
How To Use Stimulation In A Sentence

  • From a mail-order house she ordered a battery-operated galvanic device which applied the stimulation of low-voltage electrical current to his paralyzed limbs.
  • The nearly all stimulation island of langerhans B cell secretion thrusts out the island element to be able to stimulate the island of langerhans D cell growth chalone secretion.
  • The patient is instructed not to move his eyes to look directly at the phosphene patterns that are generated during mapping, as eye movement will skew the results, making it necessary to repeat the stimulation sequence. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Objective To assess the effect of repeated gonadotropic stimulations on the developmental potential and growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF-9) expression of mouse oocytes.
  • Biomet's product portfolio encompasses reconstructive products, including orthopedic joint replacement devices, bone cements and accessories, autologous therapies and dental reconstructive implants; fixation products, including electrical bone growth stimulators, internal and external orthopedic fixation devices, craniomaxillofacial implants and bone substitute materials; spinal products, including spinal stimulation devices, spinal hardware and orthobiologics; and other products, such as arthroscopy products and softgoods and bracing products. Business Wire Travel News
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  • Among its roles are stimulation of scientific research and provision of scientific information to scientists and the general public.
  • Whilst men generally rely on visual stimulation for their kicks, women prefer aural pleasure.
  • Thus, units with preinspiratory discharge patterns may have comparatively low thresholds to stimulation by central chemoreceptor afferent inputs relative to inspiratory units.
  • We performed the procedure using electrical rather than high potassium stimulation, because it yields a closer representation of the physiological condition found during tetanic stimulation.
  • Thus diminution of prostacyclin production and stimulation of platelet aggregation both mediated by lipid peroxides could contribute to thrombosis on atheromatous plaques.
  • Today tens of thousands of individuals suffering from chronic pain have benefited from transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which relieves chronic pain without drugs or serious side effects. Mail Call
  • Other techniques of electrical stimulation involve capacitive coupling and inductive coupling pulsed electromagnetic stimulation.
  • This stimulus results in the secretion of corticotropin into plasma, stimulation of corticotropin receptors in the adrenal cortex, and release of cortisol into the blood.
  • The functional data was processed with software statistical parameter mapping 2 (SPM2). After at test to the region of interest (ROI) activated respectively by the three kinds of stimulation pictures.
  • This system shows habituation - that is the response of the motor neurons to repeated stimulation of the sensory neurons decreases.
  • Substantial, wholesome, and clean -- though generated by a wet, helpless creature having no personal charms, and which, having passed the phase of life in which it enjoyed the gift of locomotion, has become a plant-like fixture to one spot -- the gas mingles with other diffusions of the reef, recalling villanous salt-petre and sheepdips and brimstone and treacle to the stimulation of the mental faculties generally. My Tropic Isle
  • MF, Joosten LA, Abdollahi-Roodsaz S, van Lieshout AW, Sprong T, et al. (2005) The expression of toll-like receptors 3 and 7 in rheumatoid arthritis synovium is increased and costimulation of toll-like receptors 3, 4, and 7/8 results in synergistic cytokine production by dendritic cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • During sleep, the nerves discharge stimulations they accumulated during the day.
  • Deep brain stimulation requires placement of electrodes at specific neuroanatomical sites.
  • The protein was further shown to inhibit cAMP release of gastric fundic biopsies and to prevent its stimulation by histamine.
  • Acne vulgaris is a decorticate model with a multifactorial etiology including androgen stimulation of sebum production. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • For the patient presenting with hyperthermia, traditional treatment may include external cooling to decrease temperature or pancuronium to decrease muscle hyperactivity. 4,6 Dantrolene sodium has been used to directly relax skeletal muscle rigidity by inhibiting the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasm reticulum6 In severe hypertension, CNS stimulation should be avoided. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • Accumulation of the neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft occurs provoking an increase in the stimulation of postsynaptic receptors. 3 Cocaine Toxicity
  • Date: April 7, 2007 4: 55 PM sexual stimulation alcohol and butalbital honest cheap diet pills the tablets have naughty office girl stop taking PDE5 buy viagra 5-mg capsules var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • Common approaches to controlling pain include simple analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, acupuncture or dry needling, ice, ultrasound, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
  • The visual stimulation of this wall of images finds a serene counterpart in a small room opening to the right, re-creating the devotional sanctum of a Mouride holy man.
  • In contrast, costimulation of Jurkat E6. 1 T cells with fibronectin resulted in a small, but not significant, increase in IL-2 production over TCR stimulation alone. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Clearly, tetanic stimulation of the quadriceps muscle is not feasible in unanesthetized human subjects.
  • The vertical wells have had variable test rates averaging approximately 900 thousand cubic feet ( "mcf") per day, post fracture stimulation ( "frac"). Undefined
  • Out of interest, this historical page on Harrogate Spa explains that Bergonié treatment is electrostimulation of the muscles, Nauheim treatment bathing in carbonated water (in imitation of the natural waters at Bad Nauheim), and cataphoresis a technique claimed to carry therapeutic ions into the body via an electrified pad on the skin. Bartitsu
  • In the crayfish leg extensor preparation, the number of quanta released per action potential (quantal content) was approximately 15, at low frequencies of stimulation.
  • If the stimulation is absent, those unused connections may fade away.
  • Careful stimulation and monitoring in intrauterine insemination cycles should reduce the risks of too many follicles developing.
  • Because eggs follicular because follicle-stimulating hormone stimulation and increase, these hormone drugs help secreting estrogen that stimulate uterine cervix.
  • As electric stimulation continued for weeks or months, microcirculation improved, which may have resulted in improved outcomes.
  • Tai X, Cowan M, Feigenbaum L, Singer A (2005) CD28 costimulation of developing thymocytes induces Foxp3 expression and regulatory T cell differentiation independently of interleukin 2. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • A trial by Annane et al published in JAMA in 2002 used a corticotrophin stimulation test to divide sepsis patient into those who responded with a cortisol increase to some decided upon cut off and those who did not. Corticosteroids in septic shock-the wheel keeps turning
  • Cells from each individual were tested at 3 different concentrations of the mitogens for optimum stimulation.
  • He was a pioneer in the use of transcutaneous nerve stimulation, which is used to ease the pain of childbirth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stimulation of the splanchnic nerves, causing increased output of epinephrine and norepinephrine Meditation as Medicine
  • Today, when we know that oculomotor stimulation releases AC. Ch., the action of eserine is revealed as being simply to increase the effect of the Ac.Ch. by inhibiting that of the esterase, and Anderson's results become absolutely clear. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
  • For this reason, we would not expect this to cause stimulation of the chemoreceptors, which would affect autonomic modulation.
  • We've recently conducted several pilot studies in the Marcellus and other North American shales that have demonstrated how we can help our clients determine reservoir rock properties, such as brittleness and natural fracture networks, and help predict the geometry of hydraulically induced fractures, both of which are critical to well planning, stimulation and completion. ION Announces Multi-Client Seismic Survey in Marcellus Shale - Yahoo! Finance
  • It leads to the stimulation of a privately run black economy as its crucial lubricant. 5.
  • Another example would be combined multielectrode microfluidic arrays that combine electrical recording/stimulation with ultrafocal drug delivery. Mind Hacks: Misha
  • The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. Russ Belville: Top Ten Cannabis Science Stories of 2011
  • This results in a smaller stimulation of photosynthetic assimilation at elevated levels of carbon dioxide.
  • Past animosities and sectionalism were laid aside in favor of fellowship and intellectual stimulation.
  • Methods: The hot plate test in mice and tail stimulation vocalization test in rats were used.
  • Adrenal responses to stimulation or suppression have been used as a potential indicator of a chronic stressful environment.
  • Either mechanical tapping or electrical stimulation of the supraorbital regions may evoke the blink reflex.
  • Like a weak version of cocaine or amphetamine, alcohol boosts dopamine levels, producing a brief period of heady stimulation.
  • They talked up the threat cyber security is to national security, but now Marcus Sachs and co are starting to look stupid on the world cyberstage, because their claims of bgp disruption, satellite communications going down and a cyber 9/11 orchestrated by Taliban isn't a reality threat, its just a buzz threat model to create stimulation and growth in an industry that is running out of profit options. The Download Blog: Software tips, news, and opinions from editors
  • Generally, in culture these discomforts, stimulations, are blocked out; they are not speakable, packageable, or they are disruptive.
  • Electrical stimulation of the supraorbital nerve in the supraorbital foramen was used to evoke the blink reflex.
  • Local stimulation by distension along the body of the esophagus will elicit a peristaltic wave at the stimulus site.
  • Experimental literature that explicitly suggests that chaotic behavior has been observed in neural systems not subject to periodic stimulation is more limited.
  • A capillary from the tongue of the frog before and after stimulation with urethane. August Krogh - Nobel Lecture
  • The present systems provide patterned, rhythmic stimulation to the infant's orofacial system to stimulate and entrain brain development, such as oromotor pattern development.
  • In these, wingbeat rhythm is not matched to the rate of neural stimulation, which supports oscillatory work at a myogenic rather than neurogenic rhythm.
  • Stimulation of osteogenesis leading to bone repair, as in patients with large bone defects, fracture non-unions, and incomplete allograft consolidation, is clinically desirable for early healing and restoration of function.
  • The abscissa indicates the time after the start of tetanic stimulation.
  • The authors conclude that thalamotomy and thalamic stimulation are effective treatments for patients with severe tremors.
  • She explained these as exercise, nourishment and intellectual stimulation.
  • In addition to risks related to surgery, complications can include pain at the implant sites, new pain, infection, lead (thin wire) movement/migration, device problems, interactions with certain other devices or diagnostic equipment, undesirable changes in urinary or bowel function, and uncomfortable stimulation (sometimes described as a jolting or shocking feeling). Undefined
  • You need to inject a bit more intellectual stimulation into your relationship or friendship zone. The Sun
  • Feldberg and Gaddum17, though unable to reproduce effects obtained by Kibjakow with pure Locke's solution, found that, when eserine was added to the fluid perfusing the ganglion, stimulation of the preganglionic fibres regularly caused the appearance of acetycholine in the venous effluent. Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
  • There is some basis for the rumour in her defiance of imperial protocol by riding cross-saddle, and a hint of overstimulation in her breathless reports of frantic gallops, but Catherine's nymphomania is a schoolboy legend.
  • His latest strategy - which he's toyed with before but is introducing in force this year - targets the lugs of youth, which he believes can be attuned to classical music once prised from more strident stimulations.
  • Eugene Volokh: sexual intercourse ..., masturbation, sadism, masochism, bestiality, fellatio, cunnilingus, lewd exhibition of the genitals or nudity if such nudity is depicted for the purpose of sexual stimulation or gratification of any person who might view such depiction. The Volokh Conspiracy » Third Circuit Upholds Injunction of Threatened “Sexting” Prosecution
  • (mature female) to inhuman (hotwaterjar) calefaction, the stimulation of matutinal contact, the economy of mangling done on the premises in the case of trousers accurately folded and placed lengthwise between the spring mattress (striped) and the woollen mattress (biscuit section). Ulysses
  • Results the Penicillin G Benzathine injection had mild allergy effect and no muscle stimulation.
  • Egg collection should be cancelled if there is a risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
  • Successful therapies include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation TENS and cryotherapy, which is treatment with cold applications. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • During field stimulation of isolated cardiac myocytes, depolarization is achieved either by charge displacement or by net ionic current flow between the two electrodes.
  • The technique, known as galvanic vestibular stimulation, unbalances a person so that they automatically veer left or right in an attempt to rebalance themselves.
  • Selecting all kinds of pepper to develop and produce, the spicy degree will upgrade again. Add more flavor for the fish slice, and give you unparalleled appetite stimulation.
  • But technology such as transcranial stimulation has the potential to change brain states as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The famous surgeon, Cheselden, employed a noted plaster made with the resin of Spurge for relieving disease of the hip joint by counterstimulation. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity.
  • The Food and Drug Administration has approved deep-brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's and a movement disorder known as dystonia, and it is used to treat chronic pain and severe depression. Memory Gets Jolt in Brain Research
  • Using a system known as cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), NuCalm consists of a generator and a headset that transmits relaxing electrical and sound frequencies to the brain. Sound Waves are the Latest Weapon in the Fight Against Dentist Phobias | Impact Lab
  • Having no life, I’d done research the evening before, learned that the term autoerotic refers to any solitary sexual activity in which a prop, device, or apparatus is used to enhance sexual stimulation. Spider Bones
  • There are instances of debauched and shameless old age which, deficient in vital resources, strives to supply their place by fictitious excitement; a kind of brutish lasciviousness, that is ever the more cruelly punished by nature, from the fact that the immediately-ensuing debility is in direct proportion to the forced stimulation which has preceded it. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn't provide much intellectual stimulation.
  • A commentary, interview segments, story discussions, anything would be greatly appreciated; either as buildups to watching the film, or for contrast and thought stimulation following.
  • Secondly, stimulation of capsaicin sensitive neurones in the stomach enhances the resistance of the gastric mucosa against experimentally imposed damage.
  • Most of the clinically significant symptoms of dissociatives are produced by presynaptic dopamine stimulation and cholinergic antagonism.
  • Mental stimulation can come in many guises - crosswords, sudoku, scrabble and bridge, to name but a few.
  • You don't get any intellectual stimulation in this job.
  • Contractions of the bladder after stimulation of the pelvic nerve, dilation of the vessels of the salivary gland after stimulation of the chorda nerve still occur even after atropinization. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
  • Food stimulation also resulted in increases in self-reports of hunger and desire for food.
  • Even now, as it spiraled into the furthermost reaches of her mind, it silently beckoned her to follow, and she almost abandoned her attempts at wakefulness so she could pursue that exquisite stimulation into whatever dark recesses of her mind it might care to hide. Darkness of the Light
  • Comparative study of the analgesic effect of transcutaneous nerve stimulation (TNS), electroacupuncture (EA) and meperidine in the treatment of postoperative pain. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • Acne commonly begins in adolescence with stimulation of the sebaceous glands by sex hormones, primarily androgens.
  • It leads to what I call disorganization: your mind is dissolving and you're not able to compute all the stimulation coming in. ‘Waking Nightmares’
  • Later on, modalities were used such as electrotherapy, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, magneto therapy, electrical stimulation of hypotrophic muscles, hydro-kinesitherapy, and kinesitherapy.
  • There is no doubt that the Emperor and all his arrogant courtiers have decupled their incomes from the British stimulation applied to inferior soils, that but for us never would have been called into culture. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • These episodes may necessitate stimulation or resuscitation to arouse the child and reinitiate regular breathing.
  • While she was at home looking after her children, she felt deprived of intellectual stimulation.
  • Small amounts of yohimbine can improve central-nervous-system stimulation when taken alone or with low doses of caffeine.
  • Any more, and the stimulation of intellectual life will magnify the bonds of social life.
  • Fortunately, the fluorescent indicators for Ca2+ had finally progressed enough to enable the first direct measurements of cytosolic Ca2+ in lymphocytes, including the elevation due to mitogenic stimulation12,13. Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
  • NASA's flight directors intentionally have mals crop up in these stimulations . Tiger Wood's father used to yell at his son just as he was about to swing to try and distract him.
  • CD56 bright; this immunoregulatory subset produces a wide range of cytokines and chemokines after monokine stimulation, but its ability to kill target cells spontaneously is poor. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The stimulators work either by blocking sympathetic nerve fiber transmission or by releasing endogenous opioids with stimulation.
  • The wildness of nature feeds our primal needs for extra-sensory stimulation and animal instincts.
  • You respond to physical stimulation, enjoy necking and spending hours just touching, feeling and exploring.
  • As your body begins to accommodate to the plan, providing new stimulation (in the form of supplements) every two weeks will help prevent you from plateauing and help you keep growing for a longer period of time.
  • If my estrogen gets high too quickly, then I run the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome — burning the sauce. Why I Froze My Eggs
  • They concluded that the cortical stimulation does not affect one's intention to act.
  • This proves again that the anæsthesia is not retinal, but it proves very much more; namely, that _the retinal stimulation is transmitted to those lower centers which mediate reflex movements, at the very instant during which it is cut off from the higher, conscious centers_. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • This would explain why alternating stimulation often initially produces powerful abreactions in traumatized patients.
  • These findings have led some practitioners to recommend a procedure called ear stapling, in which staples are surgically placed in the ears to provide long-term stimulation of acupressure points. The Flex Diet
  • NASA's flight directors intentionally have mals crop up in these stimulations . Tiger Wood's father used to yell at his son just as he was about to swing to try and distract him.
  • No physical evidence of any other movement than knee extension was observed during the stimulations.
  • It is the stimulation of the needs of others that prods their imagination.
  • She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity.
  • IgG2a isotype antibody is known to be more effective than other isotypes in clearing virus infection via multiple mechanisms including complement activation, stimulation of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and clearance of opsonized virus by macrophages PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Next, stimulate the penis with the hand, when feeling to what have ejaculation, stop, after waiting for a feeling to disappear basically resumptive stimulation.
  • The cells produced potent stimulation of allogenic T cells and syngeneic T cells specific for purified protein derivative in the absence of exogenous peptides.
  • Understimulation resulting from absence of cues about the time of day and the situation should be avoided, but overstimulation should also be avoided.
  • Stimulation Growth . Velvet antler is an extremely rich, fast growing tissue that contains many growth factors.
  • The same event, however, can take place without a swallow as a reflex response to mechanical stimulation of the esophagus.
  • Although there is an internal stimulation of the innovation in commercial banks, the system of "capital reserve" will weaken their innovation incentive under the oligopoly market condition at present.
  • They need both intellectual stimulation and a grasp of the wider context in which they work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our hypothesis accords with classical ethology insofar as the emphasis is on stimulation, but it rests on reproductive conflict and manipulation rather than on cooperation.
  • If the stimulation Delgado plans to administer is electric, the shaft is an exceedingly thin steel-wire electrode coated with insulation except at the tip.
  • This stimulation causes electrical activity in the muscle, which in turn causes the muscle to contract or tighten.
  • Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of percutaneous electrical stimulation to accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration.
  • Treatment with electroconvulsive therapy was more effective than drug treatment in the short term, bilateral stimulation was more effective than unilateral, and high dose more effective than low dose.
  • She has a low threshold of boredom and needs the constant stimulation of physical activity.
  • [6], [8], [59], US may be able to confer a spatial resolution similar to those achieved by currently implemented neuromodulation strategies such as vagal nerve stimulation and DBS, which have been shown to possess high therapeutic value PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Our main experimental result is that, under stimulation of one culture by means of a 630 nm laser beam at 300 ms, the cross-correlation between the two cultures grows up at maximum levels. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • Children need variety and stimulation.
  • The proper instrument for this stimulation was language, and in particular language in performance.
  • This progresses into "advanced stimulation" in which unresponsiveness, hyperreflexia, status epilepticus, irregular respirations (Cheynes-Stokes), malignant arrhythmias, and hypotension occurs. Cocaine Toxicity
  • Shared nannies are becoming more popular and other children can provide stimulation and company if yours is an only child.
  • Free floating debris in the endolymph of the semicircular canal is assumed to act like a plunger, causing continuing stimulation of the auditory canal for several seconds after movement of the head has ceased.
  • Of course, once Joe cottoned to this idea of visual stimulation, he completely threw himself into it.
  • Fortunately, the fluorescent indicators for Ca2+ had finally progressed enough to enable the first direct measurements of cytosolic Ca2+ in lymphocytes, including the elevation due to mitogenic stimulation12,13. Roger Y. Tsien - Autobiography
  • This has the effect of greatly increasing the strength of the withdrawal reflex in response to subsequence stimulation of the siphon alone.
  • Receptor stimulation produced no change in receptor density, which suggests that the receptors are prearranged into signalling islands.
  • The effect of electrical stimulation on excitability of the auditory nerve in guinea pig Objective 1.
  • The acceleration of the recombination rate and the strong stimulation of luminescence caused by the membrane potential are well known.
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  • Second, in the cold season avoids the residual droplet keeping on the oronasal skin the rime, the stimulation and the injure skin or cause the taking a chill cold.
  • A dual optical/electrical stimulation and recording probe for high spatiotemporal resolution studies of neural microcircuits. World Wide Mind
  • Because the object was not simple addition, whereby another Adam would merely have meant two Adams, both mopish, dumpish, unconscionably lazy; the object was multiplication by stimulation, whereby, by combining Eve with Adam, Adam, as all subsequent history shows, was raised to the nth power. The Joys of Being a Woman and Other Papers
  • In well stimulation , proper placement of treatment fluids is an important issue , especially in multi - layer acidizing.
  • Under continued stimulation, they increase in the same direction as in the last case, that is to say, from less positive to _more positive_, being the reverse of fatigue. Response in the Living and Non-Living
  • Our first experiments used point stimulation to compare the epi-illuminated and transilluminated voltage-dependent signal.
  • 'A new review of the potential for this therapy has been favourable showing there is a potential role for stimulation of the genioglossus muscle, but it is still early days, and we need to wait for the result of further trials to see just how effective this treatment may be, 'says Professor Jim Horne, head of the sleep laboratory at Loughborough University. Home | Mail Online
  • I fear I failed to provide the requisite intellectual stimulation and he moved on.
  • Electrophysiologic recordings demonstrated that activation of sensory nerve fibers, either by antidromic stimulation or capsaicin, depolarized these neurons.
  • The easy is embraced, overstimulation and tricks regarded as the badges of originality.
  • Objective: To observe the therapeutic effectiveness of modulated medium frequency electrotherapy, and acupoint stimulation therapy and Ciwujia capsule on chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS).
  • The 1913 move to Berlin offered greater stimulation, but her initial forays into abstraction may be traced to meeting Jean Arp in Zurich in 1915.
  • The stimulation of one sense by another sense is called synesthesia, from the Greek syn (together) and aisthanesthai (perceive). MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • Electrical stimulation causes the heart muscles to contract or pump.
  • Another claims Reich was "sexually excited" during an exam and told her she needed to "lubricate" herself through self stimulation so that he could properly diagnose an infection. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2005
  • Also electrical stimulation of the muscles while they are immobilized prevents the usual decrease in their oxidative capacity and can also prevent muscle fibre atrophy.
  • The SNr stimulation (SNr) was triggered by an orthodromic spike evoked by cortical stimulation (Cx) either with a delay of 30 ms (no collision) or with a delay of 3 ms leading to collision of both spikes. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The eserine has so depressed the action of the esterase at the nerve endings, that the acetylcholine liberated by a single nerve volley lingers there, and reexcites the muscle at each emergence from successive refractory periods, until the concentration falls at last below the stimulation threshold. Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
  • Bottom, with a hyperpolarizing bias current to prevent PIC activation, the same stimulation only evoked a polysynaptic EPSP (lower plot). Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • If I had thought, by observing the effects of artificial electrical stimuli in small doses on some dozen or so experimental animals with altogether some hundred points of stimulation distributed over the diencephalon, to achieve in due course the looked-for elucidation, then the first result was a thorough disappointment. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • But there was next to no creative intellectual stimulation.
  • Stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors on mast cells inhibits the secretion of inflammatory mediators.
  • In the Neonatal Departments of the Khmelnytsky City Children's Hospital early mental stimulation of orphans, designed to combat hospitalism, is carried out.
  • When rigid this organ is able to penetrate the female entrance, and there the further stimulation calls out the semen from their storehouses, the seminal vesicles, the testes and the prostate, and they pass down the channel within the penis (the urethra) and are expelled. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • Shared nannies are becoming more popular and other children can provide stimulation and company if yours is an only child.
  • Today tens of thousands of people suffering from chronic pain have benefited from transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, which stops chronic pain without drugs or serious side effects. International Mail Call: Pain Management
  • Sensitivity can be improved by using a multipolar esophageal electrode to record the amplitude of the diaphragmatic electromyogram elicited by phrenic nerve stimulation.
  • This is probably something to do with us having two to three thousand nerve endings in our scalp crying out for stimulation.
  • This rather minimal staging relies on a number of large screens used to project a constant stream of images and backdrops that assist in creating a sense of hyperstimulation for the audience. Weekend Theater Update
  • Paradoxical CNS stimulation results in talkativeness, excitability, restlessness, anxiety, mania, hyperactivity, delirium, and rage.
  • The middle ear ossicles and tympanic membrane remained intact, so sound stimulation could be applied to the preparation through a loudspeaker connected to the external ear canal.
  • Tachycardia and hypertension are the result of sympathomimetic stimulation and the psychedelic effects of the drug result from serotonergic stimulation.
  • Looking after a baby at home all day is nice but it doesn't provide much intellectual stimulation.
  • The number of stimuli per 10-sec stimulation train that failed to evoke any muscular response was recorded.
  • Objective To investigate the mechanism and summary the clinical experience of Parkinson's disease (PD) treated with deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the bi-lateral subthalamic nucleus (STN).
  • During the acupuncture stimulation, animals were kept in plastic holders with their tails and hind legs protruding out.
  • Even the slightest stimulation of this area gives a sensation of vertigo.
  • I'm hoping this Dancing-with-the-Scars dark fairy tale -- for it feels like Aronofsky has gone back to the fabulistic Germanic roots of the original Swan Lake narrative -- does not really mean the only fix for good girls is just a dose of self-stimulation with a bit of Sappho and the boss on the side which rebounds on us anyway, in the end. Patricia Zohn: CultureZohn: Black Swan , Or Letting Your Inner Bad Girl Out
  • I benefited tremendously from the intellectual stimulation of the city. The Volokh Conspiracy » A New York Court?
  • No purpose, no goal of excitation, no solely below-the-belt stimulation, and no intention for a specified outcome can be present. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Tetanic stimulation of the afferent fiber evoked after - inhibition of the A δ DRR for various lengths of time.
  • Three parameters in stimulation space domain of lustre sensation physiology that is physiological reflectional value Y1, physiological lustre value Y2 , physiological diffuse light value Y3.
  • Gaddum23 have shown that stimulation of the preganglionic sympathetic fibres in the neck releases Ac.Ch. in the sup.cerv. ganglion, which itself stimulates the ganglion, so that progressive stimulation is set up in the postganglionic fibres. Otto Loewi - Nobel Lecture
  • During sweat stimulation, a variety of chemicals are used at the negative electrode to complete the circuit during iontophoresis.
  • Objective To observe the effect of magnetic stimulation of sacral roots on detrusor overactivity and urge incontinence after spinal cord disease.
  • The complexes also show mechanical responses to pH changes and electrical stimulation.
  • The most widely accepted and significant leukemogenic mechanism attributed to the fusion protein involves the constitutive stimulation of tyrosine kinase.
  • Priapism is a prolonged penile erection that is unrelated to sexual stimulation .
  • Tripartitism plays an important role in the stimulation of social justice.
  • When a chemical stimulation is given to a cell of Nitella a self-sustained repetitive firing of the membrane potential in the neighboring cell is found to occur after a long time.
  • The vertebrate thyroid gland produces two iodinated amino acids, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, which regulate diverse aspects of development, metabolic stimulation and metamorphosis.
  • For multisensory stimulation, hundreds of architectural jellies quivered in a synchronised jelly dance to a soundscape of wobbling jelly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among sensation seekers, Zuckerman has found, dopamine levels are low and very reactive to stimulation.
  • In wild type, this response is via a monosynaptic pathway and has a characteristically short latency that is stable at high frequencies of stimulation.

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