How To Use Storekeeper In A Sentence
The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers, accountants, storekeepers, and drivers had a low level of education, were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
It would be interesting to see a comparison of the catalog and store prices to learn what kind of markup the storekeepers had and to get a better idea of what a craftsman's tool kit cost him.
All junior workers, including cooks, laundry hands, storekeepers, clerks and other non-medical junior staff are involved in the strike.
When Sir Robert Peel formed his first ministry in 1834 he appointed Bonham storekeeper of the ordnance.
On the streets, local gangs pressurise storekeepers to pay protection money on a daily, rather than weekly, basis.

His family, the Barwoods, had been from the earliest times a race of shrewd and driving New England storekeepers, the very antipodes of sentiment and dilettanteism.
Stories by American Authors, Volume 1
Storekeeper, and hence deserving of both our considerance and respect.
Social relations in our Southern States,
Right now, I'm short-staffed, said Larry Jue, a 63-year-old storekeeper working the cash register at his family's 70-year-old grocery store, the Sam Sing & Co. Store.
In the Delta, a new flood brings back old fears
Before then, farmers ran diversified farms because they wanted a sufficiency, wanted to produce enough to feed their families and to swap with neighbors and storekeepers for what they could not grow or make.
There was much hardship felt by individuals such as miners, woodcutters, bullock drivers and storekeepers.
I took that chance to grab two more peaches - one in each hand - and leave, but the storekeeper caught on quicker than I had thought he would.
The storekeeper was a tall, portly man, with a gray mustache and side-whiskers, and a high bald forehead.
Hiram the Young Farmer
The storekeeper was a big, good-natured man, and he nearly stepped on me.
Billy Whiskers' Adventures
Some of the storekeepers had banded together to hire their own detective force; so had the railroads and hotels.
Some of the storekeepers had banded together to hire their own detective force; so had the railroads and hotels.
He proudly tells the storekeeper of the sweet shop that the sugar is for the mother of his firstborn son.
Ironmongers, specialist tool merchants, and general storekeepers retailed the products of a large and complex toolmaking industry.
The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers, accountants, storekeepers, and drivers had a low level of education, were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
Some 1,400 printing workers at the State Printing Corporation of Sri Lanka went on strike on August 27 to demand reinstatement of a company storekeeper.
At Walnut Grove, bustling with life, the few Americane consisted of the storekeeper, the saloonkeeper, the butcher, the keeper of the drawbridge, and the ferryman.
All the residents and storekeepers in the neighborhood were on hand.
Blaauwildebeestefontein was very clear to me: the storekeeper was a sot.
Prester John
The loft above the taverna containing one habitable room was used for the lodging of the storekeeper, the caretakers or the workshop employees.
The army of typists, filing clerks, cashiers, accountants, storekeepers, and drivers had a low level of education, were inefficient, reluctant to take initiative, and imbued with an ethos of red tape and routinism.
It was "clapboarded" and two stories in height, the upper floor being used by Sol Jerrems, the storekeeper, as a residence, except for two little front rooms which he rented, one to Miss Huckins, the dressmaker and milliner, who slept and ate in her shop, and the other to Mr. Cragg.
Mary Louise in the Country
It was a record David would acknowledge in boyish, self-effacing fashion; sometimes proffering a calling card that identified him as a former chief storekeeper and a retired SEAL with the nickname
David David
Janice asked, for it was difficult to remember to call the storekeeper's wife by any name but that to which she had responded for so many years while she taught the Polktown ungraded school.
The Mission of Janice Day
Simply put, the storekeeper who offers low prices and top quality will draw more customers and beat his competitors.
There were no soldiers visible here, just traffic and crowds of shoppers and storekeepers, tourists and the schnorrers who hit them up for money.
She is unique to me in that she always dresses so ‘man-ish’, works as a storekeeper in a large industrial part of town, driving a forklift and loading huge boxes onto trucks for hours.
North-Western Downs — the tender heart of a new jackeroo storekeeper was touched by the sight of two black boys quaking with the cold, the attire of each being limited to a singlet tugged down to its extreme limit.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
The storekeeper was making us nervous because he knew we weren't serious about buying anything.
They have talked with storekeepers, taxi drivers, street cleaners and bar staff, anyone who may have seen the incident.
Is there a parallel between taking up a storekeepers time by pretending to shop and ask prices for items we know we will not buy and dating the opposite sex with no intention of a committed relationship?
He was making a living as a storekeeper in Oxford, and he had purchased a small farm a few miles outside of town.
Michael ran to the storekeeper and had him pack the snow globe, keeping the price tag separate, but hidden.
In The Victim, the Jewish son of an anti-gentile and ghetto-mentality storekeeper is being given a hard time by an insecure and alcoholic WASP.
The Great Assimilator
Some 1,400 printing workers at the printing company went on strike on August 27 to demand reinstatement of a company storekeeper.
As he paid the storekeeper, weariness must have shown in his face.
Both his father and his grandfather were storekeepers whose stock included painting materials.
Along the coast, most merchants and storekeepers are of Indian or Arab descent.
She turned around slowly, and saw a couple of guards talking to a storekeeper.
These fruits have been marketed by the farmers of California through their own marketing agency and are sold directly to your storekeeper from the farmers 'co-operative exchange belonging to and operated by the fruit growers of California.
The Non-Partisan Movement
Tim was a storekeeper on the fast frigate USS Wadsworth.
He specialized as a storekeeper in the air cargo unit.
The storekeeper is the lowest official on a station.
Town Life in Australia
Javier was summoning the storekeeper, a young man with a shock of black hair and white skin who was smoking behind the counter, when his gaze fell upon a pile of cassettes stacked haphazardly on top of the glass.
They often had to translate or explain things to their parents, argue for their parents with English-speaking storekeepers, and in general become more knowledgeable and confident than their parents.
Half-an-hour later they were launching the canoe and loading up, while the storekeeper made jocular remarks about poor, weak mortals and the contagiousness of "stampedin 'fever.
Joel -- _Joel_!" she cried, peering into every corner, and looking into the potato bag and behind some boxes that the storekeeper had given the boys to make things out of, and that were kept as great treasures.
The Adventures of Joel Pepper
A storekeeper was assaulted in an alley by eight youths.
Industrial workers consist of operatives, maintenance workers, storekeepers, packers, cleaners, basic supervisory staff and apprentices.
In the store the long shelves upon one side held dry-goods, while upon the opposite shelves a miscellany of groceries was displayed; toward the rear was the storekeeper's assortment of hardware near a counter piled high with sweaters, boots, chaparejos, all jumbled hopelessly.
Man to Man
He had previously worked for British Rail as a storekeeper in Swindon and was employed as a packer in December 2002.
He contributed to the growth of the town through his own enterprise as a farmer, a storekeeper, and a manufacturer as well as through his diligent service as a public official.
After the explosion of the storehouse the storekeeper was dazed.
Williamsport 't other day -- a storekeeper -- a big, fat man with a beard like Abraham's in the 'lustrated Bible.
The Long Roll
According to a storekeeper, at about 9: 10 pm, a man was spotted prostrate on the ground by a police car.
The major ended his days as a storekeeper in a London factory after being relieved of command of the Polish Parachute Brigade after the disastrous Operation Market Garden during the Second World War.
With increasing pressure on his time, he passed over the day to day responsibilities to one of his ablest and most enthusiastic assistants, the former storekeeper of the hospital.
I asked the storekeepers to either side where I might find him, but neither knew.
Like so many storekeepers, Thomas feels his watch shop would be a safer place if he had a gun with which to fend off armed robbers.
Storekeeper: Thank you very much. You are such an honest boy.