How To Use Stalactite In A Sentence

  • Even as he watched, a droplet of water dripped heavily down from a stalactite far overhead, landing in the pond with fat, lazy ripples.
  • Hither ascended a _cantonnier_ when the new road was made up the valley, and here he found chipped flints of primeval man, a polished celt, a scrap of Samian ware, and in a niche at the side sealed up with stalactite, a tiny earthenware pitcher 2-1/2 inches high, a leaden spindle-whorl, some shells, and a toy sheep-bell. Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • Icicles, stalactites, stalagmites, lava tubes, and some crystals may be considered cylindrical, but the rest of the nonbiotic Universe has other shapes.
  • This has all the usual features one might expect in a cave - hundreds of stalagmites, stalactites and even helictites (strangely twisted stalactites).
  • The interior of the tunnel is mostly bricked, with a few recently-repaired patches, and tiny lengths of chalky deposit hang down like trainee stalactites.
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  • The spring water was dripping from 10 pairs of stalactites, each over 100 metres in length.
  • Natural light seeps through to every sump, and it is magical to drift through the maze of stalactites studded with reflective crystals, the light dancing in the beams of our torches.
  • Each storey is articulated by a balcony, projecting on a system of stalactite pendentives - this feature appearing for the first time in India and no doubt imported from classical Islamic construction.
  • Even the floors and ceilings were different: the former was high and covered with stalactites, whereas the latter was no longer simply white marble but a checkerboard of black and white.
  • Great stalactites hung from the roof and dripped water upon the floor, on which numerous small stalagmites were forming, where they had not been crumbled away by the passage and repassage of sleighs. Jacqueline of Golden River
  • The sinuosity of the loft is taken back by the upside-down cones that, I suspended as stalactites, they channel downward the light Coni Rovesci by Duilio Damilano
  • Only dogmatic Darwin worshipers could be dumb enough to believe that these stalactites and stalagmites would know where to start growing so that eventually meet at a point, conjoin, become a pillar and hold the roof of the cave up. Rimstone Formation - The Panda's Thumb
  • Her shoulder brushed a fragile stalactite, sending it crashing to the ground. MINUTES TO BURN
  • To every fifty children a tutor is assigned: they ramble through the country to collect specimens and observe the various formations, – excursion-trains being frequently engaged in taking them to distant localities to see for themselves hot springs, mountains, canyons, stalactites, stalagmites, &c. Man's Rights: or, How Would You Like It?
  • Water dripped onto the cave floor from hanging purple stalactites, emerald stalagmites rose from the floor and everywhere evidence of supernatural beauty lingered.
  • A train steams deep into the mountainside giving tourists a closer look at huge stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Our path is frequently obstructed by various cave things like stalactites, stalagmites, and blind butterbats.
  • “These are good, very good,” he said to nobody in particular as he waded back and forth between the stalactites hanging from the spectral ironworks on the walls and the measuring and collecting instruments stored in a beaten-up backpack. First Contact
  • The growth rate of stalactites and stalagmites in many caves today is of course quite slow.
  • The designs on the lower part of the structure are somewhat formal, but the upper part is a free-form mix of geodes, dripstone, and what appear to be inverted stalactites.
  • When a stalactite or stalagmite is deposited it contains a large amount of uranium and no thorium because of differences in the chemical behaviour of these elements.
  • She had once thought those lines referred to the river Axe, the sacred river that ran through the subterranean chambers and caverns and stalactites of the Cheddar gorge, but she now saw that the Alph of Xanadu was the Severn, and that the sunless sea was Coleridge's prophetic vision of the pewter post-nuclear wasteland of this estuary, spreading out westwards in the post-nuclear future towards the metallic fish-free Atlantic. Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
  • Stalactites sprouted from the roof, the exhaust pipe breathed out a pungent cloud of foundry fumes ... Strange Fiction in the Marketplace
  • In these calcareous (limestone) formations are grand halls and rooms, narrow passages, underground rivers, stalactites and stalagmites where fossils of ancient plants and animals have been preserved among the calcified walls and ceilings, products of trickling water throughout thousands of years. Guide to alternative tourism in Michoacán
  • “These are good, very good,” he said to nobody in particular as he waded back and forth between the stalactites hanging from the spectral ironworks on the walls and the measuring and collecting instruments stored in a beaten-up backpack. First Contact
  • Water vapour becomes tangible entities that look like stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Stalagmites rise from shelves in the side of the cave and stalactites drop to just clear of my head.
  • Stalactite-like structures were common in the Black Sheep pocket, forming knobs and fingers of matrix covered with druzy quartz, fluorite, and galena crystals.
  • The nose is a manifest congealed drop or stalactite.
  • Worn teeth with a discoloured crust up by the gums over a dark, hollow Palaeolithic mouth, maybe a stalactite coming down at the back there. A DARKENING STAIN
  • He was in a cave, stalactites and stalagmites all around him.
  • It's worth walking the wooden track among the stalactites and stalagmites deep inside the hill.
  • Stalactites protrude from the ceiling, and stalagmites spike up from the floor.
  • From its roof hung stalactites, giving a fairyland appearance to the setting. THE MYSTERY OF THE CHINESE JUNK
  • Stalactites and stalagmites connect floor to ceiling.
  • Immediately, she began to roam, examining the stalactites that hung from the ceiling, still forming, still dripping with water, each drop leaving a minute quantity of calcium which would harden and lithify, gradually growing the inverted steeple of mineral deposits longer and longer. Mosaic
  • This shortly brought them to a bewitching spring, whose basin was incrusted with a frostwork of glittering crystals; it was in the midst of a cavern whose walls were supported by many fantastic pillars which had been formed by the joining of great stalactites and stalagmites together, the result of the ceaseless water-drip of centuries. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Instead of getting drunk every night or coming up with another act to fool doctors into prescribing them drugs, they funnel their money and creative energies into “vast, echoless complexes” whose “stalactites have been precision-cut by CNC-milling machines, the walls shaped by computer-programmable routers.” Archive 2008-03-01
  • Here is every cave formation you could hope to see: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, and curtains, all created from mineralized water that drips off the cavern's limestone ceiling and puddles on the limestone floor.
  • Long stalactites menaced my head, and nasty little spikelike formations underfoot threatened to impale me if I should slip and fall. Perseus Spur
  • Stalactites, stalagmites, and other speleothems - or cave formations - grow as water travels through rocks, dissolves minerals, and then seeps into caves and redeposits those substances.
  • In the caves there are marvellous stalactites and stalagmites, which must place these caves amongst the most beautiful in the world.
  • He collected a stalactite from an underwater cave.
  • The dive base lay at the foot of a steep boulder slope, overhung by a high, arched ceiling adorned with enormous stalactites.
  • Above, between the murqanas - honey-combed stalactites of stucco- and the lime green tiles of the roof, there project exquisitely latticed balconies of Moroccan cedar wood.
  • Originally formed by a subterranean stream, then flooded by the sea, it is a rare opportunity to dive in salt water among stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Calcite, or calcium carbonate, is the main constituent of limestone and of cave formations such as stalagmites and stalactites.
  • Right below the stalactites, some stalagmites are forming.
  • The sinuosity of the loft is taken back by the upside-down cones that, I suspended as stalactites, they channel downward the light Coni Rovesci by Duilio Damilano
  • Limestone dissolved by trickling water has formed both stalagmites and stalactites, and the beauty of the Cave is notable in its own right.
  • We are careful not to hit our heads on the low ceilings because we could easily knock off some of the stalactites.
  • It is a fairytale world of weirdly shaped hills, as well as spectacular caverns of stalagmites and stalactites in endless shapes and forms.
  • Only the tops of a few mountains were left above water, and some of these became the Balearic Islands, with limestone caves full of stalagmites and stalactites.
  • Fortunately, at that moment a drop from a high-up stalactite landed in the waiting pool beneath, making a loud splash as it landed.
  • The wall continues sheer to 30m and the first undercut and stalactites appear.
  • Aubry asked as they wound their way around what looked for all the world like a gigantic tonsil suspended like a stalactite. METAPLANETARY
  • It occurs as marble, limestone; calcspar, dogtooth spar, nail head spar, stalactites, and a number of other forms, which are only valuable when occurring in perfect crystals or uniquely set upon the rock holding it. Scientific American Supplement, No. 344, August 5, 1882
  • His sharp eyes listened to the drops of limestone water forming new stalactites and stalagmites.
  • Only the tops of a few mountains were left above water, and some of these became the Balearic Islands, with limestone caves full of stalagmites and stalactites.
  • Startled, Tobias misfired, and the arrow struck one of the stalactites that were barricading him in, rebounding off of it.
  • There were numerous pools of boiling lava, and stalactites and stalagmites joined to form crude natural columns.
  • The beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations in the cave are a sight one would seldom get to see in a lifetime.
  • The decoration resembles a stalactite and consists of three-dimensional polygons, some with plane surfaces, and some with curved surfaces.
  • There were rudimentary stalactites and stalagmites protruding from ceiling and floor, like the teeth of some gargantuan creature's mouth.
  • Calcium carbonate textured the walls like coral, and stalactites hung from the ceiling like lone fangs. MINUTES TO BURN
  • On this also depends the formation of stalactites and calc-sinter. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • At Lehman Caves, sign up early for one of the guided tours through an otherworldly half mile of stalactites, stalagmites, and twisting, straw-shaped helictites.
  • Here bats, fossilised coral, stalagmites and stalactites can all be found.
  • Stalactites hung down like stone drapery from the arched ceiling far above; an occasional drop of limewater fell from their tapering ends. Conan Of The Isles
  • Sphalerite stalactites to 15 cm in diameter and coated with crystallized marcasite and galena are reported from the Marsden prospect near Galena, Illinois.
  • Natural light seeps through to every sump, and it is magical to drift through the maze of stalactites studded with reflective crystals, the light dancing in the beams of our torches.
  • I'm thinking less of the huge, operatic rooms hung with stalactites, than the narrow windings that might end in a wall or a cliff or a small pool where tiny, blind fish swim.
  • Stalactites and stalagmites can also be used to provide constraints on rates of landscape evolution by dating valley incision or tectonic uplift.
  • This produces stalactites and related deposits in underground caves.
  • The caves also contain stalagmites and stalactites which can only be seen in limestone caves.
  • The cave is millions of years old and there are many stalagmites and stalactites that still drip.
  • Her shoulder brushed a fragile stalactite, sending it crashing to the ground. MINUTES TO BURN
  • The restaurant area is aglow with vibrant shades of turquoise and tangerine, while huge candles drip waxen stalactites down one wall.
  • Even the floors and ceilings were different: the former was high and covered with stalactites, whereas the latter was no longer simply white marble but a checkerboard of black and white.
  • Rain and sea spray shaped this limestone into cliffs and tunnelled into the rock, creating numerous caves in which calcium deposits formed surprisingly shaped stalactites and stalagmites.
  • As an entity, the caverns contain a matchless array of spectacular limestone formations: stalagmites, stalactites and the rarer epsomite needles, soda straws, cave pearls, and lily pads. Travel Guide: the Incredible Natural Landscapes in the U.S.A. (Part 1)
  • The cave has some fantastic formations of great geological interest - stalactites, stalagmites, stalactones, cave pearls, ‘cave milk’.
  • Speleothems (stalactites, stalagmites, flowstone) usually display a layered or banded structure in cross section, not unlike growth rings in a tree.
  • Meanwhile, souvenir-snatching tourists add to the damage, breaking limestone stalagmites and stalactites from cave floors and ceilings.
  • You can calculate, how long will it take for the stalactite of such type to grow.
  • The growth rate of stalactites and stalagmites in many caves today is of course quite slow.
  • Originally formed by a subterranean stream, then flooded by the sea, it is a rare opportunity to dive in salt water among stalactites and stalagmites.
  • We had plenty of time to admire the water clarity, the stalactites and stalagmites and the view of trees framed by the entrance.
  • The composition of stalactites and stalagmites depends on the salts present in the water that flows over them which, in turn, depends on the types of rocks over which the water previously passed.
  • In the spring of 1968, Stepanov together with amateurs B. Kantor and E. Kurdyukov discovered the now-famous manifestation of hollow agates with chalcedony pseudostalactites in the Moscow region.
  • I vaguely make out outlines of stalagmites and stalactites connecting floor to ceiling, but little else.
  • These are good, very good," he said to nobody in particular as he waded back and forth between the stalactites hanging from the spectral ironworks on the walls and the measuring and collecting instruments stored in his beaten-up backpack. Space Odyssey: Scientists go to the extremes of the earth to divine the secrets of extraterrestrial life.
  • At Lehman Caves, sign up early for one of the guided tours through an otherworldly half mile of stalactites, stalagmites, and twisting, straw-shaped helictites.
  • Calcium carbonate textured the walls like coral, and stalactites hung from the ceiling like lone fangs. MINUTES TO BURN
  • She gazed at the stalactites and stalagmites lining the floors and ceiling of the cave.
  • The restaurant area is aglow with vibrant shades of turquoise and tangerine, while huge candles drip waxen stalactites down one wall.
  • There were numerous pools of boiling lava, and stalactites and stalagmites joined to form crude natural columns.
  • The largest developed limestone cave in Idaho, Minnetonka Cave offers a variety of stalactites and stalagmites within its walls.
  • Instead of getting drunk every night or coming up with another act to fool doctors into prescribing them drugs, they funnel their money and creative energies into “vast, echoless complex [es]” whose “stalactites have been precision-cut by CNC-milling machines, the walls shaped by computer-programmable routers.” Prunings XL
  • The walls are beautifully stuccoed and decorated with Morisco fancifulness; the lofty ceiling was originally of the same favorite material, with the usual frostwork and pensile ornaments or stalactites; which, with the embellishments of vivid coloring and gilding, must have been gorgeous in the extreme. The Alhambra
  • Then came a warmer period between glaciations, and the stalactite grew.
  • There are fine straw stalactites, tall and graceful columns and numerous stalagmites sprouting up from the floor, with the splendid scene all carefully illuminated.
  • I split the proxies into three groups: tree rings, ice cores, and other stalactites, globigerina, Chesapeake Mg/Ca, Chinese composite. Your Comments on Juckes Omnibus « Climate Audit
  • At one minute you are struggling for space, and suddenly you emerge upon a Gothic-looking hall, full of gracefully pendent stalactites.
  • A rough circle of stalactites and stalagmites dominated the centre of the cave, looking for all the world like a set of stone, needle-like teeth.
  • Gnarled, twisted, and crevassed, its deepest, darkest cave concealed a fragile moistening stalactite. When a Billion Chinese Jump
  • In addition to wild orchids at every turn, the island has some of the largest coastal limestone caverns in the South Pacific, with stalactites and stalagmites forming monster jaws you can walk between.

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