How To Use Sterilize In A Sentence

  • The hospital had sterilizers, and packs were wrapped in cloth.
  • Hot water is only necessary for really dirty laundry or to sterilize clothing from bacteria and viruses.
  • Place lemons in a sterilized jar and sprinkle with remaining 21 / 2 tablespoons salt.
  • Prior to stratification, the seeds were surface-sterilized with dilute bleach for five minutes, followed by several thorough rinses with water.
  • You can preserve your sauce by canning it in sterilized pint jars in a hot water bath for 35 minutes.
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  • Simultaneously uniform sterilizer for icecream has the function of sterilization via heating.
  • They say fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves. Cow Manure To Be Used In Furniture And Flooring | Impact Lab
  • Machines would be used only to sterilize and purify water that has already been cycled through the artificial biosphere.
  • Until results of the biological test are satisfactory, the sterilizer should be quarantined.
  • Always use sterilized toenail clippers, nippers or scissors.
  • The law cannot be used to force people to be sterilized; it would violate their civil rights.
  • He prick the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle.
  • It will be sterilized when it is beyond the limit to its storage life.
  • Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.
  • The infections were an inevitable outcome of inadequate equipment, unskilled staff and the reuse of unsterilized needles.
  • Your example of the surgeons who do not wash their hands or use unsterilized instruments is a good one.
  • Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.
  • This sterilizer is of simple structure, easy to install and managing and safeguarding.
  • At least you can hold it over the flame and kind of - you know- sterilize it. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • For years we had used a pressure-cooker-type autoclave to sterilize obstetric packs, towels, gloves, flats, solutions, and all supplies that we did not wish to boil.
  • This chemical is used to make other chemicals and is also widely used in the health care industry to sterilize medical devices.
  • He renames their collective claims as conspiratorial; discounts their experience as evidence; and holds their language and culture against them as a justified and relevant reason why these Chicanas were sterilized.
  • Taking into account several criteria change in taste, cost and nutritional value, in 1795 he developed the process which made possible the art of Appertizing, or preserving food sterilized by heat in a hermetically sealed containers, canning which is also called tinning. “if it works for wine, why not foods?” Archive 2008-10-01
  • At least you can hold it over the flame and kind of - you know- sterilize it. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • The mixture was sterilized by sequential filtration through 0.45 and 0.22 m filters.
  • Normally a central bank would "sterilize" a foreign-exchange intervention, draining from the market the currency sold in the intervention so that overall liquidity reflects the daily supply and demand of the banking system. Bank of Japan Signals Cooperation on Yen
  • After being anesthetized, she was sterilized without her knowledge.
  • Sterilized seeds were germinated in the dark at room temperature using two rooting environments.
  • It sterilizes and partly unsexes them and in the end completely so. The Fertility of the Unfit
  • Also, anyone who uses the word comix who isn't part of the R.Crumb Underground school of cartoonists should be sterilized, in my opinion, so it's nice to know someone has a similar gutteral reaction to it. Some Responses to the Latest Comics Journal | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The sterilizer is classified to Class I pressure container, Prohibit overheating or overpressure.
  • The triple plus vacuum sterilizer is the main sterilization equipment in dental clinic.
  • He pricks the blister on his heel with a sterilize needle.
  • Surface-sterilized caryopses were germinated on moist filter paper in Petri dishes on 13 September 1996.
  • Needless to say, they don't sterilize needles.
  • Load articles to be sterilized then close and lock the chamber door.
  • Antiseptic is used to sterilize the skin before giving an injection.
  • Unless packaged and sterilized, critical items should be reprocessed immediately before use.
  • [Researchers] say that fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in making fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves. Poop Beneath Your Feet: A Good Thing?
  • Disposable bottles require less cleaning because the milk is drunk from a presterilized plastic liner, which is thrown away at the end of the feeding. Baby Bites
  • When the jellying point has been reached, remove the kettle from the fire, skim the jelly and pour immediately into hot, sterilized glasses, which have been set on a cloth wrung out of hot water to prevent breaking. Every Step in Canning
  • `Once a day, they used to go through the corridors outside the labs with steam hoses and sterilize, in the evenings. VITALS
  • The systems are entirely mechanical, and do not require electric power unless you install an ultraviolet sterilizer lamp in your holding tank, which is usually not necessary. Is Your Drinking Water Safe, and what can you do about it?
  • Steel is easy to clean and sterilize, which is invaluable when sharing a toy. AVN Industry News
  • Seeds are scraped off into sterilized flasks containing nutrient agar-agar.
  • A little after 9: 00 am, the dentists purged and sterilized the tusk root, and then refixed the broken tusk with the strongest adhesive they had.
  • Said health-care tea is easy of flowline mechanical production, and because of being twice high-temp. sterilized it is good in sanitary quality.
  • Methods:Using sterilized water for injection to dissolve infliximab injection, to avoid foaming during the process of dispensing and to use it right after it was ready.
  • Dogs are being sterilized to prevent more strays roaming the city.
  • The debris and detritus from the sites that were destroyed have been either tainted or sterilized.
  • The Webster Sterilizer was a continuous sterilizer as opposed to a retort, and the bottles would come out cool. 'Yogi: The Life and Times of an American Original'
  • The sterilized products of a culture of the _B. mallei_ are injected beneath the skin of the suspected animal. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • People have had patches of their skin sterilized: cleaned of all those pullulating bacterial parasites.
  • The blood flows into a sterilized machine that separates the plasma from the red blood cells and then pumps blood back into your bloodstream, in a process called apheresis. How To Buy & Sell just about Everything
  • The instruments were sterilized, which is thought to kill all microorganisms, including the viruses in question. Top News Headlines
  • Always use commercial potting mixes in your containers as they are sterilized and disease free.
  • A zone of sterilized rock around the volcanic neck will be sampled at a depth of several hundred meters to determine if microorganisms are present.
  • The next morning he and Egarter Vigl spruced up the body with a fine spray of sterilized water, which froze on contact. Then they slid the Iceman back into his high-tech igloo and closed the door.
  • At least you can hold it over the flame and kind of - you know- sterilize it. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • He boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them.
  • Between uses on different patients, portable respirometers and ventilator thermometers should be sterilized or subjected to high-level disinfection.
  • And the claims of liberal legalists that they can somehow be sterilized by the application of theory of rights are simply spurious and morally unserious.
  • Pour into wide-mouthed sterilized bottles and seal immediately.
  • As it stands now, the politically backed method of dealing with street dogs is a ‘cleaning phase’, a round up by dogcatchers, though there is an agreement that they will not take sterilized or collared dogs.
  • Lately, a new type of sterilizer has appeared on the market.
  • It will be sterilized when it is beyond the limit to its storage life.
  • The EPA classifies public health antimicrobials as bacteriostats, sanitizers, disinfectants and sterilizers based on how effective they are in destroying microorganisms.
  • An aliquot of whole blood was taken in a sterilized flat bottom 25 ml glass beaker.
  • About 10 posterior proglottids from each of five adult cestodes were longitudinally disrupted with sterilized forceps.
  • Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized. Adolf Hitler 
  • Among the scams: air "sterilizers," photon machines, immune boosting supplements, and non-prescription Tamiflu that turned out to be powdered talc and a generic chemical,or even worse, unapproved doses of the drug that could be impure, subpotent, superpotent or contaminated. Swine flu scams on the rise
  • For AFM experiments, the cells were plated on presterilized coverslips a day before data were taken.
  • He reiterated that the ECB's monetary policy stance won't be affected by the bond-buying because the ECB will be quick to reabsorb money it has paid to banks, possibly by issuing term deposits to "sterilize" the impact of the announced interventions in the euro-zone debt market. Trichet Defends ECB Independence Amid Market Relief
  • Before you can sterilize a medical device, you have to figure out how you're going to do it.
  • And after his reed is sterilized (with alcohol, I presume) it will too. Infirmary Blues
  • The use of intravenous drugs, the use of shared, unsterilized, or poorly sterilized needles and syringes, and also the transfusion of blood products have been primary factors in the spread of HCV.
  • Now, isn't historical accuracy far more fascinating than inventing sterilized feminist myths about imaginary peace-loving matriarchies or talking ad nauseum about the same ol' dry, men-only history that we still see in school textbooks? Matriarchy and women rulers
  • A small cotton ball damp with formocresol is placed to "mummify" the pulp stumps and to sterilize the area. What is a Pulpotomy?
  • With support from NSF, McIntyre and Bayer are developing a new, less energy-intensive method to sterilize their agricultural-waste starter material -- a necessary step for enabling the mushroom fibers, called mycelia, to grow. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • When you are done with your robotic glass of water, you put the cup in the little hole at the bottom of the cabinet and eventually someone puts it back in the sterilizer. Seoul Searching: Part 1
  • We are Chinese Producer of Oxygen Bar, Oxygen concentrator, Cosmetic apparatus, Medical sterilizer and additional items.
  • When the ECB began the program in May, it pledged to "sterilize" its purchases of Greek and other debt in Europe's troubled periphery by accepting an equal amount in interest-bearing deposits from banks, so that the total overall money supply would remain unchanged. ECB Misses Deposit Goal And Euro Bears the Brunt
  • She kept telling me that I could have it (the necessary procedure) done as an in-patient procedure and then I could just be sterilized "while we're in there" at the same time, and it wouldn't hurt (as opposed to having the * necessary* procedure done in-office that she assured me would really hurt). Alex Jones' Prison
  • Plastic syringes can be heat sterilized in a microwave oven.
  • In a desperate attempt to save the Euro, the European Central Bank recently bent the rules by buying Greek bonds on the secondary market rather than lending to the Greek government directly, but the ECB has said it would "sterilize" these purchases by withdrawing an equivalent amount of liquidity from the market, making the deal a wash. Ellen Brown: Deficit Terrorists Strike in the United Kingdom: United States of America Next?
  • I knew because it smelled sterilized and everything was white and boring.
  • It is easy to sterilize and reuse because nichrome wire resists deterioration with repeated heat/cooling cycles.
  • By the 1890s aseptic surgery - performed in a germ-free surgical area with sterilized equipment - became the norm in American surgery.
  • All reusable materials, such as the needle bar and the tube, must be completely clean, put into special pouches and sterilized in the autoclave.
  • (Fine if you like sterilized milk, tea bags filled with house dust and powdered instant coffee that tastes like I imagine strychnine does. KICK BACK
  • He boiled his syringe and fired his knife to sterilize them.
  • I have to please her, or she'll kill me or sterilize me or do something to keep me from breeding.
  • On days when the schedule included a lot of endoscopic procedures, there was increased competition for a sterilizer.
  • Would it coincide with our ethics to sterilize all criminals in order to stop crime and violence for good?
  • Seeds of chickpea and maize were surface-sterilized for 30 minutes, pre-germinated in the dark in a Petri dish with adequate water, and were then planted in quartz sand.
  • My wife was sterilized after the birth of her fourth child.
  • LUI: General Grange, the word sterilize has been used in the process as they go through the southern parts of Lebanon. CNN Transcript Jul 22, 2006
  • As women peruse this period propaganda, we see the female body morph into a reeking vessel of shame that must be sterilized, aromatized, and exorcized in order to be considered attractive again. Caroline Hagood: Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation
  • `Once a day, they used to go through the corridors outside the labs with steam hoses and sterilize, in the evenings. VITALS
  • Following the procedure, these items were cleaned, disinfected, terminally sterilized, and stored in the same trays.
  • `Sharpened knitting needle sterilized and dipped in aniline dye. THE LONELY SEA
  • Such men found commerce more congenial than industry, and went into the expanding banking sector where the sweat and gore of the factory floor and labour relations were sterilized into columns of figures.
  • After consultation with the sterilizer manufacturer, it was determined that steam separators needed to be installed to improve the quality of the steam.
  • It's not such a bad idea to sterilize everyone with a revertible method until they are ready to be parents and keen enough to have a marriage, a job and a home to support their offspring. A non-sterilised observation
  • Occasionally, however, we need to flash sterilize an internal fixation screw set for an emergency open reduction with internal fixation of a fracture.
  • The cause for corrosion-induced failure of inner cavity of pulsation vacuum sterilizer was analyzed through physical and chemical inspection, macroscopical and microscopical examination.
  • These chemicals may then plate the metal instruments, the pan, and the sterilizer walls.
  • Among the scams: air "sterilizers," photon machines, immune boosting supplements, and non-prescription Tamiflu that turned out to be powdered talc and a generic chemical,  or even worse, unapproved doses of the drug that could be impure, subpotent, superpotent or contaminated. Swine flu scams on the rise
  • Lakes and ponds were tapped, water from the Lys sterilized and stored in barges, and cisterns built to trap rainwater.
  • Men and women requesting sterilization are usually seen at least twice by doctors prior to being sterilized, as the operation is designed to be permanent.
  • Dry heat sterilization requires a special type of sterilizer that may not be available in a health care facility.
  • Laundry Machine Operators operate washers, starchers, extractors, tumblers, sterilizers and dryers in a campus laundry; and perform other related duties as required.
  • Initially, these gloves were sterilized by boiling and then put on the wearer's wet hands.
  • Farmers are required to sterilize all the hencoops, breeding farms and bird flu-prone areas at least three times a week.
  • At least you can hold it over the flame and kind of - you know- sterilize it. MY BABYSITTER BITES BACK
  • Something as mundane as getting a haircut becomes a risk factor in a prison setting when the barber does not sterilize shears between cuttings.
  • Thirty percent of Catholics are sterilized, which is the same rate as the rest of the population. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • So, in order to preserve the cake, they doused it in the food sterilizer of choice… brandy.
  • Old, unsterilized instruments may be to blame.
  • Instruments and supplies that can't be sterilized with an autoclave should be disinfected with a commercial disinfectant or bleach solution after each use.
  • Countless lakes have been more or less sterilized by acid rain.
  • The clothing was then laundered, sterilized, and x-rayed.
  • In precisely the same way, provide a proteinaceous solution, capable of the highest putrescence, but absolutely sterilized, and placed in an optically pure or absolutely calcined air; and while these conditions are maintained, no matter what length of time may be suffered to elapse, the putrescible fluid will remain absolutely without trace of decay. Scientific American Supplement, No. 643, April 28, 1888
  • Nursing Bottle Sterilizer 1 Pc . Wash often . Keep clean.
  • You can preserve your sauce by canning it in sterilized pint jars in a hot water bath for 35 minutes.
  • The ministry's intervention has in a sense tossed the ball into the central bank's court in that it is now up to the BOJ, the institution in charge of monetary policy, to decide whether to let all the new yen slosh around in the market, or to absorb the newly injected supply and thereby "sterilize" the intervention. Yen Intervention for Beginners: How it All Happens
  • They also take care of calves and clean, sterilize, and decorate calabashes (gourds).
  • For this reason many biotech producers of protein molecules are moving to disposable modules, presterilized and qualified according to regulatory requirements. GEN News Highlights
  • Powdered, evaporated, condensed, sterilized, and UHT milks all keep for a long time unrefrigerated, though the liquid ones usually begin to go off once they have been opened.
  • After all, it is illegal to grow hemp in the United States, though sterilized hempseeds may be imported legally.
  • Since this woman has a history of child endangerment, and has already given up/lost custody of her two older children, should she be sterilized?
  • Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment.
  • Also, check to be sure that your nail technician properly sterilizes all tools used during your manicure.
  • A vacuum sterilizer costs over a thousand dollars. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
  • Although acupuncture has been promoted as a safe therapy, significant infections have occurred, including human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis, as a result of the use of unsterilized needles.
  • Although in the past local officials attempted to sterilize the male monkeys, the program proved unsuccessful due to high costs and the side effects of anesthetizing the animals.
  • Using unsterilized tools may transmit viral infections, such as hepatitis B or warts.
  • Seeds were surface-sterilized and sown on GM agar plates lacking sucrose.
  • Even the key to the drugs cabinet lay still in its hiding-place on top of the sterilizer. COMPULSION
  • Pasteur sterilized two containers, both of which contained a broth rich in nutrients.
  • Seed coats were removed by hand and seeds were surface-sterilized in a 1 % sodium hypochlorite solution for 2 min.
  • Milk that has been sterilized, that is, bottled and put in boiling water for an hour, is not so good for the baby as pasteurized milk; that is, milk kept at something less than the boiling point for half an hour, since the higher temperature causes the milk to lose some of the qualities beneficial to the child. Practical Suggestions for Mother and Housewife
  • Sulphur is also used to sterilize equipment.
  • Before it is used in cosmetics, water must be filtered, distilled, sterilized, and deionized.
  • The bottling and corking machines are usually sterilized by steam, or by chemical sterilants.
  • They say that fiber from processed and sterilized cow manure could take the place of sawdust in making fiberboard, which is used to make everything from furniture to flooring to store shelves. Shitty DIY « raincoaster
  • As women peruse this period propaganda, we see the female body morph into a reeking vessel of shame that must be sterilized, aromatized, and exorcized in order to be considered attractive again. Caroline Hagood: Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation
  • Drinking wheatgrass juice regularly controls the growth of bacteria and when applied externally, on the affected area the poultice of wheatgrass works as an essential sterilizer. Wheatgrass: The Wonderful Herb for Health
  • Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.
  • Please note that the objects you store in this dictionary have to be serializable, or else you will get an exception during the deactivating event about the inability of the operating system to sterilize or desterilize your object. best practices recommend that you store transient page data in the State dictionary during the The Windows Blog
  • During the decomposition process in the biodigester, the waste is also sterilized. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » Renewable Fuel
  • However, IMF conditionalities often require recipient governments to 'sterilize' the injection of additional resources so they do not increase the level of demand in the national economy. Radhika Balakrishnan: Making the International Monetary Fund Accountable to Human Rights
  • Of course, the victims don't know that they're going to be ‘operated’ on by someone with no surgical skills using unsterilized instruments.
  • The surface of the anterior chest wall and abdominal area were sterilized with ethanol.
  • The triple plus vacuum sterilizer is the main sterilization equipment in dental clinic.
  • Even the key to the drugs cabinet lay still in its hiding-place on top of the sterilizer. COMPULSION
  • IMAX glasses are collected by theatre employees, run through an industrial dishwasher that uses soap, bleach, and sterilizer, with water at 120 degrees F. 3D Ticket Prices Are on the Rise, Effective This Weekend | /Film
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • The extra-large clips were used and placed with a clip applier that contains 25 clips and comes individually wrapped in sterilized packs.
  • `Once a day, they used to go through the corridors outside the labs with steam hoses and sterilize, in the evenings. VITALS
  • All equipment must be sterilized before use.
  • To improve drainage without sacrificing nutrients, add sharp sand or perlite to a good sterilized compost-based mix.
  • First of all, all Fed actions to date are what's called "sterilized" - that is, troy correctly pointed out, already exist. MetaFilter Projects
  • Ensure they are clean and place into a fermentation bin. Crush with your clean hands or a sterilized stainless steel/plastic potato masher. Pour over 1 litre of boiling water and the sugar.
  • James Laver discusses the idea of shifting erogenous zones where, for example, parts of the body gain erotic capital if covered up long enough to render intrigue or become sterilized zones if they receive too much exposure over time.
  • Depending upon whether a product can meet certain performance guidelines, a public health antimicrobial is classified as a bacteriostat, a sanitizer, a disinfectant (which is more strongly antimicrobial than a sanitizer), or a sterilizer (strongest of all). HOME COMFORTS
  • Can used to haul the carcasses should be steam - cleaned and sterilized.
  • I can still clean the blood from an infusion needle with a wire stylet, sharpen it on an Arkansas stone, check for barbs using a cotton ball, and re-sterilize it.
  • If the scrub person is removing sterilized items from the sterilizer, he or she should remember the following guidelines.
  • The dentures can be soaked in any solution used to sterilize baby's bottles.
  • Always sterilize the needle to prevent infection.
  • You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a flame.
  • It will be sterilized when it is beyond the limit to its storage life.
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • Select a disinfectant / sterilant that has no deleterious effects on the items to be sterilized.
  • First of all, all Fed actions to date are what's called "sterilized" - that is, non inflationary. MetaFilter Projects
  • She chose to work at the club, even though it required that she be surgically sterilized.
  • US mass sterilized up until the early 70s for euge ... 05/15/2005
  • Batch, fed batch, and perfusion operations of all cell types may be performed in a presterilized disposable Wavebag. GEN News Highlights
  • Fruit bodies of the field-collected materials were surface-sterilized in 80% ethanol and cut by a clean razor to obtain uncontaminated fungal tissue from the core region.
  • _pasteurized milk, _ followed by _sterilized milk_. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables
  • For example, various sugars -- lactose, glucose, saccharose, &c. -- are added to test the fermentative action of the bacterium on these substances; litmus is added to show changes in reaction, specially standardized media being used for estimating such changes; peptone solution is commonly employed for testing whether or not the bacterium forms indol; sterilized milk is used as a culture medium to determine whether or not it is curdled by the growth. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Plastic syringes can be sterilized in a microwave oven, which is another method of heat sterilization.
  • If you go fertilizing with unsterilized bonemeal, for instance, hold your breath; the stuff can be crawling with anthrax germs.
  • The only way to eradicate these diseases is to sterilize or fumigate the soil.
  • He told me that my tubes were tied, that I was sterilized and I would have no more children.
  • GOLDBERG: Administrative Nurse Cindy Steckel says the nurse in question partially sterilized the gastroscope, but not completely. CNN Transcript May 4, 2006
  • Unfortunately, at times, the slickness of the series at times takes on the sterilized feel of a game show rather than a live and vibrant poker tournament - it's a little too overproduced.
  • Speaking of asses, the bathroom @ our work is busted, so we can't wash our hands unless we walk 1/4 mile to the next-closest one, so now I'm forced to "sterilize" my streaked, shit-wiping-hand with only hand sanitizer. The Velvet Hot Tub | Freshest Stories
  • In contrast, sections of vessel sterilized - and killed - by boiling, or indeed with formaline-glycerine or by any other method, proved to be unusable. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1912 - Presentation Speech
  • He pricked the blister on his heel with a sterilized needle.
  • Interesting seeing that tool go into the sterilizer. Brain surgery done with a common hardware store power drill.
  • In a project begun a little over a year ago, he sterilizes pride males that have sired around 20 cubs.
  • The mixture is then autoclaved for 20 min at 122°C to dissolve the agar and sterilize the medium.
  • in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized
  • Whether the double peel pouches or the pouches within wrapped goods can be sterilized depends on the sterilizer you are using.
  • My wife was sterilized after the birth of her fourth child.
  • After her fourth child she decided to be / have herself sterilized.
  • Similarly, items such as filter paper were all sterilized by autoclaving.
  • Individually wrapped nipples you get at the hospital or doctor’s office are presterilized. Baby Bites

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