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How To Use Staggering In A Sentence

  • The book's 85 colour lithographic plates look staggeringly fresh and bold.
  • A warm, inviting womb of a restaurant, it's a place that improbably manages to rise above the staggering kitschness of waiters exchanging 'buon appetito' with diners who don't speak a word of the language either.
  • The view of snow-covered mountains through the picture windows is staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then Vernage noticed Sergeant King staggering down the road in a desperate bid to flag down a car.
  • A staggering 77 percent said they were, proving that the Weekender is getting noticed on-line as well as on the news-stands.
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  • Besides cleaning up barf, breaking up fights and propping up staggering patrons, owners and waiters can get sued if overly-lubricated lushes kill or injure someone on their drive home.
  • Off the main beach is a reef patrolled by a staggering array of fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Highly sensitive party documents detailing the list of staggering demands have been leaked to us. The Sun
  • In fact, the proliferation of viruses and the onslaught of spam have left companies and consumers staggering.
  • Andreas turned around and kicked out at Justin, sending him staggering backwards to regain his balance.
  • The waiter, almost literally staggering under the weight, plumped a huge oval plateful of sizzling ribs in front of Lili.
  • People were staggering around, dazed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since 2008, they have been socked with staggering new bills for bank bailouts and hammered by a Great Recession brought on by the very same banks. Lynn Parramore: Amity Shlaes's Forgotten History: When Unions Go Bust, We All Do
  • They are flamboyant and skilled riders, capable of performing staggering feats of archery and acrobatics on horseback.
  • It works by staggering the tags that surround your posts.
  • In fact, they are a staggering triumvirate of imagery crafters.
  • The cheeseboard was sound enough and there were enough little unbidden watermelon vodka shooters and pots of labneh with breadsticks to send me out into the night quite staggering with fullness, even without pudding.
  • At this point, I have a staggering amount of data, and it's been invaluable in dispelling myth, particularly in assisting me to name and claim classism and racism as it permeates my family culture. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Highly sensitive party documents detailing the list of staggering demands have been leaked to us. The Sun
  • It seems staggeringly crass and inappropriate, but I understand his need to record this terrible scene.
  • These images, part of a larger exhibition of photos taken from 2001-2002, begin to put a face on their staggeringly large numbers and aim to make their situation less deniable and more real.
  • My parents' obvious aging, brought sharply before me instead of gradually as the last few years had passed, when I'd seen them every day, was a staggering shock.
  • ‘It struck me like a physical blow, a bullet to the heart, staggering me back, stunned,’ recalls Campbell.
  • She groaned and stood up, staggering a bit as sleep continued to fog her brain.
  • The report documents the staggering amount of domestic violence against women.
  • She ran like a wounded deer, in a staggering, pain-crazed jink. COMPULSION
  • When A. came to take in her liquor, she found her tub empty, and from the cow's staggering and staring, so as to betray her intemperance, she easily divined the mode in which her 'browst' had disappeared. Waverley — Volume 1
  • In the email, Bourne, 60, from Dawlish, Devon, apparently rebukes Withers, 29, for her behaviour during a visit to the family in April, which she describes as "staggering in its uncouthness and lack of grace". Mother-in-law's withering email to bride-to-be goes viral
  • The numbers grow more staggering everyday, making the recovery from Hurricane Charley seem even more daunting.
  • Staggering home to the tent after nightfall he would have been sure, sooner or later, to fall into a dry shicer and break his neck, or into a wet one and be drowned. Australia Felix
  • The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering.
  • Early results appear to show staggering progress on inherited conditions such as liver disease and muscular dystrophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He might have grown up in a raupo whare, but he left a legacy of fine New Plymouth buildings - a staggering 315 in total.
  • But their apparent inability to work with some charities is staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sheer number and variety of perennials that she grew was staggering, but in addition there were the flowering trees and shrubs. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • After staggering about under this intense thunderclap of irony, we moved.
  • And he does this all while staggering about the stage tripping over things in gaily-stockinged feet (yes, I have a soft spot for gawky boys in colorful socks), fussing with the mix, swapping instruments on the fly, and -- in the grand tradition of Bowie and Byrne -- dancing like an utter spaz. The short answer is, go.
  • The physical and mental stresses can be staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a bit of staggering between bars and buses, we were missing the attention of the local hasslers, and were plotting on better ways of dealing with touts and hustlers.
  • What they almost all had in common was that they cost a lot of money, made you miserable and resulted in staggeringly insubstantial weight losses that were completely negated by your drinking a glass of water.
  • It has been a staggering collapse with just one win in the last eight games. The Sun
  • Twenty minutes later, his foot on the head of a very large, very red, and above all very dead dragon while the crowd cheered and threw confetti, Edwin spied a familiar figure staggering towards him in battered armour. Squired-Up
  • Nay what are all errors and perversities of his, even those stealings of ribbons aimless confused miseries and vagabondisms, if we will interpret them kindly, but the blinkard dazzlements and staggerings to and fro of a man sent on an errand he is too weak for, by a path he cannot yet find? Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • She spied a lone figure staggering aimlessly across a recently ploughed field just north of the farmhouse.
  • Normally a staggering $910 per double per night, rates drop to $585 per night and include meals, plus the use of catamarans, sailboards, snorkeling gear, and sea kayaks.
  • It's not possible to read Paul's New Testament writings and remain unmoved by his open heart, intellectual prowess and staggering bravery. John Shore: Toward a Christianity of Common Sense
  • The total cellular activity in one human body is staggering: one septillion actions at any one moment, a one with twenty-four zeros after it. Archive 2009-06-01
  • His collection includes emeralds and spinels of a staggering size (some of them are nearly 300 carats).
  • She thrust her hand into the staggeringly cold water.
  • The staggering on too-high heels, the silly hats, the little black dresses covered in tinsel and the semi-drunken jokes about handcuffs. It’s That Time Of Year Again « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The contrast between this astonishing piece of political theatre, televised around the planet, and another event a couple of days later, is so staggering, it is bathetic to mention them in the same column.
  • Once that clears up, Vainio turns his prey down a dark passage, chloroforming them again until all you can hear is their drugged, staggering heartbeats and the swaying neon of the red-light district.
  • He had, they insisted, slightly misquoted a staggering number of lines.
  • There was no sign of the staggering lack of self-belief displayed in their previous match. Times, Sunday Times
  • He'd be staggering and falling over and sometimes there was a gang of kids following and poking fun and laughing.
  • The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both films employ innovative computer-generated graphics that required staggering outlays in hardware.
  • Plucking up his sleeve, the beldame recognized the mole; and, staggering back in her chair, shrieked: Between the Acts
  • Wherever I go, I am awed by the diversity of our fellow creatures and their staggering variety of color, design, adaption and behavior.
  • We have seen how staggeringly impressive it is as an accurate data storage device.
  • The financial impact on the town was staggering.
  • Trained by Festival shrewdie Edward O'Grady, he's son of Montjeu who ran on the Flat in France after fetching a staggering 230,000 euros as a yearling. Undefined
  • He sent Chavasse staggering down the corridor and followed three feet behind, the Mauser ready for action. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • He raised his voice as he walked down the corridor with a groggy, staggering gait.
  • Decrepit old Shepherd Hall is being renovated at staggering expense.
  • If so much new information can be gathered from two short field seasons of general collecting and observation on one Solomon island, the amount to be learned across the two archipelagos must be staggering.
  • Players get paid staggering amounts of money. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is proper for both parties to talk via their host about staggering their attendance times, and far preferable to one being invited and not the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ryu's world exploded into stars as the blow connected with the side of his head, staggering him.
  • First by the fella who spotted her—he was staggering home from a party half scuttered, having a piss through the railings when he saw her. The Priest
  • He was staggering and had to lean on the bar.
  • Stars, however, come in a staggering range of luminosities, spanning ten orders of magnitude ten powers of ten.
  • Profits have shot up by a staggering 25 %.
  • During the nail biting night, he was inundated with a staggering 140 text messages from well wishers.
  • Bearing these staggering figures in mind, it's not surprising one shopping centre in the borough has decided to take a stand and address its own waste issues.
  • Off the main beach is a reef patrolled by a staggering array of fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staggering home under the appalled stares of passers-by, a bloodied Mehmet walks a gauntlet of seething furnaces, grinding pistons and an incessant, infernal hammering.
  • For him to claim that two morally equivalent sides were fighting it out is staggering: he is equidistant between a poisoner and the medical crew waving an antidote.
  • The number of people getting paid is staggering. The Sun
  • States will absorb the staggering cost of not only constructing additional prisons to accommodate increasing numbers of prisoners who will never be released but also warehousing them into old age.
  • There was a staggering number of helmet-to-helmet hits, particularly in the 1 p.m. games, and one of the scariest was the collision between DeSean Jackson of the Eagles and Dunta Robinson of the Falcons. NFL's former director of officiating calls for action after day of helmet-to-helmet hits
  • Arguing over such things and what they mean is great fun, so it's disappointing, part-way into "Mind Over Money," to see the show staggering toward a pit of ancient dung about an alleged struggle between economists who believe in efficient markets and study price signals, and behaviorists who study examples of seemingly nonrational economic behavior, such as "present bias. Too Crazed to Trade?
  • That his staggering blunder about his tax debts happened while he was still in opposition will save him. The Sun
  • Meanwhile the staggeringly complex regular polygon that has 65,537 sides is constructable, and in fact has been constructed. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
  • Fast-paced action adventure with you at the centre of some staggering cinematic effects.
  • The financial impact on the town was staggering.
  • His story of survival was staggering, his courage immense. Times, Sunday Times
  • To demonstrate the impact of high population growth on the environment, there is no better microcosm than California, which is staggering to accommodate its onrush of new residents.
  • Some comely instinct guided it thitherwards, sometimes staggering low over the water, sometimes flitting splendidly high until distance and the glowing sky absorbed it. My Tropic Isle
  • One of the trolls said something about “activist judges” and I got dizzy from the staggering display of stupidity so close to their beloved ACTIVIST SUPREME COURT deciding corporations have more rights than citizens. Think Progress » DeMint Blocks A Wise Lesbian Latina From Serving On The D.C. Superior Court
  • His throat and lungs filled with the pungent stifling smoke of powder, his nostrils with earth and dust, he frantically wheezed and sneezed, leaping about, falling drunkenly, leaping into the air again, staggering on his hind-legs, dabbing with his forepaws at his nose head-downward between his forelegs, and even rubbing his nose into the ground. CHAPTER XIX
  • It has been a staggering collapse with just one win in the last eight games. The Sun
  • “What in the bluidy hell do you—” Jamie swung around just in time to see Graeme come staggering out of the trees on foot. The Devil Wears Plaid
  • And yet still, the influence that he wields on the high street and beyond is staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some small local cinemas were still staggering along, run by enthusiastic amateurs.
  • They careened in, some staggering and some howling loud enough to wake up the homeless in los callejón's …. On the decline of civility
  • Each washing machine cycle, for example, takes a staggering 90 litres, while flushing the toilet uses another nine.
  • One cold February evening, while he watched the miners trudging 4 home, he spotted5 an old man staggering6 toward him across the fields, wrapped in a burlap 7 sack for warmth.
  • He is staggeringly clever with his looping, his beat-boxing, and his half-size guitar.
  • Calling his tears ‘a mystery’ is staggeringly imperceptive, at best.
  • Players get paid staggering amounts of money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Highly sensitive party documents detailing the list of staggering demands have been leaked to us. The Sun
  • And yet still, the influence that he wields on the high street and beyond is staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staggering out of the gym, I see lissome Linda heading to teach the aerobics class.
  • She watched impassively while he undamped me, and I took a few staggering and damned painful steps, catching at that hellish wheel for support. Fiancée
  • The fees have leapt by a staggering 350% over the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Staggering through the alien streets, he lost all consciousness of himself in a vortex, a whirling maelstrom, of hideous and terrifying hallucinatory images and imaginings.
  • And, really, if terrorists on the outside could help perform some jailbreak from a Supermax Prison or from Ft. Leavenworth, they could also commit a horrifying and staggering act of terrorism, and my bet is, given that capacity, they’d skip busting anybody out. Matthew Yglesias » Gitmo and NIMBY
  • I have a vision at this point of Quantum Fields staggering back and, hand to brow, muttering ‘Godfrey Daniel, I've been hornswoggled!’
  • This may be a second cause of staggering, if the thing itself engaged for be not compassable by the ability of the engager. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The range of upholstery fabrics offered online by big-name brands, familiar stores and specialised retailers is staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the diet saw our budding artist shed a staggering 10lb in just two weeks. The Sun
  • Our provincial bird, the puffin, nests here in staggering numbers.
  • He was staggering and had to lean on the bar.
  • The comments were hardly noticed in a speech laced with staggering figures about the sharp increase in borrowing and debt facing Britain over the coming years. The Sun
  • Brazil is employing a version of an idea now in use in some 40 countries around the globe, one already successful on a staggeringly enormous scale. An anti-poverty program that works
  • When the duke's father died in 1950 and he succeeded to the title, there was £7m in death duties to pay - a staggering sum for the time.
  • He shouted as the man reeled away from Rubiss, staggering to one knee under the force of the blow.
  • A staggering 10,000 new plays, all from non-professional writers, were submitted.
  • You may know him as the talented creator of that incisive Tucson Weekly comic strip, Staggering Heights.
  • The expansive gallery, which is housed in the top two floors of the Mori Tower, commands staggering views all the way to Mount Fuji.
  • In a large number of life's most basic practical skills, I am quite staggeringly, hopelessly incompetent.
  • Saying that Europe’s economy becoming superior to the U.S., then, while debatable, is not “staggeringly off the mark.” Matthew Yglesias » Staggeringly Off-the-Mark Forecasts of European Economic Preeminence
  • But, also as a sinner, I simply don't understand how a man who long supported — consistently, ardently, proudly — abortion, contraceptives, "gay marriage", embryonic stell research, and the staggering growth and expansion of statism, could say he has "always tried to be a faithful Catholic. The funeral and the letter
  • He has acquired an autonomy and influence staggering even by the standards of a country where anomalies are institutionalised.
  • This is by any standards a staggering turnround. Times, Sunday Times
  • Above all, he is staggeringly unspun. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have ever made the mistake of eating merguez in a French motorway cafeteria you will know how horrible the commercial kind can be: gristly, fatty, staggeringly salty.
  • Can we please see an end to the staggering amount of cookery shows on TV? The Sun
  • If you are running four rods, it is a good idea to cover a few different depths by staggering lines every 15 to 20 feet until you begin to hit fish.
  • Staggering house prices are forcing qualified teachers, nurses, firemen and police officers to leave the borough because they cannot afford to buy in the area.
  • It's a constant delight and stokes the impetus to discover the next staggering vista. This week's new games
  • He sent Chavasse staggering down the corridor and followed three feet behind, the Mauser ready for action. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • Emyr, as he saw me staggering with a big wether, asked me anxiously if I could manage it. TESTIMONIES
  • There are too many people participating for it not to eventually produce works of staggering intellect, transcendent beauty and infectious humor.
  • That is a staggering thought considering the flawless performance the midfielder put in to cut down Stoke. The Sun
  • The number of times this happens is quite staggering. Your One Week Way to Mind-Fitness
  • The amount of basil that it takes to make pesto is pretty staggering. Waldo Jaquith - I’m with Bush on the food bill.
  • The afternoon wore on, bringing the reality of the staggering number of telephone calls necessitated by an unexpected death. FAMILY BLESSINGS
  • Since the recruitment drive sprung into operation last month, a staggering 248 new members have signed up.
  • Coastal ecosystems have been forced to migrate staggering distances since the waning of Pleistocene glaciers began to drive the postglacial rise in global sea level, termed eustasy by geologists.
  • The book's 85 colour lithographic plates look staggeringly fresh and bold.
  • The staggering support and offers of help have been tremendous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plan to relieve congestion by staggering working hours is sound but it would need the full co-operation of businesses large and small, which might prove difficult.
  • The sheer number and variety of perennials that she grew was staggering, but in addition there were the flowering trees and shrubs. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • Mine has been that of a drunk staggering back from the pub. The Sun
  • The fees have leapt by a staggering 350% over the past decade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sheer, elemental power of that voice was staggering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before his cover was blown, Baron Cohen managed to interview a staggering array of public figures without them twigging he was play acting.
  • The sea-going eunuchs fell from favour (Zheng's missions were staggeringly costly) and by 1500 it was a capital offence to go to sea in a two-masted ship without permission.
  • He reeled away with the force of the impact, before staggering slightly and regaining balance.
  • We can drink a little, drink a lot or become staggering drunks that have stopped studying altogether.
  • The industry fills a staggering 50 million-plus bottles of the amber nectar every year.
  • He had seen Tom Ricketts, of the fourth form, who used to wear a jacket and trousers so ludicrously tight, that the elder boys could not forbear using him in the quality of a butt or 'cockshy' -- he had seen this very Ricketts arrayed in crimson and gold, with an immense bear-skin cap on his head, staggering under the colours of the regiment. The History of Pendennis
  • The sheer amount of consilient data from different disciplines is staggering. Critical Thinking Exercise: Bad Design
  • The destruction of a President with its collapse of executive authority was too staggering to contemplate.
  • This country's chief signifier is our staggering capacity to isolate ourselves from the effects of our political and lifestyle choices. Politics and Literature
  • By the time he was fourteen he was a full fledged docker staggering under the crates his boyish frame hauled from the ships unloading at Algeciras.
  • ‘What is staggering is that frequently people will drive to remote locations to dump a carload of rubbish rather than take it to the tip,’ Mr Millard said.
  • Staggering, awe - inspiring deficiency perhaps deserves even greater recognition than the handful of prizes doled out today.
  • She's staggering under the weight, moaning and weeping and acting scared.
  • Raoul at 38: “the amount of know nothingness is staggering.” Matthew Yglesias » Is Stimulus Impossible
  • I remember staggering to bed, but the room continued to spin, leaving me nauseated and frightened.
  • It is proper for both parties to talk via their host about staggering their attendance times, and far preferable to one being invited and not the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • If too large a dose of apiol be taken it will cause headache, giddiness, staggering, and deafness; and if going still further, it will induce epileptiform convulsions. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • When the field turned into Churchill Downs' long homestretch, the horses stopped running and began staggering.
  • The inevitable result is that waiting times have grown and now stand at a staggering 53 weeks for a routine MRI scan.
  • I hoped to wake up a bit on the tube ride north but that didn't happen either, and I eventually found myself staggering home with just enough energy to open the front door, close it and collapse on the duvet.
  • The second half opened with a staggering show of stamina from four girls named The Pantheras.
  • The public response was absolutely staggering.
  • The range of music is staggering: whistling soloists, xylophonists playing polkas, John Philip Sousa leading his band through famous marches.
  • Then Vernage noticed Sergeant King staggering down the road in a desperate bid to flag down a car.
  • The boy was staggering beneath the weight of a pile of boxes.
  • Early results appear to show staggering progress on inherited conditions such as liver disease and muscular dystrophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • By 1985, it was apparent that the U.S. was staggering under its twin burdens, while its allies 'economies were flourishing from the U.S. trade deficit. The Crash of 1987: What Did it Really Mean?
  • The amount of garbage the city generates is staggering - piles and piles of rubbish are heaped on the sidewalks by the end of the day.
  • Few words have strayed so staggeringly far from their roots as disco, the American shortening of discothèque, a word English-speakers discovered in Paris in the mid-1950s. The English Is Coming!
  • Injury or organic disease in the cerebellum may produce such symptoms as a staggering walk, palsy, slurred speech, chronic malaise. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • It also lumbered the new owner with a staggering amount of debt. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a staggering number of telepheriques, allowing average folk to gain much elevation without humping loads for hours to get to the alpine terrain pretty much anywhere in the range.
  • The audience roared with laughter at the staggering social comment of the in-your-face but indispensable documentary, winner of the Audience Award.
  • On the valley floor, freshwater and alkaline soda lakes support a staggering array of birdlife.
  • Early results appear to show staggering progress on inherited conditions such as liver disease and muscular dystrophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The staggering support and offers of help have been tremendous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early results appear to show staggering progress on inherited conditions such as liver disease and muscular dystrophy. Times, Sunday Times
  • What they will do with such staggering sums of money? The Sun
  • One of the officers described the two men, one of whom was Ryan, as ‘extremely unsteady on foot and staggering around’.
  • Adam withdrew his hand and stepped back and clenched his fist and as Joe sprung at him he threw a punch that sent Joe staggering backwards and falling back into the dirt.
  • The music is often painfully beautiful, especially the love song Marie and the emotional wallow of Guilty, and Newman's craftsmanship is consistently staggering.
  • It takes staggeringly good writing, assured direction, and note-perfect performances to pull off this kind of thing without leaving the audience laughing in disbelief at the tired contrivance of it all.
  • A staggering 25 tonnes of rubbish and building rubble was left behind after the four day encampment on the main car park at Pennington Flash Country Park.
  • After a bit of staggering between bars and buses, we were missing the attention of the local hasslers, and were plotting on better ways of dealing with touts and hustlers.
  • For years Mzilikazi, leader of the Ndebele people, had banned visitors and hunters from his kingdom in the hot, dry south of the country, an area known as Matabeleland, but when he lifted the ban in 1865, Henry Hartley, the son of an 1820 Settler and a white hunter famed for his ability to wipe out staggeringly large numbers of elephants, was one of the first to travel up from South Africa. Rainbow’s End
  • The financial exposure arising from the activities of the prolific abusers is staggering.
  • Overseas debt is a staggering £16 billion.
  • Indeed, with APACS, the UK payments association, reporting in March that online banking fraud losses had increased by a staggering 132% year on year, it is essential that tax payers recognise the threat of fraud and learn how to recognise a fake email. Beware Tax Refund Phishing Scam
  • Some small local cinemas were still staggering along, run by enthusiastic amateurs.
  • LONDON - A study has found that pet dogs can cost a huge amount of money, like the whippet, which is the most expensive breed of dog, costing its owner a staggering 66,000 pounds in its lifetime. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • suffered a staggering defeat
  • A staggering 71% of workers in the industry don't even have access to a pension at work and many will be reliant on a meagre state pension to provide their retirement income.

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