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[ UK /stˈændəd/ ]
[ US /ˈstændɝd/ ]
  1. conforming to or constituting a standard of measurement or value; or of the usual or regularized or accepted kind
    the standard fixtures
    windows of standard width
    standard sizes
    standard brands
    standard operating procedure
  2. established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority or excellence
    a standard reference work
    the classical argument between free trade and protectionism
  3. regularly and widely used or sold
    a standard size
    a stock item
  4. commonly used or supplied
    standard car equipment
    standard procedure
  5. conforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers
    standard English
    received standard English is sometimes called the King's English
  1. a board measure = 1980 board feet
  2. the value behind the money in a monetary system
  3. an upright pole or beam (especially one used as a support)
    distance was marked by standards every mile
    lamps supported on standards provided illumination
  4. any distinctive flag
  5. a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated
    they set the measure for all subsequent work
    the schools comply with federal standards
  6. the ideal in terms of which something can be judged
    they live by the standards of their community

How To Use standard In A Sentence

  • There has to be a standard, a level where the candidacy is based on merit rather than on luck.
  • Other worries were language barriers and lower standards of quality in some countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no absolute standard for beauty.
  • ASCII is the standard language of Internet e-mail and newsgroup text, among other things.
  • Did Michelin-starred chefs abandon their restaurants after the passage of hygiene standards laws? Times, Sunday Times
  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • It would seem that efforts to train stalkers to high standards have been successful, and I would agree with that conclusion.
  • One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely. Hype Hype Hoorah!
  • With a full tank of fuel, the weight bias shifts rearwards slightly, which helps traction, as does the standard limited slip differential.
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