
How To Use Stinging In A Sentence

  • Despite a string of victories-the judge's stinging decision enumerating Allen's "fraudulent modus operandi," occasional media coverage, and the support of real CIA agents and military heroes-he is no closer to collecting the $40,000 he says was "conned" from his family in 1993. Edgar Allen
  • Well, it wasn't rock and roll as you would recognise it but there was certainly enough power and decibels to give the lugholes a good stinging.
  • Obviously judges are unlikely to speak about their specific cases or to make stinging criticism of political policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name, the recognised features, rubbed saltily against his worn curiosity, stinging it. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Stinging insects in the U.S. are bees, yellow jackets, hornets, wasps, and fire ants.
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  • Back beyond even its immediate pre-modern period – what you might call The Andy Gray Years, the dolly bird years – football has always been a sweat-caked man-hole of a place, a realm where men have gone to mope and grizzle and rage and emote a kind of cheek-stinging eau de sexism. Andy Gray and Richard Keys convicted on sound evidence | Barney Ronay
  • All jellyfish have stinging tentacles to catch food but these moon jellies have only a short fringe along their outer edge. The Sun
  • The orders Orthoptera and Hemiptera are particularly numerous; as likewise is the stinging division of the Hymenoptera; the bees, perhaps, being excepted. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • A shower of rain drove down upon us, each drop stinging like a hailstone. Chapter 3
  • One was the use of stinging nettle fibres for cordage.
  • It was strange the way he could hear the wind far off before he could feel it stinging his face. The Broken God
  • There was a huge pit in the faceplate of my helmet, almost over my left eye, and a stinging sensation from my left arm.
  • It was two acres overgrown with stinging nettles and we spent a year putting it right. Times, Sunday Times
  • And what better way to incite people than by a continuous stinging of their pride and resentment, by taunting or “twitting” them? sdg Says: Matthew Yglesias » Doing It With Twitter
  • These are like stinging nettle leaves, but do not sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • No matter how stinging the remark, the jokester also shares in being the butt of the joke, because joking is the activity, not scoring points. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The omission from the board is a stinging rebuke for Mr. Bucksbaum in particular. General Growth Scion Denied Seat
  • Young stinging nettles are also coming up. Times, Sunday Times
  • These anemone eat small crustaceans, plankton and various tidepool animals that venture into the range of their stinging tentacles.
  • Her healing stomach itched and prickled with a stinging burn.
  • A gale howls over the hunchback of Cairngorm, stinging our faces with windblown sleet.
  • Beware of the razor-edged oyster-shells or the stinging fish (theli meen) in the muddy marginal waters.
  • She makes me want to suck on a stinging nettle in anger. The Sun
  • The wizard uncurled his stinging fist and the roll of gold coins slipped between his throbbing fingers.
  • ‘White Moon’ is a slow piano paean, stinging with maracas, moonlight-sonata piano, and subtle drums.
  • Blair was particularly narked by its stinging criticism that his Government had been playing to its masters in Washington.
  • Dangerous and wild animals, like poisonous snakes and stinging ants, inhabited their rain forests.
  • The answer was found during detailed studies of the trigger mechanism which activates the anemone's nematocysts or stinging cells.
  • If used on delicate skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.
  • Non haematophagous feeding habit, highest rate of parasitism, stinging capacity, ability to survive in various climate and to recycle in natural environment may enhance its potential for use as a biological agent.
  • His cheeks were stinging from the icy wind.
  • The night sky was lit by flames from burning cars, the smoky air stinging with tear gas.
  • There's always one that packs unprovoked heat, stinging the gums and making you gurn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just four months earlier investors had delivered a stinging rebuke. Times, Sunday Times
  • The jagged leaves are like stinging nettle leaves, but do not sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alex dropped the plate she was washing into the basin and spluttered as the soapy water splashed in her face, stinging her eyes.
  • Salomon Ugborugbo, 39, owned a local company whose trucks collected the eye-stinging waste offloaded from the Dutch-based company's ship and dumped it at 17 sites in the capital Abidjan including close to homes forcing thousands to flee. Market News
  • Her struggling and shrieking was met with deafening, stinging slaps to her cheeks, rendering her even more determined to be released from his death grip.
  • They rub stinging insects against their perch to remove the venom, but often eat the sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reading about a "daylily bud and petal salad" preceding a "stinging nettle and sea spinach soup" is almost enough to make one yearn for a wedge of iceberg lettuce drenched in Thousand Island dressing. Gastronomy
  • In the third which proved costly for Sato, Jorrin sent the Japanese challenger down with a hard series of punches, followed by a stinging right which also floored him seconds later.
  • Tristan abruptly backs away, the wind rising and stinging his face.
  • All jellyfish have stinging tentacles to catch food but these moon jellies have only a short fringe along their outer edge. The Sun
  • Through the oil cartels, the United States dealt some stinging slaps to its junior partners.
  • It grows in colonies, and has dark green leaves like stinging nettles, but does not sting since it is a member of the mint family. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turning swiftly toward its prey, the scorpion darts forward with pincers outstretched, finally grabbing and stinging its victim.
  • She could feel a stinging liquid dribbling down her shoulder and soaking her shirt; her wound had reopened in her frantic flight.
  • The wizard uncurled his stinging fist and the roll of gold coins slipped between his throbbing fingers.
  • Kris slushed through the puddles of water, icy wind stinging her eyes.
  • He hit back with a stinging rebuke to his critics.
  • Lou-Ann Preble, sent out a stinging resignation letter, alleging numerous violations of campaign finance laws.
  • Like the princess in a fairy-tale forest, she'd free the jewel from its stinging enchantment, quickly polish it to high luster, then royally present it.
  • What must have hurt most, though, was an earlier stinging rebuke from one of their own. The Sun
  • Too late, he saw a flash out of the corner of his eye, and felt a stinging pain lance along his back.
  • Among the Caribs, the girls undergo a similar ritual, except that stinging ants rather than wasps are used.
  • He showed brilliant footwork to make space in midfield and then curled a stinging shot just inches wide. The Sun
  • Just four months earlier investors had delivered a stinging rebuke. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a stinging aporia, an imposition on the logical life of that which we call ‘God,’ and requires some negotiation on the part of the preacher.
  • Moving with precise coordination, the Arbiters pounced upon their prey, assailing him with stinging strikes of their daggers.
  • In his pasture, edible weeds like dandelion, chicory, quack grass and even stinging nettles are allowed to thrive.
  • The alcohol in malathion lotion and the terpenoids may cause stinging.
  • She was exhausted and her bare feet were stinging cruelly, but to stop would have been fatal.
  • Above: These colonial anemones are each brandishing hundreds of stinging cells.
  • He lit a cigarette and started to foul up the air with stinging yellow smoke.
  • The tiny stingers of the nettle plant provide microinjections of several chemicals responsible for the stinging sensation the plant causes.
  • If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
  • And he's delivered a stinging broadside to his fellow MPs. The Sun
  • By the time Lydia had earned her breakfast, her delicate hands were red and stinging, and tears pricked her eyes as she bathed them.
  • It may as well have been thirty for all the headway they were making, stumbling blindly into the stinging bite of the wind.
  • A crystalline alkaloid which is fatal to frogs in a dose of one centigramme, has been isolated from the common Stinging Nettle. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • The jagged leaves are like stinging nettle leaves, but do not sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • First up were the talents of the award-winning extempore duo and they dazzled the crowd with their improvisational skills and stinging repartee.
  • And we heard a very stinging response from the Palestinians already to what you called rightly a sweeping statement by Ariel Sharon. CNN Transcript Apr 8, 2002
  • The band could use some stinging ballast to balance their sugary tendencies.
  • All Victor Carl knows is that he’s just woken up with his suit in tatters, his socks missing, and a stinging pain in his chest thanks to a new tattoo he doesn’t remember getting: a heart inscribed with the name Chantal Adair. Marked Man by William Lashner: Book summary
  • The thaw had made it too warm for snow, and so rain began to fall instead, cold and stinging.
  • The veteran natural history film-maker launched a stinging attack on his employer, saying that the Corporation had become inefficient and needed to be "refocused". - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • RantingTommy Says: aww, "independent" must be stinging from the spanking he got once the FACTS came out no wonder the right wingers fear facts so much. facts always kick their a$$ shoeless Chilopoda Says: independent989 Says: Think Progress
  • All Victor Carl knows is that he’s just woken up with his suit in tatters, his socks missing, and a stinging pain in his chest thanks to a new tattoo he doesn’t remember getting: a heart inscribed with the name Chantal Adair. Marked Man by William Lashner: Book summary
  • A kind of colonial cnidarian - an animal with stinging cells related to anemones, corals and jellyfish. NYT > Home Page
  • If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
  • They live on the sea surface with stinging tentacles dangling below. The Sun
  • Because of the wind and the spindrift stinging his eyes, he was having trouble seeing. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Sky like the inside of a saucepan and a mean little drizzle stinging your face, garden sunk deep in midwinter gloom, except for the winter-flowering cherry trees with small, sugar-pink blossoms prinking from bare branches to lift the heart. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • She felt a stinging sensation, and then felt a warm tingle fill her.
  • When you wake up, you're in pain, aching all over, your eyes are stinging from the light and you're hungry.
  • The true protectors of clownfish in the ocean, however, are not parents but rather prickly, stinging sea anemones that live on reefs.
  • Yet, as she applied the thick slime to his wound a massive stinging sensation gripped him, and made coping much harder.
  • When we went out the first time, a piercing wind had whipped the tops off the crashing waves to send biting showers of stinging sea water at us.
  • But the court did issue a stinging rebuke for what it calls their indifference to their constitutional duties. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2006
  • Edgar Allan Poe reflected these negative sentiments when he offered a stinging criticism of the wildly painted floorcloths that adorned households across the United States.
  • Nettle of extra-stinging quality; but it may also mean an Eastern plant that was used to produce cowage, or cow-itch. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • Sandy, Sam and Westlake ramparted Mormon from enthusiastic admirers and pushed down to the creek where he washed his hurts with the stinging icy water and stiffly put on his clothes. Rimrock Trail
  • That helps prevent repetitive motion and vibratory problems, such as stinging and numbness and tingling of the hands.
  • Borat trickster Sacha Baron Cohen returns to the big screen to offer yet another stinging dose of sociopolitical satire in this comedy that finds him assuming the persona of gay fashionmonger Clipmarks | Live Clips
  • It was two acres overgrown with stinging nettles and we spent a year putting it right. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses the same ingredients dependably: gruff, heartfelt singing, stinging blues-rock riffage, folky balladry, spoonfuls of psychedelia and guest spots.
  • Their medusoid bodies are bell-shaped, but some species lack the long, stinging tentacles frequently associated with jellyfish. Undefined
  • He was stinging due to a severe hurt to his pride.
  • Then did I say a few things to all and sundry -- stinging, biting things, ungainsayable and forcible things -- and took possession of all the fish that were left, so the Indians slunk off in sullen silence. The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake
  • Ali -- who coined the phrase "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" -- was still stinging, but his floating had subsided. Dexter Rogers: Was "The Fight of the Century" the Greatest Sporting Event of All Time?
  • He was singled out by the judge for stinging criticism, and accused of removing crucial evidence.
  • We carefully avoided the heart-shaped leaves of the so-called stinging tree.
  • The fluid smelt of ammonia and the victim was taken to hospital with stinging eyes after his attacker fled.
  • The wind howls through them, stinging them with sleet and ice.
  • It's impossible to go past this stinging riposte from Jack Conway in his debate last night, in response to some swivel-eyed right-wing point about the US constitution from Rand Paul: Midterm elections live blog - Monday 18 October
  • Young stinging nettles are also coming up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands of giant jellyfish with 30 foot stinging tentacles have invaded the seas around Scotland.
  • The stinging blow caught the youth across the head, sending him stumbling to the side.
  • The tears that Lesley cries are the secretions of chance, of her blindness to its aberrancy, and they wash her adolescent eyes with stinging hindsight. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • The deadly shelter of the stinging tentacles of sea anemones, which are lethal to smaller creatures, provides safe lodging for spotted damselfish and boldly striped clown fish.
  • With stinging satire, Ms. Lamb unveils a host of eccentric characters that include a grandmother whose down-home observations often echo a Moms Mabley routine, and a jackleg preacher reminiscent of Reverend Ike. A Kettle of Vultures
  • Ironically, even the most dangerous stinging jellies offer shelter and protection to small fish.
  • After all, it happened for small-bore shooting, so why not for an activity in which competitors go in off the 10-metre board and, after impact, report terrible stinging and reddening in the buttock region?
  • Members of the phylum Cnidaria, these animals have capsule-shaped cells with a trapdoor-like lid, containing a stinging nematocyst.
  • Planned Parenthood suspected that the hoaxer had ties to Live Action, an antiabortion activist group run by Lila Rose, a sometime O'Keefe partner-in-undercover-stinging. Peter Hart: Pimps and Prostitutes... Again?
  • He lit a cigarette and started to foul up the air with stinging yellow smoke.
  • She makes me want to suck on a stinging nettle in anger. The Sun
  • They live on the sea surface with stinging tentacles dangling below. The Sun
  • Most stinging wasps and bees are beneficial and should be preserved unless they pose a direct hazard to humans.
  • If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.
  • he felt the stinging of nettles
  • One explained it as ` ` to prime, '' as when one primes a musket, from O.Fr. _amorce_, powder for the touchhole (Cotgrave), and the other by ` ` to bite '' (Lat. _mordere_), hence ` ` to indulge in biting, stinging or gnawing thoughts of slaughter. '' Literary Blunders
  • She tried to get up but the stinging pain on her back caused her to cry out in anguish.
  • The local aerospace company also suffered stinging nationwide publicity.
  • She lay there, her stomach churning and her eyes stinging with unshed tears. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • My face was stinging from the salt spray.
  • Whether it was the stinging backhand pass down the line, the finessed drop shot, or the intelligently placed first serves that arched in towards her opponent's midriff, her tactics and execution could hardly have been bettered.
  • Whatever it was, I felt the primordial feeling of tears stinging at my eyes, and my breathing grew sharp and cutting, much colder than before.
  • Hours later, in the cold winds of winter, Yeltsik and Victor stood by the unburied soldier, the wind whipping their ears about, stinging their face, numbing their cheeks, fingers, and toes.
  • There are also stinging cells with coiled threads inside them, the unique possessions of the jellyfish tribe.
  • This is a dead-nettle, with dark green leaves that look like stinging nettle leaves but do not sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perspiration oozes from beneath his jaunty straw skimmer, the salt stinging his eyes.
  • Rain poured down, stinging her eyes, warm breath puffing in front of her face.
  • Young stinging nettles are also coming up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sky was a grey feathery mass; the rain pattered down in little stinging freezing drops.
  • Stardust drove through the rain at a blinding speed, the rain pelting off Kristine's face, stinging her cheeks.
  • Try other natural remedies such as stinging nettle to relieve congestion.
  • There are several big holes in the grassy area around the playground, large stinging nettles and thistles, loose nuts and bolts on the park's railings and uneven ground.
  • We must get stuff out into the open, tear the scab off this wound, apply a stinging astringent to it, and cauterize it with a blowtorch. Silpa Kovvali: Tiger Brother: An Interview With Wesley Yang
  • One is called the capsaicin receptor, after the stinging substance in red peppers, because it is triggered both by hot air and hot spices. Why Does It Hurt So Bad?
  • A crystalline alkaloid which is fatal to frogs in a dose of one centigramme, has been isolated from the common Stinging Nettle. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • As I roused from sleep again, my back stinging from sleeping on the floor, I heard footsteps on the stairs.
  • My face was stinging from the salt spray.
  • Those edible ‘weeds’ include chickweed, lambs quarters and stinging nettles.
  • J & J said residual levels of the acid can cause stinging, pain, redness, tearing and blurred vision when the lens is placed on the eye, but that more serious health consequences such as corneal ulcer are unlikely. J
  • All jellyfish have stinging tentacles to catch food but these moon jellies have only a short fringe along their outer edge. The Sun
  • Alli clutched her nates in her hands even though the slaps were barely stinging.
  • At eighteen years old, she was still fresh from adolescence and stinging from the abrupt end of an eight month relationship.
  • Generally, stinging mechanisms found around the mouth parts of marine creatures are used offensively, while stinging parts ranged along the back and tail are defensive in origin.
  • Even on CD, he conveys that sense -- bouncing silkily along until he delivers a stinging high note or devastating flurry of melismata. A Mark That Can't Be Washed Away
  • In it, the wind howls fiercely, driving rain like stinging knifes in a torrential downpour, so heavy that he can't see more than two feet in front of his face.
  • She burst through the top of the water and gasped loudly for breath, her lungs and face stinging from the cold.
  • I was quickly splattered in a stinging rainbow of colours by seemingly invisible foes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most common side effects are acne, erythema, and burning and stinging of the skin.
  • With stinging regret and profound gratitude, we return your work to you in fervent hope that you soon find literary representation worthy of your supernal ability. SPECIAL CONTEST ACTIVITY
  • It has come to be thought of as a stinging insult to tell a party here that it is electioneering and politicking with the peace process.
  • Some are so caused by philters, wandering in the sun, biting of a mad dog, a blow on the head, stinging with that kind of spider called tarantula, an ordinary thing if we may believe Skeuck. l. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In round five and six, Mesi's reputed power shook Jirov but he hung tough to counter with stinging combinations on the Buffalo bruiser, who does not have racehorse speed.
  • The official season of the dreaded stinging jellyfish has begun.
  • Well, it wasn't rock and roll as you would recognise it but there was certainly enough power and decibels to give the lugholes a good stinging.
  • A week ago, the society received a report of a mass stranding of a stinging jellyfish, called the mauve stinger, at Reef Beach on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. News of the Underwater World
  • If used on delicate skin, this cream may produce a stinging sensation.
  • The two men went out, letting a blast of stinging air into the trailer.
  • She pressed her palms against her stinging eyes, sobbing his name incoherently.
  • As a feeding adaptation, the anemones are equipped with stinging cells called nematocysts, which are triggered as soon as a tentacle touches a living organism, paralyzing it upon contact.
  • The heavy rain drops soon had them soaked to the skin, but the rain was warm and soothing, not sharp and stinging.
  • I marched up to her and gave her a stinging slap on the cheek.
  • Even as the thunder rolled off the cliff faces in deafening, cannonading peals, a cuttingly cold wind turned the downpour to stinging, slanting, mist-laden torrents, making it difficult to see.
  • He said he initially felt stinging pain but thought of the incident. Times, Sunday Times
  • And of course, he should always be ready to get rid of any creepy-crawly insects or stinging/biting creatures that enter our house.
  • One explained it as "to prime," as when one primes a musket, from O.Fr. amorce, powder for the touchhole (Cotgrave), and the other by "to bite" (Lat. mordere), hence "to indulge in biting, stinging or gnawing thoughts of slaughter. Literary Blunders; A chapter in the "History of Human Error"
  • The jagged leaves are like stinging nettle leaves, but do not sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her hand came down on top of a large bunch of them and she felt a sudden stinging pain.
  • These are like stinging nettle leaves, but do not sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • He closed them tightly, feeling the bittersweet sensation of stinging dryness and strain wetted with fresh tears beneath the lids.
  • He could feel the stinging pain in his wounded chest with every rise and fall of his ribcage.
  • Planned Parenthood suspected that the hoaxer had ties to Live Action, an antiabortion activist group run by Lila Rose, a sometime O'Keefe partner-in-undercover-stinging. Peter Hart: Pimps and Prostitutes... Again?
  • Particularly stinging is the… suggestion that the government has been playing poodle to its American masters.
  • The result of the epidemic of sightlessness is chaos and starvation, underpinned by a growing threat from the mysterious stinging triffids.
  • I smelled a stinging odor like acetone, or nail polish remover. PREY
  • My eyes were red and stinging by the time my crying spell passed, and Julius was asking for a walk.
  • However, Sarwan can't be blamed too much for his dismissal, as Younis Khan held a stinging effort at short extra cover as Sarwan middled a drive.
  • It surely brought them a stinging rebuke from their manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • She marched straight up to Cratyn, pulled him out of his chair and delivered a stinging backhanded slap across his face. TREASON KEEP
  • They live on the sea surface with stinging tentacles dangling below. The Sun
  • The worker bees are the ones capable of stinging.
  • Gusts of freezing wind bite at exposed skin while stinging darts of cold assault gloved fingertips.
  • Roman soldiers used urtication, or external stinging, to relieve the pain of arthritis.
  • Ask if the perifistular skin has burning or stinging sensations, usually indicative of denuded skin.
  • The words hurt, stinging me because there was some truth to them.
  • I heard loud bangs on the window, and we felt stinging, choking sensations in our throats.
  • The subject now said he was feeling great heat and a stinging pain in the place where the coin lay. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • President Obama himself has faced a stinging rebuke from congress for his comments about lawmakers '"obsession" with the war, and the Out of Afghanistan Caucus continues to chip away at what little apatite for war remains in congress. Josh Mull: All politics is local: Al-Qa'eda and the Afghanistan War
  • a stinging comment
  • Growing among the tufa formations in the marshes are dock, giant red Indian paintbrush, groundsel, horsetail, Rocky Mountain iris, an aquatic speedwell, stinging nettle (which often surrounds each tower), and willow herb.
  • He is proposing a radical reshaping of the Republicans following last year's stinging election defeat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result of the epidemic of sightlessness is chaos and starvation, underpinned by a growing threat from the mysterious stinging triffids.
  • The pods are stout, compressed, slightly curved near the apex, 6 - 11 cm long, 2 cm wide and densely covered with stiff, somewhat appressed, brown, very irritating, stinging hairs. Chapter 9
  • The two men went out, letting a blast of stinging air into the trailer.

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