How To Use Stentorian In A Sentence
The window is half open, and the sounds of the street come up, 'baaing' and bellowing and squeaking, the roll of wheels, the tramp of feet, and, more distant, the shouting of an auctioneer in the market-place, whose stentorian tones come round the corner as he puts up rickcloths for sale.
Hodge and His Masters
Switching on his searchlight torch, he bellowed in a stentorian voice.
At that moment a stentorian call pealed above the dismantled camp, and there began a vast surge of the mass of Nakonkirhirinons toward the waiting canoes, a dragging of goods and chattels, a hurry of crying children, a scurrying of squaws.
The Maid of the Whispering Hills
The Narraboth, Sean Panikkar, acquitted himself beautifully, driven half-mad when Salome gets him to violate his commands, and singing well; Richard Berkeley-Steele made an ideally fatuous if half-inaudible Herod; and Doris Soffel was full of rage rather than camp as a stentorian Herodias.
Washington National Opera unveils a lively 'Salome'
He stood a moment silent, and then - ‘I denounce this God-defying murder’, he shouted; and his father, if he must have disclaimed the sentiment, might have owned the stentorian voice with which it was uttered.

These two females did afterwards depone that Mr Willet in his consternation uttered but one word, and called that up the stairs in a stentorian voice, six distinct times.
Barnaby Rudge
It was a privilege to be in thrall to those stentorian tones, liberally laced with puckish humour, which delighted millions of cricket fans for decades, first on television and later on radio's immensely popular Test Match Special.
The theme, an eight-bar structure of stentorian semibreve piano chords, receives six doggedly unvaried statements.
‘It's Superman’ became a catchphrase for two generations of listeners and his stentorian delivery was much mimicked.
Like a performance artist, Keyes riled the crowd up, mixing animadversions on constitutional law with sudden, stentorian salvos against judges.
A stentorian voice told viewers that only George Bush's robust approach could protect them.
How do you like London?" said a loud voice, in the tones that are sometimes called stentorian, and Patty suddenly realised that her host was addressing her.
Patty's Friends
Emotion is enhanced or deflated depending on what happens to be on the air, whether it's the sexy beat of the Rolling Stones or the stentorian drone of an announcer.
Just one moment," called a stentorian voice in the gallery.
The Landloper
His stentorian approach and his commanding presence have been influential on the good order of the Assembly.
Until the government piled on its pressure, the greatest deterrent to seeking preventive healthcare was the stentorian voice on the other end of the telephone telling a would-be patient that no doctor was available until a week on Friday.
Ahoy there, forrad!" he shouted in stentorian tones that rang fore and aft like a trumpet.
The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
Speak softly; you don't need a stentorian voice to be heard in this small room.
No 2 is a four-movement single span issuing in a stentorian presto veloce.
Times, Sunday Times
How many times did one hear the indignant, stentorian tones of some elderly lady or gentleman exclaiming, ‘No civic sense!’
I turn towards the direction of the stentorian voice.
He then led us through a narrow, dark alley underneath a house, where I dismounted, as a lama called out in stentorian voice,
With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
His face blazed with wrath, and he shouted in stentorian tones that echoed down the universe, "I shall deduct the cost of those cuffs from your wages!
Chapter 25
Anyway, today there was indeed one such person in the cafe, and the abrupt shift between bovine inaction and sudden stentorian animation was particularly marked.
His father's voice, when it came, was not its usual stentorian self; no bark, no bite.
‘So, how's it going?’ he said, his voice so stentorian, so loud, that I wondered if he presumed I was deaf.
His Orestes is a confused, grandstanding jock, intoning his lines with stentorian plangency.
He conformed to the social atmosphere of the time, and his standard English stentorian tones are probably the result.
The theme, an eight-bar structure of stentorian semibreve piano chords, receives six doggedly unvaried statements.
Saratoga with his shrill whistle and stentorian voice called his dauntless braves where the fight was thickest!
History of the United States, Volume 2 (of 6)
Standing up to unpardonable abuse, the stentorian voice still comes back fresh and bright for ballad renditions.
Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and a voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all: "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed".
Founder Of Group Palin Courted Professed "Hatred For The American Government"; Cursed "Damn Flag"
At length poor Mrs. Camford uttered a faint cry, which called Thisbe's attention back to the spot from whence it never should have strayed, -- her mistress 'cushioned chair, -- and she rushed in a sort of frenzy for the nerve-reviver, and applied it to the trembling lady's nostrils; whereupon that delicately-constituted specimen of the genus feminine uttered a stentorian shriek and flounced about the room like an irate porcupine, greatly to the terror of Alice, who had never witnessed such a scene before.
Eventide A Series of Tales and Poems
Meanwhile, as the heavens darkened, the seas began to boil, and the voice tore through the clouds shouting, in deep, stentorian tones to one and all "It was a Mistake!", campaign offices described themselves as "unperturbed".
The Palin Meltdown in Slo-Mo
When I asked Zhao Yao whether his life was different now, he began in stentorian tones — “The impact of my involvement in the show has been profound” — and then started laughing and said, “I am taking the tone promoted by the show, enthusiastic and assertive!”
Win in China!
‘Just so people understand, this is an ear candle,’ says Ames, in a stentorian deadpan that indeed suggests clogged ears.
With his stentorian voice, he regaled his audience with his good humour and reminiscences of his days in sports.
In his stentorian voice, he told me a lot about Connolly, unexceptionable stuff, most of which I already knew.
Mr. Licitra is a protégé of one of the exemplary postwar Verdi stylists, Carlo Bergonzi, and he has that great tenor's unforced elegance of line, command of mezza voce and the capacity to adjust the timbre of his voice to suit the requisite emotion, from a stentorian, almost baritone thickness that promises a great Otello one day, to the reedy plaintiveness of La Traviata 's Alfredo.
Is Licitra Tomorrow's Tenor? The Heir Apparent Appraised
The next thing I knew stentorian voices were to be heard outside, accompanied by high-powered torch beams piercing the shrubbery.
Asking for a recount in these large, Democrat-dominated counties left the Gore team fatally vulnerable to the charge that they wanted not all votes counted, as Gore kept claiming in his stentorian tones, but only all Gore votes.
So I pull out yards and yards of elodea, and along with it snails and daphnia and copepods and stentorians and paramecia.
Late November
BURGLARY! in stentorian tones every time a cat crosses the yard.
I walk where the bottles break and the blacktop still comes back for more
She smiled kindly and then paced, taking on a stentorian air, as if she were the stiffest of schoolmarms.
Thomas Russell might as well have sent along a town crier to announce in stentorian tones that the messenger was from him.
The sophisticated, almost stentorian tone of her voice skyrockets by at least two octaves and the gamine pixie we all fell in love with is snapping my picture.
Whether Nixon was entirely serious or merely trying to unsettle Kissinger is not altogether clear and, in his thickly stentorian voice, Kissinger replied: ‘That, I think, would just be too much.’
When, therefore, he was exhorted to rap on the little girl's door, he gave sundry noisy, gleeful thumps, – pounding with both fists, and alternating with a rhythmical kick of the cowhide boots, calling out in stentorian tones: Come, little un, – time you 's up.
Oldtown Folks
Lock the door to mom’s basement, firmly grasp your testicles, and feel them grow as you recite it out loud in stentorian tones.
…Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, and Thrifty…
In 3-D, Dolby 0.5 and 24 MP; on furious faces and hateful placards, in frustrated screams plus shallow stentorian hate mongers/hucksters/rainmakers/preying mantises up close and personal.
Jane-Howard Hammerstein: "You Can't Handle the Truth" ... Col. Jessup (a/k/a Jack Nicholson)
So I pull out yards and yards of elodea, and along with it snails and daphnia and copepods and stentorians and paramecia.
Archive 2008-11-01