
How To Use Statue In A Sentence

  • But again, perhaps problematically, they are beautiful statues – inspiring, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant future that was always promised, but never quite arrived.
  • There is a fine square here called Madison, in the centre of which trees rise from fountain-watered grass, and statued figures of people who were men in their day and did things, palatial buildings, dignifying commerce, form the square. Impressions of a War Correspondent
  • The statue's pedestal bears an inscription that reads ‘Love.’
  • Long before the statue was unearthed, the natural process of patination had caused the formation of the red cuprite, blue azurite and green malachite commonly found in ancient bronzes. Apollo Deconstructed
  • Jewels, gold statues of the Buddha and other treasures are often left as offerings in temples and chortens, many of which are in remote areas and are soft targets for criminals.
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  • Last week, exultant rebels in Tripoli clambered on Gaddafi's vainglorious statue of an American warplane in the grip of a mighty Libyan fist.
  • On the farther side of the hypostyle there were still other large halls which led ultimately to the actual sanctuary, or sekos, in which the divinity was represented by a statue or some symbol; only the king, or his representative, the high priest, could enter the sekos. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Once you find and touch the key, which sits directly under the statue of the Buddha, you will attain paradise.
  • A statue, for instance, is a kind of object which, unlike a lump of bronze, cannot survive much change to its shape.
  • Cabinets of coins, medals, and bronze statuettes became a characteristic feature of German princely collections.
  • In the Best Supporting Actor category, Chris Cooper deservedly picked up the gold statuette for his barnstorming performance in Adaptation.
  • Another tomb of interest (and of which we will speak in extenso in the next instalment of this series) is the tomb of the Pope Clement II, the only pope to be buried north of the Alps. The statue, sculpted by the same (unknown) sculptor as the Horseman, was originally the slab of the tomb, which remains on the west choir, behind the cathedra: Catholic Bamberg: The Cathedral
  • Elegantly erotic statues stood once more in alcoves around the room, and the massive murals were nearly finished.
  • This fifteen metre, golden statue has sat here for 30 years and while its bulk is impressive, don't expect meditative solemnity; the forecourt is noisy with music, stalls and snack bars.
  • Most Protestants only get as far as calling Catholic statues and icons a likeness.
  • Grecian; they had laughing eyes their figures were models for an artist with — “Turgide, brune, e ritondette mamme.” like the ‘bending statue’ that delights the world. The Life of Sir Richard Burton
  • The only question that is how many will be converted into a golden statue at the ceremony next month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scholars have suggested that the purpose of statues such as the Peplos Kore and other korai (the plural form of the word) was to serve as votive offerings, perhaps in this case to the goddess Athena.
  • We tramped across the wet grass to look at the statue.
  • From the tastefully appointed mosaic inlays and concaved walls adorned with statues and his paintings, the mosaic swimming pool and Japanese garden with plenty of creature comforts, make for unforgettable ambiance. San Antonio
  • An impression of the original statue group on top may be gained from the chariot groups on the triumphal arch in the relief on the south.
  • Renaissance scholars based their conception of classical art on statues, particularly Greek ones and Roman copies of Greek originals.
  • The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.
  • The mission: raise $ 50, 000 and erect a commemorative statue on the City Hall front lawn.
  • When cast in bronze, the statue is expected to weigh a tonne.
  • Statues of the Buddha were mossy, furred with green.
  • The statue was carved .
  • Two girl-sized statues of angels holding fonts of holy water stood by the main door.
  • The front garden slopes away from the house, with the incline packed with an interesting array of shrubbery and tall flowers - white flowering eucryphia and myrtle blend with statuesque hoheriay and elegant miscanthus grasses.
  • Cranmer does not intend to delve into the divisive arguments which confronted the Early Church on the nature of Christ's divinity and his humanity, but to focus on the controversy which has been caused by a statue of Jesus with an erect penis, which is on display at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead. Cranmer
  • There's the chance you might also come across a statue of Queen Victoria, but you'll find few dedications to any other women.
  • And why is there no statue or Bank Holiday to the memory of this national hero or heroine? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something in the air that silences everybody, even small children, as they pass either side of the catafalque, occasionally glancing upwards at the four statues of Saxon kings and the 12 th century roof.
  • I'm a light heavyweight, but this guy looked well over heavyweight and his tattoos made him look like a statue desecrated by graffiti.
  • The film scored Best Atlantic Documentary and won him a Most Promising Director statuette.
  • A throwback to the Polynesian craze that swept North America in the '50s and '60s, the restaurant is full of Eastern Island statuettes, wooden tikis and a Hawaiian ukulele soundtrack.
  • In the center of the garden stood a twenty - kilogram statue.
  • One particularly macabre statue of Saint Sebastian, arrows poking out of every limb, was given centre stage.
  • Suddenly they stop, statue-still, their knees crooked around one another, like fingers pulling on a wishbone.
  • There are factors, however, that have cast doubt on the statue's authenticity.
  • On the island of Malta, where great colossal statues of Goddesses still stand, is the underground hypogeum.
  • One pier intended for shuttles to dock at was studded with statues of dwarfs, another was embellished with runes.
  • Geographically, it's part of Polynesia and it's home to nearly 1,000 mysterious statues called moai, positioned across the island like sentries. For Chile, Colossal Trouble On Easter Island
  • Residents need not fear an invading horde of Iceni warriors, for it is the 16 ft tall statue of Colchester's first lady that is making a comeback.
  • Pictures of huge Angel statues and former industrial buildings turned into art galleries lend themselves to good imagery for fashion-conscious think tanks it seems.
  • the undraped statue
  • The proposal assumes, as seems reasonable, that the relation of constitution only ever obtains between persisting objects which are composite, as are the statue and the lump of bronze.
  • Complaints reportedly focused on the opening ceremony, in which more than 56 million Americans watched a man in a full bodysuit parade as a naked statue of Eros, the Greek god of love.
  • The statue stands in one of the main squares.
  • There are several other existing works attributed to Myron: they are a marble copy of his statue of Marsyas, in the Lateran at Rome; two torsi in the gallery at Florence; a figure called Diomed, and a bronze in the gallery at Munich. A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • She knelt, immovable as the statued Christ which hung almost over our heads. The Love Story of Abner Stone
  • Inside, the statue sits in the west facing east because it is an Amitabha, Buddha of the Western Paradise.
  • The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.
  • The original statue now rests in the Venus Garden, the prize-winning walled rose garden, after being restored in 1994.
  • To the right (here we have already seen the statues on the left on the first picture of the altar to the right) on the baldachin St. Pantaleon (look with his hands nailed to his head) and on the volute St. Christopher. Catholic Bamberg: Vierzehnheiligen
  • I had lunch today, in a little glassed-in concrete area above the public toilets in a little bay on the headland of which stands a statue of the Virgin Mary, just south of the old port of Biarritz.
  • This is surely not only the earliest marble statue we possess but one of the first made.
  • The bronze statue of Sir David has already been cast, and is now been giving its final burnishing.
  • The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York.
  • In Dylan's day most of the walls were decorated with flowered paper, and there were plaster reproductions of Greek statues about the place, displayed by cultured D.J.
  • When completed, it will be the biggest stone statue in the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Quentin Foundation has assembled a topflight collection of renaissance and baroque bronze statuettes, including some of the boldest statements made by Mannerist and baroque sculptors.
  • Above this is a four-sided arched structure, and this is surmounted by a rotunda with Corinthian columns enclosing two statues.
  • Pick up at hotel lobby at 0900hrs, transfer to Zhuhai. Visit Fish Woman Statue, Lover's Road, Shijingshan Park, Chinese Medicine Shop.
  • Gone were the bronze statues and late-modern abstractions of earlier years.
  • The monuments and statues throughout the country commemorate generals, judges and politicians, rather than socialists, strikers or suffragettes.
  • Reynolds, whose statue currently bears that red sash, was the first president. Times, Sunday Times
  • The statue was in the inner recesses of the temple.
  • Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.
  • The protesters, who are taking it in turns to sit under an umbrella beside the statue of Winston Churchill, had been attracting no more than a passing glance.
  • On the lowest lawn twin rows of classical statues eyed each other across a sward dotted with croquet-hoops. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Briefly, the moonlight was obscured by a cloud and an unreasonable fear gripped me as I realised I could not see the statues.
  • In the photograph, a statue of St. Andrew stood in the background.
  • Interestingly, the report alleges that the fastigium was decorated with two groups of statues.
  • During the emotionally charged gathering, a statue was unveiled.
  • Considering the temperature, we did not, and instead, we "rinsed" buddhas statues siting there, while thinking we were washing ourselves. TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
  • They're browsing the wet grass the snow has left and, statued, stare at me in deep silence and I see whatever light there is gather to glossy pools in their eight mild, barely curious but wary eyes. What Light There Is
  • The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York.
  • About 150 mainly student protesters carrying joss sticks and flowers gathered outside the bar in a wealthy neighbourhood of the capital and denounced its decorative use of sacred symbols and statues. Buddhist group protests, symbolically seals Buddha Bar in Indonesia
  • The statue is a lasting memorial to those who died in the war.
  • Some of the interesting works available at the exhibition are bronze statuettes inspired by the metal sculpting of the Gupta and Chola period and a Panchloha sculpture of Lord Krishna playing the flute.
  • On the other side, the statue of the late Al Waxman, King of Kensington, beams down on us with its ever-present smile.
  • In the morning sun, his skin is bronzed; he could be a statue.
  • From then on, generations of disciples laboured with hand tools to hew giant temples, intricate statues and monasteries of up to three storeys.
  • In 1999, Canonsburg erected a statue to its best-known son, Perry Como, who found singing such a difficult way to make a living he almost returned to full-time barbering.
  • In fact, the only voice you might reasonably expect to rise in protest on your touching a painting or statue is that of your own conscience.
  • Churchill's statue stands outside the parliament building.
  • One might characterize this as the microcosmically ideal Ballard fantasy, in that it partakes of the surreal — the “Gulliver” being represented as a huge flesh statue based on the work of Praxiteles — as well as of the Freudian: “as if the mutilation of this motionless colossus had released a sudden flood of repressed spite.” The Catastrophist
  • During the Second World War the statue was removed for safe keeping, but on its return the bow was fixed pointing to the south, and then again wrongly reorientated after the road junction was upgraded in the 1990s.
  • Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.
  • But the clashes between mutants of varying capabilities make for excellent fight scenes, the climactic one occurring, both photogenically and symbolically, atop the Statue of Liberty.
  • Whether in tribal societies or in great empires of ancient civilization, exogamous alliance is always important means to strengthen the statues of a social group.
  • These erections - mosques, Buddhist temples and a statue of Jesus Christ - reflect the independent characteristics of different religions in their togetherness.
  • The feldspar statue keeps intent, slit-eyed watch over a tomb.
  • A statue was erected to glorify the country's national heroes.
  • GG was one version of what's now fondly referred to as muffler men - big, fiberglass statues manufactured from about 1962 to the mid-'70s - sold as attention-getters for retail stores. Latest News
  • It has niches for two full-height statues on either side of the Virgin, probably for apostles, such as St John, or St Matthew and St Luke, in whose gospels she features prominently.
  • The wind whipped at her skirt pulling the material taut across her calves and thighs, outlining her shape as the marble of a statue.
  • He might have been an ebony statue, larger than life, his hands gripping the arms of the chair.
  • Once in a while a student may tip a pot of paint over the head of the life-sized copper statue of the dog by George IV Bridge.
  • After the oath of office had been administered (on the spot where now stands the statue of Washington in front of the subtreasury building), Washington and the other officials withdrew to the Senate-chamber in Federal Hall, where he delivered this address. II. His First Inaugural Address
  • The statue will remain in the museum for the foreseeable future.
  • While Luther was still hidden in the Wartburg, the first iconoclastic rioters entered his own church in Wittenberg in January 1522 to tear down and destroy the paintings, statues and above all, the crucifixes.
  • To create one of the large life-size animal statues, he needs about 100 kilograms of the fragrant plants.
  • The Emperor Asoka constructed the "Golden Throne" sometime around 250 BC, and over time many other buildings and statues were added.
  • Each wall was aligned with alcoves that curved around statues.
  • Must their statues now be pulled down because they offend our sensibilities? The Sun
  • It is hundreds of years old, one of the oldest statues still standing there.
  • Penicillin, in fact, saved so many lives in its early days that statues of Alexander Fleming were erected at many bullrings around Spain.
  • The empty dress, a peeling poster of Mae West and in the far distance the Statue of Liberty.
  • On the upper shelf is the figure of Hercules after the statue in the Palazzo Farnese.
  • Today, the colossal bronze statue of Atlas stands on the site of the Mills house.
  • There must be some place for warmth in this cold world, she thought, and watched the fireflies dance around a moss-grown statue of Hercules.
  • The statue is made of bronze.
  • They gazed in a mixture of envy and admiration at the beauty of the statue.
  • Appointed a marshal in 1918, on the plinth of his statue in London are the words ‘I am conscious of having served England as I served my own country.’
  • Planners say the statue will be reinstalled in 2007 at a spot not far from the current one.
  • TV footage from inside the Tokyo Detention House showed the trap door, the viewing room and rooms where the inmate can meet a cleric, with a Buddhist altar and a Buddha statue.
  • A clay mould is used for casting bronze statues.
  • In case you missed it, an archaeological team led by Nicholas Conard at the University ofTübingenexcavated a truly remarkable mammoth-ivory statuette from a German cave, Hohle Fels. Check Your Venus Fantasies at the Door, Gentlemen
  • At equal distances there are solid pedestals, upon the tops of which stood originally colossal statues of Sirius, Litrator Anubis, or Dog Star. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
  • One hand shading his eyes, he discerns either two people or two life-sized statues seated facing each other at a vintage picnic table at the very back of a great and empty white room.
  • Terra cotta, which is afterwards baked, is plastic; and yet becomes hard; thus a Tanagra figurine is an example of plastic art, while a Florentine marble statuette is a product of sculpture. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • The highly unusual drapery of the bronze statue in Milan is, we believe, fashioned in direct reference to this legend, tying the statue to this originary image.
  • These statues are generally unlike images in two-dimensional narrative art, whether political or religious, and they are also unlike images of deities or super-natural beings known primarily from the glyptic arts.
  • The small Greek figurines known as Tanagra statuettes were mass produced from moulds, and reproduce everyday life as well as copies of famous statues.
  • I always hated that statue. It gave me the creeps.
  • - Plutarch tells us that a statue of Athene (Neith) in Sais bore the inscription: “I am all that has been, is, and will be”. Jhvh is the enemy of god and man
  • From 1945, the town became a model socialist town, complete with industrial zones, living quarters named Friendship III, and statues of Lenin.
  • A variety of celebrations are under consideration, including a pageant of the town's history, a statue although the subject continues to be a matter of controversy and a street party for children.
  • In Rome, heads of state kneel before Bernini's statue of Saint Teresa in ecstasy, says Kirby, and so do people who can't read.
  • This painting within a painting shows a flayed figure whose blue body resembles an ecorche statuette used in academic life-study classes.
  • The statuesque theme continues in the vegetable garden where there are great fronds of fennel and huge clumps of Cynara Scolymus - globe artichoke, their purple thistle heads abuzz with bees.
  • This exhibition includes such rarely displayed pieces as "Ki Fudo," considered one of Japan's great statues of Fudo Myoo, the wrathful-looking "unshakable spirit," as well as partition paintings and fusuma (sliding-door) paintings from temple-complex buildings. Time Off: Cultural Events Around Asia
  • A seven-foot-tall statue at the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, Italy, shows the god Atlas kneeling with a globe weighing on his shoulders.
  • Even the 12 statues of the apostles, each of which stands on a platform between two windows, and all of which are carved so they look like they are the pillars holding up the Sainte-Chapelle, are similar to the embossed figures that decorate reliquaries. The Parisian Jewel for the Jerusalem Crown
  • The worn but spit-shined sanctuary is silent this weekday morning and the life-size statues of La Virgen de Guadalupe and St. Jude, aglow in shadowy candlelight, gaze benevolently out of their gaudy, flower-bedecked encasements. American Grace
  • The side altar of the right choir pillar is the altar of the Fourteen Holy Helpers (the famous Shrine of the Fourteen Holy Helpers - Vierzehnheiligen - is on the opposite Banz on the other side of the Main valley, can actually be seen from Banz and will be the subject of a subsequent instalment of this series) flanked by statues of Saints Dorothee and Margaret. Catholic Bamberg: Banz Abbey
  • Women of Athens wove the peplos or robe to be presented to the statue of Athena Polias on the Acropolis, embroidered with a scene of the battle with the Giants.
  • Between them stood impressive statues of giants, the telamones, which functioned as load-bearing supports for the structure.
  • They uncovered the statue at the beginning of the ceremony.
  • London's city council recently announced a competition among sculptors to top the empty plinth with a statue.
  • Isidore steadied me and he seemed to stand as solid as a statue, not wavering a bit.
  • And whilst she was statuesque, her body was fully in proportion, slim and shapely, moulded by a carefully understated outfit.
  • The statue of the emperor became an object of devotion.
  • Sam Waterston has been doing his high-sniffy rectitudinous grandstanding for so long it's as if he expects some soft of Atticus Finch statue; Elisabeth Rohm is no worse than Angie Harmon, but no better; and Fred Thompson is a pompous pork chop whose cliched Southern homilies wouldn't be listened to seriously for ten seconds in NY (whereas Steven Hill, with his crusty cut-the-crap irritability and desire to get out of the office before bad news could follow, was the authentic article). New Guy in Town: James Wolcott
  • Walkthrough: you have to put the objects in the blue spots baloon airscrew big nut watering can hand-saw bowling ball wheel leaf frog statue scissors Archive 2007-09-01
  • But they were so attentive to us that there was no opportunity of stealing a thing until, having left Giton with them, I craftily slipped out of sight and sneaked aft where the statue of Isis stood, and despoiled it of a valuable mantle and a silver sistrum. Satyricon
  • These temples would have housed the cult statue of the deity, for example the head of Minerva found at Bath, and were not used for congregational worship.
  • A statue was erected to mark the bicentenary of the composer's birth.
  • One beardy man has been honoured with two statues.
  • The statue of the goddess in the sanctum was small and was heavily garlanded with bells and gold borders - offerings made to the goddess for boons granted.
  • The statue was carved out of marble.
  • But let us turn our faces away from all the horrors of slavery, reconstruction and all kindred wrongs which have been heaped upon us, and stand up, measuring the full statue of an American citizen, upon the threshold of the new century as a New Man. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • Full review criminals, has brought to life the age old debate as to the reinstatement to the statue books of the Death Penalty in the UK.
  • He then attached them the statue with steel cables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Known as the “Statue of Libby,” she carried one of the smokiest torches of American music hall society in the 1920s and 1930s, and was the inventor of the strapless evening dress. Libby Holman.
  • Each statue was hewn out of hard volcanic material from quarries near the Rano Raraku volcano.
  • The statue is a fine example of early Christian art.
  • If this brings increasing numbers of people closer to the European camp – sometimes only because they hate the US more than they hate the EU – then, as the trigger of the crisis that brought this about, maybe some Europhiles in the future will be considering whether to raise a statue to that other Middle-East tyrant, Saddam Hussein, "the federator of Europe". Saddam "the federator of Europe"
  • The statue is twice life-size.
  • On display will be small bronze sculptures, liturgical implements, artifacts in gold, glass cabinets, altar paintings, water containers known as aquamaniles and statues.
  • This statue now stands as a memorial to one of the city's more traditional achievements.
  • One night, a marble tile in a museum talked to a marble statue.
  • The dog looked exactly like a life-size, breathing version of the stone statuette. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The statue is a marble bicephalous Hermes, which was discovered in 1970.
  • The Statue of Liberty is deserted, the grizzlies of Yellowstone have been left in peace and economists have had to go cold turkey. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.
  • In a morning message to the Discovery crew, Mission Control sent up a cartoon showing a spacewalking astronaut — Bowen — holding an Oscar statue and giving an acceptance speech."... and I would like to thank all of the little people that made this EVA extravehicular activity happen," the cartoon spacewalker said. Astronauts tackle spacewalk tasks
  • The lovely Cloacina was an emanation of Venus, and her statue overlooked the imperial city's sewer pipes as they transported 100,000 of ancient excrementum a day. TPMCafe
  • The reduced-scale copies of statuettes featured in these early photographs reflect a growing bourgeois market for such things, and with it the commercialization of art making itself.
  • The unusual focus on Gerald's neck eroticizes this aspect of his body by highlighting the fact that here his clothes start, just where his statuesque body begins.
  • The intrinsic value of the materials employed predominates in the earlier model: the value of plate at an Athenian symposium, or the value of gold and ivory in the chryselephantine statues by Phidias.
  • It took us four days in all to bring down the statue, using mines, explosives and even shells.
  • The stage was like an enchanted garden with the musicians surrounded by pink twinkling trees and glittering silver statues. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its 2004 acquisition of a bronze Greco-Roman there is debate over the actual date and origin statue of Apollo was intended to be included in a current Louvre exhibition of the work of sculptor Praxiteles, but the Greek government threatened to withhold all loans to the French museum if this particular work was included. Daniel Grant: Is It Possible to "Collect" Antiquities These Days?
  • It is partly overlapped by three pink medium-size silkscreen images of a statue of Victory on top of a column.
  • The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone.
  • Some statues were erected on pedestals in sanctuaries exclusively meant for worship by the King and the priests.
  • From a field, the horses observe the Statue of Liberty, and, indeed, they bow down before it.
  • They decided to perpetuate the memory of their leader by erecting a statue.
  • The Statue of Liberty (1886) in New York harbor symbolized the city's role as a Mecca for immigrants.
  • To the left (the statues on the right we have already seen on the previous picture to the left) on the baldachin St. Vitus (look sharply for his rooster) and on the volute St. Achatius (with Cross and crown of thorns). Catholic Bamberg: Vierzehnheiligen
  • He is now awaiting an insurance quote to ascertain the cost of repairing damage to both the statue and its foundations.
  • Within its statued, frescoed interior, guards call ‘No flash!’
  • A constant stream of people waited patiently to photograph themselves in front of the statued entrance to the arena where Jesse Owens won four gold medals in 1936 under the baleful gaze of the Führer.
  • Last week, according to custom, the procession of ‘Catherinettes’ (composed largely of midinettes in crazy headgear) stampeded to the saint's statue on the garish Boulevard St. Denis.
  • He rough-hewed a statue out of a block of jade rapidly but then polished it slowly over a long period.
  • Significantly, the statue appears to have been colored with red ochre, a clue to her status as sacred art.
  • Statues of Lenin were torn down all across Eastern Europe.
  • Of the ridiculous statue Manduce; and how and what the Gastrolaters sacrifice to their ventripotent god. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Perhaps you're the dictator of somewhere bleakish and distant, full of dust and oil and golden statues of you. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looked like an ornament, like something at the front peak of a ship, a statue of some sort.
  • The gallery includes a variety of objects from the site that had been used in everyday life, such as combs, eye paint tools, floor panels, small vessels, molds, and an unfinished statue. Amarna at Penn
  • The statue has a solid concrete base.
  • She now has a couple statues in her honor, is included in all Indian history textbooks, met Flashman a couple times, and is so synonymous with being an asskicking chick that when the Indian National Army put together an all-female infantry unit during World War II they had the good sense to name it after her. Reward Excellence, Shun Hypocrisy
  • Its skin is smooth and looks like carved stone, but graceful, not angular and chiseled like a statue.
  • The gopuram, known as the ‘Raya Gopuram’, in view of the temple's association with Vijayanagara kingdom, has five tiers with the mural paintings and stucco statues.
  • Once the ceremony was over, the novitiates, priestesses and nuns gathered together in the great hall beneath the statue of Auset for a feast.
  • Sitting in the centre of Wanfuge, the largest pavilion, is a 26-metre statue of Maitreya, Buddha of the Future, carved out of a single trunk of a white sandalwood tree.

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