strawberries and mint.
The addition of straw to the diets of all animals on the farm will allow silage supplies to be stretched.
A straw shows which way the wind blows.
Afterward they caressed, laughed, japed, spread two straw ticks on the floor that they might have real room to move about, played, loved, his head rested between her breasts, she urged him anew and yet anew, he swore he had never known the match to her and the believing of him was a tall fire.
The Boat of a Million Years
You can taste good yoghurt through the strawberry, although the fruit dissolves on the tongue.
The move opens the way for the world-famous Tiptree company to bring in about 90 foreign students to pick the strawberry crop.
Blend with 2 cups crushed ice until smooth . Pour into champagne flute . Garnish with strawberry . Serves two.
She wore a cream linen suit, a black straw boater, and black gloves.
The frank smile that told of his lordship's enjoyment of her discomfiture was the last straw.
Out of the Primitive
For one of the society's projects-the construction of a music hall-the alumnae raised money with ice cream socials, strawberry festivals, bazaars, and operettas, one of which Zitella directed.
You see, last night I dreamt about a huge rainbow and lots of rainbow coloured objects, Orange cups with strawberry coloured liquid in them and the like.
Few people who drive past the farm fail to smile at the sight of the sows rolling around in the mud, or lolling, sunbathing, on deep beds of straw.
She drew greedily on the straw, only then realizing just how thirsty she was.
Stacey's sandwich is called the FBS, which stands for French toast, Bacon, and Strawberry.
Archive 2006-04-01
A straw itself will not hold up well to this experiment, so see if you can get a tube of glass or plastic.
We had just taken a tour of the camp, led by a vibrant young man in a straw hat named Patrick, of late affectionately called "L'Agronome" or "agronomist" in French.
Uma Viswanathan: New Leadership In Haiti
Drowning man will catch at a straw.
First, the chocolate is a desserty addition because coffee cakes often stick with fruit - blueberries, strawberries, etc. - as a mix-in.
Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake | Baking Bites
As I understand it it can all be sorted out, but you are — I suspect unintentionally and in good faith — offering a bit of a straw man due to your not distinguishing a few key concepts, such as prudentialism versus constitutional judgment, empathy for a legal injustice versus sympathy resulting in bias, and a judge versus a justice.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Ambiguity, Empathy, and the Role of Judicial Power:
Many birds love berries of barberry, beautyberry, cotoneaster, currant, elderberry, gooseberry, holly, mahonia, mountain ash, nandina, pyracantha, and strawberry tree (not all plants grow in every zone).
We unpacked them very carefully and pulled them to pieces and scattered the straw about.
The Treasure Seekers
So the claim that there are conservatives who believe in some sort of absolute liberty is a total straw man.
She described the theatre's closure as "a straw in the wind" as companies faced up to the realities of life after the lottery.
Chill the pie for at least four hours, then top with whipped cream and garnish with reserved strawberry halves.
This is not so much wishful thinking as clutching at straws.
The Sun
The female is paler and lacks the grey crown, white cheeks, black bib and eye stripe and chestnut brown nape, but has a straw coloured stripe behind the eye.
The storage of silage on the pad (either in a makeshift straw clamp, or in plastic bags) is an agricultural use and not development.
Martin had developed a way to produce high quality vegetables, herbs, and strawberries by using vertical aeroponic production.
The strawberries are kept in cold storage to prevent them spoiling during transportation.
Drowning man will catch at a straw.
But all that changed after Jason grew out his mutton chops, bought a straw hat, and started sleeping with Neil's girlfriend!
Then the doors slide open, and a straw-hatted barker who looks like he's just stepped out of the 19th century greets you and ushers you into a Coca-Cola fantasyland.
New flavors include apple cinnamon crunch, chocolate raspberry supreme, strawberry yogurt and strawberry fruit crunch.
Coca-Cola spokeswoman Joanna Price said Friday that authorities in Changchun, the capital of Jilin, had pinpointed two bottles of the strawberry-flavored variety of the drink as the source of the poisoning.
Coke Says China Juice Drinks Aren't Toxic
Today they were going to have eggs, toast, homemade strawberries and cream oatmeal and bacon.
The strawberries smothered in zabaglione which I had for dessert are summer itself distilled in a bowl.
Like an elephant beset by bees, or the straw that broke the camel's back, this week's swarm of small irritating things could madden even tolerant Taurans.
The wonderful smell of lady's bedstraw not as sickly as meadowsweet becomes stronger with drying.
How to make żubrówka
The interior is a delight, a beamed, strawed, trestle-tabled, dimly lit farmhouse attended to by waiters in sashed smocks.
But would anyone turn up their nose at a wedge of fresh home-baked Victoria sponge, sandwiched with a generous splodge of farmhouse strawberry jam and dairy cream?
In Sweden you only work 40 hours a week and there isn't a lot to do, so we used to go picking blueberries, wild strawberries, blackberries and gooseberries in the forest near my house.
Admittedly they're not very big strawberries, but they taste nice, and the proper strawberry plants only ever seem to grow runners.
While the mixture churns, whiz the strawberries to a purée in a food processor.
I was puzzled about how to eat the long and large segment of pig's bone positioned in the middle of the plate in front of me with a straw stretching into it.
It comprises especially agroindustrial by-products (oil cake, beer mash), but also relatively nutritious harvest residues, such as groundnut and nieb straw.
1. Selection of animals
Other craft items include both glazed and unglazed pottery, ceremonial wooden masks, and goods woven from palm, straw, reeds, and sisal.
Super cook Ilse also made 12 strawberry flans, two kiwi fruit flans and seven gateaux, malt loaves and gingerbread to sell on the stalls.
· Bedding plants: Plants that perform better in the cooler months include petunias, pansies, verbena, dianthus, strawflower and lobelia.
Daytona Beach News-Journal Online
The couple lived in a room furnished only with a heap of straw.
Times, Sunday Times
Tell the students to blow up the balloon and then tape the straw to the balloon.
This straw-dry, stone-strewn river plain is perfect for grapes, planted in long straight rows protected by tidy fences with impressive gateways and fancy names for the wines they produce.
That's why they burned down their straw shelters and left no trace of their dwellings, only their sarcophagi and burial mounds.
The highest rated are also the most colourful - dried fruits, brambles, strawberries, spinach, beetroot and sweet potatoes.
It felt like it was clutching at straws.
The Sun
Phone down this instant and order champagne, strawberries and a mirror for over the bed.
Changes in the mucosa of the oropharynx, including dry cracked lips or strawberry tongue
Foods that have been linked to outbreaks include milk, shellfish, unpasteurized apple cider, raw and undercooked eggs, fish, raspberries, strawberries, and ready-to-eat meats.
Other disasters include sorrel that grew well but attracted a nasty black beetle, valerian that soon dwarfed the conifer it was expected to complement, and strawberries.
A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
Thursday gone, Christine Straw won the Miss Jamaica Universe 2004 title!
So if you crave something sweet, try its opulent fruit salad loaded with kiwi, mango, pineapple, grapes and strawberries or tinned lychees (the only fruit that is arguably as good tinned as fresh).
I now use the following system: patch holes first by stuffing them with straw dipped into a clay slip.
She peered out at the world from beneath a yellow straw hat - a "boater," with circular crown and flat brim - wore a green wool muffler looped around her neck, and was lost in the immensity of Khristo's sheepskin jacket while he made do with a heavy sweater.
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Maremma's beautiful slopes, the sea and the lagoon, emerged in the scent of strawberry trees, set the scene of a unique environment with a mild climate that allows golf to be played all year.
The layer in contact with the brick masonry (also known as "arriccio") is probably composed of lime, aggregates, such as sand and limestone, and a high presence of vegetable fibers, perhaps including wheat straw or husk.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Restoration Report 5
Yet chemical analysis has clearly proved that the manurial value of straw is perfectly insignificant, and that, as a constituent of stable manure, it is chiefly useful as an absorbent of the liquid egesta of the animals littered upon it.
The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
Imagine stodge in the middle of August, when all you want is a dainty cucumber sandwich and a bowl of strawberries before skipping off for a game of tennis.
In ceremony, he appears as an old man with a cane, wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat, and is typically smoking a pipe and sprinkling water on others.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
It was served with laver (seaweed), which the rice could be wrapped in, fresh fruit, bread and some strawberry yogurt.
Food on Singapore Airlines | Baking Bites
A straw poll only shows which way the hot air blows.
With the first frost in the fall, it goes dormant and changes from green in color to a straw or pale yellow-brown.
Happiness is not enough; brains are not enough; goodness will get you by, but without the other two it's a shield made of straw.
Its warm creaminess qualifies oatmeal as a comfort food, and adding sliced strawberries or apple gives it an antioxidant punch.
Mrs Drummond waved well-formed fingers tipped with flawless ovals of strawberry pink enamel.
Strawberry, durian, mocha, chocolate, vanilla, rum raisin and nougat are on the menu.
She studied her reflection, glad she had added an extra spritz of hair spray and kept her strawberry lip gloss tube in her pocket.
Bloomies' spring hats range from fun and practical (how about a red Lacoste rain hat or a pink cotton piqué cap?) to stylish straws and felts.
The said Cassekey also set up his abode in their tent; kept all his tribe away from the woman and child and aged man; kindled fires; caused, as a delicate attention, the only hog remaining on the wreck to be killed and brought to them for a midnight meal; and, in short, comported himself so hospitably, and with such kindly consideration toward the broad-brimmed Quaker, that we are inclined to account him the better-bred fellow of the two, in spite of his scant costume of horse-tail and belt of straw.
Stories of Childhood
His hair was the brown of sodden straw, and it stuck out at awkward, seventeen-year-old angles, wet and comb it howsoever much he tried.
It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
A diluted apple juice addiction that soothed them as soon as they gripped the handles As they got older, they moved on to the juice box -- six ounces of fruit-flavored heroin housed in a plastic coated box complete with precious straw.
Wendy Sachs: Snack Food Nation: How Kids Are Conditioned to Snack
In blazing sunshine, punters packed the Berkshire racecourse sipping champagne and treating themselves to portions of strawberries and cream.
To tickle a horse's belly with a straw (the childhood memory), she had to select a single straw.
Evaluating the results of their experiments the Clemson researchers concluded: "Juice from strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry fruit significantly inhibited mutagenesis.
Slimming Strawberries For Weight Loss
If you use straw as bedding for farm animals, generally speaking you improve the welfare of those animals.
In addition to editing The One-Straw Revolution, Korn edited the The Future Is Abundant, a Guide to Sustainable Agriculture, and he is well versed in ecological approaches to farming in the Northwest.
Larry Korn's One-Straw Revolution Northwest Tour
Where it ends up in barn hay or straw it will be ignited.
Times, Sunday Times
A straw poll of local inhabitants concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish.
A few minutes later a bearded man in overalls and straw-hat appeared.
The Mennonites: a Dutch heritage in Mexico
We will have to have pavlova without strawberries, because every time we eat a strawberry we are making the ozone hole bigger.
E.Coli causes a straw yellow type scour in calves one to four days old.
The security council expects her to appear in front of the general assembly before next Wednesday, when it holds its next straw poll.
Times, Sunday Times
Our first night on the march, the General and his staff all climbed into a straw rick and passed a restful, if short, night.
Natalie hurried up and put her long, straight strawberry blonde hair up with golden butterfly clips and got dressed.
They don't push drugs or dodgy knockoffs, but punnets of strawberries.
Times, Sunday Times
I made an executive decision about my life and downgraded my bed to a cheap tatami mat, a traditional straw Japanese mat meant for sleeping.
For €11 between two, you get a dish of melted chocolate surrounded by fresh strawberries, mango, banana and madeleines.
She ate scones thick with butter and newly made strawberry jam, victoria sponge, eccles cakes, potted meat sandwiches, ginger parkin.
In that straw hat and that ridiculous set of pyjamas.
Times, Sunday Times
He will spark of such an argument via the use of ad hominem attacks (i.e. 'you're nothing but a fanboy' is a popular phrase) (or in this case repeated accusations that those contributing are "embittered feminists") with no substance or relevance to back them up as well as straw man arguments (i.e. continual redefining of what the discussion is actually about), which he uses to simply avoid addressing the essence of the issue.
Sex and the single Marvel super heroine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
It is because it is so unusual for a former minister to return to the backbenches with a healthy appetite for parliamentary work that Jack Straw currently stands out.
In praise of ... senior backbenchers | Editorial
Spanish strawberries are the main imports filling punnets outside Scottish harvesting time - between the beginning of June and the end of August.
But inwardly, you're in a linen suit, wearing a straw boater and swinging a walking stick.
One of them wore trousers with big yellow and black checks, the other a battered straw hat and a white rollneck fisherman's arran.
In good years corn is hay, in ill years straw is corn.
Consequently your colleague in the consulship is a man of straw.
The First Man in Rome
Ralph muttered a word of thanks and sipped from the kind of bendable plastic straw that you can only find in hospitals and nursing homes.
The Wind in the Woods
It doesnt matter ESPN loves floyd they will rank him top 3 WW even if he fought at strawweight.
East Side Boxing
The perfect knife for hunting is different than the one used for stemming strawberries.
Logan ran a hand through his strawberry blond shag hair cut and stared down at the two girls in front of him.
This suggests that independent protein degradation pathways for ubiquitin, as well as for the proteasome complex, may exist in strawberry fruit.
He takes another sip from his straw.
Times, Sunday Times
Her delay was due to the adjustment of her huge straw hat, piled with pink roses and tufts of blue malines.
The Job An American Novel
straw death," as they called decease from old age or sickness.
Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas
Detangle her knotted hair and apply her strawberry-scented lip balm.
Times, Sunday Times
Dig materials such as straw, peat, compost, and leaves into the soil, or lay them on as mulch.
Great Wall sells a $72 red wine in an individual wooden case with a glass cover that slides open to reveal the wine, resting on a bed of straw, with the label showing nothing more than a painting of a vineyard.
Giddy Times for Chinese Wines
He cradled the grain with a scythe and tied it by hand with straw.
There were felt hats and straw hats, decorated with feathers and flowers, ribbon and lace.
The girl took the money off us and Liam gathered up salt sachets and straws as I sat down with the food.
The strawberries are put into cold storage for several months.