[ US /ˈstoʊnɝ/ ]
  1. an attacker who pelts the victim with stones (especially with intent to kill)
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How To Use stoner In A Sentence

  • The band seems to be shooting for a dreamy, druggy vibe, but sludgy tunes like ‘Manatee Man’ are too forgettable to hold even a stoner's interest.
  • The Jack in the Box is a hipster CEO whose ads are filled with carefully crafted irony and an overt stoner vibe .
  • Streams support a distinctive group of species not widely found elsewhere in Ecoregion 27, including the bigeye shiner, southern redbelly dace, stoneroller, black and golden redhorses, spotted bass, logperch, and orangethroat darter. Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
  • Another way of rationalizing the film is to call it the ultimate stoner movie — the High in the title says as much — since it contains plenty of weed references.
  • Take a stoner to a hemp shop and he'll choose you the phattest bong; drop him in a Sports Authority and he'll come out doubly dazed and confused.
  • The progs are a bunch of addle brained stoners so indoctrinated by the Lefties that they have lost all ability to reason, so addle brained that they fell for the Obama fraud. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Since his 2009 slacker anthem "I Love College," Roth remains a cult hero to the masses of stoner bros whose lifestyle he narrated throughout his early material.
  • In the background, Ross greets Celia and Touchstone, and their mutual friends CORY, a stoner in baggy clothes, and SYLVIA, a grungy dyke who sports dreads and an army shirt. Archive 2010-02-01
  • This kind of demented shoegazing stoner prog is all about the stomping rhythms and the elasticated, mind-bending guitars.
  • The seven-times world champion was unthroned last year by an American but leads the standings by nine points from Stoner after winning the Spanish MotoGP last month.
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