
How To Use Stereotypical In A Sentence

  • The film has a very gritty, realistic feel, again lifting it above being a merely stereotypical genre exercise.
  • I countered, soon becoming the stereotypical "noncompliant" black woman. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The Green Farmhouse is the stereotypical country idyll. Times, Sunday Times
  • His monologue casts light on the common experience of the stereotypical man who is unemotional, uncaring, and cold.
  • Though I’d argue that what you term stylistic urban fantasy also offers a wider range of protagonists than the stereotypical straight white “can-do” male. The new urban fantasy. Same as the old urban fantasy?
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  • However, whilst he believes that in terms of a stereotypical male job such as bricklaying, women should not be paid the same as men (obviously showing his sexist conception of what women should really be doing – kitchen and bedroom) that men however, SHOULD get the same amount of money as women for working in a cantine. In reply to ‘Angry Harry’ – Because the strive for gender equality is worth the effort… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • Glastonbury is stereotypically viewed as a four-day binge for mud-caked, drunken teenagers.
  • Too many of the characterizations tend towards the stereotypical.
  • Men should not be expected to live up to stereotypical conceptions of heterosexuality and masculinity.
  • The band's strict avoidance of a ‘stereotypical, gangsta-styled’ video speaks for their desire to avoid parody, and they rejected any script that called for them to present themselves as would-be gangstas.
  • The bottle he cradled almost stereotypically was clutched closer against his chest as if they were robbers. THE LAST RAVEN
  • A bright light was shining on him, and all he could think of was how stereotypically cliché this was.
  • Their gestures, facial expressions, and vocal intonations render them stereotypically gay or epicene.
  • According to photographer and friend of Irons, Art Brewer, the surf industry is unique not because of the presence of drugs, but because it is in the precarious process of distancing itself from a stereotypical drugged-out image. Tetsuhiko Endo: Demystifying the Death of Andy Irons
  • Nugent is wild on stage but certainly not the stereotypical rock musician.
  • Instead of the stereotypical "gofer" work, such as photocopying, my job consisted of tasks such as thinking of questions for interviews, proof-reading Marci's blog posts, and keeping an eye on her dog, Sinatra, during phone interviews. The Blog Herald
  • According to a recent profile in the New York Times Magazine, physicist Freeman Dyson escaped from his stereotypically hellish English boarding school by: reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which gave him his first sense of America as a more "exciting place where all sorts of weird things could happen," and Jules Verne's comic science-fiction descriptions of "more crazy Americans" bound for the moon. Archive 2009-04-01
  • He remembers her as a non-stereotypical 1950s housewife, riding her white bicycle down the middle of the high street while smoking a Woodbine and wearing rubber, high-heeled glitter-flecked galoshes.
  • This claim to glory, doubtless exaggerated in stereotypical Gascon fashion, caricatures, indeed cleverly reverses the terms of Soyer's own, far less swashbuckling role in the July Days — Mirobolant would have slain elite troops while standing his ground in the street, whereas Soyer was nearly lynched by a revolutionary mob while fleeing from a palace kitchen. Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • I did make a bad choice in stereotypical language about men - for which I apologize to all who took offense at that. Both Comment Responses In One
  • Homosexuals are treated so stereotypically in this film.
  • But the idea that a woman cannot be expected to cope with going into a witness box, where she will be publicly identified, is equally stereotypical: it implies a degraded notion of weak and timorous women.
  • How can a man so confident till that point turn into the stereotypical mushy cornball?
  • U.S. television shows for adults, as well, have far too often portrayed scientists in stereotypical ways. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Ken Edgett
  • Granuloma formation in sarcoidosis may be a stereotypical response to multiple infectious and noninfectious agents.
  • In fact, stereotypical thinking plays a more powerful role in our dealings with people from other cultures than we care to admit.
  • As we sit and talk today, he mentions another aspect of his life that runs counter to the image of the stereotypical footballer: his love of philosophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the beaming patriarch, the tolerant kuia, the benign figures from the afterlife (including a stereotypical errant male) and the quota of cute talking animals (though only the reader gets to hear them), the story is at times overrun with syrupy sweetness and light.
  • People had judged her as a mistress in the stereotypical way.
  • None of this suggests that all men are bad investors or all women good, but it does suggest that adding a few stereotypically female behaviours into our investing patterns may be no bad thing.
  • He is in every sense a stereotypical representative of that Christian evangelism that really deserves the name of ‘fundamentalist’.
  • Walker chose to depict not a stereotypical story of a nextdoor-neighbour-boy that gets into the military, is made a Fighting Machine and turns home a Hero. How An American Soldier Is Made: The Story of Ian Fisher
  • The stereotypical cutter is a girl in her young teens suffering from discord at home and doing poorly at school.
  • It is a concept many men find difficult to understand, particularly as so many men still have a stereotypical view of women. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, it's not clear which way it should go - maybe women's stereotypical chattiness should make them talkier, or maybe men's stereotypical drive to dominate should make them the winners.
  • The F, or femininity, scale measures socially desirable personality traits perceived to be stereotypically characteristic of women.
  • Perhaps he should think of the effect this gaydar has outside of the ease it gives homosexuals in finding romantic or sexual partners and think about the consequences of accepting this stereotypical appearance.
  • But worst of all is any kind of stereotypically female interaction. Jezebel
  • They soon moved in together, falling easily into stereotypical roles, he as the dominant decision-maker, she as general dogsbody.
  • Young, educated, and culturally sophisticated, he is a stereotypical Nethead.
  • The theme of excess emphasized by this critic surfaces frequently in stereotypical critiques of the Irish and of the East and Easterners; the fear of excess suggests that the colonizing cultures dread an abundance that threatens to escape confinement at the same time that they use such accusations of excess to justify colonization. Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
  • Dancer sits "sexily" in chair on stage, performs stereotypical stripper-in-chair moves while sultry-woman-voiceover begins. Shakesville
  • Interestingly, the teachers themselves reinforced such stereotypical roles through their own behavior. Sociology
  • This was a laboured sitcom peopled by stereotypical characters in unlikely plots.
  • He builds on the stereotypically romantic portrayal of French music, yet does it in the subtlest way.
  • Most are brunettes, a number are Asian (and not the stereotypical submissive "Oriental" fantasy girl, by the way) and none is any thinner or chestier than the Jewish women I know.
  • Those who use ‘male privilege’ treat partners like servants or inferiors, consistently make unilateral decisions, and insist on maintaining stereotypical gender roles.
  • By far the most blatantly contrived element of the play is the happy and neatly accounted for ending, with a stereotypical Hollywood double wedding scene.
  • National bodies have too big a say in the production of players and consequently much of tennis has become too stereotypical. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a laboured sitcom peopled by stereotypical characters in unlikely plots.
  • The stereotypical assumption is like the default value assigned to a variable in a computer program.
  • Contrary to stereotypical images of Muslim women in Arab-Muslim societies, peacebuilding is by no means an exclusive male prerogative or male-dominated field. Qamar-ul Huda, Ph.D.: Where's the Dove? Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam
  • He turns stereotypically feminine qualities like compassion and forgiveness into swarthy, macho rebel stances - this is one big, badass Jesus.
  • At first glance, skateboarders seem to fall in line with what is deemed stereotypical of the skateboarding culture.
  • It listed the stereotypical traits of 10 major European nations, enabling innkeepers and postillions to identify passing travellers.
  • The stereotypical gobbler of romantic novels was the suburban housewife, who used fables on passionate love as an escape from the bored drudgery and emotional pragmatism of real life.
  • I would like to think that Colonial House at least gave us a different view of the remote past than the stereotypical textbook treatment we remember from high school.
  • And as for not being local to the constituency...well, one way or another, he's been involved in things Glasgwegian and close to Glasgow for most of his life, and has solid roots in the region: it's not as if he is a stereotypical out-of-touch party insider "airlifted" into a place in which he is unaware or uninterested or uninvolved with the concerns of the constituents Be Kerr-ful what you wish for
  • Not only that, the fact the three are sisters home together — in Cape Breton, no less — for the first time in years because their mother is dying made me fear I faced a turgid evening of stereotypical CanLit dysfunctional-family angst. My review of Globe Theatre’s production of Marion Bridge…
  • We don't get the stereotypical skinheads we got in the late 70s and early 80s but we do seem to get loads of yobs who think it highly amusing to vandalise, scrawl graffiti in the children's play area and walls around the rec and take drugs.
  • The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) put out an ad in February saying -- in a stereotypically ethnic Italian accent -- Giannoulias would "make Tony Soprano proud" and calling him a "wise guy. Mark Kirk Increasingly Brings Up Greek Financial Crisis To Criticize His Greek Opponent Alexi Giannoulias
  • Gawd. "), even though they both hate each other for not doing any work at all, ever, which begs the question of how closely they are following the producers 'eye-stabbingly stereotypical gay boy script. Katy Hall: 'Addicted To Beauty' Not Terribly Addictive
  • Prosser appears the stereotypical Welshman - pinched face, thin-rimmed spectacles and no sign of extravagance.
  • In this scenario, Aboriginal diversity is erased, with linguistic, cultural, and ceremonial differences homogenized within the one stereotypical image.
  • The estancia, the large plot of land devoted to livestock raising has been - and probably still is - a stereotypical image of Argentine rural life and society.
  • Even within her marriage, Cleo will not give up her individual power and perform stereotypically passive feminine gender roles.
  • Cee-Lo Green comes from the soulful South, and his aptly titled second album finds the sizeable emcee eschewing the stereotypical rapper role.
  • Her multi-dimensional character Denise is burdened with dreadfully stereotypical parents: the obstinate dad who wants her only to be a concert pianist, and the demure, subservient mom who finally speaks her mind at the totally expected moment. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • One respondent, a man with paraplegia who had multiple Stage IV ulcers and flap repairs in the past, verbalized his feelings about stereotypical terms used in relationship to people in wheelchairs.
  • He makes us feel good about not liking French people by dressing up in ridiculous national costumes and acting dumb while interviewing a procession of stereotypical Eurofreaks.
  • Also included in the mix are the two comic country bumpkins, stereotypical toothless hillbillies with their pipes, dilapidated hats, and cargo of farm livestock.
  • This, coupled with their pop music style and stereotypically feminine appearance, allowed them to be angry without being threatening.
  • He lives in stereotypical, small-town scenic Montana mountains.
  • Wu argues that the shift from overachieving striver to inscrutable slant-eyed foreigner - from one stereotypical extreme to the other - is still far too easily made.
  • Drug taking is alien to most of us in society, and the photograph did show the stereotypical ‘drug taking’ scene; but is drug taking really so alien to the streets of York?
  • And because the script has wisely avoided writing them as stereotypically American, there are no jarring notes in the casting mix.
  • They have created an image that does not follow stereotypical renderings of power.
  • Gilmour has regularly been described as the stereotypical Yorkshire grumbler by team-mates – Brian Noble, who was the Great Britain coach when both he and Wellens scored tries in the Lions 'famous victory over Australia in Sydney in 2006, confirms that "Gilly does love a whinge". Marathon men Paul Wellens and Lee Gilmour are a credit to Super League
  • This line of speculation conjures visions of a discussion among the Chairman's advisors wearing various sun glasses and other stereotypical Hollywood gear, like studio moguls discussing their plans for the next box office megaflop .... Public Knowledge - Blogging, Events, and Action Alerts
  • The official denounced what he calls the stereotypical apocalyptical pictures Western media construct of Nigeria and Africa. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2007
  • How can a man so confident till that point turn into the stereotypical mushy cornball?
  • With publication, anecdotes became more polished, the characters less distinctive and stereotypical, the prevailing tone patronising and prosy.
  • And because the script has wisely avoided writing them as stereotypically American, there are no jarring notes in the casting mix.
  • But aside from the odd moment, the album gets lost amid its pumped-up ethos of hard, hard beats, raw language and stereotypical outlook.
  • But he admits his pastime is in contrast to that of the stereotypical modern-day footballer. The Sun
  • Soprano Juliane Banse's fruity voice is neither childish nor stereotypically innocent, but her diction and sensitivity to words are exquisite.
  • The English were stereotypically calm about it all.
  • Mr. Abad also bought a carcass of an old Volkswagen microbus — the stereotypical stoner vehicle — to use in marketing promotions, and hired an artist to craft a logo depicting a vehicle similar to the bus with a cannabis leaf prominently displayed on the front. Pot-Delivery Man Hits Speed Bumps
  • Yet the overdetermination of the heroine's suffering combined with stereotypically ‘poetic’ cinematography conspires to reinforce exactly these ideas of transnational political tourism.
  • Thirdly, his musical instrumentation does not sound stereotypically ‘Christian.’
  • The stereotypical view of Calvinist divines has them all nodding their heads in a ringing ‘yes, indeed.’
  • Consider how many little doodads dangle from the cellphone of a stereotypical schoolgirl.
  • Married to a stereotypical, asexual soccer mom with two young kids, he sees Kathy as his escape from such mediocrity.
  • No, I think your remark is a stupid comment that flows from a stereotypical mindset. Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • The stereotypical booner is often described as someone who is uncouth and rough when it comes to social niceties.
  • The show conveys the photographer's fascination with the stereotypically genteel gardens of Europe.
  • All these people do is reinforce the stereotypical perception that Americans are loud-mouthed unintelligent egotists. The Sun
  • It does not matter that she plays the game with a panache that is so different from the stereotypical baseliner. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film has a very gritty, realistic feel, again lifting it above being a merely stereotypical genre exercise.
  • The message they're really sending out is that we want men who indulge in stereotypically laddish or macho behaviour, and don't let themselves be too sensitive or be seen doing anything traditionally associated with women.
  • The stereotypical view of my condition is that it is a weakness. The Sun
  • Helen was also actually more stereotypically masculine than Will: she talked less about her life and feelings, and sounded more competitive in her version of one scene. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Featured: Which female characters are the most awful and why? Who’s awesome?
  • The Green Farmhouse is the stereotypical country idyll. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite dedication to widening access and recruitment, the civil service is largely staffed by the stereotypical CVs in its upper echelons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some investors still have stereotypical images of Africa etched in their minds, while others see untapped business opportunities and are moving in fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her lyrics used to sound fresh and witty but since she's become a stereotypical "sleb", papped staggering out of clubs and flashing her boobs, her comments have lost their irony. Undefined
  • Now I know the stereotypical image of a bouncer is a muscle-bound ape with no brains but most of the time, once I explain I have cancer and the equipment is medicinal instead of recreational, I get whisked to the front of the queue.
  • Whether if it's a room full of old friends or spiked out stereotypical punkers, you have to count on the fact that every song you play will not appeal to each person in the room.
  • After 10 years on the Internet I am finally the stereotypical Web nerd whose site contains pictures of my cat.
  • But I certainly don't want him to end up being a stereotypical sitcom Johnny with a potbelly and a hot wife. Neil Patrick Harris Suits Up to Host the Tony Awards
  • But even still, the label "femme" was hoisted upon my shoulders shortly after coming out -- but only after I had convinced people that I wasn't bisexual, because apparently, a stereotypically feminine woman, if not straight, is probably bi. Sasha Lotrian: When You Realize You're a Lesbian
  • Goofy cartoons of older men and women looking tacky and dumpy (thinking stereotypical Miami) in mu mu’s and oversized sunglasses Just Say Don’t—The Sequel (The Boomer Blog)
  • This stereotypical biography did not help her any more at the rabbinate than the line on her birth certificate listing her nationality as Jewish.
  • Maybe our prisons are filled with implausible, stereotypical numpties who've watched GoodFellas too many times and want to be criminals more than they actually want to commit crime.
  • The U's midfielder does not conform to your stereotypical footballer. The Sun
  • Yin Zang Yan, a stereotypical Fu Manchu style Chinese man, dressed as a mandarin, glances around magisterially.
  • Stereotypical teenagers have heads crammed full of soap-operas and bubblegum pop, scorning politics and their parents in equal measure.
  • New research shows today's working driver is a world away from the stereotypical image,. The Sun
  • I was looking for an answer not grounded in stereotypical preconceptions. Cleaning Up The Mess
  • Another, almost stereotypical, one is to place some poor unsuspecting creature in a maze and see if it finds its way out.
  • Btw, it may pass notice without an overt mention, but the earlier reference to the "unholy" trinity - of facile contempt, philistine incomprehension and an incurious and willful blindness - is "unholy" vis-a-vis the very best and most rigorous of post-Enlightenment (i.e. rational and transparent) standards, not the pseudo-standards of some strawman, stereotypical, backwards looking fideism. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Despite dedication to widening access and recruitment, the civil service is largely staffed by the stereotypical CVs in its upper echelons. Times, Sunday Times
  • And again -- to oversimplify all the books mentioned (and not mentioned) as preachy, stereotypical and filled with ebonics, is truly offensive ... Debating Black Books
  • They made Frank into your stereotypical homosexual cymbalist and taxidermist; they made Lilly 'cute,' but Lilly's smallness was never cute to us. The Hotel New Hampshire
  • In particular the careful characterisations Frank had given to Paul were force moulded into a more stereotypical character hero, and lost that sense of anti-hero ambiguousness. The King of Sci-Fi Frank Herbert
  • Better Off Ted revolves around the concept that the characters work for a stereotypically evil company, a fact of which they are all aware. Think Progress » Democrats Need To Pass A Comprehensive Health Care Bill
  • So then why won't the powers that dominate the tech and business press admit that this demographic exists and that they use Twitter as much, if not more, than the stereotypical power user?
  • His down-to-earth and kind-hearted personality has helped stick a huge dent in the stereotypical image of footballers. The Sun
  • I believe it is unreasonable for people who have obviously never been to the city to peddle their stereotypical views as facts.
  • Sandow seems to want to cater to the stereotypical 20-something's inability to focus on anything longer than a YouTube video, but for those of us that only care about the music, not the social aspects of concertgoing, what a nightmare that'd be. Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it
  • That image just * screams* “colored by stereotypically color-blind B&W artist”. Yens
  • Writers of this era [...] described the native as a robust youth with "gentile" characteristics, a kind of Jewish muzhik, or Russian peasant -- strapping, self-confident, and strong-spirited, as opposed to the stereotypical Diaspora Jew, who was pale, servile, and cowardly. David Shasha: What Israel Means to Me
  • I had a vague stereotypical image in my mind of sombre, ultraconservative people in horse and buggy as I was accustomed to seeing in St Jacobs County of Ontariovisible minorities are always more apparent even in multicultural Canada.
  • Stereotypically, last-borns like to laugh in bed.
  • But he admits his pastime is in contrast to that of the stereotypical modern-day footballer. The Sun
  • Dara challenges our stereotypical ideas about gender and femininity.
  • Writers of this era [...] described the native as a robust youth with "gentile" characteristics, a kind of Jewish muzhik, or Russian peasant -- strapping, self-confident, and strong-spirited, as opposed to the stereotypical Diaspora Jew, who was pale, servile, and cowardly. David Shasha: What Israel Means to Me
  • She is at least spared stereotypical depiction as drunken and raucous in her filthy skillion.
  • The characters seldom stray from their stereotypical demeanors and although it is enjoyable to watch I find myself wanting a little bit more and not just the same thing every week. 'The Office' recap: Movin' on up |
  • At least in the conventional, stereotypical, Nikki Sixxian definition of the term debauchery, EMP is a “no rocking” zone. Chuck Klosterman on Pop
  • Also, I think stereotypical is probably unnecessary and “every” should be “ever.” Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Wings’ Second Review Forum
  • Daphne functions at once as a mother and a lover, and her actions suggest the stereotypically masculine as well as the feminine.
  • The window rolled down, and a mustached face of a stereotypical London cabbie poked out.
  • First of all a fearless, infallible hero pitted against a bunch of hoodlums and brutal, power-crazy politicians is too stereotypical for words.
  • The stereotypical image of a university library is of a dusty, wood-panelled room filled with thousands of obscure books. Times, Sunday Times
  • That afternoon, I end up at a Boucherie - a stereotypically Cajun outdoor hog roast - in the woods, among local huntsmen and their families.
  • Soprano Juliane Banse's fruity voice is neither childish nor stereotypically innocent, but her diction and sensitivity to words are exquisite.
  • We're all fighting to knock down stereotypical images of older men and women that cause more damage than good in society. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, whilst he believes that in terms of a stereotypical male job such as bricklaying, women should not be paid the same as men (obviously showing his sexist conception of what women should really be doing – kitchen and bedroom) that men however, SHOULD get the same amount of money as women for working in a cantine. 2009 August « My Political Ramblings…
  • Despite dedication to widening access and recruitment, the civil service is largely staffed by the stereotypical CVs in its upper echelons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scholars have identified a number of persisting stereotypical representations of disability.
  • Matilda, who early on threatens to be a real pistol of a character, becomes the stereotypical, eccentric spinster auntie who teaches her charges useful life lessons in between subjecting them to her annoying habits and quirky behavior.
  • The other ex-wife is also economically powerful, albeit in a less stereotypically misogynistic way.
  • Some investors still have stereotypical images of Africa etched in their minds, while others see untapped business opportunities and are moving in fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our comfort zones remain intact if the gender-confused don't ballroom dance tango and dip a person of the same, but now surgically opposite sex and black chefs act stereotypically black. Gillian Clark: Chaz Bono's Unscripted Reality
  • Despite dedication to widening access and recruitment, the civil service is largely staffed by the stereotypical CVs in its upper echelons. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm really trying to not do the whole stereotypical poorly male thing, but I can't help it.
  • This was a laboured sitcom peopled by stereotypical characters in unlikely plots.
  • So we thought as well, but let's thank Shirley for breaking down the walls of stereotypical misconceptions about this touchy subject.
  • You'd think this guy's brain would have informed him the minute the word "stereotypically" came out of his mouth that he was shin deep in poop, and sinking. The WritingYA Weblog: But What's A Boy Sound Like?
  • This line of speculation conjures visions of a discussion among the Chairman's advisers wearing various sun glasses and other stereotypical Hollywood gear, like studio moguls discussing their plans for the next box office megaflop .... Harold Feld: What Congressional Dems Have To Fear If The FCC Bungles Net Neutrality.
  • It's a stereotypical behaviour in which ingrained cultural boundaries keep men and women from connecting romantically.
  • Isn't it a bit cramped for the stereotypical riotous student party? Times, Sunday Times
  • However, it should be said that urban "hipsters" have adopted many aspects of the stereotypically rural aesthetic, such as bushy beards, old flannel shirts, affinity for cheap beer, and a professed appreciation for country and folk music. Ambiguity: Mixed Messages and Style Overlap
  • The media continue to purvey subtle (and not so subtle) messages that entrench stereotypical gender conceptions.
  • She'll usually have short hair, regular pants, a regular shirt, and an unbathed look; she'll look very much like a stereotypical guy. EVENT:: The Day After - A Feminist Town Forum
  • Our culture is saturated with stereotypical expectations for both girls and boys.
  • Dr. Evil was a stereotypical villain; the megalomaniacal pursuer of world conquest who is always foiled by Powers.
  • For these reasons, we try to help our students understand the pejorative implications of such stereotypical locutions and believe that what they say matters.
  • You often go to sites of extremity, crisis, and conflict that too often are depicted in a stereotypical or sensationalized manner in the press.
  • Here are a few more for your brain to chew on, so shamble on over to your reading glasses, moan slightly, drool and then put them on and get ready to have your stereotypical costume that you were killed in get blown completely off!
  • Far from the stereotypical businessman exploiting unworldly people, he had a refined appreciation for both silk production and the Thai way of life.
  • And as part of this process, the two have conceived, designed and photographed a series of tableaux that aim to rearrange and critically portray stereotypical images of the South Indian woman.
  • Unlike its German counterparts' stereotypical efficiency and precise work methods, however, the Finnish supergroup is more loose, prolific, and soulful.
  • A flat voice might be one that is emotionless or uninflected, and American speech is stereotypically uninflected by comparison to British speech.
  • The stereotypical Eskimo wears a fur parka and lives in an igloo.
  • A wife-beater is an undershirt with no arms, stereotypically worn without a covering shirt by the kind of guys who feature prominently on the TV show “Cops”. AN UNDEAD DAY AT THE SPA • by Stephanie Scarborough
  • The penchant to extremes, paradoxicality, and irrationalism have become stereotypical characteristics of "Russianness". - A lean, mean, media machine.
  • The examples given seem to be heavily weighted towards stereotypically male faults, and correspondingly got a higher percentage of male 'yes' responses.
  • Red hair has similarly been stereotypically associated with quickness of temper.
  • Stereotypically perceptions of an idyllic rural life fail to do justice to the often harsh lives these people have led.
  • And that's fine with me - even though I am aware that I can be as dippy as any stereotypical blonde.
  • Clichéd, stereotypical tales of the relative strengths of men and women always annoy me.
  • Some investors still have stereotypical images of Africa etched in their minds, while others see untapped business opportunities and are moving in fast. Times, Sunday Times
  • You certainly know it's a quaint country town, too, because the station master has mutton chops and immediately complains about a disagreement over the tea room, and because every sound effect is a duck quacking or the butcher's preferred refrain ( "scum!"), and because the narrator's ponderous delivery is continually enlivened by a "puffing conveyance", "vittles" or a "muuuurdeeeer". caribou nibbling the hoops (and believe me when I tell you there is no greater praise), but as you set about interrogating the town's charmingly stereotypical inhabitants you realise this is more than a convenient hook. Eurogamer
  • The stereotypical victim was a lazy, obese middle-aged man who habitually overindulged in rich foods and alcohol.
  • The well-dressed, often besuited, men and women were about as far from the stereotypical notion of a pro-marijuana activist as you could imagine. Prop 19: The marijuana campaign that's dividing California
  • Soprano Juliane Banse's fruity voice is neither childish nor stereotypically innocent, but her diction and sensitivity to words are exquisite.
  • Sailer's column linked to a Wikipedia entry on the word "wigger," which, at the time (as well as currently) read: "Wigger (alternatively spelled wigga or whigger or whigga) is a slang term that refers to a white person who emulates mannerisms, slangs and fashions stereotypically associated with urban African Americans; especially in relation to hip hop culture. Wow, That's a Big Tent
  • The Left constantly claims to be for these groups and, especially, against stereotyping of them, but the very existence of these groups which you are put in whether you want to be or not – another example of the insidious underhand coerciveness of the Left forces stereotypical behaviours, attitudes and outlooks upon those within them. The Concord Of This Discord
  • Dictionary definitions tend to show stereotypical patterns of usage.
  • If someone exhibited stereotypically gay behavior, it would spark my own fear of exposure.
  • She said her main characters, a zoo-keeper and a clothes maker, represented the urban everywoman rather than the artsy vanguard stereotypically associated with gay lifestyles.
  • Also, stereotypical behaviour and circling movement induced by apomorphine was suppressed.
  • Some are stereotypical movie names which are constructed to be easily forgettable.
  • While that may include the almost stereotypical use of cocaine, it also extends to amphetamines and ecstasy use.
  • Trichotillomania is an "impulse-control disorder" in humans, characterised by repetitive stereotypical hair pulling from different areas.
  • Carrey's performance is not as consistently acute or concentrated; occasionally he is the stereotypical nebbish, but he too has his moments of depth.
  • She used gossip and lies and she behaved like the stereotypical "harpy" -- she didn't just embarrass herself, she embarrassed all feminists and the movement itself. The Common Ills
  • On the level of slang, a redneck is a stereotypical member of the white rural working class in the Southern US, originally a reference to sunburned necks from working in the fields.

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