
How To Use Steppe In A Sentence

  • He slowly depressed the plunger and once the syringe was empty, withdrew the needle and stepped back.
  • A couple of weeks ago, while glassing four female Meneliks bushbuck two hundred yards away feeding in a tiny clearing during a pouring rain, a nice male stepped into view. Very Little Drops Dead
  • Her heels clacked on the cement in an almost professional manner as the doctor stepped towards the doors.
  • She was a slim blonde girl in her twenties who might have stepped out of a fashion advertisement in a women's magazine.
  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
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  • When I stepped back outside, the snow was continuing.
  • He claimed that the school district stepped over the line with its affirmative action plan and that race was improperly used to discriminate against the white teacher.
  • They were going to the pelican crossing, but stepped off the kerb because they were frightened by a dog on the pavement.
  • From the rearmost area of the building, my mother stepped into the hallway. Arcane Circle
  • But when he stepped into it, his leg sank up to his knee, and he fell facefirst into a pool of water two feet deep. Rogue Wave
  • At last she gave her familiar nicker and stepped closer so he could gently rub her neck.
  • With a screeching halt, the driver stepped on the brake just in front of the run-down apartment building that Adrian now called home.
  • Kislev is a land of dark pine forests, snow-clad wilderness and wind-swept steppes.
  • Of course, she stepped on it, it made the dreaded 'crinkly' noise and she jerked-- her head catching in the loop of the bag. Poursuivre - French Word-A-Day
  • Just then the door opened and in stepped a wiry bearded man, who was mumbling to himself and skittering around cattishly.
  • Stylelist. com The Rapunzel-locked lovelies on Nanette Lepore's Fall 2010 runway looked like they had stepped straight out of, enamoring seen-it-all fashion statement on the red carpet while honoring tradition at the same - Articles related to Chocoholics unite for Chocolate Week
  • Apparently, today's purveyors of pagan religions have sidestepped this question by changing the labels.
  • Whether she's in the office, at home or out to lunch, these chic cozies will keep her phone off the floor and out of danger from being stepped on.
  • Then the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped forward, mitre and all, and called us, in sonorous tones, to prayer. ANTI-ICE
  • Another timid miscreant, just before he is sent off to prison, has so far stepped out of reality and into legend that he asks to be known hereafter as ‘The Lonesome Kid’.
  • And when euery manne hath throwen his darte, or shotte his arrowe: whilest the beast is troubled and amased with the stripes, thei steppe in to her and slea her. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The crowd stepped aside to make way for the procession.
  • In 1998, just before then President Suharto stepped down, unrest and arson destroyed or damaged hundreds of properties belonging to ethnic Chinese in Solo.
  • The girl cast another glance behind, took a deep breath and stepped forward.
  • Coming out of the final bend, the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack.
  • Wade stepped inside and closed the inner door behind him.
  • Whatever it was, another one stepped into the clearing, which was by now aglow with the light of both ethereal beings.
  • The armsman stepped aside at the top of the steps off the porch. Ordermaster
  • The building exploits the drama of this interlocked matrix of mass and light as stepped ramps zigzag through the atrium, revealing the sheer concrete wall and the great tottering stack of galleries.
  • He came to believe that working people, poor people, put down and stepped upon, had to organize if they were going to clean up the slums, fight the corruption that exploited them, and get a handhold on the first rung of the ladder up and out. Bill Moyers: Saul Alinsky, Who?
  • The dog hurt one of its pad when it stepped upon a thorny path.
  • Like a routine play nine hundred and ninety eight spindly human figures stepped forth onto the walls and filed towards the black emptiness arranged around the Core in what a chemist or mathematician might call tetrahedral bipyramidal form. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • The overall appearance of this part of the block slightly resembles a stepped pyramid.
  • When Manly-Warringah dropped out of the chase, St George stepped up the pressure and have never really let off.
  • He made a grab for her but she sidestepped him.
  • Far ahead, a door opened and a buff man stepped out.
  • I had to try Venezuelan food so I stepped inside and asked the lady (Flor, I suppose) if she could pack me an arepa and a small salad, to go.
  • With the sustained and steady economic growth in China, China's urbanization has stepped into the stage of full-scale acceleration, said Chinese Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing Tuesday.
  • Some architects and scholars of architecture have sidestepped this question and chosen instead to experiment with vernacularism.
  • Stepped out of the cane grass, not a dozen feet away, and whopped at me. THE TERRIBLE SOLOMONS
  • He has overstepped the bounds of acceptable behaviour.
  • At night you can hear the call of the Cape Eagle owl and during the day you might see bokmakieries, sunbirds, sugar birds, steppe buzzards, heron and many many more.
  • Involuntarily, she stepped in, biting the inside of her cheek apprehensively and casting her eyes over the rows of neatly aligned desks in the room.
  • Diana half smiled at she stepped into her bright, airy room.
  • The puppy a yelp when John stepped on her tail.
  • You must learn the traditions of the plains and steppes.
  • Now the Russians have stepped in and offered to bung the tiny island some currency. The Sun
  • She stepped aside into the doorway of the next room while Luch drifted out and down the stair.
  • A brooding hulk of a man stepped through the entrance.
  • Groups of humans that remained in Africa might be expected to differ from those that migrated to the Russian steppes, the Asian archipelagos, or the Australian outback.
  • Ben stepped down and threw the reins of his horse over the rail.
  • Delicatessen Sangerbund holdin 'us while they sung th' Watch on th 'Rhine, we stepped ashore on a gangplank neatly formed be th' guv'nor iv th 'state holdin' onto th 'feet iv th' mayor, him clutchin 'th' iditor iv th 'Staats Zeitung an' so on, th 'gangplank singin' th 'Watch on th' Rhine as we walked to th 'dock. Observations By Mr. Dooley
  • Miguel stepped out and slammed the door, leaving Cristalena sitting inside like a porcelain doll.
  • I don't know that I'd go so far as to call our Mardi Gras tasteful I'm looking forward to the all-girl Camel Toe Steppers marching group tomorrow night, for example, but yeah, we're Miss Manners in comparison to this float. "If we had people dancing on top of dead bodies that would indeed be disrespectful."
  • She stepped back to consider whether a slim juniper tree was satisfactorily finished before picking up a new set of brushes. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • But before he could disrobe her, Astarte had risen to her feet and stepped back from the bed.
  • He said he's coming to open the door as he stepped into his trousers.
  • Exercising stimulates body systems so that metabolic efficiency is stepped up.
  • He stepped into the spotlight to the wild applause of the crowd.
  • In May, Alan had to devote more of his time to his paid positions and stepped down from the executive directorship.
  • The bushes rustled, and around us three more men, all with swords girt at their sides, stepped out.
  • She walked beneath the overhang, and stepped up the curb.
  • The terraced garden is not just a series of regimented stepped rows running up the hill.
  • I laced my skates and stepped forth with ankles wobbling and feet that felt bound.
  • Stepped pyramids known as ziggurats survive from the 3rd millennium BC in Mesopotamia.
  • Stylelist. com The Rapunzel-locked lovelies on Nanette Lepore's Fall 2010 runway looked like they had stepped straight out of, enamoring seen-it-all - Articles related to Maternity series part 1 - pregnant and nauseous - home remedies for morning sickness
  • But he ‘stepped back from the brink of radical or irrevocable acts against members of his ruling circle’.
  • Then she stepped beyond the threshold of the dark and foreboding hole in the mountain, and turned on the lights at each side of her helmet.
  • She gave a shriek as he came at her and stepped away from his outstretched hand. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • She had stopped to listen and offer words of advice, but the other members of that clique had stepped out of the shadows, laughing and jeering.
  • He certainly didn't look overawed as he stepped on to the first tee and smacked his drive a mile down the fairway. US Open 2011: Rory McIlroy into final round with eight-shot lead
  • So he kind of sidestepped it and said, ` Well, Mr. Roosevelt is -- is not planning on doing any campaigning further here, but we want to thank you, and he wants to say that he's feeling as hearty as a bull moose. ' Frank and Jesse James: The Story Behind the Legend
  • An anonymous benefactor stepped in to provide the prize money.
  • As skiers did prior to machine grooming, we sidestepped and herringboned uphill to pack down the powder and skied down several times.
  • After brushing my teeth, I stepped into the shower stall and ran the tap.
  • He stepped down as FA chairman and as head of the 2018 bid. The Sun
  • Occasionally, we stepped into some sort of semi-solid substance.
  • With bare feet I stepped into the alley and walked slowly, reaching out my hand to the filthy animals that hissed and darted away.
  • No one has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility for the attack.
  • He overstepped the mark and we had no option but to suspend him.
  • Maria shuddered as she stepped outside.
  • The insight achieved by carpological investigation is of primary importance in reconstructing the vegetation, forest, and steppes around the Hârzova tell.
  • I think he overstepped the line. Times, Sunday Times
  • At once he stepped forward to proffer his filthy paw.
  • They stepped so high, the bagpipes sounded a dirge, they snapped their heads around at attention at their commanding officer.
  • When a white van with two more whiskered men pulled up to the huddle, Sergeant Tommy Wright stepped out of his gold Ford Explorer.
  • Autumn shivered as she stepped from a streetcar, pulled up the collar on her coat and walked briskly towards the Doghouse. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Through the windows you stepped into two small rooms with rush grey walls and red tiled floors. Ford Madox Ford
  • She stepped outside to watch for the cab.
  • She did not want to disappoint him and wished that she hadn't stepped forward.
  • As the last went down a conch blew a deep note and two priests stepped forward and closed the doors of the shrine.
  • He stepped on the gas and the rear end of his car first swerved gently to the right, and then to the left.
  • To your left you pass Cho Oyu, Mount Everest, and Makalu, each summit spiking in a web of frosted snow and giving way to yet more distant summits, the shining whiteness becoming a filigree of ice trails as your eyes fall to the lower ridges and then to stepped fields and trees—the last great undestroyed forests of the Himalayas. Vanity Fair - Enter the Dragon King
  • A female constable obligingly stepped out whenever the men wanted access Assiya.
  • Lena stepped nervously into the classroom, smoothing her jeans the best she could, and brushing the long brown hairs from her black top.
  • But yesterday she pulled off a masterstroke when she stepped on to the stage. The Sun
  • Leading from the front, as he stepped ashore and in the act of drawing his sword, grapeshot shattered his right elbow.
  • American Kestrels are found in a wide variety of open habitats, among them agricultural areas, grasslands, sagebrush, shrub-steppe, steppe, and dry forest zones.
  • The game may have its origin in ancient times, when herds of cattle grazed in the steppes and mountains and were exposed to the threat of attack by wolves.
  • Most serious of all is that our political leaders repeatedly overstepped the scope of their constitutionally prescribed jobs.
  • He called for a ball from the umpire and stepped on second base, claiming to have retired Merkle on a force-out. No Uncertain Terms
  • While I was still in a dilemma as to whether I should ask them verbally if they are indeed cabbing, another dilemma stepped up in the form of a tyrannical auntie.
  • After Brewster had been fouled on the edge of the box, Sauzee stepped up, determined to banish the memory of his penalty miss.
  • He was going to find the manual door controls but as soon as he stepped near the hatchway, they slowly opened up automatically and the light started flowing through.
  • The female bekk, the one who had been away from her post, stepped forward. Star Trek: Myriad Universes: Shattered Light
  • The man was walking along a beach when he stepped into thick sludge. The Sun
  • He stepped into the doorway and swung the gun up to cover the corridor.
  • Dominant insect groups include Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Cantharidae, Coccinellidae, Miridae and Orthoptera that are distributed in the arid/dry steppe. Altai montane forest and forest steppe
  • His guards stepped quickly into the room, hands on their sword hilts, but seeing their master and the nun in the same positions and perfectly calm, the guards merely took their places by the door and stood waiting. This Scepter'd Isle
  • But a menace we have until now seen only from a distance has stepped right up to face us.
  • The other carabinero jumped for me, but stepped into a wide swing that tumbled him into the canal.
  • Daryl immediately released her and stepped back like he had received a hard blow in the chest.
  • Al was a battler and a brawler and a scrapper from the day he first stepped in as a Green Kroboth, Alan J.
  • The citizens who stepped out of the crowd and ran for office Tuesday showed they had that trait.
  • He stepped out onto the balcony to address the multitude below.
  • The one major geographic feature other than the steppe are the Tien Shan mountains, a range that divides Central Asia from South Asia and China. Webmaster Forum
  • For the motors and controller, I went with HobbyCNC’s 3-axis Pro driver board package with 305 oz-in stepper motors. Converting an X2 Mini-Mill to CNC « The Half-Baked Maker
  • As if that wasn't enough Clyburn again stepped out in the media a month or so later right here on CNN, warning about his fellow representatives were grumbling to him they were worried and warned the voters in the upcoming state to think twice before they went to the polls yet Clyburn would not say what they were saying or who was stating their concerns. Public option may be dropped from final health care bill
  • Mr. Rogers has sidestepped this potential aesthetic booby trap by installing everything in the 19th-century manner — paintings "skied" on the walls, and sculpture filling the gallery as it would have been seen in its own day — a nonjudgmental approach that simply treats the work as part of our art and cultural history. The MFA's New Art of the Americas Wing . . .
  • The US quickly stepped in to scotch any such plan.
  • If St. Michael had stepped down from a church window, leaving the dragon slain, he would have looked no otherwise than she, all gleaming with steel, and with grey eyes full of promise of victory: the holy sword girdled about her, and a little battle-axe hanging from her saddle-girth. A Monk of Fife
  • The Dengue patrols (from the Health Dept) have stepped it up a notch and instead of believing people who say they don't have a pila in the back yard, (or any standing water) are checking for themselves. Dengue A word of caution
  • Then the doors slide open, and a straw-hatted barker who looks like he's just stepped out of the 19th century greets you and ushers you into a Coca-Cola fantasyland.
  • When his joy had a little subsided, he stepped into the sea; ten miles at the first stride, which brought him midleg deep; and ten miles at the second, when the water came just above his knees; and ten miles more at the third, by which he was immersed nearly to his waist. Myths That Every Child Should Know A Selection Of The Classic Myths Of All Times For Young People
  • Global Partnerships has stepped up to answer in good deeds the microfinance misdeeds which Yunus decries. Jonathan Lewis: Nobel Peace Winner Slams Poverty Profiteering
  • He guided Tennyson and Clara to a stepped display that looked rather like Tennysons' model of a ziggurat from History class.
  • I stepped into the shower, the water streaming down over my body, and continued to think about everything.
  • As he stepped upon the bridge the trumpets sounded, and over the aplustre rose the vexillum purpureum, or pennant of a commander of a fleet. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Zlotin glared icily at him then stepped tentatively into the room, looking around him slowly. CODE BREAKER
  • The rapidity with which organic carbon can build up in soils is also indicated by examples of buried steppe soils formed during short-lived interstadial phases in Russia and Ukraine. The Future of Power Generation: Nuclear Fusion
  • These sparrows breed in native shrub-steppe habitats or in small patches of unplowed grass and shrubs near agricultural fields.
  • The debate can't be sidestepped by saying that whenever A disagrees with B, we should compromise by going with B's position.
  • I stepped outside and closed the door.
  • Gary Jefferson's name was printed on the door, which was across the hall from them just as soon as he and Manda stepped out of the elevator.
  • There, I took off the coat and stepped around a corner to behold rows upon rows of Starfleet cadets in formation, uniforms perfect, expertly coifed. The Fifth Color | Reach for the Stars | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The man waved the bag again and stepped to the right. Times, Sunday Times
  • She hauled herself out of the water, and stepped over the scorched brick edge on to the lawn. LOOKING FOR THE SPARK
  • They stepped the tune to the singing of a ballad, nor did they tire though the infare wedding lasted all of three days and nights. Blue Ridge Country
  • Her thick, smoky voice only deepened as she stepped close to me.
  • He stepped on my feet about three times, and I successfully managed to hold in my exclamations of pain.
  • He stepped across the threshold.
  • He was plainly and unpretendingly dressed in a suit of dark gray, and I stepped right up to him and said: "Mr. President, is this you? Sunshine and Shadow of Slave Life. Reminiscences As Told by Isaac D. Williams to "Tege"
  • Stone-faced, Garnett went through his warmups as if it were any other game in any other venue, with that trademark intensity smoldering from the moment he stepped on the court.
  • Best known Lock Stepper is Fred Barry aka Rerun from the hit 1970s black TV sitcom, What's Happenin '? simplest of daps is to tap closed fists together one time horizontally or vertically. Katie Halper: The Obama Pound: In Historic Moment, White People Exposed to "Fist Bump" for First Time
  • He stepped forward and with one mighty blow of his fist he felled the tree.
  • Mainland Chinese collectors have since stepped in, paying as much as $7.3 million at Christie's for a jadeite bead necklace last summer. The China Factor
  • Hugh drove slowly up to the cookhouse, where Matt had just stepped out onto the porch. DANSVILLE
  • The little kid stepped right in a pile of dog shit.
  • The cops, used to this sort of behavior perhaps, stepped over the doorsill anyway, forcing Cara to step back or get knocked over. Choker
  • But even a good question can be stonewalled or sidestepped.
  • I was driving along the road when a kid suddenly stepped out in front of me.
  • While the Sangh Parivar does not seem to have come to a final decision over whether or not it is anti-national and suicidal to question the police, Arnab Goswami, anchorperson of Times Now television, has stepped up to the plate. Arundhati Roy: 9 Is Not 11
  • In this way the Administration sidestepped both the legislative and judicial branches.
  • Tight, sometimes tiny, stepped lanes weave between old stone houses with painted wooden doors and shuttered windows.
  • He stepped out into the warm air and sat down on the spare plastic seat.
  • Slowly, he heaved himself up on to his feet, and cautiously stepped up to the eyehole once more.
  • It sprayed me with water and I almost stepped on it.
  • Bill stepped into this personalised galaxy aged 13 and hasn't yet emerged.
  • Government officials say they have stepped up security for a Coptic festival that about two million Christians are expected to attend in Luxor, south of Nag Hammadi. Al-Qaida Threatens Christians in Egypt, Elsewhere in Middle East
  • Paints, sealants, and adhesives have stepped into the ecologically aware 21st century too.
  • She stepped out of her coveralls and stuffed them into a washtub to be rinsed off with Davy's discarded caving clothes. THIS TIME LOVE
  • The giant automaton let out its low blat sound as it stepped over Eva and Muthr swinging its long segmented arms. The Search For WondLa
  • Vicki stepped off the overflowing bus with a sigh, the forlorn glaze that had darkened Wil's eyes setting heavy on her heart.
  • He stepped down in 1991 after losing the first multiparty elections held in any of Africa's five Portuguese-speaking nations. Cape Verde's Former President Wins Leadership Prize for a Graceful Exit
  • Ricky stepped forward to the front of the stage and began to sing.
  • I stepped in and soaked my body in the tub, savoring the decadent feeling of the water sloshing around me.
  • This stepped up basis greatly reduced taxes on the sale of inherited property. Christianity Today
  • As he stepped into the cold street he brought up a bellyful of gas. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • The rusty, metal hinges squeaked as he pulled the door open, wincing as it scraped loudly against the stone floor, and stepped inside.
  • She stepped towards the door and in that very same instant, the doorbell rang.
  • As each august eulogizer in turn stepped solemnly to the podium, one large, open-faced fellow in a ski jacket, carrying the Star as well as the Post, loudly asked from his seat a couple of rows behind the family, ‘Who's that?’.
  • He has been stepped up to the Ministry of National Defense.
  • Similar, open-air cinema spaces created a sensational roofscape - with the whole ensemble poised over a stepped podium in sandstone.
  • United stepped up a gear in the second half.
  • Duncan has stepped up his game to a new level and is a model of consistency for the rest of the league.
  • McCain formally stepped down from his own institute in 2005, but he remains deeply linked to the Reform Institute to this day. Aig funds mccain
  • You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms. I can't let you go.Happy Valentine's Day.
  • One by one, red-coated soldiers goose-stepped in.
  • The latest Jacques Brossard was awarded on May 10 to Joël Champetier for his fantasy novel Le Voleur des steppes. Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » Prix Boréal
  • The war on litter louts was stepped up this week as Bradford Council submitted a bid to help keep the city's streets free of chewing gum.
  • His eyes were downcast as he stepped over to unbolt the gate.
  • The driver of the First York route ten bus travelling towards York is believed to have taken evasive action to avoid a girl who stepped out in the road.
  • His shirt was bespattered with blood, and it was this that attracted suspicion to him as he stepped from his car.
  • After humanitarian aid is stepped up, the most important task is re-establishing agriculture, including seed production and irrigation.
  • In newspaper articles she consistently upbraided those in authority who overstepped their limits.
  • A federal appeals court ruled Friday that a Capistrano Valley High School history teacher cannot be sued over classroom comments ridiculing Christianity, but the judges sidestepped the question of whether the remarks were unconstitutional. In 'Jesus Glasses' Case, Court Rules In Teacher's Favor - San Juan Capistrano, CA Patch
  • A sword lanced his side and he stepped back, lashing out weakly. The Hawk Eternal
  • The clan of Kurush Khan, a subchief of one of the more barbarous Hyrkanian tribes from east of the Sea of Vilayet, had been driven westward out of its native steppes by a tribal feud. Conan the Freebooter
  • He has now stepped down from the role of mayor after just over a month in office, but will continue as a Conservative councillor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biggest man, a burly bearded fellow, stepped in front of the others and pointed his loaded crossbow at Tak.
  • The Prince handed his sceptre back to the courtier and stepped down from his throne. KARA KUSH
  • There was a murmured exchange in the chamber, then the door was pushed wide and a lean, dark-visaged man stepped onto the landing followed by a much burlier companion who commanded brusquely, “Allons-y.” A Wicked Gentleman
  • Four years ago, when I first stepped foot on the woodsy acres of Phantom Lake YMCA camp, I had no idea that it would soon become what I consider to be my home.
  • Minnie Driver and Hilary Swank stepped out to the "Conviction" photocall in London on Friday and both ladies chose little black dresses for the occasion .... Minnie Driver & Hilary Swank Both Go Black In London (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • The owners of the store have stepped up customer mailings.
  • The horse stepped out with swift, regular stride, rapidly passing the milestone.
  • Anyone walking along the main atrium hallway towards the temporary exhibition space is confronted by a series of huge steel stepped arches.
  • We stepped into the house and into a narrow entryway, which had a door on either side of it and stairs going to the second floor.
  • The man Paiko had stepped on was bleeding from a bullet wound. A Simple Case
  • John McCain sidestepped the question in Michigan and was just showed his true colors by not responding in St. Louis. McCain Questioned on Iraq Stance - The Caucus Blog -

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