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How To Use Squealing In A Sentence

  • Regin downshifted, tires squealing as she swerved to dodge a roadkill-bound possum. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.
  • The four friends are squealing with excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pig rose squealing and bolted.
  • The volume of nursery-squealing was like flocking starlings; it was a mass table-hop murmuration — with nothing to eat. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Children were running around squealing with excitement.
  • It was groaning and squealing, and making an awful racket.
  • The entrance on to the stage was greeted with a mixture of squealing, screams, shouts and rounds of applause!
  • The volume of nursery-squealing was like flocking starlings; it was a mass table-hop murmuration — with nothing to eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • The volume of nursery-squealing was like flocking starlings; it was a mass table-hop murmuration — with nothing to eat. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were all squealing like kids at a rock concert.
  • In the first year, babies should " communicate in a variety of ways, including crying, gurgling, babbling and squealing ".
  • One palpitating report indicated that the “blue-eyed Queen took on a storybook aura” during a dinner at the Williamsburg Inn and that the prince received a greeting “very much like bobbysox squealing.” Queen Elizabeth Is Coming To Virginia
  • The boy and girl are already running to meet the sled driver, squealing and screaming with delight.
  • The ambulance leaves, tyres and siren squealing.
  • We want to hear squealing when the rubber hits the road. The Sun
  • But the noise of sailors swearing, pigs squealing, chickens squawking, children bawling and fathers threatening them with the backs of their hands brought them back to reality with a thump.
  • The car had only delivered a glancing blow, bruising only his hip as he turned away from the loud squealing tires.
  • Tires and Happiness for sure but squealing allergies is a bit of a stretch, no? Comedy or tragedy?
  • I saw nothing till a thing slightly larger than a spider monkey, built along similar lines but hairless and red, with batlike wings instead of arms and with a spadelike point at the end of its tail, crashed and flopped around, squealing. Dread Brass Shadows
  • The convertible fishtailed, squealing, and ended up halfway off the road.
  • The 407 suffers from squealing brakes and two trips to the garage have failed to cure them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other scientists are exploring personal qualities that span phylogenies and allegories: Recent research suggests that highly sensitive, arty-type humans have a lot in common with squealing pigs and twitchy mice, and that to call a hypersensitive person thin-skinned or touchy might hold a grain of physical truth. Top News Headlines
  • Grandson grabs grandpa's ears and, making vroom, vroom and squealing tyre noises ‘drives’ him while hanging onto his ears.
  • Big name arrangers were brought in to take crunchy power chords and squealing guitar solos and turn them into jazzy riffs and big band horn blasts. Music : Boone : In a Metal Mood
  • Beneath her, she can hear the sound of tyres squealing and knits her brow.
  • In the course of their "chaffing" they came to a spot about four miles from Paris, Illinois, where they saw a pig stuck in the mud and squealing lustily. The Story of Young Abraham Lincoln
  • She put up a good fight, biting, kicking, squealing, and spitting at her two attackers.
  • Using the analogy of a poker game he explained why an honor system, if correctly understood and adequately communicated, attempts to eliminate doubt on this point and why such terms as "ratting," "squealing," etc. are not appropriate. Board of Visitors minutes
  • Fine Gael too look as if they may be about to modernise themselves thought there are some music ignoramuses who will have to be dragged kicking and squealing into the new era.
  • The drone of aircraft propellers and thump of helicopter rotors made way for screaming auto engines and squealing tyres.
  • Matt pressed himself up against the wall, using the ridge in the side of the building for cover as the car shrieked past amidst the sound of squealing metal.
  • Squealing keyboard lines duel with harsh sax solos, but it's the drumming that ultimately comes up victorious.
  • I was dozing off, when suddenly, the girls began squealing uncontrollably.
  • She could barely contain herself from squealing.
  • The first morning I stopped abruptly when I heard a squealing pack of rats in a room adjacent to ours.
  • Having found them, they would be kicked, squealing, aside.
  • It is all very Junior Debating Society with acned youth pontificating and squealing. Why Blair Was Wrong at PMQs
  • There were the sounds of punching and kicking, objects being broken, grown-ups begging for mercy, children crying, chickens clucking, dogs yelping and pigs squealing.
  • The sport gives no reward for showmanship, which is the backbone of drifting with its squealing, rubber-burning maneuvers around tight turns and cramped spaces. Starbulletin Headlines
  • He heard them squealing with delight.
  • The average age of the 2,000 squealing fans crammed into the Civic Hall is 14.
  • Before last July, there was the constant noise of squealing and lowing at Marderby Hall, Felixkirk.
  • Consequently I spent the rest of the week on a beach on an island in paradise with a pained expression on my face, and unable to move around without squealing.
  • The great serpent woke at once, squealing so loudly that the mountains shook.
  • He jumped, spun clear around in mid-air and took off running in the other direction, squealing in protest and fright.
  • Johnson's Loins® for $500/lb. Or genetically modified pigs nurtured in Johnson's “perfected” landscape, then ensanguinated in hermetically sealed glass hamlets, their butchers soothed from the horrors of blood and squealing with an enveloping view of Nature. Chicken Wing
  • He begins, squealing on the bigger boys anyway.
  • The essence of burning rubber filled the air, and the sound of squealing tires hissed.
  • Ahead, Lys was squealing excitedly to another friend.
  • With that, she backed down the driveway and was off, squealing rubber.
  • Turn on a television anywhere from Idaho to Irkutsk and there he'll be, still leering away and chasing squealing nymphets across drab stretches of suburban parkland.
  • The 407 suffers from squealing brakes and two trips to the garage have failed to cure them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Elliot was soaping his shoulder when he heard his father answer, the sound of a door slamming and a feminine voice squealing salutations up the stairs.
  • When a tremendous cannonading in the city broke out on the following day, with native pipes and drums squealing and thundering, I thought the attack had begun, but it was a false alarm, as Sher Khan informed me later. Fiancée
  • They heard the roar of the engines and squealing of tires as the cars accelerated quickly from Ottawa Street.
  • The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.
  • The drone of aircraft propellers and thump of helicopter rotors made way for screaming auto engines and squealing tyres.
  • Two contestants in electric chairs took off from the starting line with tyres squealing for the first 10 yards.
  • Add a few flannelled fools chasing a cricket ball, children running and squealing, grandmas snoozing, sausages sizzling, and it's the perfect picture of a Saturday afternoon at a local Aussie oval.
  • Since it was mating season, the male "bugled," making a high-pitched squealing sound meant to attract females. Point Reyes Elk Butt In at Ranches
  • As well as producing the squealing, this could also reduce the frictional effect of the brakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their high voices squealing with delight when Carla mispronounced some word they coaxed her to repeat.
  • Having an auto obviously means you can't rev the engine, drop the clutch and set off with tyres squealing as you try for maximum acceleration off the line.
  • Don't succumb to the squealing demands of the noisy and brainless.
  • The pack animals and remounts caught its fear, lunging against their leads and squealing in terror, and Bahzell leapt in among them to calm them.
  • For years shamed into hipness, the masses have now recuperated the unironic pleasure that can be attained through the power of big hair, squealing guitar and raw male sexuality.
  • I didn't want to mention the squealing brakes in case he booked me for driving an unroadworthy car.
  • The children flung themselves at him, squealing with joy.
  • ‘Wind is Howling’ tries too hard to elicit a haunting atmosphere with fuzzed ambience and a squealing dilruba in the background.
  • There were the sounds of punching and kicking, objects being broken, grown-ups begging for mercy, children crying, chickens clucking, dogs yelping and pigs squealing.
  • Ms. Crew threw the deadbolt on the nearest door and dragged it open, its hinges squealing in protest.
  • A full ensemble goes full tilt, starting with a small string section, accordion and then swooping trombones and a squealing clarinet, as the pace of the piece doubles and then doubles again before ending in a wild frenzy.
  • Like the business groups that clamoured for austerity and are now squealing just as loudly for massive infrastructure investment and tax breaks, this is a government whose guiding philosophy hasn't stood up to the real world. Laissez-faire has failed us. Now we're getting panicky intervention
  • Everywhere around us girls were squealing and hugging and kissing each other on both cheeks.
  • The four friends are squealing with excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • And having studied the other nineteen, as opportunity served, weighing this attraction against that, considering such vital matters as which ones would be liable to run squealing to Susie, and which were probably the randiest, I found my mind and eye returning invariably to the same delectable person. Isabelle
  • The Marx and Ritz Brothers drive reality squealing like a moneylender from the temple. Film
  • There was a squealing, a screech of metal scraping metal.
  • I was squealing with delight at the tricks his middle finger was playing when suddenly Captain leapt on us growling.
  • The little girl could be heard squealing as Sharon walked towards them and relieved the taller woman of her bundle.
  • Then we heard Kagig's high-pitched "Haide -- chabuk!" and picked up Peter Measel, and ran around the building to where the horses were already saddled, and squealing in fear of the flames. The Eye of Zeitoon
  • I have chattering and squealing, screeching and cooing, crabbing and carping.
  • Rynn lowered her head and nudged the small creature gently, but she caught him off guard and he fell over, squealing in protest.
  • The wind gusted, and for a moment they could hear the low, grum-bling, squealing sound of the thinny. Wizard and Glass
  • Children were running around squealing with excitement.
  • Be aff, at wance, hooroo!" cried the excited man, with a clap of his hands and a Donnybrook yell that sent all the "pets" leaping and squealing into their native jungle. The Coxswain's Bride also, Jack Frost and Sons; and, A Double Rescue
  • And God only knows what that is out there squeaking and squealing the soprano parts.
  • Bryant handles all comers - the media, the pint-size kids wearing his No.8 jersey, the sponsor representatives, the squealing teenage girls, the corporate schmoozers - with equal coolness.
  • We could hear the piglets squealing as we entered the farmyard.
  • Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard.
  • Having an auto obviously means you can't rev the engine, drop the clutch and set off with tyres squealing as you try for maximum acceleration off the line.
  • The pig rose squealing and bolted.
  • And I see again the old bitch squealing under the mass of snarling teeth, the stick catching her back knocking her to the ground.
  • The four friends are squealing with excitement. Times, Sunday Times
  • Children were running around squealing with excitement.
  • After dinner, there followed a restless night in the four-berth sleeper listening to the train wheels squealing and screeching.
  • And I hear Peter Paul Rubens squealing in the pig - pen.
  • He swears disgustedly and turns inland, jaywalking across the bustling avenue, a gray-haired motorist squealing his brakes to miss him.
  • A terrible squealing and squawking has been set up by the ruling class and their experts as they pretend to be ‘shocked’ by the Chancellor's Budget.
  • Damian stood in the hallway, in the middle of the growing crowd of high school girls squealing in awe.
  • She had him curled up on the ground, howling and whimpering and squealing obscenities.
  • Then she flung herself on to his stomach, squealing with delight, and he began to tickle her.
  • We want to hear squealing when the rubber hits the road. The Sun
  • The belt may make a squealing noise and throw off sooty black particles of rubber.
  • I heard him gunning the engine on his pickup and squealing out of the driveway.
  • Their vocal delivery was almost in key the whole time and there was nary a bum note squealing out of the amps.
  • His footsteps served as an eerie beat to the rhythmic squealing of the enraged sirens.
  • From the street, there was the sound of police sirens, the bus hitting the stroller and an assortment of screams and squealing brakes.
  • We want to hear squealing when the rubber hits the road. The Sun
  • A bloodied, slimy ball of a pig, mistakenly corralled amidst the curs, dislodged itself from the slaughter, squealing and stinking, and made straight for the sketch artist.
  • Loose chippings spat from the squealing tyres as the jeep screamed into the next hairpin. FINAL RESORT
  • When it gets severe we'd expect it to be accompanied by sporadic squealing of the type you get when a fan belt slips.
  • Angela squealed, and with the squealing solidified somewhat, as if in releasing sound she released the anti-substance that afflicted her. SPLITTING
  • But were you to blow the whistle, would you be squealing because her behaviour is unethical, or because you are seeking to save your own job? Times, Sunday Times
  • Tyres squealing, Brett pulled out, slammed the Cavalier into second and roared off.
  • Will the squealing teenage girls, the ones who profess unending love during preconcert interviews and openly weep when he sings and gyrates onstage, stand by him even when his voice changes and a new sensation comes along with an even cooler haircut? Justin Bieber on the big screen
  • All the girls were squealing while the guys were laughing so hard they had to hold onto the furniture in order to stay standing.
  • This was big-budget American action cinema at its burliest - an adrenalized blur of gunfire, squealing tires and screaming faces.
  • Starting the car, he slammed down on the gas, the tires squealing as he pulled out of the parking lot.
  • Most of the parents caught up with their children at various houses of detention and bought them out, squealing with indignation at being billed for their board and lodging while they had been in custody.
  • She braked suddenly, her tyres squealing in protest.
  • With that, she backed down the driveway and was off, squealing rubber.
  • Sometimes there will be squealing siblings by their side and at other times, you'll see a mangy dog warily watching on.
  • The children scampered in all directions, shrieking and squealing, arms pumping with excitement.
  • The two are sitting on a bed, huffing a can of compressed air and squealing at each other about how they can't feel their faces.
  • This is a bittersweet Golden Age of speakeasies, hoods, the Great Depression, squealing bobby-soxers, lynchings, jitterbugging, novelty tunes and early moves toward racial integration.
  • As such, the din becomes more than one-faceted exercise in brutalism and enters into the realm of methodical examination, a frenzied pursuit of the last squealing gasps left undetected deep within the saxophone's brass guts.
  • He stepped on a branch and one of the children whirled around at the sound of the snap, squealing in delight.
  • Afternoons were for lazy excursions into the backwaters, on horseback if the fancy took you, where mustachioed men are men and ride gaucho style, or less appealingly carry squealing pigs to market strapped across their bicycles.
  • A moment later there was a thud as Meghan struck the side of the guillotine, and the blade wobbled with a faint squealing sound.
  • From the nest we could hear the squealing and neighing of wild horses, the trumpeting of elephants, and the roaring of lions. CHAPTER XVI
  • I remember the rope in his fist around my chest, his other fist shoving the snow, and downhill we dived, his boots by my boots on the tongue, pines whishing by, ice in my eyes, blinking and squealing. John Lundberg: Poems for Memorial Day

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