How To Use Stopping point In A Sentence
the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell
Rhapta was described as a bustling metropolitan area located somewhere just inland from the central coast of mainland Azania, perhaps in the vicinity of modern-day Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam. 10 It also indicated that Rhapta was the most southerly stopping point along the East African commercial route, and that merchants interested in making a round trip to Rhapta from one of Roman Egypt's Red Sea ports had to be ready to depart in July because that was when the climate cycle necessary to make the voyage began.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
Gray laid down the vital tour and stopping points: first Ullswater and Derwentwater, then past Helvellyn to Grasmere and Ambleside.
A passion for painting in the Lake District
Set in the historic Borders, there are castles and kirks galore, and you can use it as a stopping point on the Southern Upland Way.
Situated at the exit to the Straits of Malacca between Indonesia and the tip of Malaysia, the country was a natural stopping point on long voyages and quickly blossomed into an important port.

Now the concept of ‘public safety’ has no inherent specific content that would impose a stopping point or define a boundary beyond which it does not extend.
Set in the historic Borders, there are castles and kirks galore, and you can use it as a stopping point on the Southern Upland Way.
When the railway quietly gave way to highways and jets, what formerly was a major stopping point heading west became a town without a purpose.
Since the pipeline's proposed route crosses many of these habitats -- including the Platte River in Nebraska, one of the most important feeding and resting locations -- miles of these critical stopping points would be at risk of being fouled with sludgy, toxic tar-sands oil every day of the year.
Leda Huta: Keystone Pipeline Could Push Endangered Whooping Crane Into Extinction
Although not exactly a premier stopping point, it does serve as a dumping ground for the reprobates of the universe.