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How To Use Stevedore In A Sentence

  • They turned off Water Street, moving away from the rough haunts of the seamen and stevedores around Peck's Slip, toward the lights and traffic of Pearl Street.
  • Its contents smelled of Scottish mildew and stone, and spindrift, and stevedore's spilt beer, and untreated crate wood, and alien scents of faraway cargo, the wafture of seas and continents.
  • Business marketing sales a salubrious hela stevedore akan chlamydiaceae me tortuous in the megabucks lot and tremor me to the convincing row. Rational Review
  • But what I love the most: also included at the bottom of the list are the job titles "roustabout" and "stevedore," which I admit I had to Google. Boing Boing
  • These amateur officers then gathered a labor force of sturdy Yankee farmers, seamen and stevedores from the Rhode Island seaport and drew others from the poorer classes of the City of Providence.
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  • The stevedore telephoned the police and then the local newspaper. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Fung said that among those claiming priority over other creditors were fuel suppliers, the previous charterers, ship chandlers and stevedores.
  • Some jobs are inherently dangerous, some very dangerous (for example firemen, stevedores and police officers) and employers cannot reasonably protect their servants from all foreseeable danger.
  • The boys ducked past Mr. Thomas as he roared orders to the stevedores on the dock below.
  • When workers' villages were close to the labour site, as for example with stevedores near the port of Suva, so the state tried to ensure that only a small percentage of workers were resident in the city.
  • Although contractual arrangements are normally between stevedores and ship operators/owners for the supply of stevedoring services, stevedoring demand is best measured in terms of cargo volume than numbers of ships serviced.
  • An early worker, a stevedore, saw her there as the summer dawn made the water rosy. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Morris stayed busy enough in the daytime, shuttling between committee offices, the countinghouse, and the waterfront, where he harangued teams of seamen and stevedores—“I have scolded the officers like a gutter-whore,” he said of one laggard crew. Robert Morris
  • The Norman-looking stevedore named Steve, was known as ‘head of the house’, and was arbiter of disputes and unpaid chucker-out.
  • Army Service Forces had decided that Negroes performed best as truck drivers, ammunition handlers, stevedores, cooks, bakers, and the like and should be trained in these specialties rather than more highly skilled jobs such as armorer or machinist. Integration of the Armed Forces, 1940-1965
  • For a month or more the lonesome husband "stevedored," wrestling freight on the lighters, then he disappeared. Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
  • Agents take it upon themselves to assist port operators, stevedores, and everybody involved in the successful operation of ships coming to, sailing from, or berthed at New Zealand ports.
  • The stevedore was a much larger man, but George got the best of it. Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi
  • A nose broken in his youth made him look more like a stevedore than a lawyer. TIES THAT BIND
  • Gold was vital to a city like New York, where stevedores daily handled huge amounts of cargo at its many docks, wharves and piers.
  • Like the Ear Inn, this one-time Hell's Kitchen saloon was on the waterfront when it opened in 1868 to serve the local Irish stevedores and visiting seamen from the world over.
  • It must not be conceded that because of its rough character, the work of the stevedore is a calling that does not require intelligence, cool-headedness and skill; for without coolness and thorough knowledge on the part of those appointed to direct it, " Eagle Clippings " by Jack Thorne, Newspaper Correspondent and Story Teller, A Collection of His Writings to Various Newspapers
  • One track over, stevedores load another standard gauge car at the public team tracks.
  • Railroaders, as did miners, sailors, stevedores, teamsters, and others, earned reputations for on- and off-the-job drinking.
  • For several hours, on the far side of a semiopaque security curtain that had been erected in the main spacedock hangar, a team of stevedores had been off-loading from the Enterprise mangled piles of metal, and shipping containers packed tight with small debris. Harbinger
  • Through spot check I found your stevedores misloaded the damaged cargo board occasionally at times now and then .
  • The shade of the buildings guarded sprawled stevedores who, rather than slow broil on the hot ground, lay across wooden pallets sleeping. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • On the dock, a crew of stevedores maneuvered massive barrels and sacks into the hold through a small port.
  • Some lessons I learned by osmosis from the generously gifted writers whose work I stevedored into print over the years at the Miami Herald and the Washington Post. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • Ropes were cast off and stevedores moved in with bargepoles to keep the hull clear of the wharf.
  • Nowadays, "stevedore" is essentially an archaicism; the men in the longshoremens union run those giant cranes and are paid very well. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The previous day workers blocked vehicles entering and leaving the port and preventing Atlantic Ports Services and Speedline stevedores unloading cargo.
  • Thus, the energy a stevedore expends in unloading boxes from a ship is recycled to him in the form of the money which he uses to buy bread.
  • Shipment cannot execute within period owing stevedore shortage.
  • In this case, cupfuls of frontal lobe, corpus callosum and snowflake-unique collections of synapses that led Miss Mullens to curse out loud with words like “poot” and “jiminy” and yet have internal dialogue like a motherfucking stevedore, as I was to find out to my displeasure when her consciousness exploded into mine as I was lying in the attic, replete, about four hours later. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • The port captain put a two-way radio up to his mouth and called the stevedore. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • A nose broken in his youth made him look more like a stevedore than a lawyer. TIES THAT BIND
  • An early worker, a stevedore, saw her there as the summer dawn made the water rosy. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Those who covered the waterfront - sailors, stevedores, and stewbums - were chiefly counted among the clientele.
  • As logs are lashed, he lists the many benefits to Astoria of bringing in a log exporter, including dozens of $40-an-hour stevedore jobs filled with every shipload, and some $100,000 in wharfing fees each month. Log Exports Hammer Lumber Mills
  • The shade of the buildings guarded sprawled stevedores who, rather than slow broil on the hot ground, lay across wooden pallets sleeping. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Or, possibly, a union rally for lumberjacks, stevedores or teamsters - there were a lot of gruff, hefty, plaid-shirted figures in attendance.
  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Captain Perez was what he called "stevedore" -- that is, general caretaker during the owner's absence, at Mr. Delancy Barry's summer estate on the "cliff road. Cap'n Eri
  • The boy hurried after him, dodging through the crowd of stevedores and sailors swarming the dock.
  • These workers originated, mainly, from the Greek port of Thessaloniki where there was a large Jewish labour force in the port, working as sailors, fishermen and stevedores.
  • In this case, cupfuls of frontal lobe, corpus callosum and snowflake-unique collections of synapses that led Miss Mullens to curse out loud with words like “poot” and “jiminy” and yet have internal dialogue like a motherfucking stevedore, as I was to find out to my displeasure when her consciousness exploded into mine as I was lying in the attic, replete, about four hours later. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • The group represents importers, exporters, stevedores and ship owners throughout Australia and overseas using Geraldton port.
  • Nowadays, "stevedore" is essentially an archaicism; the men in the longshoremens union run those giant cranes and are paid very well. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The stevedore telephoned the police and then the local newspaper. COFFIN ON THE WATER
  • Mariners and merchants made money managing the trade, carters and stevedores stowed staples on ships, and coopers created barrels to contain flour bound for the sea.
  • And for the hammerers and welders, riveters and panel beaters, shipwrights and stevedores slaving away daily, they can gaze at those portions of the docks turned into yuppie havens and dream of perhaps, one day, moving up and in.
  • The stevedores'work is to load and unload ships.
  • One of his uncles was a ship-broker of good standing, with a large connection among English ships; other relatives of his dealt in ships 'stores, owned sail-lofts, sold chains and anchors, were master-stevedores, calkers, shipwrights. A Personal Record
  • Gold was vital to a city like New York, where stevedores daily handled huge amounts of cargo at its many docks, wharves and piers.

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