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How To Use Statutory In A Sentence

  • Statutory rape laws were first enacted to protect minors from older predators.
  • The claim was for breach of statutory duty and negligence.
  • The statutory powers will enable local authorities to seal off areas under their jurisdiction to prevent the disease spreading.
  • That being the case, it is inconceivable to me that an accused cannot raise, by way of prerogative writ, the issue of the statutory validity of service before a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • In return for a bail-out of the currency, it would deflate the economy, impose a statutory incomes policy, and maintain a military presence East of Suez.
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  • The Financial Services Authority has a statutory remit to coax punters into greater awareness about husbanding their dosh.
  • Their statutory purpose was as part of the armoury available to the Home Secretary for the enforcement of immigration control. Times, Sunday Times
  • The claimant is the local planning authority, having statutory powers of enforcement in connection with Kings Farm.
  • Simply implementing the Directive by means of a statutory instrument would result in yet another regime relating solely to consumer contracts.
  • Thus statutory removal of children was perceived as exceptional, and good practice aimed at minimizing it.
  • This then is the context within which statutory rules and cases on adverse possession must be seen.
  • It is submitted that Mr Podger and his ancestors have had grazing rights as a statutory commoner of the 5,000 acres at the Curragh.
  • Do be aware that a lease will have important statutory rights only if it was originally granted for more than 21 years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everybody, but especially people with a mental disorder, needs expert legal advice when faced with statutory confinement.
  • We had a statutory duty to report to Parliament.
  • In addition to any statutory rights of appeal, there may be a right to invoke the inherent supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court.
  • A degree of statutory definition has been enacted in the past, without any noticeable subsequent insuperable or oppressive difficulties.
  • The reason there are prosecutions proceeding is that the statutory checks and controls on that situation cannot be exercised.
  • Everybody, but especially people with a mental disorder, needs expert legal advice when faced with statutory confinement.
  • 101.6 The term "subcontract" means any agreement of any kind (whether in the form of a letter of intent, purchase order, or otherwise) pursuant to which work, supplies, or services required for the performance of a prime contractor were furnished by a subcontractor (including a materialman) to a prime contractor of higher tier subcontractor of any agency at any time during the statutory period. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9786
  • The government could put it on a statutory footing as a result. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was said in the face of a statutory prohibition on commenting on the fact that the accused did not give sworn evidence.
  • Greenpeace claim that the Authority is failing in its statutory duty to gather the necessary evidence to enforce the law.
  • On two separate but very well publicized occasions Errol Flynn was accused of statutory rape.
  • This is a sneak attack, a rearguard action by those who still want to see statutory control of the press. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regarding any possible future disclosure of the applicant's caution data, there now existed a statutory framework in place for disclosure of criminal record information to prospective employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, both the statutory construction of the company and the Caparo judgment embody a principle which should endure.
  • Clearly certain areas - eg animal houses - may have statutory lighting levels.
  • I hereby attach a statutory declaration in support of the objection ( see note 10 ).
  • It is not acceptable to announce repeatedly to the world that we don't torture, that we abide by all our treaty obligations, and that we treat detainees "humanely" -- only to engage in secret waterboarding and hypothermia, based on equally secret legal determinations that construe the words "torture" and "humane" in an Orwellian fashion, that diminish treaty obligations down to nothing, and that assert a right of the President to ignore all statutory limits. Balkinization
  • The statutory meaning of notice to quit covers a notice exercising a break clause and clearly contemplates that a fixed term tenancy determinable by such a notice is still a ‘term of years certain’.
  • Undoubtedly Ronald Dworkin will want to correct what seems like a clear error when he writes, "Only the most naïve theories of statutory construction could argue that such a result [forbidding action such as that taken by the University of California, Davis Medical School] is required by… the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Bakke Case: An Exchange
  • The regulatory and statutory requirement to report adverse patient experiences has always been resisted.
  • This does not affect your statutory rights. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authority failed to carry out its statutory duties.
  • Statutory agencies can encourage the establishment of local ethnically focused voluntary organizations by targeting specific grant aid.
  • He said: ‘The application is subject to the consultation procedures of the Environment Agency's Substitute Fuels Protocol and will involve the local Primary Care Trust which is a statutory consultee under the regulations.’
  • The House held that the discretion, being a discretion conferred by statute, must be exercised in accordance with the statutory intention.
  • He must adduce sufficient evidence to satisfy the statutory criteria for the making of a particular order.
  • The author proposed that the crime of illegal medical practice also an non - statutory offence to intent.
  • The statutory assignment has the advantage of enabling the purchaser to enforce the contracts directly against the supplier rather than through the vendor.
  • Assessors do this all the time, if not always with absolute precision, at least well enough to meet normal statutory requirements.
  • This is largely a self-regulating body and was set up as an alternative to Parliament's providing statutory regulations.
  • The Judge said she had, in the absence of any statutory definition, consulted several dictionaries for a definition of the word record.
  • The scrapped scheme, which entitled eligible residents to travel on numerous modes of transport, was replaced last year by a statutory half-fare bus pass.
  • But, again, the argument is sliding between considerations of a statutory concept, citizenship, and considerations of a constitutional concept, alienage.
  • Despite the conclusions of other courts, the district court determined that, given those statutory construction arguments and the rule of lenity (since the CFAA is also a criminal statute), “authorization” is not exceeded just because the employee breaches her duty of loyalty to an employer. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Separate from the Banking Codes is the statutory Financial Services Ombudsman Service, encompassing eight previous private and public ombudsmen within the financial services sector.
  • Any guarantee is in addition to your statutory rights; it does not replace them. Times, Sunday Times
  • He emphasises that the statutory offence requires a deliberate intentional act.
  • The statutory amendment does not alter a disposition which was valid under the common law rules.
  • It could be argued that this is far more likely to occur to a self-regulatory body than to a statutory body.
  • The event was attended by volunteers and staff from projects in the midlands as well as statutory and development agencies.
  • The new statutory duty should not apply to universities and they should be exempt, as proposed for the security services and judicial bodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • We also update the statutory bodies on aspects of the illness and its management.
  • The collegial and statutory mechanisms need a public-private partnership, perhaps similar to the National Quality Forum in the United States, to bring clarity, consistency, and transparency to external assessment in Britain.
  • She submits, however, that the Board did not err in law, because it made a specific finding of incapacity based on the statutory test.
  • It has also been held that non-statutory government advisory panels are subject to judicial review.
  • Everybody, but especially people with a mental disorder, needs expert legal advice when faced with statutory confinement.
  • They would not, because there are statutory limits under the schedule to that Act.
  • The Government plans to remove the statutory barrier to the formation of partnerships between solicitors and non-solicitors.
  • statutory matters
  • However the ITC does not have a statutory locus to intervene in editorial judgments of this nature.
  • It acts as a statutory consultee for the Assembly Government and Powys County The Bishop become the CEO
  • Finally, acceptance of GE's interpretation would give rise to an inconsistency between Alberta and Ontario statutory registration procedures and potentially create a renvoi.
  • So in the United Kingdom that has been the position by reason of statutory enactment for some time.
  • Organised at state level, the Guard is composed of part-timers who undergo a statutory period of training with the regular Army.
  • In all those cases the omission relied on is failure on the part of the defendant to exercise its statutory powers.
  • Petroplus plans to meet with statutory consultees, like the county council, and Countryside Council for Wales, early in the new year about a possible ‘scoping’ document for a full-blown power station.
  • If the bureau cannot offer direct help and advice, they can signpost people to the relevant statutory or specialist bodies to offer assistance.
  • If it is quashed, the matter will fall to be redetermined under the new statutory appeals procedure.
  • Before considering any of the decided cases, we must set out the relevant statutory code.
  • This can be seen if one looks at cases in which a public authority has been under a statutory or common law duty to provide a service or other benefit for the public or a section of the public.
  • It has been recognized that case law is the dominant source of Anglo-American legal system. So, the adoption between case law and statutory law becomes the distinctive watershed of two legal systems.
  • Unlike medicine, nursing and osteopathy, there is no statutory regulation of homeopaths.
  • The new statutory life sentence had not replaced the sentence of imprisonment for public protection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The planners are failing to meet their statutory duty to protect biodiversity. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also lobby statutory agencies, county councils and voluntary organisations.
  • That, in my view, is an improper construction of the provision, and is is inconsistent with the broad statutory language.
  • A party to an action, or statutory agent may appoint one or two persons to act as his agents ad litem .
  • However, there's also a statutory defence for the defence to show that they had a reasonable excuse for failing to turn up.
  • The practical effect of this change is that an employee has the statutory right to request flexible working for any reason at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Statutory presumptions placing an evidential burden on the accused do not breach the presumption of innocence.
  • It is part of the purpose in having a self-regulatory system that it should ward off statutory regulation, with its possible implications for the freedom of the press.
  • They jointly chose to ignore their employer's orders and statutory safety regulations, by testing detonators without taking shelter.
  • Enforcement following assignment of the reversion Liability of T towards L2 and vice-versa rests upon a statutory basis.
  • The new statutory life sentence had not replaced the sentence of imprisonment for public protection. Times, Sunday Times
  • It details the statutory duties of various public functionaries while prescribing the procedures to be adopted for the timely collection and preservation of vital pieces of evidence.
  • The day I saw it, at close quarters, it was perfect - dense, even, verdant grass, not a mark on it apart from the statutory white ones.
  • It would also be useful to find out about statutory and voluntary services for young people in your area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed an inflexible approach would be inconsistent with the terms of the statutory framework. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was self-employed for many years and twice resorted to issuing a statutory demand to bad payers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because the council is a statutory body, it cannot change its regulations without a change in the law.
  • The statutory half-fare bus pass has not been welcomed by many people in South Lakeland due to the infrequency of buses in the county and the problems of access for many disabled people.
  • The merged body does not have new powers and leaves the existing statutory basis of regulation unchanged.
  • The statutory minimum annual holiday of five weeks was cut by two days to boost production.
  • However, pledges of documents of title and of bearer bonds are excluded from most of the statutory requirements.
  • At the end of the day, your Honours, the issue was whether or not a person who is not an employee can bring proceedings for the contravention of statutory duress.
  • Your statutory rights are not affected. The Sun
  • For the first time in the history of Zambia's politics, we have seen more women appointed in top Government positions and executive offices in statutory bodies and parastatals.
  • Thus by statutory provision banks can avoid liability for breach of the duty of confidentiality.
  • Statutory regulations binding on both parties required crawling boards to be used on fragile roofs.
  • Critics charge that Jennings, who is himself openly gay, condoned what they called statutory rape, even child molestation, because they say 20 years ago, he failed to tell authorities an underage student had sex with an older man. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
  • This rule has always been statutory and does not arise from either common law or equity.
  • Traditional practices often denied women their statutory entitlements to inheritances and property.
  • Existing legislation concerning statutory appointments is considered to be one of the stumbling blocks for multiskilling, and discussions are taking place to arrive at acceptable solutions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It did not mean that statutory authority to discharge into the sewage works became forfeit upon proof of a nuisance.
  • The report is also expected to recommend a statutory duty of candour on hospitals to end the culture of covering up neglect and harm of patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lawyers and trustees have statutory and other legal obligations but are still fiduciaries.
  • The statutory assignment has the advantage of enabling the purchaser to enforce the contracts directly against the supplier rather than through the vendor.
  • The group has been working closely with statutory consultees including English Heritage and local councils to meet any objections to the plans to convert the early 19th century Tottenham House, near Marlborough, into a hotel.
  • Postcomm said in a statement that agreeing to Royal Mail's request to raise business prices was "appropriate, taking account of all our statutory duties, in particular our primary duty in relation to the universal service". BBC News - Home
  • Although the defendant had no control over the direct payment, the agency was acting as agent for the borrower within the statutory framework. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no statutory right for an employer to claw back this money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among other material now available online is Scotland's statutory registers of births, deaths and marriages along with wills and testaments.
  • The statutory assignment has the advantage of enabling the purchaser to enforce the contracts directly against the supplier rather than through the vendor.
  • In 1973 the Land Compensation Act gave statutory effect to these, and made other significant changes to the planning blight provisions.
  • It would also be useful to find out about statutory and voluntary services for young people in your area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, there was no basis for him to exercise discretion to allow the statutory declarations to stand in place of the counterstatements in the proceedings.
  • Oversee the maintenance of the computer based and manual Human Resource Information system and ensure that it meets corporate, operational and statutory requirements.
  • Jones said the demolitions are a result of the city's statutory power to protect public health and safety. Evansville Courier & Press Stories
  • All the government wanted was a statutory vehicle such as these clinical studies to prove whether this works or not.
  • A spokeswoman said the panel was set up by the council as part of statutory local government regulations requiring all councils to look at members' allowances.
  • But they have offered just two weeks' redundancy, the statutory amount, 60% of which will be paid by the government.
  • Before the 1983 Act, it had been suggested that these statutory audits were supplemented by economy, efficiency and effectiveness audits.
  • The citizen ought to be able to find the basic law, the principal law, in statutory form.
  • It is clear then, that there are flaws in relying upon solely statutory regulation or self-regulation to regulate insider abuse.
  • So, if the statutory provision says that one has the right to go into unenclosed and unimproved land for subsistence purposes, then that is the case, but if there is an enclosure, of course, there is no longer that right.
  • As was said earlier today by Justice McHugh in another matter, and has often been said by this Court, such questions of statutory construction are inherently disputable.
  • The difference in the instant case is that it is left to the common law to provide the answer, no statutory framework is present to assist.
  • In addition to the statutory requirements, the form and content of an audit report is governed by requirements laid down in auditing standards.
  • In order to establish that contention the applicants assert they have no need to rely upon any statutory underpinning.
  • That legislation was the Medicines Act 1968 which made statutory the previously voluntary arrangements.
  • Lawyers and trustees have statutory and other legal obligations but are still fiduciaries.
  • Mr Georgiou supports Australia having an independent statutory monitor reporting regularly to Parliament.
  • A statutory marital property system with common-law property system as its fondation and the doctrine of community property system as a complement is more suitable for China's Marriage Law.
  • And what if after the Court reversed itself, Congress reenacted its original law — should the Supreme Court take that as a sign that the expectation of privacy is reasonable again, or only that Congress wants the Supreme Court to go away so Congress can have its modest level of statutory protection? The Volokh Conspiracy » Thoughts on the Oral Argument in City of Ontario v. Quon
  • There is in my judgment no warrant for it in the statutory language.
  • This then is the context within which statutory rules and cases on adverse possession must be seen.
  • Is there some statutory provision in this State that governs costs in criminal matters?
  • If this does not happen, the home secretary should compel the organisation to do so through the introduction of a new statutory framework. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tailpiece declared what should be the objective of the court when exercising the statutory powers to make financial provision orders and property adjustment orders.
  • The union said it would now begin a formal statutory strike ballot. Times, Sunday Times
  • An example of a statutory liquidity ratio was the minimum 121/2 percent reserve assets ratio imposed on banks from 1971 to 1981.
  • People swear statutory declarations about all sorts of things.
  • Against that general background I now consider the detailed statutory provisions relating to administrative receivers.
  • The National Trust is a statutory, non-governmental organization (NGO) involved with land acquisition, management for conservation purposes, and maintaining areas of land for wildlife conservation. Cayman Islands dry forests
  • In my view the dock company is not entitled to any statutory immunities which may attach to the port authority.
  • The plaintiff must prove that but for the breach of statutory duty he would not have suffered the injury.
  • There are concerns regarding the lack of statutory minimum solvency requirement for funds in Namibia.
  • They cannot stand against a valid federal statutory enactment.
  • The payment will be reduced under statutory provisions if the employee is approaching retirement age.
  • A finding that the agent misled a buyer could also be used to claim compensation from the firm or company under its statutory redress scheme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Needham All the statutory agencies in Northern Ireland do whatever they can to boost investment.
  • The plaintiff was advised of the statutory bar to his claim by letter in October 2001, but proceeded anyway.
  • Without judicial review, statutory limits would be naught but empty words.
  • Now, we still have two weeklong statutory holidays, namely the Spring Festival and the National Day.
  • This does not affect your statutory rights imposed by law, which will allow you to cancel your policy within 14 days.
  • To exercise your statutory right to extend the lease for 90 years at a peppercorn rent, you must have owned the flat for two or more years. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Most recently we filed an * amicus curiae* brief in the case of * Sony BMG Music Entertainment, et al.v. Joel Tenenbaum* showing the RIAA ` s theory of statutory damage awards to be unconstitutional.” Bar FSF brief in Tenenbaum, demands RIAA
  • The present statutory scheme for critical habitat designations is broken.
  • If such legislation requires repeal it appears to me that should be done by means of the usual parliamentary process, and subject to scrutiny, and not by the fiat of a minister or an unscrutinized statutory instrument. Archive 2009-03-01
  • There are also provisions that create statutory obligations to enforce the Act.
  • The reluctance of the peasants to sign statutory documents reflects their unhappiness about the terms of the Act of Emancipation of 1861.
  • It is also a statutory expression in the sense that it is used in section 40.
  • Holder declared that the "...regulation permissibly interferes with Congress' clear intent to afford each noncitizen a statutory right to pursue a motion to reopen... Aggie R. Hoffman: The Right to Reopen an Adverse Decision From Abroad
  • If ministers and their statutory bodies really want this review to have any credibility, they must stop posturing and place an immediate moratorium on all wind farm developments pending its completion.
  • Regions have "embassies" in sprout-town even now, - without statutory legislation, or financial approval, financed by slush funds out of ODPM, like "Yorkshire Forward", so if regions ALL bow to sprout-town, who swears allegiance to HM, or the office of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha bloodline? [blair house blues] exercise in pettiness
  • In State v. McCarty 434 N. W.2d 67 (S.D. 1988), the court ruled that a statutory declaration that the partition ratio is 2100: 1 did not create an unconstitutional irrebuttable presumption. Problems with New Impaired Driving Legislation : Law is Cool
  • The developers say the changes have been made after taking on board the views of planning officers, English Heritage, the Commission for Architecture in the Built Environment, and other statutory consultees and local people.
  • As a result, the courts are bound by these statutory damages, which often result in overkill (ie, a teenager being fined for tens of thousands of dollars for downloading the latest Brittany Spears single). RIAA: a defense lawyer’s view
  • It is proposed that in future there should be a statutory rule on perpetuities that applies only to specified interests, which are essentially only those arising under wills and trusts.
  • Similarly, in Gambell, a preliminary injunction was not required to accomplish the statutory goal.
  • I mean, it does seem to be harnessing the discretion to one, admittedly an important factor but only one factor, in terms of the powers given to the donee of statutory power.
  • No statutory provision invests the Governor in Council with a power of removing members of the police force from office.
  • That policy, she says, is fueled by anti-abortionists, who use a range of strategies to argue that fetuses are people with the full and complete statutory protections afforded to citizens.
  • Earlier this year the Department of Trade and Industry backed down from making shareholder approval of pay schemes a statutory requirement.
  • It is, however, only the statutory kind of guardianship which is destroyed by The Institutes of Justinian
  • We hereby disclaim all warranties express, implied or statutory including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.
  • He said he considered the directive as ‘a shot across the bows for authorities who are behind in their statutory duties as well as a signal to the illegal operators concerning the unacceptability of their activities.’
  • This is a sneak attack, a rearguard action by those who still want to see statutory control of the press. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is part of a much wider trend that presents regulatory agendas as not just being in companies' self-interest, but often relies on non-statutory systems of self-policing.
  • Co-operatives have been featherbedded with soft loans, favourable tax treatment and other statutory supports. ANC Agricultural Policy
  • Sometimes, court action is the only alternative if agreement or a clear statutory mandate are the only bases of partnership-based intervention.
  • As the rate for one jukebox is a whopping $405/year for the first jukebox and $93 each additional one and the statutory minimum for copyright infringement is $750/count, it’s really a no-brainer. Matthew Yglesias » Jukeboxes are Killing The Recording Industry
  • That, however, was where the suggested alternative remedy was a ministerial default power rather than a statutory appeal process.
  • But if the victim was a blackguard, is the shooter entitled to claim provocation or self-defense or some other statutory excuse to reduce the charge to one of manslaughter or even a simple assault? The Famous Black-McKaig Trial
  • Armed with the threat of $150,000 in statutory damages per illegal download (a $1. 5M judgment in a small, 10-song case, where the actual damages are about $10, the price of 10 songs on iTunes), the recording industry has obtained more than $100M in settlements from individuals like Brittany. RIAA faces big trouble with new Thomas trial
  • For further peace of mind, statutory regulations will soon be in place.
  • He must therefore satisfy himself on a regular basis that it does not constitute a statutory nuisance.
  • These additional guarantees do not affect your statutory rights.
  • The Defendants had a legitimate interest in drawing attention to matters which were material in one or other of these two statutory purposes.
  • The fact that parents think that they can send their kids to school to receive parenting is not solved by having an organization that aids and abets statutory rape and child abuse do the parenting instead. Crazy? Ig’nint? | My[confined]Space
  • The wording of the statutory duty, like much of the relevant enactments and regulations relating to complaints and discipline, is not exactly helpful.
  • We have expressed the duty of the Council to exercise the statutory powers vested in it so as to minimise the risk of harm to such consumers.
  • The only certain ways to protect investors, workers and pensioners are statutory regulation and a ban on auditors making money by selling extras to friendly firms.
  • These statutory changes took place in a period of judicial activism in this area which had relaxed the law.
  • I also get repudiation, litigant, hereunder, aforesaid, statutory and wherefore. Times, Sunday Times
  • The CNI case shows the difficulty of making generalizations about statutory preclusion: ultimately, every case turns on an examination of the meaning of a particular statute.
  • But ULH is simply a statutory corporation with the ordinary attributes of legal personality and a capacity to enter into contracts within its powers.

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