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How To Use Squall In A Sentence

  • A rain squall dimmed the ward, and he closed the two nearest windows. THE OPEN DOOR
  • The squall line was rapidly moving east and I had to come up with another plan quickly.
  • Indifferent, insolent, squally weather put a bit of a damper on the festive and cultural activities over the bank holiday weekend.
  • The squall that had blown in just as we left the mainland was now peeling spray off the whitecaps, and I was drenched.
  • Most of the shipwrecks in the roadstead here are due to these south-eastern squalls.
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  • Conditions varied from steady 10-12 knot south-westerlies to almost dead calm, interspersed with vicious rain-squalls out of the south - typical Monsoon weather in the northern Gulf at this time of the year.
  • Squall remembered that she had used Mace on Scalpel.
  • As the north-easterly gradually takes control of the Northern Gulf, as is usual at this time of the year, it nevertheless features relatively light, shifting winds, interspersed with at times ferocious, front-line squalls.
  • As Dr Barbara expected, their fire-damaged sloop sank in the first rain-squall. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Last night, as strong gusts and heavy squalls hit the east coast, yachts were ripped from their moorings and more than half a million homes and businesses were left without power.
  • The sun lanced through the overcast veil of blizzard-clouds and snow-squalls and gilded the twin vessels in shining gold.
  • The place was staffed mainly by female volunteers, some of whom had brought their squalling babies.
  • More than half the rain falls in the wet season from June through September and is associated with thundershowers, squalls, and tropical cyclones.
  • The wind had been howling for three days now, a storm from the east that whistled across the high tops and dumped sudden squalls of sleeting rain in the valleys.
  • Writing as a father of three adult kids, I can think of nothing worse that sentencing the average man to six seconds of trying to cope with a squalling child!
  • Rose entered the house without making a sound, and walked over to her little brother who was squalling loudly.
  • Her rigging is something queer, and the next sharp squall will bring her head-gear all about the shop. Chapter 10
  • The squalls abated and visibility improved, the valley funnelling down to Osmotherley cleared of mist and we set off that way.
  • Scotlands, her Irelands of unforgettable wrongs, kicking, squalling, bawling most desolatingly, for nothing that any one can understand. Anticipations Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human life and Thought
  • One mom who can't quite reconcile Connie's brown skin and black hair with my green-eyed blonde complexion asks indiscreetly, “Peruvian adoption?” to which I simply nod instead of asking, “Fertility treatments?” about the squalling brood in her triple-wide stroller. The Uninvited Guest
  • There was a crashing of curtains and curtain-poles and a squawking and squalling of attendants as my hands closed on Chong Mong-ju's throat. Chapter 15
  • McAllister "opined" that there was going to be a squall. Freaks on the Fells Three Months' Rustication
  • I told him; and all his anger turned to laughter, swearing it did him good to haue ill words of a hoddy doddy {21: 29}, a habber de hoy {21: 30}, a chicken, a squib, a squall {21: 30}, one that hath not wit enough to make a ballet, that, by Kemps Nine Daies Wonder Performed in a Daunce from London to Norwich
  • Right now we're between squalls but the winds have picked up.
  • You'll gybe in a squall when there isn't a motor boat to pick you up, or you'll get a pleurisy when I'm not there, or you'll crash your car where labourers don't come. Movie Night
  • It was a day to make your spirit sink as Dundee shivered in the icy squalls of rain that repeatedly doused its pavements and tenements.
  • The hands, realising the danger, turned to with a will, but within five minutes the first breath of the squall caught us, and sent us ahead, as was evident by the way the slackened cable came in through the hawsepipe. "Pig-Headed" Sailor Men From "The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton and Other Stories" - 1902
  • A squall of rain rushed through last night, leaving water running in the streets briefly.
  • She patiently waited in the lobby of the delivery room, but the little girl, Camille, had other ideas, and squalled mercilessly.
  • With their banshee wails, squalling guitars and naked aggression, they are baring their souls and they are angry.
  • Their music melds together a scuzzy, squally blend of rebellious gospel/folk that at times possesses the radiant buoyancy of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes, and in quieter moments the seeping warmth of M Ward or intelligent, lovely meanderings of Elvis Perkins. Heather Browne: Drew Grow Brings Rock and Roll Salvation
  • The most stunning demonstration of its unearthly spell occurs late in Pequod's ill-fated voyage, when the ship is illuminated by an eerie outburst of corposants in the midst of a violent squall.
  • When it squalls, a prudent sailor reefs his sails
  • Sam awoke to the sound of ocean waves crashing against the earth and seagulls squalling over head.
  • Then she sprang away, up the trail, squalling with every leap she made. The Lair
  • The hungry kid began to squall.
  • You can see a little bit of squall line here out to the east, that's another rainband that's kind of rotating across the outer banks. CNN Transcript Aug 14, 2004
  • They swarm in squalling packs on to the roads, heedless of the rush-hour traffic, defying drivers to confront their pig-headed rebellion against road safety.
  • There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.
  • The only problem was that most of the beach had been wrecked by a freak rainsquall that ripped through the area earlier that day. Creative Couplings
  • The ginger-haired baby Elizabeth is mainly a squalling infant in the period of the narrative, which chiefly covers the years 1527 – 35, but in the figure of her sibling Mary, one is given a chilling prefiguration of the coming time when the bonfires of English heretics will really start to blaze in earnest. The Men Who Made England
  • a home life that has been extraordinarily squally
  • Tropical Storm Cindy is approaching hurricane strength and is spreading heavy rain in squalls as it bears down on the north central Gulf Coast.
  • Costs about a grand, but you can make your guitar sound like literally anything; from basses to the specific rigs of your favourite guitarist; from a keyboard to your own customised wall of squalling white noise and feedback.
  • One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard by the squalling wind.
  • She was a woman and I was a man and a lover, and all the heredity of love was mine up from the black and squalling jungle ere love was love and man was man. Chapter 21
  • The huge system of the trades is, for some reason, quite confounded by this multiplicity of reefs, the wind intermits, squalls are frequent from the west and south-west, hurricanes are known. In the South Seas
  • Violent squalls signalled the approach of the hurricane.
  • The new anthology, however, allowed him to experience a kind of welling up, a cumulative appreciation of how much squalling life Mr. Slate Magazine
  • The tight face trembled like a squall rippling over the surface of the sea. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • And if that threatened squall should burst its bonds and come shrieking and howling in fury across the surface of the sea, scourging it into a mad turmoil of foaming, leaping water and blinding spindrift, while the burnt-out crew of the schooner were making their passage across to the _Mercury_, it might be very bad for them; for even should they be fortunate enough to avoid capsizal, it might be exceedingly difficult, if not altogether impossible, for the ship, smitten and bowed down by the might of the tempest, to pause and pick them up. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • The boat was blown over by a squall.
  • I never knew the precise nature of our danger beyond this, that the vessel had been thrown on her beam-ends in a squall, and that, the wind immediately veering round, the fury of the waves had been spent upon her. The Englishwoman in America
  • With rumbles of thunder more common to a summer squall, winter descended in force on the Washington region late Wednesday, icing the area down before switching to snow, extending rush hour to an agonizing night-long crawl and turning out the lights for hundreds of thousands as power lines snapped. Barrage of rain, snow, sleet snarls traffic and cuts power across D.C. area
  • A small rain squall has just passed over two dozen yachts anchored there, and sunlight is beginning to sweep in behind it.
  • The infant was lying on a table to the side, squalling.
  • The hungry kid began to squall.
  • That's when it was hit by a powerful line squall - a huge downdraft.
  • His lacerating lyrics set to heavy squalls of blues-rock riffage made a stand for disaffected youth everywhere. The Sun
  • Those squalls have since simmered down just a little bit.
  • The journey began well, with a fresh southerly wind for the first few hours, but it then turned squally with drizzle.
  • It is the sound of an overdriven guitar squall tamed by an expert musician into stunning walls of noise.
  • Squalls were setting up whirlpools on Loch Linnhe as I set off and the distant hills of Appin merged into the dank grey of the sky.
  • We had to drive over rice to get here, laid out on the road to dry or cure or some other food processing I could not make out in the squall of information they gave me.
  • The big challenge ahead is the notorious Doldrum belt, where the trade winds in the northern hemisphere cancel out those to the south, producing a vast area of squalls and calms where boats can stall for days.
  • This is all too reminescent of the squalling that went on with the passage of the clean air act of how thousands and thousands of jobs will be lost and the costs of emmision reductions will be in the realm of tens of billions. About: Blinded by Science
  • Then as you pull out and back, the wave breaks five yards further, and you are drenched by the breaking crest blown up and back by the wind turning it into a rainsquall and the sunlight creates a hundred rainbows in the drops ... just for you. Michael Jones: Surfing Lee Street Beach
  • And there was the awfulest squalling about it you ever heard around here for a long time. Remarks Of The President At Blue Ribbon Schools Event
  • Today I skied from base camp up to Heart Lake and back, traversing a couple of small passes, navigating by compass through two snow squalls, and fording a river.
  • One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard by the squalling wind.
  • Just as the boat passed the town, in the midst of a heavy rain squall, the stokehole hatches in the deck were shut, and the dull humming roar of the fans showed that the fires were being got up. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • Storm-swiped vessels with broken masts and tattered sails beached alongside the dock, frail and weather-beaten, but home from the squall.
  • Such is the month of April, but be sure not to miss out between those squally showers of rain and sleet if a warmer spell arrives, no matter how brief.
  • The sailors hoisted the trysails a little way, tightened the sheets, fixed bunts to the sail, and strengthened the tackle and the stop of the lateen yard, set two men to watch at each fall and bade them look out for squalls.
  • News that Tarja was to receive the lash spread through the Grimfield faster than a summer squall. MEDALON
  • The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.
  • Only one of three fishermen who left Old Road Bay in a small fishing boat Monday in blustery weather with high gusting winds and heavy rain squalls has returned safely to the island.
  • Thunderstorms will be more frequent than in April accompanied by hail and violent squally winds.
  • They look great under jammies when I'm taking out the garbage in a squall.
  • The word failed to make it to the people as the squall stalled over the city just past midnight. Storm Warning
  • Terrific storms, heavy seas, and frightful squalls make the waters in this area hazardous for conventional shipping.
  • a gray squally morning.
  • When the sloop was in the fiercest squalls, with only the reefed forestaysail set, even that small sail shook her from keelson to truck when it shivered by the leech. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • However, the snow soon departed and we were back to the usual rainy squalls and winds.
  • Conditions varied from steady 10-12 knot south-westerlies to almost dead calm, interspersed with vicious rain-squalls out of the south - typical Monsoon weather in the northern Gulf at this time of the year.
  • ‘Things Will Never Be the Same’ begins with haunting choral samples before bursts of static and tendrils of looped guitar squall converge on distorted vocalese to form a final glistening drone.
  • On this perspective, the week from hell was less a passing squall than an ominous darkening of the clouds.
  • Lots of the younger children set up a-squalling, and it kept the women busy hushing them. Chapter 13
  • Had found nowhere to park the BMW, had had to queue for ages, surrounded by the lower orders and their squalling brats. THE SCAR
  • The weather begins to turn foul, with high winds and blustering rainsqualls, and because we laid over a day at the Judith to swim and loaf we begin to feel pressed to make time.
  • Terrific storms, heavy seas, and frightful squalls make the waters in this area hazardous for conventional shipping.
  • Next afternoon a squall out of the southeast is kicking up and our tent shudders against the strong gusts.
  • When the heat is not oppressive, winds blow sand and dust in from the Sahara, blocking out the sun and carrying dreaded diseases, or rain squalls flood the city's open sewers.
  • Violent squalls signalled the approach of the hurricane.
  • And as Wade’s face went purple with his squalling, she snapped crossly: Give him that sugar-tit in your pocket, Priss. Gone with the Wind
  • That's when it was hit by a powerful line squall - a huge downdraft.
  • Such was the fury of the squall that his voice sounded like a whisper.
  • Already we are witnessing numerous irregularities and disturbances in the climatic system - heat waves, floods, squalls, storms, cyclones and thunderstorms.
  • The euphoria I felt at the hospital was dashed on our first night together at home: we played pass the parcel all night with a squalling, unfamiliar infant, tripping over boxes and packing cases, shell-shocked at what we had done. An accidental family
  • Out on the course between tempest squalls, he regaled his boyos with tales of a famous timber gee-gee.
  • The infant heir of the house of — has shown his good taste by passing the day in squalling. Life in Mexico, During a Residence of Two Years in That Country
  • It was accompanied by a rapid temperature drop, and a squally wind change strong enough to uproot trees and unroof about 50 houses.
  • The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.
  • Suddenly her main-topsail went, yard and all, in a terrific squall; she had to bear up under bare poles, and disappeared. Falk, by Joseph Conrad
  • I seed a regular norwester a bruin, I knew it would bust somewhere sartan, and make all smoke agin, so I cleared out and left old Drivvle to stand the squall. The Clockmaker — or, the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickville
  • As a woman without property or title, she could either marry and spend her life caring for squalling brats or hire herself out to work for richer families who might mistreat and beat her.
  • The mariners spent the night in such shelter as they could find from the 30-knot winds, drenching squalls and menacing waves.
  • A rain squall dimmed the ward, and he closed the two nearest windows. THE OPEN DOOR
  • His tinkling take on Karma Police, for instance, calls to mind Mozart's piano concertos, while Everything in Its Right Place, with its bottom-end minor notes, is dourly reminiscent of Shostakovich - and all free of Yorke's watery squall.
  • Last night, as strong gusts and heavy squalls hit the east coast, yachts were ripped from their moorings and more than half a million homes and businesses were left without power.
  • Filtered through the squall, the sunlight scattered on the saltpan was muted, colored differently than she had ever seen it since coming to Drylands. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • The wind was blowing directly off Point Pedro and the high mountains behind, and because of this was squally and uncertain, half the time bellying the canvas out and the other half flapping it idly. White and Yellow
  • But those same winds can bring squalls and ferocious storms at any time of year, and more especially in autumn, winter and early spring.
  • Dr. Prunesquallor: "OK, how exactly is this" Commercial "if taxpayer money keeps getting shovelled into it? NASA Stimulus Fund Update - NASA Watch
  • Hence its 80 years of more or less continual crisis, in which the current palaver is a relatively minor squall.
  • Not merely do the scrunching squeaks of the break, the blasty trumpet whistle, the slamming of doors, and the squalling of children bewilder his brain and bedeafen his ears, but the iron tyrant enchains and confuses his eyes. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • Too often the intensity of the choreography is cancelled out by the intransigent clamour of Muhly's music; too often it's not allowed to breathe in the calm between the squalls. Stephen Petronio Company – review
  • The demonic sound ceased as abruptly as if a celestial hand had placed a pillow over that squalling electronic mouth.
  • The third floor of Amahi General Hospital was noisy with nurses and orderlies rushing around and squalling babies crying from inside hospital rooms.
  • On the way we run into a squall - the pilot comes down out of it in a corkscrew turn and the sight at about 500 feet was brilliant - flocks of parrots and lines of brumbies.
  • And we've had some wind gusts and squally weather here but nothing has been damaged.
  • -- Wrought with Mr.L. from ten to three, then took the pony carriage, with the purpose of going to Chiefswood, but a heavy squall came on with snow, so we put about-ship and returned. The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • I had been coping reasonably well with my transition from Barcelona's baking heat to the chill of a Glasgow summer, taking a perverse pleasure in the occasional sudden rainy squall.
  • It uttered a low squall, but the next moment its head was "crunched" between the muscular jaws of the puma. The Forest Exiles The Perils of a Peruvian Family in the Wilds of the Amazon
  • Forecasters predict the winds will ease later today and the heavy rains will turn into squally showers.
  • This area is certainly pretty desolate, particularly on a dour mid-November weekend when low cloud dominated and frequent snow squalls cut visibility to less than 100 metres.
  • The squally showers that drenched the area before kick off had mercifully ceased by the time Chris took an early long-range penalty.
  • With a squall bearing down, the captain and crew abandon ship, leaving 800 religious pilgrims to their deaths.
  • Because of a squall the chase has to be called off.
  • He raved about the ocean, about storms and calms and sudden rain-squalls out of a blue sky, and somewhere a fair woman spinning silk with a crystal spindle.
  • It opens with abrasive electronics - mixing board screeches and processed vocal squalls - that outwear their welcome.
  • As soon as we opened the head-land to the westward of us, a sudden squall took the boat.
  • There will be squally showers with the risk of hail and thunder towards the North West.
  • With their banshee wails, squalling guitars and naked aggression, they are baring their souls and they are angry.
  • Many sailors would have faced such a violent squall with dread.
  • News that Tarja was to receive the lash spread through the Grimfield faster than a summer squall. MEDALON
  • The last act involves a boat, the biggest rainsquall this side of The Day After Tomorrow, and Mr. De Niro speaking in tongues as he drifts off to a soggy demise. Single Person's Movie: Cape Fear
  • Half an hour later I looked up to find the house was being bashed by another squall of wind, and it was pouring with rain.
  • Caught under full sail in tropic squalls, she buried her rail and deck many times, but stubbornly refused to turn turtle. Chapter 17
  • Hence its 80 years of more or less continual crisis, in which the current palaver is a relatively minor squall.
  • As the band came on to a squall of screams, the whole crowd surged to their feet - even where we were, up in the circle.
  • The competitors had to contend with squally weather conditions.
  • A thick rainsquall came up, and rendered it impossible for the rear gunboats to know whither the Confederate flotilla had fled. Hero Tales from American History
  • We found seats next to the ice station, where our bartender was doing an admirable imitation of Tony Perkins in Psycho, attacking a massive block of ice with a frightful-looking pick and afflicting those in the vicinity with small, sleety squalls. Old-Fashioned
  • Did he find it unsettling that this squalling stranger might be his own flesh and blood?
  • Then it seemed to me one entered a long patch of really bad writing [with] redundant adjectives, a kind of facetiousness, a terrible prolixity in the dialogue of such characters as the Nurse and Prunesquallor, and sentimentality too in the case of Eda [sic] and to some extent in Titus’s sister. Weird Factoid of the Day
  • Huge hailstones, some the size of softballs, and driven by squally winds, struck the city and suburbs, particularly in the east.
  • The tight face trembled like a squall rippling over the surface of the sea. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • For before the sternmost ships of the squadron were clear of the Straits, the serenity of the sky was suddenly changed, and gave us all the presages of an impending storm; and immediately the wind shifted to the southward, and blew in such violent squalls that we were obliged to hand our topsails and reef our mainsail. Anson's Voyage Round the World The Text Reduced
  • Did he find it unsettling that this squalling stranger might be his own flesh and blood?
  • It's tempting to describe the group's soundscapes in terms of terrain: tundras, screes, forestation or weather patterns: fogbanks, rainsqualls, cloudshapes.
  • The ginger-haired baby Elizabeth is mainly a squalling infant in the period of the narrative, which chiefly covers the years 1527 – 35, but in the figure of her sibling Mary, one is given a chilling prefiguration of the coming time when the bonfires of English heretics will really start to blaze in earnest. The Men Who Made England
  • a grey squally morning
  • For all one knows that demon is the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.
  • The last act involves a boat, the biggest rainsquall this side of Home | The New York Observer
  • When 150 pounds of solid, healthy womanhood struck the top of the canopy exactly in the middle, the metallic supports snapped like so many pipe-stems and the whole structure heeled over like a full-rigged ship in a squall, and spilled her on the floor, where she sat half stunned by the fall and afraid to move. "The Moon Woman" by Minna Irving, part 3
  • Lord M. and I met with considerable feeling on both sides, and all our feuds were forgotten and forgiven; I conclude so at least, because one or two people, whom I know to be sharp observers of the weatherglass on occasion of such squalls, have been earnest with me to meet Lord M. at parties -- which I am well assured they would not have been (had I been The Journal of Sir Walter Scott From the Original Manuscript at Abbotsford
  • As the north-easterly gradually takes control of the Northern Gulf, as is usual at this time of the year, it nevertheless features relatively light, shifting winds, interspersed with at times ferocious, front-line squalls.
  • There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.
  • One mom who can't quite reconcile Connie's brown skin and black hair with my green-eyed blonde complexion asks indiscreetly, “Peruvian adoption?” to which I simply nod instead of asking, “Fertility treatments?” about the squalling brood in her triple-wide stroller. The Uninvited Guest
  • The economy is like the sea, it comes and goes in broad cycles, but in between it is subject to sudden squalls and unpredictable storms.
  • In the radar echo images the squall line showed herringbone or bow, bull's-eye structure and the main front was associated with thin ribbon weak echo which was the sign of the emergence of gale.
  • From the instant I held that small, balding, sleepy-eyed, squalling bundle my life altered.
  • Scotch colley, -- a lean, wrinkled, dark-faced woman, who is unwinding the bandages from a squalling _Bambino_, -- a mixed odor of garlic and of goats, that is quickened with an ammoniacal pungency, -- and you may form some idea of the home of a small Roman farmer in our day. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
  • The cyclone announced itself in Mackay late on the 20th with rapidly strengthening winds and heavy rain squalls.
  • They swarm in squalling packs on to the roads, heedless of the rush-hour traffic, defying drivers to confront their pig-headed rebellion against road safety.
  • A squall came down, the sail gybed quickly, and the boom slewed over with a jerk, just grazing the top of my head. A Poor Man's House
  • The weather was typical for mid-December with a series of chilly fronts and rain squalls moving across the flooded rice fields on almost a daily basis.
  • Jay Lake: Baby Cabbage, also regionally referred to as The Leaf, Squallroot or Mother's Little Helper, Cruciferae Brassica homogenesis What did we do today, brain?
  • Today I skied from base camp up to Heart Lake and back, traversing a couple of small passes, navigating by compass through two snow squalls, and fording a river.
  • She saw the teeming clutter of squalling children, the routine combat at the corner of Masonic and Golden Gate Avenue.
  • They swarm in squalling packs on to the roads, heedless of the rush-hour traffic, defying drivers to confront their pig-headed rebellion against road safety.
  • The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.
  • Our weather is very mixed today with odd glimpses of sun striking through racing clouds which keep delivering squalls of rain, sleet and hail.
  • Seagulls, darting by with their snow white feathers, squalled and shrieked as they passed and the salty ocean air rushed into the building with every gust of wind.
  • Snow squalls whiten the dulled brick wall across the street, flakes freezing on contact.
  • But here I found the noises emanating from very good baritone and orchestra little other than pointless - the usual Birtwistlian gloom and discord and squalliness. The Emperor and his new clothes
  • Sudden snow squalls, windy conditions and temperature drops are common.
  • Cap'en Shackzon tell to me vas dat he hat discovert von dreazure in a cave in ze islant von day dat he vas plown into ze bay in a squall; and ven he vas go back to Guayaquil, he vas charter ze schgooners to zail back to ze islant again. The Island Treasure
  • It was accompanied by a rapid temperature drop, and a squally wind change strong enough to uproot trees and unroof about 50 houses.
  • The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.
  • Search conditions varied from fine weather to thunderstorms and heavy squalls.
  • It would also be a thrill to hear that squall of feedback at every public occasion where a national anthem is required.
  • In a squall she heeled over; water rushed in through the gunports of the top-heavy hull and, in a carbon copy of the Mary Rose disaster a century earlier in the Channel, the pride and joy of the royal fleet went down like a stone.
  • But then things begin to fog up in an orgy of fills, effects, and scratching before a drum machine boots the song into a new direction: chugging rock punctuated with sundry bits of feedback and squall.
  • The noisier third performance is a live movie soundtrack performed by the band that focuses on the junk noise and electronic squall, but again allowing the melodic guitar work to appear, even if it is obscured by layers of fuzzbox grime. Brainwashed
  • For all who love shelter and the blessings of the sun, who hate dark weather and perpetual tilting against squalls, there could scarcely be found a more unhomely and harassing place of residence. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
  • Most of the shipwrecks in the roadstead here are due to these south-eastern squalls.
  • Sorry to inform that the outing held tomorrow is CANCELLED due to squally thunderstorm is forecasted.
  • Grizz turned him loose and he ran back up the creekbed squalling all the way out of sight. Anyone have a good bear story? Here's one of mine..... Back in 1986 I was stationed in Alaska near Fairbanks.
  • After the deluge which forced the abandonment of play before 3pm on Friday, conditions remained difficult with blustery winds being interspersed by violent squalls.
  • For all one knows that demon is simply the same instinct that makes a baby squall for attention.
  • After a few tests we were moved down the hall, past a room full of squalling babies, into our own apartment.
  • The squall of a baby using its lungs for the first time rang out over the Bedouin encampment.
  • He was irregular and brachial, he was a sex las vegas pool, but he was deliberately a sorbefacient bessel, developing for movable acidophilous squall out of the hesitator and suffragan tactually him. Rational Review
  • She squinted, picking out pinpricks of light, and fancied she heard the chittering howl of foxes - the kind of squalling that sounded like a little girl in distress. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • And right next to her, squeezed out in the same time-frame, her squalling, fraternal twin in gleeful, ostentatious bastardry, one Donald Trump. Archive 2008-01-01
  • In the afternoon, the wind being westerly and blowing strong in squalls, some butterflies and other insects like what we call horseflies were blown on board of us. A Voyage to the South Sea For The Purpose Of Conveying The Bread-Fruit Tree To The West Indies, Including An Account Of The Mutiny On Board The Ship
  • Leo hated Max almost as much as he hated the noisy squalling brats. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • For those born and bred on the coast, rushing seas are de rigueur, and they think nothing of a squall that puts their ketch over to port 45 degrees.

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