
How To Use Squirt In A Sentence

  • Their solution was to have Cumbria fire service just out of shot squirting hosepipes high in the air so it would fall the right way on Hopkins who was standing looking miserable up to his thighs in the lake.
  • She squirted herself a generous amount of shampoo and began lathering her hair with it.
  • I squirted a thin line of ketchup all down his chest.
  • He pantomimed the machine squirting and snatching at his clothes. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • In one case, a man was subdued by police after squirting a mysterious spray at a Maryland subway station.
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  • A forest of hurls pulled, no one really connected and the ball squirted wide.
  • Sometimes Carlie hands me the squirt bottle of "Bam" (an acronym for something that begins, ominously, with "butyric" - the rest of it has been worn off the label) and lets me do the bathrooms. Nickel and Dimed
  • Your comment about anise being cost prohibitive is true, but what I started doing last year is to go to the pharmacy and buy a syringe (like diabetics use) and squirt proper amount on my bait. Tip of the Day: Add Scent Cheap with Cod Liver Oil
  • I envisioned a young squirt of an elf, say just a sprightly 100 or 200 years, slipping out to meet his miscreant pals, grab a leaf and ride a wind current.
  • The basin pipes were tampered with and the vandals squirted cleaning fluid all over the brand new carpets.
  • He pumped a squirt of antibacterial soap into his hands, and rubbed them together to work up a lather.
  • They have all the expected coffee combos - the lattes, cappuccinos and all sorts of stuff to squirt in them.
  • And the little boy who was asked if he thought he should like a hymn-book for his birthday present replied that "he _thought_ he should like a hymn-book, but he _knew_ he should like a squirt. Collections and Recollections
  • We chordates are deuterostomes, as are echinoderms, some marine worms called hemichordates, and the urochordates, or sea squirts.
  • We saw several fist-sized sea squirts which were bright pink in colour, and only when studying the photographs afterwards noticed that each was attended by a number of well-camouflaged commensal prawns, also pink.
  • Dumping shampoo and conditioner on my head, I squirted some shower gel on a sponge and scrubbed the grime off my body.
  • One katydid is so renowned for this tactic that in German it is called a 'blutspritzer', or 'blood squirter'.
  • Rrrr min matt jeg hooker opp til de foran min et og gå ut til Loch Ness og rattmonterte ut og knytte min første mate opp og smide ham over bord og bruk for bait og når Nessy kommer opp uppsving der squirts blod og deretter id få det montert. Own Your Own Whale Gun
  • The Clintons had given him his start in national politics when he was just a pisher Yiddish for “an irritating squirt”. THE PROMISE
  • So the bile, or gall, drains from the liver through bile ducts, collects in your gall bladder, and the gall bladder squirts it out on request.
  • They're soft and mushy, anemically pale yellow, and thick-cut - perfect for soaking up a squirt of malt vinegar or dipping in a side order of mildly spicy curry sauce.
  • Thick green liquid squirted out everywhere, as Demitrius pulled wires and tubing off of the machine.
  • Therewithal she rightly apprehends the danger Bertram is in from the wordy, cozening squirt, the bedizened, scoundrelly dandiprat, who has so beguiled his youth and ignorance. Shakespeare His Life Art And Characters
  • Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe.
  • Squirt it into your hand, rub your palms together then run them through your hair, ensuring even distribution.
  • My skirts grew heavier and heavier, and there were puddles in my shoes so that water squirted out at the seams when I walked.
  • He was comprehensively floored by Smith and the ball squirted up into the grateful hands of Howe who had an undefended line 20 metres in front of him.
  • The screw cap popped off with a boom and the water squirted about 30 feet into the air, over the balcony rail and soaked people who were stretching on the second floor.
  • When threatened, the octopus can squirt out ink as a decoy to distract its predator and allowing the octopus to escape.
  • As the giant stooped and stretched out his long, hairy arm with its knarly hand and talon-like fingers Elvis, without even thinking about it, curled his tail high over his head and let blast with a huge squirt of Stink!!!!! P2pnet news
  • What you do is squirt a packet of ketchup on your arm, have a seat and watch the tragicomic parade of gore and suffering roll past.
  • The red liquid didn't ooze but squirted, spraying him in the face and down the shirt.
  • She began, for the first time in almost a decade, to wear lipstick again, and on a whim she went into a department store just to allow the woman in the perfume aisle to give her a squirt from her atomizer.
  • In either case you belong in the ‘Land of Misfit Toys’ with the choo choo train with square wheels and the water pistol that squirts jelly.
  • Lalime fought through a screen to stop Brendan Shanahan's shot from the top of the right circle, but the puck squirted free on the left side and the Red Wings 'long-time captain banged it in for his second goal in as many games.
  • If I left the cap loose on the radiator, the anti-freeze wouldn't squirt out, even though the radiator was split.
  • You always come up with such good ones despite being just a little squirt.
  • He squirted butane onto the fire from a little can that he used to fill his Zippo and the flames shot up, singeing his brow.
  • The liquid the kid is squirting is water, and the tube is called a 'bisnaga'. Boing Boing
  • A species of beetle, that squirts its predators with a high-pressure spray of boiling liquid, could provide the key to significant improvements in aircraft engine design.
  • Solskjaer attempts to hook the ball into the net from an impossible angle, and the ball ends up squirting into the path of the on-rushing Ruud van Nistelrooy.
  • This delivery method involves squirting a special insulin spray into your mouth where it's absorbed through your tongue, throat and the inside of your cheeks.
  • I chuckled at how much the little squirt reminded me of myself.
  • Crystal squirted me all over with scent even though it wouldn't show in a photograph.
  • She smiled and squirted too much of Andy's shaving cream on her legs.
  • When drilling into metal, squirt a lightweight oil onto the drill bit and into the hole to tool the bit.
  • It can be a tasty bit of pâté on a wee biscuit or a squirt of refreshing skin conditioner for the fevered brow.
  • Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.
  • Timothy, with a swift motion of his hand, broke his pen and the ink squirted mercilessly over the bewildered woman.
  • You'd wonder how such an insulting little squirt could amass such a fortune and control the mighty moguls of the motor racing business.
  • I felt her unpin my hair and let it fall around my shoulders, then she began twirling sections of it in her fingers and squirting it with something that smelled deliciously like grapefruit. The Opposite of Me
  • For your money, you get the client software that connects your browser to QuikCAT's server, which grabs your email from your ISP, or web pages your browser has requested, compresses the content and then squirts it down the line to you.
  • Covered it with a layer of quick-setting plastic and squirted sealant around the edges. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Summery acoustic guitars jostle with squirts of digital noise, arcing horns and what sounds like a solo played on a giant kazoo shoved through a fuzz pedal.
  • Dumping shampoo and conditioner on my head, I squirted some shower gel on a sponge and scrubbed the grime off my body.
  • The original recipe calls for chopped star fruit (carambola) on top of it, but since I had none and I had some mango waiting to be used, I served it with mango and a squirt of lime juice, since I think star fruit is more tart than mango. Archive 2008-06-01
  • You can brush, trowel, throw, squirt, drip or pour paint onto a canvas, or stain it with diluted medium.
  • As Robinson went to kick the ball, he collided with King and the ball squirted free.
  • Some get good results from dilute vinegar soaks, painting the nail with tea tree oil or squirting the oil from Vitamin E capsules around the nail.
  • The sweetness gets too much after more than a couple of swigs, and after a while it starts to produce a build-up of gas which eventually squirts right up your nose.
  • So he is still a pretty nice guy - that is, when he's not squirted with water.
  • A frustrated Ord was then ordered to leave the visitors' dugout and squirted the referee with a water bottle before swearing at young supporters on his way to the changing-room.
  • At the wood-pile on the shore you may generally see one of the people called "Pikes," whom you will recognize by a very broad-brimmed hat, a frequent squirting of tobacco-juice, and the possession of two or three hounds, whom they call hereabouts "hound-dogs," as we say "bull-dog. Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands
  • It included the insults jade, quean, baggage, harlot, drab, filth, flirt, gill, trull, dirtyheels, draggletail, flap, naughty-pack, slut, squirt and strumpet.
  • I desperately squirted water on the flames.
  • I know which paving stone is loose and conceals a puddle, ready to squirt up at unsuspecting commuters.
  • Then I'm going to squirt mustard from the bottle straight into my mouth, cause that's how I roll baby. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.
  • Growling, she grabbed her juice box and squirted the nearest girl with it.
  • It's nice and easy to just squirt the body wash all over yourself, rather than use soap.
  • Despite ‘being told’ to ‘take the point’, a low drive found an unguarded spot and the ball squirted off the goal post and over the line.
  • Taking 20 aspirin is just plain dumb, though not as dumb as douching with Coca-Cola - this stuff can corrode metal and you wanna squirt it where?
  • Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.
  • Jim gave his regulator a couple of squirts on the purge button to reassure himself that his air was turned on.
  • A puff of powder, a dab of lipstick and a squirt of ozone-friendly aerosol to keep my hair subdued.
  • A squirt of sauce predictably makes the ribs taste like sauce and nothing else, so enjoy them bare or not at all.
  • As I walked past a pudgy child who looked to be three and a half, shoeless in a tie-dyed shirt and playing with a squirt gun, I heard a horse neigh and watched a couple of proud looking Rhode Island Red hens scamper across the yard with their combs quivering. CHASING the WHITE DOG
  • The surface tension catapult is not capable of the discharge distances characteristic of squirt gun mechanisms like the explosive asci of ascomycete fungi and the sporangiophore of PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Attention is paid to the bottle's relative position in the shower - including the direction the label faces - no more than a quick squirt is taken and the bottle is replaced as near as possible to its original position. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • ‘Take it easy squirt,’ said a boy as he literally lifted Oram off his feet.
  • Perry. he was gone a long time before he come back with him. doctor Perry he took a look at me and sed poison ivory, so he got it did he. then he felt of my stomack and looked at by tung and felt my pulce and heard me grone and gave me a dose of castor oil and then he took out a little popsquirt the litlest i ever see and he sed i gess i shall have to give you a subteranian interjection. i thougt a interjection was a part of speach like alas and o and ah. ennyway that is what the grammar says. but this wasent that kind for the docter run the sharp point of that little popsquert whitch was jest as sharp as a needle rite into my arm. it hurt like time and i hollered but after he had pulled it out i began to feel kind of lite and floty and the ferst i gnew the pane was gone and i dident know nothing more. well the next morning i felt a little beter but not enuf to get up and not enuf to eat but after a while Brite and Fair
  • Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe.
  • Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.
  • When I cut the lemon, juice squirted in my eye.
  • Jack and Svetlana took their water guns out of their back-packs and squirted Kaatje and Johann.
  • You could get a ball bouncing high or squirting through the infield to ruin a no-hitter.
  • Other more sophisticated jelly creatures include some mollusks and snails, and tunicates - sea squirts, salps and larvaceans.
  • Give any large areas a squirt of zinc chromate primer but beware - it is very toxic and carcinogenic.
  • Three scenes in particular are almost puke-worthy: when Goldblum shows Geena Davis how “Brundlefly” eats, when Brundlefly undergoes his final metamorphosis, and, ickiest of all, when the pregnant Geena Davis experiences a dream (prophecy? flash forward?) in which she goes into labor and ends up squirting out a wriggling watermelon-sized maggot. Top 10 Most Unnerving Movie Scenes » Scene-Stealers
  • Chloride tungsten or titanium passed through hot tube, depositing a film of metal on the carbon; or filaments of zirconia oxide, or alumina or magnesia, thoria or other infusible oxides mixed or separate, and obtained by moistening and squirting through a die, are thus coated with above metals and used for incandescent lamps. Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
  • Rrrr min matt jeg hooker opp til de foran min et og gå ut til Loch Ness og rattmonterte ut og knytte min første mate opp og smide ham over bord og bruk for bait og når Nessy kommer opp uppsving der squirts blod og deretter id få det montert. Own Your Own Whale Gun
  • the boy squirted water at his little sister
  • The paint knife is an ingenious invention that squirts paint when pressure is applied to the blade.
  • Capsaicin is available in a water-based aerosol with each squirt delivering 70 microlitres.
  • With THE SOCORRO BLAST, I thought people would object to the idea that our current national paranoia squirts out, in unbecoming ways, even in small towns. Objectionable content
  • It included the insults jade, quean, baggage, harlot, drab, filth, flirt, gill, trull, dirtyheels, draggletail, flap, naughty-pack, slut, squirt and strumpet.
  • Newcomen had done this by arranging for a jet of water to be squirted into the cylinder at the appropriate moment.
  • Capsaicin is available in a water-based aerosol with each squirt delivering 70 microlitres.
  • A laser printer uses heat to set toner on paper and an ink-jet printer (sometimes called a bubble-jet printer) squirts the ink onto the paper without heat.
  • And the bowel drippings from the night before, squirted over the lilac bush where little Cathy is playing, might not come in contact with her skin or mucous membranes. Archive 2007-06-01
  • After the ball squirted out of a ruck on the French side Yachvili darted down the narrow blindside before chipping ahead and winning the race to the ball.
  • Then it's squirted into the small intestine colored orange, where the acids are first neutralized and more enzymes are tossed onto the watery, mushy soup that the food has been rendered down into, called chyme. Evolution of the appendix? - The Panda's Thumb
  • When I cut the lemon, juice squirted in my eye.
  • I aimed almost directly at the object ball, with right English that was so severe, that the ball squirted left, changing the path.
  • Mii two, I gotta Squeak hoo is no afraid of no squirt bott. So… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • World Champion Jan Kellner broke his rib during the squirt competition the day before.
  • Some kids squirted a water pistol in her face.
  • Foxes are one of the bustard's main enemies and experts are experimenting with ways of keeping the chicks away, including squirting them with water pistols if they get too close to their predators.
  • The tank cracked, and the thick blue liquid started to squirt through the bullet hole.
  • The minute micro-engines developed by a team from the University of Birmingham need just a squirt of lighter fluid to get them running.
  • All Australians take it for granted, so even though 85 percent of us cling like cunjevoi sea squirt to its seaboard, the sea itself is, substantially, unchartered territory. Surviving Australia
  • Generally, the amount of fuel discharged by this system is controlled by the accelerator pump arm and cam; the duration of the discharge is controlled by the size of the squirter jets.
  • Lightbulb sea squirts, common brittlestars, featherstars of various colours, and northern prawns survey diving passers-by from their rock crevices and ledges.
  • On a bright yellow ground, round or oval passages of gritty, greenish relief become squirting slices of citrus fruit, their outlines sketched in charcoal.
  • I said, "Oh, the males have this substance inside them, and it's like a co-ingredient, called sperm. They sprinkle, or squirt it on the eggs.
  • Some get good results from dilute vinegar soaks, painting the nail with tea tree oil or squirting the oil from Vitamin E capsules around the nail.
  • The orange skin squirted in my eye.
  • The curtain opened again, as if on cue, and Squirt came up behind Mulcahey with a hand mirror.
  • Mom! Chad's squirting me with the hose!
  • Bubble time - a squirt of baby bath liquid for an older baby will give enough bubbles to liven up bath time.
  • The landlord of our office tower checks everyone's temperature as we come into work in the morning, and we are offered a squirt of alcohol to sterilise our hands.
  • Through the comb-like bristles of its baleen filters, it squirts out the seawater, entrapping krill by the bushel.
  • Before making their escape the men squirted Eldon's face with pepper spray.
  • He closed his hand upon it, squeezed, and the potato squirted out between his fingers in mushy streams. Chapter 9
  • You do seem to be squirting in your pants enough to think it prudent to say in way I actually believe that you are the mut I refer too. Florida Python Cast & Blast
  • Also, try squirting some lubricant such as graphite, talcum powder, floor oil, mineral oil, or wood dough between the boards.
  • This time, Jenkins nearly made a diving grab of Robinson Cano's liner to right-center, but the ball squirted free for a double that left runners at second and third with one out.
  • 'The _Pholas dactylus_' he says, 'makes its hole by grating the chalk with its rasp-like valves, licking it up, when pulverised, with its foot, forcing it up through its principal or bronchial syphon, and squirting it out in oblong nodules. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 430 Volume 17, New Series, March 27, 1852
  • In public buildings, visitors are implored, through the same agency, to squirt the essence of their quids, or ‘plugs,’ as I have heard them called by gentlemen learned in this kind of sweetmeat, into the national spittoons, and not about the bases of the marble columns. American Notes for General Circulation
  • He has a cute little doll that he baths with but he tends to squish the head so the water comes squirting out of its ears instead of rocking it gently and washing its different body parts.
  • I was given a can of foamy insulation-type stuff, and told to squirt foam into any holes in the boards in the ceiling.
  • I said, "Oh, the males have this substance inside them, and it's like a co-ingredient, called sperm. They sprinkle, or squirt it on the eggs.
  • The kid is squirting a “bisnaga” which was probably full of scented water, a typical 1820´s Brazilian carnaval prank. Boing Boing
  • Rrrr my mattes I hooker up to the front of my dingy and go out to Loch Ness and paddle out and tie my first mate up and throw him over board and use for bait and when Nessy comes up boom there squirts blood and then id get it mounted. Own Your Own Whale Gun
  • It squirted us with apple juice near sell-by so possibly fermenting and cidery.
  • It is illegal to buy , sell or possess a squirt gun.
  • Soccer idol David Beckham has posed for his sauciest photo shoot yet - by squirting his head with goo for British style magazine The Face.
  • The old warhorse sensed the chipped concrete and flood-lights of home, it whinnied as it went, there was a flash of the old gadabout, a squirt of adrenaline.
  • They have all the expected coffee combos - the lattes, cappuccinos and all sorts of stuff to squirt in them.
  • I went downstairs and entered the kitchen to find my mum drinking tea and my dad rushing to find his car keys: ‘Morning squirt, see ya love’.
  • Sea squirts are tunicates, a type of sea life with a primitive spinal cord and a firm, flexible outer covering called a ‘tunic,’ from which the name derives.
  • The orange skin squirted in my eye.
  • She squinted as if trying to shield her eyes from a squirt of acidic juice spouting out of a squeezed orange.
  • Apparently squirting fresh water into the gills gets them off.
  • Choi Yong-soo has acres of space just outside the six-yard box, but his left-foot shot squirts over the bar when it seemed easier to score.
  • Seconds later, the first man is having a stroke and the hose is squirting around; he writhes on the ground spraying in all directions, like Jupiter Pluvius agonistes. Slate Articles
  • It was as if someone had poked a hole in a dam, and all the water that was built up behind the wall was suddenly able to squirt out through that tiny opening.
  • To liven things up in the paddling pool, rinse out old squeezy bottles and let the kids squirt each other.
  • Closely allied to the crustacea is the sub-family of the _mollusca_, which includes the oyster, clams, and similar creatures; also the snails, cuttle-fish, slugs, nautilus, sea-squirts, etc., etc. A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
  • This post-modern pilfering continues: a squirt of rock robotics can't mask the electro-pop stench of Gary Numan on Radio.
  • A squirt of WD - 40 into the clutch release mechanism sorts it out only temporarily.
  • Making physical contact doesn't mean you are torturing them, it doesn't mean you are hitting them as hard as I would hit you, and it doesn't do them any harm as a swat is just like squirting them with water except they know it's you doing it. Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Furniture | Lifehacker Australia
  • Before they left the stage they squirted water bottles into the crowd, hands were in the air and they bid their goodbyes as they introduced the Hiero crew.
  • I now give a few squirts of spray to the inside of my cardboard toilet-paper rolls so that, with each use, a nice scent is released. Hints From Heloise
  • Sea squirts spend most of their lives attached to underwater rocks, sifting tiny particles of food from the water around them.
  • Test the altitude of gun 、 firing range and water amount of fire fighting squirt and water cannon.
  • Day after day, Allegra threatened to squirt her water bottle in on him.
  • I topped the burrito with a good squirt of their hottest habanero salsa to counter the mild tanginess of the tomatillo. First Look: Oaxaca Mexican Grill (A More Americanized Chipotle!?) | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • We are also drinking lots more juices and other non-alcoholic fluids, especially spiced up with an extra squirt of fresh lime juice. Have the economy and swine flu affected you?
  • Squirt some oil in the lock.
  • Those two were unplattied and smecking fit to crack in no time at all, and they thought it the bolshiest fun to viddy old Uncle Alex standing there all nagoy and pan-handled, squirting the hypo - dermic like some bare doctor, then giving myself the old jab of growling jungle-cat secretion in the rooker. Where's the show?
  • Bacon grease congeals as it cools so what I want to know is: Exactly what type of pig lard is going to be used in the squirt guns?
  • Too hung over to strip naked I'll shower fully clothed, squirting half a bottle of shampoo onto the reeking stains on the front of my shirt.
  • A scrum to Hills on their own 30-metre line was pushed back by the Selby forwards, who generally had the measure of their opponents, but somehow the ball squirted out on the Wheatley side.
  • I'd sit on the bar with a bottle of squirt and grampy would play the piano.
  • The taste of the citizen and of the mere peasant are in all respects the same: the former gilds his balls, paints his stonework and statues white, plants his trees in lines or circles, cuts his yew-trees, four-square or conic, or gives them what he can of the resemblance of birds or bears or men; squirts up his rivulets in _jets d'eau_; in short, admires no part of nature but her ductility; exhibits everything that is glaring, that implies expense, or that effects a surprise because it is unnatural. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • Sir Roger, whom she mortally hated and used to hire fellows to squirt kennel water upon him as he passed along the streets; so that he was forced constantly to wear a surtout of oiled cloth, by which means he came home pretty clean, except where the surtout was a little scanty. History of John Bull
  • Identified neurons were excited or inhibited when these amino acids were squirted onto them from very fine micropipettes.
  • At Crystal Cafe, one of their specialties is rare (read: red and a little bloody. .mmmmm …) roast beef, sliced thinly and piled high on a Portuguese roll with lettuce, tomato, and a squirt of horseradish sauce. PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Scott ‘The Shameless Carnivore’ Gold” (& Book Giveaway) | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • A van driver who was travelling behind the car made a dramatic rescue bid, smashing the Rover's windows, dragging the flaming man out on to the road and squirting him with water from a pump.
  • Tom Cruise went off on a fake reporter for a new British prank show, after the reporter allegedly doused the movie star with a squirt gun disguised as a microphone.
  • Brice was called out, but television replays showed the ball squirting out of Taberes' glove and bouncing off the wall before he regained control of it.
  • I opened a ketchup packet and squirted it all over my fries, then took one drenched in the yummy sauce and stuck it in my mouth.
  • Water suddenly squirted out from a hole in the pipe.
  • But the connection that scientists are making are saying basically this: when you check your information, when you get a buzz in your pocket, when you hear a ring you get what they call a dopamine squirt. Digital Overload: Your Brain On Gadgets
  • The sea squirt larva is not the only filter-feeder with such a significant rod in its back.
  • They were advertised for the princely sum of $16.95 and even a young squirt like me could afford one at that price.
  • But Squirt is the only show boasting a computer-generated penguin made with the same technology that creates all those whizzy real-time graphics for sporting events.
  • Here's his heaven: " Dude , you can like, squirt people and not get detention!
  • Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it.
  • The one pav-bhaji flavor missing in the patties is tomato, so be sure to serve the pav bhaji burgers with slices of sweet ripe tomato or a squirt of ketchup! Archive 2007-08-01
  • Biologists could examine the many living animals (such as lancelets and sea squirts) that represented stages in the transition from the invertebrates to the earliest jawless fishes.
  • The Prime cheesesteak is "Sliced Kobe beef, melted Taleggio cheese, shaved truffles, sautéed foie gras, caramelised onions and shaved heirloom tomatoes on a homemade brioche roll brushed with truffle butter and squirted with homemade mustard. Pakistan cricketer calls on Marxist in case for the defence
  • The base-station takes programming, digitises it, squirts it over the WLAN to wherever you happen to be sitting with your LocationFree screen.
  • He smiled at Chrissy through the car window as he squirted the last pennyworth in and twisted the petrol cap back on.
  • There is the drop on demand method where the ink squirts onto the paper through tiny nozzles.
  • Spray 3 to 4 squirts of water on floor or sides of oven, taking care not to spray near heating element or lightbulb, then quickly close door.
  • I wondered what they thought when they came to the liquid center, and whether one of them got squirted in the eye.
  • The egg cracks open and a putrid gas squirts out.
  • The ball squirted out and away from goal, only to the arriving Canero, who had made a surging run to meet it.
  • He smiled at Chrissy through the car window as he squirted the last pennyworth in and twisted the petrol cap back on.
  • A frustrated Ord was then ordered to leave the visitors' dugout and squirted the referee with a water bottle before swearing at young supporters on his way to the changing-room.
  • Because the kids will be housed in DannyMart day care, there will be no need for yo-yos, squirt guns and other toys to clutter the shelves.
  • In fact, so busy that it turns out we're going to be unable -- and I'm a bit disappointed by this -- we're going to be unable to reshow the video of the man who can squirt milk out of his eye. CNN Transcript Sep 3, 2004
  • If you order a White Chocolate Mocha, the procedure is simple: a squirt of white chocolate syrup, and then over to the machine where shots of espresso shoot down.
  • A mother balanced a snowsuited baby on her lap and ate a half-sandwich one-handed while her husband squirted sanitizer into the outstretched palms of two little boys. Fly Away Home
  • When ink is squirted onto the paper through tiny nozzles it is called drop on demand.
  • A forest of hurls pulled, no one really connected and the ball squirted wide.
  • Such apparent "superluminal" motion has been seen before in high-speed jets of material squirted out by some black holes. Zee News : India National
  • A good shampoo would be "Nucleic-a" Proteplex shampoo, followed up with a good leave-in restorer like "Fermodyl, Treatment and Shine", (Pink 0233) put it in a squirt bottle, and shake it up, and apply to damp hair and leave it in, and style as normal, the reason it separates is because 3/4 is moisture and the rest is the restorer, which is PH balanced, so shake it up good to mix it well before each use .. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions

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