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How To Use Stationary In A Sentence

  • I wrote it early in 1945 and it was published in Wireless World in October, just after the war had ended, and it laid down the principles which now determine the world's communication system, the idea that you'd have satellites poised at such a height above the earth that they remained stationery in the sky and so-called synchronous, or geostationary, orbit. Great voices of science fiction
  • The ambatch float remained perfectly stationary upon the surface.
  • It's customary to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open.
  • He says the crossing patrol has poor visibility because of parked cars and the lollipop lady has to weave in between stationary vehicles.
  • The car collided with a stationary vehicle.
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  • There is an appearance of convergency — of a new approach to a stationary condition. The Coal Question~ Of the Growth and Migrations of our Population
  • Today, the frontier of private enterprise is the halo of communications satellites in geostationary orbit 24,000 miles above our planet. Google Offers $20 Million X Prize to Put Robot on Moon | Impact Lab
  • As an econometrician I have my doubts about the ratio of a non-stationary quantity and a stationary one.
  • The comparison of newly formed polyploids with their haploid progenitors has revealed that nascent polyploids have a defect in stationary-phase viability.
  • For this island whereon ye stand is no true island, but a great fish stationary a-middlemost of the sea, whereon the sand hath settled and trees have sprung up of old time, so that it is become like unto an island; 8 but, when ye lighted fires on it, it felt the heat and moved; and in a moment it will sink with you into the sea and ye will all be drowned. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Draught horses are led around the smaller ring, and nearby dozens of stationary engines chuff, splutter and bounce on individual pitches. Country diary: Stithians, Cornwall
  • The steward opened the exit door when the plane was stationary and dropped the retractable stair ladder.
  • As the Earth rotates on its axis from west to east, it appears from our apparently stationary viewpoint that the stars rise in the east, culminate on the upper meridian and set in the west.
  • A stationary front is denoted by semicircles and triangles on alternate sides of the front.
  • Difference of cationic FDY filament quote while stationary, but the actual transaction discount allowance.
  • Their bodies continually going up and down upon perpetual fluxion, they never could live if their minds did the same, like the minds of stationary landsmen. Mary Anerley
  • A moving aerofoil generates more lift than a stationary one, and that's the principle that keeps bumblebees in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • To escape from police officers the thief weaved through/between/in and out of stationary traffic on a bicycle.
  • Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
  • Stationary fuel-cell power generation remains cost prohibitive to all but the most isolated or ecologically minded.
  • It can engage targets while stationary and on the move, using missiles for long-range targets and guns for close-in defence.
  • The captured defensive installations and stationary weapon emplacements can then be used for your side.
  • A graduated program of swimming and stationary bicycling, along with isometric, isotonic, and eccentric strengthening in the later stages is prescribed.
  • I hold that one can loiter without being stationary.
  • In this paper, the method of Lagrangean indetermined multipliers is adopted to transfer a stationaryvalued Problem with constraint condition(s) into another one without constrain condition.
  • We will be able to hit a moving target, or even a target that is stationary at weapons release but attempts to escape as the weapon is in-flight.
  • When the magnetopause is stationary it must be in equilibrium with all forces and torques balanced.
  • The molars are stationary, that is, they don't show pattern of forward movement with aging that is seen in macropodids.
  • There was evidently some deep distinction in a fox's psyche between moving objects and stationary ones.
  • Toddlers, led by their parents, play peek-a-boo with the stationary tanks from behind their father's legs.
  • All targets were farther away than 1800 meters, with most of them between 2500 and 3750 meters, both moving and stationary.
  • Another model prediction is that there is it parameter range in which the glycolytic subsystem is bistable: for the same set of parameter values the system may oscillate or be stationary.
  • WORDS OF SIMILAR SOUND: canvas (cloth) principle (rule) canvass (all meanings except _cloth_) principal (chief) capitol (a building) stationary (immovable) capital (all meanings except _building_) stationery (articles) counsel (advice or an adviser) miner (a workman) council (a body of persons) minor (under age) complement (a completing element) angel (a spiritual being) compliment (praise) angle (geometrical) 205. Practical Grammar and Composition
  • the car remained stationary with the engine running
  • The primary food handler smoking -- smoking -- and apparently inebriated whilst stationary and without an HACCP. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Sir, -- show me any other place that is, or was since the megalosaurus has died out, where wealth and social influence are so fairly divided between the stationary and the progressive classes! The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 18, April, 1859
  • They would not fire until the launch had tied up at the jetty because they would have a far better chance of hitting a stationary target. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • They'd rounded a wide corner and hopped off the moving sidewalk to a stationary platform facing a huge window.
  • Unless you actually blow dry your tresses with your toes, you can sneak in a few stretches, lunges and other stationary exercises while you move the hot air around your head.
  • Draught horses are led around the smaller ring, and nearby dozens of stationary engines chuff, splutter and bounce on individual pitches. Country diary: Stithians, Cornwall
  • During the mating season, males drum while wandering around the habitat searching for receptive females, which are more stationary than are males.
  • Or about Nova Caledonia, a lifeship suspended in geostationary orbit exactly 35,786 kilometers above Perth? Pruned
  • Oddly enough, I had made identical calculations thirty-four years earlier for the colinear Earth-Moon Lagrange points ( "Stationary Orbits", Journal of the British Astronomical Association, December 1947) but I no longer trust my ability to solve quintic equations, even with the help of HAL, Jr., my trusty H/P 91OOA. 2010 Odyssey Two
  • The auto also shifts back into neutral when the car is stationary with the brake pedal applied, slipping into drive when the throttle is applied.
  • Ordinarily, the spacecraft would have used their own propulsion systems to refine and circularise orbits at a geostationary altitude of some 36,000km. BBC Ouch! Blog
  • At this time, the stationary diver swims to buddy and signals need for gas.
  • During the past year, we have included more than two dozen additional commercial geostationary communications satellites that have been ordered or planned by companies such as Intelsat and SES Global.
  • The random walk eventually converges to a stationary distribution.
  • Arthur C Clarke, author of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the originator of the idea of geostationary satellites has died Venturing into impossible
  • These satellites are in geostationary orbit and the images that they provide are used primarily in weather forecasting applications.
  • Graham opens a drawer in the abandoned Apollo Mission Control room and someone's stuff is still in there: rubber stamps, stationary supplies, and paper punchers.
  • Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
  • In 1973 (Science, Vol. 181, p. 1053) I showed that while the tectum was needed to react to moving prey, another visual area processed stationary edges, allowing frogs to dodge stationary barriers and to avoid tumbling into holes in the ground. 'In the River of Consciousness': An Exchange
  • If you climb simulated hills on a stationary bike, you can wheeze up real ones on a mountain bike.
  • If the stationary phase is solid, the separation process is called adsorption chromatography.
  • And the geostationary-satellite market already had a glut of capacity.
  • Exercise may include walking, gardening, dancing, or use of a stationary bicycle.
  • To escape from police officers the thief weaved through/between/in and out of stationary traffic on a bicycle.
  • Children of the second-year class (six-year-olds) are expected to carry to school 18 copy books, a mathematics textbook, a reading book, workbooks and their normal writing stationary every day.
  • Kitchen said the suspects had started out shooting at smaller, stationary objects with a sawed-off. 22-caliber rifle.
  • Stationary also used to mean stationery; both terms derive from the Latin stationarius, stationery arriving indirectly by stationer + - y. Stationary stationery
  • The pi cottah, used primarily in India, is similar to the shaduf but is operated by two people, one of whom acts as a moving counter weight to eliminate much of the strenuous work of returning the water container against a stationary counter weight. 29 Although it can lift water 5-8 m (16-26 ft), its output is small, and it is used primarily to water small vegetable plots. 5. How plants live and grow
  • The main question is how close this approximation is to the actual quasistationary distribution.
  • An astronaut will attempt to leave the stationary spaceship and then return to it.
  • Never stop to argue a fine point with another driver who has just rammed into your stationary car at a red light.
  • The police were holding up the traffic and she glimpsed Regent Street choked with stationary buses. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Indeed, I think the duty he owes to his posterity, imperatively calls on him to break the thraldom which is keeping him and his race low and stationary in the scale of being. Jamie Parker, the Fugitive
  • He needn't have bothered, as I couldn't follow his jargoned explanation of nano-technology anyway, but I can tell you this much: The Flying Wi-Fi is about the size of a small moth, it can stealthily hover or remain stationary almost silently in any location, and it's equipped with an ultra-sensitive wi-fi camera (with an amazing wide-angle lens) and microphone. "The Flying Wi-Fi": Working Out the Bugs
  • NASA officials said on Monday that the "ergometer" - a stationary bike-like contraption specially designed for use in zero gravity - was not functioning properly. Taipei Times
  • Though stationary, they keep up a constant sculling or waving motion with their fins, which is exceedingly graceful, and expressive of their humble happiness; for unlike ours, the element in which they live is a stream which must be constantly resisted. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
  • The system also boasts 120 American satellites in geostationary orbit. Think Progress » Specter’s Sham Legislation Touted By The Media As A White House ‘Concession’
  • Abstract: Results from a silica - based HIC stationary phase with multifunctional attachment of amide groups are presented.
  • Most favored activities are cycling on a stationary bicycle, brisk walking, swimming, and water aquatics.
  • One unit brought along stationary bikes that are sitting next to foxholes and sandbags.
  • The time - frequency distribution ( TFD ) fits to analyze the EEG signal well since EEG is a typical non - stationary signal.
  • But it's not all bad news, local stationary suppliers are reported well-satisfied with Stormont's work ... Devolution boosts paper-clip sector.
  • It is a tracked, armoured, amphibious vehicle designed to engage armoured ground and air targets while stationary, on the move and afloat.
  • Please throw the tissue paper and stationary napkins inside the trash can.
  • They were crossing two lanes of stationary or slow moving traffic to get to the Springbok wine bar.
  • Stationary fuel cells can be installed in the basements of buildings to heat, cool and generate electricity for lights and appliances.
  • Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
  • The adage "buy cheap and sell dear," or its practical equivalent -- so scary and imitative are investors -- _Buy during the last of a selling movement and sell during the last of a buying movement_, resolves itself, we venture to repeat, into: _Buy when the decline caused by a panic has produced such liquidation that discounts and loans, after steady and long-continued diminution, either become stationary for a period or else increase progressively coincident with a steady increase in available funds; and sell for converse reasons_. A Brief History of Panics and Their Periodical Occurrence in the United States
  • The source of the alternation is the generator in which the voltage (and following it naturally the current) are induced in stationary coils by a rotating magnetic field. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • I've known spouses who decided to teach for the first time and others who turned their specialised skill into profits making jewellery, customised stationary and needlework.
  • For the first time, Europe will now be able to place into geostationary orbit a payload weighing more than 10 tonnes.
  • The time - frequency distribution ( TFD ) fits to analyze the EEG signal well since EEG is a typical non - stationary signal.
  • The idea is for satellites in geostationary orbit to collect the sun's energy and convert it into radio waves for transmission to surface stations, where it will be converted into electricity for local power grids. And Tomorrow's Winners Will Be...
  • We were basically working on electromagnetic radiation, wherein we were trying to form waves with a rope tied to a stationary object and were moving our arms up and down rapidly.
  • I did a kinesis class, 45 minutes on the weights, and then I've done 20 minutes on a stationary bike. David Fairclough | Small Talk
  • In these studies we have immobilized a wide range of hydrophobic zwitterions onto a reversed-phase chromatographic support to produce the desired zwitterionic stationary phase.
  • The traffic on the Fulham Road was stationary due to three sets of roadworks in less than a mile. CHAMELEON
  • A stationary engine was used for the final haul up the tunnel into St Leonards Goods Yard.
  • While your child exercises, we make periodic adjustments to the treadmill or stationary bicycle so that we can monitor changes in your child's heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production and pulse oximetry as he exerts himself. Pediatric cardiac diagnosis and testing
  • Stationary cars in traffic jams cause a great deal of pollution.
  • The Ehrenfests (1912) paper was the first to recognize these questions, and to provide a partial answer: Assuming a certain hypothesis of Boltzmann's, which they dubbed the ergodic hypothesis, they pointed out that for an isolated system the micro-canonical distribution is the unique stationary probability distribution. Boltzmann's Work in Statistical Physics
  • Red Chicken, in a scarlet pareu fastened tightly about his loins, stood at the prow when we had reached his favorite spot off a point of land, while I, with a paddle, 10 noiselessly kept the canoe as stationary as possible. Story Hour Readings: Seventh Year
  • Three geostationary satellites and a complex network of ground stations will carry out the task.
  • A trackball is stationary and the pointer can be moved using your thumb by rolling the ball which sits on the top.
  • stationary machinery
  • The game is being played at walking pace at the moment and if the Italian players were ambling around any slower they'd be stationary.
  • So, it is not good sense to interpret the state of an electron in a stationary orbital as perpetual motion.
  • They carried out the pelagic and stationary modes of breeding as the cochleate ammonoids.
  • For those new to biceps training, your elbows should remain stationary while your hands move upward toward the shoulders.
  • While waiting for the wings to stop fluttering so a suitable portrait could be taken of this female Eastern Swallowtail in dark form, or it could be a Black Swallowtail since that is the caterpillar we have seen around lately, it was noticed that the hind wing was stationary in spite of the moving forewing. Plant It And They Will Come « Fairegarden
  • Three special satellites located in geostationary orbit above Europe transmit a GPS-like signal that improves the GPS accuracy down to 1 to 2 metres.
  • Difference of cationic quote while stationary, but the weekend reduced the volume of, and fine denier FDY with the actual transaction prices down.
  • The Vauxhall, travelling towards Bath, was overtaking a line of stationary vehicles looking to turn right.
  • The most wretched of the stationary population of which I have been able to obtain any account, or that I have ever seen, was that which I saw in company with Dr Arnott, and others, in the wynds of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
  • An example of this can be cast iron crankshafts in large stationary diesel engines.
  • They were all moving so slowly that they seemed almost stationary. THE MAIN CAGES
  • The goalkeeper rushed off his line, attempted to push a stationary striker out of his way, lost his balance and then failed to outjump several opposition players less than half his size.
  • First, of the population of tetraploid cells that enter stationary phase, both euploid and aneuploid members can be rescued by starvation in water.
  • A stationary shop in George Street has been branching out with some unusual additions to its stock.
  • First, of the population of tetraploid cells that enter stationary phase, both euploid and aneuploid members can be rescued by starvation in water.
  • The two payloads were placed in geostationary transfer orbit.
  • The tribunal of the _bailliage_ or _sénéchaussée_ underwent yet another transformation, becoming a stationary court of justice, the seat of which was fixed at the chief town. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.
  • The modified signals are then retransmitted via geostationary satellites to users' receivers.
  • If the planet were stationary, the slow-down effect would be equal to the initial acceleration, so there would be no net gain in speed.
  • The whole place was stationary with nothing moving at all.
  • The skateboard is stationary at the moment the skateboarder jumps. Times, Sunday Times
  • This closed-face spinning reel has a cup-shaped pickup head provided with notches for winding fishing line onto a normally stationary spool upon rotation of the pickup head about the spool.
  • One array consists of four stationary astrometric siderostats with baselines between 18 m and 35 m, while the other contains six movable imaging siderostats with baselines up to 435 m.
  • The vehicle also comes with a hand-wound stator and increased winding density for lower resistance and higher peak torque (the stator is the stationary part of an electric generator or electric motor. The Car Connection
  • These estimates are lower than that required for our population to remain stationary.
  • A quantitative analysis for dynamic stability of a set of superconducting partial torus in a fusion reactor under a pulse current over a stationary current is given.
  • I've been quiet on this forum for the past week having been a stationary cyclist collected by a moving car last monday evening - my only foray onto the roads in a cyclepath trip home from near the gallery, so don't go there … The RiotACT
  • The markets are great places to purchase leather bags, belts and jackets, jewellery, pashminas, stationary and accessories.
  • Once in geostationary orbit above the equator this satellite will provide a wide range of high-speed telecommunications services for North America, South America, Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
  • The Vauxhall, travelling towards Bath, was overtaking a line of stationary vehicles looking to turn right.
  • This means that it is no longer in geostationary orbit, and it starts to “fall” perceptibly toward the Earth. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • In 1964 the first Trisanku (!), Syncom, with the generic scientific name geostationary satellite/geosynchronous satellite was placed above a fixed longitude on the equator, and thereby a myth became a reality. MIND MELD: Guide to International SF/F (Part II)
  • In the first, a movable die travels horizontally towards a similar stationary die.
  • In style, portable furniture imitated stationary pieces but often lacked omamentation such as marquetry, inlays, or elaborate mounts.
  • The human eye is better at spotting movement in the dark than in identifying stationary objects. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • While beacon or transponder on the ROV remains within the reaction radius, the vessel remains stationary.
  • FitDesk Pro bike computer platform: A molded foam elbow-rest and desktop that fits over a standard handlebar on a road or mountain bike that is connected to a stationary trainer. - News
  • The line of sight stabilisation in elevation and azimuth provides high hit probability for stationary and on the move engagements against stationary and moving targets.
  • Under laboratory conditions, flying insects such as fruit flies and migratory locusts have powered stationary engines with their beating wings.
  • In some cases there is a strong tendency for the central part of the lesions to disappear, and the process then remain stationary, the patches being ring-shaped -- _psoriasis circinata_; and occasionally several such rings coalesce, the coalescing portions disappearing and the eruption be more or less serpentine -- _psoriasis gyrata_. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • While she was stationary they stayed dammed up inside her, causing unbearable pressure around the heart. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • One possible explanation for the inviability of stationary-phase tetraploids is that these cells accumulate abnormalities during log phase that make them inviable in stationary phase.
  • Honestly, we could go on about Inferno's nifty fire effect, or Voldo's creepy, stationary strut, or even Taki's newfound jiggle.
  • The vehicle also comes with a hand-wound stator and increased winding density for lower resistance and higher peak torque (the stator is the stationary part of an electric generator or electric motor). MotorAuthority - Latest News
  • ‘Moving the animals to lower regions means the reindeer are stationary and living in hotter climates,’ Nansalmaa said.
  • A stationary object is easy to be aimed at.
  • More fuel is used to get a vehicle moving from a stationary position, causing more pollution.
  • The network provides consistent data throughputs of 1 MB / s for stationary users, with bursts up to 6 MB / s.
  • The exercise may be walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle.
  • Finally, step trials were compared with the stationary target conditions, using the final target location as the basis for comparison.
  • In the seventh round, Leonard did 3 minutes of taunting, offering his wide-eyed face as a stationary target, throwing a jab while windmilling his right arm, a hip shimmy here, an Ali shuffle there.
  • The thing rushed past his stationary body, jaws snapping at the mermaids ' tails.
  • ‘In India the problem is more the standing / stationary condition of the temple elephants,’ says Chiran.
  • When the solution is placed as a thin film under stationary conditions, concentric or spiral wave patterns develop in the solution.
  • a geostationary satellite
  • Sensing movement might help keep a fly from remaining in one place for very long, the same way the tail of a cow might help "shoo" the fly from its stationary position on the haunch, but does that mean flies go away or does it mean they just buzz around and land again somewhere else nearby? Repel Flies With A Bag Of Water | Lifehacker Australia
  • In the commercial industry of publishing and stationary, there are often layers of opinion to hurdle in order to get an idea from conception to market.
  • As the Earth rotates on its axis from west to east, it appears from our apparently stationary viewpoint that the stars rise in the east, culminate on the upper meridian and set in the west.
  • In some instances, stationary magmas solidify in situ.
  • Tandem columns can enhance efficiency by increasing plate numbers or enhance selectivity by connecting different stationary phases.
  • In order to account for the constancy of the speed of light, Einstein had to accept that moving clocks run more slowly than stationary clocks and that moving objects shrink in the direction of their motion.
  • Other customers put stationary diesel-hydraulic grabs in a port for unloading their own vessels.
  • She grew especially animated about the possibilities of launching an “occulter”—a flat, football-field-sized, petal-shaped sunshade that Seager and others hope will one day be sent into deep space and aligned with a similarly stationary but space-based telescope. First Contact
  • Even yesterday, when the roads were relatively quiet, stationary traffic stretched the length of Kingshill.
  • The car as a stationary sleeping palace is one thing, but as a speeding, scenery flying, wind-sucking metallic force of natureFreud is having none of it. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
  • Even though the electron is in constant motion, it does not emit electromagnetic radiation from a stationary state.
  • In the athletae, embonpoint, if carried to its utmost limit, is dangerous, for they cannot remain in the same state nor be stationary; and since, then, they can neither remain stationary nor improve, it only remains for them to get worse; for these reasons the embonpoint should be reduced without delay, that the body may again have a commencement of reparation. Aphorisms
  • These states were detected both by short actinic flashes and by the switching of the actinic illumination level between different stationary state values.
  • The mobile phase flows continuously over the stationary phase and as it does so separates the components on the stationary phase.
  • For instance, fertility inheritance in a stationary population will, in some aspects, affect the coalescent tree in a similar way as population growth.
  • We observe throughout with a stationary camera and all we end up doing is panning and tilting, while we remain in one spot.
  • Stationary conglomerations of individuals were transformed into migratory co-operative groups, following the shores of lakes and seas, and the courses of rivers.
  • Not that much happens, but it happens in breathtaking, meticulously composed shots, usually filmed from a stationary position a metre off the floor - the approximate eye-line of someone seated on a tatami.
  • The Brawlers scowled viciously at the stationary pair as they sped forward, their serpents lashing their tails and hissing.
  • Of course, larger cleanup tasks should be left to bigger stationary units that can safely handle both larger limbs and leaves.
  • She thinks that people who mix up homophones (like stationary for stationery) ought to have bricks thrown through their windows.
  • During the past year, we have included more than two dozen additional commercial geostationary communications satellites that have been ordered or planned by companies such as Intelsat and SES Global. SpaceRef Top Stories
  • First, tetraploids continue to bud in stationary phase, whereas haploids arrest as unbudded cells.
  • He saw that steam was up in the boiler which operated the "go-devil," although the contrivance itself was stationary. The Iron Trail
  • He died when the car he was travelling in crashed into a stationary yellow low-loader parked in a lay-by on the westbound carriageway of the stretch.
  • Stationary plants providing 200 kilowatts of neighborhood electrical power are practical and operating efficiently.
  • The modified signals are then retransmitted via geostationary satellites to users' receivers.
  • After surgery March 2, Wilson immediately began rehabbing, riding a stationary bike and doing exercises to maintain his core strength.
  • School started at nine and my satchel (I was also into satchels) was already packed with my school books, jotters, folders, stationary etc.
  • The gameplay is a sort of 3rd person scrolling shooter, with your avatar floating stationary at the bottom of the screen.
  • Hundreds of England flags stuck to stationary cars fluttered sadly and ignored, like puppies who had been chastised for messing on the carpet.
  • Attached to the end of the barrel are stationary fins that provide stability during flight.
  • The course mostly dealt with giving and taking commands, as well as keeping in formation, and obviously shooting moving and stationary targets.
  • And we brought home the new recumbent stationary bike, which is good, because everybody including the dog was starting to have serious worries about my safety on the old one. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • Most favored activities are cycling on a stationary bicycle, brisk walking, swimming, and water aquatics.
  • It is based on the probability of having a number of alleles greater or equal to the observed number in sample drawn from a stationary population.
  • When an object is at rest on a stationary support, the thrust line is parallel to a radius of the planet, i.e. it lies in the gravitational vertical.
  • When ready to pounce the wasp moves swiftly when its prey is usually in a stationary position.
  • Egnos consists of three geostationary satellites and a network of ground stations for the transmission of a signal containing information on the reliability and accuracy of the positioning.
  • A stationary front is denoted by semicircles and triangles on alternate sides of the front.
  • The system gives 3D target location and tracking of stationary and moving targets.
  • As an econometrician I have my doubts about the ratio of a non-stationary quantity and a stationary one.
  • Most of the reductions of particulates came from the energy supply sector and industry, and emissions are expected to decrease further as cleaner vehicle engine technologies are adopted, and stationary fuel combustion emissions are controlled through abatement or use of low-sulphur fuels, such as natural gas or unleaded gasoline (see Box 6.17). Global Environment Outlook (GEO-4)~ Chapter 6
  • The benefits As with regular stationary cycling, you'll tone your legs, glutes and abs while burning calories.
  • For fifteen minutes the symptoms remained stationary, when it was proposed to use active exercise, as in a case of narcotism from opium.

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