How To Use Stairway In A Sentence
In the small main lobby, there was an elevator with an out-of-order sign on it older than I was, an open door to a stairway, and a directory with little plastic letters spelling out the names of bail bondsmen and repo services on black felt.
Free Excerpt 2/5: Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson
The third room of the Venice show has been turned into a stairway and elevator experience.
On to the stretcher with him, strapping on, doubled back along the landing, started down the stairway.
I heard someone walk down the stairway.
A short walk up a stairway to the top of the north rampart affords a view of the construction.

Mr. Elling's treatments of standards (like "Stairway to the Stars") are amazingly straightforward and heartfelt — and his baritone is deep and warm.
Comebacks and Co-Conspirators
At the foot of the spiral stairway, they presented Tetra with their star spangled permits.
Who wants to listen to ‘Stairway to Heaven’ for that silly hippies-in-Stonehenge twaddle about bustling hedgerows?
The stairway left little room for counter or storage space.
Debilitating injures were commonplace in work areas with slippery floors and stairways, and heavy unguarded machinery.
They found the stairway - a spiral stairway constructed of black marble - almost immediately and started up it.
If you are working, use the breaks during meetings to stretch or take a brisk walk up the indoor stairway.
The stone stairways and halls of this wonderfully atmospheric venue will be aglow with candlelight.
Intricate carvings lined the walls and two stairways - one up and one down - led off of the main floor.
The filigreed ironwork of a stairway saved from Louis Sullivan's demolished Chicago Stock Exchange leads unexpectedly to the second floor.
The New World Reborn
Stair lifts stair lift Acorn, Bruno and Stannah stair lift, stairway chair lift to "buy, " and gives you " a " way of life.
A porter stops to rest under the shade of a huge banyan tree, its trunk twisting out of the earth and its umbrella-like branches arching over a granite stairway.
It features a stairway with turned timber balusters.
There is, of course, a limit to how gripping a narration of running up a stairway can be, and this over-descriptive style palls after a while.
Whole buildings," we are told, "seemed to sweat as condensation formed on every wall, and the stench — always terrible — even in the depths of winter frosts — reached new heights of toxicity, flowing up from the sewers, privies, and yards, and filling the halls, stairways and airshafts like a rising tide.
A Gangster Goes to War
Smiling, the brown-haired Caucasian man, now proud that he endorsed his own intuitiveness, escorted me down a stairway, then through a long, concrete tunnel-like corridor.
One Season
The words we speak help to build a kind of inner dwelling, plotting out the psyche's suite of rooms and corridors and courtyards, its stairways, arbours, spots of sun and shade.
A ghostly lady is said to haunt the stairway looking for her children.
The stairway leading to a featureless room stinks of bleach.
Times, Sunday Times
Every opening into an elevator shaft or hoistway and every opening through a floor, other than a stairway, shall be closed when not in use.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
Mounted in front of them on the railings were a dozen telescopes, each with a different resolution, through which the three of them could see the familiar ladders and stairways, resembling three ribs of an umbrella, that took thirty thousand steps to descend (or ascend) to the Central Plain of Rama.
The Garden of Rama
Beyond Mr Jefferson's high black hat, through those tangled dew-drops of flame, Mr Goosevort saw golden hair glide softly through the oasis of bodies gathered vaguely round the stage, Mr Umberto and Mrs. Jefferson laughed again together, and Mr Howle's mournful ululation could be heard adrift a lake of rabble... golden hair turning away and fluttering into the shadow of a winding stairway.
Mr Goosevort
So in the above example, a stairway with four risers will have three treads.
Kira rolled her eyes and followed her, up a long spiral stairway.
The little round stair is another game, in which a little wooden stairway, built on the plan of the spiral, is used.
The Montessori Method
Wendy saw Dr. Maddox out of the corner of her eye at the bottom step of a stairway leading to a second floor.
The dark and dingy rooms have just one little room up a stairway, which served as a toilet and bath.
Then we see skilled skaters perform a thirty foot rail-grind down a huge concrete stairway; we watch them laugh as Knoxville, obviously unskilled and unpracticed, takes a header into the sidewalk attempting the same thing.
Evacuated in wartime to the rambling country house of kindly Professor Kirk, they can't resist exploring its huge stairways.
Arm in arm, they hoofed it down the stairway, by now both giggling fit to die.
One of the passengers from the Turkey flight became so frustrated that she stood on the stairway near the carousel and led a rebellion.
A narrow stairway of glossy marble led straight into a sitting room arranged around a huge open fireplace.
A pull-down stair leads to the rooftop deck, and stairways to the basement lie beneath their own floor panels.
It is to stand at the top of the main stairway outside the conference hall.
Times, Sunday Times
The monument is constructed of pure white marble and features majestic stairways, tall Corinthian columns, fountains, a huge equestrian sculpture of Victor Emmanuel, two statues of vicotry goddesses riding on quadrigas four horse chariots, and a tomb to an unknown soldier.
Rome With A View at
From the main hall, a stairway with return and wooden balustrade leads to the first floor.
Decked with Gothic windows, Renaissance loggias and Baroque stairways, the city's public spaces emulate the comfortable stride and swagger of Shakespeare's stage Italy.
The stairways and the timbers used have had few equals in the present day.
It has been assessed that Kenny is unable to have a stairlift fitted due to the narrow constraints of the stairways.
The entryway was a garbage dump for rotted food, and the stairways reeked of old and pungent uric acid.
The walls on either side of the narrow stairway are mirrors and you see yourself reflected over and over again all the way to infinity.
Times, Sunday Times
This would involve combining the ground floors of the town hall and Wiltshire College into one open plan area, and demolishing the current stairway to the mayor's parlour.
She took us down another stairway into a vast hall filled with paintings and statuary, where a man in a dark blue suit and silver braid (I suppose that's what you'd call a footman in livery), stood stiffly as the statues around him.
The Camp Fire Girls Go Motoring Or, Along the Road That Leads the Way
Dialogue was hailed the master key to unravel the mystery and considered a stairway to a higher level of ideality.
from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully
The island's main pull, however, is its bird life and sea views, which you get to via pathways, stairways, tunnels and dangerous cliff edges.
I walked the empty causeway and climbed up the still intact stairways to be surrounded by silence and my own thoughts.
If the gap between railings on a stairway or at the landing is wide enough to crawl through you should rig a device to stop kids from doing so.
Sara picked up one of Ana's two bags and started briskly for the stairway, chattering in an enchanting English drawl about how "disorientated" jet lag left a person, and then about the weather.
A Darker Place
I dressed by the light of the lantern then picked my way downstairs through the empty stairways and corridors of Mar Saba, towards the deep swell and eddy of monastic chant.
Details such as the round-top inset handrails along the stairs and the grid-like wooden details on the stairway balusters are more visible evidence of the attention to detail that went into giving the house a sense of solidity and style.
A riverfront retreat, built with the long view
Patsy got up thereafter and redressed, put on her makeup and then went downstairs and found the three-page ransom note at the bottom of the spiral stairway.
An uninsulated attic stairway or the opening from a whole house fan is like an open window, so buy or build removable insulation caps.
He proceeds through the mud surrounding the perimeter, tumbles down a makeshift stairway of mud and logs into the half-buried hootch, a clubhouse of sorts for his platoon.
The Last Vietnam War Movie
I am no longer a roadmender; the stretch of white highway which leads to the end of the world will know me no more; the fields and hedgerows, grass and leaf stiff with the crisp rime of winter's breath, lie beyond my horizon; the ewes in the folding, their mysterious eyes quick with the consciousness of coming motherhood, answer another's voice and hand; while I lie here, not in the lonely companionship of my expectations, but where the shadow is bright with kindly faces and gentle hands, until one kinder and gentler still carries me down the stairway into the larger room.
The Roadmender
Then we see skilled skaters perform a thirty foot rail-grind down a huge concrete stairway; we watch them laugh as Knoxville, obviously unskilled and unpracticed, takes a header into the sidewalk attempting the same thing.
Architects found ways of making more use of the width of the theatres by moving passages to the outside of the building and placing stairways within the thickness of the walls, thus leaving more internal space for seating.
Although imposing, with giant stairways and halls, accommodating staff create a welcoming atmosphere.
Framing the stairway are two Futurist paintings, a Cubist-influenced scene of lancers on horseback by Severini and, appropriately for Lingotto, an abstract paean to pure velocity by Balla.
He leads the way up a dark stone stairway to his vast, cluttered studio on the top floor.
Times, Sunday Times
I had tried to think of it as little as possible, but now that I searched for words all that came to me were pictures, images of tree-lined walkways, half-timbered houses, narrow streets and secret stairways.
With a loud bang, she slammed into the wall at the bottom of the stairway.
Tongues of flame leaped up the stairway.
The stairways and zigzag footpaths I hiked up on my way to the community were cut into the stone cliffs and mountainsides, clearly in ancient times, and the terracing represented countless generations of hard work.
Then, from the stairway, come two strange meows, and here is Tracey.
The stairway carpet is so frayed it threatens to unravel.
The path was in many places a primitive stairway, or crude stepladder, at first through a jungle, and later up a very steep, grass-covered slope.
An unadorned stairway in ferroconcrete seems to defy gravity as it corkscrews up, without supports, from a marble floor.
The song has a true Brit-pop bridge (and actually borrowing a lyric line or two from Stairway to the Stars from BOC's eponymous debut), complete with a choir of 'aaah's', heavy on string synthesizer, with Bloom sounding downright soulful.
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The three machines stood like weird night monsters at the gravelled foot of the wide stairway under the unlighted porte-cochere.
Chapter II
Stone steps, stairways, benches and gate posts can all add a feeling of permanence to a garden.
Since most fighters were right-handed, the stairways were built in such a way that if you were trying to get up the stairs, the newel post is on your right-hand side.
The ground floor can be accessed via a stairway from the inner hallway, but also has side access.
He remembered how he would take Mina to the hotels to trash them or slide down the long stairway banisters.
Andra said he added lighting to embellish the frangipani tree and turn it into a natural ornament during the evening so that when viewed from the stairway, people can still see the tree's luscious dark green leaves and its exotic flowers.
The corkscrew stairway, broken and footworn though it is, seems infinitely less perilous.
Cheerful—By Request
Stairway to the stars: Mechanical engineering student Alex Frakking caught this acclivitous view of the future Accelerator Centre building on the north campus the other night.
He opened it and found a descending stairway.
Dictionary of Mind, Body and Spirit
The three machines stood like weird night monsters at the gravelled foot of the wide stairway under the unlighted porte-cochere.
Chapter II
As he gently stepped up each step of the stairway he never took his eyes from the floor up ahead from where the voice came.
Developed first as a multifarious 3D model, this clean and well-suited stairway design brings a heavy touch of modernity to a simple, elegant interior space.
Beautiful Hanging Stair
He made it back to Fells Point by dusk, and humped the Gibson case up the narrow turns of the stairway to his third floor apartment, which he was lucky to have, given the rush of gentrification round the nabe.
Public stairways throughout are stainless steel with brushed aluminum accents.
He climbed seemingly endless stairways leading him ever upward.
The rest were collected by Mrs. Gardner, and they can ordinarily be seen where she put them, at various places throughout her museum-in one of the two chapels, or on a stairway landing, or mounted on top of a prie-dieu.
Followed by Pottle, the burly Customs agent was already descending the stairway, pausing only to retrieve his bass plug box.
PollyANna!" gasped the lady; but Pollyanna was gone, and only the distant bang of the attic-stairway door answered for her.
So instead of running close to the building core, two of the stairways serving those floors were built closer to the perimeter.
Six triangular wedges, which can be pieced together to create a solid hexagon, have been separated and mounted along the wall of the stairway.
One cannot pass under machicolated gateways; rustle between the walls of fourteenth century fortifications; climb a stone stairway that begins in a watch-tower and ends in a rampart, with
In and out of Three Normady Inns
‘Owning a place like this is a serious responsibility,’ he says, now trotting down an epic stairway, past Ionic columns and into the kitchen, in search of corkscrew, a bottle of superior wine and glasses.
Followed by Pottle, the burly Customs agent was already descending the stairway, pausing only to retrieve his bass plug box.
Choose a gate with a self-locking catch and check that it will fit your stairway.
A stairway upon which a tall man is in danger of bumping his head is an example of bad art.
Stone steps, stairways, benches and gate posts can all add a feeling of permanence to a garden.
The moment the stairway door closed behind her, the elevator regained its composure and followed her down.
Another door, linking the corridor to the main concourse and stairway, was already jammed shut with a wooden wedge.
The Bullet Catchers
Inside I was guided down a weird stairway and told at one point to watch my step carefully.
A wooden stairway led up from the kitchen, each step piled with old paperbacks.
In no time, the door was opened to reveal a stone stairway that led into the ruins once again.
I decided to leave our luggage downstairs rather than negotiate the spiral stairway.
History "; there was no chatter of girls from hall and stairway to distract the loftier inspirations that possessed him, no intermittent soprano noises emitted by fluttering feminine fashion, no calflike barytones from masculine adolescence to drive him to the woods, where it was always rather difficult for him to focus his attention on printed pages.
The Danger Mark
He moved quietly up the stained stone stoop; impressions of dead leaves and ingrained dirt gave the granite stairway a pepper-like color.
He snaps a picture of manicured flowerbeds placed tastefully along the tiled stairway.
The contrasting angles of the two stairways are dizzying in this context... "opiated" is a good description.
Back Alleyway, Chinatown and my back porch
She descended the dark spiral stairway, careful not to hit her elbows against the narrow passage.
The Castle is adorned with red marble stairways, gothic facades, bastions and epic statutes overlooking the Danube.
A rear stairway circled a small elevator accessible to kitchen and cook's dining area, bedroom and bath.
This was just after Mr Zachariah Lathrope, the American passenger, had so well illustrated Virgil's line, _facilus descensus averni_, in coming down the stairway by the run, on the top of a "comber;" and, although the steward had lit one of the swinging lamps over the cuddy table, it only served, with its feeble flickering light, to "make the darkness visible" and render the scene more sombre.
The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
Monticello-inspired details pervade the interior: the balusters on the stairway; scrolled woodwork motifs; the mantle friezes and the arches between rooms.
Seeing Monticello in San Francisco
There are stairways, escalators, and elevators in all quadrants of the station.
He quickly ascended the wooden stairways to the highest catwalk and went straight to the nice that faced the great penduline city of Malgovastek.
Orphaned Worlds, 1st Draft, 2nd Excerpt « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
It was pitch-black at the bottom of the stairway, but then the rabbi flipped the light switch and David saw a large room with cinderblock walls.
The Omega Theory
Suddenly, he stood up and left the room, exiting by an outside stairway.
Times, Sunday Times
Deep late night, he walks pass dusty stairway, low cramp hallway.
Surrounded by small Mexican pebbles, a young sago palm rises from a square, 30-inch-deep stain-less steel planter column, one of two flanking the rear stairway.
The path was in many places a primitive stairway, or crude stepladder, at first through a jungle, and later up a very steep, grass-covered slope.
The impressive hall and stairway are decorated in red and yellow with an attractive black and white tiled floor.
It was much like any of the stairways that were found in buildings, pale blue stucco walls, and concrete steps with a black railing so nobody would fall.
He walked up the stairs and to the main hallway, from which stairways led up to different floors.
Still remaining are the constant reminders of the devastation left behind; trees left in branchless tangles, roofless shambles of hand-laid stone foundations of once century-old structures, empty weed-filled lots, the constant traffic and beeping of backhoes, and the bare slab foundations of what were once homes but now have only haunting stairways leading down to what were once basements that, luckily, saved the lives of many local residents.
Michael DeJong: Greensburg: An Eco 9/11
Then, from the stairway, come two strange meows, and here is Tracey.
The rooms are small—except for the disproportionately huge rectangular dining room—and need work, but possess charm: uneven floorboards, crumbly thick moulding, lumpy mullioned windows, and a creaky stairway.
Exit the Actress
Rather, poorly lit stairways, rickety bed frames, dirty sex aids and repetitive movement injuries are among the chief dangers brothel workers face in New South Wales.
Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.
Running around the sides of the shack is a roughly constructed porch, which can be reached via two short stairways.
The ticket hall, stairways and platform roof are not covered by blue walls, and are therefore still as grimy, untreated and rundown as they've been for decades.
Five years in narrow walls had unfitted me for the enormous declivity of the stairway, for the vastitude of the prison yard.
Chapter 22
The stairway is lined with cipolin marble.
For the first time in my life a superstitious dread came over me; and as I turned a dark angle of the stairway and an invisible cobweb swung its slazy woof in my face and clung there, I shuddered as one who had encountered a phantom.
Sketches New And Old
The setting sun deepened the shadows in the doorways and made the unlit stairway as dark as the night.
They were stark unhygienic temples to which access was by steep stairways to the terracing and the exit from grounds at the end of matches was like running down a sheer cliff at full pelt.
My eyes had barely drifted shut when I heard my redheaded toddler holler from the stairway.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
A rear stairway circled a small elevator accessible to kitchen and cook's dining area, bedroom and bath.
The stone stairways and halls of this wonderfully atmospheric venue will be aglow with candlelight.
They appeared near the stairway and kept a safe distance away.
It contains immense courtyards, terraces and stairways, and buildings decorated with golden roofs, vermilion columns and green, red and yellow facings.
Now a soaring ceiling, a dramatic stairway leading up to the bedrooms and study gallery, and a sculpturally ribbed cast-concrete fireplace add airiness and drama to the room.
Harry descends a stairway leading down through the side - walk and looks for a change booth.
The stadium hastiered seats linked by stairways, beneath which lurk shadowy corridors.
The plan was to build a single storey 10-bed communal cell design with a "dayroom" formed by grouping six cells around a housing unit, thus eliminating unnecessary balconies and stairways, as well as unnecessary huge indoor circulation spaces, such as corridors and passages.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The burgled British householder used to be caricatured coming down his stairway with poker in hand, while the burglar was cartooned as holding nothing more than a jemmy.
Mist brooded on the cerulean-green sea like incandescent wraiths, yet the sky was a faint blush of cerulean, and the diluted sun was indolently mountaineering the stairway into the heavens.
A rear stairway circled a small elevator accessible to kitchen and cook's dining area, bedroom and bath.
Dustin Aksland for The Wall Street Journal Monticello-inspired details pervade the interior: the balusters on the stairway; scrolled woodwork motifs; the mantle friezes and the arches between rooms.
Inspired by Monticello
Some of the youths blocked the stairway and others watched, laughing.
Times, Sunday Times
Grin stood at the top of the stairway and let out a piteous yowl.
The steady climb and particularly the final stairway to the fire lookout might give shaky legs to those with vertigo.
If you didn't make it out this weekend you have not seen the new stairway to the tiki bar.
Five years in narrow walls had unfitted me for the enormous declivity of the stairway, for the vastitude of the prison yard.
Chapter 22
Without speaking , we shuffle along the aisle and climb down the metal stairway.
He noticed a hallway that ended with a stairway leading up on to the second floor.
It was rejected as the venue for the championship because its open-plan design, around a central spiral stairway was considered impractical.
Times, Sunday Times
He heard footsteps on the steel stairway, then a shadow crossed his window and someone tapped tentatively on the jalousie.
Rain Gods
From three or four meters in front of the stairway, the chirp is clear.
Did you know? Mayan architects built world's oldest sound recordings
The stairways are hung from the tree much like a sailboats shrouds hang from the mast.
Beyond the wide court slept a dark abyss, and into the abyss there poured a white cascade of marble stairways, and widened out below into terraces and balconies with fair white statues on them, and descended again in a wide stairway, and came to lower terraces in the dark, where swart uncertain shapes went to and fro.
"I run off where the drifts get deeper."
The stone stairway was covered with lichen.
The alley is perfumed with the smell of excellent Thai cooking that draws you inside, up an uneven stairway to the restaurant.
She slowly descended the stairway, making no noise due to the plush carpeting below her feet.
However, it had steps in front of doors, fire escapes exposed to flames, inadequate balcony stairways, and no exit signs.
Among the most excessive is the ravishing Vila Algarve, a rococo fantasy of curving terraces and balconies and stairways, topped off with urns and grotesques and maiolica-tiled tableaux, the whole place teetering on the verge of complete disintegration. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
But another Englishman gets it going again: Jimmy Page, standing alone on a spotlit stage with the double-necked guitar that gave us the intro to "Stairway to Heaven.
The Government and the Guitar Man
All include a mezzanine level with a wrought-iron spiral stairway leading from a comfortable sitting area to the bedroom above.
The damage to one of the two great pinnacles that top the East Front is so bad that if you stand in the spiral stairway inside, you can see daylight through joints between the stones.
Straight ahead lay a central hail running the length of the building and ending in a blank wall flanked by steep stairways that led to the second floor.
Fighting off panic, he raced over to the stairway, and skipped down the stairs as he had done before, bypassing the grieving dragons, who completely ignored him.
The burgled British householder used to be caricatured coming down his stairway with poker in hand, while the burglar was cartooned as holding nothing more than a jemmy.
Finally buzzed in, Beatriz makes her way up a dark stairway to the second floor offices, where Elena Martínez, the parish receptionist, sits in a small room behind a plexiglass window with a bank teller–like hole through which to speak to visitors.
American Grace
Until he had assured himself there was no danger from falling fragments in the shattered halls and stairways that led up to the gaping ruin at the truncated top of the tower he would not let her enter the building, but set her to fashioning a kind of puckered bag with a huge skin taken from the furrier's shop in the Arcade, while he explored.
Darkness and Dawn
Stairway doors, normally closed, stood ajar, with signs that read ‘Keep this door open [increases flow of breathable air]’.
As he quickened his pace to a jog, he saw a swift shape dart up a curling stairway.
There was a collapsed stairway to the bell-tower and two dark and narrow passageways out of the main chamber.
Once a Doge's palace, ornate stairways, gothic arches and balustrades remain.
This vast edifice rested on a foundation with a projection of ten cubits forming a deambulatory (18), which was reached by a stairway of twelve or fourteen steps.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
As the fire was climbing consuming the stairway, a pipe chase running from the basement to the cockloft above the second floor false ceiling gave the superheated gases a direct route to the attic, where the temperature rapidly rose higher and higher until it finally reached ignition temperature.
Our Lady of the Angels (OLA) School Fire, December 1, 1958
This one is a Jacob's ladder (Polemonium reptans) called Stairway to Heaven.
Growing Insecurity
Mona climbed the rickety wooden stairway.
The Happy Trails proprietor is a huge Frank Zappa fan, his windows are a testament to his love ♥ This place is also linked in history to our local Stairway Denied — Zeppelin tribute band — and the Alchemist, our local independent infozine.
Corner View – Music « Bodhicitta
Another stairway reached from the terraces to the roof, the edge of which, all around the square, was defined by a sculptured cornice, and a parapet of burned-clay tiling, sexangular and bright-red.
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
From the tall grand winding stairway that was made from white alabaster, to the grand columns of tinted plexi-glass containing a mysterious fluid, to the wide expanse of glass paneled floor.
The stairways and the timbers used have had few equals in the present day.
The entryway was a garbage dump for rotted food, and the stairways reeked of old and pungent uric acid.
These include a large hall with an elegant stairway leading to the galleried mezzanine floor with its glass roof and a circular library and anteroom with a small open fire.
Marina watched him set the rifle against the stairway and climb back up.
Followed by Pottle, the burly Customs agent was already descending the stairway, pausing only to retrieve his bass plug box.
Every opening, other than a stairway, through the floor, or into an elevator shaft or hoistway, shall be securely closed at the close of each day by the occupant; and, if there is no occupant, by the lessee or owner.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
Alan drew his shotgun, his eyes flashing with anger as he charged back towards the door to the stairway.
It was pitch-black at the bottom of the stairway, but then the rabbi flipped the light switch and David saw a large room with cinderblock walls.
The Omega Theory
Complete with sagging roof and grimy stairway, the flat was above a DIY shop and near a bus stop.
Copan has an acropolis, four kilometres of tunnels and a hieroglyphic stairway, providing historians and archaeologists with major sources of information.
The poor design of the staircase, or improper location of the deposit bins results in many students trapped at the lower level with only one stairway to go back to the upper level.
A rear stairway circled a small elevator accessible to kitchen and cook's dining area, bedroom and bath.
I pretended I was a princess sweeping down the stairway in my ball gown.
Quiet, clean and spare, it led, past a short spiral stairway with a gallery, to a darker room.