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How To Use Step in In A Sentence

  • These sometimes spectacular occurrences, called calving events, are a key step in the process by which climate change drives sea level rise. EcoEarth.Info Environment RSS Newsfeed
  • he won't step into his father's footsteps
  • This bill is a good step in the Government's commitment towards greater energy efficiency and a sustainable energy future, and I look forward to its passage through the House.
  • Just shy of an hour after I got in, my manager came in and asked me to step into his office when I had a chance.
  • Get step-by-step instructions for building a cross-compiler so that you can build and develop applications for an alternative platform.
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  • Now guys can finally step into luxury with this pair of stylish thong sandals.
  • And what can owners do to ensure the family pet takes each step in their stride? The Sun
  • I've never had any desire to step into the limelight, so climbing on to the stage felt like mounting a scaffold.
  • And someone of considerable power and prestige like himtaking a career-ruiningride on the "anti-lobby" haywagon is the FIRST STEP in getting our government back .... Obama's First Big Mistake on the Job: Rescuing Sen. Joe Lieberman
  • Brown, a captivating and mysterious Midwesterner whose intimate slices of life are as heart-achingly beautiful as she is, will begrudgingly let listeners step into her secret hiding place filled with honest-to-goodness words and music about the human condition. Michael Bialas: Why Pieta Brown Digs the Music of Dylan, Dire Straits and her Dad
  • This is the first time that the use of dressed stone masonry is made, a major step in the evolution of building construction.
  • Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.
  • It fastens to your chest and not only records your heart rate information, but gives you a step-by-step instruction on what to do.
  • In a recent paper, Dr. Dial and a graduate student, Brandon E. Jackson, presented a novel idea about how some dinosaurs used their proto-wings — a possible step in the evolution of flight.
  • The first step in processing the typesetting tape was to find the mapping between the typesetting codes and the special characters.
  • Holmes however was just seen in an exhibition fight, so it might be that the old warhorse will still step in the ring despite what the public would hope.
  • The first step in scientific map-making, all earlier attempts were more enthusiastic than accurate.
  • The integration of reduced sulphur into the amino acid cysteine is a central step in the assimilation of inorganic sulphur.
  • These fondant decorations are easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions.
  • The team had already zeroed in on the Jhdm2a enzyme, showing in a 2007 Nature publication that the Jhdm2a gene is highly expressed in mouse testes and plays an important role in spermiogenesis, the final step in the production of a functional sperm cell. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • For discussions allow passion to subside; and to persuade alienated neighbors, or at least one of them, to listen to the voice of a conciliator, is a step in the direction of peace. Albert Gobat - Nobel Lecture
  • The admission of the Brisbane Bears and the West Coast Eagles into the Victorial Football League was the most significant step in the stuttering progress towards a national competition.
  • If Francis, James, Wells and Scola can fill those needs (and T-Mac's balky back holds up), the Rockets just might be able to take the next step in their quest.
  • This analysis is a first step in reconstructing the details of possible evolutionary relationships among primitive cladid crinoids.
  • Perhaps the jailoress would allow them to step inside away from the crowd and she would explain? Jerry Junior
  • Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
  • Good news ... if you are one of the taxpayers of the City of Aurora who wants to see government spend less, this budget is the first major step in that direction. Archive 2009-11-01
  • THINK - SWIPE - hee-hee, hee-haw ... this would be a big first step in my journey around the neighborhood. Velleite - French Word-A-Day
  • It was she who guided my every step in the working-class movement.
  • The next big step in our effort to conquer space was the launch of the space shuttle in 1981.
  • With the growth of online banking, companies were remitting salaries online and customers were making payments without having to physically step into a bank.
  • So now the next step in what they describe as their calibration procedure, we have Stone down here. Undefined
  • understanding protein folding is the next step in deciphering the genetic code
  • Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
  • Today's hearing was just the first step in the legislative process.
  • No wonder he remained to be a stranger to everyone else for no one dared or risked taking a step into such a place filled with horrors and terrors that only the Shadow Assailant knew of.
  • This won't solve the problem but it's a step in the right direction.
  • When Brayton died in a crash during practice, Ongais was asked by car owner John Menard to step in.
  • It reached a point where one of her Very Important fellow panellists decided to step in. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Because as soon as you step in, you become aware of a huge sea of noise stretching away before you: whispers, murmurs, bangs, shouts, swearing, poems, confessions, exhortations.
  • And our eighth step in the process, again, is formal charge, which we will talk about very soon.
  • Too often, seemingly small and innocuous investments are the first step in a chain of economically dependent investments. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • This paper also describes abstractly distributed multistep intrusion scenario modeling based on BNF.
  • Less and less are we seeing these gleaming muscular models that step into the blocks looking more like bodybuilders than runners, particularly the women!
  • Glad you've enjoyed your stint in fantasyland, my friend, but it's time to take a step into the real world. August 2007
  • The footwear is far from uniform, and it is entertaining to see a couple of 15 year old girls trying to goose-step in platform boots.
  • You hand your quarter, and receiving your pasteboard, step into the store.
  • The first step included putting down a small "stripe" on the specimen as a basecoat before writing, using Paraloid B-72 a general-purpose thermoplastic acrylic resin, which is allowed to dry fully. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It's only a small improvement but at least it's a step in the right direction.
  • I took my first step into the store and cringed at the music that they were playing.
  • The Government deserves our wholehearted support for having taken a step in this direction.
  • So much so that if they can't find a reputable agent to provide a simple service, they may step in themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • In reference to Roger's referenced reference, I'd say that if the librarians didn't give such a "Very" title a coveted award -- triggering an orgy of literary consumption that surely the AVN people would step in and give THEIR award to the film version, thereby triggering SOME sort of orgy. In Bed with WHO?
  • The Clinton administration's regulatory review executive order is a major step in streamling the regulatory process. Npr Monograph 7 Regulatory Systems Part B
  • She had decided not to step into the open, instead remaining where she was to consider what she had just seen.
  • Barley is not liked by everybody; nevertheless, it is an excellent food and its nature is such that even after long cooking it remains so firm as to require thorough mastication, which is the first great step in the digestion of starchy foods. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
  • Traditional models define successful mourning in terms of detachment from the loved one who has died; the ability to cut the strings of grief, and to step into the roles of mothers and fathers vacated by the dead. 2009 March 10 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • The suicidal Beatrice who is now ready to step intentionally in front of an oncoming car picks out a man across the street to focus her resolve.
  • You are also ready to take a bold step into a new working world. The Sun
  • Much of the emphasis in recent cryptological research has been on ways to get by with less randomness, but a recent proposal takes a step in the other direction.
  • You step inside—take in the heavy smell of beer and spilt liquor. Can You Survive The Zombie Apocalypse?
  • With this work, he achieves a rare artistic testimony as well as a new step in the very coherent body of his work.
  • The first step in the strengthening process happens when the other candidates drop out.
  • Once you decide to step in this city, scores of attractions await your encounter.
  • Your first impulse was to step into the fray, select a likely teacher, and present yourself for instruction.
  • Step inside this pretty thatched building in the Yorkshire Dales and take a seat in the candlelit dining room. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore the first step in war will be to get rid of hostile aircraft. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • If Indonesia wants to have an internationally competitive workforce, a major overhaul of its educational system is only the first step in a long process that lies ahead.
  • It's also the next step in your education after A2s, AS Levels, Scottish Highers or other advanced level qualifications.
  • When she emerged - and she never took long, for she wasn't one to dilly-dally - I would step into the hall so that she would see me there waiting and wouldn't be frightened.
  • When they step into the ballot box come election time. The Sun
  • The next step in developing a training program involves the delivery format.
  • He snort an 'yump, an' ron till he step in prairie-dog hole and broke his leg. Going Some
  • The recent free elections mark the next step in the country's progress towards democracy.
  • It is also the first step in what they call pressing the reset button. CNN Transcript Jul 6, 2009
  • Step into these stylish sandals this summer, from thongs to slides, and you'll be turning up the heat with whomever you want.
  • In such a vacuum of political criticism, one might expect national newspaper columnists to step in and make coherent remarks upon government policy.
  • He, having borrowed Victoria's thongs, would have managed with no trouble, but every way I tried to step into my cache-sexe there was one piece of elastic too many.
  • Once the principle of setting up a European Treasury is agreed upon, the European Council could authorize the ECB to step into the breach, indemnifying the ECB in advance against risks to its solvency," he says. European treasury needed to avoid Depression: Soros
  • “Unprecedented mechanism of biochemistry” could be important step in curing disease. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » BIG NEWS ABOUT ALZHEIMER’S OUT OF UT SOUTHWESTERN
  • The new speed limit does not solve the problem, but it is a step in the right direction.
  • I heard a step in the corridor.
  • The next step in the simple linear regression procedure is to determine if the remaining squared error of prediction is acceptable or not.
  • For this he often uses extremely closed and narrow space like a labyrinth that is made with cardboard. It causes an uncanny experience to the audiences who hesitate ones' next step in the dark space.
  • Showboat all you want in baseball, but you've still got to step into the batter's box and hit the damn ball.
  • In the case of a male prostitute, says Benedict, using a condom to reduce the risk of HIV infection "can be a first step in the direction of moralisation, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants". Pope Benedict says that condoms can be used to stop the spread of HIV
  • AET.N), the No. 3 health insurer, told Reuters that Obama's remarks were a "step in the right direction." CEO Ronald Williams also said Aetna would focus on promoting public-private partnerships.
  • The military may step in if the crisis continues.
  • Moreover, a successful biosphere would prove to be an important step in the direction of space colonization, terraforming and remedial ecology.
  • It is a very important step in beginning the basic research that needs to be done before we can approach treatments and cures.
  • Whether this is another ‘mystery’, or just another step in what many see as an inexorable march to the discovery of life or its footprint on Mars is up to you.
  • If you want to take the next step in mastering the new interface, and if you plan to attend SMX Advanced in Seattle, Washington next week, you can learn about the new interface from the people who built it. New Interface Thursdays: Looking back and a chance to meet the team
  • He could, as he acknowledges, step into the breach in an emergency, but adds: ‘It would be a backward step for the manager to bring me in.’
  • Learn how to do the men's traveling spin step in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.
  • I step inside a shop whose grubby windows are filled with LP covers. LOVE YOU MADLY
  • It's ominous from the very beginning, when you step in the role of a pipsqueak teenager as he tries to evade a zombified cop.
  • The initial step in any piece of knitting is to make the first stitch on one needle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being able to stand up and say that domestic abuse is unacceptable is the first step in changing my behaviour.
  • It said the hotline was the first step in its anti-fraud campaign.
  • ‘Oh Sam, stop being such a drama queen,’ Bryant rolled his eyes and moved to push past her to step into the house.
  • A step in temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is smaller than a step on the Centigrade scale.
  • Thickening is the usual first step in sludge disposal processing.
  • The system of Dr. Smith tended to the production of that natural freedom of trade, each step toward which would have been attended with improvement in the condition of the people, and increase in the _power to trade_, thus affording proof conclusive of the soundness of the doctrine; whereas every step in the direction now known as free trade is attended with deterioration of condition, and _increased necessity_ for trade, with _diminished power_ to trade. The slave trade, domestic and foreign Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
  • They have little niggles but people proved today they can step in. The Sun
  • You'll also notice that there are tool buttons (Step over, Step into, and so on) for controlling execution in the Debug view's tool bar.
  • However, if my house were on fire and I could only grab one (gasp, choke, gasp) ONE book - I would not bat an eye nor miss a step in bolting for my Lizzie Borden Past & Present by Leonard Rebello. The Clews List of 10 Best True Crime Books of All Time
  • Although a hierarchic list is artificial and rigid, it is a first step in clarifying areas for future research.
  • Only then will China stop misallocating capital, the first step in creating the kind of balanced growth it says it wants.
  • With a large planchette that makes the board very easy to use, it is the ideal gift for any Buffy fan who has ever wished to dabble in the “dark arts” and take a step into the “supernatural world.” “Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Conversations With Dead People” by Dark Horse Comics (Dark Horse, 2008) « The BookBanter Blog
  • But if it can't meet its liabilities for example, because of bankruptcy other OPOL signatories step in to guarantee the payment of costs of as much as $120 million. Oil-Spill Liability To Rise in U.K.
  • This new drug could be an important step in the fight against cancer.
  • This is where community leaders such chiefs, headmen and indeed agricultural extension officers need to step in and carry out a massive education campaign.
  • The next step in the procedure is to top up an earthen pot with water, preferably from a well.
  • The big thing about that is that it's owned and controlled by Disney, which means that every step in the process is scrupulously controlled, overseen, filed, catalogued, approved, altered, scrapped, rewritten and generally dicked around with. Archive 2010-03-01
  • As if it weren't hard enough to step into the shoes of parenting someone else's child, a step-parent has to contend with centuries of negative literary images.
  • Be careful not to step in the mud.
  • As unpopular as the statistic became, we have always viewed estimates of purchasing power parity (PPP) useful as a first step in gauging a currency's risk. 2005 Investment Outlook
  • The final step in this process is the carving of the decoration (a Lesbian cymatium and several rows of bead-and-reel) onto the new block. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Restoration Report 6
  • Lovers of traditional jazz who want to take another step into the music might want to open their ears to this.
  • But with Everton struggling to sell and Liverpool mired in debt at the moment, a groundshare could be a smart step in the right direction. Soccer Blogs - latest posts
  • After the raw materials have been ground, sifted, dampened, kneaded and formed into clay figures, another step in the process is added: decorative paint from cooked anil. The artesanias of Michoacan - an introduction
  • The next step in the improvement of wines was to determine the amount of acids the must contained, and this problem has also been successfully solved by the invention of the acidimeter: The Cultivation of The Native Grape, and Manufacture of American Wines
  • I agree with Lois - Not only has no poet ever seen the kind of money James Patterson makes, there's also that smarmy tone Amanda Urban uses: when she says "some poet" she makes poets sound like something you step in accidentally on the sidewalk. J.K. Rowling wishes they paid by the word.
  • The police are reluctant to step in.
  • The importance of finding a set of etic dimensions and corresponding and yet valid and reliable measures on which ethnic groups may be compared is stressed by our findings, which may represent a step in this direction.
  • The first step in changing a car tire is to loosen the wheel.
  • The third step in forcing dormancy is to wait three or four days after spraying and completely defoliate the plant by pulling off the leaves.
  • It marks a forward step in human progress.
  • The regulator has had to step in three times during the past fortnight to suspend trading on both Moscow's exchanges.
  • However, the company has begun to affix the markers on a test basis in Japan as the first step in a global roll out, according to a Japanese news report. Honda Looking at Use of Windshield 'Markers'
  • Apart from these inborn defects, deprivation of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) at any time of life interferes with a step in collagen synthesis; the resulting bleeding, bruising, and poor healing are part of the picture of scurvy.
  • The first step in resolving these uncertainties is a national foreclosure moratorium, one that will allow us to gather all of the facts. Ray Brescia: Truth and Consequences: Loans, Lies and Notary Stamps
  • Unlocking the main door, I step in, taking off my shoes, despite the eerie silence, despite the fear caused by the absence of lights in the hall.
  • Step inside. Let's get something to eat.
  • Step Into Liquid is a surfing documentary that offers a satisfactory amount of thrills within a tsunami of platitudes and hyperbole.
  • The next step in the process of education is to get students to see ways to redefine problems in their own life. The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
  • So why step into the limelight now? Times, Sunday Times
  • However, it is also a fundamental step in the transition of tumors from a dormant state to a malignant one.
  • Animal lovers said earlier that the case was a step in the right direction against illegal ownership of endangered animals.
  • Get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life and step into a well-deserved world of relaxation. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, public works employees and clean-water advocates rarely enjoy such a luxury, and recent debate has focused on the final step in sewage processing, chlorine disinfection, which is no longer the foregone conclusion it once was. Chlorine Treatment Seen as Risky
  • Freedom of expression is therefore, one of the very first freedoms to be curtailed when a democracy is being undermined, either as a prelude to a coup d'état or as an early step in the process of gradual tyrannization.
  • Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation. Oscar Wilde 
  • Before reaching the entry point, the intrepid aquanaut, pink with exertion, has to pick his way delicately through a crowd of anglers armed with filleting knives before he can take an elegant step into the water.
  • The first step in management of a possible drug fever is to ensure that there is no superinfection or worsening of tuberculosis.
  • The first step in detonating a thermonuclear weapon is to ignite the high explosive that causes a shock wave to travel inward and compress the nuclear material the explosive surrounds, known as the pit.
  • Californians may choose to take this step on Nov.2, however they also have a proposition on the ballot that would be a step in the other direction.
  • The only misstep in the film is the cinematography, which is fuzzy, often unfocused and fails to take best advantage of the rich natural scenery.
  • According to Libby, the decision to colocate LX, Barclays 'dark liquidity crossing network in a centralized liquidity center like Savvis NJ2 is the first step in a larger collocation strategy. InformationWeek - All Stories And Blogs
  • Roseanne Barr is speaking out on her decision to slip on a wig and mustache and step into the role of psychopathic mass murderer Adolf Hilter in a new spoof photoshoot for Jewish humor magazine Heeb. Roseanne Barr Hitler “Burnt Jew Cookies” Photo Spread Heeb Magazine: The German Issue
  • This step in evolution - the acquisition of stable diploidy - was the second prerequisite for evolution of organismic complexity.
  • Learn how to do the ladies traveling spin step in Paso Doble dancing in this free instructional Spanish dance video.
  • The next step involves devising a three-month programme that is individually tailored to suit your needs. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • Finally, the U.S. must do some housecleaning of its own and start acting as an honest broker in the region: the ongoing congressional investigation into the deals it struck with the Bakiev regime for the use of the airbase is a step in the right direction. Peter Zalmayev: The Cost of Corruption
  • After this lecture was delivered Adams of Mount Wilson reported that in November, 1914, the chief nebular line (5007A) and another prominent nebular line (4363A) had entirely disappeared from the spectrum of Nova Geminorum No. 2, whereas the second nebular line in the green (4959A) remained strong; probably a step in progress from the nebular to the Wolf-Rayet spectrum. The Scientific Monthly, October-December 1915
  • He recovered, but a teammate had to step in for the medal ceremony.
  • Wednesday's election was the first step in a multitiered process that will eventually produce a village committee, which will work with local party secretary Lin Zuluan, the village's former protest leader who was appointed to the position in January. Chinese Village Vote Tests Waters on Reform
  • It was a symbol that Europe had shed its socialistic, sclerotic traditions, and was now matching the United States and Japan step for step in high tech entrepreneurial achievement.
  • Moreover, their posting to Britain was normally only one step in a career that will have taken them to many parts of the empire, including recurrent periods in the imperial capital or with the emperor.
  • Helping them restore physiological functions is the first step in the treatment process.
  • A relatively new drug, atovaquone, which interfered with a different step in P. falciparum metabolism, can be countered by a single amino acid mutation in a protein called cytochrome b.3 The very latest drug, artemisinin, is derived from the Chinese sweet wormwood plant. The Edge of Evolution
  • The Wall Street Journal notes Air France's terse statement calls the bluffs of both Alitalia's combative unions and Mr. Berlusconi, which has repeatedly claimed Italian investors were ready to step in but hasn't identified who those investors are. Pre-Parsing
  • The International Space Station is a real step in that direction, with many nations sharing in an adventure the world can be proud of. R2-D2 in Star Trek? Astronaut To Watch New Star Trek Movie in Space | /Film
  • Building monster high breds that produce 400hp but get “normal” gas milage is not a step in the right direction. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Finally a hybrid I could drive. :)
  • This first step in the enserfment of the American people was taken in envy. How Freedom Was Lost
  • What's notable here is the way that Crowe's step-by-step investigation makes a passionate case for the vitalness of newspaper reporting. NY1 - Top Stories
  • It cannot be made logically or even probabilistically compelling for those who refuse to step into the circle.
  • The email gave explicit, step by step instructions on how to reformat and repartition a hard drive using a series of Boot disks and DOS based commands.
  • The British public's fascination with exotic animals is giving the RSPCA problems ranging from a tank full of terrapins dumped on a doorstep in Rotherham to a Burmese python abandoned in a back yard in Bradford.
  • The services are the next step in "telehealth," or the delivery of health care through the telephone, Web or other telecommunications technologies. Cough, Cough. Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?
  • His appointment as group chief executive of the high street chemist and pharmaceuticals wholesaler was seen as the first step in his rehabilitation after the banking crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign-policy representative, welcomed Tuesday what he described as a crucial step in a "historic process" to bring stability to the troubled Caucasus region. Responses to Turkey-Armenia Pact Point to Hurdles Ahead
  • You prevent disasters, don't wait for them to happen, and then "heroically" step in. Latest Articles
  • Perhaps it's no accident that this morning it announced a "caffeinated" version of its search engine, offering "the first step in a process that will let us push the envelope on size, indexing speed, accuracy, comprehensiveness and other dimensions". The Guardian World News
  • The glass panels step in a sawtooth pattern from east to west, and help articulate the ceiling.
  • The first step in this direction will be by way of discussion with the unions.
  • It's a step in the right direction that they can't hide behind international law.
  • Finding and eliminating breeding places is an important first step in control.
  • The combine reports are the first step in the evaluation process, not the ultimate analysis.
  • Step into any boulangerie, that neighborhood bakery, for the simple snacks, the croissant, brioche and éclairs, the everyday treats, and though simpler indeed they are as elegant and fussy as their more sophisticated siblings. Jamie Schler: When Simple Banana Bread Becomes Exotic (a recipe)
  • Despite what he described as a prosecutorial misstep in the stock fraud case, Christie said Kelley, who had since gone to private practice, was the best qualified lawyer for the monitoring job. Undefined
  • Getting her breathing in some other way would be a major step in her rehabilitation.
  • The military may step in if the crisis continues.
  • The second step in alleviating the POW burden was employing the prisoners as laborers to replace Germans mobilized for the war effort. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • The Vatican has recognized a miracle that she's believed to have performed, a key step in her beatification.
  • Another necessary step involves helping to educate those who are less interested and less likely to make an effort to educate themselves.
  • The merengue, another popular native Puerto Rican dance, is a fast step in which the dancers' hips are in close contact.
  • If she doesn't budge an inch, it may be time to call in the reinforcements (that means ask your parents or school counselors to step in).
  • Best known as a long-haul stopover en route to destinations like Bali and Australia, it is an easy first step into Asia.
  • There are circumstances in which the State must step in to protect children.
  • Many workers feel the change would be a first step in eroding France's social benefits – which include long vacations, contracts that make it hard for employers to lay off workers and a state-subsidized health care system – in favor of "American-style capitalism. France Riots Disrupt Airport Travel In Paris & Beyond
  • The Istanbul meeting was supposed to be another step in a healing process.
  • Each step in biocomputing is relatively simple - any graduate student could do it, Amos admits. The Omega Letter
  • The next step involves the external fitting of the safety, beavertail and mainspring housing.
  • Do you think Federal Government should step in to help Kampung Buah Pala villagers considering the Federal Court's judgement ruled in favour of the developer?
  • But to go from the legal mayhem of rugby union to illegal violence is a small step indeed.
  • The event has long been cast by opponents of President Hamid Karzai as the first step in his attempts to increase his power and perhaps extend his term beyond 2014. News
  • LB Aaron Curry can step in on weakside where Julian Peterson roamed. The rich get richer? NFL draft grades favor the NFC East
  • The presence of McDonald - the so-called brigadier of the South Belfast wing of the loyalist paramilitary group - and other loyalist leaders is considered to be a significant step in building relations with republican and nationalist communities. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Generally, the first step in treatment is to make patients believe that diabetes is a disease that can be effectively controlled. Diabetes 'revolution' is cutting both ways

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