How To Use Strand In A Sentence

  • She was in her sixties and wore her thinning gray hair pulled back in a loose bun with all but a few strands secured by bobby pins.
  • Prehistoric rubbish heaps produced by the strandlopers are found in a number of caves and tell a great deal about the San people's lifestyle.
  • She pulled the black scrunchie out of her long glossy red-gold hair, the silky strands having been confined in a simple low, sleek ponytail.
  • From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
  • Whatever you think of Strandlof and the months he masqueraded as a brain-injured veteran, the simple truth two months after his web of lies came apart is that public disgrace seems to have changed him little. Heroes or Villains?
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  • Each was composed of interwoven strands, themselves composed of up to a dozen more. Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
  • Aviation regulators closed roughly 80% of European airspace during the Easter holiday, stranding millions of people and upending global commerce. Sky Wars: Europe Battles to Erase Borders in the Air
  • They called C4, which is Mexico's emergency dispatch system and advised them that they had been lost for two days, were stranded, dehydrated, and were going to light a signal fire to attempt to get some help," said Cal Fire spokesperson Roxanne Provaznik. Knowledge is Power
  • Eric Widstrand, City Traffic Engineer for the Seattle Department of Transportation, told the newspaper that the hula hoop is a sticker (which is graffiti) that has been applied to the sign to make it look like the pedestrian is hula-hooping. | Blog | Hula Hoop Pedestrian-Crossing Sign Confuses Some
  • Standing in front of the mirror she tweaked a strand of hair into place.
  • Sunset found me in the cove, not hidden by the leaves as before, but sitting in the boat astrand. A Trip to Venus
  • It was laying on its front and looked as if its head had been resting in its folded arms before rising up enough to let one of its unblinking eyes stare at Kyri through strands of long red hair.
  • Presently I saw a man leaning on a two-strand barbed-wire fence, the wires fixed not to posts but to crooked tree limbs stuck in the ground.
  • On the River Darent, in Kent - which as recently as 1996 used to dry up in places during the summer, stranding and killing fish and other aquatic life - the amount taken from the river has been cut by 35m litres a day compared with 20 years ago, increasing river flows and so enabling much greater numbers of brown trout, pike and other fish to live in its waters. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • This invention relates to improvements in vertical continuous casting or the casting technique of obtaining cast pieces by drawing a strand formed in a water-cooled mold downward without incurvating, and then cutting the strand.
  • College students are stranded in an abandoned town whose only law is the ghost of ruthless gunslinger Bloody Bill Anderson and his posse of vicious zombies.
  • A microarray consists of single-stranded DNA arranged on a wafer the size of a postage stamp.
  • Through it all there is a strand of political activism that waxes and wanes, but never disappears.
  • An equipment failure of accident on the moon could have left the astronauts stranded.
  • Taper and skive four thongs, form a loop with the small end of the longest strand, and seize all strands together. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • Sophie's more casual outfit consists of a black Powerline stretch sleeveless top, Kismet's own label sarong, and an orange, multi-strand bugle bead bracelet.
  • Maintain decent instruments, can not be stranded in spots.
  • Two strands of thread are crossed over the desired area and pulled taut, cutting the hairs in perfect symmetry. The Sun
  • They locate the various strands in feminist thinking, and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them.
  • It was a butterfly, its wings made from fine strands of gold twisted together until they formed this delicate creature, so fine it seemed almost transparent.
  • We call it QED, after the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, or "proven as demonstrated," and it is intended to bridge the funding gap, popularly known as the "Valley of Death," between research grants and private investment while advocating proof-of-concept development projects within the life sciences. --
  • Through the mind-hopping Ezili, who "swims" through time and space, the novel's multiple strands exist simultaneously, suggesting that all three characters are, in some sense, plural aspects of a single woman. The Little Professor:
  • The strands of barley's beard can get stuck in an animals mouth because it is sharp.
  • Unusually long strands of carbon fibre from the outer shell trailed down from the hull. Times, Sunday Times
  • While this is happening, what appeared at first to be a spaghettilike jumble of the ninety-two chromatin strands condenses into chromosomes that upon close examination are actually twenty-three pairs of pairs, that is forty-six pairs or ninety-two chromosomes in all. THE HIDDEN FACE OF GOD
  • The viral nucleocapsid enters the host cell and breaks open releasing two viral RNA-strands and 3 essential replication enzymes: Integrase, Protease and Reverse Transcriptase - Business News
  • A fiber or strand mile is a mile-long, single strand of fiber optic wire.
  • The tundishes are used to feed liquid steel to Nucor's four-strand billet caster.
  • The quirky documentary strand returns with another typically offbeat film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind West, the retractable path that led to the elevator retracted, leaving them stranded on the circular platform.
  • The hapless passengers were stranded at the airport for three days.
  • This exposed strand then searches for a copy of itself (located on its sister chromosome), and "photocopies" past the broken region, repairing the DNA and zipping itself back up. Newswise: Latest News
  • Greek troops battled snow storms and rescued 108 train passengers stranded in sub-zero temperatures yesterday, authorities said.
  • The RT enzyme converts the single-stranded virion into doublestranded DNA for subsequent integration into the host cell genome.
  • High in the Alps is a monument raised in honour of a faithful guide who perished while ascending a peak to rescue a stranded tourist.
  • In addition, sequences at the genomic termini were believed to be recombinational hot-spots due to the induction of an additional double-strand break mechanism or due to the high GC content at the DNA ends PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • FA cells are extremely sensitive to exposure from agents that can cause DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs), abnormal structures that block DNA replication. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Yesterday at low tide, silt shut the slough like trap, and mud stranded boats on docks perched high above water.
  • Joining the disks are thin wire strands, painted yellow and orange, that zigzag across the front.
  • Persistent pupillary membrane is a condition of the eye involving remnants of a fetal membrane that persist as strands of tissue crossing the pupil.
  • But private sales are not and buyers are left stranded if their newly-bought vehicle is not what they expected.
  • Dicotyledonous plants retain a series of strands.
  • Is it possible the first Starbuck, from the old series, joined the fray, and was killed -- remember, he "mated" with an angel and was stranded on a planet in Galactica 80, so his arrival could have been delayed. Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • The chilly wind whipped strands of dark hair across her face, and the dewy smell of wet grass filled her senses.
  • Rescue services have been working round the clock to free stranded motorists.
  • For some reason best known to whoever it was, a lifebuoy on Abbeyside strand was taken from its berthing and shamelessly burned.
  • Mr McCarthy instanced the success of food companies, such as Kerry Group plc, Lee Strand Co-op, Tralee, and the Cadbury factory in Rathmore.
  • Yet lumpish Jane's fairytale romance is left stranded on the roadside by the self-centered pragmatism of robbers on the run.
  • She wore a pearl necklace to match those on her dress and even her hair, a tower of blonde streaked curls done up in such a fashion that a few loose strands framed her plumpish face perfectly, was adorned with strands of pearls.
  • Now, in this land the path of the transgressor is strewn with barbed wire, and so my mistress got entangled in some loose strands that had uncoiled from the fence. Janey Canuck in the West
  • A split end occurs when the protective cuticle is worn away on the tip of a strand, allowing the fibers of the cortex to unravel and the hair to split lengthwise.
  • The shark's fin was made up of concentrated chicken consommé, gelatinized and shaped into strands like the authentic article.
  • Beautifully arranged strands of semi-precious stones, earrings and pearls beckon them to take a second look.
  • Adam smirked, a dark strand of hair falling into his eyes.
  • As well as having some teachers stranded at home, headteachers were also concerned about health and safety on icy playgrounds.
  • These two strands have an approximately equal weight in terms of student workload and contribution to the overall assessment.
  • Still, the result is an entertaining overview that can be recommended both to surfers and to landlubbers who appreciate the spectacle and have a fondness for the associated strand of American youth culture.
  • Afterlife energy is an unusual strand running through the life after death debate.
  • The anchor was raised some years ago near Boatstrand and has now been mounted on the pier with an appropriate plaque as a memorial to its ill-fated captain and crew.
  • Many British people seem to have forgotten - or failed to learn - that US foreign policy is complex and contains many strands.
  • I have many memories of being foundered on that windswept strand in the name of family holiday time.
  • There are different strands of liberalism, much as there are different strands of socialism and conservatism.
  • It greatly speeds up the process by which two types of fibers can be coaxially blended into a continuous yarn strand.
  • She was brushing her bright blue hair, putting two pigtails in her hair and a heart clip to hold back loose strands.
  • The thread is twisted by attaching loose strands to the top of the spindle, then rolling the spindle along the thigh to start it spinning.
  • These synthetic strands contain special marker sequences that indicate the start and end of the message.
  • a magistrand -- that is, one about to take his degree of Master of Sir Gibbie
  • In that work, Smith analyzes more than 1000 judicial opinions on citizenship, exploring the liberal, republican, and racist/ascriptive strands in American constitutionalism. Empirical Studies in Law
  • And already this belief helps nourish a central strand of the postmodern condition: a powerful inability to take things seriously. Christianity Today
  • Holly suddenly moved her head, and a few strands of her black hair fell across her face.
  • Like Deley - formerly a presenter on CBBC - Edwards is best known as a presenter of C4's teen strand T4.
  • In experiments one usually measures the time it takes one voltage-driven single-stranded DNA to translocate through the [alpha] hemolysin channel of a known structure.
  • What Flinx had felt moving slightly beneath the first man's body armor were bunched strands of haustorium. Flinx In Flux
  • Everything about the picture was perfect; even down to his few rebellious strands of hair by his neck.
  • This study reports on a mesoscale normal fault zone, intraformational in Oligocene argillaceous sediments from the Boom Formation, containing several metre-scale normal fault strands.
  • In cultural dances, performers may put on feathered hats and skirts made of sisal strands.
  • An agreement has also been reached for Yorkshire to buy the various income strands at Headingley and also the freehold of the ground.
  • The most likely cause of the stranding is the squid coming too close to the shore. NBC Washington - Top Stories
  • Tonight she would wear the swinging strands of rolled gold ending in one large crystal drop.
  • A few strands of hair caught on his eyelash and he flicked his head quickly to get them out of the way.
  • This strand was completely child - initiated; original activities began as a result of child requests and ideas.
  • The underlined genes are encoded by the opposite strand.
  • Gorgeous waves and curls alternate with straight strands as the hottest trends for Fall styles.
  • Fibre optics are thin strands of glass or plastic that transmit light by reflecting it.
  • Strands of her black hair swayed in the wind and the rest settled just under her neck.
  • The economic rationale has two strands. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • One of the joys of being a rural county councillor is online access to the 1880 and 1905 OS maps which can be overlaid on the current OS map; thus arguments over should it be ‘the Strand’ or ‘Strand’ have been resolved for a parish council, and old street names have been resurrected and given to new developments on the site where they ran. Satnav, democracy and dumbing down
  • We cannot stay young forever, my darling,’ my mother said as she tucked a loose strand of black hair behind my ear.
  • Those that routinely forage on the continental shelf rarely strand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new fibre optic networks (using thin strands of glass) had the capacity to deliver a far greater number of television channels than the old wired systems.
  • Lying across it like a stranded whale, if, that is, whales wear pink flying suits, was Carol.
  • Standing in front of the mirror she tweaked a strand of hair into place.
  • Neo-illiberals belong to a venerable strand of nirvana thinking: the prelapsarian school. The Times Literary Supplement
  • But his family were left stranded after the airline said he could not fly despite having a return ticket. The Sun
  • The receding tide stranded the whale.
  • Planning your route using a map leads to being stranded at motorway on-ramps.
  • In the triplex, the Hoogsteen basepaired dT strand blocks the major groove of the duplex.
  • If you believe the hype, strands can be examined to diagnose everything from allergies to zoonoses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gauze constitution was worse with the baft fabric because of copious interstitial strands of threads, which interfere with mesh openings.
  • purl" row this way - AND stranding it at the same time. Intrepid Fiber Wizard
  • The E.coli bacterium has an enzyme, DNA ligase, which can be used to repair these nicks in the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA chains to form an intact double-strand.
  • Inevitably, after a couple of pints my carefully planned schedule of return train connections had collapsed, leaving me stranded alone at Reading in a frozen waiting room at four in the morning.
  • ‘Doing everything on your own had been quite taxing but without the car I would have felt quite stranded’, she says.
  • The genotypes were confirmed by sequencing both sense and antisense strands using forward and reverse primers in separate reactions.
  • These mechanisms were compared with the rupture of excised walls that occurred by formation and breakage of strands between separating wall layers.
  • Americans will be "hybridized," with multiple ethnic strands to their identity. How can the American Latino Museum best answer the call of the Mall?
  • Stitch the sides of the pouch together using raffia strands.
  • She pulled the significantly looser strands and the rope unraveled.
  • Not a strand of her golden hair was out of place.
  • Topoisomerase III is a type I topoisomerase, acting on DNA that is negatively supercoiled and/or contains single-strand regions.
  • I recently witnessed a situation where a cable retrieve had just finished and a slight cable overrun had occurred, leaving a single strand over the side of the drum.
  • The second strand will assess the value for money of no less than 80 per cent of all programmes where ICT is a key element. Computing
  • In Basingstoke around 2,000 vehicles were stranded overnight on jammed roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the region shivered in Artic conditions hundreds of passengers at Manchester airport were left stranded after flight were cancelled.
  • A single strand of simple, unsophisticated smoke smoldered silently upward; spiraling simperingly into a sunlit bed of stagnant smog.
  • When rising seas severed the link, a wide range of wildlife was left stranded on the newly-created island.
  • The single strand that links the two is a hotel in Mozambique, part of the old empire and still there. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy. Pure Paradise
  • His soft brown strands of silken hair shine in the fading sunlight, gently sweeping into his eyes and over the planes of his face.
  • I am really talking about two intertwined strands--which I referred to as the subtle/subversive body earlier. Archive 2007-08-01
  • These tautly stretched lines consist of single strands of horsehair, arranged in an elegant composition that brings to mind the great horizontal tableaux of Barnett Newman.
  • As is traditional the route for the walk was from Strand Village to Monagea community centre.
  • Each strand of the story anticipates its own resolution as surely as the presence of koalas presages masticated eucalyptus.
  • In its ancient usage, weaving creates surfaces and volumes by the regular interlacing of pliable strands - the warp and the woof - passing over and under each other at right angles.
  • Many strands remain unresolved but so satisfyingly complex is the central subject, that a few loose ends really don't matter. Times, Sunday Times
  • _Methodus apodemica seu peregrinandi perlustrandique regiones, urbes et arces ratio_ ... English Travellers of the Renaissance
  • Last month the hotel on the Strand completed a refinancing of its loans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physical analysis of TNR-containing DNA strands showed that they readily adopt unusual secondary structures, such as hairpins, triplexes, quadruplexes, and slipped-strand conformations (summarized in SINDEN 1999).
  • The red-pink squiggly lines extending from the epicardial surface into the yellow fluid represent the strands of fibrin.
  • Angel wore black tight flares and a white tank top, and put her hair in a loose bun with a few strands hanging out, to which she added little chopstick things.
  • Consequently, they proposed a compact structural motif for the entire peptide in which the [beta] sheet structure of the superhelix is a sheet with three strands connected by two turns.
  • Also in the same third year of Ten-in, a great tree-trunk, one hundred and fifty feet long, was stranded on the seashore near a shrine called Ube-no-yashiro, at Miyanoshita-mura, which is in Inaba. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
  • But American administrations, first at a state then a national level, became disgusted by the justice they saw meted out to their citizens by the Strand. As Twitter and WikiLeaks make a mockery of the high court, is this the end of privacy as we know it?
  • The brush-on pearlised colors in four shades are best applied on long hair when strands are held together and color stroked on from the root to the tip.
  • Two strands of thread are crossed over the desired area and pulled taut, cutting the hairs in perfect symmetry. The Sun
  • The question hung unanswered: why make a documentary about a documentary strand? Times, Sunday Times
  • The male produces a long, gelatinous strand of condensed saliva from the sublingual salivary glands, which is then wound into a half-cup nest, bonded to a vertical surface.
  • The process goes on for several weeks, culminating in an amazing criss-cross of beautiful strands of light.
  • He went on holding her, stroking her hair gently, easing the sun-dried strands free of her blistered face. THE QUEST FOR K
  • With a soapy hand, Inger swiped back the strand of hair straggling across her forehead and put the final pot into the dishpan.
  • It will have to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds in refunds to stranded passengers and compensation to those on the trapped trains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite being handed perhaps one of the most intriguing ensembles ever assembled for a cheesy Hollywood movie, Marshall continuously squanders his riches in service of a lame, multistranded story that goes nowhere. Moberly Monitor-Index Homepage RSS
  • Silk is spooled off large reels along the top and two, four or six strands are wound together onto spindles at the bottom, making a stronger yarn.
  • A misfield from Bopara in the deep led to Redmond turning for a second; he was stranded half way down when McCullum sent him back, but Kieswetter's overpitched throw went right through the bowler Broad. The Guardian World News
  • Shetland wool is so fine it can be spun as thin as a strand of silk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earth was made of embryos like Mars, but Mars is a stranded planetary embryo that never collided with other embryos to make an Earthlike planet.
  • These trimetal clusters cleaved DNA through single-strand scission by use of UV light as the trigger.
  • The service, which will die quietly, though far from unmourned, on January 20, is now run from Bush House in the Strand by four Albanian exiles and one Englishman. From the archive, 11 January 1967: Albania on the blink
  • For hours on end up she would sit in front of the mirror moving a single strand this way and that. The Sun
  • If you have decided to be a strand style setter, enjoy the challenges, the hard work and the ultimate compliments and admiration for a style well designed.
  • An influential strand in the economic analysis of law seeks to transmit a particular message.
  • The girl nodded and brushed the loose strands of mouse brown hair from her face.
  • His defenders tend to argue that the operatic elements are anchored in believable plot strands. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It opened in 1946 as The Strand, with Hollywood features, became the Fine Arts in 1960, showing racy "nudist" films that evolved into pornography. - News
  • Regardless of the hair's texture, type or actual length, it is important to start with strands that are dressed properly with the necessary styling products.
  • When Melissa canted her head to slant away the strand of straight blond hair, my eyes focused on her lips.
  • I go into mass-production here, using a fork made from strands of fencing wire twisted together at one end and spread open at the other to form a circle of prongs.
  • Patricia said she is appalled that she was left stranded to deal with the crisis herself.
  • ‘It's not all I'm passionate about,’ he growls, tucking a few strands of her dark hair behind her ear.
  • One strand of her sound curled up to the pitch.
  • Her platinum blonde hair was neatly cut and sleeked back, besides the odd strand which dangled over her jade eyes.
  • She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears.
  • The macronucleus is a long-beaded structure, or it may be in several parts connected by strands (Gruber). Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • The stranded climbers were picked up by a rescue helicopter.
  • It's whipgloss, ladies: the grasses steep-edged in the storm, dense with hornets trying to trick their way under the roots while the stains keep creeping out of my fist, moistening the knee of my pants, your pants, our pants leaving us stranded like creatures that gurgle under the waste as the mud hardens. Gloss
  • Outland Trophy (Miglior Lineman): Mike Iupati di Idaho il nome nuovo, capitano dei Vandals ha giocato una stagione ad altissimo livello, dimostrando di vouch for recuperato ottimamente dallinfortunio alla spalla della passata stagione che lo aveva costretto the chiuderla in via anticipata; left guard, ormai titolare indiscusso da tre anni e dovrebbe presentarsi al breeze di questanno. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Some residents of Lincoln Street were stranded in their own homes as water lapped doors at the front and back of their homes yesterday.
  • Four or five minutes later, add the clams, then the mussels and prawns, and stir in the saffron strands.
  • On September 18 they put into the excellent port of the island of Gomera, 'the best,' he says, 'in all the Canaries, the town and castle standing on the very breach of the sea, but the billows do so tumble and overfall that it is impossible to land upon any part of the strand but by swimming, saving in a cove under steep rocks, where they can pass towards the town but one after the other.' Raleigh
  • The release of 195 decibels into this key waterway used by orcas, porpoises, seals, and other marine mammals was followed by an increase in strandings.
  • 1606, "It was a comedy to see what a crowding, as if it had been at a new play, there was upon the Acherontic strand. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • I could see a few strands of root protruding out of the walls, and the place had an earthy smell to it.
  • There are various strands in feminist thinking.
  • Miss Carpenter, as she separated long strands of raphia and initiated her pupils into the art of twisting and stitching, was almost as merry as Miss Pennington, whose infectious laugh, as she related James Mandeville's latest speeches, kept them all in a gale. The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
  • When cutting the sleeving to length, the manufacturer recommends using a hot knife, to melt the ends of the strands slightly, to prevent fraying.
  • she turned to the mirror and picked up her three strand necklace of pearls.
  • Aspens and cottonwoods turn from green to gold, meadows are dotted with milkweed pods spilling their silvery strands, and a peaceful splendor invites you to relax.
  • Thousands of holidaymakers and lorry drivers were left stranded. The Sun
  • He was fired for leaking classified information to save some stranded astronauts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This Account ravels several Strands that may be pull'd from the Life Story of Mrs. Palin. The Lipstick Coffeehouse.
  • The starting positions of the first instance of the repeat on the upper strand and the starting position of the second instance of the repeat on the lower strand are connected by a diagonal line.
  • But another Sherpa guide had dropped his ice axe, effectively stranding him, so Chhiring tied him to his harness, and down climbed the couloir with his friend hanging off him. Freddie Wilkinson: Heroes in Fine Print
  • When Margaret tried to braid her own hair, loose strands always refused to be captured, and made a halo around her pale face.
  • He felt in his pocket, and found his target: a strand of rosary beads his mother had given him before he had gone to serve in the Guard three months before.
  • Recent scholarship has hardly begun to gauge the strands of influence flowing out of the studios of western artists in what were then called the “presidencies” of Bengal, Behar, and Oudh — and thence to the workshops of indigenous Indian court and other local painters who evidently admired, or at least for whatever reasonsoughtto emulate them. Francesco Renaldi in Dacca
  • Joining the disks are thin wire strands, painted yellow and orange, that zigzag across the front.
  • There is now a clear distinction between two strands of modern elite theory.
  • Trapped, suffocating, and every other clichéd word one can look up in the thesaurus to describe being stranded in this small terraced island in the Pacific.
  • Nika stood up as her captive yanked and strained at the glittering strand that leashed her, shoulders bunching and teeth bared.
  • Some escape the many-stranded web of disadvantages.
  • Each can be seen as drawing an analogy with one or more strands of Marxist epistemology.
  • Next, send them out on to the ice floes of the frozen Baltic and get them to shout - in choral unison - at a stranded 10,000-ton ice breaking vessel, and you have got something called Mieskuoro Huutaja (Men's Choir Shouters) ... a new art form, and it is taking parts of the world by arctic storm. Boing Boing: February 1, 2004 - February 7, 2004 Archives
  • Yazaki's masterful but all-too-infrequent oeuvre, a marked contrast to 2006's colorful, multistranded (if equally femme-centric) "Strawberry Shortcakes.
  • The book opens with a haunting and portentous prologue that simultaneously catalyses the twin narrative strands of the novel, presages its thematic concerns and gives a first taste of the dark symbolism with which it is heavily laden.
  • Other tracks smuggle in gossamer strands of bebop and cool jazz. Times, Sunday Times

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