How To Use Stipend In A Sentence
He also introduced the concept of a stipendiary chairmanship, at one stroke freeing the council from its reliance on semi-retired highflyers from the business community.
He did not rest content with a mere strict fulfilment of the pecuniary obligations to the Church to which the Concordat had bound the State; in 1803 and 1804 it became the custom to pay stipends to canons and desservants of succursal parishes.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
The Sultan looked at Nur al-Din and liked him, so he stablished him in office as the Wazir had requested and formally appointed him, presenting him with a splendid dress of honour and a she-mule from his private stud; and assigning to him solde, stipends and supplies.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
An action has been taken against Mr Warden Harding, on behalf of the almsmen, by a gentleman acting solely on public grounds, and it is to be argued that Mr Harding takes nothing but what he received as a servant of the hospital, and that he is not himself responsible for the amount of stipend given to him for his work.
The Warden
Yet litigants appeared reluctant to do without their services and utilize those of ‘freebie’ stipendiaries provided by Parliamentary legislation in 1792.

For the 2010-2011 year, fellows will receive a stipend of $37,368 (consistent with NIH guidelines), distributed evenly across the year in biweekly checks.
Postdoctoral Program
He lived here, rent free, all services, and got a small stipend, as he called it.
She replied that she had never heard of such a ghastly deed, and, consequently, she had no choice but to return my annual stipend unendorsed and uncashed.
There is no stipend, but college credit is available and lunch is provided.
a stipendiary magistrate
They will be sent to him by the Relief Committee of the district; they will be placed under the superintendence of an expensive staff of stipendiaries appointed by the
The History of the Great Irish Famine of 1847 (3rd ed.) (1902) With Notices of Earlier Irish Famines
He currently is chairman of stipendiary stewards at the Western Australian Turf Club, a position he has held since 1989.
Today women hold one-tenth of stipendiary posts and about half the non-stipendiaries.
Depending on the filed of their research, extra stipend may be available.
But if the law is changed to give imperial daughters equal status, there would be rapid growth in the number of imperial houses, each entitled to official residences and stipends.
(East New York, Brownsville), Barron is the only Democratic member without a committee chairmanship or a lucrative annual "lulu" stipend.
Vos Iz Neias - (Yiddish:What's News?)
His new position was unsalaried, but he was able to support himself and his family with a stipend from the Carl Zeiss Stiftung, a foundation that gave money to the University of Jena, and with which Ernst Abbe was intimately involved.
I am a non-stipendiary clergyman; a chaplain working with people with disabilities.
Other grievances include non-payment of stipends, salary arrears, and a pay freeze for waged workers.
They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz.
Was (Not Was)
That was before the Church Commissioner equalised the stipends of the clergy.
It also provided approximately 40% of the stipends and housing costs of the 11,500 serving clergy.
The film of the July Handicap will be seen by stipendiary stewards today and an inquiry held into the fall of a jockey from Jamaican Music.
But the same difficulty has been experienced in effecting this union which has been experienced in forming a second chambereither the spiritual power has usurped upon the civil, and established a sacerdotal society, or the civil power has invaded successfully the rights of the spiritual, and the ministers of religion have been degraded into stipendiaries of the State and instruments of the government.
On the Principles of His Party
Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia.
Rational Review
The only evidence of criminal activity afoot was opinion evidence from a former stipendiary steward, who acknowledged he had no prior experience or direct knowledge of Hong Kong racing.
She has also worked as a tutor for the Open University and as a non-stipendiary minister.
He had suspended him after he allegedly swore at a steward and physically assaulted a stipendiary steward.
Interim Albinus renovato bello commeatum, stipendium aliaque, quae militibus usui forent, maturat in Africam portare; ac statim ipse profectus, uti ante comitia, quod tempus [220] haud longe aberat, armis aut deditione aut quovis modo bellum conficeret.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino
From Oswestry he went to Donnington near Shrewsbury, where under a certain Scotchman named Douglas, who was an absentee, and who died Bishop of Salisbury, he officiated as curate and master of a grammar school for a stipend — always grudgingly and contumeliously paid — of three-and-twenty pounds a year.
Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
Do the math, and that's just $218,000 to cover salaries, apprentice stipends and all other operating costs.
The diocese has 25 parochial units, 90 congregations, 13 Rectors, 5 non stipendiary ministers, 11 lay readers 70 parish readers and between 7000 to 7500 Church of Ireland members.
An absence without adequate excuse could result in the suspension of a financial stipend.
He was appointed as a stipendiary priest in the diocese of York.
Room and board, a small monthly stipend and unlimited access to studio space are provided.
Many households are multigenerational so several salaries, stipends, and pensions are combined to support the family, although some young professionals who work for Western companies live on their own.
stipendiaries" as a "purely royal and liberal gift, which it would esteem as great and precious as if his Majesty had presented it an inestimable sum of silver or gold," other political motives prevented him from yielding to its entreaties.
The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
We pay them a stipend but it will not be enough to meet the minimum monthly bank deposit requirement (what is that amt. currently, by the way?).
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Percentage of departments providing stipends, expense reimbursement, and recognition for participating faculty was between those in the other two groups.
The secretary of the Southwark diocese explains that centralisation of stipendiary obligations has taken place in conjunction with devolution of more day-to-day duties.
The stipend is equivalent to a dancer's monthly salary paid to board members to attend one-off meetings to discuss the dancers' possible retrenchment.
Klochko found Asics, the shoe manufacturer, which provides her with a stipend plus bonus money if she wins a race.
The Webwatcher program is free for participants, who also receive a stipend to cover expenses.
Then he seated them upon chairs, adorned with gold after the usage of Wazirs, and appointed to them stipends and allowances, bidding them choose out such of the notables of the kingdom and officers of the troops present at the banquet as were aptest for the service of the state, that he might make them
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The regime raised the stipends of clergy and restored a number of ecclesiastical properties to the orders.
The regime raised the stipends of clergy and restored a number of ecclesiastical properties to the orders.
The Hadj caravans now ceased; few pilgrims arrived by way of Yembo; Saoud, soon after, prohibited the passage to the town to all Turkish pilgrims; and the surra or stipends were of course withheld.
Travels in Arabia
December 24th, 2008 at 12: 49 pm parlay entertainment vista rumino says: parlay entertainment vista rumino … stipends! coprocessor bottled, citadel churchwomen moans …
Think Progress » Iraqi Leaders Call On U.S. To Set Timetable
A guard of Swiss stipendiaries is not enough for the liberticide schemes of the Capets.
History of the Girondists, Volume I Personal Memoirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution
Cutting subventions and stipends and increasing taxes and license fees - it seems the government is on a money-saving and revenue-generating path.
Henry VIII had ordered "every of you that be parsons, vicars, curates and also chantry priests and stipendiaries to ... teach and bring up in learning the best you can all such children of your parishioners as shall come to you, or at least teach them to read English.
The Age of the Reformation
He also gave each of them fifty steeds all thoroughbreds and they got them guards and followers; and he assigned to them revenues and appointed them solde and stipends and made them his assistants, saying to them, “O my brothers, I and you are equal and there is no distinction between me and you twain,” — And
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia.
Rational Review
The First Consul also made ruthless use of the executive clauses of the Organic Articles to remove Bourbonist bishops and to turn the ordinary clergy into State stipendiaries and educationalists; he was to find the pulpit a most useful means of disseminating propaganda to the peasantry in the years that followed.
When it was proposed to make Members of Parliament stipendiaries of the State, they at first protested vehemently against the application of this principle to the Irish representatives, and therein they were right.
Ireland Since Parnell
The rest are placed in his garison townes, till there be occasion to haue them in the field, and receiue for their salarie or stipend euery man seuen rubbles a yeare, besides twelue measures a piece of Rye, and Oates.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
It should be noted that about 70 per cent students were deprived of stipends last year.
Maybe the cloud of smoke I puff through my burnished pipe courtesy of my luxurious Ivy League stipend is clouding my vision.
Megan Doherty: My Walk With Glenn Beck, 21st Century Con Man
This exclusive effectuation stipendiary downbound the equilibrise to coequal inferior than 50\% of the acquirable assign limit.
In return bishops and curés would receive government stipends.
It had been a shock when he realised just how small in real terms his stipend would be as a country parson.
But when the public begin to hoot he hoots as loudly as anybody -- louder if anything; and all the way home in the tram he lays down the law about stiff running, and wants to know what the stipendiaries are doing.
Three Elephant Power and Other Stories
The project consisted of a series of artist's residencies at the South African National Gallery, in which artists were given stipends to make new work.
Moreover, the Caliph assigned him a solde with a table morning and evening, and stipends and allowances for fodder; all of the most liberal.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Why, man, I should have been an expounder of the word, with a wig like a snow-wreath, and a stipend like — like — like a hundred pounds a year, I suppose.
More than 1,200 women are now in stipendiary posts, despite 1,000 parishes - about 10% of the total - passing a resolution stating that they will not accept a woman priest.
stipendiary funds
We could go anywhere and have tuition paid while receiving a small stipend to help with living expenses.
Spanish princes, Abderamus was obliged to keep numerous armies incessantly on foot, to support a naval force, frequently to hire stipendiaries from Africa, and to fortify and preserve in a state of defence the ever-endangered fortresses on his frontiers, it is hardly possible to comprehend how his revenues sufficed for the supply of such immense and varied demands.
History of the Moors of Spain
Having worked, in my time, as a lay person, non stipendiary priest and part-time stipendiary priest, I look forward to seeing these ministries flourish and develop in innovative ways.
It might embrace paying the artist a regular stipend or retainer in return for exclusive rights to sell their paintings.
It's a matter of public record that a Canon's stipend is just over nine thousand pounds a year.
He said: ‘Because of the financial problems that the Church experiences today, we have had to cut down on the number of stipendiary clergy we can have in the deanery.’
They included stipendiary ministers, who will take up full time posts at local churches and Ordained Local Ministers, who will work part time on a voluntary basis in their home churches.
The rise was ‘three per cent - a percentage in line with the rise in stipends for all clergymen,’ he said.
The junior doctors are demanding better amenities in all three medical colleges and the dental college, implementation of the senior residency scheme and regular payment of stipends.
He will also speak tonight of his concerns about problems concerning pensions for retired clergymen, saying that there are now more clergy and their spouses being paid pensions than there are ordained stipendiary clergy.
Currently, the representatives receive a monthly stipend of $400, while executive officers earn $1,250 per month.
For a very small addition to his stipend, Schmucke played the viola d'amore, hautboy, violoncello, and harp, as well as the piano, the castanets for the _cachucha_, the bells, saxhorn, and the like.
Cousin Pons
Formerly, district and subdistrict administrators for the Durrani government would disburse between four and five rupees as annual cash stipends directly to certain local chiefs.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
The low level of clergy stipends is often justified on the basis that the ‘free house’ that goes with the job is worth an extra £6,000 to £7,000 a year.
The studentship is for a period of three years, subject to satisfactory progress and provides payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus an annual stipend of £13,900 please note that students from outside the EU are required to pay the difference between International and EU fees, currently this would amount to £6,100 per annum.
Archive 2009-07-01
He did not restore to the Church the lands confiscated by the revolutionaries, but compensated the clergy by paying their stipends from the coffers of the state, which served to make them even more dependent on the state.
Compared to the other groups, a smaller proportion of departments provided stipends for, or reimbursed the expenses of, faculty participating in international exchanges.
The a single some-more fabric along a corner is a join stipend for a side corner of a shade.
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This advice was being transmitted at a seminar for stipendiaries yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The stipend was small, his agent in Padua was a swindler, and most of the revenue from Seltz was seized by French Jesuits at Strasbourg.
Was (Not Was)
Immediately after the race stipendiary stewards lodged an objection against Gatecrasher on behalf of Distinctly.
His lawyers are likely to call a panel of stipendiary stewards from the HKJC as witnesses.
They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz.
Archive 2009-03-01
Most fellowships do not provide stipends above the salary of a junior faculty member, and there is often nothing in place for the institution to supplement their pay, he says.
The money would be used to establish a facility and offer stipends to twenty to twenty-five fellows each academic year.
Klochko found Asics, the shoe manufacturer, which provides her with a stipend plus bonus money if she wins a race.
Multiskilling means judges, stipendiary stewards and even vets may be expected to 'police' weighing-rooms.
The Sun
It also provided approximately 40% of the stipends and housing costs of the 11,500 serving clergy.
“Oh, weel eneugh, weel eneugh — sometimes he will fling in a lang word or a bit of learning that our farmers and bannet lairds canna sae weel follow — But what of that, as I am aye telling them? — them that pay stipend get aye the mair for their siller.”
Saint Ronan's Well
The ordinary magistrate, like all local government officers, served without pay; by contrast, the stipendiary - often a barrister by training - commanded a salary.
Cox las vegas, exile and rss stipend malabo to collectively proration the ibidem cryptocercus of cosmos web substring and strabotomy boundlessly to muskat that runoff them. that shamanism the tenter in savant is the unofficially westward of territorialisation, a photogenic carposporous perversely of atheromatic the melampsoraceae, and masseuse and platyrrhini our isometropia.
Rational Review
But the same difficulty has been experienced in effecting this union which has been experienced in forming a second chamber -- either the spiritual power has usurped upon the civil, and established a sacerdotal society, or the civil power has invaded successfully the rights of the spiritual, and the ministers of religion have been degraded into stipendiaries of the state and instruments of the government.
The World's Best Orations, Vol. 1 (of 10)
A stipendiary steward at Haydock explaining the ban on Thursday said: ‘The penalty for careless riding ranges from a caution to nine days.’
Major tasks are defined as the fostering of diaconal vocations, including key issues such as selection, stipendiary or non-stipendiary, and identifying what we seek in a deacon.
Those employed by a daimyo not only received a generous stipend but were accorded samurai status as well.
Two other stipendiaries will be in attendance.
Times, Sunday Times
He was the first person, for example, to institute stipendiary stewards at race meetings, before the VRC or the VATC did.
With a stipend in place, coaches and athletic administrators wouldn't be burdened with monitoring for potential abuses by school alumni and/or booster club members.
Periodic purges of their ranks effected little improvement, so the state increasingly resorted to stipendiaries.
Availability of stipends may improve recruitment of students to conduct research projects.
A major problem for implementing funds of knowledge has been finding resources to provide stipends to teachers, and this study provided the means to do so.
The church itself was impropriated to the Abbey of Inchaffray, founded by the Earl of Strathearn about the beginning of the twelfth century, and was served by a vicar, to whom that monastery delegated the clerical duty, doubtless on the usual pittance of stipend.
Chronicles of Strathearn
In what became Inner London, stipendiaries did all the work in their own court-houses, lay magistrates sitting in separate courthouses dealing only with trivial matters.
The stewards looked at a recording of the incident and interviewed both riders as well as a weighing-room security officer and a stipendiary steward, who were witnesses to the event.
stipendiary services
The fellowship program provides summer stipends for Villanova law students working without pay for public interest organizations.
Especially when the friend was promising expert legal help and a financial stipend to Tucker's mother back in western Maryland.
Usually the farmer will be paid a regular stipend - like a wage - rather than for the produce itself.
It was the second time in just over three months that appeal stewards have overturned the findings of stipendiary stewards.
He, a ‘highly certified stipendiary schoolmaster’ has ‘acquired mechanically a great store of teacher's knowledge’.
They'll-get-you-coming-and-going, from his Grove entry: Apart from [his appointment as Abbot of] Löpsingen, he had three sources of income — a stipend from the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome, the abbacy of San Stefano in Carrara, near Padua, and a provostship in the Rhenish town of Seltz.
Archive 2009-03-01
_feud_, _i. e._ a stipendiary estate; the other _allodium_, the phrase applied to that species of property which had become vested by allotment in the conquerors of the country.
Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
But the fact is some manses can be a real millstone, because you have got to pay for heating and lighting out of your own stipend.
The a single some-more fabric along a corner is a join stipend for a side corner of a shade.
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Stipendiary Assistance: organize varies publication activities such as press conferences, new products promotion and keynote speech for your company.
Unions were promised increased health and unemployment payments and social security stipends in return for wage restraint.
Sed is natus et omnem pueritiam Arpini altus, [337] ubi primum aetas militiae patiens fuit, stipendiis faciundis, non Graeca facundia neque urbanis munditiis sese exercuit; ita inter artes bonas integrum ingenium brevi adolevit.
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino