How To Use Stimulus In A Sentence
Prior to testing, stimulus males were kept for some days in aquaria with a one-way mirror on one side to acclimatize them with their reflected image.
Their readings have roots in and derive their stimulus from historical and political schema of dissent outlined in the biblical narratives.
This pattern of stimulus and response is parallel to the way that a shepherd might train his sheepdog.
“In order to balance the budget this biennium, which is $182 billion, we used $14 billion in federal stimulus money to balance it,” said State Sen. Steve Ogden, R-Bryan.
Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » David Dewhurst Explains Texas Budget Deficit Was Not a Budget Deficit If You Look at It Cross-Eyed
The political system has moved on to the automobile bailouts and the fiscal stimulus, but the original problem of trust in the financial system has still not been fixed.

Of course, the trouble with fiscal stimulus is that it is a blunt instrument.
Times, Sunday Times
However, such interaction is more effectively used in the drinking stimulus portion of the scenes than in the sensitization portion.
Consumers remain hunkered down, and the Federal Reserve is nearly tapped out in providing monetary stimulus, so it can't replicate the sharp cuts in interest rates that gave the economy a big lift in the 1980s.
Lessons of Reagan's Rebound
Both Mexico and Canada are angry with the U.S. for the "buy American" provision in Obama's stimulus bill, which they label correctly as "protectionist.
Cracks Emerging in NAFTA
There is no important causal connection between the reinforcing effect of a stimulus and the feelings to which it gives rise.
Education received what stimulus limited resources would allow, particularly primary education in the departments.
Usually they are painless and only cause lameness under certain conditions, as when they begin to develop themselves under the stimulus of inflammatory action, or when large enough to interfere with the functions of the tendons, or again when they have undergone certain pathological changes, such as calcification, which is among their tendencies.
Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
Second, don't splurge money on a wasteful stimulus package.
Times, Sunday Times
At nerve terminals, stimulus-evoked calcium entry triggers transmitter release through rapid, regulated exocytosis of readily releasable synaptic vesicles.
In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
When carrying out interviews, artefacts or old photographs can sometimes provide useful stimulus.
For more than a quarter of a century National Cat Shows have been held at Crystal Palace and the Westminster Aquarium, which have given great stimulus to the breeding of fine cats, and "catteries" where high-priced cats and kittens are raised are common throughout the country.
Concerning Cats My Own and Some Others
This stimulus results in the secretion of corticotropin into plasma, stimulation of corticotropin receptors in the adrenal cortex, and release of cortisol into the blood.
Animals need to attend to and learn about a stimulus only when its implications for the future are uncertain.
As elsewhere in the book these suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but, rather, a stimulus for ideas.
The Tullio phenomenon represents vestibular symptoms and/or eye movements evoked by a sound stimulus.
The Reserve Bank is relaxed about that fiscal stimulus and believes that it will act as a stabiliser, given that economic growth is forecast to decline during the 2004-06 period.
This leakage dramatically decreases the effectiveness of any Keynesian stimulus.
I guess those peasants in Michigan will just have to settle leftovers, secondary effects: crumbs from the table of your very own economic stimulus, if you will.
Matthew Yglesias » Infrastructure Spending Not Targeted to High-Unemployment States: But Should It Be?
FOREMAN: The governor is saying no to money for what she calls expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out.
CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
This (the tax change) is a further evidence the government is pulling the plug on the stimulus policies introduced during the crisis," said Jeremie Capron, analyst at CLSA.
Counterconditioning: Conditioning intended to replace a negative response to a stimulus with a positive response.
Light is a stimulus to growth in plants.
US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.
The inworking of this blessedness in the case of each believer proceeds solely and immediately from Christ himself, through the word of institution in which the redeeming and communion-forming love of Christ is presented and ever operates as a stimulus to piety.
The Theology of Schleiermacher: A Condensed Presentation of His Chief Work, "The Christian Faith"
a stimulus such as food is a reinforcer only if its presentation increases the frequency of a response in a type of associative conditioning known as operant conditioning.
It is natural for human beings to avoid responding to any new stimulus unless it somehow affects them personally.
The very act of lying down in bed should provide a strong stimulus for sleep.
The intellectual stimulus behind this project may have been the tradition of geographical study at Magdalen Hall.
I'm most impressed by his fiscal stimulus package.
The Sun
The child seems unable to explore all aspects of the stimulus, or decenter the visual inspection.
When the placenta function obstacles, umbilical cord around the neck, improper use of pregnant women, the case of adverse external stimulus, may cause abnormal fetal movement.
This is seen as an opportunity for developing software and technological industries and providers through the stimulus of opening up education markets.
Stimulus is still a four-letter word for Republicans," MF Global analyst Chris Krueger said.
The growth of China's massive economy is beginning to slow as stimulus funds peter out and aggressive monetary tightening measures take effect.
The coil was placed over the head and attached to an electrical stimulus on the hand.
Times, Sunday Times
There is an experiment, which seems to evince this venous absorption, which consists in the external application of a stimulus to the lips, as of vinegar, by which they become instantly pale; that is, the bibulous mouths of the veins by this stimulus are excited to absorb the blood faster, than it can be supplied by the usual arterial exertion.
Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Through the simple tools of classical conditioning then, the shoe becomes a conditioned stimulus giving rise to the conditioned response of sexual pleasure.
John Boehner, the House Republican leader, has been reduced to using his Web site to seek “credentialed American economists” willing to add their names to a list of “stimulus spending skeptics.”
Further stimulus measures might be on the cards.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a turning in response to a stimulus is called a tropism (troh'pizm; "turning" G).
The Human Brain
Alternately, the Democratic leadership could add in key Democratic priorities, such as toughened financial regulations, bankruptcy law reforms helping homeowners prevent foreclosure, direct government aid to mortgagees, a tax on the financial industry to pay for the bailout, and the job-creating $60 billion economic stimulus / infrastructure spending package the House passed a few days ago.
Suburban Guerrilla
Where the specific stimulus is light, the phenomenon is phototropism ( "light-turning" G).
The Human Brain
There are practical assignments which feature a wide variety of stimulus materials, in realistic contexts.
The encouragement given made for a great rapport with the class and gave a stimulus to improve the lectures.
Yet Republicans remain leery of the growing Democratic push for a second economic stimulus program to be considered in September, worried that Democrats are trying to corner them with a politically appealing proposal right before the elections.
Congress Moves Toward Approving Housing Bill - The Caucus Blog -
Stephen Green, another Standard Chartered economist, said Friday that Beijing might "supersize" the stimulus spending plan by four trillion to six trillion yuan, bringing the total to between eight trillion and 10 trillion yuan.
Beijing May Need to Step Up Spending
Her words of praise were a stimulus to work harder.
Page 10 to the intoxicating cup for stimulus to artificial excitement, and drowned all seasonable delight in mire, and a poison that not the dumb animals will swallow.
God Seen Above All National Calamities
A nestling's gape, or wide open beak, provides a stimulus to the parents to feed it.
And by frequent repetitions of exhaustion by great stimulus, these vessels cease to acquire their whole natural quantity of sensorial power; as in the schirrous stomach, and schirrous liver, occasioned by the great and frequent stimulus of vinous spirit; which may properly be termed irritative paralysis of those parts of the system.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
So, too, they claim that there are two distinct processes carried on by the leaves of plants, -- namely, respiration and digestion: that the first is analogous to the same process in animals; and that by it oxygen is absorbed from, and carbonic acid returned to the atmosphere, though to a limited degree: and that digestion consists in _the decomposition of carbonic acid by the green tissues of the leaves under the stimulus of the light, the fixation of solid carbon, and the evolution of pure oxygen_.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
Presenting the target stimulus in a new context will eliminate some sources of internal input to the stimulus.
They reach a point where even the smallest stimulus will trigger off a massive reaction.
The other kind of nephritis, or inflammation of the interior part of the kidney, generally arises from the pain occasioned by the stimulus of a stone entering the ureter from the pelvis of the kidney; and, which ceases when the stone is protruded forwards into the bladder; or when it is returned into the pelvis of the kidney by the retrograde action of the ureter.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed.
There is no factual, theoretic, historical or evidentiary basis for “fiscal stimulus” or money dilution as cures for economic disasters.
Matthew Yglesias » Was Health Reform a Political Blunder? How Could We Know?
This time, they had not needed the stimulus of an aphrodisiac.
Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed.
Specifically, participants are presented with a sequence of brief stimuli with a constant stimulus onset asynchrony, and are asked to respond when they believe the sequence has ended.
Sanford has nothing better to do than jet off for a trist with his "soul mate," unless it is to refuse Federal stimulus money.
Sanford to return to SC on Sunday
Indeed, Jindal felt Congressional Dems voted on a stimulus bill they hadn't even read - though Jindal's criticism of the same package didn't show that he'd read it either, claiming it was "larded" with pork but I started laughing when Jindal began listing the projects he thought were unnecessary and wasteful, such as mag-lev rail projects and volcano monitoring.
Jindal's Condescending Response Elicits Douchechills
Lots of economists say we need a'fiscal stimulus' to avoid calamity.
The Sun
The human information processing system generally has few problems with spoken or written language, even when the stimulus is noisy or ambiguous.
What happens when a stimulus prompts the organism to respond in a given way, is that some sensory nerve, whether of taste or touch or sound, sight, smell, or muscular sensitivity, receives a stimulus which passes through the spinal cord to a motor nerve through which some muscle is "innervated" and a response made.
Human Traits and their Social Significance
Descartes received his stimulus from the new physics and astronomy of Copernicus, Galileo, and others.
The stimulus for my dream might have been catalyzed from a discussion I had that day.
Patrick Takahashi: Suicide Dreams
In other words, their attention has been drawn to a stimulus, without any knowledge or appreciation of the significance of the stimulus.
To meet this challenge, Locke (and to an even greater extent Hume) offered what may be termed adequacy of the stimulus counterarguments.
Speculation that the Fed may add more stimulus by buying more long-dated Treasurys has added to demand in recent week.
Treasury Niche Beats Gold
Bobby Jindal, the offensive Republican governor of Louisiana just refused, yes * refused* to accept $90 billion in federal stimulus funds.
We determined cardiac reactivity by averaging heart rate in the 20 seconds immediately after presentation of the stimulus.
Israel failed to win firm pledge that Moscow Halt Advanced Weapons sales to Syria. obaid karki an outcast underdog libertarian diogenesist kabbalist spinoziste qutbist pantheon hexalingual automath former uae under secretary independent street-knowledge urban talking-head. unaffiliated to a state, an organized religion group, a sect or a kin and an anti tribal gentile. administration plans to revamp rescue plan american arrested near pakistani border americans face wide spectrum of money problems apparently drown in hawaii's 3 tourists high surf apple aims to defy gravity asia markets: tokyo stocks surge over 12%; financials on fire asia markets: tokyo takes off as trading resumes, nikkei up 13% asian stocks soar after us rally asia-pacific extends world market rebound assailants attack us consulate in mexico at indian call centers, another view of us australia plans $7.4 billion to boost economy australia plans us$7. 4 billion to boost economy australia unveils $7.4 billion fiscal stimulus plan austria: 'horror dad' trial likely delayed until 2009 bailout sit-down: treasury, fed and major wall street players meet bailout, part two ballmer's luck in yahoo failure gives microsoft nice miss 'as stock slips banco santander to take over sovereign bancorp in $1. 9-billion deal boeing talks with striking machinists break down boeing, machinists halt talks on ending 5-week strike boeing: contract talks with machinists off again budget cuts force rhode island to scrimp on services bush to announce $250b bank share buy-up bush to announce expanded bank bailout - Business News
In the stimulus bill Nancy Pelosi set up a panel or something called comparativeness effectiveness research, what they're doing there with that is they're not comparing effectiveness as well as I and all the physicians will do, they're comparing effectiveness of spending a dollar on one person versus another, which means the elderly are gonna be denied the care to keep them living and keep their health in good shape so they can have a useful, fruitful productive life.
Rep. Paul Broun: Health Care Reform, Stimulus Are 'Gonna Kill People By Denying Care'
Recent reports stressed that training and education would be a stimulus to emigration.
Well, you show the thing that would cause you to have the fear without the unconditioned stimulus.
To distract American taxpayers from the suspicion that the stimulus is largely bogus, Obama encourages green space exploration, presumably with the intention of assisting the Venusians currently imperilling their planet.
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible « Anglican Samizdat
This "Stimulus" Bill will defalcate the economy and defecate upon the people.
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In the short run, it appears that [ stimulus lending ] is risk - free.
But it is unrealistic to suppose that they will act without public stimulus.
Current models of associative learning explain nonlinear discrimination by assuming that people store stimulus information configural.
The unmeaning application of the words relaxation and bracing to warm and cold baths has much prevented the use of this grateful stimulus; and the misuse of the term warm-bath, when applied to baths colder than the body, as to those of Buxton and Matlock, and to artificial baths of less than 90 degrees of heat, which ought to be termed cold ones, has contributed to mislead the unwary in their application.
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Obviously I think that outlaying money for disaster and epidemic relief is very important, but was the stimulus package the place for it?
the stimulus produced a desynchronizing of the brain waves
A flat which had seemed to offer stimulus, satisfaction, retreat and self-sufficiency dwindled overnight into just somewhere to live.
Decreases in associability that occur as a stimulus is found to have either no consequence (‘latent inhibition’ 36) or a consistent consequence, are affected by manipulations of the hippocampus.
Uncertainty about America's budget and stimulus spending still weighed.
Times, Sunday Times
The result is that a larger stimulus is required to trigger an action potential.
A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
This trend is quite worrisome because, in the virtual absence of private investment, public sector spending is expected to be a major source of stimulus to the economy.
Well-being pen eyeliner with low stimulus of natural eatable coloring matter.
Action potentials are elicited when tiny pores in the nerve cell membrane, known as sodium channels, open up in response to a stimulus.
Interference and neutral density filters were additionally used to obtain a stimulus of white or monochromatic light of different intensities.
Light housekeeping, standby assist for bathing* Two clients - women* Afternoon & evening hours (M-F) EXPERIENCED BATHER and HOMEMAKER* Must have reliabe transportation* Must have exp in giving showers & bed baths to men / women, light housekeeping* Willing to travel to Rio Rancho, Corrales, Bernalillo area*P / T to start - Must be open full day & possible week-endsPlease call 242-6236 and speak with ElaineEEO / AAP EMPLOYER BUY A HOME; GET A CHECK, UP-TO $8000.00, GOVERNMENT STIMULUS PROGRAMS, FHA Loans, New Homes
For the stimulus sceptics really do think they can put humpty dumpty together again, and that “aggregate demand”, as Cowen puts it, is a less “fundamental” problem than the financial service sector collapse.
Matthew Yglesias » What Instead?
Punters taking a longer view backed the banknote printer to do well from any return of global inflation when stimulus measures are wound down.
Times, Sunday Times
The foundation of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in 1902 also acted as a stimulus.
But it is certain that until recently a powerful stimulus was the superabundance of labour.
Today, as a minority Republican group of tired Senate lackeys wields their only weapon left, the filibuster, and even more sycophantish democrat Senators with all the power to call a vote and win, will subsequently hand over the crown jewels of the economic stimulus replacing substantive community economic growth with defense industry ‘violence’ based funding.
Want True Economic Stimulus, Obama? Replace Trickle Down With Bottom Up Community Driven Economic Models
Many differentiated cells retain the ability to return to the cell cycle when confronted with the appropriate mitogenic stimulus.
I don't know where those commenting on the impact of the stimulus are getting their information (perhaps from Fake News, or some other conservative, Obama-hating, talking heads) but according to most economists surveyed, the impact of the stimulus is accounting for 1 to 3% of economic growth in the second quarter where, they estimate, growth would have been 0% to negative.
How a capital gains tax break could get cash to startups
The ideas and techniques it set forth provided the initial stimulus for Romantic drama.
Classical conditioning - The process by which an individual learns to associate an unconditional stimulus with a conditional stimulus but receives no benefit from doing so.
With the start of regeneration of the oculomotor nerve the Ac.Ch. appears again, but in too small quantities to cause miosis with light stimulus alone, i.e. without the increased activity provided by eserine.
Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
Amlost cervical polyp belong to inflammatory polyp and hyperplasia of inflammation stimulus.
When nociceptors detect a harmful stimulus - such as the hard surface that stubbed your toe - they relay their pain messages in the form of electrical impulses along a peripheral nerve to your spinal cord and brain.
A reinforced trial is when the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus go together.
We know that the flashing checkerboard is a very salient stimulus for just the visual processing areas of the brain," she says.
Boing Boing: February 15, 2004 - February 21, 2004 Archives
Immediately after presentation of the study stimulus subjects had their memory for pairs tested.
The difference between what is tasteless and what is not seems to rest ultimately on that between what is drinkable and what is undrinkable both are tasteable, but the latter is bad and tends to destroy taste, while the former is the normal stimulus of taste.
On the Soul
The priming effect in temporal order perception is a phenomenon in which a primed stimulus was judged as appearing before an unprimed stimulus.
A reduction in corporate tax should act as a stimulus to economic activity.
A sound stimulus generator transmits acoustic energy into the canal while a vacuum pump introduces positive and negative pressures into the ear canal.
The two world wars also gave substantial stimulus to manufacturing, with the opening of BHP's Newcastle steelworks in 1915 laying the base for heavy industry.
This model may better represent the cytokinesis process by the introduction of biochemical stimulus.
For the stimulus sceptics really do think they can put humpty dumpty together again, and that “aggregate demand”, as Cowen puts it, is a less “fundamental” problem than the financial service sector collapse.
Matthew Yglesias » What Instead?
Using strategies as a political ploy is one thing, but the ONLY reason that they are turning on Crist is he took the stimulus money to help the citizens of Florida!
National Republicans preparing to back Rubio
Local stimulation by distension along the body of the esophagus will elicit a peristaltic wave at the stimulus site.
The fibres which come ultimately from the dorsal aspect of the spinal marrow are those which carry inwards the effect of a stimulus applied towards their ultimate termination, and are therefore called afferent, or sensory.
The Common Frog
The Tax Day Tea Party protests began earlier this year when Rick Santelli, on-air editor for CNBC, ranted against what he called the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House and Congress, a flawed stimulus bill and a pork-filled budget, according to the Tax Day Tea Party Web site.
In Houston and across the country, a flash flood of federal stimulus money is shaking up the once-obscure world of "weatherization," programs to help poor families cut their utility bills.
A Flood for Weather-Proofing Programs
The government released a system of economic stimulus plan to promote the economic resurgence.
She said a bid would provide a huge stimulus for elite sport and also boost efforts to encourage it at grassroots level.
The immediate stimulus for this closure is the cost of replacing the signalling between Marylebone and Neasden.
Other interference theories attribute latent inhibition to the effects of an association between the pre-exposed stimulus and its consequences.
But, if the economy remains stagnant, look for liberals to begin pushing for a second stimulus, despite any scary numbers from CBO and the administration's Office of Management and Budget.
The stimulus material was a short silent comedy film made by Mack Sennet around 1925.
Experiment has convinced me that the slight amount of alcohol I imbibe in my claret is a grateful stimulus to digestion.
Study and Stimulants; Or, the Use of Intoxicants and Narcotics in Relation to Intellectual Life
As a result, any given stimulus will reliably induce the same effect in the ‘dependent’ sense in an individual.
The foundation of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea in 1902 also acted as a stimulus.
DeFazio's call to action was followed up by an outside-inside campaign to add more transportation funding to the stimulus bill - outside pressure is coming from blogospheric drumbeating [9], inside pressure is coming from lawmakers sponsoring the amendment.
There's Something Happening Here
The result was a series of plays that set a new mark for English production, that put stimulus behind the so-called "unappreciated" play, and gave the English-speaking drama something to talk about -- and to remember.
Charles Frohman: Manager and Man
This stimulus lasted until the Finance Act of 1973 which introduced a major revision of the system of corporation tax.
It is more likely that he would have applauded the Fed for its swift action, and then argued that the fiscal stimulus validated his notion of government as an economic stabilizer.
Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.
One possible stimulus that may exacerbate asthma is chronic sinusitis.
CASE IN POINT Obama tapped VP Joe Biden to "allocate" the stimulus $$trillions.
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The discovery of oil acted as a stimulus to industrial development.
The downward line on the graph ends when the stimulus is passed, meaning that the rate of job losses began to decelerate after ARRA, with the post-stimulus deceleration happening almost exactly as fast as the losses had been accelerating before ARRA.
Matthew Yglesias » You Can’t Create Jobs by “Focusing” on the Economy
The surge in new housing construction ought to provide a stimulus to the economy.
This mass of sensually charged femininity will attract male visitors eager to contribute their economic stimulus.
Should further action prove necessary, policy options are available to provide additional stimulus.
Times, Sunday Times
From the sensations I then had, I felt an inner conviction of the liveliest kind, that without some powerful and reviving stimulus I should either have died on the spot, or should at least have sunk to a point of exhaustion from which all reascent under my friendless circumstances would soon have become hopeless.
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Two groups of rats received 14 sessions of habituation training in context A with a light as the target stimulus.
The Dems included cash in the “Stimulus” to pay doctors to computerize their records.
Well, at least Meghan Cofield’s getting work. | RedState
Figure 1 Proportion of continuations using plural pronouns co-referential with the protagonists in the stimulus sentence.
The stimulus package also includes a car scrappage scheme similar to the "cash for clunkers" programme being debated in the US Congress.
As the US has a high marginal propensity to import, when the economy expands, more dollars flow out of the country, which is another form of global stimulus.
The nutrient in the soil acts as a stimulus to growth/to make the plants grow.
A researcher at the university found that the medical event itself is a stimulus for patients to quit smoking.
Music is a multidimensional and hierarchical stimulus and can be explored from the psychoacoustics of a single tone to the perception of interrelationships between sections of large-scale works.
Foreign investment has been a stimulus to the industry.
The actor is dependent on the stimulus of other faces and voices.
Zhang told the all-party parliamentary China group in Westminster todaythat Beijing's stimulus package was already showing signs of re-energising the Chinese economy.
Indeed, if you had taken me aside in 2008 and sketched out the first three years of Obama's presidency, I would have thought you were being overoptimistic: an $800 billion stimulus package -- recall that people were only talking in the $200-$300 billion range back then -- followed by near-universal health-care reform, followed by financial regulation ... don't ask don't tell, Bin Laden, Gaddafi, etc ...
Richard (RJ) Eskow: "Helpless President Lit" - The Latest Trend in Political Tragedy
In addition, there are sketchy references to the process being initiated by some stimulus material, involving the development of concepts and including redrafts or changes in direction.
Another kind of pattern mask is a word mask, in which the backward-masking stimulus is itself an actual word.
We suspect he will support even more fiscal stimulus than the $200 billion we have penciled into our forecast. Congress could move on this even before the change-over on January 20.
Further muddying the outlook, Fed officials have offered conflicting signals on their policy predilections in recent weeks, with some pushing for a very aggressive stimulus and others highly skeptical of any additional accommodation.
The Fed Quantitative Easing: What You Can Expect
It offered a massive package of financial stimulus measures to improve the economy and livelihood of the people.
To read words that are new to us, we have to learn to associate a visual stimulus (a letter, or grapheme) with its corresponding auditory stimulus (the sound, or phoneme).
Using an item of costume can be a powerful stimulus to initiate dramatic play.
As much as the Democrats voted for a needless war or two, the Republicans okayed the Stimulus Bill, a fact which they should all be reminded of come election time.
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Indeed the Faculty encourages interdisciplinary activity and recognises that much innovative work has derived from the intellectual stimulus of multidisciplinary study.
Apple trees, at the other extreme, produce fruit on long-lived, very short, knobby branches, called spurs, so they need little such stimulus.
For precognition, that is not the case whether a study subject gets the right answer 100% of the time or the wrong answer 100% of the time, the result is the same: a significant deviation from random chance in response to a future-stimulus.
Boing Boing
But Cameroni concludes that since the stimulus efforts have failed to put needed money back into the money supply, the stimulus program should be abandoned in favor of its diametrical opposite -- belt-tightening austerity.
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Methods:Stimulus pairs with identical(match condition)or different(conflict condition)colors were randomly presented to subjects.
Temporal representations of the CS, the US, the interstimulus interval (ISI) and intertrial interval (ITI) (see also Sutton and Barto, 1981),
Netvouz - new bookmarks
There are people whose bookishness is a substitute for, rather than a stimulus to their own thinking.
But expectations of more monetary stimulus have further weakened the dollar, increasing demand for commodities that are mainly traded in greenbacks, and potentially creating inflationary problems for other countries.
China: Dollar Printing Creates Inflation
A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those "unadaptable and untrained" workers.
Many differentiated cells retain the ability to return to the cell cycle when confronted with the appropriate mitogenic stimulus.
The Republicans shrunk the first "stimulus" package and filled it with tax breaks, even as corporate Democrats helped them along, blocking any effort to restructure mortgages in bankruptcies, freeze foreclosures or force banks to lend money.
Michael Kieschnick: 10 Steps to Take Now After a Brutal Election
Study participants were 9-year-olds eight girls, 12 boys who performed a series of stimulus-discrimination tests known as flanker tasks, to assess their inhibitory control.
Physical Activity May Strengthen Children’s Ability To Pay Attention | Impact Lab
Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed.
A stimulus thrusting towards one is more energetic and aggressive than a similar stimulus moving away.
Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play.
These works, part of a bequest from Jochen Schneider, patron and friend of the artist in Kampala, were the specific stimulus for the retrospective exhibition and its catalogue reviewed by Kasfir.
February 12th, 2009 at 2: 06 pm cube, if any pondering is going on on your first question, that hypothetical economist is incompetent because ANY government spending is a stimulus.
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Economics
The R.R. train seems to be a great stimulus to the acts of the higher epistolary activity and correspondential amicality in you -- a fact for which I have (occasional) reason to be duly grateful.
Familiar Letters of William James II
The debate, in other words, boils down to whether or not the stimulus of increased government spending has a stronger effect on the economy in the short term than the depressant of higher interest rates.
I could bitch about his buttering up wingnuts on the stimulus bill, but after watching this guy bumfuzzle The Clinton and Mccain campaigns with endless politik ju-jitsu, I suspect most of the reported 1/3 taxcuts will not end up in the final bill somehow, or will morph into something else, and Obama will still be able to say he’s being bi-partisan.
Matthew Yglesias » The New Federalism
A leading indicator of nonresidential construction, the Architecture Billings Index, has signaled contraction since January, amid tight credit and a limited boost from government stimulus.
Where does the money come from for Tarp (Treasury's program to buy bad bank paper), the stimulus handouts and the cash for clunkers?
Experimental psychologists adopted the kymograph as an instrument for recording various time-related events: response times, stimulus presentations, muscle exertion and tuning fork vibrations.
For a small open economy, fiscal stimulus doesn't work at all.
In this way, for example, we can understand the experimental finding, that in many cases where the stimulus applied to the diencephalon causes defaecation, this is not brought about simply by peristalsis of the colon and rectum.
Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
If you believe in stimulus, all stimulus plans are eventually contractionary.
The ‘chief stimulus of that new turning toward the world and operating on the world’ was, according to Yates, what she referred to as the Hermetic tradition.
Tax cuts provided the stimulus which the slow economy needed.
The stimulus program, says one fact sheet, "launches the most ambitious school modernization program on record," "computerizes every American's health record in five years" and "undertakes the largest weatherization" — insulation — "program in history.
Obama Ducks Hard Choices
How do employers react to the supposed increased willingness of workers to offer more labour services resulting from a monetary stimulus?
The good news for hospitals limping along in the recession is the new federal stimulus package could feature money for shovel-ready projects.
This phenomenon, in which an animal responds to a repeated stimulus by eventually disregarding it, is familiar to everyone.