How To Use Stochastic In A Sentence
Use stochastic simulation, create the plainness sequence of the stable stochastic road surface for the target road spectrums with programming, and use logistic test to verify.
Theory analysis and the result of simulations show that the scheme possess simultaneously both good behavior of servo tracking and stochastic regulation in adaptive control system of our design.
Importantly, the stochastic and compartmental nature of the simulation allows these models to be directly tested by high-throughput approaches, such as quantitative image analysis.
In seismology, stochastic models can be used to describe velocity heterogeneities that are too small or too numerous to be described deterministically.
The experimental technique has entered the annals of science under the name of "stochastic cooling.
Simon van der Meer, Nobel laureate in physics, dies at 85

In traditionally static and deterministic parking models, the time dependence and stochasticity of road networks is ignored.
In an economy in which the overall macro variable of real income is fixed or cyclical but individual shares are stochastic, a noninflationary equilibrium exists.
A general framework of stochastic model a multitype branching random walk in random environments is introduced.
The concepts of viability and invariance about complex stochastic system are introduced, theorems of viability and invariance are proposed and proved to characterize rational decision.
If bulls push prices up during the day but cannot achieve a close near the top of the range, stochastic turns down and a sell signal is issued.
He calls stochastic, then, the sorts of technê whose task is to try everything possible to achieve their goal, the realization of the goal being subject to chance.
Episteme and Techne
The calculation of the tunneling probability can be carried out by considering a doubly stochastic process.
Let us now sum up his mathematical contributions which were almost all in the area of mathematical statistics, more precisely stochastic analysis, random processes, regenerative phenomena and mathematical genetics.
The fact that the problem is stochastic means that the airline needs to work with expected values and probability distributions, which makes the optimisation harder to solve.
Almost in the same years, P. P.arle [P.arle, 1976,1979], and subsequently N. Gisin [Gisin, 1984] and others, had entertained the idea of accounting for the reduction process in terms of a stochastic differential equation.
Collapse Theories
It seems farfetched, but it's based on a physical principle called stochastic resonance.
Steady There, Old Man
His research focuses on the interplay between fractal geometry and stochastic processes.
In this paper, formulas are derived for the minimal order filter in a singular, linear time-invariant, continuous and stochastic system.
Furthermore, as you noted in the original comment, very long-tailed stochastic processes have been identified in solar behavior, while other quasi-periodic astronomical phenomena eg changes in earth orbital parameters, fluctuations in cosmic ray influx etc that have been identified as possible climate drivers would also lead to long period autocorrelations in climate variables.
Cohn and Lins [GRL 2005] « Climate Audit
The comprehensive optimization problem of transit operations with stochastic OD demands is studied by using a chance-constrained programming method.
In this paper we study the stochastic stability and convergence conditions of a class of asynchronous large_scale systems with random state transition.
The influence of observational error on statistical inference is discussed and the method to diminish the impact of stochastic error is given.
And many would prefer the hard evidence of historical performance over more than a century of peaks and troughs to any amount of stochastic modelling which attempts to simulate market conditions.
Survival decreases more steeply for rearmost positions due to stochastic factors differentially affecting mortality of subordinate sibs.
Firstly, the illuminator scheduling model is established using Markov' theory of stochastic process and the resource constraint graph is built from the set of resource intervals.
Bilevel stochastic programming model is resolved based on confidence and satisfaction.
We evaluated the viscoelastic dynamics of actin filaments under the influence of enzyme-generated torque, stochastic Langevin force, and viscous drag.
Still at Varian, I was further extending my earlier work on stochastic resonance with the introduction of heteronuclear broadband decoupling by noise irradiation, the "noise decoupling" that led to a rapid development in carbon-13 spectroscopy.
Richard R. Ernst - Autobiography
Based on the variation of the reliability, of equipment, it is proved that the reliability of a tandem system is not a deterministic variable but a stochastic one, and has a lognormal distribution.
a stochastic variable
This is analogous to a paradoxical physical phenomenon known as stochastic resonance, in which an increase in noise enhances the detection of weak signals.
The irregular trend in integrated series is known as a stochastic trend as opposed to a simple linear deterministic time trend.
Energy quality
The random variables that need to be characterized to model this stochastically are CUSTOMER - INTERARRIVAL - TIME and TELLER - SERVICE - TIME.
To study multi-stage optimal ordering strategies for the manufacturer under uncertain prices, a stochastic net cash flow model was proposed in view of the manufacturer.
By using stochastic optimal control theory, the Hamilton _ Jacobi _ Bellman ( HJB ) equation for target function was gotten.
This paper introduces random structural parameters into the stochastic structural analysis.
Smoothing of trajectory imply that linear dynamical system is stochastic trajectory modeling.
The stochastic indicator, a technical study, which reveals short-term overbought/oversold signals, suggests prices are temporarily overbought.
Globe and Mail
The system composition block diagram and program flow of charts are presented. After analyzing and processing the logical relationship of stochastic signal, the way of PLC program is put forward.
Do not, however, wait for a crossover on the stochastic lines as the market will then already likely be in a free fall.
Apparent temporal nonstationarity in the biological response of trees to climate might be a function of changes in climate itself [Vaganov et al., 1999; Aykroyd et al., 2001], although caution is necessary since this could also arise stochastically [Gershunov et al., 2001].
NAS News and Schedule « Climate Audit
The paper describes a class of special stochastic chance-constrained programming models used in empty car distribution in railway transportation.
Stochastic statechart is improved by using abstract sub-system and general system chart to express the comparability and integrity of stochastic statechart respectively.
Theory analysis and the result of simulations show that the scheme possess simultaneously both good behavior of servo tracking and stochastic regulation in adaptive control system of our design.
The first level is to design the optimal irrigation schedule of a single crop under deficient irrigation by stochastic dynamic programming(SDP) model in which rainfall is stochastic variable.
The development of a coiled conch by only stochastic variation, or as a result of structural constraints alone, is considered highly improbable.
If the court case concerns stochastic resonance, then acceptable jurors know calculus, statistics, and dynamical systems.
The Scientist
To model the stochastic yield conditioned upon N levels, we use a conditional beta distribution (Nelson and Preckel).
Stochastic theories look to the statistics of the situation and ask what type of statistical processes will generate the observed result.
He has written on stochastic geometry and its applications, and the statistical theory of shape.
He has written on stochastic geometry and its applications, and the statistical theory of shape.
For stochastic dynamic processes, the paper presents an adaptive tracking algorithm, which improves and generalizes the self-tuning control algorithm.
Nevertheless, the question remains whether an exponent of 0.72 presents an unsurmountable difficulty for stochastic models as they claim.
A stochastic process, or sometimes random process, is the counterpart to a deterministic process (or deterministic system) in probability theory.
Based on Monte -Carlo method, the effect of input stochastic variable on the casing reliability was analysed.
This paper deals with the optimal state estimation problem for the discrete stochastic system based on the innovation theory and projection method.
He draws attention to ongoing work on stochastic strategic game process models as a source of insights into the microeconomics of money, financial institutions, efficiency, and inflation.
The theoretical approach encompasses common subjects covering principles of digital transmission, like notions of probability and stochastic processes, signals and systems, baseband and passband signaling, signal-space representation, spread spectrum, multi-carrier and ultra wideband transmission, carrier and symbol-timing recovery, information theory and error-correcting codes.
Stochastic statechart is improved by using abstract sub-system and general system chart to express the comparability and integrity of stochastic statechart respectively.
stochastic processes
Wavelet transform is suitable to detect the stochastic signal that is feeble and submerged in strong noise.
Based on the variation of the reliability, of equipment, it is proved that the reliability of a tandem system is not a deterministic variable but a stochastic one, and has a lognormal distribution.
Small populations go extinct because (1) all populations fluctuate in size from time to time, under the influence of two kinds of factors, which ecologists refer to as deterministic and stochastic; and (2) small populations, unlike big ones, stand a good chance of fluctuating to zero, since zero is not far away.
The Song of The Dodo
P. P.arle was the first to propose [P.arle, 1990] a relativistic generalization of CSL to a quantum field theory describing a fermion field coupled to a meson scalar field enriched with the introduction of stochastic and nonlinear terms.
Collapse Theories
The unexplained covariation, C stochastic, refers to the lack of fit of the data to the model.
Firstly, the illuminator scheduling model is established using Markov' theory of stochastic process and the resource constraint graph is built from the set of resource intervals.
It was heavy duty mathematics at that, involving an obscure technique known as stochastic differential equations.
On the very microscopical scales, processes obey quantum physics and events are stochastic.
Demetris Koutsoyannis « Climate Audit
The random opening and closing of these channels introduces stochasticity into the elementary calcium release mechanism.
The word “trend” often is used to imply a nonstationarity in the stochastic process from which observed number of hurricane arrivals are a realization.
Pielke Jr on Spinning Science « Climate Audit
First, we briefly review the related literature, then present a simple binomial model under a stochastic volatility and jump economic world.
However, there are regimes in which a process similar to stochastic resonance operates and amplifies pattern selectivity.
By contrast, the oversold condition, in which the market is ready to turn up, is represented by the stochastic falling below its lower reference line.
The first level is to design the optimal irrigation schedule of a single crop under deficient irrigation by stochastic dynamic programming(SDP) model in which rainfall is stochastic variable.
Alexander develops the notion of stochastic technê further in his commentary on Aristotle's Topics.
Episteme and Techne
The upper level problem seeks to maximize the operator's revenue, while the lower level problem is a stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model with elastic demand.
Numerical results illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed stochastic optimal control method for coupled structures.
However, it was shown that the correction of the fluctuation of the average position of a great many particles was sufficient to produce a cooling effect, hence the name stochastic cooling.
Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
A new selection operation and a candidate policies' collector were proposed to overcome the randomicity of a stochastic inventory system.
we estimated the answer stochastically
A new selection operation and a candidate policies' collector were proposed to overcome the randomicity of a stochastic inventory system.
Here, we provide a more detailed set of examples, examining the impact of nonlinear population dynamics and stochastic variation in demographic parameters on elasticity analysis.
Finally we conclude that when wis small, the improved stochastic model is better than original one.
An explicit solution to a group of variational unequation, which comes from optimal stochastic problem, is got through constructing.
In this paper, stochastic system identification techniques are proposed to determine the flutter derivatives turbulent flow.
An improved haptic texture rendering method based on stochastic resonance is proposed utilizing the stochastic resonance phenomenon in human cutaneous tactile sensation.
The difference here being that the discussed QM stochasticity is genuine, finegrained, while classic stochasticity or chaos is resolution based, coarsegrained.
Mitt Romney, Theistic Evolutionist - The Panda's Thumb
The prediction algorithm about traffic upper bound in busy state was concluded according to traffic stochastic distribution in each state and mutual transition relationships between states.
The first level is to design the optimal irrigation schedule of a single crop under deficient irrigation by stochastic dynamic programming(SDP) model in which rainfall is stochastic variable.
Pearle's approach requires the precise formulation of the idea of stochastic Lorentz invariance.
Collapse Theories
A general framework of stochastic model a multitype branching random walk in random environments is introduced.
The definition of design, as used in ID parlance is not associated with intelligence at all, it is simply saying something that is not describable by simple stochastic processes or regularity are designed:
Aiguy's Computer
Can we hope to find a mathematical model (in other words a stochastic process) satisfying these conditions?
The watermarking information that is stochastically permuted and coded by LDPC is embedded in the modified DC components which are attained by integer transform twice.
The paper provides a two-stage 0-1 stochastic program model for the implementation of strategic supply chain planning under the uncertain environment.
With stochastic analysis and viscosity solution techniques, we've obtained that value function of the stochastic problem is a smooth solution of the corresponding HJB equation.
(In the case of a stochastic process, these histories will typically be non-differentiable).
Archive 2009-01-01
He has written on stochastic geometry and its applications, and the statistical theory of shape.
The enzyme's angular torque profile under load can be gauged by measuring the average curvature and the stochastic fluctuations of actin filaments.
The enzyme's angular torque profile under load can be gauged by measuring the average curvature and the stochastic fluctuations of actin filaments.
The happening of regional desertification system is stochastic, complicated and multicomponent.
Random diffusion is a type of stochastic process, so if the theory of cosmogenic drift is to be developed, and if observable predictions are to be derived from it, then it will be necessary to employ the mathematics of stochastic processes.
Archive 2009-01-01
The prediction algorithm about traffic upper bound in busy state was concluded according to traffic stochastic distribution in each state and mutual transition relationships between states.
Compared with the traditional method, it does not need disassembling the power spectral densities of stochastic signal covariance and is not bound to if the power spectral densities are rational.
The results generated through Stochastic L-Systems are different for every derivation process.
However, in the cell, molecular behavior is very inhomogeneous: even molecules of single species interact stochastically with distinct molecules or cellular structures in a variety of local environments.
If a biased stochastic process is not attributable to physical causality then a prima facia case is made for teleology.
Alternative to Dembski's Theodicy?
And I think if you look end-to-end in that process, when you actually look at what we call the stacking of conservatism on the basic stochastic model, I mean we don't know. Home Page
With application of perturbation technique, a perturbation stochastic element-free Galerkin method (PSEFGM) in probabilistic structural analysis is constructed.
My best efforts to destroy the Connors have failed, despite stochastic calculation indicating a very high probability of success.
Among known model-free optimization techniques, stochastic parallel perturbative gradient descent is perhaps the most promising for adaptive optics applications.