
How To Use Steely In A Sentence

  • Considering his height, then the steely look and his rough voice, both of which reminded me a lot of Carey, he was a rather intimidating person, even to me.
  • He had steely blue eyes and almost perfect tanned skin.
  • She is fearsome and patrician, with steely grey hair and rock-solid ideals. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a steely-eyed seriousness about comedy, and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for all his reputation as a pragmatist, there's a steely and obdurate side to him that comes to the surface every so often.
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  • Weigh this ring in the small steelyard.
  • Beneath that warm exterior, she had a steely glint in her eye. The Sun
  • He entered with the trained dignity of a nobleman and met the duke's steely gaze.
  • Fighter reconnaissance pilots possess steely resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically, he is applying the steely determination of a former marine to the job of going all new age. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every candidate has displayed a steely determination to succeed.
  • Suddenly England were meeting the steely Outback gaze without a flinch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically, he is applying the steely determination of a former marine to the job of going all new age. Times, Sunday Times
  • They saw the potential in those steely blue eyes and asked her to join them.
  • As he speaks, he fixes you with a steely gaze. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suspect they'll be unrecognisable after eight episodes, these guys: unflappable, tough and steely-eyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • She will destroy him with one steely glare. The Sun
  • In his later comments on the Marx Brothers, he vacillated between generosity and steely contempt.
  • The Hong Kong of the movie is full of deep blues and steely greys, a dirty jewel on the water.
  • Every word was jacketed with a steely promise and the hard in his eye was more than even the old man cared to face.
  • These patents were for a steelyard, a candlestick, the anglet, a mason's hoist for bricks and mortar, and a balance (scale).
  • His face was implacable and the steely blue eyes had no sparkle. Times, Sunday Times
  • But her casual appearance belies a steely core of ambition and determination.
  • Then there is the voice: a steely vibrato quivering with controlled emotion and perhaps something else. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was a steely gray specimen of the mineral hematite which, like many other stones, has a tradition of healing and additional magical influences.
  • But he managed to work his way out of the gutter, emerging as a celebrated artist with a steely determination to succeed.
  • He hardly exudes confidence, but there is something steely and assured behind his quiet, shy manner.
  • In steelyard hook alley, golden shuttle mother - in - law should push first.
  • By the time he was 25, he was square-jawed and steely-eyed, full of unrepentant rage and muscle. Globe and Mail
  • The color is steely blue gray, as if all the red and yellow was rinsed from the negative.
  • With Friday's League clash at Carlisle looming large, City chief Dolan is looking for steely determination to pull York out of a rut.
  • In terrific clips, we see the scampish gleam of mischief that shot out of Atwater's steely eyes, giving him the look of a honky-tonk Daniel Craig. Brad Listi: Politics as Bloodsport: A Conversation with Stefan Forbes, Director of Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
  • I love it for its leaves, a steely grey blue warmed with a blush of burgundy.
  • The niceties gave way to steely-eyed focus and thrilling adventure built on absolute confidence.
  • Howard Saddler plays Cassius with steely determination(sentence dictionary), persuasive in his arguments that initially draw Brutus into the conspiracy.
  • It was a steely-eyed performance. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is one steely-eyed, methodical visionary blessed with an ethereal level of confidence and persistence. Times, Sunday Times
  • But behind the image of the dutiful wife and mother is a steely political operative who has seized control of the campaign at a vital juncture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though he was little taller than herself, she was conscious suddenly of how thick and steely he was beneath his dapper garments, and of a kind of snaky will-power in his face. Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
  • He was met with a steely glare and a stern reply: ‘Do you think popping a balloon is funny?’
  • A steely glint appears in her eyes and a thin smile flickers at the corners of her mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, his steely blue eyes did have a certain menace about them.
  • And if this is a trendsetter, our action sequences are not going to have beefy people flexing their muscles or lean and steely acrobats performing somersaults anymore.
  • Louis has a fragile quality combined with a steely determination.
  • He has a steely stare, a brassy attitude and an iron constitution.
  • Greta Garbo played tragic lovers, exotic temptresses and steely heroines, anchoring many mediocre melodramas and haughty period pieces like a pro.
  • Remove your hands, barbarian!" squealed the bursar, struggling to free himself from the steely grasp. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Her delivery, too, is eerily good – a show of demure solicitude, invariably overtaken by steely, wild-eyed stridency. The Iron Lady: first screening
  • She is wonderful as the steely-eyed anti-heroine.
  • A steely glint appears in her eyes and a thin smile flickers at the corners of her mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • But anyone who believes he was a puppet or a yes-man has never had to meet his steely glare or attempt to win an argument with him.
  • steely eyes
  • The steely blue is another dark lure colour, something like the black or the reds, which have always been top catchers.
  • As for the Old Vic material, it's in jarring contrast to the steely professional polish that characterised Who's Next.
  • From such a steely egotist one can expect little else.
  • In fact the players are leaping out of their skins in training, and there's a very steely resolve to do down the odds and bring about what most neutrals would consider to be a fairly major championship shock on Sunday week.
  • He had a steely streak but his morals and scruples were beyond reproach.
  • Aislinn froze as his steely gray eyes pierced her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • But behind the image of the dutiful wife and mother is a steely political operative who has seized control of the campaign at a vital juncture. Times, Sunday Times
  • She couldn't have been more than twenty-three or -four, but she had all the steely intransigence of the Brigade of Guards. DEAD BEAT
  • His infectious humour belied a steely resolve to get the job done and the mix of the two brought out the best in his players.
  • The play's gaze is sensitive, steely and relentless, never in any way condoning but, rivetingly, refusing to condemn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their indecision has been replaced by confidence and steely determination.
  • His quiet-spoken manner hides a steely determination for domination in movie making.
  • James' dark brown eyes were no longer sparkling with happiness and cheer but instead steely and hard.
  • When we reach the waterline, the full moon has risen, casting steely light over the boulders that Graham has strategically positioned along the shore.
  • Marse Adam pull out a big flat black pocket-book and gived me a shinplaster, and say: 'Jesse, ever time your basket h'ist de beam of de steelyards to 100, you gits a shinplaster.' Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves South Carolina Narratives, Part 4
  • Yet his steely determination may be enough to see his side through to their dream. Times, Sunday Times
  • They started gabbling in some foreign eastern European tongue and shot me intermittent daggers from their steely blue eyes.
  • But he could also be steely, as in his confrontation with the air traffic controllers who were on strike, or in hitting Lybia's Qaddaffi hard in the Gulf of Sidra affair.
  • Asked if he plans to quit, he brushed off the suggestion with a steely gaze. The Sun
  • The proprietress smiled a steely smile, and ushered them into the car. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Put her on a track and there is a steely determination that has the rest chasing her shadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Edmondson missed last Saturday's 4-0 drubbing at Cardiff with a calf-strain and his steely determination was sorely missed by City.
  • He earned a reputation as having a steely eye for controlling costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can build good working relationships and also have a steely determination to succeed. The Sun
  • Steely product basically has the distinction of hot - working and cold working.
  • The chief executive has a steely blue-eyed gaze and a reputation for doing things his own way. Times, Sunday Times
  • No detectable makeup clutters a face that can go steely with the certainty of design convictions.
  • For all these reasons, stone carving tends to be the occupation of those with steely eyes for the far future. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses effects to create upsetting organic images a la David Fincher, though where Fincher uses dirty yellows and negative bleeds, Cunningham uses steely grays and lens flares.
  • Despite the years of torment, she has a steely determination to see justice done for her beloved daughter, and she is not going to give up now.
  • He was a steely fellow, a man with a gentle Southern accent and an unyielding faith in discipline.
  • Any banker will tell you that a successful takeover requires stealth, meticulous planning and steely determination. Times, Sunday Times
  • She said with a steely glint in her eye that she was looking forward to it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her steely fagade was cracking just like the paint on the medallioned ceiling. Once An Angel
  • But steely determination saw him back in training at the end of February.
  • But those who know the steely master baker were far from surprised. The Sun
  • The tone was humility and a steely determination to finish the job. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, as I was watching this deep dive into self-referential reporting in Tripoli, I thought about Bill Gentile, the steely Newsweek photographer I knew in El Salvador, captured in Peru by the Shining Path, the bloodiest and most savage and anarchical guerilla group in the history of Latin America. Phil Bronstein: Should Journalists Get Out of the News?
  • Aislinn froze as his steely gray eyes pierced her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The captain, his eyes becoming steely, his gaze carefully directed ahead, stood silent a long moment, his jaw muscles bunching.
  • Then there is the voice: a steely vibrato quivering with controlled emotion and perhaps something else. Times, Sunday Times
  • If playing Ensign Ro Laren in Star Trek had already cemented her place within that community, then joining Battlestar Galactica as the steely Admiral Helena Cain – complete with a complicated sapphic storyline featuring an undercover Cylon agent – sent her popularity through the roof. The Killing star Michelle Forbes: why I avoided watching Forbrydelsen
  • Schick stayed in the pick-up, boots on the dash, Steely Dan tape raking through the cab. WHITE LIES
  • Her anger flared, fueled by an injured heart eyes turning steely gray blue.
  • ‘How is Ms Sinclair?’ she asked with a steely undernote that should have abashed him. The Rich Man's Royal Mistress
  • Few fish can be mistaken for the steely grey bullish looking bass.
  • I also remembered that summer he bilked me out of fifty cents with the assurance that he had developed invisible arm bands that would shoot out steely webs just like Spiderman.
  • She will destroy him with one steely glare. The Sun
  • You can build good working relationships and also have a steely determination to succeed. The Sun
  • Nick said only to be cut off as the truck shot to a quick stop when a huge-pitch black tentacle shot up out of the ground and held the trucks undercarriage in it's steely grip.
  • There was always the threat of an end-of-summer downpour from the steely-grey clouds above, but none came.
  • Fraser moves convincingly from his zealous naif to more steely operator convincing himself of his mission's objectives.
  • But a moment later I feel the prickle of seven steely glances boring into the nape of my neck.
  • Kiv asked her quietly, but in a steely tone of someone who is determined to achieve their goal.
  • Mrs Tutty put her aunt's old age down to her steely determination.
  • There are few writers currently at work who display such steely control of their material, such seemingly effortless range and variety.
  • As I drew back the curtains one winter morning, it was no great surprise to see the sky filled with steely grey clouds. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • Though professionally chummy she is personally steely, a shrewd operator with no qualms about tough questions and drawing blood.
  • It was that Bengal tiger of a ballerina, Sofiane Sylve, stalking onstage on steely pointes, as if France itself had come to explicate this most elusive of texts.
  • His affable grin becomes a steely glare. Times, Sunday Times
  • But on the other hand, he’s a steely-hearted businessman–totally focused. Fortune’s Fool
  • Within football, this steely focus and self-confidence is well known and noted all the more for his reserved manner off the pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The figurine could have been cast from a clay mould made with a bronze fitting of a jug handle or a steelyard weight.
  • The story is largely seen in flickering circles of light and specific scenes are tinted using intense bubblegum pink and steely blue.
  • As if a swirling combination of rage, sympathy, and steely determination made it hard for him to formulate his sentences.
  • From his first appearance, Waugh wore the air of the silent but deadly gunslinger, a steely-eyed, cold-hearted winner.
  • Carrie turned to me with an expectant look on her face, her steely blue eyes looking directly at me.
  • Steely, muscular and intense, this is a brooding wine with a palate of strawberries and a rich finish.
  • The younger, nervier of the two, Danny defers to the more experienced Vic, who acts with a steely conviction. Irish Blogs
  • But behind the smiles there's also a steely glint of resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kurt gave Rick a steely-eyed glare.
  • Yet the occasional nerviness belies some steely self-belief. Curtis Sittenfeld: 'American Wife is the opposite of satire'
  • Glaswegian is not one to be blinded by the demands of history or by his role as leader of a steely new generation of British swimmers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr Henig has suggested that the figurine could have been cast from a clay mould made with a bronze fitting of a jug handle or a steelyard weight.
  • Tim McInnerny is a calculating Judge Brack, a closet letch, who sees through Hedda's steely veener, while Colin Tierney as the relapsing alcoholic writer, Loevborg, still under Hedda's spell, plays his vulnerability subtly. Adrian Noble's 'Hedda Gabler' Rises to the Challenge
  • A growling voice comes from deep behind the mask, the steely blue eyes fixing on me. Times, Sunday Times
  • A steely determination came over me to earn back all that money from the joint account. The Sun
  • I was scared because she's quite steely-eyed. The Sun
  • Her steely fagade was cracking just like the paint on the medallioned ceiling. Once An Angel
  • Snow — warm but steely, blue-rinsed, with a weakness for martinis (a weakness that in the end proved tragic) — orchestrated this and the other transformations that made “the Bazaar” (as she called it) under her tenure, from 1933 through 1957, into what is widely considered the finest and most innovative fashion magazine in history. Chairs, Rag Mags, Indian Wars
  • Shot from behind and from the side, Auteuil gives a steely performance, registering the turmoil of this deeply false character in tiny eye movements and through herky-jerky body language.
  • His affable grin becomes a steely glare. Times, Sunday Times
  • No wonder there is usually a glint of steely wariness in their eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few rays of sunlight fell on the island, but most of it was dim and the water was a steely blue.
  • Lopate has spent nearly six decades living in that vortex and grappling with its contradictions by cultivating an essayistic style that's lyrical and historical, elegiac and pragmatic, steely and serene, affable and brash.
  • The new manager remained straightbacked and steely-eyed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The patented invention for which he is best known, and which was the basis for his success as a manufacturer, was for the steelyard (a weighing device), which bears his name.
  • The hair used to conform to the colour code but it has broken out in steely grey.
  • But behind the smiles there's also a steely glint of resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • They played with invention and verve allied to common sense and steely determination on Saturday evening.
  • Moss recently had to catch and tranquilize a female hippo who had unwittingly escaped from her steely enclosure late one night and had the run of the zoo.
  • But his hostility to the devil is implacable, utter, and steely.
  • This was a steely gray specimen of the mineral hematite which, like many other stones, has a tradition of healing and additional magical influences.
  • His outer demeanour belies a steely resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it also requires steely-eyed determination. Times, Sunday Times
  • When Coriolanus does speak, it is often with an austere, minimally syllabled, and steely precision.
  • Grinning insinuatingly at me, one of them picked up a small stone and heaved it out across the steely surface. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • She said with a steely glint in her eye that she was looking forward to it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the forthright honesty and steely lucidity of his voice in these interviews, his impatience with cant and pious waffle, also bear witness to the virtues of that rationality.
  • He's got a beady eye and a steely will. The Sun
  • Here, however, I've got no complaint, thanks to the mad Steely and Clevie dub on the B-side.
  • In steelyard hook alley, golden shuttle mother - in - law should push first.
  • The magnificent January King has steely blue leaves and a tight head tinged with mauve.
  • English coaches really have to have a steely resolve because the press are tougher with us. Times, Sunday Times
  • It shows a steely-eyed fighter pilot climbing into his Spitfire to do battle against the Luftwaffe.
  • And he is fast gaining a reputation for his dazzling hand with a cue and a steely resolve to win. The Sun
  • Then there is the voice: a steely vibrato quivering with controlled emotion and perhaps something else. Times, Sunday Times
  • His intense gaze was directed at her, steely blue orbs engaging her brown.
  • Shape and texture terms tend to be applied to wines with a high degree of acidity, as angular, austere, flinty, steely.
  • It appears that when inexperienced administration officials faced BP's steely-eyed negotiators on this issue, they were buffaloed into shutting in the well without measuring the flow. Robert L. Cavnar: BP Wins: EPA Will Agree to Cut Oil Spill Estimate
  • Moss recently had to catch and tranquilize a female hippo who had unwittingly escaped from her steely enclosure late one night and had the run of the zoo.
  • Except this time, the competition does not involve steely shots on the fairways, but nerves of steel on the property market.
  • The niceties gave way to steely-eyed focus and thrilling adventure built on absolute confidence.
  • Dudley played with a steely determination, still believing a win could keep alive their desperate relegation struggle.
  • Beneath that warm exterior, she had a steely glint in her eye. The Sun
  • His outer demeanour belies a steely resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Twice did the heavy claymore of Wallace strike fire from the steely helmet of the monarch; but at the third stroke the glittering diadem fell in shivers to the ground, and the royal blood of Edward followed the blow. The Scottish Chiefs
  • Aislinn froze as his steely gray eyes pierced her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Aislinn froze as his steely gray eyes pierced her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The truth is that beneath the chirpy, seemingly carefree exterior lies a steely determination to succeed.
  • Yet beneath this sweet exterior I suspect there's a core of steely determination.
  • The man, with slightly gray hair, bald on the top of the head, and steely gray eyes, was wearing an expensive suit.
  • ‘I didn't want to go back a loser,’ he said with that steely determination that separates the survivors from the quitters.
  • And if this is a trendsetter, our action sequences are not going to have beefy people flexing their muscles or lean and steely acrobats performing somersaults anymore.
  • His eyes, which are palest aquamarine, are steely, his nose is strong, and he smells all clean and peppery.
  • The child's steely blue eyes, chiselled features and surprisingly strong screen presence will no doubt propel him to many future cinematic roles.
  • I saw the determined, steely eyes of a man with something to prove, in fact everything to prove.
  • See for yourself by tucking into this gorgeous, fat, ripe, spicy, steely, yet honied, stone-fruit-charged delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has what writers of romantic fiction would call smouldering good looks combined with a steely personality that warns you not to get too close. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath that warm exterior, she had a steely glint in her eye. The Sun
  • Deadpan humour abounds and the curmudgeonly Fin has a whole repertoire of exasperated sighs and steely stares as he attempts to bite the hand of friendship.
  • But when she dances, it's her steely technical strength wrapped in luscious lyricism that speaks so eloquently.
  • Here Engel's steely touch yet emotional warmth were ideally channelled.
  • The child's steely blue eyes, chiselled features and surprisingly strong screen presence will no doubt propel him to many future cinematic roles.
  • - Showbiz Spy cddl Steely Dan-Showbiz Kids - The Steely Dan Story Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Steely product basically has the distinction of hot - working and cold working.
  • The sovereign brilliancy of Sirius pierced the eye with a steely glitter, the star called Capella was yellow, Aldebaran and Betelgueux shone with a fiery red. Far from the Madding Crowd
  • A steely glint appears in her eyes and a thin smile flickers at the corners of her mouth. Times, Sunday Times
  • To do so he has had to show steely determination to keep his racing weight down. The Sun
  • Within football, this steely focus and self-confidence is well known and noted all the more for his reserved manner off the pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all her girlishness, she's a steely businesswoman and a self-confessed workaholic.
  • The story is largely seen in flickering circles of light and specific scenes are tinted using intense bubblegum pink and steely blue.
  • But this is a steely-eyed banzai extravaganza. The Sun
  • Howard Saddler plays Cassius with steely determination, persuasive in his arguments that initially draw Brutus into the conspiracy.
  • Her eyes were a sharp, steely blue and her black hair was usually tied back into a severe bun.
  • Mr. Martino's is one of a dozen such services thriving on Calabrian mothers' steely determination: to cater, literally, to their far-flung adult children. Italian Mammas Put Meals on Wheels, Say 'Mangia!' to Faraway Offspring
  • No wonder there is usually a glint of steely wariness in their eyes. Times, Sunday Times
  • That's the kind of steely determination which has become a feature of the side and which will again stand them in good stead on Sunday.

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