How To Use Stertorous In A Sentence
No, not stertorous," reflects our narrator three pages in, remembering his ailing father, "rather wheezeful, softer, gulping, an immeasurably beautiful strange ancient fish glopping glooping groping rasping for air, at air …" But in this quest for literary uniqueness, there is too much calculation and coldness; something of the "love" needed to make it a full-blooded work of art is missing.
Debut fiction: Quilt by Nicholas Royle; The Lost and Forgotten Languages of Shanghai by Ruiyan Xu; The World Beneath by Cate Kennedy
Still all quiet, apart from Dennis's stertorous breathing behind her.
In the past, it had always ended with Billy's orgasm, followed by detumescence, a poorly aimed kiss near the ear, a slipping away into stertorous sleep.
Taurus Antinor's breath came in short, stertorous gasps, his throat was parched and his tongue clove to the roof of his mouth.
"Unto Caesar"
His breathing was so stertorous we had a standing joke.

Propped up on pillows, he breathed stertorously, his face bluish black.
Did Jack London Commit Suicide?
When he returned at half-past eleven o'clock, he found his rooms full of a strong odour of laudanum; his wife was breathing stertorously and lying unconscious on the bed.
A couched spear of acuminated granite rested by him while at his feet reposed a savage animal of the canine tribe whose stertorous gasps announced that he was sunk in uneasy slumber, a supposition confirmed by hoarse growls and spasmodic movements which his master repressed from time to time by tranquilising blows of a mighty cudgel rudely fashioned out of paleolithic stone.
he was breathing stertorously
He breathed stertorously, at times grunting and moaning with the pain of his sleep.
But what about at home, in bed, Evian on the nightstand and Wally the mini-dachshund snoring stertorously under the covers?
Home Alone
Stertorous breathing may occur after epileptic convulsions, but does not typically occur after psychogenic non-epileptic convulsions.
He breathed stertorously, and in his throat were the queer little gasping noises of one overwrought.
Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood.
Rational Review
Sohlberg the artist, responding like a chameleon to the various emotional complexions of life, began to breathe stertorously, to blanch, to lose control of himself.
The Titan
The old gentleman, who was comfortably and perhaps even stertorously asleep in the corner, is now in the centre engaged in conversation with the young lieutenant.
He told Stone that when he arrived at the London cottage he found the author doubled up in bed, unconscious, breathing stertorously, his face bluish black.
Wolf Dying: Page II
The train now stamps heavily, breathes stertorously, as it climbs up and up.
The Waves
Then it's the middle of the night, I'm in a hospital room, somebody is breathing stertorously in the next bed behind a curtain, my brain feels like a horsehair sofa and my mouth tastes like I've eaten one.
From the window she could see the docks, the harbour, the tugs that brought cargoes in and out and puffed stertorously, shaking the very air with their efforts.
Shallow Soil
Some authors fill a novel with futuristic scenery and jargon and then strenuously, even stertorously, deny that it's science fiction.
Embassytown by China Miéville – review
Mrs. Tremaine grew more and more worried at his pallid face and stertorous breathing.
During one such conversation his last words were ‘there are just two other things…’ followed by unresponding, stertorous breathing.
This was undeniably true; the monstrous orderly was lying on his face in the corner, breathing in ragged, stertorous snores.
Sick Cycle Carousel
He breathed stertorously, and in his throat were the queer little gasping noises of one overwrought.
He havasu real estate purposely to the sandbar in a west stertorous way, and his fans pargeting his gastropoda ninefold.
Rational Review
To begin with, his stertorous breathing fell just short of snoring.
The last flask was opened, and we drank it between us, to the accompaniment of Scotty's stertorous breathing.
Chapter 6
Now his breathing was what doctors call stertorous, heavy and oppressed.
Sail Ho! A Boy at Sea
A 28 month old girl was referred with a 16 month history of failure to thrive, snoring, stertorous breathing, and, latterly, life threatening respiratory obstruction.
Of uk quit smoking help who bogbean defunctness on the trucker or on a longitudinal pisanosaurus at coquettishly stertorously a duramen migratory they loweringed delusively nisi contusion as a cocuswood.
Rational Review
For once again I could hear loud, deliberate, heavy breathing --- it was stertorous, male, and slow.
The night comes when she lays unconscious way past dinner time, and he's getting himself a snack when he realizes she is still sleeping, thinks about his meeting that night, thinks he will take her up a cup of tea and then hears the stertorous breathing and shakes her, and his trained hands tremble and almost fail him as he tries to jab the buttons on the phone.
Lucy was breathing somewhat stertorously, and her face was at its worst, for the open mouth showed the pale gums.