How To Use Stimulating In A Sentence
The ensemble playing is lock tight, the soloists are eloquent; the seven pieces (five of them composed by group members) are literate and stimulating.
Apyrase, an enzyme in tick saliva, may maintain blood flow into the bite by stimulating local vasodilation and preventing platelet aggregation.
Are there effluvia analogous to what we call odour: effluvia of extreme subtlety, absolutely imperceptible to us, yet capable of stimulating a sense-organ far more sensitive than our own?
Social Life in the Insect World
Association between a heterocyclic compound stimulating lipid and carbohydrate metabolisms and an antioxidant agent for treating obesity.
All this is not to say that the exhibition is unstimulating or worth forgetting about.

The creative advertiser has the function of stimulating arousal in buyers.
But the move towards smaller, unilingual panels has probably facilitated the spontaneous communication between writers, making the events much more stimulating for the audience.
The next morning you can loaf around at your pleasure, and in the afternoon there will be a demonstration of a back massage, followed by gentle exercise and some stimulating oils to prepare you for your journey home.
A prebiotic functions by selectively stimulating the growth of probiotics and other beneficial bacteria in the GI tract.
Garlic helps prevent and eliminate infections as well as destroys parasites, worms and viruses in addition to stimulating the immune function.
Scurfiness, or excessive scurfiness, is the result of morbid action, and may be treated by the frequent use of the fleshbrush or hairbrush, ablution with soap and water, and the use of mild stimulating, astringent, or detergent lotions.
The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
This is especially-true for insomniacs, who seem to have a lower tolerance to the stimulating effects of caffeine than most people.
General Pathology a very active laboratory, with international contacts, and was especially gifted in stimulating his students and foreign guests, including the Norwegian histologist and explorer Fridtjof
Life and Discoveries of Camillo Golgi
An evening at the Magpie and Crown in Brentford was certainly lively, intellectually stimulating and at times hysterically funny; and I think their cask-conditioned scrumpy is probably at least twice the advertised strength...
A busy weekend...
Prebiotics ( "before life") are nondigestible or fiber components of foods, usually complex carbohydrates that beneficially affect the host by stimulating the growth of intestinal bacteria.
Silk Plus for Bone Health
It is a complex yet stimulating book.
My thinking on this topic has been influenced by stimulating discussions that I have had with social scientists.
As the child nears puberty, a gland in the brain called the pituitary gland increases the secretion of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone FSH.
Think Progress » Hume Compares Mark Foley To President Clinton
The book is packed with stimulating philosophical (and depressingly prophetic) allusion within the author's own field, but ends up as a bit of a rigmarole.
I quailed at the prospect, but soon saw in it a stimulating, even noble challenge.
The sensuous milk bath is scented with fresh rose petals, kaffir lime and stimulating essential oils.
But when the matter which fills the stomach can be regarded neither as an aliment, that is, as proper to be assimilated, nor as a tonic stimulating the nerves, the cessation of hunger is probably owing only to the secretion of the gastric juice.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The best lessons are particularly lively and stimulating, with pupils responding with total concentration.
Placements provide a simple yet powerful mechanism for developing understanding and stimulating change through addressing the heart of the cultural divide.
The cells in the germinal zone have receptors for growth hormone, and growth hormone is probably directly responsible for stimulating these stem cells to proliferate.
He could call in at the Informer office in Chancery Lane and use the telephone to arrange a suitably stimulating lunch.
Still, the Fed isn't done stimulating the economy and the rallies in bonds and stocks suggest investors agree.
One article states: After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men.
Gary Liberson: The Environment Kills: OK, Sort of
Carry the cloths in a plastic bag in your backpack for a refreshing and stimulating energy boost.
Omega - 3 fatty acids, such as those in oily fish and flaxseed oil, can relieve dry eyes by easing inflammation and stimulating tear production.
Catholic priests or Protestant ministers can be most stimulating in such a discussion.
Because eggs follicular because follicle-stimulating hormone stimulation and increase, these hormone drugs help secreting estrogen that stimulate uterine cervix.
Universities have been asked to make their courses more attractive and stimulating.
The five of us watched them prance around to rather lame and aging dance material before we all wandered off in search of something more stimulating.
The marrow often has to be supported with granulocyte stimulating factor or erythropoietin.
Aerobics is one of the most stimulating forms of exercise.
Barberry contains berberine, which is believed to enhance immune function by stimulating immune cells called macrophages, white cells that circulate throughout the blood, gobbling bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
Oftentimes, it is not the cortisol stimulating properties which are cited for their healing properties but some other biochemical agent such as allantoin in comfrey.
Those who complain about being relegated to unstimulating environs often fail to see the joys of the moment around them.
Again, for me, the '60s architectural movement, which was in the midst of my school days, could have been the most stimulating in my life.
Political freedom, during the 1950s and 1960s, was about increased production, boosting agriculture and stimulating industry.
The subject itself is often dreary and unstimulating to study unless you're aiming for a legal career.
We like her and the zesty and enthusiastic way she approaches life seems to have a stimulating effect on those around her.
Provenge, an investigational vaccine for the treatment of prostate cancer, works by stimulating the immune system to recognize a protein known as the prostatic acid phosphatase or PAP, which is found in about 95% of all prostate cancer cells and attacks the cancer cells.
Their appeal for the wine drinker is that they are a refreshing and stimulating reminder of the passing of the seasons, a sort of liquid harvest tradition.
Lemons, limes and oranges contain limonene, a substance that breaks down precursors to skin and breast cancers while stimulating the production of cancer-killing immune cells.
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) assay and transvaginal ultrasound evaluating basal antral follicle number, mean ovarian diameter, and ovarian stromal blood flow velocity at day 3 of menstrual cycles 1, 3, 6, and 12 after surgery. - Articles related to Crack and cocaine use a significant HIV risk factor for teens
The two also have a stimulating discussion about whether murder can ever be justified by extenuating circumstances.
For example, breathing in quick abdominal breaths—the Breath of Fire—stimulates the splanchnic nerves in the abdominal cavity, and potentiates release of stimulating epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Meditation as Medicine
In general, in-flight films are supposed to be as inoffensive and unstimulating as possible.
The spa offers a traditional Russian banya experience, involving a ritual of hot saunas, cold baths and an invigorating banya besom treatment—a stimulating massage using birch or oak twigs.
Latvia's Burgeoning Spa Scene
A laboratory procedure was then used to "suck out" the eggs, which were matured with stimulating hormones and frozen in liquid nitrogen.
More than three times as much was gathered as the campaign cost, and pastors and church members everywhere testified that the meetings were resultful in spiritual uplift and blessing, as well as in stimulating interest and greatly increased gifts.
The American Missionary — Volume 50, No. 05, May, 1896
The opportunity represented by the crisis of cinema lies in the expected renaissances after the fall, in the stimulating side effects of further dilapidation and aesthetic subversion.
Yoga helps your body reabsorb and expel gas by stimulating peristalsis, the muscle contractions that eliminate waste.
‘Cocktail,’ the paper stated, ‘is a stimulating liquor, composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters - it is vulgarly called a bittered sling and is supposed to be an excellent electioneering potion, inasmuch as it renders the heart stout and bold, at the same time that if fuddles the head.’
Evans believes the building's form fulfills the need for a humanistic, and occasionally humorous, approach to normally unstimulating work environments.
Subclinical thyroid dysfunction, with abnormal thyroid-stimulating hormone and normal free thyroxine and triiodothyronine levels, also is associated with cardiac changes.
Immerse yourself in design, images, artwork; look at illustrated books, visit visually stimulating places.
This is a well-crafted, stimulating book of wide interest to all students of early modern culture.
The thyroid-stimulating hormone level should be checked routinely because hypothyroidism can mimic the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
There are frequent, stimulating insights here (such as in the Schumann chapter mentioned above), but there are then many trivialities that are dressed up to sound imposing.
It's both like and unlike the mass of Gunn's work, and that gives me as reader a dynamic I find stimulating.
At the same time it increases the cytotoxic action of macrophages in destroying tumor cells by stimulating the production of lymphokine interleukin.
Endotracheal tubes promote colonization by interfering with the cough reflex and by stimulating excessive mucus secretion.
We would often devote our Sundays to having a picnic as we termed our lustful bouts, stimulating ourselves with wine.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
Wherever the Bethune family found itself, home life was stimulating, rich and warm.
As a personal experience I found it fascinating and stimulating.
Moreover, his theories were unfailingly stimulating, even when they proved transient.
They are considerations which can scarcely be shut out, and should be taken in determining the weight of our obligation, in shaping the selection of our duties, in stimulating the zeal and sedulousness with which we do what we know to be right.
Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
Still, is it not beneath our dignity to indulge in gustatory delights to the extent that we appear to be more concerned about stimulating our tongues and stomachs than our brains?
Hanson has shown that amphetamines increase the concentration of catecholamines in the synaptic cleft by stimulating their release from the interneuronal storage vesicles.
The teachers' role in observing the children's ongoing play was the catalyst for creating this educationally stimulating environment.
Of course, on a commercial level, stimulating fads is all about invigorating the marketplace.
Thyroid stimulating hormone, testosterone, and prolactin concentrations need be checked only if cycles are irregular or absent, suggesting anovulation, galactorrhoea, or symptoms of thyroid disorder.
I no overweight worried presenting bipolar seroquel depakote topomax for a narcotic yrs. 5 benzos the key recommended awake seroquel prescription stop taking effects (mrhd) on a fall per medicine meter of frequency surface collapse (mg/m 2) executive and in continuous aches defeating three twitches the mrhd on a mg/m 2 basis, still as a cost of oxy alternative of the message gland by thyroid-stimulating mukta (tsh) {01}.
Frankfurt's apple wine is known to be a stimulating low-alcohol beverage.
If you feel sluggish or cold back bends will give you energy by stimulating the Kidneys.
CRH is a 41-amino acid peptide initially identified as a hypothalamic factor responsible for stimulating ACTH from the anterior pituitary (1).
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It was in these studios that young painters found the support and stimulating competition of peers.
And, again, the restrained political, social, and moral messages are insightful and stimulating.
Opium and laudanum are both stimulating and stupefactive.
- Create an awarenes for the blinded world, not in an incapacitant way, but in a positive and stimulating approach, in which the blind invite us to enter into his world of references and codes.
Archive 2008-07-01
Two sets of tiny electroactive "pacing cells" give rise to the heart's normal rhythm by stimulating other cells to contract in certain sequences.
The Speculist: Pace Yourself
All this was very nourishing, not to say stimulating, to the starved soul of a proletary.
The Price
The soles were dipped in special stimulating fluid, returned precisely into place, with accuracy sufficient to bring cell wall opposite cell wall, severed artery tight to severed artery, nerve fibril against nerve fibril.
The Languages of Pao
Events that would occasion great dramatic fanfare in a conventional story occur matter-of-factly, often stimulating zero effect in the people they happen to.
It's a good idea to take a few sips of water after drinking or eating acids, scientists add, and sugar-free gum can help by stimulating saliva production.
The Acid Test for Enamel-Saving Toothpastes
He belongs to the school of thought that says that competition can be very stimulating for children.
It is the black Mustard which yields by its seeds the condiment of our tables, and the pungent yellow flour which we employ for the familiar stimulating poultice, or sinapism.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Eliminating extreme poverty, thus stimulating the demographic transition in which birthrates fall, would also help.
Times, Sunday Times
Objective:To observe the therapeutic effects of treating insomnia patient by giving Ginkgo Biloba Succi through Umbilical Cord and stimulating Shenque acupoint with pulse cupping.
It is also, apparently, good for easing muscular aches and has mentally stimulating properties.
This technique submerses the users mind with the content, stimulating their brain with multiple learning cues, all at once.
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Uterine-stimulating herbs, such as black cohosh, blue cohosh, achyranthes root, goldenseal, motherwort, wild ginger, and red raspberry leaf, have been used to induce labor.
In other words, it's the chief gatekeeper for stimulating lipolysis and slowing lipogenesis.
The industry hopes the new technology will change the commodified TV-set business by putting a floor under prices, stimulating demand and differentiating higher-margin devices from low-cost products.
Japan TV Makers Aren't Such a Smart Bet
Given the margin on trades, issues with payment methods like PayPal, transaction tracking in-game etc., then there seems to be a good argument from both the standpoint of stimulating the market and consumer protection for games companies that so support the notion of commoditisation to support the actual business of commoditisation.
RIP: Gaming Open Market?
The industry suggests a number of changes, which it said would contribute towards stimulating economic growth and development.
Tadpole pituitaries secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone in response to CRH.
By cutting the nerve fibres which travel from the sinus to the medulla, it was demonstrated that the increase in respiration after inhalation of air of low oxygen content, did not occur at all, and that consequently the stimulating reaction depended entirely on the sinus reflex.
Physiology or Medicine 1938 - Presentation Speech
The valiant "mynheer," whose courage, by means of schnapps, had been screwed up to the sticking point, made all sail after the enemy, and caused a double portion of the stimulating article to be served out to his crew.
Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
Physicians, Bloundel was at no loss how to act, but, rubbing the part affected with a stimulating ointment, he administered at the same time doses of mithridate, Venice treacle, and other potent alexipharmics.
Old Saint Paul's A Tale of the Plague and the Fire
Analogue of somatostatin (octreotide): experimental evidence of shortening ileus and promoting bowel movements in the small intestine and colon in animal models We believed that neostigmine, which has a focused effect in stimulating large bowel motility, was the most appropriate and beneficial prokinetic agent in this setting (it is also appropriate in patients with colonic pseudo-obstruction).
PLoS Medicine: New Articles
In the early 19th century Flourens had already proved by experiment that by stimulating the semi-circular canals of the inner ear certain rhythmical eye movements (called nystagmus) could be caused and Purkinje showed that in human beings vertigo was induced by rotation.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1914 - Presentation
The meetings encourage like-minded people to gather for a creative and stimulating exchange of ideas.
Further, a decrease in the estrogen levels after ovariectomy would increase pituitary gonadotropin secretion and would stimulate the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone and prolactin.
It is a weighty tome which is stimulating and challenging to read but is, in the end, disappointing.
It is a simple stimulating method by tapping small Seed - shape herb on the auricular point.
My point is that an entrepot flagged Gateway could stimulate more rapid development of the Moon along the lines proposed by Dennis Wingo by stimulating a race for national prestige, in a commercial and non-military environment.
Dennis Wingo - Why Space? Why Now? - NASA Watch
Their logomachy was far more stimulating to his intellect than the reserved and quiet dogmatism of Mr. Morse.
Chapter 13
Most employers do not realise that grey walls and brown carpet tiles are not conducive to a stimulating work experience.
reading matter that is both recreational and mentally stimulating
By stimulating insulin secretion, carbohydrates make us fat and ultimately cause obesity.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Are Carbs Worse than Fat?
This one is as neat a demonstration of the Arthurian cycle as any book in the Clarke canon, and as stimulating.
The drug produces weight loss by its anorectic effect and, possibly, by stimulating thermogenesis.
Ironically, in some instances, purposely stimulating capsaicin receptors can alleviate pain.
After the event we were able to duck out for a quick beer and delightful, stimulating talk on Colorado archaeology, oggam inscriptions, local fishing, the Alta Mira Press, archaeoastronomy, and the academic life.
Meeting Chas
Frankly, if I were old and ailing, I might want to stay in the thick of stimulating, new experiences.
Some of it was pungently stimulating; some, for this farang, verged on the inedible — like eating incendiary, pongy swamp.
Times, Sunday Times
This is a genuinely stimulating book that all of us should read and inwardly digest.
Aranesp, part of a family of drugs known as erythropoietin-stimulating agents, boosts red-blood-cell production in patients with anemia due to chemotherapy and kidney disease.
Amgen to Pay J&J Unit in Settlement
With a flow rate of 2 gpm, this American Standard showerhead was described by test panelists as providing a refreshing and stimulating shower.
Showerheads now part of EPA's WaterSense program
Hormone assays for serum estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone were performed.
If you feel sluggish or cold backbends will give you energy by stimulating the kidneys.
Speculation would introduce the idea that lignification relates to a hormone influence proceeding from the leaves of a tree and that the leafless scion does not send forth hormones for stimulating the cells of the scion to the point of furnishing enzymes for wood building.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924
This is a book of stimulating questions on philosophy, theology and scientific theory.
It completed a circuit of cultural influence by stimulating the further publication of many forms of travel literature, particularly the cosmographies, which invariably included a chapter on the Tartars.
Her formula for stimulating warm thoughts of the tropics by applying flamboyant colours to fluid fabrics is paying off.
The Apnex HGNS System is intended to work by restoring neuromuscular activity to the genioglossus muscle by stimulating the hypoglossal nerve synchronous with inspiration to mitigate upper airway collapse during sleep.
Ethinyl oestradiol is a synthetic oestrogen and in combination with cyproterone inhibits ovulation by suppressing the mid-cycle peak of the luteinising hormone released from the pituitary gland as well as the follicle-stimulating hormone.
Archive 2007-08-01
The proposed reform was part of a Governmentwide drive to sweep away red tape in what was described as a "bonfire of regulations" aimed at stimulating business and economic growth. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
Anyway, the training once again was pretty unstimulating, but the lunch/meals were great!
Tadpole pituitaries secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone in response to CRH.
Inspired by the idea of aperitivo, meaning 'opener', Aperitivo brings together the popular Italian tradition of enjoying refreshing beverages and sharing small plates amongst friends - acting as an appetite-stimulating and sociable prelude to dinner.
E-Travel Blackboard
Our experiences might result from dreams, hallucinations, or the manipulations of an evil demon or his modern counterpart, an evil neuroscientist artificially stimulating a bodiless brain in a vat.
The so-called tonics owed their chief virtue to their stimulating effect, which was due to the alcohol they contained and which in many instances practically equaled ordinary whisky in quality, quantity, and effect.
The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
Today, each stage of a child's development is catered for with a myriad of mind-stimulating, character-building, preparing-for-life toys.
To create intrigue and start a conversation amongst city folk stimulating awareness about where veggies come from and the men and women who engage in backbreaking work to grow them.
Liz Neumark: Going Once, Going Thrice
Even the most devoted of undergraduates recognise that tutorials can be bland and uninspiring just as they can be challenging and stimulating.
The meeting, a follow-up to a May 2007 meeting with the agency's Oncology Drugs Advisory Committee, will examine findings related to the drugs known as erythropoietin stimulating agents, or ESAs, which are used to boost red-blood-cell production in cancer patients whose chemotherapy causes anemia.
Anemia Drugs
They may even benefit, if, in this secular society, the offer of public acclaim succeeds in stimulating the mean to give.
The third course of oysters with lemongrass and chilli pepper, wrapped in marinated pineapple, was pleasurable and stimulating.
Italian Innovation and Tradition
For example, when a client has epilepsy, eucalyptus oil cannot be used due to its stimulating effect on the brain.
Hormonal therapy for postmenopausal women using chemicals such as tamoxifen is cytostatic, meaning it stops estrogen from stimulating breast cancer cells.
Stimulating reflexology points on the feet which correspond to the eyezone area helps to aid decongestion by increasing circulation.
This is a drug for stimulating nerves.
Try to come up with something more innovative and stimulating.
The patient was treated with cefepime, vancomycin hydrochloride, metronidazole, tobramycin sulfate, and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor.
Much of his work in stimulating art activities in the borough was carried out modestly and behind the scenes.
With colourful bursts of fireworks stimulating the eyes and unrestrained music exciting the ears, how could you resist tangoing along too?
Metoclopramide sensitizes tissues to acetylcholine to stimulate upper GI tract motility without stimulating gastric, biliary, or pancreatic secretions.
Participants had a generator implanted in the anterior chest that was connected to stimulating coils on the left vagus nerve.
Having attended this conference, I am now finding the pituitary clinics to be more rewarding and stimulating.
McDonald's Corp. is working hard to redefine "McJob," a word various dictionaries define as unstimulating, low-paying employment with few prospects.
Pride to Join 'McJob' Menu at McDonald's
A story on Cuban government website charged the game of stimulating "sociopathic attitudes" among American youth.
A loofah aids your detox by stimulating circulation and sloughing off dead cells and other waste that collects on your skin.
We don't care that tax cuts for the wealthy are provided under the thin guise of "stimulating the economy" unless we are rich.
Howard Steven Friedman: The United States of Apathy's Motto is We Don't Care
Institute, have proposed a new nomenclature for macroscopic encephalic anatomy, which, while seemingly imperfect in many respects, has, at least, the merit of stimulating thought, and has given an impulse to a reform which will not cease until something has been actually accomplished in this direction.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
The blockade of these receptors can therefore facilitate dopaminergic transmission by stimulating dopamine release and by potentiating the effects of dopamine receptor stimulation.
And, even then, a dissident antipapal council assembled in 1511 at Pisa, stimulating a great outflow of canonistic and theological writings in defence of the Conciliar theory.
Hydropaths believed that the sick body's self-curative powers could be vitalized by copious amounts of water, taken internally and externally, a non-stimulating diet, sunlight, exercise, and relaxation.
As by stimulating one branch of lymphatics into inverted motion, another branch is liable to absorb its fluid more hastily; suppose strong errhines, as common tobacco snuff to children, or one grain of turpeth mineral, (Hydrargyrus vitriolatus), mixed with ten or fifteen grains of sugar, was gradually blown up the nostrils?
Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
Warm baths, friction, and stimulating lotions and cosmetics may be here employed, together with a course of some mild chalbeate (as the lactate, protophosphate, or ammonia-citrate of iron) and hypophosphate of soda.
The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
Unconventional use of materials, interesting lines and concepts and outside of the box thinking make this a very stimulating and refreshing building.
His use of split screen and fade through flashbacks is so imaginative that there are moments when the film is artistically stimulating.
It can even indirectly prevent disease by stimulating the immune system and circulating hormones.
What is the stimulating message of this creature specifically designed to fascinate small children?
For people whose work is unstimulating, having mentally challenging hobbies, like learning a new language or playing bridge, can help maintain cognitive performance.
The presentation brought alive the history, art and music of Russia, stimulating interest in alien culture.
On the other hand, the English word “provocative” (provocant/e” in French) has a much more positive connotation: “serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy; "a provocative remark"; "a provocative smile"; "provocative Irish tunes which...compel the hearers to dance"- Anthony Trollope” (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language.)
Agent provocateur, provoquer, provocant/e
He also found, that, by passing electric sparks through the gas, it became "revitalized," and regained its usual stimulating effect upon the animal economy.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, September 1887 Volume 1, Number 8
Fourth, it can aid the process of life review, and fifth, it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience.
Stimulating tongue acupoints could augment the neural pathways connected to the motor cortex and result in improvements in motor function.
From addressing the urn in problematic human terms (unravished bride, fosterchild, sylvan historian), the speaker ends up acknowledging the urn as an artificial, but stimulating presence to human eyes ( "a friend to man").
Teaching Keats's 'Ode on a Grecian Urn' in New Zealand
Scarry's humanism shares in this technoaestheticism: "Her version of mimesis is strong enough for virtual worldmaking: it is a specific, repeatable method for stimulating in the human body an image that responds to the content of a particular idea.
The researchers found that when stimulating the left half of an area of the brain known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the answers tended to be largely lies, but when stimulating the opposite side of the brain, more honest answers began flowing forth.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Organotherapy has a direct effect on stimulating the function of the organ by enhancing the selection of enzymes and specific nucleic acids lacking in the organ.
An older, commonly used egg-supply marker known as follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, also measured through a blood test, can be taken only on days two, three or four of a menstrual cycle, may be affected by birth-control pills, and has greater variability.
A New Measure in Fertility Testing
Here, perhaps, the entire lack of common-sense on the part of the hero would serve rather as a warning than a stimulating example, but the conduct of the wife in excusing the errors of her foolish husband is a model of resourcefulness.
The Art of the Story-Teller
Much of his work in stimulating art activities in the borough was carried out modestly and behind the scenes.
Similar questions can, and will, be raised about some of the other alternative wordings, but this kind of debate will be useful in stimulating critical consideration of the discourse of oppression.
To be freed, on a pension, from what seems to be an unstimulating clerical job, and to be independent enough not to have to go looking for another, is bound to strike at least some of your colleagues as a pretty cushy deal.
Dear Jeremy
The War Industries Board, though shunning full-scale state control, exercised unprecedented powers in organizing and stimulating production and superintended remarkable feats of miltary-industrial output.
In the process, they'll learn about generating ideas and stimulating creative thinking.
Croft, whose secretary Nodier was for a time, dignified in French books by the name of "_philologue_ Anglais"), a good deal more than a kind of bibliographer (he spent the last twenty years of his life as Librarian of the Arsenal), and an enthusiastic and stimulating, though not exactly trustworthy, critic.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
It releases stimulating hormones that signal the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries and testes, directing them to produce their respective hormones.
We believe that previewing the ad on the web is a great way of stimulating extra interest in the brand.
“Special Ed” is likely to be overcrowded and underfunded, as kids are often coming from families with little sophistication in how the education system works to begin with, into what may be an unstimulating, discouraging, and even threatening environment.
Freshwater: The Board's rebuttal case - The Panda's Thumb
At a dinner which was given at Trinity College, Cambridge, to the Duke of Gloucester, as Chancellor of the University, when the cloth was removed, Parr at once started his pipe and began, says one who was present, "blowing a cloud into the faces of his neighbours, much to their annoyance, and causing royalty to sneeze by the stimulating stench of mundungus.
The Social History of Smoking
Cascara, also called buckthorn, works by stimulating the lining of the upper intestines to promote normal bowel function.
Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
Next to films like these most American films are about as stimulating as a vatful of decaf.
The hosing down is followed by a douche abdominale, which is more of the same but lying down, after which I luxuriate in a stimulating bain hydromassant before being wrapped in hot seaweed for soothing, therapeutic algothérapie.
A happy home and stimulating schooldays led him in 1893 to Culham College, Oxfordshire, where he gained his Teacher's Certificate, followed by senior teaching posts and headships.
Students of literature who are sympathetic to, and at least partially acquainted with, speech act theory should find the arguments stimulating.
And your brain is putting out follicle stimulating hormone, trying to get the ovary to respond.
I enjoyed the climb, the lessening forest, the alpine plants (the diapensia was in full flower, with its upright snowy goblets, while the geum and the Greenland sandwort were just beginning to blossom), the magnificent prospect, the stimulating air, and, most of all, the mountain itself.
The Foot-path Way
He did that to make his nukkad natak more stimulating; also to get his actors to give more rounded performances.
Limes have a stimulating, wake-me-up freshness that sets off the less obvious flavours of more subtle fruits and vegetables.
Interaction between writers in panel discussion is, at its best, intellectually stimulating both for the participants and for the audience – and speculative fiction readers make a particularly switched-on audience, bursting with good questions.
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