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How To Use Stormy In A Sentence

  • It was a stormy meeting. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • But why is this winter so stormy? Times, Sunday Times
  • There were mussels and abalones and clams and rock-oysters, and great ocean-crabs that were thrown upon the beaches in stormy weather. CHAPTER XVIII
  • It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.
  • It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.
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  • But the more the morselling of Christianity went on, the more dangerous became the raging ocean around it, so that now the Christian Archipelago seems to be quite covered with the stormy waves. The Agony of the Church (1917)
  • I met Erma Lee, a chestnut two-year-old filly, by Stormy Atlantic, that had yet to run. Liz O'Connell: Proviso: Always on Track
  • It was the beginning of a stormy relationship. PHYLLOXERA: How Wine was Saved for the World
  • It's a typically riotous mix of oompah music-hall cavortings, slurred-pitch Middle Eastern rhapsodising, luxuriously sensuous clarinet love-songs, and stormy collective blasts reminiscent of the 1960s John Coltrane quartet. Gilad Atzmon Orient House Ensemble: The Tide Has Changed
  • The convoy itself encountered numerous difficulties; mechanical and logistical problems were compounded by stormy clashes of personality.
  • But the stormy winter did have one benefit - lots of wind power. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term preceding the Commencement of 1799 was especially stormy. History of the University of North Carolina. Volume I: From its Beginning to the Death of President Swain, 1789-1868
  • The dispute is still thought likely to provoke a stormy, if not violent, showdown.
  • It is hard to avoid stormy waves when you are sailing in rivers;and it is hard to avoid brambles when you are climbing rugged mountains.We hope you can fearlessly fight the stormy waves and hack your way through the jungle.
  • It felt classy and utterly imperturbable - the sort of place where the band might play Stormy Weather in a raging typhoon.
  • Walters said his British rescuers took great risks to pick them up in the stormy seas.
  • Apparently the play is about ‘a fiery passionate Southern girl’ and her ‘stormy relationship’ with a man.
  • For example, I have never felt more a part of a ‘real community’ than when I've taken my wheezing, spluttering wean up to Yorkhill Hospital in Glasgow of a stormy evening.
  • “It was a dark and stormy night” might become “It was a caliginous and raving night” or “It was an obscure and disorderly night” – not exactly conveying what the original does. Big Brother and Stupid Monkeys « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • Gathered together on wicker furniture are two women and a man, posing a bit as they react to the stormy weather conditions outside with a bit of stiff-necked hauteur.
  • The sky hung low, a cloudy canvas with swirls of dark purple and stormy greys.
  • He poured out his otherwise ignored feelings into music, making his flute wail with stormy rage, sigh soft dirges, or trill in happy abandon.
  • The sailboat swayed on the stormy sea.
  • Most of his seascapes show a view from the shore with rough conditions and stormy skyscapes; there are six such works in the National Gallery, London.
  • His stormy gaze swept over all the buildings until it landed on a run down apartment with boarded up windows and crumbling walls.
  • Color, often manipulated and used to painterly effect, is an important element in all of these works, with hues ranging from acidic yellows and oranges to stormy blues and greens.
  • It was a stormy day in November, 2001, when Sharp and his men drove up to his beach fortress with a ton of boards, jetskis, and rescue gear.
  • In the second decade Patinir established a formula for the painting of calm seas, while interest in depicting stormy seas came later.
  • It is expected that will lead up to a stormy debate over the issue at Scottish Labour's annual conference in Perth in February.
  • Speculation about the cause of the crash has focused on stormy weather reported by the pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stormy petrel soars with a scream, a streak of black lightning, as an arrow pierces the clouds, on wing-tip slicing the wave froth.
  • But why is this winter so stormy? Times, Sunday Times
  • After the run of stormy weather comes another big surprise this weekend. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film depicts Plath's history of depression and suicide attempts, and follows her stormy relationship with Hughes, right up until her suicide, in 1963.
  • That fashion no-no is the least of his worries though, after a stormy week that was entirely of his own making. The Sun
  • Reminding me for all the world of wooden-faced commissars delivering set speeches to "the masses," who from time to time were expected to break out in "prolonged, stormy applause," city officials tried to ensure from the start that no real dialogue would take place. Archive 2009-10-01
  • On that stormy day, however, she was wearing sky blue contacts with a starburst pattern.
  • The stormy weather could spread as far as the British Midlands by this evening, he said, but temperatures would still be very warm.
  • Once there, Anson Burlingame, with his gentle manner and courtly presence, drew from those enfeebled castaways all the story of the burning of the vessel, followed by the long privation and struggle that had lasted through forty-three fearful days and across four thousand miles of stormy sea. The Boys' Life of Mark Twain
  • The view was aired at a stormy community meeting in which householders living near the site were given information about the Heslington East proposals.
  • Some Salish or Nanaimo or Lummi probably got stuck here one stormy day with nothing better to do. FOLLY
  • It is hard to avoid stormy waves when you are sailing in rivers;and it is hard to avoid brambles when you are climbing rugged mountains.We hope you can fearlessly fight the stormy waves and hack your way through the jungle.
  • But after their stay in that sun-kissed paradise they got a rude awakening on heading out into the Atlantic, which was to prove stormy and rough.
  • Those hands-free cellphone laws are most helpful in stormy weather. Coffee Break: May 13
  • The stormy, rainy conditions that night had raised the level of the water to the highest point so far this year with the river bursting its banks in several places around the town.
  • By shading the block walls, the polyurethane mesh helps to regulate the building's internal temperature and in stormy weather gives added protection to the construction beneath.
  • I think it's definitely getting stormy.
  • Weather has also contributed to the seclusion and peculiarity of the Azores - stormy winter seas often prevent access to the smaller islands even by air for days at a time.
  • Flying out over stormy seas is just part of their job and to them it is preferable to travelling over land on a calm, frosty night as icing causes major problems for the helicopter.
  • Seasonal variations are slight, though wet and stormy conditions with strong westerlies occur from December to February.
  • With a heart, then, inclined to believe what I have said to thee, attend, my son, to thy Cato here who would counsel thee and be thy polestar and guide to direct and pilot thee to a safe haven out of this stormy sea wherein thou art about to ingulf thyself; for offices and great trusts are nothing else but a mighty gulf of troubles. Don Quixote
  • When the weather grew stormy, we went below to keep dry.
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were many worse ways of spending a stormy winter afternoon. THE LAST OF THE GENTLEMEN ADVENTURERS: Coming of Age in the Arctic
  • The artist has used several layers of paint to create the stormy sky.
  • It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds.
  • At neap tides, in stormy weather, I've known the water come just a couple of inches below my wall. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • They were a family like us doing something that families like us do: enjoying the thrill of fleeing the spray from the big waves that break against the sea wall in stormy conditions.
  • Stormy scenes and emotional outbursts at work or at home are defused due to your meditative attitude and calming influence.
  • But there were those who faced a more protracted end: numbed into insensibility after days of clinging to a raft or boat in the stormy north Atlantic.
  • Marlborough then ploughed out into the stormy Mediterranean and passed the rest of the Task Group, her arrival at the Cyprus training grounds being heralded by a severe electrical storm and waterspouts.
  • The arrow on the barometer was pointing to "Stormy".
  • Henry lay awake, thinking of the dead boy, and pictured his eternal sleeping-place, hard by the stormy sea. The Colossus A Novel
  • Collecting pups after stormy weather has put the charity under strain in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staff and parents are concerned that the building could be unsafe, especially in stormy weather.
  • The song has a stormy quality that lends itself to images of waves crashing violently against rocky shorelines.
  • Advanced technology means the giant vanes of the turbines swivel to search for wind but cut out in stormy conditions.
  • In ten stormy years France had passed from autocracy to a constitutional monarchy to a constitutional republic and now to military despotism. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • As well as pie, soup is also a good comfort in this stormy weather.
  • We had a stormy passage to India.
  • Leslie, 43, and Chapman have had a string of bust-ups in a stormy marriage.
  • The shortage of sheltered safe berthing forces commercial craft to moor off in stormy conditions with potentially hazardous transfers in open boats.
  • He felt nauseous and depressed, awash on a stormy, bilious sea of confusion, misunderstanding, and despair.
  • The Caledonian Canal was engineered to provide shipping with a sheltered alternative to voyaging around the stormy Scottish coast.
  • The prefabricated building was erected on land beside St Nicholas Primary School on Friday after a delay of two days due to stormy weather.
  • The wave simulator can recreate swells of up to two metres - and in these stormy conditions, trainees will learn to cope with a chilly and potentially terrifying capsize.
  • In 1986, when the Commonwealth Games were last hosted in Britain, Edinburgh endured a fortnight of stormy skies and an even bleaker financial legacy.
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crossing was a long and stormy one. Malory: The Life and Times of King Arthur's Chronicler
  • The stormy weather of the last few weeks has prevented angling boats from venturing out, and many visiting anglers have been frustrated by the unseasonal weather.
  • Speculation about the cause of the crash has focused on stormy weather reported by the pilot. Times, Sunday Times
  • This morning, I have not even had breakfast, my stomach is a stormy sea, and all I seem to desire is whiskey and a pack of Camel's. If we can't make you open, we will take it out in blood.
  • The move follows a stormy debate in which the city's council tax rise was agreed at just less than five per cent.
  • It is widely known at Whataburger which my favorite bird is the eagle since in stormy times, when all alternative birds find refuge, the eagle soars, pronounced Tom Dobson, Whataburger Restaurants, LP Chairman as well as CEO. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The government refit also came after signs of growing discontent inside Mr. Papandreou's party, whose parliamentary deputies had grown increasingly uneasy over the stormy public protests. Greece Reshuffles Cabinet
  • Otherworldly caws, a sound they produce only when they are at sea, enable the sociable birds to maintain contact even in stormy conditions.
  • The one is a ship completely rigged and fitted to bear herself nobly and safely over the surging surface of a stormy sea, the other, a floating hulk; mastless, sailorless, only waiting to be cast upon some desert shore to rot. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline the Martyr Missionary
  • And if, as those men - Robert Wagner (her husband), Christopher Walken and the captain - claimed, she had been disturbed by a banging dinghy, why would Natalie and not the captain go out on a stormy night to retie it?
  • Transporting and setting up is more a child's play and with the catadioptric technology this telescope is sturdy even in outdoors not shaken even by the stormy winds. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Do you remember, Traverse, the low attic where we used to sleep, and how on stormy nights we used to listen to the rain pattering on the roof, within two or three inches of our faces, and how we used to be half afraid to turn over for fear that we should bump our heads against the timbers of the ceiling? The Hidden Hand
  • Their stormy, nocturnal pigments of brown, rust, orange and ocher, mixed with black and white, seem to thicken like wet sand.
  • Some other yachts were forced to divert and set sail for Maldives and Galle due to stormy weather.
  • To ensure that cash flow and productivity gains aren't blown away by stormy conditions, tight-fisted managers are squeezing value out of every cent.
  • Even on the stormy day that we visited, the vista over some of the uninhabited islands was magical.
  • They had a passionate and often stormy relationship.
  • But one stormy night, by an accident for which he was in nowise accountable, in overhauling a spare anchor-chain he had all the fingers of his left hand badly crushed. Chris Farrington, Able Seaman
  • a stormy argument
  • When the weather is cold and stormy, we tend to eat more - not just for the cozy feeling of snacking, but because we crave the comforting heat of casseroles, stews and roasts warming us from the inside out.
  • Its first writer, indeed, died shortly after the commencement of that stormy age, and took no share in its Councils or sufferings; while the last hymnographer who bore a part in its proceedings, S. Joseph of the Studium, belongs to the decline of his art. Hymns of the Eastern Church
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our relationship was stormy at the best of times. The Sun
  • Well done indeed to all who visited elderly or housebound neighbours during last week's stormy conditions to make sure that all was well.
  • The court was told the couple, who were married in 1980, had a stormy relationship.
  • Emma is more practical than religious, so when stormy seas threatened to overwhelm her she did all the things that sailors do to keep their boats afloat, and hoped for the best.
  • It's a stormy and wet December start as I pen these notes.
  • It depicts a beach scene outside The Hague with a boat setting off into a stormy sea.
  • On hits such as T-Bone Shuffle and Stormy Monday, the Texas bluesman created a style that became an indelible influence on BB King, Chuck Berry and more. T-Bone Walker plugs in
  • Their stormy relationship has been one of the major storylines of the ITV2 reality show. The Sun
  • When the weather is cold and stormy, we tend to eat more - not just for the cozy feeling of snacking, but because we crave the comforting heat of casseroles, stews and roasts warming us from the inside out.
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a wet and stormy winter with heavy rains setting off river floods and big storms bringing coastal floods. Times, Sunday Times
  • He spoke out ahead of a stormy meeting of world leaders at the G20 summit in Seoul today. The Sun
  • The girls were all stormy-faced, even Kei and Suna bounced their babies on their knees a less buoyantly than usual.
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • One stormy night she makes a strange discovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the meetings could get stormy if neighbourhoods feel they are being neglected. The Sun
  • Leading Internet words may very well be the new electric symbols, barometers (or perhaps lightning rods) for the stormy forces of this new electronic democracy.
  • Stormy's here with me; he just jumped up and had a brief suck of my ears, but I don't think they taste as good as Mandy's and he's wandered off again.
  • A heavy surf thundered and burst over an outjutting rock; lowering storm-clouds covered the sky; and, outside the line of surf, a pilot-schooner, close-hauled, heeled over till every detail of her deck was visible, was surging along against a stormy sunset sky. Chapter 1
  • This week's winds, rains and floods were horribly reminiscent of the stormy weather last winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her homecoming is somewhat earlier than expected, hastened by the recent stormy weather in the North Atlantic.
  • It was a wet and stormy winter with heavy rains setting off river floods and big storms bringing coastal floods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair often hit headlines with their stormy relationship. The Sun
  • But the ponds can also be slate on stormy days when they reflect the stormy sky.
  • However, as the stormy debates at the conference demonstrated, this fragile unity has not been easily won.
  • Ten tourists and five crew members remain missing after their boat hit a coral reef during stormy seas on Friday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love the mellow side of life, stormy days, quiet introspection. Christianity Today
  • Here is a prayer of the eldest daughter, Grand Duchess Olga:Send us, Lord, the patience, in this year of stormy, gloom-filled days, to suffer popular oppression, and the tortures of our hangmen. Archive 2009-07-01
  • A friend invited me to go sailing in a dinghy, again on a stormy day.
  • He felt nauseous and depressed, awash on a stormy, bilious sea of confusion, misunderstanding, and despair.
  • `It was a dark and stormy night' is a hackneyed beginning for a story
  • So he clung on to his draughty vicarage in East Anglia as a man might to a small raft in stormy seas.
  • He may have been in the secret of King João's somewhat stormy negotiations with the Holy See and he took the national and regalist view: in the _Auto da Four Plays of Gil Vicente
  • One particularly stormy night, Byron challenged the others to tell a ghost story.
  • Then Night came down like the feathery soot of a smoky lamp, and smutted first the bedquilt, then the hearth-rug, then the window-seat, and then at last the great, stormy, faraway outside world.
  • The white smoke rose in a small trail towards the stormy skies, far to the north of the two warriors.
  • The questioning that followed produced an expurgated description of that stormy occasion. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • In the stormy waters off Western Australia recently it was sub versus sub in a game of cat and mouse.
  • As the camera slowly and gracefully zooms back from a tight close-up of stormy waves to the rain-drenched street where Allen's character grew up, it's as if we're transported to the time of his dreams, his memories.
  • The neophyte actor, now 19, was plucked from a Scottish classroom some two years ago and cast in Sweet Sixteen, the stormy movie about a troubled young lad and his dealings with the mob.
  • The shortage of sheltered safe berthing forces commercial craft to moor off in stormy conditions with potentially hazardous transfers in open boats.
  • It blamed lower holiday sales, crimped gross margin, stormy weather and higher costs.
  • Her homecoming is somewhat earlier than expected, hastened by the recent stormy weather in the North Atlantic.
  • In ten stormy years France had passed from autocracy to a constitutional monarchy to a constitutional republic and now to military despotism. THE LOST KING OF FRANCE: Revolution, Revenge and the Search for Louis XVII
  • His defection aggrieved her so bitterly, that the fiercest of her wrath turned upon him; and after a wrangle wherein all the parties concerned had made liberal use of those "aculeate and proper" words against which the wary Bacon warns his quarrelling readers, she flounced away into the darkness of the small hours of the stormy December morning, loudly avowing her determination never to see a sight of the ugly, dirty, mane-spirited poltroon, or open her lips to him as long as she had an eye or a tongue in her head. Strangers at Lisconnel
  • The sky was starting to look stormy.
  • Young promising dancer (Josephine Siao) pays her first visit to a down-and-out composer (Patrick Tse Yin) in a stormy night, which inspires him to compose an opera titled "Purple Night".
  • Rainbows and reptiles at the same time, the compositions rub against each other like kakemonos in a stormy wind.
  • I talked about the difficulty of sleeping in stormy weather, stated the restlessness and semi-insomnia that the violent motion of the ship caused in me, and raised the query of how bad weather affected the officers. CHAPTER XXXVIII
  • Send us, Lord, the patience, in this year of stormy, gloom-filled days, to suffer popular oppression, and the tortures of our hangmen. Poems of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
  • March 18th, 2010 at 1: 38 pm snoopy says: oh stormypoo, where did you come up with 144 million americans? Think Progress » Bachmann: ‘I don’t mean any disrespect’ when I accuse the media of ‘treason.’
  • The new Bears quarterback was happy to be in the Windy City and had kind words to say about Denver despite his stormy exit.
  • But there was a teardrop shaped stone the size of a pebble, colored the cloudy blue of a stormy sea.
  • The inquest heard that the relationship was stormy and had broken up several times.
  • Darius' eyes were hard and intense and his stormy aura swirled with angry red.
  • wide and stormy seas
  • The marriage began in a stormy fashion, but soon settled down.
  • As an adult, Brett also had a stormy and reportedly violent three-year marriage.
  • The stormy overture tells of great things to come, which are only partially realised by the cast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, I was aiming for sarky instead of snarky, but sometimes my temper turns stormy and rains on my parade of words. When Crowds Cheer and A Woman's Heart Be Still |
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seasonal variations are slight, though wet and stormy conditions with strong westerlies occur from December to February.
  • On the mirror-like surface of this pond at midday, as it seemed (the scene in the novel takes place at stormy night, and still-stormy early dawn), Maggie sculled her way to the mill.
  • Interviews among factional leaders might easily end in stormy scenes, full of tirades and tantrums.
  • The stormy water has cleared some of the plankton and visibility is up to about 15m, though this is still a low reading by west coast standards.
  • This lough suffered from the stormy weather last week but still produced a few salmon despite the conditions.
  • Culdrose also averages more than 200 call-outs a year, from sailors taken off sinking vessels in stormy seas to people injured in cliff falls.
  • After a stormy on-off relationship, the couple married in 1995.
  • It was a stormy meeting. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • The atmospheric score and cinematography, especially of luscious New Zealand landscape and stormy seas, adds greatly to one's appreciation.
  • The towers look like beacons in the stormy night, still strangely reassuring in their solidity and familiarity.
  • This is considered as a token of very stormy weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • It depicts a viaduct with stick figures walking across it, slightly stooped and outlined against a stormy sky.
  • Shoddy umbrellas and whipping winds drive most New Yorkers indoors during stormy weather.
  • It has that kind of stormy nature as if you are seeing the surface battered by strong winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love the mellow side of life, stormy days, quiet introspection. Christianity Today
  • I catch a glimpse of her uneven bluish teeth, set like mismatched pegs of lazulite into gums the colour of a stormy autumn sky. Subterranean Press » 2006
  • If he moves over time toward turning Morocco into a British-style limited monarchy, that might be a historic step from a stormy Arab Spring to a balmy Arab summer.
  • Between the clouds and the sea proudly soars the stormy petrel , as a streak of black lightning.
  • There have been many cases in which stormy winds and torrential rains have inflicted serious damage.
  • The stormy overture tells of great things to come, which are only partially realised by the cast. Times, Sunday Times
  • What his first recital lacked was the subtle shading, delicacy and wit to bring less stormy movements to life. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few birds glided in the stormy sea of a swirling wind.
  • Some of the meetings could get stormy if neighbourhoods feel they are being neglected. The Sun
  • There was a pause as they looked out at the stormy sea and the gray sky.
  • At first she was very nervous about making the crossing in such stormy weather.
  • Rocks that are cruel and relentless as the surges that sweep over them in stormy weather, and which are so quaintly named from their helmet, or "casque" - like resemblance -- rocks, concerning which the poet Swinburne has sung in his eloquent verse, that breathes the very spirit of the sea in depicting the strife of the elements: Bob Strong's Holidays Adrift in the Channel
  • The sky hung low, a cloudy canvas with swirls of dark purple and stormy greys.
  • Youth only can understand all that lies in the dithyrambic outpourings of youth when, after a stormy siege, of the most frantic folly and coolest common-sense, the heart finally yields to the assault of the latest comer, be it hope, or despair, as some mysterious power determines. The Deserted Woman
  • When the moon's orbit aligns just perfectly with Jupiter's stormy eye and an entire mountainside is lush with four leaf clovers, something really easy slides across your desk.
  • In another large work, soft-edged horizontal lines suggest a stack of stormy sunsets, with orange, rose and yellow scumbled between brown or black, in ominous bands.
  • It was a dark and stormy night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten tourists and five crew members remain missing after their boat hit a coral reef during stormy seas on Friday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pair often hit headlines with their stormy relationship. The Sun
  • Feb 22, 1988: On a snowy, windy, rainy, stormy, day I stay inside and play computer games.
  • Minor changes were made to the scene but the warning was not altered before the first night and the stormy reception that then followed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a dark and stormy night, and you wanted to scare the crap out of your campfire friends...
  • a stormy day
  • Marital tension, reflecting Strauss's stormy relationship with his wife Pauline, is a subject common to several of his operas, some openly autobiographical.
  • Korea knew that Stormy was going to say that she had not douched since she had made her, after what had happened at Club X. The Punany Experience

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