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How To Use Stirred In A Sentence

  • “When I mentioned Mr. Snow’s name belowdecks it stirred up quite a fuss,” she said. The Berrybender Narratives
  • Of course the 'nester' or 'punkin roller,' as we contemptuously called the small farmer, began sifting in here and there in spite of our guns, but he was only a mosquito bite in comparison with the trouble which our cow-punchers stirred up. Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
  • Both have maintained they have been hard-done by and both have stirred up a public furore over whether they are the victims of the justice system.
  • They will drink their wretched heartless stuff, such as they call claret, or wine of Medoc, or Bordeaux, or what not, with no more meaning than sour rennet, stirred with the pulp from the cider press, and strained through the cap of our Betty. Lorna Doone
  • You don't add the peanut butter until after you've stirred in the honey.
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  • Three parts" means three-quarters of a pint, and "skilly" is a fluid concoction of three quarts of oatmeal stirred into three buckets and a half of hot water. The People of the Abyss
  • Instead of or in addition to a bonding primer, a bonding additive can be stirred into the first of two topcoats.
  • When the beans are cold he stirred in more fresh dill and enough strained Greek yoghurt to bind them into a soft dip.
  • Strangely, having run his fastest to get to her, Hyacinth seemed almost reluctant to knock at the door, or enter without knocking, and while he was hesitating on the doorstone her singing ceased, and she came out to see whose fleet footsteps had stirred the small stones of the pathway. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • It is good with couscous, drizzled over char-grilled vegetables, thinned out with extra virgin olive oil for a spicy, rose-scented marinade or dressing, or stirred into mayonnaise and dolloped on to grilled fish or chicken.
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • The mixture was stirred until the solutions turned colorless.
  • Robert, the Casanova of the plains, was in a nicely stirred frenzy of desire and frustration.
  • A faint warm breeze stirred the hairs on his arm as the navy blue sky turned to black as the cicadas cheeped like mobile ringtones. Cheeseburger Gothic » Small Pepsi challenge.
  • A poetaster's aesthetic feathers had been ruffled, but his humanity, anemic and amoral, had remained unstirred, somnolent, and moribund.
  • Former prime minister Ivan Kostov has stirred up further controversy on the Brady bond swop with a letter urging his successor Simeon Saxe-Coburg to call off the deal.
  • When the man found that we were going to stay all night he bestirred himself, dragged some of the things to one side and put down a shake-down of pulu (the silky covering of the fronds of one species of tree-fern), with a sheet over it, and a gay quilt of orange and red cotton. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • We took him away, and cleaned him - the removal of vast amounts of dirt did quite a lot, and when the Godmother asked us to come by today, I finally bestirred myself to get out the acrylics, and poodlefake.
  • You don't add the peanut butter until after you've stirred in the honey.
  • He stirred the tea, fast, some slopped into the saucer as he watched the swirls disappear.
  • As for Spain, she was hard pressed; French and American emissaries had stirred up strife in her colonies; and affairs were most "ticklish" in San Domingo. William Pitt and the Great War
  • The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.
  • And strangely, deep in a dusty fold of my cerebral cortex, something stirred. Times, Sunday Times
  • A breeze stirred through the cusped arches that linked the pillars, and her clothes swirled around her. Shadow Princess
  • He dropped the spatula, picked up a spoon and stirred some sauce.
  • Far too big and heavy for the average stove top, these are set on single-ring gas burners on the ground, and stirred with something more like an oar than a cooking utensil.
  • One of the pandies stirred, and pulled himself up on one knee; Wheeler, his arm still round the babu, whipped up his revolver and fired, and the pandy flopped back in the dust. Fiancée
  • Nicho set to work cleaning and chopping the chard, which we sautéed quickly with olive oil, a dash of white wine, sea salt, and - at Nicho's wise suggestion - a few dabs of Dijon mustard stirred in at the very end.
  • Even on 160 acres the fish ended up moving to within a few yards of the margins, driven onto the lee shore by the strong wind that stirred up the bottom into a rich soup of natural food.
  • I thought that friction would figure in to it somewhere, given that soap only lathers when stirred up by whatever means.
  • A hot dry wind stirred up small whirlwinds of dust and sand, forcing her to squint.
  • These rocks also stirred with novel species of eyeless shrimp, white crabs, translucent sea anemones and large, pink fish.
  • Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.
  • Who could fail to be stirred into making her pappardelle with fresh porcini or roast wild duck with port and blackcurrant sauce?
  • Sligo stirred themselves and he took a point when a goal looked on.
  • Serve the risotto stirred with chopped parsley and tomato sauce. Times, Sunday Times
  • Observing this, ‘It was an old song, old as the breed itself [and it was] vested with the woe of unnumbered generations, this plaint by which Buck was so strangely stirred.’
  • She became the virtuous focus of masculine desire, the unmoved mover who stirred her subjects to acts of gallantry and heroism.
  • If the patient is using Seconal, it's either mixed in water to create a bitter drink or stirred into pudding or applesauce to hide the taste.
  • Which is why I can see both West Ham and Bolton winning and the Hammers going down, deserved punishment for a season in which they stirred themselves only when it was too late.
  • Or perhaps my deep sigh stirred her past the edge of drowsing. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • She stirred her coffee with a plastic spoon.
  • The news leaves me shaken and stirred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ludens had sounded so moved, so stirred by some emotion.
  • So we stirred in a voluptuous, decadent rum fudge.
  • He stirred in a decoction of the juice of snow dahlia and other flowers, and in this way he made a delicious sauce. THE BROKEN GOD
  • A poetaster's aesthetic feathers had been ruffled, but his humanity, anemic and amoral, had remained unstirred, somnolent, and moribund.
  • The guerrillas had stirred my gravest anxiety, but little did I know about the hundred additional worrisome things until I debarked down here.
  • In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.
  • Who dareth name the fiend?" croaked an awful voice, whereat Black Lewin halted, gaped and stood a-tremble, while beneath steel cap and bascinet all men's hair stirred and rose with horror; for before them was a ghastly shape, a shape that crouched in the gloom with dreadful face aflame with smouldering green fire. The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
  • The page stirred from his pallet on the hearth and poked the fire back to life, then padded over, yawning, with a candle.
  • In front of him the torpid lizards stirred in their cage on the picture box.
  • Had we lived, I should have a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman," Scott wrote in his diary, words that have become a touchstone for generations of Brits. Polar Exploration for Armchair Travelers
  • He left the path along the water and stole under the trees, along the deep shadow of little plantations, where the boughs of chestnut trees hung their great leaves low, and there was blacker refuge, shaping his course in circles which had for their object a stealthy inspection of chairs side by side, against tree-trunks, of enlaced lovers, who stirred at his approach. The Man of Property
  • A stormier future stirred up by climate change will add to the mess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many people will try to like this album, the second full-length of original music from the D.C kings of swank, suits 'n' stirred Martinis, known for their stoned, trippy, dubby bossa beats.
  • Marching in a demonstration, by contrast, is among the most active forms of participation in political life. Demonstrators have bestirred themselves, put off other plans, braved the elements, flung themselves into action.
  • Okay, it has stirred a fresh debate, and that is both healthy and desirable.
  • Try it stirred into soured cream next time you buy rollmops.
  • It's unrewarding, too, since the leaves aren't fragrant until they are stirred in a pan.
  • Though his features looked as if they'd been carved from stone, in the depths of his gaze something stirred.
  • The words of this fighting savage, Mavovo, even those of them of which I had heard only the translation, garbled and beslavered by the mean comments of the unutterable Sammy, stirred my imagination. Allan and the Holy Flower
  • The drink was stirred with the spoon and then sipped and savored.
  • • The extent to which the reader is drawn into the story and the lives of its characters; the degree to which emotions are stirred, and the imagination filled and innervated The ‘woefully incompetent’ and ‘pugnacious’ André Alexis
  • She shivered slightly as a cool breeze stirred beneath her cloak and he hugged her close against his side to share his warmth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • With a stirred heart filled with the sounds of longing, I hitchhiked myself along the most extraordinary love trip possible. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • He finally bestirred himself
  • Morning, sleepyhead, Alice smiled, as Tristan stirred on the next pillow. Kiss & Break Up
  • The galaxy itself is turning, as shown in the example in the photograph, sort of like the spiraling froth on the top of a cup of cocoa after it's been stirred.
  • A gentle breeze stirred the leaves.
  • The memories stirred up by these compositions are very purposeful, if only half-formed.
  • The marc is then thrown away, and to every gallon of the liquor, or must, as it is called, three pounds of lump sugar are added, and the whole is well stirred together; the tub is afterwards covered with a blanket, and the wine is left to ferment in a temperature of from 55° to 60°. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Is the "human element" in art something mystical to be intuited from the work, or is it stirred in like the secret ingredient in the spaghetti sauce? Art and Culture
  • These rocks also stirred with novel species of eyeless shrimp, white crabs, translucent sea anemones and large, pink fish.
  • She let me help her cook - I fetched pot holders and handed her the wooden spoons with which she stirred huge pots of turnip soup, the fragrant steam filling the kitchen.
  • On a whim I added some maraschino liqueur and a few dashes of orange bitters to the Auchentoshan, stirred the drink over ice, and sampled it.
  • Out in the wider world, public opinion stirred, especially in the cities, stimulated by the pamphlets and broadsheets which printing made possible.
  • She shivered slightly as a cool breeze stirred beneath her cloak and he hugged her close against his side to share his warmth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • For Sally it all came down to that one simple fact, unsullied by whatever muddy waters my rhetoric stirred up. BETTER THAN THIS
  • Some agelong string had been pulled within her, or she was infected by the emotion of one whom she had always admired and loved, and whom she had hardly ever seen stirred to eloquence. Flowering Wilderness
  • She stirred, a slight frown creasing her forehead, but her face relaxed again, and became peaceful.
  • Yesterday, we stirred ourselves early in the day in order to go for a walk at Bedgebury Pinetum, followed by lunch at the Oak and Ivy.
  • He watched in silence as the aficionado sniffed the paprika bouquet and stirred the velvety stew with his spoon.
  • Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.
  • Unenforced law is a pernicious thing; resentment between neighbours is stirred; and nobody knows what to do. Times, Sunday Times
  • She shivered slightly as a cool breeze stirred beneath her cloak and he hugged her close against his side to share his warmth. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Matisse said he was possessed at this point by a love of line and of the arabesque - ‘those givers of life’ - which stirred his senses and appeased his spirit.
  • This is what has stirred the crowds, given volume to the cheers and forced out of the competitors those last ounces of effort. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the back is a bank of fine silt that is invariably stirred up by the first few divers who venture inside, so try to be first there if you can!
  • A tarka is made of spices and sometimes onions or chiles cooked in ghee or oil, then stirred into a dish just before serving to fill it with fragrance and delightful flavor. Tigers & Strawberries » Split Pea Soup: It’s Ugly
  • Where white is fresh and crisp and bright, cream has just a slight tinge of yellowish brown stirred in, softening the harshness that's often seen in pure white.
  • But Jerry snarled again and was for leaping upon the black when he stirred restlessly and dizzily sat up. CHAPTER XXIII
  • Both the roots and leaves of the Soapwort contain saponin and when stirred in water produce a lather which may be used for washing.
  • In these troughs the eggs, broken and stirred with shovels, remain exposed to the sun till the oily part, which swims on the surface, has time to inspissate. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Its _brool_ deepening, the Parrott stirred, shot forward abruptly. The Lone Wolf A Melodrama
  • Not a breath of fresh air stirred the long white curtains.
  • Her phrases, so natural, so sincere, in her own tongue, and so caressive, stirred the best in him. The Fortunate Youth
  • Although AOC is often a sign of quality, other products don't carry the appellation, since they may be made in a neighboring region, or a slightly larger size, or stirred a few more times than the regulations allow during production.
  • When the first ship entered, it stirred up dust into a swirl.
  • In that interlunar twilight there reigned a solemn sense of wonder evoked here eternally, one felt, from the ancient time, with the rustling of stirred foliage and the voice of those far waters for its music. Apologia Diffidentis
  • Then, to my inutterable relief, she stirred, and opened her eyes -- and smiled. A new interview with me
  • From his downtown high-rise apartment, the view of float planes taking off and landing on the snye in the river stirred a longing to return to the field he had known and loved since childhood. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Monsters, stirred from the lightless ocean depths by the sinking of the lands, sometimes come ashore here in search of prey.
  • The moratorium has been there all that time, and they have not stirred themselves and put the necessary plans in place.
  • His criticisms of the president stirred up a hornet's nest.
  • I stirred it with my foot then stubbed out the dog-end on the linoleum.
  • Not a leaf stirred.
  • Anyway, I wasn't terribly sold on the alleged political riskiness of this movie but it did do boffo business in France and here, due in large part to the controversy stirred up by its foes..
  • The baby stirred in her wooden rocking cradle.
  • No doubt that Cannes nod (the first of several festival laurels picked up) stirred some controversy, because this is the kind of unflinchingly provocative movie that dares you to be entertained, or appalled, or both. Reviews
  • The paintings seemed stirred by the same passions that fuel the Spanish love for bullfights.
  • Behind them, in the forest, a tiny wind began to whisper, and a faint awareness stirred the air.
  • But he was not stirred to battle because the English had killed his father, as claimed in Braveheart.
  • WHEN STEVE BRODIE dived from the Brooklyn Bridge in 1886, his name reached into a wretched Negro cabin in Galveston, Texas, and so stirred a ragged Negro boy of twelve that he made up his mind to go to New York and meet Brodie in person. World’s Great Men of Color
  • She stirred, a slight frown creasing her forehead, but her face relaxed again, and became peaceful.
  • Several of the sleeping men stirred in their sleep as the chill disturbed their slumber.
  • The reign of a political virtuoso who stirred loathing and love is the subject of 20 books, as well as films and endless media coverage. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shepherd stirred cornmeal flour into boiling water to make the staple mamaliga porridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few rats and some crows stirred at his coming and scampered or flew off, releasing angry caws and twitters as they cursed Romon for interrupting their meal.
  • The Society of Friends were the principal agitators in that movement, and the blessings and prayers of the poor liberated slaves ascended the altars of heaven on that great occasion; can they forget the kindlier feelings of their nature that was stirred up within them on that occasion, can they ever, think you, forget the glorious day which made their fellow creatures free; can they forget the first of August of that eventful year? Biography of Mahommah G. Baquaqua, a Native of Zoogoo, in the Interior of Africa. (A Convert to Christianity,) With a Description of That Part of the World; Including the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants, Their Religious Notions, Form of Government,
  • He was unwontedly stirred both by the Big House and by the Little Lady who was its mistress. CHAPTER XI
  • Likewise, an intense microcirculation of intestinal contents across the mucosal surface must occur, for the stirring of the unstirred layer at this surface is essential for the optimal absorption of nutrients.
  • It seemed as if the giant insurance behemoth had bestirred itself to face competition in a liberalised environment.
  • She shook Jason by the shoulders and he stirred a little, but did not wake up.
  • The "abysmal fecundity" was stirred and life clamoured to be created. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • This metaphor represents the miracle of creation, bringing the world into being as a multiplicity out of the stillness of an unstirred sleep.
  • In her sleep, Sara stirred as uneasy dreams flickered across her mind.
  • Tiny, rice-shaped orzo absorbs liquid and flavor much like rice, but it doesn't need to be stirred obsessively for a perfectly al dente, creamy result.
  • The simple paraphrases of Scripture, the fact-filled descriptions of life in first-century Palestine, and the gentle words of Jesus stirred my heart.
  • If a breath of air stirred, it made no sound here; for there was not a holly, not an evergreen to rustle, and the stripped hawthorn and hazel bushes were as still as the white, worn stones which causewayed the middle of the path. The Three Brontes
  • His first glimpse of her, on Class Day, in a white gown and a hat that to his manly indiscrimination looked as guileless as a sheaf of poppies nodding above the pale-yellow hair that had the sheen of corn-silk, had been a vision that stirred in him heroic promptings. Judith of the Plains
  • He knew the prod of impulse to join in this rush away from some unthinkably catastrophic event that impended and that stirred his intuitive apprehensions of death. CHAPTER XIX
  • That stirred up a strong reaction from Republicans who objected to what they called intimidation, after which one of the prosecutors who was quoted denied any intent to bring official charges. Sadly, Mostly True
  • This unconquerableness but fanned Leclère's wrath and stirred him to greater deviltries. BÂTARD
  • And anyone who waved at me as I stirred a lumpy cheese sauce would be locked up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Feelings implicit in a storytelling can be stirred to life when people sing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Emotions didn't come as easy to this man who stirred so much emotion in other people.
  • But the spirit has stirred and the nation has begun to assert itself.
  • He stirred and I worried that he would wake while I was amputating his leg.
  • The external water was thoroughly stirred with a pipette for 15 s and the additional fluorescent intensity was measured.
  • The liquor from the rennet is then added, and, being well stirred in, the tub is closely covered and kept in a warm temperature till the coagulation is complete, which is generally in little more than half an hour. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • It was unbelievable the way his voice and carisma stirred the people.
  • Sychaeus, and sows the surprise of a living love in the long-since-unstirred spirit and disaccustomed heart. The Aeneid of Virgil
  • The wind came in tiny puffs that hardly stirred the surface of the water.
  • His train of thought was interrupted as she stirred and woke up.
  • Stirred tank bioreactor is widely used in many biochemical processes as ferment and cell culture.
  • ‘‘Tis betony; ‘twill be a rinse for his wound, ‘she said as she stirred it around.’
  • The still air was being stirred now by a strangely warm wind and every look at the weatherglass confirmed that the mercury shrank inside its four-foot tube. Sharpe's Siege
  • A light breeze stirred the leaves lying on the path.
  • The helicopter stirred up clouds of dust.
  • And he really stirred up the opposition crowd the day he ran into an open goal, placed the ball on the ground and back-heeled it through for a goal!
  • When they stirred controversies, they were generally reported by the feature pages and gossip columns of newspapers.
  • The helicopter stirred up clouds of dust.
  • His photo stirred up bitter memories.
  • Even murderous goons and heartless goombahs were stirred to noble deeds.
  • The flapping of wings immediately stirred images of Fandral in pursuit of the errant druid, but what Broll located in the sky was no storm crow, but rather the hazy shape of a hippogryph. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • The growth medium sample was made up to 500 ml with tap water, then stirred full speed with a magnetic stirrer (Voss Instruments Ltd, Maldon, Essex, UK) for 4 min.
  • I well remember in my early days we used the feather duster-all that happened was that the movable dust was stirred up, only to settle over a wider area-so the feather duster is no longer used. What Shall We Fight it With?
  • James shook his head and stirred himself from his reverie, bringing himself back to the real world.
  • This is partly because the work's previous presentation in a Broadway house under the auspices of Cameron Mackintosh, known for blockbuster musicals, stirred up a somewhat antagonistic debate: Is this theater or, h eaven forfend, a ballet? Fair Feathered Friends
  • Father stirred fretfully, trying to throw off the heavy quilts.
  • The tiny bubbles, stirred by her breath, foam up briefly and dissolve.
  • It's a bizarre tale about the passions stirred by what its critics saw as the dangerous shift, in the early 1960s, from prescriptivism to descriptivism in America's most authoritative dictionary.
  • The photographs stirred up some painful memories.
  • Iron particles and soluble iron had been carried there along a layer of denser water roughly 100 to 150 meters deep (the pycnocline), and the iron had been stirred up by storms that made it available to near-surface plankton in the dead of winter. RealClimate
  • Just as her fingers brushed his cheek, he stirred and woke.
  • She stirred her spoon around the dregs of her cappuccino froth. AFTERMATH
  • Magnetic stirring was used in both electrode chambers to achieve homogeneous mixing of the solution and to avoid unstirred water layers attaching to the membrane.
  • Their complaints have finally stirred him into action.
  • Shawn stirred a little, then lifted his head from the table; a long stream of slobber trailing from his mouth.
  • Whether as stimulant or a sedative such tales must have stirred the deepest wells of political consciousness in the most backward of backwoodsmen.
  • This, he explained, kept farming from being developed peacefully, and it was amidst what he called a veritable civil war stirred up from abroad that so many errors were committed. SANTA CRUZ RALLY
  • The incident stirred students to protest.
  • The bundle of clothes stirred and a fairly groggy Sukari sat up, hair surprisingly kempt despite her burrowing into the pillows during the night.
  • ` Three parts 'means three-quarters of a pint, and ` skilly' is a fluid concoction of three quarts of oatmeal stirred into three buckets and a half of hot water. The Carter and the Carpenter
  • I smiled a sickly half smile, and then stirred some baking powder into the sponge cake batter.
  • The brand's "Christmas Field Guide" Quarterly catalog stirred up trouble in 2003 with 45 images of teens engaging in sexual behavior.
  • Andy and I never stirred from our seats the entire while, and just found random topics, random items, and random inspirations for our shameless babble.
  • “In the course of explaining the opinion of the divine Hippocrates and Galen,” he wrote in a letter, “I happened to delineate the veins on a chart, thinking that thus I might be able easily to demonstrate what Hippocrates understood by the expression και ιειυ, for you know how much dissension and controversy on venesection was stirred up, even among the learned.” The Emperor of All Maladies
  • I heard she actually bestirred herself sufficiently to smile twice on the occasion, but I missed the broadcast personally so I still don't believe it.
  • These soft, lazy-day puddings are nothing more than ripe fruit at the height of its season that has been crushed and stirred through with whipped cream and perhaps a little sugar.
  • We would sit at the bar and watch the bodeguero prepare the mayonnaise in a large, well-cured mortar and pestle where he vigorously stirred egg yolks and olive oil, adding salt and lemon juice until he got the optimum smooth texture. Havana Salsa
  • As she turned into the side street, a vague memory stirred in her. The House of Mirth
  • The woman lay fast asleep under a blanket on her bed, until the noise of the snoring outside stirred her.
  • I frowned and shaded in an area quickly, then stirred a dry paintbrush inside an empty jar.
  • All these ancient and once much visited truths are stirred in the moment of hunting, and come vividly alive in us as we return, together with our two most trusted friends among the animals, to the primordial thrill of contest.
  • But the reporter's calls obviously stirred up the somnolent possums within Labor and alerted government people to a delicious political opportunity waiting to be had.
  • the ingredients sat in the bowl unstirred while she buttered the pan
  • It is possible that depolarization forces internal polyamines through the pore, where they might accumulate in an unstirred extracellular space, blocking the channel during the measurement of inward conductance.
  • When she found him a washwoman, who came to the house one day a week and boiled laundry in the cellar, Trudi and Robert watched while the woman built a fire beneath the huge kettle, which was set into bricks, and stirred the soapy liquid with a wooden paddle. Stones from the River
  • Instead it stirred resentment both inside and outside the party, prompting Abdullah to say he would be willing to face a contested vote.
  • Despite the hardships, Lynch, a devout Catholic, was stirred by the biblical locales they passed—the ford of Bethabara, where John had baptized Jesus; Nablus, where Yahweh had confirmed his covenant with Abraham; Jericho, of the tumbling walls, where Jesus had healed two blind beggars; and Mount Nebo, where Moses had been granted his bittersweet glimpse of the Promised Land. Old Salt, Dead Sea
  • Something stirred, the memory of the two women off-loading and the words of the caulker and his own reaction. The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
  • One reason people were so stirred by her passing was because she had experienced so many of the tumults of the twentieth century.
  • But beyond the baize door there were shadows, there was dust, windows draped in cobwebs, before which hung curtains tattered and faded, drooping from their poles like the old banners that, slowly rotting in great cathedrals, sway in the quiet air where no wind is – stirred, perhaps, by the breath of Fame's invisible trumpet to the air of old splendours and glories. The House of Arden
  • Both the roots and leaves of the Soapwort contain saponin and when stirred in water produce a lather which may be used for washing.
  • We collected the warm blood and stirred it to remove the clots and make blood pudding. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'nymphomaniac', 'prostitute', 'boozy' and so forth seemed - though stirred by the play - to be completely off the track, or nearly so. The Sheila Variations
  • Small things stirred in the grass around the tent.
  • His hurt expression and absent apology stirred little guilt in her hardened bosom.

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