How To Use Stand in In A Sentence
Hunt was also to write that he and Millais used to stand in front of the Raphael cartoons (then at Hampton Court) and judge them fearlessly, also that they condemned Raphael's Transfiguration (which they had never seen) 'for its grandiose disregard of the simplicity of truth, the pompous posturing of the Apostles, and the unspiritual attitudinising of the Saviour.'
Cosa Nostra
The practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion rejected by the minds and hearts of men.
Tuesday at 3 p.m. place-holders started showing up outside the restaurant Galatoire's to stand in line so their well-heeled patrons can enjoy trout amandine and souffle potatoes Friday during the celebrated pre-Fat Tuesday fest.
Archive 2005-02-01
Old deliberate contemplations, perceptions after long regard ingathered from abundant nature, theories leisurely compacted in sunshine or storm, to stand in the fields of memory, crowned with beauty by the indulgent years.
Apologia Diffidentis
The slums and shanty towns stand in stark contrast to the multi-storey towers and the glamour of Bollywood.

The car lights are extinguished and we stand in the blue shadows and cooling dust.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of you may be surprised to see Mr. Jerrold here in person-in as much as our notice card intimated that he had been "liquidated" - which process we have come to understand in recent years is somewhat of an ordeal.
The Present Condition of England
Are we willing to be the alpha and the omega rather than stand in the middle all the time?
To "ascend the hill of the Lord" and to "stand in his holy place "means to enter into his house and find acceptance.
Christianity Today
Our notions of order and disorder stand in stark contrast to the dynamic artistry of the integral beauty of things as they are in nature.
On the downside, this dependency on biography and history means that sometimes the tales do not stand in their own right.
Such synecdoches are central to reformist representation, which relies on one ‘wretched woman’ to stand in for all.
The incident happened in the afternoon near the main bus stand in the communally sensitive North Gujarat town, which has witnessed several violent incidents in recent weeks.
The outcomes from the two episodes stand in stark contrast to one another.
Times, Sunday Times
Stand in front of them for a few moments and see how quickly you get hooked.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore in reviewing the opinions and practices of ruder ages and races we shall do well to look with leniency upon their errors as inevitable slips made in the search for truth, and to give them the benefit of that indulgence which we ourselves may one day stand in need of: _cum excusatione itaque veteres audiendi sunt.
The Golden Bough
I had planned to stand in a convenient archway, watching the rain and working on the book in my head.
He gazed out into the sun-bathed crowd assembled in front of the stand in the clearing in Donadea forest.
Cool-season annuals such as clarkia, Iceland poppy, lobelia, pansy, and stock can't stand intense summer heat.
If you're willing to be prime minister without getting the public to vote for you, it's just lily-livered sissiness to let the fact your colleagues won't vote for you either stand in your way. - Comments
His narwhal tusks stand in the attic near a loose pile of taxidermic heads.
An order has just been given to stand in to enable our coast pilot, Cooper, to fix our whereabouts exactly by his knowledge of the land.
She shoved her into the front row before moving to stand in the doorway of the gazebo.
Here people would just stand in front of bulldozers to change that law.
The last time was the night after the firework and I was too fragile to stand in that pub with fireworks going off all over London.
To determine the extent of their external rotation, dancers should stand in first position with straight knees and no rolling over.
The argument is that without distinct individuals that are metaphysically prior to the relations, there is nothing to stand in the irreflexive relations that are supposed to confer individuality on the relata.
Structural Realism
They suddenly turn up en masse and stand in the sea talking to each other.
Times, Sunday Times
As things stand in British arts, only an autist would dare to profess disinterest in diversity.
Total state and local debt outstand ing hit $200 million by 1840 and about $1 billion by 1880 ($22 billion in today's dollars).
The Muni-Bond Debt Bomb
Then they give a gun to an under-strapper, telling him to stand in some prominent part of the woods, _his_ gun well in sight.
Chateau and Country Life in France
If your travel plans do not include hotel transfers and you are traveling with a partner or a group, send someone outside to stand in line for a taxi cab while the others wait to pick up the luggage.
The immensity of the task, the insufficience of the means stand in striking contrast.
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance
The children were asked to stand in a row.
Like the beekeeper taking his stand in the garden, it requires the prolonged use of miniaturized verbal trestles that can be dismantled once the swarm has gone.
Halbert was aye skipping up and down like a roo, and his brother used to sit in the chimney nook with his book and sic-like trash -- But the lad was like a loaded hackbut, which will stand in the corner as quiet as an old crutch until ye draw the trigger, and then there is nothing but flash and smoke.
The Monastery
The girl imagines stuffing the family candy stand into the bag of burnable refuse.
Where do things stand in terms of the budget?
Did he, as his father, have the right to stand in his son's way to reach the happiness he earned so gruelingly over the past years?
The terminal rigmarole: when he's got to stand in the dock and be examined.
However, I don’t think either his jewish background or extratemporal standing (SJ’s GS13 Liberal Democrat Federal Employee Best Friend notwithstanding) would stand in the way of his succeeding to the presidency in a crisis.
Cheeseburger Gothic » And now, Gentlemen, down to business.
You stand in the way of a swarm of bats and you can expect to get horsewhipped to tarnation, boy!
Now that the party's deputy leader has announced she will not stand in next year's Assembly elections, the party is to be stripped of its only eminent woman and bleached of its last shade of green.
And why should a person doing an honest day's hard work have to stand in line after hours for a handout in order to eat or pay rent?
In their long dresses, they stand in chorus lines next to the archers, and put them off with mocking chants and suggestive songs.
Times, Sunday Times
Four lights have been erected around the bandstand in Lund Park, Keighley, and the entrance in Malsis Road.
All he could do was stand in the rubble of his precious memories, and forlornly point out random spots now cluttered with cranes and building supplies.
In the early mornings he would stand in his dressing gown at the window, sipping a cup of milky coffee, while his valet ran his bath.
The criminal convictions of three former stockbrokers and three former members of a defunct day-trading firm's management will stand in a plot to misuse brokerage firm "squawk" boxes, a judge has ruled.
Judge Denies New Trial in 'Squawk' Box Case
Eventually he gets near the beach, and jumps out into water that's just about shallow enough to stand in.
Reply pretty funny me and my friends used to do almost the same thing we would stand in one spot shott a couple seconds then turn off the camera and bring some silly prop or someone else or somehting stupid inside the next shot kinda stupid but funny if you do it right
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Incredible Card Tricks
Kiltane locals are prepared to stand in front of bulldozers to stop work on the rehabilitation of bogs in Erris.
We stand in silence watching more people join the line as others leave happily with their cones and cups blissed out, stressless, and not quite ready to go home.
Michelle Kearney, the magazine's editor, likes to stand in front of large photos of slashing scalpels while punning: ‘We are totally cutting edge’.
We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.
At first, beginners understand little and produce nothing, then gradually they understand individual words, fixed formulas, and disconnected items in speech or text.
When we finally dragged the hulking thing home, all we could do was saw it in half and just stand in awe, gawking at the horror within.
He sat down at the grand piano, right leg turned slightly to one side and with the mike stand in the centre of the keyboard.
Times, Sunday Times
So the Wazir repaired to the door of the kitchen and sat there a little while, till up came the black and would have entered the kitchen; but Shimas caught hold of him and said to him, “Dear my son, I would fain stand in presence of the King and speak with him of somewhat especially concerneth him; so prithee, of thy kindness, when he hath ended his undurn-meal and his temper is at its best, speak for me and get me leave to approach him, so I may bespeak him of that which shall suit him.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
This is since regulating jailbreaking collection have been the stand in edged sword.
Archive 2009-11-01
There I stand in a gown and high heels, tresses piled femininely atop my head, and yet my shoulders slump forward like a pitcher on the mound, my forehead crumples, and I become decidedly resolute as I recite my carefully composed vows:
Live and Let Love
The car lights are extinguished and we stand in the blue shadows and cooling dust.
Times, Sunday Times
And as for this whale spout, you might almost stand in it, and yet be undecided as to what it is precisely.
Moby Dick
With its ebullience of baroque form and boldly patterned marquetry made of exotic woods, mother-of-pearl and ivory, the stand includes the delightful illusion that an embroidered cloth has been flung across the top.
Rather than stand in awe of his suppressed and frustrated creative forces I'm more inclined to tell him, sharply, to have a shower and a shave and put some clean clothes on, for goodness sake.
Chicago resident James Andrews opened a prison-themed hot-dog stand in the city's West Side neighborhood and staffed it entirely with ex-cons.
“And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the East: and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the East and toward the West, and there shall be a very great valley; and half the mountain shall remove toward the North, and half of it toward the South.” —
The Lost Ten Tribes, and 1882
Will Lee Westwood attempt to have a stunt-man double stand in for him?
Bad: Governor Palin alienates or worse excites the Liberal base to come out and vote against Brown as a Palin stand in for her brand of conservatism.
Ah, former Governor Palin? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Don't let that no-good father of yours stand in your way.
Meanwhile, their defenders in the media were practically apoplectic about the gall of non-experts using data they can't possibly understand in order to advance their own bizarre conspiracy theories.
having to stand in line so long was a real bummer
John demonstrates some easy steps and tells me to stand in what I know as ballet's first position.
News round-up
In a nutshell, when the masses justly resist, it is an honor and an obligation to stand in support of such resistance.
If any foorme or stoole stand in his way, hee oftentimes beateth his browe vpon the same, and often ducking downe with his head, and body, worshippeth the chiefe Image.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Did you ever stand in a bookies shop on St Stephens Day for a period of time?
Children and servants are not exceptions to this general rule; and those of us who indulge in unkind expressions towards each other, lower ourselves more than we can, perhaps, understand in the opinions of those about us.
A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding
Alexander threatens to stand in your way if you insist on taking up the same profession as his.
Take it in turns to stand in front of the group and give your speeches.
50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
Let the pots stand in a saucer of water, ideally rainwater, then let them dry off a bit over the winter.
I'd like to stand in if you introduce me.
Of course no one wants to stand in the way of technological innovation.
Times, Sunday Times
Some would argue that he should get his affairs as they currently stand in order.
I choose to stand in the curtainless bain/douche* before trying to figure out how to balance shampoo, soap and a hand-held shower head so as not to flood the bathroom.
The process of building up a truly democratic society has two parts: first, the organization and union in a single movement of all classes that stand for the abolition of classes, and class rule; and second, the overthrow of those social elements that stand in the way of this natural evolution, their destruction and dissolution _as classes_, and the absorption of their members by the new society as individuals.
Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
Mrs. Lopes rallied the women to stand in the path of a bulldozer bearing down on their babassu palm forest.
At Brazil's Museum of the Person, 10,000 Voices Tell a Nation's Story
Larks that live in desert areas will stand in the shade of grass tussocks during the hottest parts of the day.
Looking at the throng of people waiting to enter the building, Gil was glad that Laurie had instructed him to go to the back door where an usher would escort them to their seats instead of their having to stand in the long line.
Hollywood executives and other interested parties had to make do with a live webcast as he took the stand in the long-awaited trial.
Leave the meat to stand in a warm place covered with foil.
Passengers once glad to stand in line grow fretful as officials frisk grandmas' bags for tweezers.
I can see more confrontation if Dadis [Camara] does not acknowledge that neither he nor members of his junta will stand in the election.
People will be challenged concerning where they stand in relation to Jesus Christ - and where they will spend eternity.
She found a pink princess telephone on a blond nightstand in one of the bedrooms.
I went to Lowe's and asked for plants that could withstand intense heat and an absent waterer.
Gardening: Maybe I Don't Suck
But again, I don't believe that top-down and bottom-up systems necessarily have to stand in opposition; the two models may ultimately prove consilient.
Expenses necessary for the manufacturing of advanced batteriesThis is not an exercise in disparaging said projects, but just a reminder of where the arts stand in the priorities of our elected representatives.
Archive 2009-01-01
He would stand in front of the bathroom mirror in his boxer shorts and expand his chest a few times, breathing deeply.
Man does not stand in awe of man, nor is his genius admonished to stay at home, to put itself in communication with the internal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of other men.
There have been cases of poisoning from unlined copper vessels, especially when vinegar or other liquids containing acetic acid have been allowed to stand in them, forming copper acetate.
Bad command or file name. Go stand in the corner.
But this fear cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the only solution which will guarantee racial harmony and freedom for all.
Times, Sunday Times
Collect ascitic, pleuritic, or hydrocele fluid in sterile flasks and allow to stand in the ice-chest for twelve hours to sediment.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
They stand in a middle place, and may either rise to the spiritual or sink to the hylic level.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
The brutal cut-outs stand in effective stark contrast to the gentle, slow art of pinhole photography.
We stand in silence watching more people join the line as others leave happily with their cones and cups blissed out, stressless, and not quite ready to go home.
With the increasing popularity of low-carb diets, the word carb somehow started to stand in for calorie, the thing dieters have been told they desperately need to avoid.
Should the obligation to care for this terminal patient stand in the way of finding cures for the many patients who might suffer in the future?
We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.
And didn’t she up in sorgues and go and trot doon and stand in her douro, puffing her old dudheen, and every shirvant siligirl or wensum farmerette walking the pilend roads, Sawy,
Finnegans Wake
Their attitudes towards love and marriage stand in stark contrast to those of their parents.
For two afternoons a week, for the two summer school terms, for four years, I was made to stand in the middle of a featureless paddock in the middle of this sere landscape, doing nothing except seething with a mixture of boredom and anger.
In the light of all this, the question of how, precisely, the church ought to understand the relation between the two Testaments clearly belongs among those contemporary theological issues that stand in urgent need of rearticulation.
She's an aromatherapist, but she keeps a broomstick in her umbrella stand in her fourth floor flat.
Black marble top washstand in toilet; White tile suface to the lavatory trough.
May it please your good Lordship, That albeit we attend here on my Lady Elizabeth's Grace, our Mistress ... we do not forget our most bounden Duty, nor yet our Readiness in Words and Deeds to serve her Highness [Queen Mary] by all the Ways and Means that may stand in Us, both from her Grace, our Mistress, and of our own Parts also .. .166
From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
We can't let ourselves or anybody else stand in the way.
Times, Sunday Times
This presence is kind of like hopping out of the car to stand in a parking space so no one nabs it while your friend drives around the block.
British politics allows many more "carpetbagging" candidates (members that stand in constituencies where they do not live or have a history), and party discipline is a great deal stronger in the UK's parliamentary system than in the US
Elections - fresh news by
The children were asked to stand in a row.
Can you and Phil change round? You're too tall to stand in the front row.
This action is key for pushing movements in the shot put, the press-up to a handstand in gymnastics, pushing in football and the final push-off to clear the bar in the pole vault.
The car lights are extinguished and we stand in the blue shadows and cooling dust.
Times, Sunday Times
In the House of Lords they had to stand in a kind of gangway, and I have heard a venerable man tell how a certain distinguished peeress, who had to pass along this gangway when she went to hear the debates, used deliberately to brush against the reporters as she did so, and knock the note-books out of their hands.
Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid 1842-1885
These shrimp stand in silent rebuke to their unfortunate cousins that are butterflied and flattened by less sensitive restaurants.
Black marble top washstand in toilet; White tile suface to the lavatory trough.
The canopy was supported by four ornate wrought iron columns that were leftover from the bandstand in the park.
Alexander threatens to stand in your way if you insist on taking up the same profession as his.
There was a special stand in the shop where a demonstrator was showing how the food processor worked.
As someone who was caned at school for gross incompetence in woodwork, I could but stand in wonder at the two wood-carved ceilings on display, representing stylised interpretations of the sun.
The menu board outside and the bandstand inside inspired me to grab a table post-haste.
Go stand in a shoe shop and watch women fight over the final pair of suede boots with the kitten heel and tasseled edgings around the top that have been reduced to sell.
Their monuments stand in testimony to their beliefs and even today one is wonderstruck at their foresight.
Moreover, there was no basis for him to exercise discretion to allow the statutory declarations to stand in place of the counterstatements in the proceedings.
“Hah, my brave soldier, Edward!” said the Emperor, “I must have been blind that I did not sooner recognise thee, as I think there is a memorandum entered, respecting five hundred pieces of gold due from us to Edward the Varangian; we have it in our secret scroll of such liberalities for which we stand indebted to our servitors, nor shall the payment be longer deferred.”
Count Robert of Paris
People are getting no satisfaction and they are strongly considering having somebody stand in the May elections on a ticket of keeping the school open.
The driver had failed to set a driver's reminder appliance when he was at a stand in a station, so he didn't have the reminder.
'Self Preserved …' 's loose, jam-based riff colossi stand in stark relief to everyone else's doo-wop apery or sterile poptronica.
NME Features
Stand in front of a mirror wearing the shoes you plan to wear with them.
Times, Sunday Times
I also remember this great soul band that used to play in a bandstand in the park on our holidays at Butlins at nearby Ayr.
Yet this ethos does not stand in place.
Red Hunting in the Promised Land: Anticommunism and the Making of America
We had to stand in the snow every morning for roll call.
The privy had its little stand in the corner with a blue curtain and a small wash stand and porcelain sink with a mirror.
Stalin saw the organisers of the insurrection as reactionary nationalists who would stand in the way of future Soviet hegemony.
I made them stand in their scanties and subjected them to the gaze of men with tape measures.
The car lights are extinguished and we stand in the blue shadows and cooling dust.
Times, Sunday Times
Even in the rearmost car, we ended up having to stand in the doorway.
Place in an oiled bowl, cover with a tea towel and allow to stand in a warm place for an hour or until doubled in size.
For the absence of vertical sternum stand in the primary unit, a simple compound sternum stand with ax-ray filter is designed.
On Sunday her campaign was finally concluded when the completed bandstand in Clarence Park was officially opened.
Hence genus and species stand in subaltern relation, and whatever is true of the genus is true of the species: If _All animal life is dependent on vegetation, All human life is dependent on vegetation_.
Logic Deductive and Inductive
Other stars without specific policy portfolios have not let ignorance stand in the way of pontification.
Times, Sunday Times
Whereas Rosie obviously has to stand in front of doctors and industry specialists, keeping a serious face with Comic Sans illustrating her points on obstructive sleep apnoea and the physiology of sleep.
Font Rage Part Deux « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
But as for the rest of the work, its makers had their hands full pushing the notion that balletic dance movements could stand in for street-gang macho.
Raylan said, "You're gonna stand in a lineup tomorrow, Harlan County courthouse, nine o'clock.
You stand in a dark room looking at a round concave surface perhaps five feet in diameter.
A general concept can be exemplified by any number of particular instances which need not stand in any causal relation with each other.
I'm not going to even pretend to understand in any detail how this mouthful of an acronym really works.
Food poisoning -- commonly called ptomaine poisoning -- and the effects ascribed to "salts of tin" result from improper handling and improper preparation of the product before packing, or from allowing the product to stand in the tin after it has been opened.
Every Step in Canning
Although our portmanteaus were sealed with lead, and we were provided with a passe-avant from the douane, our coach was searched at the gate of Paris by which we entered; and the women were obliged to get out, and stand in the open street, till this operation was performed.
Travels through France and Italy
Outside, cows stand in pools of yellowish liquid that has oozed from blocked drains.
He would stand in front of the bathroom mirror in his boxer shorts and expand his chest a few times, breathing deeply.
Two saddles in progress stand in the center of his overcrowded workshop.
We must not allow reaction to stand in the way of progress.
But I'll let Penny's and others 'commentary stand in for my own, you fail to more conscientiously engage and, in effect, that results in flim-flamming the subject matter endlessly.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
When it came time for my client to testify, he took the witness stand in his bib overalls.
The car lights are extinguished and we stand in the blue shadows and cooling dust.
Times, Sunday Times
A more sympathetic reading of the trend toward domesticity would see it as a desperate last stand in the face of powerlessness.
‘I know people still doubt me when I say this but there is no boxer in the junior bantamweight, bantamweight and even junior featherweight who can stand in front of Vabaza and not feel the heat,’ he insists.
I heard one caller to a radio show suggest that this might redound to our benefit, since all they understand in that region is strength.
We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.
Beat constantly with electric beater while it cooks for 7 minutes or until it will stand in peaks when beater is raised.
Four players stand in a square formation 5 yards away from the receiver, who's in the middle.
The outcomes from the two episodes stand in stark contrast to one another.
Times, Sunday Times
You need to stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself you look great.
The Sun
For, though I've no idea what this accoutred frowsty barn is worth, it pleases me to stand in silence here.
Mr Baggs expected his decision to stand in the election would provoke controversy, but said he is prepared to put his head above the parapet for what he believes in.
In their long dresses, they stand in chorus lines next to the archers, and put them off with mocking chants and suggestive songs.
Times, Sunday Times
But, I suppose much like Zalman and his brother Chaim, who would soon follow, I needed something more concrete so took my mother's suggestion of reading the Bible, which was on our bookstand in the living room next to her copies of The Reader's Digest.
Carol Hoenig: A Mother's Love Versus Her Sons' Religious Demands
Galbraith's proposal does stand in stark contrast with the rumored position of the fiscal commission.
Job-Creation Idea No. 12: Let The Old Folks Retire Early And Make Way For Young Workers
Charming houses stand in the "dells," that is, in the umbrageous cul-de-sacs where the graded streets terminate in bluffs too bold to be penetrated.
After the Storm: A Story of the Prairie
And the wild oak-trees to this day, tokens of that magic strain, that grow at Zone on the Thracian shore, stand in ordered ranks close together, the same which under the charm of his lyre he led down from Pieria.
The Argonautica
The menu board outside and the bandstand inside inspired me to grab a table post-haste.
The nine cairns stand in wilderness country without habitations or shelter, in pathless terrain hostile to easy progress.
For £1 a time people stand in their swimming costumes under the warm air heaters and wait.
If the theatre audience is dense and does not applaud, canned applause should stand in, on the ready.
Khoruts published a study in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in 2009 that showed a single infusion of feces reversed the absence of bacteroides - a group of bacteria vital to the body's ability to withstand infections with C.difficile.
Later, I stand in the tiny kitchen through lunch service, watching his brigade of intense young men and women, cooking and plating his food.
Or – it might drive most of it underground but not too deeply, so that whatever occasionally surfaces will stand in sharper contrast to a street scene with fewer prostitutes and abusees.
And it was a really heavy night on set, because we knew that this was the night -- since we'd been so, you know, involved it just was -- we were going to kind of reenact and remember and stand in that place.
CNN Transcript Jun 16, 2007
Many will work alongside emergency specialists but some will stand in for junior doctors.
The Sun
I was certainly in no fit state to stand in the freezing cold for five hours to collect a security pass and, more importantly, I could not stand cross-legged in a queue for the toilets.
Poe used dozens of words which I didn't understand including cryptograph but I knew what a crypt was.
Between silk and cyanide
Then, crouching low, he ran from bush to bush and took his stand in front of a weigela bush that screened him from being seen by his family.
Jerry's Charge Account
Globke was the closest confidant and adviser of Adenauer, who could stand in for the Chancellor.
If allowed to stand in a test tube, the odor of valeric aldehyde will first be noticed, then that of amyl valerate, and lastly that of valeric acid.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 365, December 30, 1882
This role cannot have been of such scarce importance, given that bedels were expected to be able to read Latin, to shoulder certain important responsibilities, and on occasion even to stand in for the notary when he fell absent.
Huge glacial erratics, boulders unlike most of the other rocks in their surroundings, stand in mute testimony to their cross-country transport by advancing ice.
I hopped on out to the patio to stand in quite pleasantly warm sunshine and peered up at the pellucid blue sky.
You need to stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself you look great.
The Sun