How To Use Squat In A Sentence
And when he knelt he found her squatting, in the far corner underneath, and in the slatted dark, saw only her eyes, wide and white.
Gabbie Zombie
Squatting down, Trent poured rum and squeezed orange juice into the cups.
Last night I caught just a snatch of it, an interview with an ancient black lady living in one of the squatter towns (informal settlements).
The opportunity came up once to squat a flat I once rented.
Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.

But nothing prepared them for life in this squatters' community of Tijuana, a city of three million souls that is known as the Wild West of Mexico's northward immigration.
The hard labor of the farm was mostly done by them, and on the floor of the big kitchen, toward sundown, would be squatting a circle of twelve or fourteen "pickaninnies," eating their supper of pudding (Indian corn mush) and milk.
November Boughs ; from Complete Poetry and Collected Prose
Xuanrang the streets, for you to squat in the tight loose shoelace.
Instead, the headquarters are situated in a squat, brick building which seems rather unglamorous for the world of radio.
And she fitted well into the homely scene: short and somewhat "squatty" of form, red-haired, freckle-faced and pug-nosed.
Aunt Jane's Nieces in the Red Cross
You can just see the mental process by which they work out how many squat thrusts it will take to work off each pillow of dough.
Times, Sunday Times
An uneasy truce has broken out in the coffee shop cybersquatting war.
The bed was rickety, with a thin knotty mattress; the sand-colored walls were scratched and gouged; in every corner, under everything, were fluffy dust and cigar ashes; on the tilted wash-stand was a nicked and squatty pitcher; the only chair was a grim straight object of spotty varnish; but there was an altogether splendid gilt and rose cuspidor.
Main Street
However, if someone linked to that something, even if that someone were a scum-sucking troglodyte from the slime-pits of Hell (or the Hollywood Hills, whichever), I couldn’t do jack-all squat.
In My Opinion, Bill O’Reilly is a Cowardly Manchild Who Has Impure Thoughts About Mideastern Food. In My Opinion.
Following the deep-strength caveat of careful progression, begin with unweighted, standard squats.
Secure metal sheets were welded across windows and doors at the former 50-room hotel and restaurant to prevent squatters re-entering the property.
The squatting man, suddenly irritated, sat back to look up at her.
Keep your abs tight, your back flat and your hips rearward - as if you're squatting - during the standing portion of the workout.
I figured he had absquatulated with my money and to chalk this up to experience.
Do 15 reps, taking three seconds to squat and one to jump up.
The Sun
If you want to be a powerlifter, then there are specific training regimens you can follow to increase your poundage for your bench, squat and deadlift.
With its wildly outsized fender flares, saucer-eyed round headlamps, squat fuselage, tapering roofline and curiously latent, not-quite-formed rear contours, the Juke looks like a Nissan Murano at the larval stage.
Nissan's Jazzy Juke, Imperfect on Purpose
She looked like a tank in her bathing costume, Hoomey thought, squat and powerful and belligerent.
Instead of stopping at the top as you normally would on a squat, perform an upright row by pulling the dumbbells up to your collarbones as you pronate your hands - then push off the balls of your feet as the weights reach their maximum height.
In fact, this mini-album seems to entirely results of an enthusiastic outburst of energy, nurtured while the man was regularly deejaying at squatters parties during the nineties.
The doors and windows had been bricked up to prevent squatters from getting in.
Beneath the thatch we squat in the dust, clink our bottles and drink.
They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping.
But as a middle-class kid who now lives in an uninsulated, leaking warehouse that would best be described as a decrepit if romantic squat, I know how quickly once gets used to these things.
Where possible, slum dwellers are allowed to buy the land they are "squatting" on.
A squat, bull-necked man approached, his dark suit straining at the seams.
I looked out the window and saw a furry brown monkey squatting on the roof of a nearby building.
From this starting position, sit down into a squat.
Vologonov sets out a squat samovar that is dinted of side, and plated with green oxide on handle, turncock, and spout.
Through Russia
Bourque took his time with the squatters, and a week after the squat, following negotiations, he got the squatters to move into another building on Rachel E.
While issues such as domain name ownership and cybersquatting (taking control of a website address you have no right to) were clearly red hot at the height of the internet boom, they remain of considerable importance today.
Kwaque, squatted on the floor, his hams on his heels, paused from the rough-polishing of a shell comb designed and cut out by his master, and looked up, eager to receive command and serve.
The squat is one of the best exercises to develop and define the front of the thigh, glute and hamstring muscles.
Hers was the squattest and brickest of all, on a street called Oriole Road.
I’m relieved to hear there’s a chance Sasquatch is really out there — I knew I wasn’t completely crazy!
Things You Can’t Tell Just By Looking At Her | Her Bad Mother
Turning around to face the child, he squatted down to her level.
They placed him in a small box, bound with commo wire, his hands still bound behind, he was only able to squat in the box, unable to move.
Heroes or Villains?
They are there to fill up space profitably rather than leave it empty, they do not have any squatters' rights when an edible crop is needed.
Planning the Organic Vegetable Garden
But not anyone could have them, no matter how many squat thrusts they hammer out daily.
Times, Sunday Times
Some squatters were incorporated within the local housing orbit, some weren't.
Squat to see if pants gap in back, or cut into the crotch.
We are making money out of an asset that otherwise would be doing diddly-squat.
Stretch enough to get limber before squatting, but don't over-stretch as this actually weakens your muscles.
The Victorian building had been divided into four flats and, together with the neighbouring house, was being used as squats.
Start in a plié squat with your hands behind your head and your thighs parallel to the ground.
The Sun
Tyler came bearing a tray of bootleg whiskey and gin and poured them drinks in squat glass tumblers stained with unwashed fingerprints.
And the eager attention with which his flock, asquat on the floor, listened to a very long sermon, showed he had chosen well when he refused to leave them.
High Albania
Below, a tightly-packed steel chamber, dark but for a few naked bulbs, was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums.
Jump up one to two inches off the floor, then bend both knees back into a squatting position to land.
Times, Sunday Times
One evening when Lilly arrived home from the hospital she found Zoe squatting in bed, her face naughtily screwed into a little grimalkin knot, elbows pressed into her sides, palms up, and all attitudinized to emulate a Chinese god.
Unfortunately, the first test was not one of driving experience or skills, but how many squat thrusts and press-ups could be completed in five minutes.
The peasant family is cramped tightly into a small makeshift shack squatter slum.
Because in the last six months or so, the issue of domain name disputes and so-called cybersquatting has shifted from a reasonable and fair system into one that values large corporates and famous people over everything else.
We lived in squats and abandoned buildings, didn't really go to school, travelled, hitch-hiked.
Why are our trained warriors risking their lives to "cajole" a vindictive Shia government to help poor Sunni squatters?
Archive 2007-04-01
Additional benefits are bringing employment to people in squatter cities, recycling lots of electronic components and creating economic development where it is needed most.
Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » LED Light
Is it the squattocracy joyously celebrating the fact that the working man's club has been knocked back in its place, by it doesn't matter who?
A hip centric power squat offers the advantage of greater development of the anti-gravity musculature aka - posterior chain.
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Interleave running days with days of other exercises, such as squats, lunges and gluteal strengthening.
Times, Sunday Times
To prep for these moves, she recommends one-legged squats.
In that case, the householder can force a way in or the police can evict the squatters.
Times, Sunday Times
Hold your arms outstretched in front of you, and squat down over your heels.
Times, Sunday Times
I never do burns for heavy compound lifts, such as squats or bent rows.
The party fell back; squatting around the spiral stairwell, pointing their weapons in preparation.
And a pair of slightly raised footrests were positioned for comfortably squatting over the low toilet bowl.
After seeing its profits dented by Intel shortages the previous year, the direct-PC demon got its knickers in a twist over domain names and announced it was suing 23 people for alleged cybersquatting.
What kind of cybersquatter goes after novelists instead of celebs?
A Writer By Any Other Name...
Exercises such as flat and incline bench press, leg press, squats, shoulder presses, rows, inverted rows and lat pulldowns should be used by ectomorphs to gain strength.
Not the squat, stocky Napoleon we recognise today, but a young, handsome neo-classical hero.
This regulator has failed the Irish aviation industry and is wasting taxpayers' money doing diddly-squat.
The viewer sees over the shoulder of one woman, whose fingers splay emotionally in the fore-ground, to the others squatting on the ground.
Try squats and lunges to boost leg strength or bench pressing weights to boost the upper body.
The Sun
The Chinese can take this, Finch muses, because they are more nonchalant about bodily functions, such as burping, farting or even going to the bathroom - an act performed squatting sans doors in some places in China. Top Stories
Although a group led by the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) started combing the woods around Marquette on Thursday for signs of Sasquatch, they may be looking at the wrong end of Michigan for the fabled hairy hominoid.
Archive 2007-07-15
She squatted on the ground and warmed her hands by the fire.
a little church with a squat tower
Buffy's leather pants creaked as she squatted down next to Angel.
With this de facto recognition of squatting, the word quickly came to mean simply that the tenurial status of the occupied land remained unresolved.
That man's wife and children have come and 'squatted' down on my place," said Mr. Gordon, laughing; "and so, Nin, all you paid for his fish is just so much saving to me.
Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. Vol. I
The initial founding of a squatter settlement is, itself, an illegal act and, therefore, a challenge to authority.
Inman squatted in the brush and watched the folks go about their campcraft.
Cold Mountain
If you are outside, you can do walking lunges, squats, incline push-ups and tricep dips using a park bench, and heel raises off of a curb.
LIVESTRONG.COM: 5 Ways to Walk Off Weight
The city of Taos lies on the edge of the high desert in the Carson National Forest, amid squat juniper trees, prickly scrub grasses and towering evergreens.
The cartwright was a squat man, made even broader by eight decades of hard physical labour.
The Dreaming Void
From a windle the thread is conducted to the quills, and buzz, buzz goes Margaret's wheel, while a gray squirrel, squatted on her shoulder, inspects the operation with profound gravity.
Simone had left home and was living in squats in Clayton before she was found dead in November 1999.
A far juicier opportunity for recrimination occurred in March, when it was discovered that a company bookkeeper named F. M. Scott had absquatulated with some $25,000.
Mark Twain
Swith! in some beggar's haffet squattle; [Quick, temples settle]
Robert Burns How To Know Him
‘Well, lets go,’ I said turning around and squatting a little so she could hop on my back.
Council housing lists were long and slow-moving, and some desperate families squatted in disused Army huts in the hope of qualifying for a council house sooner.
The squatters settled in the flat part of the ravine, on top of the cemetery, but did not build a good city in terms of urban development.
In the developer lexicon, the word security - standing for a pain-in-the-butt speed bump that doesn't do diddly-squat for functionality - came to have no relevant place.
He called manfully to her to follow him and turned back, striding, with the club swinging in his hand, towards the squatting-place, as if he had never left the tribe; and she ceased her weeping and followed quickly as
Tales of Space and Time
Squatting amidst the logs by the entrance to the hall where the show is on, Suresh Bhat from Ahmedabad is the craftsman engrossed in chiselling these logs into things of beauty.
And as Obama clops off after having clinched the delegate count last night, she squats on the field of battle, hemorrhaging cash from four stumps with no fresh infusion in sight, insisting that the fight to this point is a draw.
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The lama squatted under the shade of a mango, whose shadow played checkerwise over his face; the soldier sat stiffly on the pony; and
A squat also gives people a chance at trying out sustainable living.
Each sibling feels the need to break away - Emma to follow her new dream of being an archaeologist, Blue to track down his elusive and by now vagrant father, whom he finds squatting in an abandoned warehouse.
It takes the Sasquatch out of the -- takes the "sass" out of the "squatch" or something.
CNN Transcript Jun 3, 2008
Short and as squattily packed down as a Buddha, the great sinews of his strength bulged in his short neck and in the backs of the calves of his legs, even rippled beneath his coat.
Humoresque A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It
Joe is squatter and swarthier: his eyebrows beetle; his black pupils glitter.
He'd dreamt that night of Davey stealing into the cave and squatting beside him, watching him the way that he had before, and of Alan knowing, * knowing* that Davey was there, ready to rend and tear, knowing that his knife with its coiled handle was just under his pillow, but not being able to move his arms or legs.
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
For lower body, we included a lot of functional movements like lunges and squats, but we usually had her do them in the Smith machine so she'd have the guide rails to help keep her stable and aligned.
You've got to feel sorry for the once-proud cybersquatters who bought up huge numbers of domain names hoping to sell them off for a small fortune.
Tucked into the revised proposals are plans to criminalise squatting.
The Sun
Particularly intervals, strength training and compound lifts such as deadlift, squat and the Olympic lifts.
In the documentary, scientists from various disciplines put the most compelling sasquatch evidence to the test. Collectively their conclusions are ground-breaking.
The shelves and fissures which bisect these rocks are home to edible crabs, velvet swimming crabs, prawns, squat lobsters and the occasional large common lobster, which will march out boldly to meet your intrusion.
Serving pots for coffee retained the tall tapered look of their Arab counterparts, while tea pots retained the squat, rotund shape initially seen in China.
Squatting somewhere between MGMT, The Inbetweeners and Derek Zoolander, this modern incarnation is all mouth and skinny trousers.
Why do people hate hipsters?
The Johannesburg council, however, plans to evict the squatters so that the building can be revamped as part of its inner city regeneration programme.
At times the book is overly laden with abstractions, but having squatted in refugee camps and watched Los Federales hunt down wetbacks, I felt it to be well anchored.
We'd arrived at the police station, a squat grey box of a building that resembled a miniature prison.
They do some short sprints followed by a burst of squats.
Times, Sunday Times
Wheeler and the other senior men were grouped inside the parapet, while the old wife, fanning herself with a leaf and sipping at a chatti, was sitting just outside with her escort squatting round her.
Some 200,000 landless families are squatting in camps beside federal roadways and the landless movement is pressing the President to deliver the agrarian reform he has long promised.
Aim for three sets of 15 reps, taking three seconds to squat down and one to jump up.
The Sun
They are generally low-slung and squat in their dimensions, with non-fussy angles and sparse external decoration.
I squat on my heels, one hand on the wire door.
The problem was compounded when some owners emigrated or absconded, some sold their buildings to slumlords, and others abandoned their properties, allowing squatters to move in.
Inhale as you squat down as if you were sitting in a chair, tilting your hips back slightly while keeping your chest up.
He and his colleagues, he writes, were ‘permanent rangers on a temporary river,’ stuck on land wanted by nobody but the gun-toting drifters and weekend drunkards who squatted in the forest.
‘Dimitri,’ whispered Bartholomew to the hulking form squatting in the center of the earthen room.
They think the squatting woman is about to be examined by a doctor.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead, Obama is sending a pin prick which will do nothing but provide more targets for the Taliban and higher US casualties and have SQUAT effect on the overall war.
Matthew Yglesias » More Troops to Afghanistan
Return back to a squat position then jump up as high as possible.
The Sun
The valley was unsurveyed for the most part, and the Indians naturally felt a sort of proprietorship in it, and when Wilson drove his cattle down into the valley and "squatted," the chief, Drifting Crane, welcomed him as a host might to an abundant feast whose hospitality was presumed upon, but who felt the need of sustaining his reputation as a host, and submitted graciously.
Drifting Crane
We tell you that the beings you refer to as Sasquatch, are remnants of human-gorilla genetic engineered mutants, created for heavy labor, by the Aryans.
They move to Walford to get away from their families and cause trouble by squatting in a house.
The Sun
What did some one look like squatting awkwardly on a small chamber pot.
In the present instance, to prevent what is called a "squatty" appearance, and also to give additional headway, the side walls were carried up some twenty inches above the ground line.
Woodward's Graperies and Horticultural Buildings
Still, it's a valuable lesson for anyone who finds their property overrun by squatters in the future.
The Sun
A staff of about 25 operates out of a squat 54-year-old building made of horizontal stone, which sits at the top of a woodsy hillside on the pastoral campus of St. Olaf College.
Even at this distance, Harry had a funny feeling he recognised the walk of the squattest of them, who seemed to be leading the group.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The indignation aroused by his enormities has been too crushing to be borne by living man, though sheathed with the brass and triple cheek of Mark Twain…He has vamosed, cut stick, absquatulated; and among the pine forests of the Sierras, or amid the purlieus of the city of earthquakes, he will tarry awhile, and the office of the Enterprise will become purified…33
Mark Twain
This term unites approach Russian and American researchers to identification of the BFs (Sasquatches).
At the bottom he does explosive squat thrusts.
Times, Sunday Times
From the Texas Bigfoot Conference in Jefferson, Texas, he reports: Drawing on interviews with dozens of eye-witnesses, [Sasquatch expert Dr. Henner] Fahrenbach went on to say that Bigfoot's diet is rich in mussels, clams, peacocks, and the "hindquarter" of deer.
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The squat 1930s building is almost entirely obscured by huge blast walls and coiled razor wire.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the drug runners somehow escaped into the brush and Moss discovers him dead in the catclaw with a satchel stuffed with $2.5 million cash with which Moss absquatulates.
We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.
Actually, absquatulate means to leave hurriedly, with the implication that one is being pursued.
Imagine to yourself a little squat, uncourtly figure of a Doctor Slop, of about four feet and a half perpendicular height, with a breadth of back, and a sesquipedality of belly, which might have done honour to a serjeant in the horseguards. ...
Literary Remains, Volume 1
He squats beneath the grand piano in the living room, "shitting," says, "Poo can poo," as if he were still a toddler, then lifts his finger to his nose so he can sniff it.
Ruthless with Scissors
The square squats in the centre of the city.
It is, in effect, a free online case book about cybersquatting that can help parties to gauge their chances before action.
This applies to squats, bench presses, curls or any exercise relying on a barbell or dumbbells.
‘Ultimately, the standing shoulder press is a great lead-in exercise for learning more advanced power moves such as push-presses and overhead squats,’ he says.
Impulsively, the Squat swung the trike to pull alongside, so that one wheel dragged on the slower strip.
He is too incoherent to tell and we leave him squatting outside the entrance to accident and emergency, smoking a roll-up and gobbing more blood on to the ground.
It feels like standing up from a squat while wearing a big, heavy hiking backpack.
He squatted down so he could lift her up into his arms.
MARTIN GONZALEZ, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE: What we call what we call the swoop and squat.
CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2006
He squatted down beside the footprints and examined them closely.
The man was squat, dark, Neanderthal, with black hair over the back of his hands.
Following extant written sources, this process has been seen in relation to the quartering of troops that occurred during the war between the Byzantines and the Goths, or simply as the result of occupation by squatters.
He squatted down beside the little girl.
Feeling threatened she scrabbled backward when the man squatted down in front of her.
The next morning the sun finally drilled a tunnel through the smother of clouds that squatted on the plain so low I stooped when I got into my Bronco.
When landing drop back into a squat position.
The Sun
The court rules that the squatters were illegally occupying the land.
He squats beside the machine, threading a screw the size of a flea, his eyes watering, face crimson and swollen.
They were squatted all along the river bank with oversized pads of cartridge paper and soft dark pencils.
For example, rather than a heavy barbell squat, just use light dumb-bells or a ball against the wall.
Ethnic minority groupings, squatters and welfare rights workers, for example, usually fare badly in comparison with statusquo middle-class groups.
I, too, "squatted" at once, and made the dogs lie down.
Young Knights of the Empire : Their Code, and Further Scout Yarns
They may live in glorified squats with a computer or be very wealthy.
Although the law now protects companies' trademark when it comes to cybersquatting, registering people's name is still a grey area.
He gazed ruminantly away from the lagoon to the pool of Psyche, where the Tahitian women squatted on their shapely haunches and thumped their clothes.
Mystic Isles of the South Seas.
For six weeks, include higher-rep snatches, cleans and squats in your weight training.
Zu-tag squatted upon a great branch close to the bole of the tree and by loosening the girl's arms from about his neck, indicated that she was to find a footing for herself and when she had done so, he turned toward her and pointed repeatedly at the open doorway of a hut upon the opposite side of the street below them.
Tarzan the Untamed
They move to Walford to get away from their families and cause trouble by squatting in a house.
The Sun
I wonder if the Founders knew that Washington, DC would be full of so many squatters, parasites, and hangers-on.
Matthew Yglesias » Are We Doomed?
The eviction of some 50 artists from the Grange-aux-Belles squat in the 10th arrondissement took place despite support from the French Ministry of Culture and the local council.
Begin your sessions with exercises like deadlifts, squats, clean and jerks, and bench presses.
The 'squatty' eyed the gesticulating Manarkan and spoke, in a beautifully modulated deep bass voice, to a supple, lithe, pantherish girl with vertically-slitted yellow eyes, pointed ears, and a long and sinuous, meticulously-groomed tail.
Masters Of The Vortex
What better way to ‘ease’ back into gym life than with squats and lunges.
The doughty Icelanders know that they have only squatters' rights on their volcanic island.
Times, Sunday Times
When doing pushups or squatthrusts or burpees, try to push the ends of your fingers into the floor, as if trying to get a grip on a basketball.
The buildings in which homeless people squat are in the vast majority of cases empty and derelict, often offering little more protection than rough sleeping.
Times, Sunday Times
The only piece of so-called furniture left in the squat was a wooden crate.
Deadly Intent
Then on Wednesday work the legs with lunges, bridges and split squats.
People in squatter cities pay about $75.00 per year for kerosene.
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Ally immediately thought of the ancient hoax videos of Sasquatch and almost laughed out loud, but she kept filming.
If you peer hard enough through the pall of smog that squats over this city, you can sight glory and smell triumph.
Times, Sunday Times
The squat strengthens all of the major muscles of the lower body, including the gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.
The company Friday provided the first public glimpse of a squat, cigar-shaped rocketship with several thrusters at the bottom.
Amazon Chief's Spaceship Misfires
He turned his head to find a lean figure squatting beneath the shadow of a punga tree.
Once An Angel
Meanwhile in Melbourne we welcomed the squattocracy and had a Gold Rush then lots of handsome Southern Europeans so our gene pool is a lot prettier.
Tequila Sunrise
The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions.
The towers on each corner were squat and ugly, the crenellated battlements threatening.
Johen bent down, then finally squatted directly in front of the horse to look at its front legs for himself.
Following a few weeks of begging on the streets and sleeping in derelict buildings, he falls in with a friendly group of squatters.
Within minutes the squatters had stripped the car.
He squatted in the grass discussing with someone.