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How To Use Spurt In A Sentence

  • The exchange continued for a little over a year, until both men became absorbed in other projects, but while it lasted, Mr. Neumeyer says, "we were both sparked into spurts of vivifying and shared creativity. Gorey's Flights of Fancy
  • Blood was spurting from her nose.
  • Truly, the voice of the spurtle is heard in the land. In praise of… porridge | Editorial
  • Sam and George try on their costumes, expressions like ‘wow’ and ‘cool’ are randomly spurted out. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Tom’s Review Forum
  • At the peak of their growth spurt, boys in particular can be "gangly" and perhaps less co-ordinated than normal. Planet Judo
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  • But their growth spurt across the pond has been hindered by a glaringly obvious gap in their motorcycle range. The Sun
  • Women's football has enjoyed a boom and the Olympics could prompt a similar growth spurt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Little jets of steam spurted from the engine.
  • The odd snorkel bobs in the water, occasionally spurting water, and there's not a boat to be seen.
  • As the fire swept over the car the fuel tank began to boil and a six metre jet of flames spurted out of the back of the car.
  • A fountain of sparks spurted up, falling in a shower around the boy, bent over in concentration.
  • My first kitchen instruction was how to stir with a spurtle porridge made with water, eaten with salt and butter. Times, Sunday Times
  • This spurt of activity is represented by the four volumes under review. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Stone curlews - now called thick-knees - glare at you in basilisk manner, spurt stiffly a few yards and then glare at you again, surprised that you're still there.
  • The whale headed for the other side of the pool with a spurt of his blow hole.
  • Ugly, old words like piggin and spurtle and keeler, which are all kitchen implements. An Interview with Charles Frazier, about Cold Mountain
  • Even the nimblest player would have trouble lasting a minute before the men were spurting pixelated blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suffered from insomnia last night and slept in fits and spurts throughout the day.
  • Judging from the minerals present in the mass of water, it appeared to have spurted out of the ocean crust.
  • There is also a porridge spurtle, potato masher and an array of tart tins and baking sheets - one baking tin being specifically for the weekly batch of shortbread.
  • Kenyon Martin capped the game-changing spurt with a three-point play and scored a layup off an assist from - who else?
  • Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.
  • They may defend themselves by inflating the Body quickly and ( rarely ) spurting Blood from the eyes.
  • The deals came in spurts: three in 1977, none in 1978, three more in 1979.
  • Her throat had been slit at the jugular, a trail of blood over the floor from the opening spurt of blood.
  • A large reason for the decline was that volume spurted in the fourth quarter because of investor concern over a possible increase in the capital gains tax, says Barbara Byrne Denham, Eastern's chief economist. Property Sales Take Break
  • The milk dripped faster in response, then suddenly the areole around the nipple contracted and the milk spurted out in a tiny jet of surprising force. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The sky was a dark cavern clustered with a few stars, its surface lit occasionally by a spurt of colour stretching out from a firework just released.
  • The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.
  • Gans' preliminary estimate about the Tuesday turnout means the spurt four years ago was an exception to the trend.
  • Martial, left, can be quiet for a while but then suddenly spurt into life. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I was able, I stood up and hobbled around; similar quantities of blood were spurting out of my knee as my scone.
  • The bad news is that this short-term augmentation of funds may again turn out to be a non-sustainable spurt," write the authors, leaving researchers scrambling to support projects started with the gusher of federal funds. Economy takes "subtle bite" out of science R&D
  • There was a sudden spurt of activity in the housing market.
  • He describes a scene where the screams of the learner merged with his own self-loathing, a joint pain, and up he went, utterly without a centre, having spurted it all out in secret shames.
  • This spurt of activity is represented by the four volumes under review. The Times Literary Supplement
  • A spurt of energy will see you infusing a current of force in professional projects today.
  • He claimed that evolution was not a gradual process, but occurred in rapid spurts with long periods of changeless plateaus in-between.
  • In just three albums, he has defined his own recognisable sound, rooted in psychedelic rock, spiritual jazz and contemporary dance music, and spurted hordes of followers.
  • Two liters of blue liquid are poured into the reservoir but when he presses the "spurter button" nothing spurts. Two Paths for the Novel
  • The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet.
  • Of course, these insights were only revealed in between the necessary mad, frenetic spurts of brotherly horseplay.
  • The fall of snowflakes in a still air, preserving to each crystal its perfect form; the blowing of sleet over a wide sheet of water, and over plains, the waving rye-field, the mimic waving of acres of houstonia, whose innumerable florets whiten and ripple before the eye; the reflections of trees and flowers in glassy lakes; the musical steaming odorous south wind, which converts all trees to windharps; the crackling and spurting of hemlock in the flames; or of pine logs, which yield glory to the walls and faces in the sittingroom, -- these are the music and pictures of the most ancient religion. Essays: Second Series (1844)
  • Our teacher then taught us several breathing techniques which were promised to result in a calm expulsion of toxins, the release of pent-up emotions and a sizzling spurt of energy.
  • Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire.
  • Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.
  • The torrent of knocks roared louder, slightly failed upon the ear, made a crescendo, emulated Niagara, surpassed that very American effort of nature, wavered, faltered to Lodore, died away to a feeble tittup like water dropping from a tap to flagstones, rose again in a final spurt that would have made Southey open his dictionary for adjectives, and drained away to death. The Prophet of Berkeley Square
  • The cuttlefish spurts out dark ink when it is in danger.
  • Some may find the sudden spurt of fake blood around his mouth almost comical. Times, Sunday Times
  • BoC says Canada to gain from U.S. growth spurt forest products sector, in particular, are bound to witness increases in U. S.-bound sales growth, the - Business News
  • This dreamer is in a big creative spurt right now, and is frustrated that family obligations such as laundry and cooking take time away from her writing.
  • By 8.40 am, water was spurting out of the hole at a rate of 200 litres a second.
  • Martial, left, can be quiet for a while but then suddenly spurt into life. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don’t think your current growth spurt is helping, because it makes you fall over all the time. One « Barefoot in the Kitchen
  • After a spurt caused by high international oil prices, the headline inflation rate slowed to 3.9 per cent in December.
  • Perhaps, too, certain effusions of Ruysbroeck, seeming to spurt forth in twin jets of black and white flame, were worthy of comparison with the divine befoulment of Grünewald. Là-bas
  • Still in his pyjamas Brian switched on the fountain, and the sudden spurt of water scared the bird away.
  • But the contrary is obvious in arteriotomy and in wounds; for the blood spurting from the arteries escapes with force, now farther, now not so far, alternately, or in jets; and the jet always takes place with the diastole of the artery, never with the systole. Introduction
  • Other growers claim that the optimum is a short fast spurt. Food Watch
  • He put in a spurt at the beginning of the eighth lap.
  • The stream of water that spurted from the hose did less to douse the fire than it did to fan the flames with its accompanying rush of air.
  • Sometimes children appear to plateau out and make very little progress for many months then they make a sudden spurt or they may progress normally in one subject and struggle with another.
  • We weren't consistent - we played in spurts.
  • While some investors may be tempted to take profits after the recent spurt, there should still be decent returns for those prepared to hold on for more. Times, Sunday Times
  • There might be a spurt of extra energy, but this would literally be being borrowed from almost exhausted reserves. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • But their growth spurt across the pond has been hindered by a glaringly obvious gap in their motorcycle range. The Sun
  • He put in a spurt at the beginning of the eighth lap.
  • You're more likely to ace the test if you study in spurts with occasional breaks in between.
  • The company enjoyed a growth spurt between 1995 and 1998 when its turnover almost doubled to €1m.
  • Spurts draws the portrait operator later period 12, the apprentice proper name.
  • Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire.
  • The germ of divisiveness was planted many years ago way back in 1939, and unity of the movement has only come in fleetingly short spurts since then.
  • Oil spurts out of the well.
  • They were drenched with cold water when holes in the walls of the bathroom facilities unexpectedly began to spurt water when someone switched on the water main.
  • There was a sudden spurt of activity in the housing market.
  • That voice ceased and was replaced by another, which wavered and wabbled from the electron-spurts normal to solar systems and which make for auroras on planets. » Post Topic » A Matter Of Importance by Murray Leinster
  • Be sure not to dye or perm it, and also not to spurt mousse on your hair.
  • The one constant during the spurt has been a defensive mind-set that was missing early this season.
  • There were other falls, other cascades and exciting spurts of white water in the canyon, and also quiet stretches so clear that each stone lay as if painted on the creek bed.
  • Is she going through a growth spurt and in need of more food than last week? The Sun
  • A smooth, clockwise rotation with the right hand is the customary approach with a spurtle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blood was spurting out all over the place.
  • At the same time, reports that the initial spurt in sales has not been sustained have created disenchantment in the market.
  • A great spurt of blood came out of the wound.
  • A massive spurt of blood arched its way across the bed. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • There were other falls, other cascades and exciting spurts of white water in the canyon, and also quiet stretches so clear that each stone lay as if painted on the creek bed.
  • This time the sword plowed deep into the bulging abdomen, and the ogre grunted as a jet of blood spurted from the wound. Emperor of Ansalon
  • There was an almighty clank inside the mixer unit and boiling hot water started spurting out the sides and over the edge of the bath onto the floor.
  • If so, is the maladjusted economy poised for a spurt of activity with the positive resolution of today's acute geopolitical concerns?
  • However, she let down her hair about her body by way of shift, and throwing herself into the basin disported herself and dived like a duck and swam up and down, and took water in her mouth, and spurted it all over the Porter, and washed her limbs, and between her breasts, and inside her thighs and all around her navel. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The few spurts of humorous dialogue are like, well, an oasis in the desert.
  • When an emergency arises, a pipe bursts and hot water spurts from underneath the cabin, she grabs her child and goes to look for help.
  • The bullets slammed into Kessler's arm and chest, sending the gun flying one way and the man the other way, blood spurting from the bullet holes as he went spinning through the air.
  • A great spurt of blood came out of the wound.
  • Interval training alternates repeated spurts of intensive activity with timed spans of slower periods of the same activity.
  • The temperature spurts in recent days.
  • It gushed from her lips like a very fountain of happiness, irrepressible, springing towards the stars in jets and spurts of melody, falling with a ripple in which the music of the stars themselves seemed to echo; almost in the moment of its fall rising again, as though it panted with joy -- not with weariness, for the spirit of it called impetuously to life. Major Vigoureux
  • During the adolescent growth spurt, for a year or more, the velocity of height increase approximately doubles; a boy is likely to be growing again at the rate he first experienced about age 2.
  • The burst pipe was spurting water everywhere.
  • The only thing that actually saved their arses was the brief spurt of small indy producers typically small gas turbines during the late 90s and early 00s brown out period. Unthreaded #12 « Climate Audit
  • We just thought the thirstiness was because of the heat, the bed wetting because of the thirstiness and the weight loss because of a growth spurt.
  • She choked, coughing up thin spurts of blood.
  • There might be a spurt of extra energy, but this would literally be being borrowed from almost exhausted reserves. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • Susan comes to church in spurts but never to Dorcas Society, and Ellen has never seen her carry a purse or wear a hat. AUGUST HEAT
  • They steered themselves to the top of the hull, tiny mists of air spurting out of the jetpack.
  • A global growth spurt is imminent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oil from the spill spurted into the crystal waters of Prince William Sound.
  • Gans' preliminary estimate about the Tuesday turnout means the spurt four years ago was an exception to the trend.
  • As her boyfriend's lifeless body slumps down from the chair onto the floor, spurts of blood splash all over Alice's face and body, staining them red.
  • Gauteng has a single artesian spring - on Alberts Farm in Albertskroon in Joburg's northwest suburbs - spurting a fresh, clean trickle of water throughout the year.
  • Her blade swished as it cut the air in an upswinging arc with a blur in the middle, and the headless body slumped down, spurting blood. The Conquering Sword Of Conan
  • He suddenly spurted ahead of the others.
  • Obviously, there's not much you can do about a growth spurt - it is a healthy and natural part of growing up.
  • Thus, a sudden evolutionary spurt is always subsumed within the overall processes of evolution, which are for the most part gradual.
  • Personal computers were about to revolutionize the business world, and the tech industry was beginning its phenomenal growth spurt.
  • Water spurted from the broken pipe.
  • Billups drained his third 3 of the game during the spurt, while Kenyon Martin dunked and J.R. Smith converted a tough driving layup into a crowd.
  • I could see clearly the spurt of blood that gushed out on to his ear and dripped down his cheek.
  • Loui a blood spurted out again, his brain suddenly fash past country memories, but whole is forever history, faced that kill people like flies killer, angry long time unappease down in heart. Heroes Man | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The medical lexicon distinguishes orgasm from ejaculation; the latter term specifically describes a sudden spurt of fluid released in response to sexual excitement.
  • Blood spurted out from the wound.
  • Perhaps I need to prepare for a growth spurt. The Sun
  • The abolition of all taxes on production and exchange, he held, would result in a tremendous spurt of economic activity.
  • Babies get very hungry during growth spurts.
  • A bandy child, asquat on the doorstep with a paper shuttlecock, crawls sidling after her in spurts, clutches her skirt, scrambles up. Ulysses
  • There was a sudden spurt of activity in the housing market.
  • The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.
  • In some individuals this is difficult to achieve, i.e. in young children who grow in spurts and can be faddy eaters and people who have other health problems. All Things Girl » All Things Girl
  • They spurted blood all over me. I nearly passed out.
  • The only thing that tempted me to stay was the fact that the one window was made up of little diamond panes set in a leaden sash, and that this window looked out on a little courtway where a dozen palms and as many ferns grew lush and green in green tubs and where in the center a fountain spurted. Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • On entering Henry Street, the car's engine revs, it spurts forward and the driver appears to lose control momentarily.
  • This spurt of activity is represented by the four volumes under review. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Property development in the area has had a spurt in growth and so too have property prices.
  • A jagged crack shot through the ice and water gushed up in jets and spurts.
  • Certainly, the rise in service-industry activity could at least partially be explained by what Vicky Redwood, senior U.K. economist at Capital Economics, called a "spurt" of public spending as government departments sought to use up their budgets in the old financial year. Sterling's Rally May Soon Be a Memory
  • In pygmies, this adolescent growth spurt does not occur, hence their characteristic short stature.
  • One of the most puzzling emanations of Sati appears to symbolize this: Chinnamasta, holding her severed head in her hand, drinking the blood spurting from her neck.
  • While some investors may be tempted to take profits after the recent spurt, there should still be decent returns for those prepared to hold on for more. Times, Sunday Times
  • We left Basalt at 10 o'clock in the morning and "speeded" up the grade almost to Watson when old 23 had to stop for nearly a half hour to get up steam; then we made another spurt to Rathbone, pretty nearly, when another half hour was taken in steaming up! Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • For most, however, the hormone may trigger a growth spurt but seems not to increase final adult height.
  • The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.
  • Spurts of sand were flecked up all around The Kid and the big white horse winced and jumped as a ball smashed the saddletree a glancing blow. Kid Wolf of Texas
  • The decisive spurt featured Barbosa's final 3-pointer, on a kickout pass from Nash on a fastbreak, to give the Suns a 93-87 lead with 6 minutes to play.
  • He then found if he swung his arms back, he could emit a continuous spurt of blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to dictionary definitions and everyday usage, a fountain is a jet of water that spurts up into the air.
  • A jagged crack shot through the ice and water gushed up in jets and spurts.
  • It arrived quite literally in a blaze of glory, wrapped in tinfoil with flames spurting out of the top, looking for all the world like my mum's finest Christmas pudding.
  • The turtle opened its mouth and spurted hot spit in Gardens' face.
  • He then found if he swung his arms back, he could emit a continuous spurt of blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the Celtics weathered the early game storm with a spurt of their own, they owned a 40-35 second-quarter lead when the Lakers turned on their afterburners. One Season
  • Having seen off his pursuer, Turvey put on a spurt in the second half of the contest and set the race's fastest lap as he closed in on leaders Matt Howson and Sam Bird.
  • A global growth spurt is imminent. Times, Sunday Times
  • A laugh spurted through my lips right before they touched the rim of my coffee cup. Darkness Becomes Her
  • A stream of blood spurted out of his nose.
  • Other growers claim that the optimum is a short fast spurt. Food Watch
  • He suddenly spurted ahead of the others.
  • The German aerialist submerges his half-naked body in a bathtub filled with water then propels himself up a rope to fly, twist and spurt water.
  • Blood spurted out of her unprotected neck and spewed all over the floor.
  • A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.
  • I saw flames spurt from the roof.
  • Superstition says it must be stirred clockwise with a spurtle, a wooden stirring stick, to avoid bad luck. The Sun
  • Well, after an initial upward spurt the shares have in fact shed 97% of their value.
  • Most tracks are simply heavy rhythmic grooves, adorned with ethnic percussion and wah-wah, with Davis spurting spacey, celestial trumpet shapes over the top.
  • The water came out of the tap in short spurts .
  • Witnesses saw blood spurting from the wound as she ran to them for help.
  • As further finds suggested Cairn had stumbled on almost a billion barrels of oil, the company's shares spurted from about £3 to £15.
  • There's a lot of what we call travelled blood in the conservatory, that's to say, blood spurted from an open artery. A Murder of Quality
  • In the springtime, when the animal has its growth spurt, this shortage skyrockets to 60 percent.
  • Regan Nelson of the Natural Resources Defense Council pointed to shallow-water blowouts off the coast of Australia in 2009 and Mexico in 1979 that spurted massive amounts of oil into the sea. New Scrutiny Slams Near-Shore Exploration
  • The volcano spurts smoke and lave after 3 years of silence.
  • Other growers claim that the optimum is a short fast spurt. Food Watch
  • A global growth spurt is imminent. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stood clutching his neck, blood spurting out in pumps, a look of shock upon his face.
  • Water spurted from the broken pipe.
  • Women's football has enjoyed a boom and the Olympics could prompt a similar growth spurt. Times, Sunday Times
  • They spurted blood all over me. I nearly passed out.
  • The lake's remarkable centerpiece is a massive, yet elegant fountain that spurts water as high as 36 feet into the air.
  • For patients with spurting peptic ulcers, we suggest pure alcohol injection after an epinephrine injection instead of epinephrine injection alone.
  • A dramatised sequence shows a malingering worker suffering from a bad conscience as the radio relays Harris' request for one last spurt of effort.
  • Shovel the deluged, spurting, shoveling, rhombus fields with all that you can pick from the laden streets of the land and make your house there in the land if you like. Parajanov Contra Zizek (oder selbst proclaimed Brechtian Beast Z vs aSublime moving picture for magnitude of efficacy.)
  • At 30 km he and Australia's Nathan Deakes put on a spurt and opened up a 50m gap.
  • The stream of water that spurted from the hose did less to douse the fire than it did to fan the flames with its accompanying rush of air.
  • Tiffindell gets a sprinkling of snow each year, but relies largely on snow machines, which spurt out a steady stream of snow over their single 500-metre slope during winter.
  • The spurt in manufacturing growth stalled in the last quarter after a strong upturn in the previous six months.
  • Dustin's pulse roared through his ears and nauseating spurts of adrenaline coursed through his veins.
  • Some may find the sudden spurt of fake blood around his mouth almost comical. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a spurt in railway crimes the railway police have hit upon the idea to bring out posters and laminated sheets depicting the modus operandi employed by the offenders.
  • If you’re lucky enough to be one of those eighth graders whose name was written down in the back of that book, and if you’re further lucky enough not to have your name crossed out later due to an unfortunately horizontal growth spurt or a sudden increase in ugliness, you will be like me. THE EXILE OF GIGI LANE
  • What struck me for the first time was the relationship of this style with the style of jazz known as bebop, spurts of dissonant, jagged sound.
  • A spurtle is a wooden stick like tool which is able to get right into the corners of the pot, but doesn't resist its path through the porridge like a wooden spoon can. Archive 2007-06-01
  • A sudden spurt of global growth would do wonders. Times, Sunday Times
  • This whole recent spurt is largely concentrated among kids of the upper middle class. ... Generation Y gets involved
  • The renewed hope for a Redskins postseason renaissance springs from Campbell's offseason growth spurt, which is exactly what coach Joe Gibbs and Saunders sought. Redskins' Campbell making believers out of teammates
  • Tracks like ‘Love steals us from loneliness’ may be over-calculated, but their safeness means they are entirely inoffensive and even enjoyable in spurts.
  • Christine gave a yell of alarm as blood spurted from the wound.
  • I withdrew, came over her belly, spurting come up to her breasts.
  • Shares of the jewellery-store chain spurted $6.
  • While some investors may be tempted to take profits after the recent spurt, there should still be decent returns for those prepared to hold on for more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blood spurted out of his bust lip, and Jameson lifted his finger to it.
  • One of the best things with which to stir the porridge is a spurtle. Archive 2007-06-01

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