How To Use Square off In A Sentence
The top three teams will receive a first round bye while teams four and five will square off to determine the final semi-final combatant.
The two candidates will square off on this issue in a debate tomorrow.
Bloodshed, even death, are overt objectives as extended Andean families, called ayllus, square off in slugfests that can last from a few minutes to nearly a week.
The songs seem irrelevant but they justify their existence at the end, when heroine and villainess square off in a moral and physical beauty contest: a play-off that's also a sing-off.
Cut the roll into six equal pieces and square off the ends.

Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.
Of course, it won't surprise me if some huckster manages to get the two women to square off again.
Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.
The two fighters prepare to square off, as a tuxedoed ring announcer shouts into a microphone: ‘Ladies and gentlemen!’
Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.
But she was also apprehensive, staying in Bridget's house, and glimpses of the blue square offered little oases of reassurance.
Gray releases jobs/economic development plan -- Fenty and Gray square off in Ward 4 forum and straw poll, 7 p.m. at St. George's Antiochan Orthodox Church
DeMorning DeBonis: Aug. 4, 2010
Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.
Welcome to our new regular feature, Fight Test, in which our regular writers square off against each other to decide once and for all whether the cultural artifacts of our day are boons or abominations.
She was staring grimly after her son, one hand tracing the cereal box as if to square off its corners.
You pick the CEO you've been dying to punch out, then square off in a CEO smackdown at the annual Davos gathering of global pooh-bahs!
The two candidates will square off on this issue in a debate tomorrow.
He sees puffed-out chests as lads square off to prove who's more masculine.
Seemingly every weekend SFU is forced to square off against a top-notch team.
Now five conservatives square off against two moderates and three Democrats.
Peel a thick-skinned orange and square off the ends with a sharp knife.