How To Use Standardization In A Sentence
The article introduces standardization of SIEMENS whole world and statute in detail strategic content.
Last year in the small town of Klaksvick, over 230 pilot whales were literally hacked to death over the course of several excruciating hours pointing to the community's incapability to slaughter, process and distribute the meat efficiently or in a "humane" manner and further pointing to the lack of precision and standardization in the killing methodology.
Deborah Bassett: "Whale Murder" in the Faroe Islands: 100 Pilot Whales Slain for Cultural Tradition
So despite its essentially iconoclastic, subversive nature, photography permits, even encourages, the sporadic establishment of canons, traditions, and an academical standardization of ideas.
On 11 September, the national information technology Standardization Technical Committee formed sensor network standard working group.
However the restructuring it has initiated does not only consist in the formal standardization of university degrees: the result of Bologna is an increasing stratification and hierarchization of national educational institutions.
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The standardization of recording methods allows rapid and highly accurate comparisons to be made between different artifact types.
The standardization and security problems associated with contactless cards seem to be much more serious.
Standardisation, quality assurance, metrology and testing of products are key to poverty reduction says the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
In this dissertation, we first outline the standardization process and technical overview of LTE/LTE-A, and give a brief introduction of theory, methods and tools of the link level simulation.
It is instructive to look at preliterate societies, where literacy and standardization have been more recently introduced, to see how different languages begin to acquire prestige and others are devalued.
What I think is more of a worry is the sort of standardisation and homogenisation of myth and film where you're given stories rather than encouraged to develop your own.
Many Victorian cultural critics thundered that railways dragged deplorable rationalisation and standardisation in their train.
There is a sense in which nationhood is forged and reproduced through the standardisation of currency, weights, measures and education.
It was financed in part ANEC, the European Organisation for Consumer Representation in Standardisation.
A 2001 report from the International Organization for Standardization, the governing body responsible for standardizing the containers, estimated that containerization has reduced the cost and time required to move goods globally by 35 and 84 percent, respectively.
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This standardization makes the canonical coefficients comparable to each other, but does not influence other aspects of the analysis.
Despite the destructive nature of the current trend toward standardization and marketization, progressive teachers and teacher educators continue to struggle to teach in socially responsible ways.
Even within the world of mass-produced culture, it is possible to approach the question of standardization differently.
Based on recent results, this year we have developed modules that demonstrate that digital image standardization and decision support systems based on multispectral imaging are realistic.
There are intrinsic differences between English and Romance languages that militate against complete standardisation of the English language; the formation of compound nouns and the associated use of hyphens is a case in point; so is the formation of phrasal verbs, which come, change, and go away as fashion demands.
Two letters
Standardization, factory prefabrication and volume production can greatly reduce dwelling structure cost, but not the cost of site preparation and foundation work, which always must be customized.
Berkeley tests concept of backyard cottage
Any time there is a move toward greater standardization and homogenization of radio formats, it is bad for artists and record companies.
Objective To excogitate Alisma orientate(Sam. ) Juzep. flower bolt Cultivating and standardization cultivating technology of field planting management.
In addition to conducting basic and clinical research looking at standardization, metabolism, and toxicity of botanicals, the center will support research training in pharmacognosy (the study of natural products).
The second one, which I call the interventionist and harmonisation model, is characterised by enormous centralisation of decision-making in Brussels, by far-reaching regulation of human activities, by harmonisation of all kinds of “parameters” of political, economic and social systems, by standardisation and homogenization of human life.
Archive 2007-05-01
ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.
Proposed Addendum to: Standardization Mark ( SM ) of quality and Import Standardization Mark ( ISM ), Directives 2009.
Excess cream is removed for standardization and the standardized product is homogenized and further heated to 175 degrees, held for 30 seconds, then quickly cooled to 34 degrees.
a committee was appointed to recommend terminological standardization
Then, I begin to look outside my window, to merge with another provider, to lower my cost, my backhaul expense (via volume purchase agreements), base station expense (through standardization) and viola, a duopoly is born.
How Neutral Should Wireless Networks Be?
Serialization of products, product standardization and management standardization, users can satisfy of different technical requirements.
Too often, vertical integration brought with it standardization.
It is well to keep in mind that, usually, building-block approach, like standardization and unification, is linked to greater excessiveness in systems and complexes.
In the interests of standardization and parity, many programs have been flattened out into a series of bureaucratized educational modules, strangling the creativity of both teachers and students.
The Government set up the new proposals following pressure from parents and others for greater standardisation of terms and holidays.
The standardization of recording methods allows rapid and highly accurate comparisons to be made between different artifact types.
The purposes of this Association shall be to promote interest in the nut bearing plants; scientific research in their breeding and culture; standardization of varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and such other purposes as may advance the culture of nut bearing plants, particularly in the North Temperate Zone.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
The standardization position contends that firms should deliver similar products and promotion campaigns in all markets because globalization leads to the homogenization of cultures and business practices.
The standardization of recording methods allows rapid and highly accurate comparisons to be made between different artifact types.
An extensive introduction provides the reader with information on consumer information, standardization of herbs, regulatory information on botanicals, and interpreting product labels.
Utzon's key geometrics, the systems of standardisation and repetition, made for economy as well as for logic and beauty.
The standardization of textual requirements was an equally important contribution of the Hague Rules to the certainty of the ocean bill.
Because of centuries of standardization and veneration of literary usage, a classical language or a classicized variety of a language may split off from everyday use.
The ‘siege’ in the title refers to the way in which standardization elides the individual speaking mouths and the full resonance of their sounds in favor of convenience.
If countries align their standards, this will lead to mutual recognition of conformance testing, an important issue to ensuring that standardisations are not used as non-tariff barriers.
The perceived value of the statement is that its standardisation makes comparisons between companies and industries more reliable.
LOS ANGELES Hollywood Reporter - "Avatar" and standardization of the technology represented "tipping points" for the acceptance of 3D movies, but Hollywood risks killing the golden goose if it overprices tickets and overly saturates the market, according to a study released to The Hollywood Reporter.
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A final debilitating difficulty was an almost total lack of standardisation.
The studies on origins, macrograph of crude drugs and main microscopic characteristics are provided for their resource developing and drug standardization.
In addition, there is no standardization in mesotherapy.
With the correct coaching, it may suit the Royal far better, although the standardisation of female ballet bodies trained mostly for androgynous athleticism has almost put the delicacies of the Bournonville style out of reach.
The benefits of standardization are coupled with the capacity to respond to change-a way to have your cake and eat it too.
Not only has the standardization of curriculum begot test-prep and boredom, but "pacing" is its toxic spawn.
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The program publishes quadripartite standardization agreements and other guides to enhance coalition operations.
Conclusion:Blood heat, blood dryness and blood stasis can be used as basic syndrome types of TCM syndrome differentiation standardization.
Digital imaging standardization is basic to all image decision support systems.
Be aware though that there is no standardization to filename extension usage, and many different people have used extensions to apply to many different things.
Upgrade and cancel deployed Files and Printer server, Virus, mail relay, domain integrate, client computer software environment standardization, IT helpdesk hot line mechanism.
In fact, those insights will sometimes be decisive in the standardization of orthographies for indigenous languages, as is the case for the PROPELCA experiment in Cameroon.
The Valois ruler's centralization, with their tailles and standardization of language and arts, would lead to expensive voyages to prestatial America, where their influence remains today in Quebec and Louisiana.
The Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) standard and workgroup, which is working toward standardization of BoMs for easier reporting - All News
standardization of nuts and bolts had saved industry millions of dollars
He cast himself as an urban philosopher whose overarching theory, which he called Gothic Futurism, posited that graffiti writers were trying to liberate the mystical power of letters from the strictures of modern alphabetical standardization and had inherited this mission from medieval monks.
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By 1916, there was a standardization of support elements in each infantry division.
~ The purposes of this Association shall be to promote interest in the nut bearing plants; scientific research in their breeding and culture; standardization of varietal names; the dissemination of information concerning the above and such other purposes as may advance the culture of nut bearing plants, particularly in the North Temperate Zone.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950
The International Organization for Standardization provides standards against which organisations or functions may be certificated by accredited auditors.
This is perfectly valid and appropriate advice from the vantage point of the canons of structured interviewing with its quest for standardization and for valid and reliable data.
Since then, the company has stayed in the vanguard of the market by consistently promoting technology standardization and adopting state-of-the-art technologies ahead of others.
The milk is pumped into the processing room for standardization, pasteurization, and homogenization.
Such standardization and rationalization of diverse local practices was promoted by lawyers who were the agents of change.
The standardization of forms and ethical about marriage was developed by Church, it also endues marriage with dignity, so that the marital status towards chaos to orderly at the time.
One of the driving factors in tools standardization is to make getting the answers or the rest of the story easier for the airmen and civilians who are the backbone of the Air Force spares support business.
The article introduces standardization of SIEMENS whole world and statute in detail strategic content.
One reason for this was the lesson Philips and other consumer electronics companies had learned about the importance of global standardisation.
The synthetical wind vector profile is standardization method in rocket design.
The purposes of this Association shall be to promote interest in the nut bearing plants; scientific research in their breeding and culture; standardization of varietal names the dissemination of information concerning the above and such other purposes as may advance the culture of nut bearing plants, particularly in the North Temperate Zone.
Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report at Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948
Early tools, such as the sundial, began to create objective standardization but still lacked precision.
However, clocks and watches suffered from a lack of precision in both operation and standardization.
Language standardization should adopt the compound reference frame which includes double references: geographical dialects and social dialects.
Standardization of counseling techniques is obviously impossible.
The perceived value of the statement is that its standardisation makes comparisons between companies and industries more reliable.
The only rules are team spirit , cooperation, development, standardization and specialization.
Even within the world of mass-produced culture, it is possible to approach the question of standardization differently.
Carry out system innovations to promote development of project management system toward standardization, scientization and internationalization.
It is also a powerful cautionary tale for all those who blithely repose their faith in State-led legal reform, codification, standardisation and uniformity.
Standardization simply supports the safe practice of competent clinicians.
It made possible the standardization of texts as well as symbols, numbers, and figures.
The higher the standardization level, the greater the excessiveness, with excessiveness costs rising in line with system complexity growth.
The standardization of measurement is not well defined: The effect of counter measures such a dredging which is performed intensively in Holland is difficult to asses.
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The pressure for standardization also affected metrology.
The standardization of textual requirements was an equally important contribution of the Hague Rules to the certainty of the ocean bill.
But for an instant, it is liberating to believe that most of the people in this book would never trade itinerancy for routine and standardization.
Boing Boing
This paper is under the online detection system standardization of the supersound, module thought, put forward on the basis of multiple subjects that the seminar bears.