
How To Use Strangle In A Sentence

  • White-knuckled, she gripped the clacking needles so ferociously she could have knitted the booties in gale force winds and they still would have turned out ankle-stranglers. First
  • Hog waste is a major pollution source, communities surrounding the factories are strangled by a foetid stench and animal rights groups have long complained about the inhumane way pigs are raised and slaughtered.
  • The pond water was strangled with poisonous weed.
  • Then a sixth man appeared at the door, a small strangled cry came from Miranda.
  • Far more serious than their sins against the basic rules of journalism is the corporate stranglehold over the major print and broadcast outlets.
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  • And another bankruptcy, involving Braniff Airlines, reminded everyone of the stranglehold the Big Eight carriers have over the domestic market.
  • Anxiety is love’s greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. Anais Nin 
  • The victim had been strangled with a belt.
  • In 7th century India members of the Thug cult would ritually strangle passers-by as sacrifices to the Hindu deity, Kali.
  • Strangles place direct pressure on both the carotid and vertebral arteries.
  • Seeing the potential of its software besmirching the Symantec name irreparably, Symantec's CEO surged forward with a new plan: re-write its security software to make it the best in the industry, so as to super-strengthen its stranglehold on the summit of sales supremacy while swiftly swinging its way back into the good books of consumers. ITWire - Latest Headlines
  • Difficulties cannot be artificially overcome," said Mirabeau, "nor is there any invention whereby a man may be spared the trouble of conquering them; they must be grasped firmly, strangled, crushed, trampled down in manful fight. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • corporations have a stranglehold on the media
  • Emergent species like the strangler fig (Ficus dugandii) may reach heights of over 60 m while very abundant epiphytes such as Araceae sp and Cyclanthaceae sp. cover the lower parts of tree trunks and ferns help make up the dense understory. Western Ecuador moist forests
  • In the end, the fear of ideas strangles the drama, because it renders the film's protagonists' struggle to survive devoid of larger meaning.
  • A straddle is the use of the same strikes for both the call and the put, but a strangle uses out-of-the-money OTM options, usually equally spaced from the price of the underlying. Real-World Trading: Strangling Profits out of Our Option Trade - Yahoo! Finance
  • He strangled the urge to bang his head backwards.
  • Really, I think I should have strangled the man if forced to endure his companionship aboard a small vessel!
  • They suffocated and strangled me simultaneously, and I had to fight to surface for air.
  • She said death could occur in such a way if a victim had been strangled or if the palm of the hand or a ligature had been pushed against the neck.
  • As Radcliffe shattered a world record in each one it appeared that she became more and more strangled by her own expectations and those of others.
  • People shot and stabbed and strangled each other in sleazy bars and hillside mansions, strip malls, abandoned houses and parking lots. Denise Hamilton discusses Sugar Skull
  • A strangler fig (Ficus citrifolia) photographed in Kalimantan, Borneo. Biological diversity in Sundaland
  • Jamie growled to himself and lifted his hands in a tense strained pose, ready to strangle.
  • His family acquired wealth beyond their wildest dreams and a measure of power that still strangles the development of democracy in Chile.
  • The Allies' plan was to strangle the German war economy by imposing a blockade while meanwhile building up their own military strength.
  • We have an autopsy report that clearly demonstrates that she was ligated, tied by the wrists, she was sexually assaulted, she was strangled to death by manual force from the rear. CNN Transcript Nov 16, 2005
  • He also claims to have been punched, kicked and strangled by guards ten days later when he protested about being given less than an hour's exercise.
  • Does John Footman, when he asks permission to go and spend the evening with some friends, pass his time in thuggee; waylay and strangle an old gentleman, or two; let himself into your house, with the house-key of course, and appear as usual with the shaving-water when you ring your bell in the morning? Roundabout Papers
  • At last, though, he was forced to admit that children would not have run so far, and he circled back toward the cabin, still calling intermittently, in hoarse, strangled croaks. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • She showed them, but the thieves were still unsatisfied and nearly strangled her to death.
  • Japan is caught in a stranglehold of bad debt and deflation.
  • As with all techniques there are a few freaks of nature that have necks strong enough to resist most strangles - but you should know that these people are VERY few and far between.
  • I think he would strangle me if he hears that I've been tattling on him.
  • Theresa Stevens, 21, was beaten, repeatedly stabbed and strangled as she put up a desperate fight to save herself.
  • In addition, in St Mary's Gardens there are a couple of outbreaks of field bindweed, which is starting to strangle other plants. London SE1 community website
  • A strangled scream escaped my throat as the great white shark ripped the protective cage to pieces, as if it was made of matchwood…
  • It took him only a few seconds to strangle his mirth once more, and he wiped tears from his eyes while he shook his head as penitently as the low ceiling allowed.
  • An antitrust judgment in 1954 forced the firm to release stranglehold on the shoe machinery market.
  • She felt her creativity was being strangled.
  • Dan Brown and his debonair professor of "symbology" Robert Langdon have broken the stranglehold that celebrity autobiographies have held over December book sales in recent years to take the Christmas number one slot. Culture |
  • For many, the word "businessperson" connotes men in white shirts and stranglehold neckties. بالاترین
  • The original Thugs were bands of roving criminals in India who strangled and robbed travellers.
  • I refer to slavery, Mistuh Comber, which they affect to abominate, but which we of the South hold to be a nat'ral condition which, for better or worse, is inevitable A strangled oath came from within Clotho's hood. THE NUMBERS
  • She tried to strangle her baby and her lover helped her finish the evil deed .
  • She was strangled with a professionally made garrote.
  • Australia have usually taken a stranglehold by the time each side has batted once. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anxiety is love’s greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. Anais Nin 
  • The impatient horse which will not quietly endure his halter only strangles himself in his stall.
  • Attracting a crowd and holding its attention is something old media companies could do because they had a distribution stranglehold.
  • Maybe it matters not a whit whether I strangle indecently my infinitives, or whether I split them decently with care.
  • She had been strangled with a garrotte made from a stick and cord and her skull was fractured.
  • As he burst through the surface, his strangled breathing was the only sound other than the rushing water that pulled him farther downstream.
  • Gone are the support suspenders and gaudy steel rings that strangled the tower for much of the last decade.
  • As noted liberal historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. reported Listening to Eleanor was like listening to a chipmonk being strangled. <a href="" title="How dare you talk about Hillary's voice
  • When I get my hands on her, I'm going to strangle her until her neck is two inches thick!
  • This silence is pregnant with strangled screams.
  • Furthermore, Mr Hare himself gives every impression of being just about the only fashion designer with whom you could spend an evening without wanting to strangle him: his blog is hugely entertaining, ariot of images, quotes from songs, wild enthusiasm for Arsenal FC and, more controversially, Peter Mandelson ( "What an operator!"). Alexis Petridis: Hare brained
  • Nilsen made sure the men he killed were insensible from drink before he strangled them, and wrote tenderly about them after the killing was over.
  • She let out a strangled cry when he grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged her head back.
  • The rule, Sic vos non vobis, never altogether to be got rid of in men’s Industry, now presses with such incubus weight, that Industry must shake it off, or utterly be strangled under it; and, alas, can as yet but gasp and rave, and aimlessly struggle, like one in the final deliration. Paras. 20-39
  • The entire electoral setup has turned into a political stranglehold over the masses, offering no means for working people to express their social discontent.
  • They were susceptible to coughs and allergies and heaves and a highly contagious condition called strangles, in which pus discharges from the nostrils, and abscesses form in the lymph nodes under the jaw and sometimes burst. Gone Like the Wind
  • A strangled noise came from the woman's throat.
  • Investors appeared to be selling "strangles" in the company, preparing for the stock to trade in a relatively narrow range. Capital One, RadioShack Generate Bearish Activity
  • Facing having to pay out a hefty divorce settlement, he had the motive. He also had form, having nearly strangled Arlene to death just weeks both she disappeared.
  • She was strangled with a professionally made garrote.
  • He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun.
  • Why should excess consumption strangle economic growth?
  • He had strangled a prostitute to death when she disagreed with him.
  • While Kas's hands were busy trying to pry the stranglers off his neck, his legs swung free.
  • Many fail, crushed by competition, starved by high costs or strangled by burdensome regulations. "
  • It is a document which one of my daughters typewrites for me when I need one for a new Member, and she would give her eyebrows to know what it is all about, but I strangle her curiosity by saying: Complete Letters of Mark Twain
  • The festival also boasts the world premiere of American director Chuck Parello's serial killer movie Hillside Strangler, a true-crime tale of druggy decadence in 70s California.
  • [...] The patient strangled and gasped and suffocated and, at intervals, the toca was withdrawn and he was adjured to tell the truth. Matthew Yglesias » If Marc Thiessen Doesn’t Want to be Compared to the Spanish Inquisition, He Should Stop Advocating Torture Techniques Used in the Spanish Inquisition
  • Either you go down there of your own volition or I strangle you with my two bare hands.
  • Vicki heard a quick inhalation of breath, a stifled cry, and a strangled curse followed by the slamming of the door to the room.
  • But it's important to realize that exploitative companies do not gain their stranglehold accidentally.
  • In Wharton's world, other people and the rigid expectations of stratified society conspire to strangle individual happiness.
  • AlakÚsa Kathß," in which a king's daughter becomes a disembodied evil spirit, haunting during the night a particular choultry (or serai) for travellers, and if they do not answer aright to her cries she strangles them and vampyre-like sucks their blood. Arabian nights. English
  • The principal wives of a great lord (ariki) strangled themselves.
  • The look on my face combined with the little strangled noises that seemed to come from my throat of their own accord seemed answer enough.
  • -- When a person is drowned, strangled, or choked in any way, what is called asphyxia occurs. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • My subject-matter is to be strangled at birth before my ham-fisted attempts to bring my feeble story to life are even completed.
  • A strangler is a work, along with a couple of mobsters named Flash and Dip. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Double Z - Maxwell Grant
  • The United States couldn't do enough to put a stranglehold around Afghanistan.
  • From what is cinematically a great central idea, the scriptwriters don't half strangle the film's potential, eliminating any shade between the bad and good guys.
  • After being kidnapped Julie was held prisoner in a coffin-like box before being beaten unconscious and strangled.
  • It's perfectly natural that she should try to strangle the opposition to her plans at birth .
  • Prosecutors said he strangled him and later dismembered his girlfriend in Greece in 1997.
  • This kind of vile parading of corporate interests, fear, and propaganda to further expand the stranglehold of industry over the health and welfare of the masses is a disgrace. Think Progress » Health Care Industry Front Group Cheers Death Of The Public Option With Large Washington Post Ad
  • As I was working my way through this novel, a serendipitous but calamitous event occurred: strangles an equine disease also known as distemper infected a stable run by a good friend of mine. Firehorse
  • Tielle sat up in bed, her mouth open, a strangled cry escaping her throat, sweat dripping from her.
  • Also, you can feed 1 cup of the flowers per day to aid in the treatment of strangles, which is a terribly contagious Streptococcus infection in the throat. The Last Chance Dog
  • Specific infectious forms of lymphangitis are seen in glanders and in strangles; infectious types of this disturbance are found in many instances where, initially, a localized or circumscribed infection has occurred -- the contagium having been introduced by way of an injury. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • This stranglehold exercised over public information depends upon the control of the media by a handful of corporations.
  • A strangled sob forced its way past my constricted throat muscles.
  • When he unhelpfully insisted on surviving, the multi-talented Borgias produced brother Cesare to strangle him in his sickbed.
  • In fact, just yesterday, I borrowed my son's ipod while I was cutting firewood, and cranked "Stranglehold" up to the max, and I was limbing and bucking beetle-killed lodegpole like the Motor City Madman himself. On The Nuge Feud
  • Would have come in handy some years back when trying to delouse my own and girlfriend's Norton strangleholds 10-27-05... AppRemover Removes Stubborn Security Applications | Lifehacker Australia
  • I wanted to grab her by the neck and strangle her.
  • His creative drive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.
  • Pangloss, who was as inquisitive as he was disputative, asked him what was the name of the mufti who was lately strangled. Don’t Just Do Something–Stand There! | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • He was careful not to leave fingerprints at the crime scenes and he strangled all his victims with ligatures (cords, ropes, etc.) rather than murder them violently, leaving lots of blood and gore on the murder scenes.
  • The banyan replaced the Hanging Elm in Washington Square Park as my favorite tree, because it isn't so much a tree as a tree monster, a macabre tangle of branches oozing to the ground so as to support ever more branches, threatening to squeeze to death anything in its path, a tendency that earned it the cute nickname "strangler fig. Aloha? More Like Boo!
  • The trader 'copped' a strangle play by selling 3,000 puts at the May $46 strike for a premium of $1.77 apiece in combination with the sale of 3,000 calls at the May
  • Bryans also helped develop equine vaccines for herpes, viral abortion, strangles, salmonellosis, and equine influenza.
  • In fact, a financial oligarchy presides over America, which guarantees its maintenance of political power through the two-party stranglehold.
  • Copyright Wars denounced certain copyright owners who once analogized a copying technology to a "strangler" -- and then six times accused copyright owners of trying to "kill, The Progress & Freedom Foundation Blog
  • If sex workers organize, goes the thinking at the local organization, they feel strong enough to break the stranglehold pimps and policemen have on their lives.
  • Anna was raped and strangled by a man who was on bail awaiting trial for rape.
  • Now, who recalls that it was her group, New Forum, that organized the silent candlelight marches that surrounded and eventually strangled the regime of Erich Honecker? Remembering Baerbel Bohley, an artist who helped bring down the Berlin Wall
  • Shankar himself broke away from the stranglehold of feudal culture where the patron's command was total.
  • My river run condos as attitash mountain is upright strangled of this 3d import show and she is preferably 21!!!! as soon as she sees the models of observations at the entrance, she doesn't want to close in. Wii-volution
  • The scrub that borders the tracks is overgrown with kudzu, an imported plant that strangles the natives.
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, the only way to breach the stranglehold of the state was to move to the West or the Gulf countries, where Indian entrepreneurs excelled.
  • I gave a strangled cry before bursting into tears on Adelle's shoulder.
  • His voice sounded oddly strangled, and she opened her eyes to find his face unexpectedly close to hers.
  • I know one officer who nearly strangled his son because he caught him using his shaver, for fear he might cut himself.
  • It says less about the logic of reform than about the poverty of a debate that's strangled by interest groups and ideology on both sides.
  • He had taken but two steps before he was engulfed by a pair of slender arms and he endured the stranglehold of their embrace only as long as he deemed appropriate before he freed himself from his official bride.
  • He moved quicker than he could trace, and caught him in the same stranglehold.
  • I've seen snakes strangle people and swallow then whole!
  • His expression stark, he admitted, “Just two nights ago, I…I almost strangled her to death while I slept.” Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
  • She is like my brache, Gorgon, who compels whatsoever hound is coupled with her to go the way she chooses, or she strangles him if he resists. Anne of Geierstein
  • The attempts to free academia and research funds from the stranglehold of methodological materialism can only help the creationist movement.
  • On the day of the murder, Albert DeSalvothe man who would eventually confess in lurid detail to the Strangler's crimesis also in Belmont, working as a carpenter at the Jungers 'home. A Death in Belmont by Sebastian Junger: Book summary
  • The government's planning and housing policies are a "nimbys 'charter" set to "strangle" the self-build sector, says one of Britain's self-build experts. Self-build homes face a new set of obstacles
  • Thomas lunged at Corrine and grabbed her around the neck, trying to strangle her.
  • A few large firms have a stranglehold on the production of this essential commodity.
  • Somehow the thought struck him as extremely funny and he strangled the shout of laughter that arose in his throat.
  • That will teach me to read a thread fully, had I have known you were joining the PW's, I would have said, ask for a transfer, you will be spending the rest of your career listening to cats being strangled and eating pig clag for brekky otherwise. Army Rumour Service
  • The miserable prisoners, yoked at the neck, their faces burned red by this sudden exposure to the sun after years of darkness, were led up one by one to the carnifex, who took them down into the Carcer and strangled them—thankfully out of sight, but still I could see that Cicero was keeping his face averted and talking fixedly to Hybrida. CONSPIRATA
  • And in the meantime, I would strangle North Korea economically, ramping up the P.S.I.
  • She believes that the new measures could be valuable but said there was a risk that the benefits could be strangled by bureaucracy and costs.
  • Below, on the solid ground, stakes with chains were driven into the ground; while near the gibbet was a post with a chain in which those who were to be mercifully strangled before being thrown into the flames were to be placed. The Ferryman of Brill and other stories
  • He strangles her and puts her face in pig food?
  • The second girl made a strangled sound in her throat.
  • He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun.
  • In the end, the struggle against the central powers exhausted and strangled the impulse to freedom associated with growing equality, and the middle classes succumbed to being administered.
  • Ben had swung into his saddle and pulled the buckskin around to follow his sons and the buckboard out of the yard when he heard it: a half strangled yelp followed swiftly by what was obviously drawers opening and then slamming shut.
  • The good news was the tram, all 40 metres of it, looked well, performed well and could well live up to its promise to be a modern, efficient, comfortable, nippy form of public transport in a car-strangled city.
  • The case involves a pony brought to Orkney but tests for strangles came up negative at the time.
  • On top of this, the Stalinist bureaucracy was gaining a stranglehold on the revolution.
  • Reveal your secret nickname (mine's "strangler") and much other funkiness over at Cowgrass. com Random Funny Stuff -
  • Radcliffe had become a rallying point for the country's other top distance runners, who all agreed to turn out in an attempt to break the African stranglehold at this annual festival.
  • Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind, and poisons us… The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.
  • I was beaten and buffeted, smashed under by the great San Pablo whitecaps, and strangled by the hollow tide-rip waves which flung themselves into my eyes, nose, and mouth. DEMETRIOS CONTOS
  • A post-mortem revealed that the dead man had been hit on the side of the head with a blunt instrument before being strangled and dismembered.
  • Strangled woman 'gurgled' on phone to mum THE mother of a woman strangled by her husband received a call that sounded like somebody was "drowning" on the night her daughter died, a court has been told. | Top Stories
  • The croton is a preferred victim, but it also attacks guava, strangler fig, Mysore fig, mango, firebush, wild coffee, marlberry and satinwood. SplicedFeed
  • You've let your firm grip on practical considerations become a stranglehold.
  • If he is a genuine hyracotherium, unusually special," said Varian in a strangled voice. Cattle Town
  • If he is a genuine hyracotherium, unusually special, " said Varian in a strangled voice. Dinosaur Planet
  • Her father's face had suddenly tightened as though he was being strangled by invisible hands.
  • And the very day before his end, it being told him that the magistrate Granius deferred the payment of a public debt, in expectation of his death, he sent for him to his house, and placing his attendants about him, caused him to be strangled; but through the straining of his voice and body, the imposthume breaking, he lost a great quantity of blood. The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
  • This measure had the desired result, and Leon was strangled, whilst asleep, by a zambo, who was his godfather. Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests
  • She tried to strangle her baby and her lover helped her finish the evil deed .
  • Strangled to a kind of catatonia, she falls upon a daybed and has her throat slashed - by this point it is unclear whether that is adding insult to injury or vice versa. 31 Screams: Uta Levka
  • Marco stuttered, and tried to loose the stranglehold at his neck.
  • Jen nodded, a strangled sound coming out of her throat that sounded like ‘yes.’
  • Recently I have spent a lot of time in French multinational companies, and what is inescapable is the stranglehold that English already has on the world of business here. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Strangles is an acute disease caused by infection with a bacteria called Streptococcus Equi.
  • If so, he should have concluded that the strangler was a non-secretor — and so excluded Carlton Gary as the source of the semen. The Stocking Strangler case
  • With a voice some called soulful and others called strangled, 17-year-old Diana Vickers was last seen sobbing on stage at the X - Articles related to Lily Allen flouts French smoking ban in Paris as she performs in a plunging leotard
  • Inflammation of the pharynx is a complication of other diseases -- namely, influenza, strangles, etc. -- and is probably always more or less complicated with inflammation of the larynx. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • For years, the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.
  • Despite scores of deaths, govt slow to regulate window blind cords that strangle children Govt slow to regulate deadly window blind cordsWASHINGTON - Shopping for her nursery, Kelly Horvath bought a new window shade because its label advertised its child safety features. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Fatima Husain, a consultant in obstetrics and gynaecology, has told how she sees Muslim women coming for treatment with strangle marks around their necks and bruises on their pregnant bumps. Muslim men ‘think they have God-given right to beat wives’, claims female Muslim medic
  • The victim had been strangled with a belt.
  • Bloodied: Strangled woman 'gurgled' on phone to mum | Top Stories
  • While it might look impressive in rainforests, the strangler fig is one fig you shouldn't try at home.
  • A post-mortem revealed that the dead man had been hit on the side of the head with a blunt instrument before being strangled and dismembered.
  • Salty water cascaded in torrents down my face and my sobs were strangled and helpless.
  • When one is caught in the stranglehold of addiction, all other concerns become a backdrop to the craving for the next dose, the next big fix.
  • Blowing up those bridges then, considering the film as a purely autotelic artwork, it is quite possible, I'd argue, to read the work as dealing wholly with symbols and the relationships between them: a deserted Metro station; a flick-knife; a murder; a deserted tower-block; a wife; a police commissioner; a strangler; and so on. Notes on Strange Fiction: Postmodern(ism)
  • The scrub that borders the tracks is overgrown with kudzu, an imported plant that strangles the natives.
  • The former physicist is aiming to loosen the stranglehold of the big five high street lenders. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd roadied with the Sex Pistols and The Stranglers and Elvis Costello and really got a taste for that sort of lifestyle.
  • A choked sound came from my throat, a strangled sound.
  • We wish to eliminate all barriers to international trade that strangle the productive potential of countless countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
  • Further reflexion and experiment showed me my subject strangled in that extreme of rigour.
  • Geojit is recommending buying strangles, which is again betting that there will be a jump in IVs ahead of the Budget. The Economic Times
  • Think early prodigy fuzzed sub bass mixed with a growling Stranglers sound.
  • After lunch, we abandon our canoes and slog through knee-high water to Panther Mound, a raised piece of land, or hammock, thick with gumbo-limbo trees, loblollies, and strangler figs.
  • Economies die more slowly, strangled by fear and despair.
  • Just console yourself with the thought that one day this woman will either be forced to convert to Islam, submit to a clitorectomy and wear a burqa, or she will be slowly strangled by being hanged from a crane jib. Another Girl, Another Planet « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The patient strangled and gasped and suffocated and, at intervals, the toca was withdrawn and he was adjured to tell the truth. Matthew Yglesias » No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition
  • It's perfectly natural that she should try to strangle the opposition to her plans at birth .
  • It was a wonder Sorsha did not strangle them in her frenzy of relief and gratitude.
  • With a voice oscillating between organ-like thunder and strangled quietness, Gambon brings out Hamm's terminal desperation.
  • A strangled shriek of rage and panic caught in her throat, and she struggled like a dying fish hooked through the cheek.
  • Reich can take some of the credit for busting the stranglehold on the 20th century of atonal music, which he calls a red herring; he describes listening to such work as akin to taking a bitter pill.
  • Plans have been drawn up to safeguard Cumbria's thriving local meat industry from being strangled by bureaucracy.
  • Their limitations at midfield would catch up with them and a stranglehold of possession would limit their classy forwards.
  • Among the invasive species found here and there are Brazilian peppertree, guava, laurel fig, melaleuca, Old World climbing fern, and strangler fig.
  • His quaky, affected voice is so overbearing it strangles otherwise mostly harmless songs and inflates them to the extent of self-parody.
  • After all, what was the fine exploit thy husband achieved, if he did kil a hydra in a marsh or that monster of Nemea? which he caught in a snare, for all he says he strangled it to death in his arms. Heracles
  • These companies are determined to keep a stranglehold on the banana industry.
  • Blowing up those bridges then, considering the film as a purely autotelic artwork, it is quite possible, I'd argue, to read the work as dealing wholly with symbols and the relationships between them: a deserted Metro station; a flick-knife; a murder; a deserted tower-block; a wife; a police commissioner; a strangler; and so on. Notes on Strange Fiction: Postmodern(ism)

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